Questionnaire 141
Questionnaire 141
Questionnaire 141
DEAR SIR/MADAM I am a student of M P Birla Institute of Management, Bangalore pursuing MBA Degree Program. In partial fulfillment of the MBA Program, I am conducting a research investigation on the GLASS CEILING EFFECT in select group of corporate enterprises in Bangalore City. In this connection, I need some information from you. I request you kindly to give your responses to the questions in the following questionnaire. I humbly assure you that the information so provided will be kept strictly confidential and shall only be used for academic purpose. Your cooperation shall be greatly appreciated.
1. Personal Information: a) Age:b) Education:c) Designation:d) Level in Management: I) Junior ii) middle iii) senior management
Ans:e) Organization:f) Year of joining the present company:g) Year of joining the present position:2. Family Background: a) Marital Status: I) Married ii) Unmarried iii) Widowed iv) Divorced
d) Age of children:i. First child: Male / Female ( ii. Second child: Male / Female ( f) Occupation of husband: g) Family type: Joint / Nuclear: h) Total Income: 3. What are your career aspirations? 1. Two years from now:2. Five years from now:3. Ten years from now:4. Work experience: No of years of work experience in this field:Name company First job Second job Last job 5. How long you are in the current position in this company? of the Designation Duration Nature of job Reasons for Change
) yrs ) yrs
Ans: 7. What is the percentage rate of promotion for women in your company? (Percentage rate is, if 100 employees are there in the company, and 20 men and 10 women get promotion, the percentage rate is 50%)
Ans: 8. Do you feel any inequalities in your work environment? Yes / No Ans: (
9. How many women and men top level managers are present in your company? ) Women
) Men
9 (b) Do you agree to the statement that women employees are generally not assigned 'safe/risky jobs in companies where they are employed? Yes / No expertise? Yes / No
9(b) Do you feel that the women employees are uninformed outside of their technical
9(c) What are the challenges that women employees generally encounter in the workplace? Please specify
Ans:9(d) Do you feel that the women, if they are given the top leader position cannot handle power and will continue the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law saga at work? Yes / No
9(e) Do you agree to the statement that women leaders sometimes think that they are obliged to pay special attention to other women leaders and colleagues, leading to discrimination at the workplace? Yes / No
10. Are you paid less when compared to your male colleague? Yes / No
12. Are you able to lead work and family life smoothly? Yes / No
14 (a) Do you feel that glass ceiling effect is due to: (Please write the numbers at space given below the choices which you feel the appropriate ones) 1. Diverse workforce 2. Lukewarm participation from the management 3. Prevention from receiving promotion 4. Under representation for women in the executive suite 5. Leave jobs due to lack of opportunities 6. Do not possess leadership qualities 7. Lack of interpersonal skills 8. Supply barriers 9. Isolation of women 10. Pipeline barrier 11. Lack of mentoring and management training 12. Lack of opportunities for career development 13. Different standards of performance evaluation 14. Sexual harassment 15. Being perceived as less mobile 16. Little or no access to information network of communication
16. Did you ever feel any barrier in your work because of being a woman? If yes, state them.
17. The following are the general recommendations to break the glass ceiling: (Please write the numbers at space given below the choices which you feel the appropriate ones) 1. Affirmative action 2. Gender raining 3. Reviewing the HR policies, discovering employees perceptions about organization culture and the employees' career expectations, identifying the best practices that support women advancement 4. Succession planning 5. Implementing retention strategies for women 6. Leadership training programs for women 7. Monitoring recruitment strategies
Ans:18. Please specify the measures, according, to you, where the barriers for women in work life can be reduced