Unit I Lesson 1 SC-PEH

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The Physical Education and Health Curriculum


Definition of Physical Education and Health


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• develop a working definition of physical education and health;

• discuss the importance of physical education; and
• explain how physical education and health can contribute to the development of


Physical education is a course that focuses on health and wellness. It includes cognitive content
and guidance to help pupils improve their motor skills, knowledge, physical habits, and
health. Furthermore, it would provide pupils with the opportunity and confidence to be
physically active for the rest of their lives as a result of their participation in academic and
recreational activities. This lesson will cover the meaning and significance of physical
education in the classroom.

In elementary school, health education is also focused on national guidelines which provide
information based on the pupils' comprehension levels. It covers the basics of health, including
terms, meanings, significance, and other related topics.

THINK: Definition and importance of physical education and health

Physical education covers the fundamentals of health, including terminology, definitions,

relevance, and other subjects. It is a vital component of general education that seeks to
contribute to the pupils' overall growth by having them participate in a variety of activities. It
gives people the chance to learn lifelong skills that are essential for their physical, mental,
social, and emotional growth. Here are some definitions of physical education:

• According to Barrow, physical education is "education in and by human movement,"

wherein many educational goals are achieved through large-muscle activities such as
sports, games, gymnastics, dance, and exercise.
• Webster's Dictionary describes physical education as a field of education that teaches
children how to develop and care for their bodies, varying from basic callisthenic
exercises to a course of study that involves hygiene, gymnastics, and competitive game
performance and management.
• Physical education, as per Jackson R. Sharman, is the component of education that
takes place through activities that involve the human body's motor system which
results in individual developing behavior patterns.
• Physical education, as part of the overall educational method, is described by Charles
A. Bucher as "a field of endeavor which objective is the formation of physically,
psychologically, emotionally, and socially fit people through the means of active
activities that have been selected to achieve these outcomes."
• The Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation describes physical
education as "education by physical activities for the development of a child's total
personality to its full potential in body, mind, and spirit."

On the other hand, health education is a social science that uses biological, environmental,
psychological, physical, and medical knowledge to promote health and prevent illness,
disability, and premature death through education-driven voluntary behavioral change
activities. Person, group, institutional, society, and structural strategies to enhance health
awareness, attitudes, skills, and actions are all considered part of health education. Health
education aims to positively impact people's health habits. As defined by the World Health
Organization, health promotion:

"...enables people to increase control over their health. It covers a wide range of social and environmental
interventions that are designed to benefit and protect individual people's health and quality of life by
addressing and preventing the root causes of ill health, not just focusing on treatment and cure."

Wellness is linked to disease prevention and health promotion. Wellness is described as a state
of mind and active decision-making.

According to Dr. W. W. Bauer (1947), health education is the total of all of our interactions and
motivations that contribute to our understanding of health or affect our health actions.

According to Donald B. Armstrong's classification in his article "Can It Now Be Told?",

information can be all true, partly true, partly false, or all false. Motivation could be positive
or negative, and it is affected by several factors, including information. Since it does not inspire
action and therefore leaves the situation largely unchanged, merely giving knowledge or
passively acknowledging it is just a part of health education. The ability to act is what
motivates people to act. Fear, ambition, envy, dedication, malice, or any combination of these
or other emotional drives can drive this impulse. There is no intervention in health education
without inspiration, just as there is no action in religion.

Health education is the practice of educating the general population and individuals on how
to protect themselves from health risks.

Importance of Health and Physical Education

Physical education is essential for the development of motor skills and reflexes. It instills in
pupils the value of physical health and helps them develop into responsible individuals
capable of making sound decisions about their health, safety, and well-being.

The following are the benefits of physical education:

1. Builds Self-confidence

Engagement in physical education has a positive effect on a pupil's personality. character, and
self-esteem. Communication skills and the ability to work cooperatively with other pupils of
various ethnic backgrounds and personalities are also improved through the team-building

2. Develops Motor Skills

Physical education is important for developing motor skills and improving reflexes. Hand-eye
coordination improves, as do proper body movements, which aid in the development of a
healthy posture.

3. Health and Nutrition

Physical education instills in pupils the value of physical fitness. Some pupils confuse the word
"overweight," resulting in eating disorders. Pupils learn about healthy eating habits and
dietary recommendations through physical activity and education.

4. Relieves Stress

Curriculum, assignments, families, and social pressures all cause significant stress in pupils.
Participating in sports, outdoor activities, or other types of physical activity will help them

5. Considerations

Special considerations may be necessary regarding physical activities for pupils with health
issues, and those pupils should proceed under the direction of a doctor.

The value of health education cannot be overstated when it comes to creating a healthier
society. Teachers and community health workers collaborate with all stakeholders of a
community to promote health and well-being and ensure equitable access to healthcare from
ordinary citizens to government, education, and medical officials.

Community health education explores the general health of a community, helping to recognize
health problems and patterns within a population and collaborating with partners to find
solutions. The importance of health education impacts many areas of wellness within a
community, including:

• chronic disease awareness and prevention;

• maternal and infant health;
• tobacco use and substance abuse;
• injury and violence prevention;
• mental and behavioral health; and
• nutrition, exercise, and obesity prevention.
Community health educators partner with public health departments, schools, government
agencies, and even local charities to create educational programs and other tools to meet the
needs of a community.

Group 1


Alajar, Yvonne Grace K.

Engkong, Jolesa

Bibon, Shiela Jane

Baluan. Gandalia

Cama, Tanic

Ansali, Joy Mae

Amilhasan, Rafil

Omar, Vanessa

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