3a. VECTORS (NEON) (98-123)
3a. VECTORS (NEON) (98-123)
3a. VECTORS (NEON) (98-123)
22. Vector Substraction. 30. If the bob of simple pendulam is held atrest by
a) does not obey commutative law appling a horizontal force F as shown in fig.
P- Q ¹ Q- P
b) does not obey associative law T
P - (Q - R ) ¹ (P - Q ) - R
c) obeys distributive law x
k (P - Q ) = k P - k Q mg
23. If A is a vector making an angle with a) T sin F b) T cos mg
horizontal, then Horizontal component of A , 2
c) F mg tan d) F2 mg T
is Ax = A cos and Vertical component of a vector
x 2 x 2
A is Ay=A sin . e)
F T mg
24. The components of a vector are scalars. But a
31. Relative Velocity
vector has vector components also.
a) Suppose two bodies A and B are moving with
25. If i and j are unit vectors along x and y axes velocities VA and VB
respectively then A A x i A y j and Velocity
A relative
to B is given by
tan 1 y or cos 1 x
Ax A b) When A and B are moving in perpendicular
directions, is the angle made by VAB with
26. If A is resolved into three mutually vB
perpendicular components in a space then VA then V AB = VA2 + VB2 tan =
A = A x ˆi + A y ˆj + A z kˆ 32. Motion of a Boat in a river :
a) A A 2x A 2y A z2
If angles made by A with x, y and z axis are
Ax Ay d V BW
a , b and g , then cos | A | , cos | A | , q
Az 900
| A | here cos , cos , cos are known A
as direction cosines. (a) To cross a river by a boat in the shortest
path (or from a point on one bank to an exactly
27. cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 1 .
opposite point on the other bank). The angle
28. sin2 a + sin 2 b + sin 2 g = 2 . made by the boat with normal to the flow of
29. If three coplanar forces vector F1 , F 2 , F 3 acting water is Sin =
simultaneously at a point ‘O’ keep it in VBW
F1 F F (b) The angle between the direction of motion
equilibrium as shown, then = 2 = 3 of boat and the direction of river
sina sinb sing
flow = 90 +
2 2
F2 F3 (c) Resultant velocity V VBW VWG
a (d) Time taken to cross the river
g b t=
2 2 where d is the width of the
F1 river (or)
VBW cos q .
(e) To cross the river in the shortest time : 34. The dot product of two vectors P and Q is
The boat is to be rowed in a direction given by P .Q = PQ cos q .
perpendicular to the direction of river flow
a) It is a Scalar
with velocity V BW .
b) P .Q = 0 when =900 (Perpendicular Vectors)
V WG C c) P .Q = PQ when = 00 (Parallel Vectors)
d) Dot product is negative if >90 0 and
V BW <1800
d V BG
q e) P .Q = P .Q (Commutative law)
d ( )
f) P . Q + R = P .Q + P. R (Distributive law)
(f) Time taken to cross the river t =
VBW . g) It doesnot obey associative law
h) P.P = P 2
2 2
(g) Resultant velocity VBG = VBW + VWG
i) Angle between two vectors P and Q is given
(h) The boat reaches the other bank at an angle ,
Tan = V . by the relation cos q = .
(i) The drift (x) = VWG.t VWG j) The component of P along Q .
(j) The boat is rowed always in a direction = P cos q =
making an angle with the perpendicular
drawn to the flow of river along PQ as shown. k) The component of Q along P
To find the drift of the boat as it reaches the P.Q
= Q cos q =
opposite bank. P
VWG l) Vector component of P along Q is P.Q Q .
( )
C B x D
m) Vector component of Q along P is Q . P P . ( )
n) The component of P perpendicular to Q in
the same plane is C = P - P.Q Q ( )
k ) Time taken to cross the river t = o) The component of P perpendicular to Q in
VBW cosq
l) Resultant velocity along flow=VWG–VBW sin the same plane is D = Q - Q.P ( )
m) Drift (x) = (VWG–VBW sin )t.
p) iˆ.iˆ = ˆj. ˆj = kˆ.kˆ = 1 , iˆ. ˆj = ˆj .kˆ = kˆ.iˆ = 0 .
33. If rain drops are falling vertically with a velocity
‘ VR ’ and a person is walking horizontally with q) If P = Px ˆi + Py ˆj + Pz kˆ and
a velocity VM , he should hold his umbrella at Q = Qx iˆ + Qy ˆj + Qz kˆ ,then P.Q = PxQx + PyQy + PzQz
an angle with the vertical given by tan VM r) Two vectors P and Q are perpendicular if
P .Q = 0 (or) P XQX+P YQY+P ZQZ=0
s) Examples of dot product :
- VM VM Work W = F.S
The person holds the umbrella along the
Power P = F .V
direction which is the direction of rain relative
Magnetic Flux f = B.A
to the person.
P´ Q ¹ Q´ P ii) Linear velocity V r
(commutative law is not obeyed) iii) Torque r F
f) P ´ (Q ´ R )¹ (Q ´ P )´ R iv) Torque on a magnet M B
(Associative law is not obeyed) v) Force on a conductor F i l B
g) P ´ (Q + R )= P ´ Q + P ´ R vi) Force on a charge
F q V B
(Distributive law is obeyed)
vii) Torque on a coil i A B
h) iˆ ´ iˆ = ˆj ´ ˆj = kˆ ´ kˆ = 0 ;
viii) A force F acts at P and is torque produced
iˆ ´ ˆj = kˆ , ˆj ´ kˆ = iˆ, kˆ ´ iˆ = ˆj
about Q. If position vector of P is r1 and position
i) If P = Px iˆ + Py ˆj + Pz kˆ
vector of Q is r2 then r xF r2 r1 xF .
Q = Q iˆ + Q ˆj + Q kˆ
x y z
iˆ ˆj kˆ
then P ´ Q = Px Py Pz VECTORS & SCALARS
Qx Qy Qz 1. Of the following the vector quantity is
1) time 2) Electric Current
= (Py Qz - Pz Q y )iˆ - (Px Qz - Pz Q x ) ˆj + (PxQ y - Py Qx )kˆ 3) Velocity of light 4) gravitational force
2. Of the following the scalar quantity is
j) Unit
normal to both P and Q is
P´ Q 1) Temparature 2) Moment of force
n = . 3) Moment of couple 4) Magnetic moment
P´ Q
3. Choose the correct statement
k) If two vectors P and Q are parallel 1) Temperature is a scalar but temperature
Px Py P gradient is a vector
= = z = cons tan t or P ´ Q = 0
QX Qy Qz 2) Velocity of a body is a vector but velocity of
light is a scalar
l) If P and Q represents the sides of a
3) Electric intensity and Electric current density
parallelogram then the area of the parallelogram
are vectors
is P´ Q 4) all the above
19. Associative law is obeyed by 26. Three forces start acting simultaeously
on a
1) Addition of vectors particle moving with velocity V . The forces
2) subtraction of vectors are represented in magnitude and direction by
the three sides of a triangle ABC (as shown).
3) both 4) none
The particle will now move with velocity
20. Choose the correct statement.
1) less than V A B
1) If A B A B then B is a null vector
2) greater than V
2) If A B A B , then A and B are 3) V in the direction of largest force
perpendicular vectors
4) V remaining unchanged
3) both of the above 4) none of the above
21. The maximum value of magnitude of A B is 27. The minimum number of forces of equal
1) A-B 2) A+B 3) A2+B2 4) A2 -B2 magnitude in a plane that can keep a particle
in equilibrium is
22. If A B C and the angle between A and B
1) 4 2) 2 3) 3 4) 5
is 1200, then the magnitude of C
28. The minimum number of unequal forces in a
1) must be equal to A B plane that can keep a particle in equilibrium is
1) 4 2) 2 3) 3 4) 6
2) must be less than A B
29. The minimum number of non coplanar forces
3) must be greater than A B that can keep a particle in equilibrium is
4) may be equal to A B 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
23. If P Q R
30. If component of one vector in the direction of
1) R is always greater than P another vector is zero, then those two vectors
2) R is always equal to P+Q 1) are parallel to each other
3) R is never equal to P+Q 2) are perpendicular to each other
4) R may be less than P or Q 3) are opposite to each other
4) are coplanar vectors.
24. When two vectors A and B of magnitudes‘a’
and ‘b’ respectively are added, the magnitude 31. The component of a vector is
of resultant vector is always 1) always less than its magnitude
1) Equal to (a+b) 2) Less than (a+b) 2) always greater than its magnitude
3) always equal to its magnitude
3) Greater tha (a+b)
4) Less than or equal to its magnitude
4) Not greater than (a+b)
32. The horizontal component of the weight of a
25. If C A B then body of mass m is
1) C is always greater than A 1) mg 2) 3) Zero 4) Infinity
2) C is always equal to A+B 33. What are the maximum number of rectangular
3) C is never equal to A+B components of a vector can be split in space
and in plane respectively.
4) It is possible to have C A and C B 1) 3,2 2) 3,3 3) 2,2 4) ,
34. The maximum number of components a vector 40. A river is flowing from west to east at a speed
can be split are ? of 5 m/s. A man on the south bank of the river
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) infnite capable of swimming at 10 m/s in a still water
wants to swim, across the river in a shortest
time. He should swim in a direction
35. A train is moving due east and a car is moving 1) Due north 2) 300 east of west
due north with equal speeds. A passenger in 3) 300 west of north 4) 600 east of north
the train finds that the car is moving towards
1) North - East 2) North - West
3) South - West 4) South - East 41. Dot product of two vectors is a
1) Vector 2) Scalar 3) Tensor 4) None
36. A bus moves over a straight level road with
a constant acceleration a. A boy in the bus *42. How much work you do on an object as you
drops a ball out side. The acceleration of lift it to a height ‘h’ from the ground ?
the ball w.r.t the bus and the earth are re- 1) mgh 2) mgh/2 3) 2mgh 4) zero
spectively 43. If 1 , m1 , n1 and 2 , m2 , n2 are the direction
1) 2 2
a + g ,g 2
2) g, a + g 2 cosines of two vectors and q is the angle be-
tween them, then the value of cos q is
3) a, g 4) g, a 1) 1 2 + m1m2 + n1n2 2) 1m1 + m1n1 + n11
37. A particle P moves with speed ‘v’ along AB 3) 2 m2 + m2n2 + n2l2 4) m1 2 + 2 m2 + n1m2
and BC, sides of a square ABCD. Another 44. If A B C, then magnitude of B is
particle Q also starts at A and moves with the
1) C A
2) C – A
same speed but along AD and DC of the same
square ABCD. Then their respective changes 3)
C B A B 4) C A B A
in velocities are
45. If a = mb + c . The scalar m is
1) equal in magnitude but different in directions
a.b b.c c.b a.c c.a b.c a.b b.c
2) different in magnitude but same in directions 1) 2) 3) 4)
3) different both in magnitude and direction b2 a2 c2 a2
4) same both in magnitude and direction 46. Cross product of vectors obeys
1) Commutative law 2) Associative law
38. If A and B persons are moving with VA and VB
3) Distributive law 4) All the above
velocities in opposite directions. Magnitude of
47. Distributive law is obeyed by
relative velocity of B w.r.t. A is x and magnitude
1) scalar product 2) vector product
of relative velocity of A w.r.t B is y. Then
3) both 4) none
1) x > y 2) x = y 3) x = 2y 4) 2x = y
48. Choose the false statement
39. Wind is blowing to east along two parallel 1) Scalar product and vector product obey
railway tracks. Two trains moving with the commutative law
same speed in opposite direction have the 2) Scalar product does not obey distributive law
steam track of one double that of the other. where as vector product obeys commutative law
3) Scalar product and vector product obey
The speed of each train is
associative law
1) Equal to that of the wind 4) all the above
2) Three times that of the wind
49. Three vectors
the relation A. B = 0
3) Double that of the wind and A. C = 0 , then A is parallel to
4) Half that of the wind
1) C 2) B 3) B ´ C 4) B.C
96. Arrange the vectors subtractions so that their 31) 4 32) 3 33) 1 34) 4 35) 2
are in decreasing order. If the two 36) 1 37) 1 38) 2 39) 2 40) 1
vectors A and B are acting at an angle | A || B | .
41) 2 42) 1 43) 1 44) 3 45) 1
a) 600 b) 900 c) 1800 d) 1200
1) d,c,b,a 2) a,b,d,c 3) c,d,b,a 4) c,d,a,b 46) 3 47) 3 48) 4 49) 3 50) 4
97. Set the drifts suffered by boat in increasing 51) 4 52) 4 53) 3 54) 2 55) 2
order. 56) 4 57) 2 58) 3 59) 4 60) 2
a) d = 1000 m VR = 2 m/s Vb = 4 m/s 61) 3 62) 3 63) 4 64) 1 65) 2
b) d = 500 m VR = 1 m/s Vb = 6 m/s
c) d = 1000 m VR = 6 m/s Vb = 6 m/s 66) 4 67) 2 68) 4 69) 1 70) 2
( d width of river VR velocity of river 71) 1 72) 3 73) 1 74) 1 75) 2
Vb velocity of Boat). The boat moves 76) 1 77) 1 78) 1 79) 1 80) 3
perpendicular to width of the river
81) 3 82) 1 83) 2 84) 1 85) 4
1) a, b, c 2) b, c, a 3) b, a, c 4) c, b, a
98. Set the angles made by following vectors with 86) 3 87) 1 88) 1 89) 4 90) 3
x-axis in the increasing order. 91) 4 92) 2 93) 3 94) 2 95) 1
a) 3i + 4j b) 4i + 3j c) i + j
96) 3 97) 3 98) 3 99) 1 100) 4
1) a, b, c 2) c, b, a 3) b, c, a 4) a, c, b
4) tan–1 (4) with – x– axis in anticlock wise 1) 300 2) 600 3) 450 4) 900
11. Eleven forces each equal to 5N act on a particle
*3. A person runs along a circular path of radius
simultaneously. If each force makes an angle
5 m. If he completes half of the circle find the
30º with the next one, the resultant of all forces is
magnitude of the displacement vetor, How far
1) 15N 2) 55 N 3) 5 N 4) zero
the person ran ?
1) 10m, 5 p m 2) 5 p m 12. Which of the following sets of forces acting
simultaneously on a particle keep it in
3) 5 p m , 19m 4) 14m, 10 p m
*4. A car makes a displacement of 100 m towards 1) 3N, 5N, 10N 2) 4N, 7N, 12N
east and then 200 m towards north. Find the 3) 2N, 6N, 5N 4) 5N, 8N, 1N
magnitude and direction of the resultant.
1) 223.7m, tan–1(2), N of E 13. The resultant of two forces 1 and P is
perpendicular to ‘1’ and equal to 1. What is
2) 223.7m, tan–1(2), E of N
the value of ‘P’ and angle between the forces
3) 300m, tan–1(2), N of E
1) 2 N , 1350 2) 2 N , 1500
4) 100m, tan–1(2), N of E
3) 2 N , 1200 4) 2 N , 1500
5. If the angle between two vectors of equal
14. If the sum of two unit vectors is also a vector
magnitude P is , the magnitude of the
of unit magnitude, the magnitude of the
resultant vector is
difference of the two unit vectors is
1) 1 unit 2) 2 units 3) 3 units 4) Zero
1) 2P cos 2) 2P sin
2 2
3) 2P cos 4) 2P sin 15. If P + Q = R and P - Q = S , then R2+S 2 is
equal to
6. Maximum and minimum magnitudes of the 1) P2+Q2 2) 2(P2 -Q2 ) 3) 2(P2+Q2) 4) 4 PQ
resultant of two vectors of magnitudes P and
16. The greater and least resultant of two forces
Q are found to be in the ratio 3 : 1. Which of
are 7N and 3N respectively. If each of the force
the following relations is true ?
is increased by 3N and applied at 60°. The
1) P = Q 2) P =2Q
magnitude of the resultant is
3) P = 4Q 4) P = Q/3 1) 7N 2) 3N 3) 10 N 4) 129
17. Two forces are such that the sum of their *24. The force acting on a particle makes an angle
magnitudes is 18N, the resultant is 228 when of 600 with the positive x-axis. If the magnitude
they are at 1200 . Then the magnitude of the of the force is 10 N what are its x and
forces are
y-components ?
1) 12N, 6N 2) 13N, 5N
1) 5N, 5 3 N 2) 2 3 N, 2N
3) 10N, 9N 4) 16N, 2N
3) 4 3 N, 5N 4) 3 3 N, 3N
18. Two
vectors are given by a =-2i+j-3k and *25. To go from town A to town B a plane must fly
b = 5i+3j-2k. If 3a + 2b - c = 0 then third
vector c is
about 1780 km at an angle of 300 West of north.
How far north of A is B ?
1) 4 iˆ + 9 ĵ – 13 k̂ 2) –4 iˆ – 9 ĵ + 13 k̂
3) 4 i –9 ĵ –13 k̂ 4) 2 iˆ –3 ĵ + 13 k̂ 1) 1542km 2) 1452 km
3) 1254 km 4) 11 km
*19. A body starts with a velocity 2i – 3j + 11k m/s
and moves with an accelaration of 10i+10j+10k *26. Displacement vectors A = ( 3i+3j)m, B = (i – 4j) m
ms–2. What is its velocity after 0.25 s ? and C = ( –2i + 5j) m. Use the components
1) 4.5iˆ + 0.5 ˆj - 13.5kˆ 2) 4.5iˆ - 0.5 ˆj - 13.5kˆ method to determine the magnitude and
3) 4.5iˆ - 0.5 ˆj + 13.5kˆ 4) 4.5iˆ + 0.5 ˆj + 13.5kˆ direction of E = - A - B + C .
20. Figure shows three vectors a, b and c , 1) 5 2 , 600 clockwise with + ve x – axis
where R is the midpoint of PQ. Then which 2) 6 2 , 450 clockwise with + ve x – axis
of the following relations is correct? 3) 5 2 , 600 clockwise with – ve x – axis
1) a + b = 2c 4) 6 2 , 450 clockwise with – ve x – axis
2) a + b = c a R
*27. An ant moves on the floor of a room making
3) a - b = 2c two displacements. One of magnitude 3 m and
4) a - b = c O b Q another of magnitude 4 m . If the angle
ur ur ur between the two displacements is 120 0 what
21. The resultant of twourvectors P and Q is R .
will be the magnitude of the resultant
If the magnitude of Q is doubled, the new re-
ur displacement ?
sultant becomes perpendicular to P , then the
ur 1) 6.082m 2) 5.2m
magnitude of R is
P2 - Q P+ Q P 3) 4.8 m 4) 3.606m
1) 2) 3) Q 4)
2 PQ P - Q Q *28. If A = 6.00i – 8.00j units, B = 8.00i + 3.00j
POSITION VECTOR, COMPONENTS units and C = 26.0i + 19.0j units, determine a
OF VECTORS, UNIT VECTORS and b when a A + bB+C = 0
*22. One of the rectangular components of a 1) a = 0.9, b = –3.93 2) a = 0.9, b = 3.93
velocity of 20 ms–1 is 10 ms–1 . Find the other 3) a = 0.6, b = –3 4) a = 0.4, b = 0.8
1) 10 3 ms–1 2) 20 3 ms–1 *29. Two vectors a and b have equal magnitudes of
12 units. These vectors are making angles 300
3) 5 3 ms–1 4) 35 3 ms–1 and 1200 with the x axis respectively. Their sum
23. A car weighing 100kg is on a slope that makes is r . Find the x and y components of r .
an angle 30° with the horizontal. The
component of car’s weight parallel to the slope 1) (6 3 - 6),(6 + 6 3 ) 2) (6 3 + 6),(6 + 6 3 )
is (g=10ms–2 )
1) 500N 2) 1000N 3) 15,000 N 4) 20,000N ( )(
3) 6 3 - 6 , 6 - 6 3 ) 4) (6 )(
3 + 6 , 6- 6 3 )
0 0 0 20 10
1) 30 2) 45 3) 60 4) 900 3) kgwt kgwt 10Kg
3 3
32. A room has dimensions 3mx4mx5m. A fly
starting at one corner ends up at the 4) kgwt 10 3 kgwt
diametrically opposite corner. The magnitude 3
of the displacement of the fly is 40. A 10 kg body is suspended by a rope is pulled
1) 12m 2) 60 m 3) 2 5 m 4) 5 2 m by means of a horizontal force to make 60 0
33. The position vector of a particle is given by by rope to vertical. The horizantal force is
r = 3t 2i + 4t 2 j + 7k m at a given time ‘t’. The 1) 10 kgwt 2) 30 kgwt
net displacement of the particle after 10s is.
3) 10 3 kgwt 4) 30 3 kgwt
1) 500 m 2) 400 m 3) 300 m 4) 700 m
41. ‘A’ and ‘B’ are the two pegs seperated by 47. A person is walking in rain feels the velocity
13 cm. A body of 169 Kgwt is suspended by of rain as twice to his velocity. At which angle
thread of 17 cm connecting to A & B, such he should hold the umbrella with vertical if he
that the two segments of strings are moves forward, if it is raining vertically
perpendicular. Then tensions in shorter and downwards
longer parts of string having are 1) 30° 2) 45° 3) 60° 4) 90°
1) 100 kgwt, 69 kgwt 2) 65 kgwt, 156 kgwt 48. When it is raining vertically down, to a man
3) 156 kgwt, 65 kgwt 4) 69 kgwt, 100 kgwt walking on road the velocity of rain appears to
be 1.5 times his velocity. To protect himself
42. If ‘P’ is in equilibrium then T1 / T2 is
from rain he should hold the umbrella at an
1) 3 T 1
T 2
angle to vertical. Then tan =
2) 2 300
2 5 2 3
1) 2) 3) 4)
3) 1/ 3 5 2 3 2
49. A shower of rain appears to fall vertically
4) 1/ 2 900 N
downwards with a velocity of 12 kmph on a
person walking west wards with a velocity of
5 kmph. The actual velocity and direction of
the rain are
43. A person ‘P’ in train moving due south with 1) 7.5 kmph, clockwise to vertical
80 kmph and his friend Q moving due west at 2) 13 kmph, anticlockwise to vertical
60 kmph Q finds that P is travelling with a velocity 3) 13 kmph, clockwise to vertical
4) 17 kmph, clockwise to vertical
1 4
1) 100 kmph, Tan S of E RIVER – BOAT PROBLEMS
50. A man can swim in still water at a speed of
41 4kmph. He desires to cross a river flowing at
2) 100 kmph, Tan E of S
3 a speed of 3 kmph in the shortest time interval.
3) 100 kmph S of E 4) 100 kmph N of E The direction in which he has to swim is
1) making an angle tan –1 3/4 with the normal
44. A person crossing a road with a certain to the river flow
velocity due north sees a car moving
2) making an angle sin –1 3/4 with the normal
towards east. The relative velocity of the car
to the river flow
w.r.t the person is 2 times that of the
3) making an angle Cos –1 3/4 with the normal
velocity of the person. The angle made by
to the river flow
the relative velocity with the east is
4) making an angle 90o with the river flow
1) 300 2) 450 3) 600 4) 900
51. A boat takes 4 hr upstream and 2hr down the
45. A particle is moving eastwards with a velocity
stream for covering the same distance. The
15ms–1. Suddenly it moves towards north and
ratio of velocity of boat to the water in river is
moves with the same speed in a time 10 sec.
1) 1 : 3 2) 3 : 1 3) 1: 3 4) 3 :1
The average acceleration during this time is
52. A man can swim in still water at a speed of
1) 3/ 2 NE 2) 3 2 NE (1997) 4kmph. He desires to cross a river flowing at
3) 3/ 2 NW 4) 3 2 NW a speed of 3 kmph in the shortest time interval.
46. A ship ‘A’ steams down to North at 16 kmph, if the width of the river is 3km time taken to
and ship ‘B’ due west at 12 kmph. Relative cross the river (in hours) and the horizontal
velocity of B of w.r.t. A is distance travelled (in km) are respectively
1) 10 kmph 2) 25 kmph 3 9 3 1 15 3
1) , 2) ,3 3) , 4) ,7
3) 6 kmph 4) 20 kmph 4 4 5 4 4 7
53. The width of a river is 2 3 km. A boat. is 63. The magnitudes of two vectors are 3 and 4
rowed in direction perpendicular to the banks units and their scalar product is 6 units. The
of river. If the drift of the boat due to flow is angle between the vectors is
2km, the diplacement of the boat is
1) rad 2) rad 3) rad 4) rad
1) 3 km 2) 6 km 3) 5 km 4) 4 km 3 6 2 4
54. Person aiming to reach the exactly opposite 64. The work done by a force (2i - j + 5k) when it
point on the bank of a stream is swimming with displaces the body from a point (3,4,-6) to a
a speed of 0.5 ms –1 at an angle of 1200 with point (7,2,5) is
the direction of flow of water.The speed of 1) 65 units 2) 61 units
water in the stream is 3) 45 units 4) 35 units
1) 1 ms –1 2) 0.25 ms –1
65. If p and q are two unit vectors and the angle
3) 0.67 ms –1 4) 3 ms –1
(1 + p.q )
*55. A boat moves perpendicualar to the bank with between them is 600 then is
(1- p.q)
a velocity of 7.2 km/h. The current carries it
150 m downstream, the time required to cross 1) 2 2) 3 3) 0 4) 1/2
the river. (The width of the river is 0.5 km). CROSS PRODUCT
1) 4.16min 2) 2.15min 3) 3.11min 4) 5.11min
66. (i+j) x (i-j) =
*56.A swimmer is capable of swimming 1) -2k 2) 2k 3) zero 4) 2i
1.65 ms–1 in still water. If she swims directly
67. The radius vector r =2i+5k and the angular
across a 180 m wide river whose current is
0.85 m/s, How long will it take her to reach velocity of a particle is w = 3i - 4k . Then the
the other side ? linear velocity of the particle is
1) 1.82 min 2) 20 min 3) 4 min 4) 4.8 min 1) 15 iˆ - 8 ĵ + 6 k̂ 2) 2 iˆ + 3 ĵ + k̂
3) 15 iˆ + 8 ĵ - 6 k̂ 4) - 23 ĵ
68. If the dot product of two vectors is equal to
*57. Find the angle between A = i +2j – k and
the magnitude of the cross product of the same
B = –i+j – 2k. vectors, then the angle between the vectors is
1) 300 2) 450 3) 600 4) 900
1) rad 2) rad 3) rad 4) rad
*58. If F =3i + 4j +5k and S = 6i +2j+5k, find the 2 4 3
work done by the force. *69. If F = 2i + 3j – k and r = i – j + 6k find r x F
1) 51 units 2) 20 units 1) – 17i + 13j + 5k 2) –17i – 13j – 5k
3) 30 units 4) 41 units 3) 3i + 4j – 5k 4) – 3i – 4j + 5k
59. A vector perpendicular to the vector(3i+5j) is
70. Area of a parallelogram formed by vectors
1) 5 iˆ -3 k̂ 2) 5 iˆ +3 ĵ 3) 3 iˆ -5 ĵ 4) 5 k̂
60. If A = 7i+2j-3k and B = i+j+2ck are
3iˆ - 2jˆ + kˆ m and ˆi + 2jˆ + 3kˆ m is
perpendicular vectors, the value of c is 1) 3 8 m2 2) 24 m2
1) -1.5 2) 1.5 3) 3 4) zero 3) 8 3m2 4) 4 3m2
*61. If F = i +2j+k and V =4i – j + 7k find F .V 71. Find the values of x and y for which vectors
1) 6W 2) 9W 3) 13W 4) 12W A = 6i + xj - 2k and B = 5i - 6j - yk may be
62. If A 5i 2 j 3k and B 2iˆ ˆj 2kˆ ,
ˆ ˆ ˆ parellel
2 36 5
component of B along A is 1) x 0, y 2) x ,y
3 5 3
14 28 28 14
1) 2) 3) 4) 15 23 36 15
38 38 38 38 3) x ,y 4) x ,y
3 5 3 14
22. When two bodies approach each other with 27. Rain, pouring down at an angle a with the ver--
the different speeds, the distance between then tical has a speed of 10 m/s. A girl runs against
decreases by 120m for every one minute. If the rain with a speed of 8 m/s and sees that the
they are moving in direction, the distance rain makes an angle b with the vertical, then
between them increases by 90m for every one relation between a and b is
minute. The speeds of the bodies are 8 + 10 sin a 8 + 10 cos a
1) 2ms-1 and 0.5 ms-1 2) 3ms-1 and 2ms-1 1) tan b = 2) tan b =
10 cos a 10 sin a
3) 1.75ms-1 and 0.25ms -1 10 sin a 10 cos a
3) tan b = 4) tan b = 8 + 10 sin a
4) 2.5ms-1 and 0.5ms-1 8 + 10 cos a
23. A boat going down stream crosses a float at a 28. To a man walking at the rate of 2 kmph the
point A. ‘t1’ minutes later the boat reverses its rain appears to fall vertically, when he doubles
direction and in the next ‘t2’ minutes it crosses his speed, the rain appears to fall at 300 to the
the float at a distance L from the point A. The vertical. The magnitude of actual velocity of
velocity of the river is the rain is
1) 2L/t1 2) L/(t1+2t2) 1) 2 kmph 2) 4 kmph.
3) 2L/(2t1+t2 ) 4) L/2t1 3) 6 kmph 4) 3 kmph
24. Two persons P and Q are located in x – y plane
29. The velocity of a boat in still water is 10 m/s.
at points (0, 0) and (0, 10) respectively.
At t = 0 If water flows in the river with a velocity of 6
they ˆ
start moving simultaneously Vp = 4 j and m/s what is the difference in times taken to
VQ = 4iˆ m/sec. The time after which P and Q cross the river in the shortest path and the
are at closest distance is shortest time. The width of the river is 80 m.
1) 1.25sec 2) 2.5sec 3
1) 1s 2) 10s 3) s 4) 2s
3) 5 2 sec 4) 2 5 sec 2
25. It is raining at a speed of 5 ms–1 at an angle 30. A river is of width 120m which flows at a speed
370 to vertical, towards east. A man is moving of 8ms –1 . If a man swims with a speed of
to west with a velocity of 5 ms –1 . The angle 5ms–1 at an angle of 1270 with the stream, his
with the vertical at which he has to hold the drift on reaching other bank is
umbrella to protect himself from rain is 1) 50 m 2) 150 m 3) 200 m 4) 300 m
1) Tan– 1 (2) to west 2) Tan– 1 (2) to east 31. A river is flowing from west to east at a speed
3) Tan –1 (1/2) to south 4) Tan–1 (1/2) to east of 5 m per minute. A man on the south bank
26. To a man walking at 7 kmph due west, the wind of the river, capable of swimming at 10 m per
appears to blow from the north-west but when minute in still water wants to swim across the
he walks at 3 kmph due west, the wind appears river to a point directly opposite point. He
to blow from north. The magnitude and actual should then swim in a direction.
direction of wind are 1) 300 W of N 2) 600 W of N
æ3 ö
÷ east of north 2) 300 E of N 4) 600 E of N
1) 5 kmph, tan ççç ÷
- 1