PLC Based Operation of A Process Control Model-A Learning Aid For Undergraduate Students

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Proceedings of the

International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2011

(ICMERE2011) 22- 24 December 2011, Chittagong, Bangladesh

PLC Based Operation of a Process control Model- A Learning Aid for Undergraduate Students

P.K. Bhowmik1, Deepak Kumar Chy*2, S. Barua2, J. A. Shamim1

Dept. of Instrumentation, Eastern Refinery Limited
Dept.of EEE, University of Information Technology & Science
Chittagong-4000, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]*, [email protected]

Abstract— This paper present a PLC based learning tool for operation of a liquid processing sequence that is typical of many
liquid process sequences that are found in process industry. To keep the illustration, a four-tank batch process model is used. The
process consists of four tanks and five pumps. Two level switch (high and low) of a final storage tank (tank 4) control the
operation of the process. Two manual switch start and stop used to control the execution of the PLC program. If the low level
switch of final storage tank became on it turns on two pumps for 10 sec to fill up liquid to two tanks. After that another two pumps
turn on for 10 sec and shift liquid from previous storage tanks to an intermediate storage tank. Then an agitating motor will turn
on for 20 sec to agitate the liquid (for fluid mixing, reactions & settling). After this the fifth pump turn on for 15 sec to fill the final
storage tank. During this period the heater H remains ON. If high level switch of the tank became on then all the pumps turned
off. If tank-4 becomes empty then the whole process repeats again. All criteria for safe starting, maintaining process sequences,
and protection of the system are taken into consideration in the software used for the PLC. This paper will enhance the method of
teaching and learning of PLC based industrial process systems operation and control at undergraduate level.

Keywords- PLC, industrial process sequences, industrial process automatition, Sucosoft V5.02 Moeller PLC software
in the laboratory. Certainly, the understanding of PLC and its
1.INTRODUCTION applications from the academic point-of-view will equip the
All industrial production system follows a fixed sequence students with necessary principles to handle real-life problems.
of actions that are determined by the identified steps in the The experimental set up will also enable students to work on
production process. A simple liquid processing sequence that is more difficult problems and become an innovative tool in the
typical to many liquid process sequences that are found in the learning process.
process industry will help to understand easily to the
undergraduate students for learning aid. “Perhaps the greatest 2.PLC MODULE SET UP
challenge to power engineering education is the modern role of
A PLC is a 'digital operating system' designed specially for
laboratory”-IEEE PES Committee [1]. Introducing the role of
use in an industrial environment, which uses a programmable
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in the laboratory may
memory for its internal operation of user-orientated instructions
contribute to meet one of the challenges. The wide applications
and for implementing specific function such as logic,
of PLC in many areas have significantly contributed to the
sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic. PLC controls
operation and automatic control of electrical and electronic
digital and analog inputs and outputs in the various types of
systems [4-6]. There is a need however for better understanding
of the impact of PLC on operation, protection, and control of
industrial process systems and its components. Understanding PLC was first designed by General Motor Corporation in 1968
on the interfacing of PLC with real system, development of to eliminate the costly and bulky assembly line relay logic
appropriate software and finding solution to problems in such circuit. Presently more then 50 companies are manufacturing
activities is essential to the young engineers who choose their PLCs all over the world. A PLC is essentially a computer
carrier in the process industries, chemical industries, or power adapted to the needs of industry. Its inputs and outputs are not
system field. This understanding from the undergraduate designed for humans, but for use in the control of machines.
program will provide them with the necessary principles to face Machine and operator interact solely by way of limit switches,
real-time problems. momentary-contact switches, or photoelectric switches.
This paper introduces an interesting educational procedure
to teach PLC-based project in the undergraduate curriculum. The GUNT Moeller PLC model IA 130 can be used to perform
The teaching procedure not only covers the theory of PLC, but basic exercises on a PLC. The front panel is designed as a
also covers the modeling of operational features process laboratory patch board, where the input ports and output ports
sequences as development of necessary hardware and software of the PLC can be connected to switches and displays via

© ICMERE2011
laboratory cables. In order to write programs the PLC must be following languages: Statement List (STL), Ladder Diagram
connected to a PC (not supplied) via an RS232 interface shown (LD), Structured Text (ST) and Function Block Diagram
in Figure 1 [2]. (FBD). Ladder Diagrams are based on graphical
representations with contacts, coils and boxes, as per the
circuit diagrams. Function Block Diagram language is based
Power Interface
PLC on graphical representation of the interlinking of logical
supply function blocks, analogous to the logic diagrams. Statement
List is an assembler-type language with a small, standardised
non-hardware-dependent command set [2].
The process module has been explained in Figure 3, different
input and output points of the process which is interfaced with
the PLC module. The above mention process sequences are
Output Terminals categorized as follows.
Input Terminals
1. Start and stop switch is used to control the program
Figure1: PLC experimental set up execution.
2. If tank-4 empty then the level switch actuate and at
Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the complete set up of this time Pump 1 and Pump 2 becomes ON to fill up
the PLC. The sensor and load modules in the block diagram are tank-1 and tank-2 respectively for 10 seconds.
marked as input and output modules respectively in the 3. Then, Pump 1 and Pump 2 go to OFF and Pump 3
photograph. The complete set up has the following facilities. and Pump 4 go to ON for 10 seconds to fill up tank-3.
1. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 4. After this the agitator motor becomes ON for 20
2. Interface Unit seconds to agitate the liquid.
3. Power supply for PLC input & output module 5. After this the Pump 5 becomes ON for 15 seconds fill
4. Power supply for Lamps supply (24V DC) up the tank-4.
5. 24V DC Relay 6. During this period the heater H remains ON.
6. Two contact relay base 7. If tank-4 becomes empty then the whole process
7. Push button switch repeats again.
8. 24V DC Flashing lamps 8. If high level switch of tank-4 become on, all pumps
9. Cables turned off.
10. A Personal Computer (PC)
11. Sucosoft V5.02 programming software
Personal computer

Interfacing Unit Pump-5
Sensor Input CPU Output Load
Panel Module Module Panel

24V dc power 24V dc power Tank-2
supply for PLC supply for lamp
Power circuit Pump-4
Breaker Pump-1 Pump-2
lls – Low level switch of Tank-4, hls – High level switch of Tank-4,

Power Main Figure 3 . The process model schematic diagram

Figure 2. Block diagram of the PLC together with interfacing components

The PLC programming software conforms to the international 3.2 Process Flow Diagram
standard IEC 61131-3, and permits programming in the
© ICMERE2011

Tank 4 High level


Stop all pumps OFF

Low level switch on

and keep latch

Pump 1 & 2 start and fill

up Tank 1 & 2

Wait 10 sec and stop pump 1 & 2 and

start pump 3 & 4 to fill up tank 3

Wait 10 sec and stop pump 3 & 4 Figure 4. The process variable declearation for PLC system
and start agitating motor

Wait 20 sec and stop agitating motor and

start pump 5 for 15 sec to fill up tank 4.
During this time heater keep on.


3.3 Program Developmet

Automation software of PLC is programmed in Sucosoft V5.02
programming software and this software is the simulation
software of the Moeller PLC. The Ladder Diagram (LD) PLC
programming language used easy to understand. Ladder
Diagrams are based on graphical representations with contacts,
coils and boxes, as per the circuit diagrams. Indicator lights are
used as outputs where as push button switches are used as

© ICMERE2011
After following the above mentioned steps then the PLC
become ready to run the program. PLC executes the program
successfully after pressing the start switch. PLC always scan its
input address and give an output signal according the
instruction of the program. A stop switch is used to stop the
program execution. If the process sequences may need changed
or modification only change in the program will sufficient for
successful program execution.

This paper introduces an interesting educational procedure
to teach PLC-based experiment in the undergraduate power
curriculum. The simulated system is described in detail and
instruction goals that can be accomplished are also presented.
The teaching procedure not only covers the theory of PLC, but
also covers the modeling of a process system, development of
software for safe starting and protection of the process.
Certainly, the understanding of PLC and its application from
academic point-of-view will equip the students with necessary
principles to handle real-life problems. The experimental set up
will also enable the students to work on more difficult
problems and become an innovative tool in the learning

[1] IEEE PES Committee Report, “Electric Power Engineering Curricula
Figure 4. Ladder logic program developmet for the process system Content in the 21st Century,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
Vol.9, No.3, Aug. 1994, pp.1145-1151
[2] GUNTE quipment for engineering education,
3.4 Program Execution
[3] Manual of Sucosoft V5.02, Moeller PLC software
The ladder logic program execution by Sucosoft V5.02,
[4] Hugh Jack, Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs, Version 5.2,
Moeller PLC software requires the following steps [3]- Sept.,2008,
1. Program development in pou editor [5] Industrialtext & Video Company, A PLC Primer,
2. Topology configaration
3. Program code generation [6] L.A. Bryan and E.A Bryan, Programmable Controller-Theory and
Implementation, 2ne ed, 1988, Industrialtext & Video Company.
4. Program transfer from computer to PLC
5. Test and commissioning

© ICMERE2011

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