IICS - 2023fee - Int - Cert HotelOperations-merged
IICS - 2023fee - Int - Cert HotelOperations-merged
IICS - 2023fee - Int - Cert HotelOperations-merged
CERTIFICATE IN HOTEL OPERATIONS (R2/811/3/0087) (07/27) (MQA/FA1486)
No of Subject
Intake Academic Calendar Fees per semester (RM)
Academic MPU Internship
*Note : Students are required to attend Internship Workshop prior to the Internship semester
Fee per academic subject (RM): 983 15,300 From Master file
Fee per MPU subject (RM): 500 #REF! From Master file
Internship fee (if any) (RM): 1000 #REF! From Master file
Uniform Fee (RM): 750
Utensils Fee (RM): 450
Please refer to Page 2 for other miscellaneous fees; and terms and conditions.
All payment of fees are to be made via bankdraft, crossed cheque or bank transfer to Payee Name and Bank Account of INTI as stated below:-