4 Civsyll
4 Civsyll
4 Civsyll
2022) Annexure-III
Bolted Connections: Introduction, Types of Bolts, Behavior of bolted joints, Design of High
Strength friction Grip (HSFG) bolts, Design of Simple bolted Connections (Lap and Butt
joints) and bracket connections both types
Welded Connections: Introduction, Types and properties of welds, Effective areas of welds,
Weld Defects, Simple welded joints for truss member and Bracket connections both types.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Bolted and Welded Connections.
Design of Tension Members: Introduction, Types of Tension members, Slenderness ratio,
Modes of Failure, Factors affecting the strength of tension members, Design of Tension
members with Lug angles.
Design of Column Bases: Design of Simple Slab Base and Gusseted Base.
Design of Compression Members: Introduction, Failure modes, Behavior of compression members,
Sections used for compression members, Effective length of compression members, Design of
compression members and built up Compression members, Design of Laced and Battened Systems.
#$16032024 1
MKV-TEMPLATE for IPCC (26.04.2022) Annexure-III
CIE for the theory component of the IPCC (maximum marks 50)
IPCC means practical portion integrated with the theory of the course.
CIE marks for the theory component are 25 marks and that for the practical component is 25
25 marks for the theory component are split into 15 marks for two Internal Assessment Tests (Two
Tests, each of 15 Marks with 01-hour duration, are to be conducted) and 10 marks for other
assessment methods mentioned in 22OB4.2. The first test at the end of 40-50% coverage of the
syllabus and the second test after covering 85-90% of the syllabus.
Scaled-down marks of the sum of two tests and other assessment methods will be CIE marks for the
theory component of IPCC (that is for 25 marks).
The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the theory component of IPCC.
CIE for the practical component of the IPCC
15 marks for the conduction of the experiment and preparation of laboratory record, and 10 marks
for the test to be conducted after the completion of all the laboratory sessions.
On completion of every experiment/program in the laboratory, the students shall be evaluated
including viva-voce and marks shall be awarded on the same day.
The CIE marks awarded in the case of the Practical component shall be based on the continuous
#$16032024 2
MKV-TEMPLATE for IPCC (26.04.2022) Annexure-III
evaluation of the laboratory report. Each experiment report can be evaluated for 10 marks. Marks of
all experiments’ write-ups are added and scaled down to 15 marks.
The laboratory test (duration 02/03 hours) after completion of all the experiments shall be
conducted for 50 marks and scaled down to 10 marks.
Scaled-down marks of write-up evaluations and tests added will be CIE marks for the laboratory
component of IPCC for 25 marks.
The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the practical component of the
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question
papers for the course (duration 03 hours)
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a
maximum of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored by the student shall be proportionally scaled down to 50 Marks
The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, whereas the practical portion will
have a CIE component only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper may include questions from
the practical component.
#$16032024 3
Course Code BCV702 CIEMarks 50
TeachingHours/Week(L:T:P:S) 3:2:0:0 SEEMarks 50
TotalHoursofPedagogy 40hoursTheory TotalMarks 100
Credits 04 ExamHours 03
Examinationnature(SEE) Theory
Course Learning Objectives: This course will enable students to;
Estimate the quantities of work, develop the bill of quantities and arrive at the Cost of civil
Understand and apply the concept of Valuation for Properties
Understand, Apply and Create the Tender and Contract document.
Quantity Estimation for Building: study of various drawing attached with estimates, important terms, units
of measurements, abstract, Types of estimates. Estimation of building by Short wall and long wall method -
centreline method.
Estimate of R.C.C structures including Slab, beam, column, footings.
Estimate of Steel truss, manhole and septic tanks and slab culvert.
Quantity Estimation for Roads: Computation of volume of earthwork fully in banking, cutting, partly
cuttingand partly Filling by mid-section, trapezoidal and Prismoidal Methods.
Specification for Civil Engineering Works: Objective of writing specifications essentials in specifications,
general and detail specifications of different items of works in buildings and roads.
Analysis of Rates : Factors Affecting Cost of Civil Works , Concept of Direct Cost , Indirect Cost and Project
Rate analysis and preparation of bills, Data analysis of rates for various items of Works, Sub-structure
components, Rate analysis for R.C.C. slabs, columns and beams.
. Contract Management-Tender and its Process: Invitation to tender, Prequalification, administrative
approval& Technical sanction. Bid submission and Evaluation process. Contract Formulation: Letter of intent,
Award of contract, letter of acceptance and notice to proceed. Features / elements of standard Tender
document (source: PWD / CPWD / International Competitive Bidding – NHAI / NHEPC / NPC).
Law of Contract as per Indian Contract act 1872, Types of Contract, Joint venture.
Contract Forms: FIDIC contract Forms, CPWD, NHAI, NTPC, NHEPC
Contract Management-Post award :Basic understanding on definitions, Performance security, Mobilization
and equipment advances, Secured Advance, Suspension of work, Time limit for completion, Liquidated
damages and bonus, measurement and payment, additions and alterations or variations and deviations, breach
of contract, Escalation, settlement of account or final payment, claims, Delay’s and Compensation, Disputes &
itsresolution mechanism, Contract management and administration.
Valuation: Definitions of terms used in valuation process, Purpose of valuation, Cost, Estimate, Value and its
relationship, Capitalized value. Freehold and lease hold and easement, Sinking fund, depreciation–methods of
estimating depreciation, Outgoings, Process and methods of valuation: Rent fixation, valuation for
mortgage, valuation of land.
#$16032024 1
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Taking out quantities and work out the cost and preparation of abstract for the estimated cost for
variouscivil engineering works.
2. Prepare detailed and abstract estimates for various road works, structural works and water supply
andsanitary works.
3. Prepare the specifications and analyze the rates for various items of work.
4. Assess contract and tender documents for various construction works.
5. Prepare valuation reports of buildings..
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is
50%.The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for
the SEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall
bedeemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/course if the student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the
CIE(Continuous InternalEvaluation)andSEE (SemesterEndExamination)taken together.
50 marks for CIE are split into 30marks for three Internal Assessment Tests and 20marks for other
assessment methods mentioned in 22OB4.2.
The first test at the end of 30-35% coverage of the syllabus, the second test after covering 65-70%of the
syllabus and the third test for 95-100% coverage of syllabus
The student must secure 40% of 50marks to qualify in the CIE
#$16032024 3
Annexure-II 1
Introduction to pre-stressed concrete structures: Concepts of Prestressing- Historical
development of prestressing-Design Codes for PreStressed Structures- Advantages &
Limitations of Pre-stressed Concrete Material - Need for High Strength Concrete- High
Tension Steel- Types of Prestressing Steel
Losses of Prestressing and Prestressing Systems: Losses– Immediate losses due to Friction
and wobble, Elastic shortening Anchorage Slip - Time dependent losses due to Creep,
Shrinkage and Relaxation losses - Introduction to Pre-stressing systems – Pre -Tensioning
Devices – Post -Tensioning Devices - Anchorage Devices - Mechanical pre-stressing -
Chemical Pre-stressing - Electrical Pre-stressing
Principle and Methods of design: Combined Load Approach - Internal Couple Approach -
Load Balancing Approach - Steel Stress in Bonded and Un-bonded tendons – Flexure and
Shear – Crack and Deflection - Design as per IS 1343 - Design of Anchorage zone – End
block- Cable Profiling for different beams - Mechanism of Transfer of Prestress in Pre-
Tensioning System and Post Tensioned system
Applications of Pre-stressing: Circular Prestressing – Introduction - Types and Design of
Prestressed Concrete Pipes Pre-stressing in Buildings – Beams – One-way Slabs – Two-way
Slabs – Flat slabs Structures – Tanks, Poles & Piles - Partial Prestress - behavior, advantages and
disadvantagesRemember the concepts of Prestressing
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Pre-stressing in Bridges: Composite Construction – Introduction - Analysis-IRC 112 Codal
provisions for ULS and SLS – Design of a I-girder with cast in situ slab -Viaducts – Balanced
cantilever bridges – Railway sleepers
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Remember the concepts of Prestressing
2. Understand the concept of pre-tensioning and posttensioning
3. Carry out the Analysis and Design of composite I girder
4. Perform the design of anchorage zones, composite pipes, sleepers and tanks
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The
minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to
have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Prestressed Concrete Structure by T.Y.Lin, Ned H. Burns
2. Prestressed Concrete by N. Krishna Raju
3. Prestressed Concrete by G.S.Pandit and S.P.Gupta
4. IRC 112 and IS 1343 codes
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
E-learning content on L&T EduTech Platform.
Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning
Visit to Site to understand prestressing
#$16032024 2
VII Semester
Course Code BCV714A CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) (3:0:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Examination nature (SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
This course will enable students
To learn the fundamentals of ITS.
To study the ITS functional areas
To have an overview of ITS implementation in developing countries
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies, which teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
course outcomes.
1. Blackboard teaching/PowerPoint presentations (if needed)
2. Regular review of students by asking questions based on topics covered in the class.
Module-1 Introduction to Intelligent Transport System
Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) -Definition – Role and
Responsibilities – Advanced Traveller Information System – Fleet Oriented ITS Services –
Electronic Toll Collection – Critical issues – Security – Safety
Module-2 ITS Architecture and Hardware
Architecture – ITS Architecture Framework – Hardware Sensors – Vehicle Detection –
Techniques – Dynamic Message Sign – GPRS – GPS – Toll Collection
Module-3 Advanced Transport Management System
Video Detection – Virtual Loop - Cameras - ANPR – IR Lighting – Integrated Traffic
Management – Control Centre – Junction Management Strategies- ATMS – Advanced Traveler
Information Systems (ATIS)- Route Guidance – Issues - Historical – Current – Predictive
Guidance – Data Collection – Analysis – Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) – Components –
Module-4 Advanced Traveller and Information System
Travel Information – Pre Trip and Enroute Methods- Basic ATIS Concepts – Smart Route
System – Data Collection – Process – Dissemination to Travelers – Evaluation of Information –
Value of Information – Business Opportunities
Module-5 Case Studies
Automated Highway Systems - Vehicles in Platoons – Integration of Automated Highway
Systems. ITS Programs in the World – Overview of ITS implementations in developed
countries, ITS in developing countries.
#$16032024 1
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
On completion of the course the students should be able to
Understand the sensor and communication technologies.
Apply the various ITS methodologies
Define the significance of ITS under Indian conditions
CIE for the theory component of the PEC (maximum marks 50)
#$16032024 2
Earthquake Resistant structures Semester VII
CourseCode BCV714B CIEMarks 50
TeachingHours/Week(L:T:P:S) 3:0:0:0 SEEMarks 50
TotalHoursofPedagogy 40hoursTheory TotalMarks 100
Credits 03 ExamHours 03
Examinationnature(SEE) Theory/practical/Viva-Voce/Term-work/Others
Fundamentals of structural dynamics
Fundamentals of engineering seismology
Irregularities in building which are detrimental to its earthquake performance
Different methods of computation seismic lateral forces for framed and masonry structures
Earthquake resistant design requirements for RCC and Masonry structures and Relevant clauses
of IS codes of practice pertinent to earthquake resistant design of structures
1. Blackboardteaching/powerpointpresentation
2. Regularreviewofthestudentsbyaskingquestionsbasedontopicscoveredintheclass
Introduction to structural dynamics: Basic Definitions, Concept of degrees of freedom,
D’Alembert’s principle, principleof virtual displacement and energy principles, Types of
Vibrations, Damping and its types, Analytical Model of dynamic system, Free vibration of
damped and undamped system having single degree of freedom. Concept of equivalent spring,
Numerical problems on determining natural period, natural frequency, mass, stiffness,
amplitude, and acceleration for undamped free vibration systems.
Engineering Seismology: Terminologies (Focus, Focal depth, Epicenter, etc.); Causes of
Earthquakes; Theory of plate tectonics; Types and characteristics faults; Classification of
Earthquakes; Types and characteristics of seismic waves; Magnitude and intensity of
earthquakes; local site effects; Earthquake ground motion characteristics: Amplitude,
frequency and duration; Seismic zoning map of India, Earthquake measuring instruments-
Seismoscope, Seismograph and accelerograph.
Seismic Performance of Buildings and Over View of IS-1893 (Part-1): Types of damages to
building observed during past earthquakes; Plan irregularities; mass irregularity; stiffness
irregularity; Concept of soft and weak storey; Torsional irregularity and its consequences;
configuration problems; continuous load path; Architectural aspects of earthquake resistant
buildings; Lateral load resistant systems. Seismic design philosophy; Structural modeling;
Code based seismic design methods.
Determination of Design Lateral Forces: Equivalent lateral force procedure and dynamic analysis
procedure. Step by step procedures for seismic analysis of RC buildings using Equivalent static lateral
force method and response spectrum methods (maximum of 4 storeys and without infill walls).
Numerical problems.
#$16032024 1
Ductility considerations:Factor affecting ductility, ductile detailing of flexural members, columns
and frame members as per IS13920.Design of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Beams, Seismic Design of
Ductile Reinforced Concrete column
Earthquake Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings: Performance of Unreinforced, Reinforced,
Infill Masonry Walls, Box Action, Lintel and sill Bands, elastic properties of structural masonry, lateral
load analysis, Recommendations for Improving performance of Masonry Buildings during
earthquakes; Retrofitting of Masonry buildings.
#$16032024 2
Sl.NO Experiments
Toformulate the solution for damped and undamped SDOF systems.
To describe basic principles of engineering seismology
To describe various irregularities and their limits for earthquake resistant structure as per Indian
standard code books.
Analyze the structure for seismic forces using Equivalent static lateral force method and response
spectrum method
To perform ductile Design of RC members and to describe behavior of masonry under seismic
#$16032024 3
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is
50%.The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for
theSEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall
bedeemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/course if the student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the
CIE(Continuous InternalEvaluation)andSEE (SemesterEndExamination)taken together.
CIE marks for the theory component are 25 marks and that for the practical component is
#$16032024 4
andthesecondtestaftercovering85-90%of thesyllabus.
Scaled-down marks of the sum of two tests and other assessment methods will be CIE marks for
thetheorycomponentof IPCC (thatisfor25marks).
Thestudenthas tosecure40%of25marks toqualifyintheCIEofthetheorycomponentofIPCC.
15 marksfortheconductionoftheexperimentandpreparationoflaboratoryrecord, and10marks
a-voce andmarks shallbe awarded onthesameday.
The CIE marks awarded in the case of the Practical component shall be based on the
continuousevaluation of the laboratory report. Each experiment report can be evaluated for 10
marks. Marks ofallexperiments’write-ups areadded andscaleddownto 15marks.
50marks andscaled downto10marks.
Scaled-down marks of write-up evaluations and tests added will be CIE marks for the
laboratorycomponentof IPCC for 25marks.
The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the practical component of
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common
questionpapersfor thecourse (duration03hours)
1. Thequestionpaperwillhavetenquestions.Eachquestionissetfor20marks.
2. Therewillbe2questionsfromeachmodule.Eachofthetwoquestionsunderamodule(withamaximum of
3sub-questions),shouldhave amixof topicsunderthatmodule.
3. Thestudents havetoanswer5fullquestions,selectingonefullquestionfrom eachmodule.
4. Marksscoredbythestudentshallbeproportionallyscaleddownto50Marks
1. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikande, “Earthquake resistant design of structures”, PHI
2. S.K. Duggal, “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Oxford University Press
3. Anil K. Chopra, “Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake
Engineering”, Pearson
4. Education, Inc.
5. T. K. Datta, “Seismic Analysis of Structures”, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Ltd.
6. David Dowrick, “Earthquake resistant design and risk reduction”, John Wiley and Sons
7. C. V. R. Murty, Rupen Goswami, A. R. Vijayanarayanan & Vipul V. Mehta, “Some Concepts
in Earthquake
8. Behaviour of Buildings”, Published by Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority,
Government of Gujarat.
#$16032024 5
9. IS-13920 – 2016, Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to
Seismic Forces, BIS, New Delhi.
10. IS-1893 – 2016, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures,
Part-1, BIS, New Delhi.
11. IS- 4326 – 2013, Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings, BIS, New
12. IS-13828 – 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake Resistance of
Low Strength Masonry Buildings, BIS, New Delhi.
13. IS-3935 – 1993, Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings-Guidelines, BIS, New
#$16032024 6
1. https://www.steel-insdag.org/assets/frontend/trmpdf/Chapter41.pdf
2. https://www.steel-insdag.org/assets/frontend/trmpdf/Chapter6.pdf
3. https://www.steel-insdag.org/assets/frontend/trmpdf/Chapter42.pdf
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105105162
#$16032024 7
Annexure-II 1
Introduction to piles, Design and construction of Bored Cast insitu piles and Driven Cast
insitu piles: Overview of Pile foundations, Selection Criteria, Common Design considerations,
General Terminologies and Indian standard codes. Materials and Equipment, Construction
procedures, workmanship, Vertical and Lateral Capacity calculations, Load tests, Case Studies
of Bored cast insitu piles and Driven cast insitu piles
Introduction, design and construction of precast driven and under reamed piles:
Materials and Equipment, Construction procedures, workmanship, Vertical and Lateral
Capacity calculations, Load tests, Case Studies of precast driven piles, precast driven piles in
pre-bored holes and Under reamed piles
Grouping and settlement of piles and testing: Introduction to Grouping and Settlement of
piles, Pile Group efficiency and Spacing, Capacity of Pile group, Settlement of Pile group,
Case studies Introduction & Types of testing on piles and General requirements for testing, Pile
Integrity tests - introduction & Equipment Types of Pile Integrity test, Data Recording &
Interpretation of results, Introduction to quality assurance of piles, General requirement
Quality control and Special Types of piles: Quality Control of BCIS, DCIS piles, Quality
records and checklists. Materials, Equipment, manufacturing procedure, Design and installation,
suitability and application and failure modes of spun piles and helical piles
Software and Bill of quantities, Construction challenges: Introduction to Bill of quantities for
Bored cast insitu, Driven Cast insitu, Precast driven and Precast driven piles in pre-bored holes
and undreamed piles. Challenges in bored and driven piles, Introduction to types of piling
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
software, Software demonstrations (e.g., PLAXIS) and step-by-step design techniques for deep
foundations. Modelling in Plaxis 2D
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Comprehend Basic design concepts, of pile foundations
2. Compute capacity of piles and select suitable type of pile foundation based on soil
3. Apply different construction procedures of pile foundation
4. Design and execute different load testing on piles
5. Compute bill of quantities for pile foundations
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The
minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to
have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. IS 2911- Indian standard code drivencast insitu, bored cast insitu, Driven precast piles
2. IS 14593-Indian standard code for bored cast insitu piles founded on rocks – Guidelines
3. Michel Tomilson and John Woodward, “Pile design and construction practice”, CRC Press
#$16032024 2
Annexure-II 3
#$16032024 3
CourseCode BCV755D CIEMarks 50
TeachingHours/Week(L:T:P:S) 3+0+0 SEEMarks 50
TotalHoursofPedagogy 40 TotalMarks 100
Credits 3 ExamHours 3
1. TolearnthebasicsofMEPsystems.(Mechanical,Electricalandplumbing)
2. Toexposethelearnerstobuildingacoustics
3. ToimpartknowledgeonHVACandfireprotectionsystemsinbuilding
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies, which teachers can use to accelerate the attainment of the various course outcomes.
1. Chalk and talk, PPT presentations,
2. You tube videos,
3. visit to nearby sites
AdvancedElectricalSystemDesignforBuildings :Basics of Electrical System, Electrical terminologies,
Major Electrical equipment, Buildingpower distribution and its schemes, Fundamentals of Power&
distribution transformers, HT,LT, DG Sets, Cables & Wires, UPS and its importance, Introduction of HT,
LT switchgearssystems,ImportanceofLightingdesign&differentLightfixturesusedinbuildings–
Interior,external, street & offices,RMU, HT consumer, Substation Building in Master plan -
Teaching-LearningProcess Chalk&Talk,PPTpresentation,Youtubevideos,Nearbysitevisits
ExtraLowVoltageSystemforInfrastructureandBuildingAcoustics:Introduction & Brief of ELV
Systems, Concept of Building Management System (BMS) &Fire Alarm System, Interface with
Architecture/ Structure, Access control, CCTV & Publicaddresssystem-Briefandpurpose,BMS-
Teaching-LearningProcess Chalk&Talk,PPTpresentation,Youtubevideos,Nearbysitevisits
Heating,Ventilation&Airconditioningsystems :Basics of HVAC - Psychrometry and its importance -
Major Components of Air conditioningSystem-FundamentalconceptsofHeattransfer,Air-
conditioningsystem,Ventilationsystem, Pressurization Systems and their importance to Life safety,
Chilled water system,Cooling towers and major HVAC equipment, Pumping system in HVAC, Importance
Teaching-LearningProcess Chalk&Talk,PPTpresentation,Youtubevideos,Nearbysitevisits
FireProtectionandLifeSafetySystem :Basics of Fire Protection System - Active Fire protection system
- Passive Fire protectionsystem-BasicsofSmokeControlandFireStopSystems-
Codes&StandardsandStatutoryCompliance - Fire and its Classes - Hazard Classification based on building
occupancy -Means of Egress and its components - Importance of Life Safety - Refuge Area, Fire
#$16032024 1
Teaching-LearningProcess Chalk&Talk,PPTpresentation,Youtubevideos,Nearbysitevisits
Plumbingforwatersupplyandsanitarysystem :ScopeofworksinPublicHealthEngineering-
Sanitaryfixturesandtypes-Watersupplyandtreatment - Rain water drainage system - Landscape irrigation
features – Water demandcalculationbasedonbuildingoccupancy–
Sewagetreatmentprocess-Externalwatersupply,storm drainage & sewerage system - Solid waste
management - Interfacing PHE system withArchitectandStructuralengineers.
Teaching-LearningProcess Chalk&Talk,PPTpresentation,Youtubevideos,Nearbysitevisits
1. UnderstandElectricalSystemalongwithsubstationforabuildinginfrastructure
2. ComprehendthebasicsofacousticsandELVsystemsinbuilding.
3. DesignandimplementationofHVACSystem
4. ImplementFireAlarmSystem(PAS)forbuilding
5. Understandtheimportanceofwatersupplyandsanitaryplumbingsystemforabuilding
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%.
The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to
have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
#$16032024 2
. Online study material
NPTEL video lectures.
#$16032024 3
Annexure-II 1
Accident Investigations And Risk Management: Collection Of Accident Data, Assessment Of
Road Safety, Methods To Identify And Prioritize Hazardous Locations And Elements, Determine
Possible Causes Of Crashes, Crash Reduction Capabilities And Countermeasures, Effectiveness Of
Safety Design Features, Accident Reconstruction, Condition And Collision Diagram.
Traffic Engineering Studies: Statistical Methods In Traffic Safety Analysis – Regression Methods,
Poisson Distribution, Chi- Squared Distribution, Statistical Comparisons- Traffic Management
Measures And Their Influence On Accident Prevention.
Road Safety In Transport Planning And Geometric Design: Vehicle And Human
Characteristics, Road Design And Safety Elements, Redesigning Junctions, Cross Section
Improvements, Traffic Control, Traffic Calming Measures, Road Safety Furniture
Role Of Signs And Markings In Safety: Types Of Signs – Design Specifications – Guidelines For
Installation – Role Of Signs In Safety; Types Of Road Markings – Design Specifications – Role Of Road
Markings In Safety.
Traffic Management Systems For Safety: Road Safety Audits And Tools For Safety Management
Systems, Road Safety Audit Process, Road Safety Improvement Strategies, ITS And Safety.
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Analyse road safety data, identify hazardous locations, and assess safety risks on roadways.
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of road safety interventions and conduct post-implementation
3. Utilize modelling and simulation techniques to predict and assess the impact of road safety
4. Demonstrate knowledge of traffic control devices, traffic management strategies, and their role
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Traffic Engineering And Transportation Planning – L.R. Kadiyali, Khanna Publishers
2. Fundamentals Of Transportation Engineering - C.S.Papacostas, Prentice Hall India.
3. Transportation Engineering – An Introduction, C.Jotin Khisty, B. Kent Lall
4. Fundamentals Of Traffic Engineering, Richardo G Sigua
5. Handbook Of Road Safety Measures, Second Edition, Rune Elvik, Alena Hoye, Truls Vaa,
Michael Sorenson
6. Road Safety By NCHRP
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Annexure-II 1
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Global warming: concept, indicators, factor and effects. Global climate change-indicators, health
impacts, effect on biodiversity. Introduction to global efforts in conservation of biodiversity.
.EIA regulations in India, status of EIA in India, list of projects needing environmental clearance
under EIA notifications. Case study of hydro power/ thermal power projects
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Apprehend various components of land as a natural resource and land use planning.
2. Know availability and demand for water resources as applied to India.
3. Analyse the components of air as resource and its pollution.
4. Discuss biodiversity & its role in ecosystem functioning.
5. Critically appreciate the environmental concerns of today.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The
minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to
have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
#$16032024 2
#$16032024 1
EnergyEfficientrating :Energy efficiency rating for distribution transformers, diesel generator set,
motors, pumps,electrical appliances, lighting fixtures and lifts as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(BEE).EnergyefficiencyinHVACsystem–VariableFrequencyDrive(VFD),Airvolumedrive.Rooftop solar
installations and solar water heaters, Heat recovery system in buildings,
Teaching-LearningProcess Chalk&Talk,PPTpresentation,Youtubevideos,Nearbysitevisits
5. Adopt green project management methodology
6. Understandenergyefficiencymeasuresinabuilding.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%.
The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to
have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
#$16032024 2
1. TheSustainableHabitatHandbook(6VolumeSet),GRIHAVersion2019
2. NationalBuildingCode–2016,Volume1&2,BureauofIndianStandards
3. EnergyConservationBuildingCode–2017(withamendmentsupto2020),BureauofEnergyEfficiency.
. Online study material
NPTEL video lectures.
#$16032024 3
Annexure-II 1
Introduction to Precast and its elements: tractors, end users) and Limitations, Residential,
Commercial & Industrial Applications of precast, Materials used, Code provisions and clauses.
Major elements (Beam, slab, wall, column, foundation, staircase, roof elements, façade) :
Classification, Types and shapes, selection, application, erection, advantages, Infra works -
Pipes & drains, duct bank, baggage handling tunnel, culvert and sleeper, facia element,
pavement and channel.
Precast Structural Systems, Production, Storage, & Logistics: Structural System: Skeletal
System, Portal Frame system, Large Panel system, Cell Block system and hollow block
system, Guide lines of selection – Residential & office buildings, Industrial Buildings,
Commercial buildings, Structural Stability and Structural Behaviour.
Plant and Production: Introduction -Types & Process, Production – Design and shop
drawings, check lists, Moulding, Casting and its types, Concreting, Curing, Demoulding and
Storage, Delivery, Handling- introduction and types of equipment, lifting devices, Erection
and installation - Horizontal components, vertical components, special elements, Quality
Inspection and Tolerance
Modelling, Analysis and design of Wall system: Design Basis Criteria: Geometric
parameters and Occupancy, Location and Associated Parameters, Systems and material
specifications, analysis tools, Loads and Load Combinations – gravity loads, lateral loads (
seismic and wind)
ETABS software, Modelling, Analysis and Design of structural elements for RC Wall system:
Design of RC wall, beam, slab & staircase, Design for stripping, stacking, transportation and
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Joints Connections for RC Wall system, Modelling, Analysis, Design of the Frame system:
Joints connections for RC wall system – Wall to foundation, wall to wall horizontal connection,
wall to wall vertical connection, beam to wall connection, beam to beam connection, slab to wall
– progressive collapse, diaphragm action & slab to beam connection, staircase to beam or wall
Modelling, Analysis and design for Frame system and its connections: ETABS Modelling,
Analysis and Design for frame system (foundation, column, beam, slab etc.)
Prestressed concrete and Preventive Measures and case studies: Prestressed Concrete,
Various types of slab design and its check, Slab to beam connection Preventive Measures –
Testing requirements, water tightness, temporary supports, MEP related preventive measures,
progressive collapse – introduction and design, common defects and remedies.
Case Studies - Residential Project, Commercial Project
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Comprehend the necessity of precast construction
2. Adopt the appropriate mould and method for casting, transportation, and erection.
3. Compute loads (Dead, Superimposed, Live, Wind, Seismic) of various elements & services
and select appropriate vertical & lateral load resisting systems for the various loads acting on
the building
4. Create and analyze a precast building model using ETABS software
5. Design of precast building including connections, adhering to the code requirements &
functional aspects
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Annexure-II 3
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
#$16032024 3
Annexure-II 1
Introduction to underground constructions and tunnelling: General Description of Various
Tunnels and other underground structures, Components of a tunnel, Stress around an
underground opening, Methods of excavations, Subsurface investigation
Surface investigation, Sampling Techniques, Laboratory and in-situ testing of soil and rock, Indian
standard codes
Construction, challenges and solutions for Caverns, shaft and underground stations:
Factors affecting the choice of method of tunnel construction, Cut and cover method, Bored
method, Drill and blast method, Sequential excavation method and shaft method, Norwegian
tunnel boring method (NTM), New Austrian tunnel boring method (NATM), Methods of
construction of caverns and shafts and underground stations, Challenges and solutions for
execution of these methods, Different types of Tunnel boring machines.
Design methodology, Instrumentation and monitoring for tunnels: Rock mass classification,
Geotechnical and geological inputs for design, Empirical, semi empirical and joint set analysis,
Numerical 2D modelling and final support recommendations, Need for Instrumentation and
monitoring in tunnels, Types of Instruments - Planning and execution
Support systems and design software for tunnels: Need for pre-excavation support system, Fore
piling, Bolts and Anchors, Shotcrete, wire meshes, lattice girders and integrated support systems,
Different types of retaining structures and their applicability. Secant piles, Sheet piles, contiguous
piles and soldier piles and D wall. Requirement of investigation to be carried out for underground
structure, Preparation geotechnical interpretation report for design of retaining structure,
Numerical analysis to be performed for temporary / permanent retaining system, Introduction to
software to be used in embedded retaining system, Case studies.
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Indian and International Code provisions: Introduction to interpretation using Rock data,
Introduction to Wallap, Introduction to Plaxis Introduction to RS-2, Introduction to CIRIA 143,
Wallap and their application Practical application & case studies
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Comprehend the different soil investigation techniques, rock mass classifications, components of
different underground structures and their functions.
2. Design and apply different construction methodologies for tunnels, Caverns and shafts in different soil
and rock conditions
3. Evaluate the suitability of different excavation supports such as sheet piles, soldier piles, diaphragm
walls and tunnel support for different soil and rock conditions
4. Create an instrumentation monitoring plan for tunnel construction
5. Comprehend the use of different software tools in deep excavations and apply code provisions for
mitigating water ingress and seepage in excavations and tunnels
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The
minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to
have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
#$16032024 2
MKV-TEMPLATEforIPCC(26.04.2022) Annexure-III
1. Blackboardteaching/powerpointpresentation
2. Regularreviewofthestudentsbyaskingquestionsbasedontopicscoveredintheclass
Design of R C slabs by yield line method.
Design of RCC overhead circular and rectangular water tanks with supporting towers
Design of grid or coffered floors.
Design of flat slabs
Design of R C Chimneys.
Design of continuous beams with redistribution of Moments
Design of R C bunkers
Design of R C silos
Formwork: Introduction, Requirements of good formwork, Materials for forms,choice of formwork,
loads on formwork, Permissible stresses for timber, Design of formwork, Shuttering for columns,
Shuttering for slabs and beams, Erection of Formwork, Action prior to and during concreting, Striking of
forms. Recent developments in form work
#$16032024 1
MKV-TEMPLATEforIPCC(26.04.2022) Annexure-III
On completion of this course, students can:
1. Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem-solving skills
2. Understand the principles of Structural Design.
3. Design and develop analytical skills.
4. Summarize the principles of Structural Design and detailing
5. Understands the structural performance
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is
50%.The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for
theSEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall
bedeemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/course if the student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the
CIE(Continuous InternalEvaluation)andSEE (SemesterEndExamination)taken together.
50marksforCIEaresplitinto30marksforthreeInternalAssessmentTestsand 20marksforother
Thefirsttestattheendof30-35%coverageofthe syllabus, thesecondtestaftercovering65-70%of
thesyllabus and the third test for 95-100% coverage of syllabus
Thestudentmustsecure40%of50marks toqualifyintheCIE
#$16032024 2
Course Code: BCV801C CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 0:3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
To understand what are the objectives of project management.
To outline the principles followed in carrying out a project.
To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles.
To function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams.
To understand the concepts of finance and accounts carried out in project management.
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies, which teachers can use to accelerate the attainment of the various course
1. Chalk and talk
2. Power point Presentation, video
3.Group Discussions
Project Implementation, Monitoring and Control
Project representation: Role of project managers ,relevance with objective of organization, preliminary
manipulations ,Basic Scheduling concepts :Resource levelling ,Resource allocation ,Setting a base line,
Project management information system: Importance of contracts in projects: Team work in Project
Management: Formation of Effective terms
Teaching-Learning Process Chalk and talk method/Power Point Presentation
Project planning and time management
Purpose, Project scheduling, activity definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimating, schedule
development, schedule control, project management using CPM\PERT- Network basics, Network
development, PERT analysis, advantages. Computerized network analysis- features of PM software,
capabilities of PM software, multi project analysis,
Teaching-Learning Process Chalk and talk method/Power Point Presentation
Project Evaluation, Auditing and Other Related Topics in Project Management
Project Evaluation: Project auditing: Phase of project audit Project closure reports, computers, e-markets in
Project Management:
Teaching-Learning Process Chalk and talk method/Power Point Presentation
Project appraisal: Objectives, essentials of a project methodology – Market appraisal – Technical appraisal –
Financial appraisal – Socio – economic appraisal – Management appraisal
Finance and Accounting
Source of finance: Term Loans: Capital Structure: Financial Institution Accounting Principles: Preparation and
Interpretation of balance sheets, profit and loss statements , Fixed Assets, Current assets, Depreciation methods
#$16032024 1
:Break even analysis:
#$16032024 2
Annexure-II 1
Introduction to Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) and Planning of Metros: Overview of
Metro, Transit Oriented Development, Feasibility Study for MRTS Project, Sustainable and
Smart Technologies, Recent Advancements & Future Technologies (High Speed Rail
Technology, 'Maglev & Ground Effect Trains etc.). Basic Interfacing Principles – Alignment,
Urban level planning, constraints and restrictions, Building Information Modelling in Metros,
HVAC Systems, Tunnel Ventilation System, Public Health Engineering, Fire Alarm System
Design, Construction and Quality Control: Introduction to Contracts, Overview of FIDIC
standards, Introduction to Quality Systems, Precasting Yard Development, Types of Precast
Super Structure, Precast Mould development, Formwork System Overview, introduction to
Precast Erection, Superstructure launching Methods, Obligatory Spans, substructure and
foundation Construction Methodology, Challenges in Foundation Construction Alignment /
Span configuration of elevated structures, Soil condition and type of foundations, Substructure
system, Choosing type of Pier based on alignment profile, Rail / Over Head Equipment mast,
Station overall layout, Pier arm - spine wing / cantilever and Platform- precast/cast-in-situ
system. Erection methods and case studies Overview of Elevated station, Analysis and Design,
Spine beam method, Design of station components, Loads and introduction to IRC/IRS Codes,
'Analysis and Design of superstructure, Substructure and foundation, 'Introduction to
Modelling Software - STAAD Pro .
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Earth Retaining systems, Underground Metro Stations, Tunnels and monitoring systems:
Underground Stations and its configurations, Shoring Systems, supporting systems,
Construction Methodology (Bottom Up method/ Top Down method), Tunnelling methods and
monitoring systems, Earth retaining structures, Secant pile wall design, Guide walls,
Introduction to Loads, Load combinations, Fire resistant criteria and Floatation check, 2D &
3D model generation, SOD restrictions & Element sizing for UG Stations, Design of all the
components of UG station.
Introduction to Seaports: Introduction and evolution of Ports and Harbors, Terminologies, Over
view of Marine Structures, Operation and components of Ports, Site investigation and survey,
Approach facilities and navigational aids. Design considerations and functional requirements of
typical port structures, Breakwater Structures, Berthing structures, Piers, Wharfs, Jetties, Quays,
Dolphins, Fenders, Dredging facilities, Shipyard structures (dry dock and floating dock), Shore
protection and Reclamation
Enabling structures: Cofferdams and Dewatering – Case study, Load Out Jetty (LOJ) – Design
of retaining structure, Elevated platform and Hydraulic ramp. Casting Yard Planning and Mould
Optimisation. Piling Gantry – Layout, Loading. Rock Works – Breakwater construction,
Revetment. Floating Stability/Caisson launching – Casting bed, Ballasting. Modular
Construction – Modularisation, Erection.
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Create the basic layout of elevated and underground metro stations as per laid down codes
and regulations
2. Interpret design recommendations and Codes of Practice for Elevated and Underground
Metros and select suitable construction practices
3. Design the earth retaining systems for the excavations of underground stations
4. Comprehend the different permanent and enabling structures of seaports and harbors
5. Design Enabling structures of Ports and Harbors
#$16032024 2
Annexure-II 3
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
#$16032024 3
Annexure-II 1
Introduction to Climatology and heat ingress in building: Basics of climatology, Earth – Sun
relationship, Solar angles and sun path diagram, Design of shading systems. Basics of
Thermodynamics, Convection/radiation heat transfer, Heat gain through various elements of a
building, Thermal comfort models and case studies.
Building acoustics, Indoor air quality and Lighting in buildings: Basics of sound and Building
acoustics – Acoustic defects, prevention of sound transmission and acoustic measure for office
building. Indoor Air Quality – Effects, control of contaminants and moisture in indoor
environment, Integrated approach for IAQ management. Fundamentals of lighting- Daylighting
and its metrics – Strategies for daylighting and its control. Artificial lighting – Design and control
strategies – Visual comfort enhancement.
Energy efficient buildings, Water and Waste management in buildings: Energy efficiency – Energy
efficiency in building envelope and energy efficient HVAC and Lighting as per Energy
conservation building code (ECBC) 2017, Energy simulation, Energy management system –
Renewable energy and Energy Audit. (demand control ventilation) Water Efficiency – Planning
and design of water management system, Rain water harvesting, Water efficient design and
fixtures, Treatment and reuse and Water efficient landscape system.
Waste management – Types of waste and its treatment methods, Construction and demolition
waste management, Waste management in residential, commercial buildings, healthcare facilities.
Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings and Green project management: Materials – Green product
certifications, features of sustainable building materials and sustainable alternatives for structural,
envelope and finishing materials. Low carbon cement, Zero emission bricks and lean construction
practices. Life cycle assessment and its types – Modelling and Analysis, Greenhouse gas emission.
Different phases of Green building project management.
Energy conservation: Energy efficiency rating for distribution transformers, diesel generator set,
motors, pumps, electrical appliances, lighting fixtures and lifts as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(BEE). Energy efficiency in HVAC system – Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), Air volume drive. Roof
top solar installations and solar water heaters, Heat recovery system in buildings, Building
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Management System (BMS) – Occupancy sensors and energy efficient lighting controls, Smart
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Comprehend climatology, shading system and analyze heat transfer mechanism in buildings.
2. Assess the design considerations and parameters for lighting, acoustics and indoor air quality.
3. Develop solutions for energy efficiency, water efficiency and waste management in buildings.
4. Calculate energy savings and CO2 mitigation using web tools such as ECONIWAS and Solar
rooftop calculator.
5. Adopt green project management methodology and evaluate building life cycle assessment.
6. Implement energy conservation measures in buildings.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The
minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to
have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. HarharaIyer G, Green Building Fundamentals, Notion Press
2. Dr. Adv. HarshulSavla, Green Building: Principles & Practices
3. The Sustainable Habitat Handbook (6 Volume Set), GRIHA Version 2019
4. National Building Code – 2016, Volume 1&2, Bureau of Indian Standards
5. Energy Conservation Building Code – 2017 (with amendments up to 2020), Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
E-learning content on L&T EduTech Platform.
Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning
Visit to green buildings
#$16032024 2
Annexure-II 1
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Annexure-II 2
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Goetsch D.L., (1999), “Occupational Safety and Heal th for Technologists, Engineers and Managers”, Pren
tice Hall.
2. Heinrich H.W., (2007), “Industrial Accident Prevent ion - A Scientific Approach”, McGraw-Hill Book
3. National Safety Council and Associate (Data) Publishers Pvt. Ltd., (1991), “Industrial Safety and Poll
ution Control Handbook
4. Colling D.A., (1990), “Industrial Safety Management and Technology”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
5. Della D.E., and Giustina, (1996), “Safety and Environmental Management”, Van Nostrand Reinhold
International Thomson Publishing Inc.
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning
#$16032024 2
Annexure-II 1
Introduction to the concept of cost effective construction -Uses of different types of materials and
their availability -Stone and Laterite blocks- Burned Bricks- Concrete Blocks- Stabilized Mud Blocks
Lime Poszolana Cement- Gypsum Board- Light Weight Beams- Fiber Reinforced Cement
Components Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite- Bamboo- Availability of different materials-
Recycling of building materials – Brick- Concrete- Steel- Plastics - Environmental issues related to
quarrying of building materials
Environment friendly and cost effective Building Technologies - Different substitute for wall
construction Flemish Bond - Rat Trap Bond – Arches – Panels - Cavity Wall - Ferro Cement and
Ferro Concrete constructions – different pre cast members using these materials - Wall and Roof
Panels – Beams – columns - Door and Window frames - Water tanks - Septic Tanks - Alternate
roofing systems - Filler Slab - Composite Beam and Panel Roof -Pre-engineered and ready to use
building elements - wood products - steel and plastic - Contributions of agencies - Costford -
Nirmithi Kendra - Habitat
Global Warming – Definition - Causes and Effects - Contribution of Buildings towards Global
Warming - Carbon Footprint – Global Efforts to reduce carbon Emissions Green Buildings –
Definition – Features Necessity – Environmental benefit - Economical benefits - Health and Social
benefits - Major Energy efficient areas for buildings – Embodied Energy in Materials Green
Materials - Comparison of Initial cost of Green V/s Conventional Building - Life cycle cost of
Green Building rating Systems- BREEAM – LEED - GREEN STAR -GRIHA ( Green Rating for
Integrated Habitat Assessment) for new buildings – Purpose - Key highlights - Point System with
Differential weight age. Green Design – Definition - Principles of sustainable development in
Building Design - Characteristics of Sustainable Buildings – Sustainably managed Materials -
Integrated Lifecycle design of Materials and Structures (Concepts only)
Utility of Solar Energy in Buildings Utility of Solar energy in buildings concepts of Solar Passive
Cooling and Heating of Buildings. Low Energy Cooling. Case studies of Solar Passive Cooled and
Heated Buildings.
Green Composites for Buildings Concepts of Green Composites. Water Utilisation in Buildings, Low
Energy Approaches to Water Management. Management of Solid Wastes. Management of Sullage
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Water and Sewage. Urban Environment and Green Buildings. Green Cover and Built Environment.
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Harhara Iyer G, Green Building Fundamentals, Notion Press 2. Dr. Adv. Harshul Savla,
Green Building: Principles & Practices
#$16032024 2
Annexure-II 1
#$16032024 1
Annexure-II 2
Public Health Engineering: Scope of works in Public Health Engineering - Sanitary fixtures and
types - Water supply and treatment - Rain water drainage system - Landscape irrigation features
– Water demand calculation based on building occupancy – Piping for different plumbing systems
in buildings – Pump selection – Plant room sizing - Sewage treatment process - External water
supply, storm drainage & sewerage system - Solid waste management - Interfacing PHE system
with Architect and Structural engineers.
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Understand Electrical System along with substation for a building infrastructure
2. Learn ELV System and its interface with other allied services.
3. Design and implement HVAC Systems
4. Learn and implement Fire Alarm System (PAS)
5. Understand and implement importance of Public Health Services
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The
minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to
have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Building Services Integration, P K Barton, Barry G Fryer, David Highfield, ISBN-13 978-0419120308,
SPON Press, 1983
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
E-learning content on L&T EduTech Platform.
Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning
Site visits
#$16032024 2