Report-Mock Drill-1
Report-Mock Drill-1
Report-Mock Drill-1
The information for aforesaid mock drill was given in advance to all the
employees/visitors/ workers of SCOPE Minar building through Circular and
The Fire team of SCOPE, ONGC and Delhi Fire Services were deployed at
different floors of building, Main lobby of Ground floor, outer area and
assembly area to guide for safe evacuation from the building.
SCOPE’s Fire team at first announced to evacuate the building and activated
the fire alarm at all locations/floors of the building at 2:54 PM after creating a
fire scene at data centre of ONGC’s 14th floor (Core-4) and evacuation of the
employess/ visitors/ workers started immediately.
All the fire teams also searched all offices, toilets, pantries etc. to confirm that
no human is left in the building during the evacuation drill, except person with
disability/ Senior citiznes/Pregnant ladies, who were exempted from the said
evacuation drill. During this drill a dummy patient was rescued from ONGC 7th
floor by the fire team and successfully given to him CPR, first aid and
transferred by Ambulance to nearest hospital for further medical treatment.
The total evacuation time was noted as about 6 minutes & the whole building
was evacuated at 3:00 PM and all employees/visitors of the building were
gathered/assembled in the earmarked assembly area of SCOPE Minar.
Procedure to extinguish all type of fire was expalined by the Fire team of
SCOPE, ONGC and Delhi Fire Services and live demonstration was also
conducted on use of different types of fire extinguishers & fire fighting
All the participants showed keen interest to involve themselves in handling the
extinguishers and enhanced their knowledge on fire fighting procedures and
rescue operations.
The participants appreciated the pro-active approach of SCOPE’s fire &
managemant department in organizing such program, which enhanced
knowledge of participants in respect of fire safety of the indiviuals as well as
All the procedures were completed successfully by 3:40 PM and all employees
of the building were allowed to resume their offices with vote of thanks.
Dated: 19th April, 2024
Location: SCOPE Minar, Laxmi Nagar
Place: Delhi