Roadmaster Plan

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Table of Contents

List of Maps and Diagrams............................................................................................................16

Executive Summary........................................................................................................................20
1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................28
1.1. Background................................................................................................................28
1.2. Purpose of the Report................................................................................................28
1.3. Report Contents.........................................................................................................29
1.4. Data Sources..............................................................................................................29
2. Assessment of Current Situation.........................................................................................30
2.1. Physical Characteristics.............................................................................................30
2.2. Road Traffic...............................................................................................................32
2.3. Road Classification....................................................................................................33
2.4. Legal and Regulatory Framework.............................................................................38
3. Diagnosis of existing problems.............................................................................................39
3.1. Road Conditions........................................................................................................39
3.1.1. Overall Roughness Indicators......................................................................39
3.1.2. National Highways and Regional Highways................................................40
3.1.3. Roughness....................................................................................................40
3.1.4. Benkelman Beam Deflections (BBD)..........................................................40
3.1.5. Pavement Composition.................................................................................41
3.1.6. Subgrade.......................................................................................................41
3.1.7. Engineering properties of Bangladesh soil...................................................41
3.1.8. Structural Strength of Existing Pavement....................................................41
3.1.9. Carriageway Width.......................................................................................42
3.1.10. Routine Maintenance....................................................................................42
3.2. Zila Road Conditions.................................................................................................43
3.2.1. Current Situation..........................................................................................43
3.3. Bridge Conditions......................................................................................................44
3.3.1. Introduction..................................................................................................44
3.3.2. Current Situation..........................................................................................44
3.3.3. Conditions of Bridges...................................................................................45
3.3.4. Analysis of ‘D’ Class Structures..................................................................47
3.3.5. Analysis of ‘C’ Class Structures..................................................................48
3.3.6. Field Surveys................................................................................................48
3.4. Axle Loads................................................................................................................49
3.4.1. Survey Equipment........................................................................................49
3.4.2. Survey Locations and Schedule....................................................................49
3.4.3. Analysis of Survey Data...............................................................................49
3.4.4. The Destructive Nature of Overloading.......................................................53
3.4.5. Conclusions regarding Overloading.............................................................56
3.5. Operational Problems on Major Highways...............................................................57
3.5.1. Introduction..................................................................................................57
3.5.2. Coverage of the field study..........................................................................57
3.5.3. Major problems affecting operational efficiencies.......................................57
3.6. Road Safety...............................................................................................................59
3.6.1. Introduction..................................................................................................59
3.6.2. Accident Statistics........................................................................................59
3.6.3. Factors contributing to accidents..................................................................60
3.7. Environmental and Social Issues...............................................................................61
3.7.1. Environment.................................................................................................61

3.7.2. Resettlement and Land Acquisition..............................................................61
3.7.3. Human Trafficking.......................................................................................61
3.7.4. HIV/AIDS....................................................................................................62
3.7.5. Employment.................................................................................................62
3.8. Ferries........................................................................................................................63
3.9. Institutional Issues.....................................................................................................64
3.9.1. Organisation and Staff..................................................................................64
3.9.2. Budgetary Control and Financial Issues.......................................................65
3.9.3. RHD Issues of Management Culture............................................................65
3.9.4. Current Institutional Change Initiatives in RHD..........................................65
4. Future Scenarios...................................................................................................................66
4.1. Population Growth.....................................................................................................66
4.2. Economic Growth......................................................................................................67
4.3. Vehicle Growth.........................................................................................................68
4.3.1. Trucks...........................................................................................................68
4.3.2. Buses............................................................................................................69
4.3.3. Cars..............................................................................................................69
4.3.4. All Vehicles..................................................................................................70
5. Policies and Commitments...................................................................................................72
5.1. Road Sector Policy....................................................................................................72
5.2. Commitments............................................................................................................74
5.2.1. Introduction..................................................................................................74
5.2.2. Size of the ADP............................................................................................75
5.2.3. Prioritization within ADP.............................................................................75
5.2.4. Rationalization of the ADP..........................................................................76
5.2.5. Committed Road Improvement and Maintenance Projects..........................77
5.2.6. Recent Funding Levels.................................................................................79
6. Approach...............................................................................................................................80
6.1. Summary of Issues....................................................................................................80
6.2. Approach...................................................................................................................80
7. Proposed Design Standards.................................................................................................84
7.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................84
7.1.1. Approach......................................................................................................84
7.1.2. Geometric Standards....................................................................................84
7.2. Design and Permissible Speeds.................................................................................84
7.3. Passenger Car Unit....................................................................................................85
7.4. Level of Service.........................................................................................................85
7.5. Shoulder.....................................................................................................................85
7.6. Freeboard...................................................................................................................86
7.7. Crossfall.....................................................................................................................87
7.8. Super-elevation..........................................................................................................87
7.9. Longitudinal Gradient................................................................................................87
7.10. Pavement Design.......................................................................................................87
7.11. Traffic Count.............................................................................................................87
7.12. Design Life................................................................................................................87
7.13. Equivalence Factor....................................................................................................88
7.14. Improved Subgrade...................................................................................................88
7.15. Vertical Clearance.....................................................................................................88
7.16. Land Acquisition.......................................................................................................88
7.17. Costs..........................................................................................................................88
8. Improving Road Strength....................................................................................................89

8.1. Background................................................................................................................89
8.2. The Problem..............................................................................................................89
8.3. Approach...................................................................................................................90
8.3.1. Classification by Traffic...............................................................................90
8.3.2. Condition Levels..........................................................................................90
8.3.3. Matrix Structure...........................................................................................91
8.3.4. Intervention Design......................................................................................91
8.3.5. Design Period...............................................................................................91
8.3.6. Growth Rates................................................................................................91
8.3.7. Cumulative Standard Axles..........................................................................91
8.4. Pavement Strength.....................................................................................................92
8.4.1. Design Pavement Strength...........................................................................92
8.4.2. Existing Pavement Strength.........................................................................92
8.4.3. Equivalent Overlay Thickness......................................................................93
8.4.4. Intervention Schedule...................................................................................94
8.5. Cost of Intervention...................................................................................................94
8.6. Input Matrices............................................................................................................94
8.7. Interventions Required..............................................................................................97
8.8. Updating Prices of Vehicle Operating Cost Components........................................103
8.8.1. General.......................................................................................................103
8.8.2. Vehicle Purchase Cost................................................................................104
8.8.3. Tyre cost.....................................................................................................104
8.8.4. Fuel and Lubricants....................................................................................105
8.8.5. Maintenance Labour Costs.........................................................................105
8.8.6. Crew Costs.................................................................................................106
8.8.7. Overheads...................................................................................................106
8.8.8. Summary of VOC Inputs............................................................................106
8.9. Economic Appraisal................................................................................................106
8.10. Summary of Interventions on National and Regional Highways............................107
9. Axle Load Control..............................................................................................................109
9.1. Emerging Issues.......................................................................................................109
9.2. Load Limit...............................................................................................................109
9.3. Equipment................................................................................................................109
9.4. Strategic Locations for fixed Weighbridges............................................................109
9.5. Proposed Weighbridge Locations............................................................................110
9.6. Actions Required.....................................................................................................111
9.7. Proposed Level of Fine or Toll................................................................................111
9.8. Costs of Axle Load Control.....................................................................................111
9.9. Next Steps................................................................................................................112
9.10. Implementation........................................................................................................112
10. Improving the Operation of Major Highways..................................................................113
10.1. Solutions to the operational problems.....................................................................113
10.2. Proposed By-passes.................................................................................................114
10.3. Access to Inland River Ports...................................................................................114
10.4. Programme Costs of Other Interventions................................................................114
10.5. Programme Costs.....................................................................................................115
11. Zila Road Recovery Programme.......................................................................................116
11.1. Importance and Function of Zila Roads..................................................................116
11.2. Prioritisation of Road Projects.................................................................................116
11.2.1. Why not HDM?..........................................................................................116
11.2.2. Why not PAF method?...............................................................................117

11.3. General Approach....................................................................................................117

11.3.1. Strategic Objectives....................................................................................117
11.4. Approach to Prioritisation........................................................................................118
11.4.1. Priority Level 1: Primary and Secondary Roads.......................................118
11.4.2. Priority Level 2: Road Condition..............................................................118
11.4.3. Priority Level 3: Socio-Economic Score...................................................119
11.5. The Recovery Programme.......................................................................................119
11.5.1. Priority Level 1 – Primary and Secondary Roads......................................119
11.5.2. Priority Level 2 – Road Condition.............................................................119
11.5.3. Cost Estimates............................................................................................120
11.5.4. Prioritisation...............................................................................................120
11.5.5. Priority Levels............................................................................................120
11.5.6. Recovery Workplan....................................................................................121
11.6. New Construction Programme................................................................................122
11.6.1. Prioritisation of New Roads Required........................................................122
11.7. Remaining Unpaved Roads.....................................................................................123
11.8. Routine Maintenance...............................................................................................123
11.9. Periodic Maintenance and Rehabilitation................................................................124
11.10. Conclusions and Recommendations........................................................................124
11.10.1. Summary of Zila Road Recovery Programme...........................................124
11.10.2. Future Updates...........................................................................................124
11.10.3. Summary of Interventions..........................................................................125
11.10.4. Impacts.......................................................................................................125
12. Bridge Repair and construction programme...................................................................126
12.1. Bridge condition category.......................................................................................126
12.1.1. Major damage.............................................................................................126
12.1.2. Narrow width..............................................................................................126
12.1.3. Bridges length over 100m and above.........................................................126
12.2. Replacement/reconstruction/repair work in progress..............................................127
12.2.1. Major bridges.............................................................................................127
12.3. Prioritisation............................................................................................................127
12.3.1. Priority of roads..........................................................................................127
12.3.2. Priority of Bridge Reconstruction and Repair............................................127
12.4. Identification of Bridges on maps............................................................................127
12.5. Site Surveys.............................................................................................................128
12.5.1. BCS data base.............................................................................................128
12.5.2. Site Verification of BCS data base.............................................................128
12.6. Unit price and Estimated cost..................................................................................128
12.6.1. Unit Rates...................................................................................................128
12.6.2. Estimated costs...........................................................................................129
12.6.3. Priority of Repair and Reconstruction of Bridges......................................129
12.7. Narrow Bridges.......................................................................................................131
12.8. Replacement of Portable Steel Bridges...................................................................134
12.9. Upgrade Condition B to Condition A......................................................................138
12.10. Ferry Replacement Programme...............................................................................139
12.10.1. National and Regional Highways...............................................................139
12.10.2. Zila Roads..................................................................................................139
12.10.3. River Training............................................................................................140
12.11. Economic Appraisal................................................................................................140
12.11.1. Deterioration and Remaining Life of C Class Bridges...............................141
12.11.2. Cost of the Bridge Repair Programme.......................................................141

12.11.3. Benefits......................................................................................................141
12.11.4. Cost-Benefit Analysis.................................................................................142
12.12. Recommendations...................................................................................................142
12.12.1. Updating of BCS survey data.....................................................................142
12.12.2. Recommendations for updating of BCS data base.....................................142
12.12.3. Recommendations for RHD Programme Management..............................143
12.13. Programme Summary..............................................................................................143
13. Road Safety..........................................................................................................................145
13.1. Road Safety: Priority Action Areas.........................................................................145
13.2. Institutional Reform.................................................................................................146
13.3. Integrated Pilot Project............................................................................................147
13.4. Level Crossing Replacement Programme................................................................148
13.4.1. Level Crossing Data...................................................................................148
13.4.2. Grade Separation Proposals........................................................................149
13.4.3. Intervention Criteria...................................................................................149
13.5. Evaluation Methodology.........................................................................................150
13.5.1. Benefits......................................................................................................150
13.5.2. Economic Evaluation.................................................................................153
13.5.3. Protection at Other Level Crossings...........................................................153
13.5.4. Programme Cost.........................................................................................154
14. Traffic Growth....................................................................................................................155
14.1. Approach.................................................................................................................155
14.2. Traffic Forecasting..................................................................................................155
14.3. Traffic Model Development....................................................................................155
14.4. Traffic Modelling Schedule.....................................................................................157
14.5. Forecast Increases in Traffic....................................................................................157
14.6. 2010 Base Year........................................................................................................157
14.7. 2015 Base Conditions..............................................................................................157
14.8. 2020 Base Conditions..............................................................................................158
14.9. 2025 Base Conditions..............................................................................................158
14.10. Scheme Identification..............................................................................................158
14.11. Preliminary Project Appraisal..................................................................................160
14.12. N1 (Dhaka-Chittagong) Improvement.....................................................................160
14.13. Land Port Connections............................................................................................161
14.14. Asian Highway........................................................................................................161
14.14.1. Background................................................................................................161
14.14.2. Road Upgrading to Asian Highway Standards...........................................162
14.15. Private Sector Involvement.....................................................................................162
14.16. Paving National and Regional Roads......................................................................163
14.17. Network Connectivity..............................................................................................163
14.18. Safeguarding............................................................................................................163
15. Road Maintenance..............................................................................................................164
15.1. Routine Maintenance...............................................................................................164
15.1.1. Costs...........................................................................................................164
15.1.2. Institutional Arrangements.........................................................................164
15.2. Periodic Maintenance..............................................................................................165
16. Bridge Maintenance Interventions....................................................................................166
16.1. Introduction.............................................................................................................166
16.2. Maintenance Goal....................................................................................................166
16.3. The Benefits of Maintenance...................................................................................166
16.3.1. Maintenance Activities...............................................................................166

16.4. Supervision and Execution plan..............................................................................167

16.5. Monitoring and Evaluation......................................................................................168
16.6. Bridge Maintenance Cost Rates...............................................................................168
16.7. Cost Estimates for the Road Masterplan.................................................................168
16.8. Economic Appraisal................................................................................................169
16.8.1. Age and Condition Analysis.......................................................................169
16.8.2. Deterioration and Remaining Life of A & B Class Bridges.......................169
16.8.3. Cost of the Maintenance Programme.........................................................170
16.8.4. Benefits......................................................................................................170
16.8.5. Cost-Benefit Analysis.................................................................................171
16.9. Conclusions and Recommendation..........................................................................171
17. Programme Costs................................................................................................................173
17.1. Programme Component Costs.................................................................................173
17.2. Overall Programme.................................................................................................174
17.3. Prioritisation of the Masterplan...............................................................................174
17.4. Funding....................................................................................................................174
17.4.1. Road Fund..................................................................................................174
17.4.2. Annual Development Programme..............................................................174
17.4.3. Private Sector.............................................................................................176
17.4.4. Development Partners................................................................................177
17.4.5. Summary of Funding..................................................................................177
17.5. Private Sector Involvement.....................................................................................177
17.5.1. Adminstrative Arrangements......................................................................177
17.5.2. Benefits......................................................................................................178
17.5.3. Direct Competition in Bidding...................................................................178
17.5.4. Project Definition.......................................................................................179
17.5.5. Transparency in Bidding............................................................................180
17.5.6. Time and Transaction Costs.......................................................................181
17.5.7. Staged Implementation of a PPP Bidding Process.....................................181
18. Social consequences of the Road Masterplan...................................................................185
18.1. Resettlement and Land Acquisition.........................................................................185
18.2. Traffic Management................................................................................................185
18.3. Non-motorised vehicles...........................................................................................186
18.4. Civil Participation....................................................................................................186
18.5. Employment............................................................................................................186
18.6. Stakeholder Participation.........................................................................................187
18.7. Environmental Protection........................................................................................187
18.7.1. Water Management....................................................................................187
18.7.2. Use of Bricks..............................................................................................188
18.7.3. Temporary Works.......................................................................................188
18.8. HIV or AIDS...........................................................................................................189
18.9. Human Trafficking..................................................................................................189
19. Institutional Consequences................................................................................................190
19.1. Capacity...................................................................................................................190
19.2. Private Sector Involvement.....................................................................................190
19.3. Reform Agenda.......................................................................................................190
20. Implementation...................................................................................................................191
20.1. Programmes.............................................................................................................191
20.2. Annual Development Programme (ADP)................................................................191
20.3. Projects....................................................................................................................191
20.4. Implementing Agencies...........................................................................................191

20.5. Improving the Quality of Construction....................................................................191

20.6. Monitoring and Review...........................................................................................191

Table 2-1 : Roads and Highways road network definition and lengths...........................................30
Table 2-2 : Growth in the RHD road network.................................................................................31
Table 2-3 : Growth in number of bridges under RHD.....................................................................31
Table 2-4 : Traffic volumes on RHD network..................................................................................32
Table 2-5 : Percentage Distribution of Traffic by Traffic Volume, 1991 and 2006.........................32
Table 2-6 : Observed traffic growth factors by road class................................................................33
Table 2-7 : National Highway functional connections.....................................................................35
Table 2-8 : Registered Vehicles in Bangladesh, 1988 to 2003.........................................................36
Table 2-9 : Growth in Registered vehicles (% per year), 1994 to 2006...........................................36
Table 2-10 : District Headquarters Connections...............................................................................37
Table 2-11 : Proposed RHD road re-classifications..........................................................................38
Table 2-12 : RHD Legal Framework................................................................................................38
Table 3-1 : RHD Road Network and Roughness Surveyed Length (km).........................................39
Table 3-2 : Qualitative Descriptors of IRI Values............................................................................39
Table 3-3 : Average roughness (IRI in m/km) for years 2003 to 2005.............................................39
Table 3-4 : Lengths (km) of National Highways by traffic and roughness......................................40
Table 3-5 : Roughness of RHD Roads, IRI (m/km).........................................................................40
Table 3-6 : BBD Results for RHD Roads.........................................................................................40
Table 3-7 : Structural strength of National Highways......................................................................42
Table 3-8 : Structural Strength of Regional Highways.....................................................................42
Table 3-9 : Number of lanes on paved RHD roads...........................................................................42
Table 3-10: Allocation of Routine Maintenance Budget (2006-07).................................................43
Table 3-11: Summary of current Zila Road conditions...................................................................44
Table 3-12: List of Upazilas not currently connected to the RHD network....................................44
Table 3-13: Type of Condition category and description.................................................................46
Table 3-14: Number of structures by type........................................................................................46
Table 3-15 : Degree of Deterioration................................................................................................46
Table 3-16 : Number of structures by condition category................................................................47
Table 3-17 : Condition Category by Structures Type.......................................................................47
Table 3-18 : Category ‘D’ Class Structures by length and road class..............................................47
Table 3-19: Category ‘C’ Class Structures by length and road class................................................48
Table 3-20: Axle Load Survey Locations and Schedule...................................................................50
Table 3-21: Equivalent Standard Axles obtained at 11 Locations...................................................51
Table 3-22 : Example of Load Equivalencies...................................................................................55
Table 3-23 : No of Haat/ Bazaars Causing Traffic Congestion........................................................58
Table 3-24 : Summary of Road Operating Categories......................................................................59
Table 3-25 : Worst stretches of National Highways for fatal accidents.....................................60
Table 3-26 : RHD Ferries and Pontoons...........................................................................................63
Table 3-27 : Bridges under construction...........................................................................................64
Table 4-1 : National Population forecasts.........................................................................................66
Table 4-2 : Average Annual Forecast Vehicle Growth Rates (%)....................................................71
Table 5-1 : Road Sector Policy.........................................................................................................72
Table 5-2 : Estimated committed expenditure resulting from the 2006/07 ADP.............................77
Table 5-3 : Committed Interventions on paved National and Regional Highways..........................77
Table 6-1 : Role of the Masterplan in implementing the Road Sector Policy..................................80
Table 7-1 : Design and Permissible Speeds......................................................................................84
Table 7-2 : Modifications proposed to PCU’s..................................................................................85
Table 8-1 : Grouped Traffic Levels..................................................................................................90

Table 8-2 : Grouped Road Condition Levels...................................................................................90

Table 8-3: SN values for National Roads.......................................................................................93
Table 8-4 : SN values for Regional Highways................................................................................94
Table 8-5 : Input Matrix for National Roads...........................................................................95
Table 8-6 : Input Matrix for Regional Highways.............................................................................96
Table 8-7 : Interventions Required on National Highways and Regional Highways (Km)............97
Table 8-8 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Barisal Zone............................................97
Table 8-9 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Chittagong Zone......................................98
Table 8-10 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Comilla Zone........................................98
Table 8-11 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Dhaka Zone...........................................99
Table 8-12 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Rangpur Zone......................................100
Table 8-13 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Khulna Zone.......................................101
Table 8-14 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Rajshahi Zone.....................................102
Table 8-15 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Sylhet Zone.........................................103
Table 8-16 : Percentage tariffs applicable to representative vehicles and tyres............................104
Table 8-17: New Vehicle Purchase Costs (Taka in 2006-07 prices).............................................104
Table 8-18: Cost of New Tyre (Taka in 2006-07 prices)...............................................................105
Table 8-19 : Economic and Financial Prices of Fuel (Taka per litre in 2006-07 prices)..............105
Table 8-20 : Crew Wage Cost (Taka per hour in 2006-07 prices)................................................106
Table 8-21: Annual Overhead Costs (Taka in 2006-07 prices).....................................................106
Table 8-22 : NPV/Capital Cost for National Highway and Regional Highway Interventions......107
Table 8-23 : Summary of Committed and Proposed interventions on National and Regional Highways
(first 5 years)..........................................................................................................................107
Table 8-24 : Programme Requirements.........................................................................................107
Table 8-25 : Summary of VOC Inputs - 2006-07 prices...............................................................108
Table 9-1 : Proposed Weighbridge Locations................................................................................110
Table 9-2 : Options for Ensuring compliance................................................................................111
Table 9-3 : Proposed Tariffs at Auskandi Weighbridge................................................................111
Table 9-4 : Expenditure Programme for Axle Load Control (Crore Taka)...................................112
Table 10-1 : Types of Encroachments and Possible Solutions.....................................................113
Table 10-2: Summary Table- Categories of Solutions necessary to address Encroachment Problems on
major National Highways.......................................................................................................114
Table 10-3 : Locations of the Proposed by- passes,major National Highways (N1-N8)..............115
Table 10-4 : Traffic Management Cost Estimates (Crore Taka)...................................................115
Table 10-5 : Traffic Management Programme Costs.....................................................................115
Table 11-1: Summary of Priority Levels......................................................................................118
Table 11-2: Characteristics of Primary and Secondary Zila Roads..............................................118
Table 11-3: Unit rates for cost estimates.......................................................................................120
Table 11-4: Description of priority levels.....................................................................................121
Table 11-5: Cost estimate for Recovery Programme....................................................................121
Table 11-6: Recovery Programme Annual Work Plan (Crore Taka)...........................................122
Table 11-7: List of New Roads required and Socio-economic data.............................................122
Table 11-8: Prioritised list of new zila roads required..................................................................123
Table 11-9 : Summary of Zila Road network proposed for periodic maintenance.......................124
Table 11-10 : Summary of interventions on Zila Road network...................................................125
Table 12-1 : Bridge length 100 m and above by category.............................................................126
Table 12-2 : Bridge length 100 m and above by road classification.............................................126
Table 12-3 : RAMS Bridge Options for 2006-2007 in Feni Road Division..................................128
Table 12-4 : Priority of Reconstruction of Bridges........................................................................130
Table 12-5 : Priority 1 Bridges for Reconstruction, National Highways.......................................130
Table 12-6 : Priority 2 Bridges for Reconstruction, National Highways.......................................130

Table 12-7 : Priority Programme for Bridge Repair......................................................................131

Table 12-8 : Narrow Bridges on National Highways.....................................................................131
Table 12-9 : Narrow Bridges on Regional Highways....................................................................132
Table 12-10 : Summary Priority of Narrow Bridges Replacement...............................................133
Table 12-11 : Portable Steel Bridges on National Highways proposed for replacement..............134
Table 12-12 : Portable Steel Bridges on Regional Highways proposed for replacement..............134
Table 12-13 : Recommended new bridge locations on National and Regional Highways...........139
Table 12-14 : Recommended new bridge locations on Zila Roads...............................................139
Table 12-15 : Ferry locations on Zila roads where new bridges are not recommended................140
Table 12-16 : Overall Age and Condition of RHD Bridges..........................................................140
Table 12-17 : Average Age by Condition of RHD Bridges...........................................................141
Table 12-18: Real Age and Remaining Life for C Class Bridges (Years)....................................141
Table 12-19 : C Class Bridges after excluding Narrow Bridges...................................................141
Table 12-20 : Replacement Costs of C Class Bridges...................................................................142
Table 12-21 : Start years for Replacement of C Class Bridges.....................................................142
Table 12-22 : Economic Evaluation of Repair Programme for C Class Bridges (CW width > 3.7 m),
Million Taka...........................................................................................................................143
Table 12-23 : Priority Bridge Construction, Repair and Reconstruction Programme cost summary144
Table 12-24 : D Class Structure Interventions...............................................................................144
Table 12-25 : C Class Structure Interventions...............................................................................144
Table 12-26 : Summary of proposed bridge interventions.............................................................144
Table 13-1 : Issues and Solutions for the Road Safety Pilot Scheme............................................148
Table 13-2 : Level Crossing Characteristics - Bangladesh............................................................149
Table 13-3: Level Crossings Requiring Grade Separation............................................................151
Table 13-4: Financial and Economic TTC for Motorised Vehicles...............................................152
Table 13-5 : Construction and Maintenance Costs of Typical ROB's (in million Taka)...............153
Table 13-6: Level Crossings where ROB’s are justified...............................................................153
Table 13-7: TVU Criteria for Level Crossing Type.......................................................................154
Table 14-1 : Forecast annual average % growth in vehicle-km, National and Regional Highway network
....................................................................................................................................... 157
Table 14-2 : Road Masterplan, Preliminary Scheme Identification...............................................159
Table 14-3 : Savings in Vehicle-hours and Vehicle-km per day for selected schemes.................159
Table 14-4 : Project Costs and Benefits.........................................................................................160
Table 14-5 : Selected Traffic Forecasts, Dhaka-Chittagong Highway..........................................160
Table 14-6 : Costs to Government of Capacity Increase, Dhaka-Chittagong................................161
Table 14-7 : Costs of new Landport connections..........................................................................161
Table 14-8 : Asian Highway Design Standards.............................................................................162
Table 14-9 : Costs of upgrading to Asian Highway standards......................................................162
Table 15-1 : Routine Maintenance Costs of the existing paved network......................................164
Table 15-2 : Periodic Maintenance Costs......................................................................................165
Table 16-1 : List of Category ‘A’ and ‘B’ Bridges (by Structure Type).......................................167
Table 16-2 : Bridge Maintenance Requirements of the Road Masterplan (Crore taka)................169
Table 16-3 : Remaining Life for A & B Bridges “With” and “Without” Maintenance (Yrs).......169
Table 16-4 : A & B Class Bridges after excluding Narrow Bridges.............................................170
Table 16-5 : Bridge Replacement Costs without Maintenance......................................................170
Table 16-6 : Replacement Needs for Bridges by Age (without maintenance)..............................171
Table 16-7 : Economic Evaluation of Maintenance Programme for A and B Class Bridges with CW
width > 3.7 m.........................................................................................................................172
Table 17-1 : Road Masterplan Programmes and Costs..................................................................173
Table 17-2 : Recurrent Expenditure Programmes and Projects of the Road Masterplan, 2008/09 to

Table 17-3 : Capital Programmes and Projects of the RHD Road Masterplan, 2007/08 to 2026/27175
Table 17-4 : Potential Private Sector Participation Projects..........................................................176
Table 17-5 : Potential Projects for Development Partner Support................................................177
Table 17-6 : Summary of Funding Sources for RHD Road Masterplan.......................................177
Table 17-7 : Potential Timetable for Private Sector Road Project Preparation and Bidding........183
Table 17-8 : Road Masterplan........................................................................................................184

Figure 2-1 : Change in composition of traffic by volumes, 1991 to 2006.......................................33

Figure 3-1 : Average pavement thicknesses, RHD roads................................................................41
Figure 3-2: Construction of bridges over the last four decades.......................................................45
Figure 3-3 : Examples of damaged bridges...................................................................................48
Figure 3-4 : Portable Weighbridge used for Axle Load surveys.....................................................49
Figure 3-5 : Equivalent Standard Axle Loads on National Roads...................................................52
Figure 3-6 ; Equivalent Standard Axle Loads on Regional Highways............................................52
Figure 3-7 : Equivalent Standard Axle Loads on Zila Roads..........................................................53
Figure 3-8: Equivalent Standard Axle Loads of Heavy Trucks on National Roads........................53
Figure 3-9 : Top Down Cracks, N1 Dhaka-Chittagong...................................................................54
Figure 3-10: Increase in ESAL with Overloading...........................................................................55
Figure 3-11 : Loss of Pavement Life with Overloading..................................................................56
Figure 3-12: Increase in Cost due to Overloading...........................................................................56
Figure 4-1 : Population Forecasts adopted for RMP........................................................................66
Figure 4-2 : Year on Year GDP Growth, 2000 to 2005...................................................................67
Figure 4-3 : GDP Per capita forecasts ($)........................................................................................67
Figure 4-4 : Comparison of Bangladesh Forecast GDP with other Asian Countries......................68
Figure 4-5 : Recent growth in registered trucks related to GDP.....................................................68
Figure 4-6 : Growth Factors for Trucks...........................................................................................69
Figure 4-7 : Growth factors for Buses..............................................................................................69
Figure 4-8 : Car Ownership in selected Asian countries, 1997.......................................................70
Figure 4-9 : Relation between car ownership and GDP...................................................................70
Figure 4-10 : Growth factors for Cars..............................................................................................70
Figure 5-1 : Number of RHD Road Projects in ADP over 10 Years (1997-2007)..........................75
Figure 5-2 : ADP 2006-07: Percentage of Resource Allocated to Foreign Aided Projects, GOB Major
and Minor Projects of RHD.....................................................................................................76
Figure 8-1 : Relationship between CSA and AADT........................................................................92
Figure 11-1: Summary of Zila Road Programme for next 10 years.............................................124
Figure 12-1 : RAMS Map for Feni Road Division........................................................................129
Figure 13-1 : Proposed Arrangements for Road Safety.................................................................147


Map 2.1: RHD Road Network

Map 3.1: Roughness Condition of RHD Network, 2006 Map
3.2: Soil Map of Bangladesh
Map 3.3: Upazilas not Connected to RHD Road Network Map
3.4: Bridge Survey Location, Comilla Zone
Map 3.5: Bridge Survey Location, Dhaka Zone Map
3.6: Bridge Survey Location, Khulna Zone Map 3.7:
Bridge Survey Location, Rajshahi Zone Map 3.8:
Bridge Survey Location, Sylhet Zone Map 3.9: Axle
Load Survey Locations
Map 3.10: RHD Ferry Locations, 2007
Map 5.1: Committed Road Improvement and Maintenance
Map 8.1: Recommended National Highway & Regional Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Interventions, Barisal Zone
Map 8.2: Recommended National Highway & Regional Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Interventions, Chittagong Zone
Map 8.3: Recommended National Highway & Regional Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Interventions, Comilla Zone
Map 8.4: Recommended National Highway & Regional Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Interventions, Dhaka Zone
Map 8.5: Recommended National Highway & Regional Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Interventions, Khulna Zone
Map 8.6: Recommended National Highway & Regional Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Interventions, Rajshahi Zone
Map 8.7: Recommended National Highway & Regional Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Interventions, Rangpur Zone
Map 8.8: Recommended National Highway & Regional Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Interventions, Sylhet Zone
Map 9.1: Recommended Locations for Fixed Weighbridges
Map 10.1: Location of Hats and Bazars on National Highways (N1 to N8)
Map 10.2: Recommended By Pass Locations on National Highways Map
11.1: Socio-Economic Score by Upazila/Thana
Map 11.2: Assignment of Topography Type
Map 11.3: Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Barisal Zone,2008 Map 11.4:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Barisal Zone,2009 Map 11.5:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Barisal Zone,2010 Map 11.6:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Barisal Zone,2011 Map 11.7:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Barisal Zone,2012 Map 11.8:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Barisal Zone,2013 Map 11.9:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Chittagong Zone,2008
Map 11.10: Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Chittagong Zone,2009 Map
11.11: Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Chittagong Zone, 2010 Map 11.12:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Chittagong Zone, 2011 Map 11.13:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Chittagong Zone, 2012 Map 11.14:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Chittagong Zone, 2013 Map 11.15:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Comilla Zone, 2008 Map 11.16:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Comilla Zone, 2009 Map 11.17:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Comilla Zone, 2010 Map 11.18:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Comilla Zone, 2011 Map 11.19:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Comilla Zone, 2012

Map 11.20: Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Comilla Zone, 2013 Map
11.21: Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Dhaka Zone, 2008 Map 11.22:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Dhaka Zone, 2009 Map 11.23:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Dhaka Zone, 2010 Map 11.24:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Dhaka Zone, 2011 Map 11.25:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Dhaka Zone, 2012 Map 11.26:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Dhaka Zone, 2013 Map 11.27:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Khulna Zone, 2008 Map 11.28:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Khulna Zone, 2009 Map 11.29:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Khulna Zone, 2010 Map 11.30:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Khulna Zone, 2011 Map 11.31:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Khulna Zone, 2012 Map 11.32:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Khulna Zone, 2013 Map 11.33:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rajshahi Zone, 2008 Map 11.34:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rajshahi Zone, 2009 Map 11.35:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rajshahi Zone, 2010 Map 11.36:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rajshahi Zone, 2011 Map 11.37:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rajshahi Zone, 2012 Map 11.38:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rajshahi Zone, 2013 Map 11.39:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rangpur Zone, 2008 Map 11.40:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rangpur Zone, 2009 Map 11.41:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rangpur Zone, 2010 Map 11.42:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rangpur Zone, 2011 Map 11.43:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rangpur Zone, 2012 Map 11.44:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Rangpur Zone, 2013 Map 11.45:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Sylhet Zone, 2008 Map 11.46:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Sylhet Zone, 2009 Map 11.47:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Sylhet Zone, 2010 Map 11.48:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Sylhet Zone, 2011 Map 11.49:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Sylhet Zone, 2012 Map 11.50:
Recommended ZRRP Work Plan For Sylhet Zone, 2013
Map 12.1: Recommended National Highway Bridge Reconstruction (Priority-1) Map
12.2: Recommended National Highway Bridge Reconstructions (Priority-2) Map 12.3:
Urgent National Highway Bridge Repair (Priority-1)
Map 13.1: Recommended Rail/Road Grade Separation
Map 14.1(M 13.1): Zoning System of Bangladesh Traffic Model
Diagram 14.2: BTM Output, Volume/Capacity Ratio 2010, Base Scenario Diagram
14.3: BTM Output, Volume/Capacity Ratio 2015, Base Scenario Diagram 14.4:
BTM Output, Volume/Capacity Ratio 2020, Base Scenario Diagram 14.5: BTM
Output, Volume/Capacity Ratio 2025, Base Scenario Diagram 14.6: BTM Output,
Volume/Capacity Ratio 2010, Forecasted Diagram 14.7: BTM Output,
Volume/Capacity Ratio 2015, Forecasted Diagram 14.8: BTM Output,
Volume/Capacity Ratio 2020, Forecasted Diagram 14.9: BTM Output,
Volume/Capacity Ratio 2025, Forecasted

AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACE
Additional Chief Engineer
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADP Annual Development Programme
ADT Annual Daily Traffic
AH Asian Highway
AIT Advance Income Tax
ALTID Asian Land Transport Infrastructure Development
ARB Annual Rehabilitation Budget
ARC Accident Research Centre
ATVAT Advance Trade VAT
BBD Benkelman Beam Deflection
BCR Benefit to Cost Ratio
BCS Bridge Condition Survey
BDR Bangladesh Rifles
BIDS Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies
BMMS Bridge Maintenance Management System BOT
Build Operate Transfer
BPC Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
BR Bangladesh Railway
BRP Bridge Replacement Project
BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport Authority
BTM Bangladesh Traffic Model
BUET Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology CBR
California Bearing Ratio
CD Customs Duty
CIDC Consolidation of the Institutional Development Component CIF
Cost Insurance Freight
CMS Central Monitoring System
COBA Cost Benefit Analysis
CSA Cumulative Standard Axles
CW Carriageway
DFID Department for International Development
DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges EIRR
Economic Internal Rate of Return
ESAL Equivalent Standard Axle load
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographical Information System
GOB Government of Bangladesh
HDM Highway Development and Management System
HFL Highest Flood Level
IDAP Institutional Development Action Plan
IDSC Infrastructure Development Surcharge
ILO International Labour Organisation
IRC Indian Road Congress
IRI International Roughness Index
JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation
JDCF Japan Debt Cancellation Fund
JMBA Jamuna Multi-purpose Bridge Authority

LGED Local Government Engineering Department
LOS Level of Service
LPF Landing Permit Fee
LRP Location Reference Point
MAV Multi Axle Vehicle
MoC Ministry of Communications
MoF Ministry of Finance
MT Motorised Transport
MV Motorised Vehicle
NGO Non-Government Organisation NHAI
National Highway Authority of India
NLTP National Land Transport Policy
NMT Non Motorised Transport
NMV Non Motorised Vehicle
NPV Net Present Value
NRSC National Road Safety Council
ORA Operational Risk Assessment
PAF Project Appraisal Framework
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PI Plasticity Index
PICOM Private Infrastructure Committee PMP
Periodic Maintenance Programme
PNHA Pakistan National Highway Authority
PPP Public-Private-Partnership
PRC People's Republic of China
PSB Portable Steel Bridge
PSI Pre-Shipping Inspection Fee
PSIG Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines
RAFU Road Agency Formation Unit
RAMS Road Asset Management System
RHD Roads and Highways Department
RMIP Road Maintenance and Improvement Project
RMMS Road Maintenance Management System RMP
Road Masterplan
RNIMP Road Network Improvement and Maintenance Project ROB
Road Over Bridge
RSRP Road Sector Reform Project
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SD
Supplementary Duty
SN Structural Number
STFA Sub Regional Transport Facilitation Agreement TFR
Total Fertility Rate
TSMR Transport Sector Management Reform
TTC Travel Time Cost
TV Tariff Value
TVU Train Vehicle Unit
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific V/C
VAT Value Added Tax
VOC Vehicle Operating Cost
WB World Bank


Ministry of Communications
Roads and Highways Department

Road Network Improvement and Maintenance Project – II

Road Master Plan – Executive Summary

1. Introduction

This plan has been developed in response to the direction provided by the National Land Transport
Policy1, which committed the Government to ‘develop a long term (20 year) Road Master Plan2.

The Road Master Plan for Bangladesh is intended to be the guiding document for investment in the
road sector over the next twenty years. It has been compiled following a thorough diagnosis of the
existing problems of the RHD road network, and the future challenges to be faced. These can be
summarised as:

 Roads and bridges are continuously damaged from a lack of adequate maintenance and vehicle
 Continuing traffic growth that will exceed the capacity of many National Highways in the next
20 years;
 A mix of motorised and non-motorised traffic, and encroachment onto roads, leading to high
accident rates
 The country’s rural centres are not fully connected with the main road network; and
 The large number of rivers that are still crossed by ferries hampers smooth movement of traffic

The objectives of the Master Plan are to set out a comprehensive investment programme that will :

 Protect the value of RHD’s road and bridge assets;

 Improve the connectivity of the road network;
 Enhance and develop the strategic road network to meet economic and traffic growth targets;
 Improve the Zila Road network to enhance connectivity to the country’s growth centres;
 Improve road safety and reduce road accidents;
 Provide environmental and social protection; and
 Outline the institutional improvements required for RHD to deliver the above.

The key components of the plan, along with references to the main report, are set out overleaf.

Approved by Cabinet in April 2004
Paragraph 5.3.1


2. Condition of the National Highways and Regional Roads

The surface condition of National Highways has been maintained at a reasonable 3.1
level over the last three years, but the underlying strength of many of the
pavements, particularly those with an IRI3 of greater than 5 is relatively poor and
deteriorating. The surface condition of Regional Roads has got worse over the last
five years, and the underlying pavement strength of the majority of these roads is
low. This is due to a historical lack of maintenance, leading what has been termed
‘the backlog’. Unless this backlog is addressed soon, many of these roads will
require costly rebuilding.

Routine maintenance is not carried out properly on these roads, and insufficient
funds are allocated for this. Unless routine maintenance is treated as a priority, the
value of any rebuilding and periodic maintenance interventions will be severely 3.1.10

Over the next 5 years 4,780 km of National Highways and Regional Roads that are
not under maintenance and/or improvement projects 4 will require major
interventions to increase pavement strength, mainly in the form of structural
overlays, at a cost of Tk. 5,407 Crore. Only 138 km will not require any
intervention. The economic benefits of this programme are immense, with net
present values (NPV) divided by capital cost ranging from 1.1 on lightly trafficked
Regional Roads, to 26 on the heavily trafficked National Highways.

The introduction of HDM has played a great part in identifying and prioritising
roads for maintenance and rehabilitation. This facility needs to be sustained over
the Master Plan period and beyond.

3. Zila Roads

Over a quarter of Zila Roads, by length, are in poor condition, with an IRI of
greater than 8. The approved Road Sector Policy states that the Zila road network
will be rehabilitated over the next ten years in order to achieve a minimum
accessibility level on all Zila roads. The criteria for taking up Zila Roads projects
are based on roads which serve the highest concentrations of poverty have been
treated as priorities for rehabilitation. The priorities for Zila road improvements
will be based on analysis of socio-economic indicators.

There are still 16 Upazilla headquarters not connected to District headquarters by

Zila roads. There are nearly 10,000 km of paved Zila roads, and a further 3,600 km of
unpaved roads. The required interventions on these roads presents a major
challenge for RHD over the next twenty years, given the importance of Zila Roads
in providing the connectivity that can lead to poverty reduction.

International Roughness Index
2,684 km under RMIP, RNIMP-I, RNIMP-II, RSRP, and Periodic Maintenance Programmes.

The Master Plan recommends a recovery programme for 6,865 km of Zila Roads
to connect, at a good paved standard, all Upazilla headquarters. The cost of this
programme is estimated to be Tk. 3,188 Crore. The investment is prioritized
according to the condition of individual roads, and the level of connectivity that
they provide.

Some 356 km of new Zila Roads to connect the remaining Upazilla headquarters
are proposed at a cost of Tk. 346 Crore, along with a programme to pave
remaining Zila roads (3,603 km), at a cost of Tk. 5,781 Crore. 11.7

The impact of these programmes will be that ultimately 469 Upazilla headquarters
will have paved access to the main road network, serving an additional 32 million 11.10.4
people, of whom 18 million are currently classified as poor.

4. Bridges and Structures

The riverine nature of Bangladesh means that the country has to support a
relatively large number of bridges and structures in order to maintain connectivity
and prevent flooding. There are almost 15,000 structures on the RHD network of
which a large number have major structural damage and require full or partial
replacement, major elemental damage which needs to be urgently addressed before 3.3
their conditions becomes worse. The priorities for bridge repair and replacement
were based on the Bridge Condition Survey (BCS), and field surveys.

Major programmes of bridge replacement and repair proposed in order to maintain

the integrity of the RHD road network. The priority is the replacement of 22
bridges on National Highways, followed by the replacement of 44 bridges on
Regional Roads and 67 bridges on Zila roads, at a total cost of Tk. 477 Crore. In
addition, 418 bridges are identified for major repairs at a cost of Taka 590 Crore.
The economic case for the bridge repair programme is underlined by an EIRR 12.6.3
estimated to be 42%.

Some 126 narrow bridges are identified for replacement at a cost of Taka 443
Some 262 portable steel bridges (PSB’s), of which 23 are on National Highways
and 239 on Regional Highways, are identified for replacement by permanent
structures at a cost of Taka 755 Crore. 12.7

Some 2,091 structures in condition category B, with a total length of 29.5 km,
should be repaired to be in category A, at a cost of Taka 49 Crore. 12.8

New bridges are proposed for construction to replace ferry operations in two
programmes. Priority 1 is the construction of 13 new bridges on National and
Regional roads, at a cost of Taka 600 Crore. Priority 2 is the construction of 8 new 12.9
bridges on Zila roads at a cost of Taka 230 Crore. Priority 3 is the construction of
new bridges on remaining Zila roads, but these were not found to be economically
viable during the Master Plan period. 12.10

Table E1 : Summary of proposed bridge interventions by condition
A B C D Total
Maintain 9,279 9,279
Repair 2,091 418 2,509
Reconstruct 133 133
Replace PSB’s 200 62 262
Replace Narrow 101 25 126
Repair/replace 1,427 318 1,745
Repair/replace 481 177 658
short structures
9,279 2,091 2,627 715 14,712

5. Axle Load Control

Overloading of trucks and buses causes excessive damage to pavements

particularly on national and regional roads. The degree of overloading is
extremely high in Bangladesh, and is estimated to cost the country over Tk.
300 Crore per year in additional maintenance and rehabilitation needs. During the
Master Plan study a comprehensive survey of overloading was undertaken which
revealed the full extent of the problem, and highlighted the need for urgent
measures to control axle weights.

Without a doubt, axle load control is urgently needed in Bangladesh. Without it,
the value of most of the components of the Master Plan will be eroded to such an
extent that they will have no economic benefit. The Master Plan proposes that 27
weighbridges be installed across the country, with the immediate operation of 5
weighbridges, and a further 18 to be phased in over the next two years. Later, a
further 4 weighbridges will be needed to control overloading on roads connecting
new landports.

Axle load control should involve a combination of punishment through the

prevention of further passage, and on the spot tolls or fines related to the amount
of overloading. In parallel with axle load control, fully computerised and
controlled toll collection needs to be introduced. The total cost of this programme
is estimated to be Tk. 320 Crore.

6. Operational Issues on National Highways

The major National Highways (N1 through N8) are the backbone of the nation’s
road network, but their efficiency is hampered by traffic congestion at a large
number small towns, hats and bazaars. The impedance caused to through traffic at 3.5
these places outweighs the benefits of the economic activities taking place there.
A comprehensive survey carried out, during the preparation of the Master Plan, of
all eight Highways revealed 139 places where roadside activities were hampering
the operation of these highways, and where some form of low cost physical
intervention would deliver benefits and improve safety.

Small and medium scale traffic management measures on the major national

highways are needed to assist the smooth flow of traffic. A set of interventions
have been identified which are required today, but as conditions changes further
measures will be necessary in the future. For this reason, it is important that the RHD 10.3
have the capability and the resources over the longer term to identify, plan and
implement traffic management measures. The projects specifically identified in
the Master Plan include 15 by-passes on National Highways at an estimated cost
of Tk. 291 Crore, and a further 124 interventions including junction improvement,
provision of service lanes, and overbridges at a cost of Tk. 235 Crore.

Future provision for traffic management on the strategic National Highways has
also been made at the same rate as for the first five years, at a cost of Taka 704
Crore. 10.4

RHD will need to ensure that it fully uses its Rights of Way, to maximize road
capacity, and minimize further land acquisition.

7. Road Safety

A perennial problem on Bangladesh’s roads is the lack of safety. 328 km on

National Highways have been identified as having accident black spots on them.
Although road accidents are recognised as a severe issue, they have not been 3.6
properly addressed, particularly at the institutional level. Without active measures
to improve safety there is a severe danger that many of the proposals in the Master
Plan will cause vehicle speeds to rise, with the consequence of more, and more
fatal, accidents on the RHD network. This problem needs to be addressed as a
national priority.

The primary fault with the current approach to safety is the lack of enforcement of
existing laws. This can be addressed by combination of political will and
leadership at relatively low cost. Proposals for institutional change to achieve this, 13.2
including the establishment under law of an autonomous National Road Safety
Agency are included in the Master Plan.

An integrated pilot project on road safety is proposed on the N5 Dhaka- Aricha

Highway. Following its results, it is recommended that 2% of the annual budget
for roads and bridges be devoted to road safety projects, at an estimated cost of 13.3
Taka 1,039 Crore over the plan period

In addition, a priority programme of level crossing replacement by grade

separation at 15 locations is recommended at a cost of Tk. 150 Crore, on National
and Regional Highways.
8. Traffic Growth

Truck traffic will grow by between 2.5 to 4 times over the next twenty years. Car
traffic will grow at an even faster rate, between 4 and 7 times, depending on the
state of the economy. Bus traffic will grow at a slightly lower rate, reflecting the
expected improvement in railway infrastructure and services over the Master Plan 4.3.4
period. The road network will need to respond to these challenges. Over the next
twenty years, many of the major National Highways will require to be widened to
accommodate this extra traffic, and this major programme of works needs careful
phasing in the plan.

The following projects have been identified as necessary and feasible to cope with
traffic growth during the Master Plan period, at a cost of Tk. 14,341 Crore
 N1 Dhaka-Chittagong 4 Lane
 N3 Dhaka-Mymensingh 4 Lane (to Mawna)
 N102 Mynamati-Brahmanbaria
 R260 Sylhet-Sunamganj
 Dhaka Eastern Bypass
 Dhaka Western Bypass
 Dhaka Outer Orbital Road
 Upgrading of R750/Z5703 Bhatiapara-Narial -Jessore
 Deep Sea Port to N1
 N1 Chakaria-Chittagong 4 lane
 N8 Dhaka – Mawa 4 lane
 N4 Dhaka – Tangail 4 lane
 N6 Baneshwar – Belephur 4 lane
 N5 Dhaka- Baniajuri 4 lane
 N2 Bhairab – Moulvibazar 4 lane
 N2 Dhaka – Bhariab 4 lane
 N2 Habiganj – Sylhet 4 lane
 N8 Jessore – Benapole 4 lane
 Chittagong By-pass
 N1 - Hatazari Link Road
 N1 2nd Meghna Bridge
 N1 2nd Meghna Gumati Bridge
 N8 Padma Bridge

The capacity increase required for the N1 Dhaka-Chittagong can be most

efficiently provided by a tolled expressway along the existing alignment, with
significant private sector involvement. It is recommended that a detailed feasibility 14.12
of this be carried out urgently.

New connections to land ports to National Highway standard are proposed at a cost
of Taka 383 Crore.
Further improvements to the network to meet Asian Highway standards are
recommended at a cost of Taka 536 Crore.
Paving remaining National and Regional Highways is proposed at a cost of Taka
1,916 Crore.

9. Maintenance

One consequence of the investment in new infrastructure will be an increased
requirement for road and bridge maintenance. In particular, routine maintenance
needs to be introduced across the whole RHD network, on the basis of
performance contracts, at a current estimated cost of Tk. 60 Crore per year,
although this cost will increase slightly over time.
The full costs of periodic maintenance for roads need to be provided for and this is
estimated to be Tk. 23,000 Crore over the Master Plan period, i.e. over Tk. 1,000
Core per year.
In addition, a proper programme for bridge maintenance is required, and this is
estimated to cost Tk. 682 Crore over the Master Plan period.

10. Environmental and Social Issues

Road building is still not properly controlled in Bangladesh, to the extent that the
social problems of land acquisition and resettlement can, and does, cause financial
hardship to the poor and very poor. Land is scarce in Bangladesh. The country
cannot afford uncontrolled land use if it is to attain food security. Similarly the
adverse environmental impacts of roads are not fully controlled, and flooding is a
common result of poorly executed road projects.
The Master Plan includes recommendations for RHD to firmly adopt and
implement a set of social and environmental codes to ensure that the worst effects
of road construction are militated against.

11. Financing the Investment Programme

The 2006/07 ADP contained 144 projects – far too many for RHD to implement 5.2.2
efficiently with its limited capacity. Of these projects, 9 are vaguely titled and
poorly defined ‘clusters’ of sub-projects with questionable priority, that are unable
to be implemented transparently or professionally. The amount of unspent
allocation in these projects will inevitably deny space in the ADP to more worthy
Master Plan projects unless they are removed. The Master Plan has to take the
starting position that the remaining commitments in the ADP can be completed in
the next 4 years. This then defines the spending commitments until 2011/12

The total cost of the investment programme is estimated to be Taka 66,768 Crore
(USD 9.6 Billion), over 20 years. The sources of fund identified for the 17.4.5
programmes and projects are :
Recurrent expenditure (maintenance, safety, traffic management), funded by Road
Fund (41%), Private Sector (14%), Development Partners (16%), and Government
of Bangladesh (29%).

12. Prioritisation of the Master Plan

 Recurrent (maintenance) expenditure should have the first priority, and full
needs should be planned for on an annual basis;
 The rehabilitation of National Highways, Regional Roads and Zila Roads
must be considered a priority, as delay will increase the costs of recovery;
 Road and bridge projects that are related to traffic growth should be
programmed according to dates that they are needed;
 Bridge replacement and repair programmes are a priority, but have to be
phased in order to respect human capacity constraints in RHD; and
 Axle load control is of the utmost priority

13. Institutional Issues 19.1

RHD can deliver the proposed spending programme contained in the Road Master
Plan, with enhanced authority, increased capacity, and better accountability.
Continued training of officers and engineers is required, and the RHD’s training
centre and road research laboratory need to be sustained over the Master Plan 19.2
period and beyond.
Much greater use can be made of the private sector in financing the capital costs of
road development than has hitherto been the case.
In many countries, both developed and developing, a new relationship is emerging 19.3
between Government and the agency responsible for developing and managing the
government’s road assets. New road agencies are being created with a different
relationship between themselves and their respective Government Ministries. In
particular, greater levels of authority are being granted, with a parallel deal of
responsibility to meet targets, standards and deadlines.

1.1. Background
The transport system of Bangladesh changed quite a bit over the past thirty-six years. Prior to
Independence in 1971, there were no national or regional highways, but only a few roads connecting
Dhaka with the rest of the country. The extensive network of natural waterways provided the alternative
mode of inland water transport (IWT) which served almost the entire country, along with a railway
network of around 2900 km. that linked 17 former districts out of the then 19 districts.
Transport demand in Bangladesh has grown faster than the GDP growth of the country. It grew to 72
billion passenger-kms (pkms) in 1996 and reached 110 billion pkms in 2005. Freight traffic also increased
at a similar rate and reached 10 billion ton-kms in 1996 and 18.6 billion ton-kms in 2005. However, the
share of different transport modes did not increase in the same proportion. The road sector carried the
majority of the passenger traffic, around 73% in 1996, mainly at the expense of railway. In the freight
sector, where IWT had been playing a dominant role, its share also eroded slightly from 37% in 1974 to
30% in 1996 and in 2005. In comparison, road transport increased to 63% in 1996 and 72% in 2005, again
mainly at the expense of railway. The main reason behind such distortion has been the allocation of the
lion share of national resources to road sector over successive 5-year plan periods. This has happened at
the cost of development and maintenance in other competing modes such as railway and IWT.
The Roads and Highways Department (RHD) has developed 21,264 kms of road infrastructure by 2005.
However, the sustainability of these roads is threatened due to lack adequate maintenance. Bangladesh can
ill afford investing scarce resources for new transport infrastructure development and allow degeneration
of existing assets for lack of maintenance. Transport infrastructure development also has social and
environmental dimensions, which if not addressed on time will negate the impact on poverty.
In order to revive the lost roles of the competing modes like railway and IWT, in the recent years, both
the government and the development partners have started allocating higher percentage of resources to
those sectors. In the absence of any institutionalized coordination mechanism, to ensure integrated and
well coordinated development of the competing modes through long-term investments, the Integrated
Multimodal Transport Policy (IMTP), which is under consideration of the Cabinet/ Council of Advisors
has emphasized the need for preparation of transport sub- sectoral Master Plans.
In the case of RHD road network, the National Land Transport Policy (NLTP), approved by the Cabinet
in April 2004, had already emphasized the need for development of a long-term (20 year) Road Master
Plan. It is in pursuance of the above mandate provided by NLTP that this Road Master Plan has been
prepared, within the framework of above mentioned IMTP. This Road Master Plan is expected to guide
the development and maintenance of RHD’s road infrastructure over the next 20 years.

1.2. Purpose of the Report

This document reports on the results of consulting services for the Preparation of a Road Master Plan
under the Road Network Improvement and Maintenance Project-II5. The Masterplan is

Funded by the Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2021BAN-(SF)

underpinned by a sectoral policy to enable the road sector to respond to economic and social needs
coherent with the country’s macro-economic environment. The road master plan is required to determine
investment priorities in the road sector over the next 20 years, paying particular attention to the
availability of resources over the next 5 years.
The individual study objectives were to:
 review, in conjunction with Government official counterparts, the road sector policy
components of the NLTP;
 undertake a participation process so that all stakeholders’ views are taken into
account in the review;
 draft a detailed road sector policy for submission to the relevant political level;
 draft, in conjunction with relevant agencies, a road master plan which provides a
physical plan for new road and bridge construction, rehabilitation and maintenance
over the next 20 years, and sets out a spending program for the sector;
 assist, where necessary, to ensure that the Road Master Plan is approved by
Government and becomes the guiding document for road sector investment;
 provide technical assistance, during the process, to staff in the RHD for policy
monitoring and implementation, and means of monitoring and updating the Road
Master Plan on a regular basis.
1.3. Report Contents
The report deals with an assessment of the current RHD Road network and its traffic characteristics,
along with a diagnosis of existing problems (chapters 2 and 3). Chapter 4 sets out the background of
growth in traffic that might be expected over the next twenty years. Chapter 5 deals will the road sector
policy and the commitments that form the starting point for the masterplan, and Chapter 6 outlines the
approach that has been used to develop the plan. Chapters 7 to 16 deal with each programme area of the
plan in turn, and Chapter 17 consolidates these into the Road Masterplan.
1.4. Data Sources
All data sources for tables etc. are referenced. Where no reference is given, it means that the data has been
generated by the consultants during this study.

2.1. Physical Characteristics
The Roads and Highways Department (RHD) in Bangladesh is responsible for over 21,000 km of roads
which are classified in Table 2-1. Not all the roads, particularly in the Zila category, are yet paved. As
Table 2-2 shows, 9,719 km of the total Zila roads are paved, or just under 72% of the total. Map 2.1
shows the current RHD network.

Table 2-1 : Roads and Highways road network definition and lengths

Road Class Definition Length (km)

National Highways connedting National capital with Divisional HQ’s 3,570
Highways or sea ports or land ports or Asian Highway.
Regional Highways connecting District HQ’s or main river or land 4,323
Highways ports or with each other not connected by National
Zila Roads Roads connecting Distrcit HQ’s with Upazilla HQ’s or 13,678
connecting one Upazilla HQ to another Upazilla HQ by a
single main connection wth National/Regional Highway, through
shortest distance/route.
Total 21,571
Source : Bangladesh Gazette, 6 November 2003 and Planning Commission, 2007
RHD has developed the vast majority of the above roads since independence in 1971. During the period
1973 to 2002, over 6 Five-Year Plans, the Government of Bangladesh allocated just over 18,000 Crore
Taka, or around US$ 4.5 billion, for the development of the main road network 6 through the Annual
Development Programmes (ADP’s).
Over the past years, the annual allocations to RHD have been broadly constant, at around 2,300 Crore
Taka per year, equivalent to around $US 330 million for the year 2006/07. A significant proportion of the
expenditure in the road sector was the result of assistance from Development Partners.
However, this is now declining, both absolutely and as a proportion of total expenditure. During the
period 2001/02 to 2003/04, the Development Partners contributed an average of 1,140 Crore Taka per
year. During the period 2004/05 to 2006/07 this had reduced to 618 Crore Taka annually.
The growth in the road network in the last 15 years is shown in Table 2-2.

This figure includes allocations for the construction of the Jamuna Bridge, implemented through the Jamuna Multi-
purpose Bridge Authority (JMBA), also a department of the Ministry of Communications

Table 2-2 : Growth in the RHD road network
1991 2007
Paved Unpaved Paved Unpaved
National Highway 3,002 161 3,485 85
Regional Highway Zila 2,262 649 4,117 206
Road 4,440 5,156 9,719 3,959
Total 9,704 5,966 17,321 4,250
Sources : RHD and Planning Commission

The paved road network under RHD has increased by 7,617 km over the last 15 years, an average growth
of 515 km per year. Over the same period the unpaved network has decreased from 5,966km to 4,127 km.
In additions, 1,200 km of new Zila Roads have been identified. The total unpaved network now stands at
almost 4,250 km, and the implication of this is that these roads will need to be paved in the future.
The development of the road network has tended to exceed the financial and technical capacity of the
Department to maintain it adequately.
The number of bridges in the network has also increased dramatically since 1991, as shown in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 : Growth in number of bridges under RHD

1991 2006
Number of
Bridges Total Length Number of Total Length
(m) Bridges (m)
National Highways 1,012 55,393 3,617 64,837
Regional Highways 302 9,896 3,535 43,828
Zila Roads 1,843 26,383 7,560 75,933
Total 3,144 91,672 14,712 184,598
Source : Bridge Management Wing, RHD

2.2. Road Traffic

Current traffic levels on the RHD paved road network are shown in Table 2-4.
Table 2-4 : Traffic volumes on RHD network
Traffic Volume
Road Class AADT Motorised Million Vehicle- % of Vehicle-
Length (km) km per year kilometres
< 250 143.2 7
250-500 119.2 16
500-1000 406.0 111
National 1000-2000 739.9 405 59.0
Highway 2000-3000 811.7 741
3000-4000 310.2 396
> 4000 954.9 2,930
Sub-Total 3,485.0 4,606
< 250 732.8 33
250-500 620.8 85
500-1000 1,156.1 316
Regional 1000-2000 846.0 463 23.3
Highway 2000-3000 535.6 489
3000-4000 112.8 144
> 4000 112.8 287
Sub-Total 4,117.0 1,818
< 250 5,186.4 237
250-500 2,694.0 369
500-1000 1,347.0 369
Zila Roads 1000-2000 471.0 258 17.7
2000-3000 66.9 61
3000-4000 66.9 85
> 4000 0.0 0
Sub-Total 9,832.0 1,378
Total (all RHD) 17,434.0 7,802 100.0
Source : Road User Charge Study, World Bank, 2005

59% of traffic on RHD’s roads is on the National Highways. 38% of all RHD’s traffic runs on just 5% of
the network (some 955km). These are the main strategic roads connecting Dhaka. Comparable traffic data
for 1991 and 2006 are shown in Table 2-5 and Figure 2-1. Observed growth factors by road class are
shown in Table 2-8.

Table 2-5 : Percentage Distribution of Traffic by Traffic Volume, 1991 and 2006
Traffic Volume - AADT Motorised 1991 2006
< 250 7.5 2.0
250 – 500 9.3 3.7
500 – 1000 22.3 8.6
1000 – 2000 29.8 15.0
2000 –4000 19.3 31.8
> 4000 11.9 38.9
Total 100.0 100.0
Source : Road User Charge Study and RHD

Figure 2-1 : Change in composition of traffic by volumes, 1991 to 2006

35 < 250
30 250 – 500
25 500 – 1000
20 1000 – 2000

15 2000 –4000
10 > 4000


Table 2-6 : Observed traffic growth factors by road class

Annual Growth in
Road Class
Motorised Traffic, %
National Highway 5.0
Regional Highway 6.3
Zila Road7 6.1
Source : Economics Circle, RHD

Data on registered vehicles from BRTA are shown in Table 2-8. There is a distinct change in numbers
registered between 1992 and 1993, which suggests a change in the method of registration. That the
figures after 1993 are much higher indicates that only these data should be taken as accurate.
Growth in registered vehicles is shown in Table 2-9. The registered number of trucks has averaged 4.9%
per year over the last ten years, along with a 4.0% per year growth in the number of buses. This level of
growth is broadly consistent with traffic growth on the National Roads, where buses and trucks dominate
the traffic composition.

2.3. Road Classification

The key functional places in Bangladesh (capital, divisional headquarters, sea and land ports) should be
connected to the National Highway network.

Previously termed ‘Feeder Road Type A’

Table 2-7 lists these places and it can be seen that not all land ports are yet connected to a National
Highway. As and when these ports become fully functional the network will need to be re- classified

Table 2-7 : National Highway functional connections
Place Function Connections
Dhaka Capital N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N8
Chittagong Divisional Headquarters N1
Rajshahi Divisional Headquarters N6
Khulna Divisional Headquarters N7
Sylhet Divisional Headquarters N2
Barisal Divisional Headquarters N8
Chittagong Sea Port N1
Mongla Sea Port N7
Benapole Land Port N706
Banglabandh Land Port N5
Burimari Land Port N509
Hili Land Port Z5503, Z5856
Sonamasjid Land Port Z6801
Tamabil Land Port N212
Akhaura Land Port Z1216
Haluaghat Land Port Z2371
Bhomra Land Port Not Connected (LGED road only)
Bibirbazar Land Port Not Connected (LGED road only)
Teknaf Land Port N1
Source : Consultants

Table 2-8 : Registered Vehicles in Bangladesh, 1988 to 2003
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Car 35,443 38,278 41,340 43,960 45,306 75,243 79,411 86,375 98,854 107,208 113,084 118,070 122,157 128,744 135,501 142,546 147,956 154,387 162,834
Jeep/Station Wagon/Micro bus 23,049 24,893 26,884 28,673 30,140 33,477 36,332 38,513 41,321 43,080 45,253 46,476 48,295 50,760 53,798 55,602 58,116 62,079 67,619

Taxi 1,622 1,719 1,822 1,914 1,933 2,780 2,787 2,804 2,863 2,877 2,980 3,196 3,776 4,547 6,780 11,800 12,340 12,855 13,130

Bus/Mini Bus 16,876 18,031 19,276 19,875 20,408 27,469 28,463 29,484 30,428 31,398 32,281 33,027 33,768 35,580 38,634 40,649 42,128 43,272 44,533

Truck 21,341 22,621 23,978 24,904 25,834 40,373 42,337 45,805 48,734 50,016 52,749 54,767 57,492 60,067 62,444 65,239 67,822 70,613 73,678

Auto-Rickshaw/Tempo 17,429 18,562 19,769 23,430 26,648 43,863 53,851 68,039 79,293 85,839 90,242 92,382 96,517 95,914 101,383 115,249 124,223 129,100 135,998

Motorcycle 97,639 108,379 120,301 130,292 138,709 165,360 173,167 182,035 196,012 208,092 222,617 239,128 253,742 278,151 307,198 328,294 353,235 396,461 447,567
Other 7,373 7,703 7,890 8,040 8,090 8,686 9,210 9,339 10,288 11,861 13,641 16,033 17,165 19,774 22,489 26,865 29,626 32,557 36,270
Total 220,772 240,186 261,260 281,088 297,068 397,251 425,558 462,394 507,793 540,371 572,847 603,079 632,912 673,537 728,227 786,244 835,446 901,324 981,629
Source : BRTA

Table 2-9 : Growth in Registered vehicles (% per year), 1994 to 2006

Average for
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Last 12 years

Car 8.0 8.0 6.3 3.1 66.1 5.5 8.8 14.4 8.5 5.5 4.4 3.5 5.4 5.2 5.2 3.8 4.3 5.5 6.1
Jeep/Station Wagon/Micro bus 8.0 8.0 6.7 5.1 11.1 8.5 6.0 7.3 4.3 5.0 2.7 3.9 5.1 6.0 3.4 4.5 6.8 8.9 5.3

Taxi 6.0 6.0 5.0 1.0 43.8 0.3 0.6 2.1 0.5 3.6 7.2 18.1 20.4 49.1 74.0 4.6 4.2 2.1 13.7

Bus/Mini Bus 6.8 6.9 3.1 2.7 34.6 3.6 3.6 3.2 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.2 5.4 8.6 5.2 3.6 2.7 2.9 3.8

Truck 6.0 6.0 3.9 3.7 56.3 4.9 8.2 6.4 2.6 5.5 3.8 5.0 4.5 4.0 4.5 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.7

Auto-Rickshaw/Tempo 6.5 6.5 18.5 13.7 64.6 22.8 26.3 16.5 8.3 5.1 2.4 4.5 -0.6 5.7 13.7 7.8 3.9 5.3 8.0

Motorcycle 11.0 11.0 8.3 6.5 19.2 4.7 5.1 7.7 6.2 7.0 7.4 6.1 9.6 10.4 6.9 7.6 12.2 12.9 8.2
Other 4.5 2.4 1.9 0.6 7.4 6.0 1.4 10.2 15.3 15.0 17.5 7.1 15.2 13.7 19.5 10.3 9.9 11.4 12.1

Table 2-10 lists all the District Headquarters. These require to be connected by National Highways or Regional
Highways. However, some District Headquarters are connected to National Highways which are not serving the
function required in Table 2-1. These should be re-classified as Regional Highways.
Table 2-11 lists these along with roads that require re-classification.

Table 2-10 : District Headquarters Connections

District Headquarters Connection District Headquarters Connection
Bagerhat Regional Highway Madaripur National Highway
Bandarban National Highway Magura National Highway
Barguna Regional Highway Manikganj National Highway
Barisal National Highway Meherpur Regional Highway
Bhola Regional Highway Moulvibazar National Highway
Bogra National Highway Munshiganj Regional Highway
Brahmanbaria National Highway Mymensingh National Highway
Chandpur Regional Highway Narail Regional Highway
Chittagong National Highway Narayanganj Regional Highway
Chuadanga Regional Highway Narshingdi National/Regional Highway
Comilla National Highway Natore National Highway
Cox Bazar National Highway Nawabganj Regional Highway
Dhaka National Highway Netrokona Regional Highway
Dinajpur National Highway Nilphamari Regional Highway
Faridpur National Highway Noagaon Regional Highway
Feni National Highway Noakhali National Highway
Gaibandha Regional Highway Pabna National Highway
Gazipur Regional Highway Panchagarh National Highway
Gopalganj National Highway Patuakhali National Highway
Habiganj Regional Highway Pirojpur Regional Highway
Jamalpur National Highway Rajbari Regional Highway
Jessore National Highway Rajshahi National Highway
Jhalakathi Regional Highway Rangamati National Highway
Jhenaidaha National Highway Rangpur National Highway
Joypurhat Regional Highway Satkhira Regional Highway
Khagrachhari Regional Highway Shariatpur Regional Highway
Khulna National Highway Sherpur Regional Highway
Kishoreganj Regional Highway Sirajganj Regional Highway
Kurigram National Highway Sunamganj Regional Highway
Kushtia National Highway Sylhet National Highway
Lakshmipur National Highway Tangail National Highway
Lalmonirhat National Highway Thakurgaon National Highway

Table 2-11 : Proposed RHD road re-classifications
Road No. From To Remarks Reason

N506 N509 Kurigram Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters

N508 N509 Dinajpur Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters
N4 Madhupur Jamalpur Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters
N8 Barisal Patuakhali Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters
N104 Chowmohani Noakhali Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters
N890 Barisal Laksmirpur Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters
N106 Chittagong Rangamati Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters
N108 N1 Bandabarn Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters
N110 N1 Cox's Bazar Should be Regional Highway Connecting District Headquarters
R750 and Z7503 Jessore N805 Should be National Highway Connecting Landport with Dhaka
Z6801, Z6816, R680 Sonamasjid Rajshahi Should be National Highway Connecting Landport with Dhaka
Z3711, R371, R370 Mymensingh Haluaghat Should be National Highway Connecting Landport with Dhaka
Z5503 Hilli Joypurhat Should be National Highway Connecting Landport with Dhaka
R550 Joypurhat N5 Should be National Highway Connecting Landport with Dhaka
Z1216 Akhaura N2 Should be National Highway Connecting Landport with Dhaka
Bibir Bazar N1 Should be National Highway Connecting Landport with Dhaka
R760 Satkira Khulna Should be National Highway Connecting Landport with Dhaka
R856 Gopalganj Khulna Should be National Highway Connecting Divisional Headquarters

2.4. Legal and Regulatory Framework

The primary legislation for the construction and maintenance of roads in Bangladesh is the 1925 Bengal Highways
Act. This is supplemented by more recent laws and rules as set out in Table 2-12.
Table 2-12 : RHD Legal Framework
Powers and Responsibilities Legal Basis
Environmental impact analyses Environment (Pollution Control) Act 1995
No right of access to motorway or Section 6, Highways (Security, Protection and Restriction of
restricted access road Movement) Rules, 2001
Weight and dimension limits of vehicles 1983 Motor Vehicle Ordinance
Removal of vehicles Sections 7 and 12, Highways (Security, Protection and
Restriction of Movement) Rules, 2001
Prevention and removal of unauthorised Section 7, Highways (Security, Protection and Restriction of
structures or works etc Movement) Rules, 2001
Unlawful use of a motorway or restricted Section 4, Highways (Security, Protection and Restriction of
access road Movement) Rules, 2001
Entering and leaving motorways and Section 5, Highways (Security, Protection and Restriction of
restricted access roads Movement) Rules, 2001
Stopping of vehicles on motorways and Section 7, Highways (Security, Protection and Restriction of
restricted access roads Movement) Rules, 2001
Authorised officers Section 2, Appendix VIII, Government Estates Manual, 1958

The Ministry of Communications operates under Rules of Business of the Government of Bangladesh, which, inter
alia, allow the Ministry, through its agencies, to construct and maintain roads.
Road classification in Bangladesh has been determined by the Ministry of Planning8, as have design standards
for low volume roads9.

Published in the Official Gazette
Published in the Official Gazette

3.1. Road Conditions

3.1.1. Overall Roughness Indicators

The most recent data on road conditions were taken from the RHD surveys carried out in 2005, shown in Table 3-

Table 3-1 : RHD Road Network and Roughness Surveyed Length (km)
Total Road Length (Km) Roughness Surveyed Length (Km)
National Regional Zila Total National Regional Zila Total
Dhaka 716.99 1,191.35 2,315.11 4,223.44 661.79 805.65 1,200.01 2,667.45
Comilla 313.45 344.97 1,639.60 2,298.02 309.98 259.22 1,014.62 1,583.82
Chittagong 399.48 434.04 1,734.64 2,568.15 390.77 316.04 473.76 1,180.57
Rangpur 605.89 298.68 1,915.08 2,819.65 213.89 270.39 514.78 999.06
Rajshahi 366.39 451.30 1,378.58 2,196.26 261.70 385.93 614.32 1,261.95
Khulna 376.95 589.48 1,706.67 2,673.10 349.07 543.01 733.87 1,625.95
Barisal 406.17 419.56 1,799.88 2,625.61 100.32 374.14 420.03 894.49
Sylhet 344.15 397.73 636.17 1,378.05 335.70 351.23 279.34 966.27
Total 3,529.47 4,127.10 13,125.71 20,782.29 2,623.22 3,305.61 5,250.72 11,179.55
Source : Maintenance and Rehabilitation Needs Report of 2006 - 2007 for RHD Paved Roads, RHD, 2006
The condition of roads can be shown the roughness, as described in Table 3-2. The average roughness of roads
across the country is found from surveys and those carried out in the previous two years are shown in Table 3-3.
This reveals that whilst conditions on the National Highways have been kept relatively good, the states of
Regional and Zila roads have declined quite sharply. The consequences of the poor conditions of Zila roads
cannot be understated. Because of their unique contribution to social cohesion and poverty reduction, the
approach to the problems of Zila roads is different to that of the National Highways and Regional Highways.

Table 3-2 : Qualitative Descriptors of IRI Values

National Highway Regional Highway Zila Road
IRI Values
Good 0 – 3.9 0 – 4.9 0 – 5.9
Fair 4.0 – 5.9 5.0 – 6.9 6.0 – 7.9
Poor 6.0 – 7.9 7.0 – 8.9 8.0 – 9.9
Very Poor 8.0 + 9.0 + 10.0+
Source : HDM Circle, RHD

Table 3-3 : Average roughness (IRI10 in m/km) for years 2003 to 2005
Year National Highway Regional Highway Zila Roads Average
2003 4.1 4.8 5.9 5.6
2004 4.6 6.0 7.0 5.9
2005 4.2 7.0 8.2 6.5
Source : HDM Circle, RHD

International Roughness Index

3.1.2. National Highways and Regional Highways
For the purposes of assessing the conditions of National Highways, the network has been disaggregated into
25 classes, differentiated by traffic and roughness according to Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 : Lengths (km) of National Highways by traffic and roughness

Motorised Vehicles Roughness (IRI)

(4+ wheels) 0.0 – 4.9 5.0 – 6.9 7.0 – 8.9 9.0 – 11.9 12 + Total
0 – 2000 481.9 709.0 167.5 17.2 2.6 1,378.2
2001 – 4000 657.7 226.5 77.7 71.8 6.2 1,039.9
4001 – 6000 282.5 11.3 42.5 54.5 0.1 390.9
6001 – 8000 38.6 20.0 22.0 0.0 5.7 86.3
8000 + 269.2 73.9 18.5 16.9 0.3 278.8
Total 1,729.8 1,040.7 328.2 160.4 14.9 3,274.1
Source : HDM Circle, RHD

3.1.3. Roughness
Roughness ranges of all RHD roads are shown in Table 3-5. Roughness for the whole network is shown in
Map 3.1.

Table 3-5 : Roughness of RHD Roads, IRI (m/km)

Length Distribution (km)
IRI Range National Regional Zila
0-5 1,730 937 718
5-7 1,041 810 1,360
7-9 328 1,262 3,522
9-12 160 512 2,104
>12 15 90 318
Total 3,274 3,612 8,022
Source : HDM Circle, RHD

3.1.4. Benkelman Beam Deflections (BBD)

BBD results for RHD roads are shown in Table 3-6. Typical BBD’s that would be expected for roads in good
condition would be 0.7 (National Highways); 1.0 (Regional Highways), and 1.1 (Zila Roads).

Table 3-6 : BBD Results for RHD Roads

Benkelman Beam Deflection (mm)
Road Class Mean Maximum Minimum Std. Dev
National 0.9 3.9 0.5 0.7
Regional 1.4 3.9 0.5 0.7
Zila 1.5 4.0 0.5 0.6
Source : HDM Circle, RHD

BBD Test is a non-destructive pavement investigation method for assessing strength from the deflection (elastic) the pavement
undergoes under a standard load (wheel)

3.1.5. Pavement Composition
The bituminous layer consists primarily of open-graded carpeting material in the Regional and Zila roads. In
major National roads, the most recent layer appears to be of superior material. The granular base is generally
WBM with crushed boulder. The sub-base in most roads is constituted by brick aggregate/soling. Pavement
compositions are shown graphically in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 : Average pavement thicknesses, RHD roads

Existing Pavement Composition

National Regional Zilla

Granular Subbase Granular Base

Bituminous Layer

3.1.6. Subgrade
Bangladesh has been divided into 21 Land Systems based on geological and geo-morphological characteristics of
soil deposits shown in Map 3.2

3.1.7. Engineering properties of Bangladesh soil

Soil in Bangladesh is predominantly alluvial. Except for Sylhet and Chittagong Hill Tract areas, soil can be
classified as ML-CL12 type ranging from silty clay to clayey silt. The plastic soils have an average Plasticity Index
(PI) value of 15. Non-plastic soils comprising silty sand and sand are also found particularly in the old river
California Bearing Ratio (CBR)13 of the road subgrade is available in RHD’s Road Maintenance Management
System (RMMS) database. This information was taken into account. However, examining this database, very high
(75%) and extremely low (1%) values were observed. In order to arrive at a rational subgrade CBR value for
assessing the existing pavement strength and behaviour in the individual road segments, the sample investigation
results of soils in different Land Systems 14 were considered. CBR of soil was set to have an upper limit of 15%
and lower limit of 3%.

3.1.8. Structural Strength of Existing Pavement

The structural strength of existing pavement was defined in terms of structural number, SN. For each road
segment of network, this value needed to be assessed. The existing structural number was estimated from: a)
pavement deflection and b) pavement layer composition. RMMS database provided 2004 data for use in both
these methods (refer Chapter 7 for detailed discussion on pavement design). A relationship was found between
road condition (IRI) and SN. The assessed SN for National and Regional Highways are presented in Table 3-7 and
Table 3-8.

Mixture of silt and clay both with low plasticity
California bearing ratio (CBR) is a penetration test for evaluation of the mechanical strength of road subgrades
Bangladesh Transport Survey, Part 8, Final Report November 1974

Table 3-7 : Structural strength of National Highways
IRI Type Structural Number of
existing pavement
0 - 4.99 C1 3.1 4.0 1.4
5.00-6.99 C2 2.8 4.2 1.0
7.00-8.99 C3 2.6 4.2 1.3
9.00-11.99 C4 2.0 3.7 1.1
12.00-120 C5 2.2 3.7 1.3
Avg Max Min
Source : HDM Circle, RHD

Table 3-8 : Structural Strength of Regional Highways

IRI Type Structural Number of
existing pavement
0 - 4.99 C1 2.0 3.7 1.1
5.00-6.99 C2 1.9 3.5 0.7
7.00-8.99 C3 1.8 3.9 0.6
9.00-11.99 C4 1.7 3.6 0.6
12.00-120 C5 1.7 3.4 0.8
Avg Max Min
Source : HDM Circle, RHD
The roads generally show poor pavement strength indicating need for rehabilitation (the minimum design SN is 4
as explained in Chapter 8). Regional Highways are particularly weak although the average existing pavement
thickness is nearly 450mm. This may mean that the pavement materials are inferior in quality.

3.1.9. Carriageway Width

A significant number of National Highways and Regional Highways have insufficient carriageway width, as
shown in Table 3-9.
Table 3-9 : Number of lanes on paved RHD roads

Length (km)

National Highway Regional Highway Zila Road

More than Two Lanes 313 57 11
Two Lanes 2,307 924 266
Intermediate Lane 800 1,999 1,002
Single Lane 65 1,137 8,440
Total 3,485 4,117 9,719
Source : RMMS Database, RHD
This present capacity will generate safety problems as traffic volumes grow. Over 8,000 km of Zila Roads are
single carriageways. For the most part this does not present a problem, as traffic levels are low.

3.1.10. Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is a type of work that is planned and performed on a routine basis to maintain and preserve
the condition of the road, both on and off the carriageway, or to respond to specific conditions and events in order
to restore the highway system to an adequate level of service. Off-carriageway works include vegetation control,
road sign mending and replacement, culvert cleaning, and embankment repair. Examples of works on the
carriageways include crack sealing, pothole repair and repair of localised failed areas of pavement.

Most routine maintenance activities are predictable and should therefore be carried out on a planned and regular
basis. These activities then serve as a means of identifying pavement defects at a very early stage so small scale
interventions can be made quickly, before problems become any greater. This can be supplemented by planned
and regular inspections by more senior staff, firstly to ensure that routine works are being carried out properly,
and second, to check that defects are being repaired; and thirdly to identify any other defects.
The benefits of routine maintenance are well known. It reduces the time period over which the road quality
deteriorates, and hence adds to the preservation of the network. Typical economic rates of return for routine
maintenance are in the range 50 to 60%. For Bangladesh it is estimated that the costs of periodic maintenance
would be reduced by 15% over the next five years, if full routine maintenance works were carried out.
Some of the cost of routine maintenance is not related to traffic levels, but clearly, roads with higher levels of
traffic are more likely to be susceptible to defects and require routine interventions. Even so costs of routine
maintenance can be assessed reasonably accurately, as much of the total cost is due to labour. For national
highways a cost of Tk.50,000 per kilometre per year in Bangladesh (US$ 710) ought to be adequate. For low
volume roads a figure of Tk. 30,000 (US$ 420) per km per year is reasonable. These figures compare well with
budget figures of US$ 750 for trunk roads and US$ 400 for low volume roads in Zambia, although in Vietnam
typical routine maintenance costs for low volume roads are around $200 per km.
Routine maintenance is necessary for all roads which are in a maintainable condition. For those roads which are
beyond periodic maintenance initiatives due to very poor conditions, routine maintenance is still very useful to
‘hold’ the level of deterioration and to ensure that some form of passage is possible. Hence, as a general rule the
whole network ought to be routinely maintained.
The Ministry of Finance (MoF) allocates to the Ministry of Communications, and hence to RHD, a total sum
every year for routine maintenance. This is allocated by RHD to the Zones, as shown in Table 3-10. The sum
allocated is less than 18% of the requirement, and yet the difference between what is needed and what is allocated
is less than 3% of RHD’s total budget for the year. The problem derives from the fact that RHD cannot re-allocate
the provision made by the MoF, and hence routine maintenance is consistently and unnecessarily under-funded.
Because the need for routine maintenance is predictable, a full allocation should be made by the Ministry of
Finance every year, and the funds can be spent effectively.
Table 3-10: Allocation of Routine Maintenance Budget (2006-07)
Zone % km Budget (Crore Taka) % of Budget Need (Crore Taka)
Dhaka 19.4 2.70 25.7 11.50
Chittagong 12.2 1.20 11.4 7.23
Rajshahi 11.3 1.10 10.5 6.70
Khulna 12.7 1.10 10.5 7.53
Barisal 12.5 1.20 11.4 7.41
Comilla 11.9 1.10 10.5 7.06
Rangpur 13.5 1.00 9.5 7.95
Sylhet 6.6 1.10 10.5 3.91
Total 10.50 59.30
Source : Planning and Mainantenance Wing, RHD and Consultants

3.2. Zila Road Conditions

3.2.1. Current Situation

The analysis of the current situation of the Zila road network and subsequent prioritisation of works is based on
the data available from RHD’s Road Maintenance Management System (RMMS). The data was extracted from
the database in December 2006, and includes road data from the surveys completed in 2004 / 5. Further survey
work was carried out in 2006, but this has not yet been entered into the RMMS. Table 3-11 summarises the
current condition of the Zila road network.
16 Upazillas are not yet connected by the RHD road network (Map 3.3). There is also one Land Port that is not
connected. These are shown in Table 3-12. Whilst an LGED managed rural road may connect these, it is a
government requirement that at least a Zila Road connects them.

Table 3-11: Summary of current Zila Road conditions
Length, % of Zila road
Road Condition
km network
Unpaved 199 2.0% Total network in poor condition:
Very poor (IRI>10) 1,291 12.7% 2,700 km
Poor (IRI 8-10) 1,211 11.9% 26.6%
Fair / Good 3,936 38.7%
Unknown (not surveyed) * 3,527 34.7%
Total 10,164 100.0%
*The total length of roads not surveyed is approximate only. This is because some of the sections shown as not surveyed have
not been constructed yet and are only planned roads. Source : RHD

Table 3-12: List of Upazilas not currently connected to the RHD network
RHD Zone District Upazila / Thana
Barisal Barisal Mehendiganj
Chittagong Sandwip
Cox’s Bazaar Kutubia

Chittagong Barkal
Unconnected Upazila Austagram
Headquarters Kishoreganj Itna
Dhaka Mithamain
Netrakona Khaliajuri
Sunamganj Sulla
Sylhet Tahirpur
Habiganj Asmiriganj
3.3. Bridge Conditions

3.3.1. Introduction
The history of bridge reconstruction in RHD dates back to the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Hundreds of
bridges and culverts in the RHD road network which were damaged during the war of independence were
reconstructed. A large number of bridges and culverts, built many years ago, obviously did not meet design
standards that are used at present, and also lacked appropriate maintenance. Earlier reconstruction or new
construction of bridges in RHD road network were taken up mostly through GOB funded projects. Such
programmes were not large, priorities were rarely adhered to and economic analyses were generally absent. Lack
of resources meant that RHD was not in a position to give much attention to the new construction or
reconstruction of bridges in the big river/channel gaps of RHD road network, and instead the continuity of major
roads was maintained through ferries. Later on, reconstruction or new construction of bridges in the National and
Regional Highways became part of the foreign aided projects and, separate bridge projects through the Annual
Development Programme, started coming up under both local and foreign funding.

3.3.2. Current Situation

During the last two decades a numbers of bridge projects were taken up by RHD with donor assistance (for
example Meghna Bridge, Bhairab Bridge, Paksey Bridge, Shikarpur Dowarika bridges). This has contributed to
reducing the travel time and uninterrupted movement of traffic and thus paved the way to develop an efficient
road transportation system in Bangladesh. RHD is continuing efforts for taking up large bridges for reconstruction
and new constructions with the assistance from the development partners. In addition during the last few years,
under the Bridge Replacement Project (BRP), RHD had

undertaken the replacement/reconstruction of several bridges. This project is expected to be completed by the
end of 2006-07.
RHD is proposes bridges for reconstruction, rehabilitation or new construction under the Periodic Maintenance
Programme (PMP). From 2005-06 RHD started a PMP under the Japan Debt Conversion Fund (JDCF) to include
replacement, rehabilitation/repair and reconstruction of bridges and culverts.
Figure 3-2 shows the record of construction of bridges and culverts over the last four decades in Bangladesh.
Figure 3-2: Construction of bridges over the last four decades.

5000 4343
1605 1721
Achievement 1000 920


3.3.3. Conditions of Bridges Bridge Condition Survey in RHD
In order to assess the need of repair, rehabilitation and reconstruction of bridges, RHD has adopted a simple but
effective way of reporting the condition of bridges/structures. The method is set out in their Bridge Condition
Survey Manual. It consists of:
1. Bridge Condition Survey Form 1 (BCS-1), for recording of site inspection and assessment by junior
engineers and technicians.
2. Bridge Condition Survey Form 2 (BCS-2), for recording of a summary of BCS-1 and allow Senior
Engineer /Executive Engineers to make remarks and decide on appropriate action and give an
indicative cost of repair. Data from the BCS-1 and BCS-2 survey is used to determine and monitor
routine and periodic maintenance budget and programmes.
3. Bridge Condition Survey Form 3 (BCS-3), A second level, more detailed survey of bridge structure is
undertaken by Sub-Divisional Engineer. Data from the BCS-3 survey is used to estimate the
rehabilitation costs for national bridge stock and prepare and prioritise work plans.
4. Principal Bridge Inspection (PBI), The larger bridges receive a PBI by suitably qualified staff
/ Structural Engineer. Data and accurate detailed cost estimates from PBI are used by Network
Planning Wing to prepare Annual Rehabilitation Budget (ARB) and to request for allocations
according to priority. Bridge Classification System in RHD
The RHD bridge classification system uses four condition categories to assess damage to bridges and culverts in
all the types of roads. The condition category and description of damage are shown in Table 3-13 . In the RHD
network, according to current survey information (2004-05 survey) there are 14,712 numbers of structures. Out
of these 10,610 numbers are culverts and 4,102 numbers are bridges. Table 3-14 shows the break down of
these structures by type.

Table 3-13: Type of Condition category and description
Condition Category Score Description
A 0 No damage
B 1 to 29 Minor damage
C 30 to 499 Major elemental Damage
D 500 Major structural damage
Table 3-14: Number of structures by type
Sl no Structure type No of Structure % 0f Total
1 Box culvert 7,420 50.44
2 Slab culvert 3,190 21.68
3 Arch masonry 302 2.05
4 RCC Bridge with slab 195 1.33
5 RCC Girder Bridge 1,982 13.47
6 PC Girder Bridge 359 2.44
7 Steel beam& RCC Slab 200 1.36
8 Truss with steel deck 193 1.31
9 Truss with RCC slab 28 0.19
10 Portable Steel Bridge with steel deck 815 5.54
11 Portable Steel Bridge with timber deck 18 0.12
12 Truss with timber Deck 6 0.04
13 PC Box 4 0.03
Source : BMMS Database, RHD
All observations of deterioration are recorded as major or minor in extent, the general criteria adopted for major
deterioration are as shown in Table 3-15.
Table 3-15 : Degree of Deterioration
Observation Major Deterioration
Scouring Underside of pile cap exposed
Visible depth of scour exceeds one meter
Volume of scour exceeds 15m3
Leaning/ Tilting There is evidence of backfill material having been washed out. Horizontal displacement
at top measured with string line exceeds 1 in 30 or maximum 150mm
Settlement Bridge approaches are average 100 mm lower than the deck at a distance of 1 m.
Vertical displacement of superstructure is clearly visible by eye
Vertical differential displacement of structures measured on a horizontal string line exceeds 1 in
60, or 50 mm over a length of 3m.
Obstruction Obstruction can not be removed by hand by local labour and has to be carried out by
contract or requires other special attention
Cracks Cracks in concrete are clearly visible from a distance of 3m
Maximum crack width in concrete exceeds 1mm
Cracks in concrete occur in critical areas e.g. under bearing, at beam mid span. Any
crack in work steel
Concrete spalling Soffit reinforcement is fully exposed over a single area exceeding 1 m2 of deck or half
width of beams
Damaged or
All structural members in concrete and steel; All holes in concrete decks All
missing sections
railing members
Missing bolts Structural joints
Source : BCS, RHD

Any other observations, which do not meet the above criteria and condition, are recorded as minor. The
number of structures according to condition category is given in Table 3-16.

Table 3-16 : Number of structures by condition category

Number of Bridges and
Category Description
A Good 9,729
B Minor Elemental damage 2,091
C Major elemental damage 2,627
D Major structural damage 715
Total 14,712
Source : BMMS Database, RHD

The numbers of all types of structures according to condition category is given in Table 3-17
Table 3-17 : Condition Category by Structures Type

Sl Structure type Category Category Category No of
B C D Structures
1 Box Culvert 5,671 917 728 104 7,420
2 Slab culvert 1,843 444 699 204 3,190
3 Arch Masonry 131 57 80 34 302
4 RCC Bridge with slab 94 28 57 16 195
5 RCC Girder Bridge 639 418 677 248 1,982
6 PC Girder Bridge 242 54 52 11 359
7 Steel Beam& RCC Slab 61 30 82 27 200
8 Truss with Steel Deck 141 13 32 7 193
9 Truss with RCC Slab 16 4 7 1 28
10 PSB* with Steel Deck 428 124 205 58 815
11 PSB* with Timber Deck 9 2 3 4 18
12 Truss with Timber Deck 3 0 2 1 6
13 PC Box 1 0 3 0 4
Total 9,279 2,091 2,627 715 14,712
* Portable Steel Bridge Source : BMMS

3.3.4. Analysis of ‘D’ Class Structures

Out of the 715 bridges/culverts under category D, only 133 bridges fall within the lengths of 20m and above.
These 133 bridges all need rehabilitation or reconstruction. Their lengths by road class are shown in Table 3-18.

Table 3-18 : Category ‘D’ Class Structures by length and road class
20m to 50m 50m to 100m 100m Plus Total
National Highways 11 9 2 22
Regional Highways 33 9 2 44
Zila Roads 58 9 0 67
Total 102 27 4 133
Source : BMMS

3.3.5. Analysis of ‘C’ Class Structures
Out of the 2,627 bridges/culverts under category C, 514 bridges fall within the lengths of 20m and above. These
514 C class bridges need major repairs. Their lengths by road class are shown in Table 3-19.

Table 3-19: Category ‘C’ Class Structures by length and road class
20m to 50m 50m to 100m 100m Plus Total
National Highways 80 33 26 139
Regional Highways 127 30 8 165
Zila Roads 147 49 14 210
Total 354 112 48 514
Source : BMMS

3.3.6. Field Surveys

To verify the condition of bridges as given in the BCS forms, RMP experts along with Divisional and Sub-
Divisional Engineers of the respective Divisions and Sub-divisions visited 25 Category ‘D’ bridges between 6
November 2006 and 28 November 2006, and a further 45 bridges between 19 March 2007 and 10 April 2007. The
LRP numbers of bridges visited and their locations are shown on Maps 3.4 to 3.8.
 Bridge LRP numbers are not marked on the structure. This adds to time needed to locate structures, and
in some cases bridges detailed in BCS-1 reports could not be located.
 The basic details of some structures such as overall length, width, number of spans and type of
structure, observed during inspection did not tally with records in the BCS-1 forms.
 The condition assessments of structures for some C and D category bridges recorded in the BCS-1
reports were not in order and needed review.
 12 bridges on the Zila Road Z1202 were not recorded in the BMMS database and no BCS-1 reports
were available.
 RHD staff who undertook the inventory and BCS reports did not appear to be well experienced or
properly trained in structures. The bridge inventory and condition survey done appeared to have been a
hurriedly completed exercise without proper supervision or checking.
 There was no defined systematic approach adopted for frequency of survey/inspection programmes.
 According to the BCS Manual the survey frequency for BCS-1 and BCS-2 for C and D category
bridges is 6 months. However this was not followed.
Figure 3-3 : Examples of damaged bridges

R480 Elaga Bhuanpur Road (km 8.947) Scouring ofN4

at pier location
Tangail Jamalpur Road (km75.411) scouring and wing wa

3.4. Axle Loads

3.4.1. Survey Equipment

As part of the Road Master Plan (RMP) study, axle load surveys at 11 locations were conducted using a portable
weigh pad as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 : Portable Weighbridge used for Axle Load surveys

The pad, manufactured by TREVOR DEAKIN of the UK, was portable and robust. The survey team, comprising
a senior Highway Engineer and two technicians, was able to carry the pad around in a microbus. The counter with
digital display was accurate to nearest 10 kg.

3.4.2. Survey Locations and Schedule

The locations were carefully chosen to return a representative sample across different geographical areas of
Bangladesh, as well as for National, Regional and Zila roads. The survey locations are shown in Map 3.9. The
schedule of survey indicating dates and exact spots is shown in Table 3-20. The surveys were conducted between
25 September 2006 and 18 October 2006 generally from 6 am to 6 pm.

3.4.3. Analysis of Survey Data

Standard axle loads used for calculating Equivalent Standard Axle Load15 (ESAL’s) are front (steering) axle - 6600
kg; rear single axle - 8160 kg; and tandem axles - 15000 kg.
The summary of the survey results is presented in Table 3-21 location-wise and broken down into vehicle
types. Vehicle-class wise results are presented in the form of charts subsequently.

Measure of the damaging effect of a vehicle on the pavement in terms of the number of standard axle loads of 8.16 tonnes that
the vehicle is equivalent to.

Table 3-20: Axle Load Survey Locations and Schedule

Sl. no. Ref. no. Date Road name Thana, District Location
Dhaka (Banani)-Joydebpur-Mymensingh
Road Gazipur Sadar, 4.5 km north from Joydevpur
1 Na-1 25.09.06 N3 GAZIPUR Intersection
Mymensingh (D.C Office)-Raghurampur-
Phulpur, 8.0 km north-east from
2 Re-1 27.09.06 Netrokona-Mohonganj-Jamalganj- R 370
MYMENSINGH Raghurampur
Sunamganj Road
3 Re-2 30.09.06 Banshkhali,
Badarkhali-Chokoria (Eidmoni) Road R 170 CHITTAGONG 5.0 km north from Banshkhali

Dhaka (Jatrabari)-Comilla (Mainamati)-

4 Na-2 02.10.06 2.0 km north from Elahiganj
Chittagong-Teknaf Road N1 Feni Sadar, FENI intersection
4.0 km south from Hajiganj
5 Zi-1 04.10.06 Haziganj-Ramganj-Lakshmipur Road Z 1422 Hajiganj, CHANDPUR
Sadar HQ
6 Na-3 07.10.06 Dhaka (Katchpur)-Bhairab-Jagadishpur-
Shaistaganj-Sylhet-Tamabil-Jaflong Road 2.5 km north-east from
N2 Bahubal, HABIGANJ Saistaganj
Dhaka (Mirpur)-Utholi-Paturia- Natakhola- Rangpur Sadar,
7 Na-4 09.10.06 Kashinathpur- Bogra-Rangpur-Beldanga- N5 1.0 km north from Damdama
Banglabandh Road
8 Re-3 11.10.06 Rajshahi (Bindur More)-Nawhata-
Chowmasia Road 4.5 km north from Mohanpur
R 685 Mohanpur, RAJSHAHI Thana HQ
9 Na-5 14.10.06 Jhenaidah-Kushtia-Paksey Ferry-Dasuria 6.8 km south from pakshey
Road N 704 Bheramara, KUSHTIA bridge
10 Na-6 16.10.06 Jessore (Daratana More)-Magura (Vaina
Bagher Para, 18.0 km north-east from
More) Road N 702 JESSORE Jessore
11 Zi-2 18.10.06 Gouranadi-Paisarhat-Kotalipara-Gopalganj Gopalganj Sadar,
Z 8031 12 km east from Gopalganj

Table 3-21: Equivalent Standard Axles obtained at 11 Locations
Truck Medium Heavy Mini Std
Truck Truck MAV Bus Bus
Chittagong-Dhaka 0.79 8.62 3.08 25.06 0.83 2.87
Dhaka-Chittagong 0.47 2.10 40.58 8.07 0.58 2.88

N2 Dhaka-Sylhet 0.25 8.29 44.35 7.76 0.95 3.00

Sylhet-Dhaka 0.32 27.24 49.69 2.86
Dhaka-Mymensingh 0.02 4.42 0.00 22.57 0.73 2.68
Mymensingh-Dhaka 0.08 1.98 0.00 0.24 0.86 2.87
Dhaka-Rangpur 0.02 7.59 40.12 3.03
N5 15.89 46.30 2.76
Jessore-Magura 13.31 2.86
N702 Magura-Jessore 0.10 4.74 3.16
Kustia-Bharamara 0.02 10.11 48.52 1.94 2.40
N704 0.12 11.85 55.21 1.79 4.11
Average 0.22 9.68 32.79 12.74 1.10 2.96
Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar 0.77 7.59 0.00 13.73 0.89 3.11
Cox’s Bazar-Chittagong 0.04 9.22 0.00 0.90 3.27
Netrokona-Mymensingh 5.20 0.00 0.89 3.10
Mymensingh-Netrokona 4.90 0.00 1.06 2.71
Rajshahi-Manda 0.12 6.91 0.00 0.09 2.71
Manda-Rajshahi 0.77 4.31 0.00 0.10 2.29
Average 0.42 6.35 0.00 13.73 0.66 2.86
Haziganj-Lakshipur 1.12 0.81
Lakshipur-Haziganj 0.42
Gopalganj-Katalipara 0.09 4.50 0.13 3.13
Katalipara-Goplganj 0.01 0.35 0.12 3.41
Average 0.40 2.42 0.37 3.27

RHD Pavement Design Guide recommends the following ESAL:

Light Truck : 1.0 Medium Truck : 4.62

Heavy Truck : 4.8 Mini Bus : 0.50
Standard Bus : 1.0
The observed loading situation against these permissible values are presented graphically in
Figure 3-5, Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-5 : Equivalent Standard Axle Loads on National Roads

E S A L o n N a t io n a l R o a d s

3 5 .0 0

3 0 .0 0

2 5 .0 0

2 0 .0 0
O b s e rve d

P e rm i s s ib le
1 5 .0 0

1 0 .0 0

5 .0 0

0 .0 0

L ig h t T ru c kM e d iu m H e a vy T ru c k M AV M in i B u sS td B u s
T ru c k

V e h ic le C a te g o r y

Figure 3-6 ; Equivalent Standard Axle Loads on Regional Highways

ESAL on Re gional Roads

16 .00

14 .00

12 .00

10 .00
Os erved

8 .00 Perm is s ible

6 .00

4 .00

2 .00

0 .00
LightMedium H eavy Truck MAVMini BusStd Bus

Vehicle Category

The medium trucks, the heavy trucks and MAV on National Roads were observed to be highly overloaded.
The standard buses invariably exhibited almost twice the permissible ESAL.

Figure 3-7 : Equivalent Standard Axle Loads on Zila Roads

The situation on National Highways for heavy trucks is presented in

Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8: Equivalent Standard Axle Loads of Heavy Trucks on National Roads

Heavy Trucks
National Roads







3.4.4. The Destructive Nature of Overloading Survey Results
Key findings from the surveys can be summarized as follows:
 medium trucks are the predominant freight vehicle type plying on national and Regional
 buses are frequent on these roads;
 N1 Dhaka-Chittagong corridor experiences high levels of overloading;
 N1 Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar route is also subjected to overloading;
 overloading is direction specific on N1, which is to be expected when port traffic is concerned,
because imports (steel, food grains etc) are heavier than exports (garments);

 heavy (3-axle) trucks are the worst offender while carrying building materials like stones
and sand to Chittagong from the north;
 standard buses also overload considerably;
 on Zila roads, trucks were few and lightly loaded. Standard buses were also found to be
overloaded on these roads;
 on average, there is
 7-8 t overloading on medium trucks. Up to 22 t on rear axle was observed
 12-t overloading on heavy trucks. Up to 21 t on each tandem axle was recorded
 3-t overloading on standard buses. Up to 17 t on rear axle was measured;
 other modes are either too few in number or show negligible or no overloading; and
 few empty trucks were found implying the operators attempt to make full utilisation by
avoiding empty trips. A nominal 5% empty proportion was assumed for analysis.

Figure 3-9 shows top down cracks observed in the tyre tracks on the N1 Dhaka-Chittagong Highway.
Contemporary research has revealed that overloading is the dominant contributory factor of top-down

Figure 3-9 : Top Down Cracks, N1 Dhaka-Chittagong Implications of Overloading

Pavement structural design requires a quantification of all expected loads that a pavement will encounter
over its design life. Under the ESAL method, all loads (including multi-axle loads) are converted to an
equivalent number of 8160 kg single axle loads, which is then used for design. A "load equivalency factor"
represents the equivalent number of ESAL for the given weight-axle combination. As a rule-of-thumb, the
load equivalency of a particular load (and also the pavement damage imparted by a particular load) is
roughly related to the load by a power of four. For example, a 16,000 kg (16 T) single axle load will cause
about 16 times the damage as an 8160 kg (8.16 T) single axle load.
The general 4th power relationship between ESAL for a 2-axle vehicle and the standard axle loads is:
ESAL = (FAW/6.6)4 + (RAW/8.16)4
Where FAW = front axle weight and RAW = rear axle weight in tonnes

Table 3-22 shows some typical load equivalencies (note that spreading a load out over two closely
spaced axles reduces the number of ESAL).

Table 3-22 : Example of Load Equivalencies

Load Number of ESAL

8160 kg 2-tyred front axle 2.34

8160 kg 4-tyred single axle 1.00

1000 kg 4-tyred single axle 0.0002

14000 kg 4-tyred single axle 8.70

8160 kg 8-tyred tandem axle 0.09

14000 kg 8-tyred tandem axle 0.76

Overloading of an axle therefore has severe effect on the pavement.

Figure 3-10 illustrates the disproportionately large damage imparted to the pavement by every unit
increase in overloading.
One of the primary functions of a pavement is load distribution and the pavement design must account for
the expected lifetime traffic loads. Since a pavement is designed for the cumulative repetition of equivalent
axle loads likely to be imposed, the effect of increase in ESAL because of uncontrolled overloading would
be reduction in the life of the pavement i.e. the pavement would fail earlier than it is designed for. Figure
3-11 illustrates this point.

Figure 3-10: Increase in ESAL with Overloading

Axle Load vs ESA







ESA 90








The initial detrimental effect is rapid and the trend flattens after 5 tonne overloading. This is particularly
worrying as the cascading 12deterioration
345 6789 10 in
11 the beginning
12 13 14 15 16 leads
17 18 to
19 failure
20 21 of the entire

Overloading (t)

pavement structure. In addition, the slowing down of loaded vehicles because of poor road condition
accelerates the pavement failure process.
The pavement should be designed at least for a higher load limit (say 10.2 t, which means about 2-t
overloading). This would ensure that the pavement would last longer (a 2-t overloading would mean about
9-yr loss of pavement life against 14-yr loss if designed for 8.2-t load limit).
Although elastic theory predicts fatigue failure of bituminous pavement layers from load repetition, the
effect of application of high intensity point load, even instantaneously, can be most damaging to the entire
pavement structure. Research on the damaging effect of extremely high tyre load on flexible and rigid
pavement, even when applied over short periods, has been initiated.
In order to sustain the overloaded vehicles, the pavements have to be designed with higher thickness, which
translates to higher cost of construction. Standard design methods recommend more or less constant
thickness of base and sub-base courses in flexible pavement. To account for excessive axle loads, thicker
bituminous binder course (which is an expensive material) layers have to be provided. The increase in unit
cost with increase in overloading is shown in Figure 3-12, as calculated in terms of additional binder course
Figure 3-11 : Loss of Pavement Life with Overloading
Overloading vs Loss of Pavement Life

Loss of Pavement Life




Overloading (t)

Figure 3-12: Increase in Cost due to Overloading

Overloading vs Cost

% increase in Unit





3.4.5. Conclusions regarding Overloading
12345678910 11
Overloading (t)
Using HDM-4, the study tested the effects of the above findings on RHD roads. The additional
maintenance costs caused by overloading are estimated to be over Tk. 300 Crore per year, excluding
rebuilding costs. The destruction caused by overloading in Bangladesh is not sustainable. Unless action is
taken on the recommendations, the whole effort of this Masterplan will be meaningless.

3.5. Operational Problems on Major Highways

3.5.1. Introduction
It has been observed that the encroachment on the RHD’s Right of Way is a regular phenomenon.
Unscrupulous people construct shops and establish bazaars on the roadside government land and thereby
obtain illegal benefits. These encroachments are the constant source of obstructions and interruption on the
through traffic movement on the roads. These affect the safety of pedestrian and motorized traffic. These
encroachments have considerable adverse impacts on the operational efficiency of the traffic moving on the
The factors that constrain operational efficiency include: hats and bazaars located on the edge of national
highways; plying of non-motorized transport on the main carriageways; stopping of trucks/buses, loading-
unloading or parking on the carriageway or shoulder; absence of protected pedestrian crossings and foot
over-bridges; and a lack of enforcement of traffic rules and regulations. As a result, the national economy is
not getting the optimal return on the huge investments already made on road infrastructure. To address this
operational problem, as part of the Road Master Plan preparation, a field study was undertaken covering all
the major national highways of Bangladesh. In the subsequent sections, the major findings and the possible
solutions to the problems affecting operational efficiency have been presented.

3.5.2. Coverage of the field study

The eight most important national highways N1 to N8 covered by the study have a total length of 2184 km.
Besides encroachment on the highways which has direct impact on the operational efficiency, traffic
volume and road geometry, as well as road furniture also adversely affect the efficiency. The field study
therefore, covered all the above aspects, which are detailed below.

3.5.3. Major problems affecting operational efficiencies

(i) Impacts of haats and bazaars along the highways
A physical survey of 8 national highways having a total length of 2184 km, revealed that there are at least
139 haats and bazaars located along these highways, which stretch over a total length of 73 km. The
approximate location of these haats and bazaars are shown in Table 3-23.
The highway traffic faces considerable congestion as they pass through these haats and bazaars, because
they are required not only to reduce their speed but sometimes compelled to stop completely, which
increases the travel time. Some of the main reasons behind such congestion at the haats and bazaars are: (i)
presence of non-motorized transport (NMT) which are plying on the carriageway creating hindrance to
through traffic; (ii) buses stopping on the carriage-ways for dropping and picking up passengers, blocking
almost 60 % of the road;(iii) trucks are stopping on the shoulder for loading and unloading of goods; (iv)
rickshaws, cycle-vans, auto-rickshaws stand and park on the shoulder or very near to the pavement; and (v)
a large number of pedestrians moving on the road (irrespective of footpath) without caring for the through
traffic. The situation deteriorates further on haat days, which occurs 2-3 times in a week.
It was also observed that congestion was occurring in the bazaar portion of the carriageway where road has
not been widened. It was further observed that even where the carriageway has been widened to 4-lanes,
the 2nd lanes of the 4 lanes portion of the carriageway were found to be used by buses, rickshaws,
tempos for stopping, and for loading/ unloading of goods from trucks. Thus in order to overcome the
problem of congestion created by encroachment on the shoulders and carriageways, it would be essential
to provide dedicated lanes for buses, trucks and NMTs together with well designed spaces for their
loading/unloading, ensure strict enforcement of traffic rules and regulation and provisions for well located
passenger sheds and ticket booking counters.

Table 3-23 : No of Haat/ Bazaars Causing Traffic Congestion
Road No Name of Road No of haat /Bazaars
1 N1 Dhaka-(Jatrabari)-Comilla-(Mainamati) –Chittagong- 19
2 N2 Dhaka-(Katchpur)-Bhairab-Jagadishpur-Saistagong- 11
3 N3 Dhaka-(Banani)-Joydevpur-Mymensingh 10
4 N4 Joydevpur-Tangail-Jamalpur 12
5 N5 Dhaka-(Mirpur)-Utholi-Paturia-Natakhola- 46
6 N6 Kashinathpur-Dasuria-Natore-Rajshahi 12
7 N7 Daulatdia-Faridpur-(Goalchamot)-Magura-Jhenaidah- 21
Jessore-Khulna- Mongla
8 N8 Dhaka-(Jatrabari)-Mawa-Bhanga-Barisal- Patuakhali 8
Total: 139
It is important to note that most of the encroachments referred to above are unauthorized. Most of these
structures when built initially on the edge of shoulders did not interfere directly with the traffic. But when
these structures are used for commercial purposes, haats and bazaars start developing around them. As a
result, local traffic is generated and pedestrian activities increase manifold on particular stretches of the
road along the bazaar creating hazards for moving vehicles.
Recently the Government has taken action to evict these unauthorized structures from roadside land owned
by the Government. Despite this move, out of 139 encroachments, there are still 54 locations where such
encroachments either in the form of haat and bazaars or intersections are continuing to cause traffic
congestion on the major national highways.
In order to get rid of encroachment on roadside Government owned RHD lands, there are Acts, Laws and
rules, which are quite adequate. But the enforcement of these rules, and regulations by the relevant
authorities, has been very weak. This aspect needs to be addressed.
(ii) Impacts of traffic volume on operational efficiency
The level of traffic and its composition has direct impact on the operational efficiency of the highways. On
the National Highways, which are mostly 2-lane roads, there are certain percent of non-motorized transport
(NMT) plying along side the motorized transport. This situation adversely impacts the operational
efficiency of the highways vis-ả-vis their designed capacities. The presence of NMT on national highways
will continue to affect the carrying capacity and the level of operational efficiency till such time that these
are physically segregated from the main stream movement on the carriageways.
(iii) Impacts of road condition, geometry and road furniture on operational efficiency
It is well recognized that road condition, geometry and road furniture have direct impact on the capacity of
the highway as well as on the operational efficiency. The physical survey carried out along 8-national
highways covering a length of 2184 km revealed that depending on the condition and geometry of the
highways, the network could be divided into five different categories as shown in Table 3-24.

Table 3-24 : Summary of Road Operating Categories
Category Definition of road condition

Road sections having nearly perfect condition of pavement and hard shoulders, suitable for high
Good degree of performance. The centerline, edge marking and other types of road markings, sign
/signals etc available along almost entire length of the road. No hindrance from traffic congestion
due to haats and bazaars or poorly designed intersections. Sight distances are also nearly perfect
and adequate cross drainage is properly maintained.
Good Road sections having an acceptable degree of road geometry and other features and where the
riding quality reasonable. All types of road marking, sign/signals, advance distance signboard, etc.
are available but not entirely adequate. Sight distance in case of curves is appropriate and cross
drainage is OK. Congestions are infrequent.
Fair Road geometry and road furniture are of reasonable condition. Riding quality is reasonably good.
Occasional traffic congestions are encountered in certain stretches of the road, particularly during
weekly market days. Level of operation, in totality, cannot be said to be good enough.
Poor Riding quality is not good. The paved surface is partly deteriorated e.g. ruts, cracks, potholes,
undulations and roughness of the surface are noticeable. Hard shoulder is damaged or missing and
earthen shoulder is also undulated and poorly maintained. Traffic congestions are also frequent.
Very poor Such case may arise in the National Highways when the road geometry, surface and other features
are greatly damaged which may be due to natural calamity or disaster like flood or cyclone etc.
This category shall indicate that traffic cannot operate on such roads
without great difficulty and the level of operation is therefore, graded as very poor.

3.6. Road Safety

3.6.1. Introduction
Bangladesh is experiencing a very severe road safety problem and the situation has been deteriorating with
increasing number of road accident deaths. This has been happening largely as direct consequences of rapid
growth in population, motorization, unplanned urbanization, lack of strict enforcement of traffic rules and
regulations, careless behaviour of heavy vehicle drivers and lack of adequate investment in road safety
related activities. Bangladesh is a densely populated country with around 150 million inhabitants living in
an area of 147,570 sq. km. area i.e. 950 persons per sq. km. The contribution of the transport sector 16 to the
GDP at constant prices is about 7 percent. Around 25 percent of the population is currently living in urban
areas, and this is expected to rise to 30 percent by 2010 and to 50 percent by the year 2025. This alarmingly
high growth rate which will have an adverse impact on roads safety, without institutional and other reforms.

3.6.2. Accident Statistics

An analysis of the reported road accident data showed that in 2003, out of 4,114 reported accidents, there
were at least 3,334 fatalities and 3,740 injuries. It was estimated that the actual fatalities could well be
10,000 - 12,000 each year. This indicates that accident data collection and recording is far from perfect. It
is, therefore, very crucial that the present system of accident data collection be improved.
The accident statistics revealed that number of fatalities has been increasing, and Bangladesh has one of the
highest fatality rates in road accidents, over 100 deaths per 10,000 motor vehicles. This rate is at least 50
times higher than the rates in Western Europe and North America, where such a rate is in fact declining 17.
The fatality rates per 10,000 motor vehicles in some of the other Asian countries are only 4 in Malaysia, 12
in India.
Including storage
Hoque M.M., 2006

In economic terms, road accidents in Bangladesh are costing the community in the order of Tk. 5,000 crore
(US $ 850 million), which is nearly 2% of GDP. These figures indicate that road safety is a serious national
issue as it affects each and every one of us, whether drivers, travellers or consumers and therefore, demands
urgent attention. Road safety should be declared as a National Priority by the Prime Minister.
A research study undertaken in Bangladesh in 2003 by TRL & Ross Silcock found that 21 percent of road
traffic deaths occurred to household heads among non-poor people, while 32 percent were from poor
people. Thus poor people are the major victims of road accidents. Generally speaking, people of 15-44
years old account for more than 50% of all road traffic deaths, and 73% of the people killed are male. The
victims being the main earning members of the families involved, they suffer a great deal both
financially and otherwise. For the poorer families this effect is much more significant.
Further analysis of the accident data revealed that nearly 37% of the accidents occurred on National
Highways, 12% on Regional Highways and 15% on Zila/ Upazila roads. In urban areas, 40% of the
accidents occur at intersections while in rural areas during the period 1999-2003, 43% of the accidents on
National Highways occurred on 5% of their total length. During the same period, out of all reported
accidents, 65% were fatal, 24% were serious, 6% were simple and the remaining 5% were collision type.

3.6.3. Factors contributing to accidents

It is important to understand the causes of accidents. The most common accident types are: hit pedestrian
(43.7%), rear end collisions (16.4%), head on collision (13.3%), and overturning (9.4%). These four
accident types account for nearly 83% of the accidents. In case of fatal accidents, hit pedestrian accounts
for 52.9% followed by rear end and head-on, each 11.9% and overturning 9.8%.
With regard to the causes of road accidents, over 58% are related to human factors and behaviours which
include over speeding, overloading, dangerous overtaking, reckless driving, carelessness of road users,
failure to obey traffic regulations and ineffective or inefficient enforcement. Another 34% are related to
adverse road conditions and roadside environment including poor detailed design of junctions and road
sections including road signage. The remaining 8% could be attributed to mechanical faults or defective
motor vehicle and conflicting use of roads. The above figures indicate that an integrated multi-disciplinary
approach would be needed to effectively deal with all aspects of road accidents. The Accident Research
Centre at BUET has already started to include this in its programme.
Studies further revealed that heavy vehicles (both driving and vehicle condition) are major contributors to
road accidents (bus/minibus 33%, truck 27%, and in fatal accidents their shares are 35% and 29%
respectively. This group of vehicles is heavily involved in pedestrian accidents accounting for about 68%
(buses 38% and trucks 30%). Pedestrians are by far the most vulnerable road users in Bangladesh, as they
are involved in more than 47% of road accidents and 49% of all fatalities. In urban areas, the percentage is
still higher.
In 2004, 25% of fatalities on National Highways occurred on just 12% of the length of the network. The
worst stretches of road are shown in Table 3-25. These roads should be the subject of priorities for physical
and other measures to reduce accident risk.
Table 3-25 : Worst stretches of National Highways for fatal accidents
Road No. Name Fatalities per M Vehicle-km Fatalaties Length (km)
N2 Ashugong Sarail 225 19 12
N7 Magura Jhenaidah 149 20 28
N804 Faridpur Bhanga 115 32 30
N508 Dinajpur Beldanga 109 6 16
N104 Feni Noakhali 107 35 49
N506 Rangpur Kurigram 104 17 50
N1 Cox’s-Bazaar Teknaf 103 14 79
N1 Comilla Feni 95 69 64
Total 212 328
Source : Road Safety Cell, BRTA

3.7. Environmental and Social Issues

3.7.1. Environment
Water management is a key feature of life in Bangladesh, and has impacts on all parts of society, but
because of a lack of coping mechanisms, the poor often suffer the most. Many new road projects suffer
from a lack of a full hydrological study.
Water is scarce during the dry season, but abundant enough to cause flooding during monsoon every year.
The situation has been further compounded by the indiscriminate construction of rural roads without
adequate discharge structures which cause water logging. Water resources management in Bangladesh
faces immense challenge for resolving many diverse problems and issues. The most critical of these are
alternating flood and water scarcity during wet and dry seasons respectively, expanding water needs of a
growing economy and population, and river sedimentation and bank erosion.
Bangladesh is vulnerable to natural disasters, mainly flood, cyclone, tidal surges and drought. Among these
flooding is a regular phenomenon. 80% of the country is on a floodplain, and during a normal monsoon
flooding affects 25% of total land area, and serious floods can affect up to about 90% of country. In 1988,
92.5 % of the country was affected damaging a large number of roads and bridges. The 2004 flood lasted
for 40 days in 42 districts (about 60% of country), and resulted in the need for two major flood
rehabilitation projects in RHD.
Drought is common in the northern region. Special transport interventions are needed to improve the
conditions of vulnerability of the people in the drought affected areas.
Many Zila roads have been constructed with inadequate water discharge facilities which have been
identified as the key reason for water logging and prolonged flooding. Rural road structures constructed
with inadequate drainage structures cause water logging and inadequate clearance can obstruct the
movement of country boats.
The use of crushed bricks for aggregate – the result of burning wood and coal, leads to pollution, loss of
natural resources, carbon emissions, and land loss. Often big ditches are left which are then used as rubbish
tips and waste leaches into groundwater contaminating water supply.
Environmental Impact Assessments should be built into all project preparations, but this is rarely done for
Government of Bangladesh funded projects. The impact on the environment from construction and traffic,
especially pollution, tend to affect the poor the most. RHD’s manual for Environmental Assessment focuses
on delivering two outcomes:
 minimising / mitigating potential negative impacts;
 maximising the positive benefits. Use
of the Environmental Assessment Manual is now mandatory.

3.7.2. Resettlement and Land Acquisition

There are serious poverty issues relating to the fact that the poor often use land without legal permission
and so are not entitled to compensation under current GOB legislation. Resettlement and land acquisition
may have a negative impact on the livelihood choices of the poor and vulnerable. RHD has drafted and
approved ‘Social Assessment Guidelines’ and ‘Land Acquisition and Resettlement Guidelines’. These
should be incorporated into new legislation.

3.7.3. Human Trafficking

Women and girls have a very low status in Bangladesh society and this is reinforced by social constraints,
religious taboos, traditional customs and values. The deep rooted gender discrimination leads to widespread
incidence of neglect, violence, trafficking and sexual abuse towards girls and women. Girls are given fewer
opportunities than boys and quite often the girls are looked upon as a burden for the family. Although it is
against the law, poor families are often forcing their daughters into marriage at a very young age. Biharis
(stranded refugees) and the ethnic minorities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts are totally marginalised and in
the highest risk group for ending up as child labourers or victims of trafficking and abuse.

Due to poverty, distress and inadequate support structures in the local communities, migration happens
from rural to urban areas within country as well as abroad, in search of work to support the household. In
these situations, children are very vulnerable to labour, sexual exploitation and trafficking. The
consequences, both psychological and physical, on children vary depending on age, gender and socio-
economic status.
There is an extensive trafficking of children internally in Bangladesh, and from Bangladesh primarily to
India and Pakistan, where children are in demand as child labourers and child prostitutes. India is both a
recipient and transit country. Boys are trafficked through India to the Middle East to work as camel
jockeys, girls most often trafficked to the sex market, both within and outside of Bangladesh.
Due to the cross border nature of the trafficking problem, regional cooperation is also a central element in
the work, and will aim at securing rescue and repatriation possibilities, but also at gathering information
and create the fundament for regional advocacy.
Most human traffic uses roads within the country and cross-border. An improved road network can make
trafficking easier. Where there are road projects near the Indian border, there ought to be awareness
programmes so that local people fully understand that the potential risk of trafficking will be increased.

3.7.4. HIV/AIDS
The Government does not fully recognize HIV or AIDS as a serious problem. However, taking the high
prevalence in neighbouring countries into account there is a growing concern among international
organisations and NGO’s that the problem is another emerging threat. Major road and bridge works, where
labour camps are set up and workers live for 3-4 years, are a potential source of HIV or AIDS. There is a
high prevalence of prostitution and extra-marital sex in such camps.
International experience suggests that the improvement of the inter-Regional Highway network is likely to
lead to an increase in the incidence of HIV or AIDS along these major transport corridors. This is not a
problem that RHD can tackle, but it should work closely with the major NGOs that provide support in this
area to develop a mitigation plan.
Under the RNIMP-II Project there is a programme for the improvement of public awareness for HIV or
AIDS and women trafficking. The Ministry of Women’s and Children’s Affairs (MOWCA) has established
a steering committee consisting of RHD, MOWCA, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Home Affairs,
an NGO network (Action Against Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children), and Asian
Development Bank. MOWCA will finalise and submit to ADB the negotiated contracts for three NGOs to
support implementation of the MOWCA component for anti-trafficking and HIV or AIDS awareness.
MOWCA will include representation in the steering committee from the three NGOs.

3.7.5. Employment Positive Opportunities
Roads provide employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled workers. In the short term they provide
employment during construction. In the longer term they can provide employment for maintenance. For
both of these, some activities can be targeted to local unskilled workers from poor or vulnerable
households. Jobs may also be created in supporting the transport services along the road – vehicle
maintenance and repair, trade with road users, NMV manufacture and repair etc. The general principle of
employment should be ‘equal pay for equal work’ regardless of gender, age, disability, or ethnic / social
Labour based construction and maintenance of roads is a proven means of benefiting the poor, especially
women18. It can be wage targeted towards the poor and maintenance experience in Bangladesh shows that
even the drip feed of part time wages can, with imagination, be exploited to lift the most poor out of
poverty. However, the image of labour based works among decision

Bruceson and Howe, 1993

makers needs to be improved through the introduction of modern techniques of work organisation and
The ILO19 Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) was ratified by Bangladesh in 1998. States
having ratified the Convention shall promote and, in so far as is consistent with the methods in operation
for determining rates of remuneration, ensure the application to all workers of the principle of equal
remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. Child Labour
The Government has had increasing focus on the formal sector which has led to a decrease in the
number of child labourers in ready-made garment sector, but there has been an increase in child labour in
the informal sector. The removal of children from garment factories, has led to an increase in their number
in the construction industry, and child labourers in the informal sector include brick chippers working on
road projects.
The ILO Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), has not yet been ratified by Bangladesh. The
Convention sets a number of minimum ages depending on the type of employment or work. The first
principle is that the minimum age should not be less than for the age for completing compulsory schooling
and in no event less than age 15 or 14 for countries whose economic and educational facilities are
insufficiently developed. [Compulsory education in Bangladesh is up to grade 5, approximately 11 or 12
years of age] A higher minimum age should be set for hazardous work. This should not be less than 18.
For light work the minimum age can be set at 13 or 12.
The ILO Worst forms of child labour (C182) was ratified by Bangladesh in 2001. The Convention applies
to all persons under the age of 18. Worst forms of child labour includes ‘work which is likely to harm the
health, safety or morals of children’. An accompanying recommendation defines ‘hazardous work’ as
‘work which exposes children to physical, psychological or sexual abuse; work underground, under water,
at dangerous heights or in confined spaces; work with dangerous machinery or tools, or which involves
heavy loads; work in unhealthy environments which may expose children to hazardous substances,
temperatures, noise or vibrations’.
The removal of child labour from road projects can be achieved through contract agreements, but they are
hard to enforce.
3.8. Ferries
Ferries play an important role in carrying vehicular and passenger traffic across waterways on the RHD
network. There are 48 ferry Ghats now in operation under RHD, see Map 3.10. Through these Ghats over
9,000 vehicles ply across rivers and waterways every day.
The ferry service is required to be kept regular round the clock through out the year by providing proper
maintenance. Two types of maintenances are done here. For smooth functioning of ferry ghats, the ferries
and pontoons are now used throughout the year as shown in Table 3-26
Table 3-26 : RHD Ferries and Pontoons

Sl No. Type of ferries Number Sl No. Type of pontoons Number

1 Steel ferries 32 1 Old pon toon(PO) 38
2 Unifloat ferry 29 2 Modifie d pontoon (PM) 23
3 Utility(type UT-1) ferry 40 3 Improve d pontoon (PI) 218
4 Utility(type UT-2) ferry 100 4 Upazila pontoon (PU) 17
5 Utility(type UT-3) ferry 8
Total 209 Total 296
Source : Mechanical Wing, RHD

At 11 ghat locations, ferries will be replaced by bridges as shown in Table 3-27.

International Labour Organisation

Table 3-27 : Bridges under construction
Location of Width of Bridge
Division Name of Road water way length Remarks
(m) (m)
Nawabgonj Z 6802 Kansat-Gumostapur- 15th km 335 335 Almost complete
Shapahar Rd
Sylhet Z2831Dhakadaksin-Chandpur- 4th km 180 269 Under construction
Beanibazar Rd
Chittagong N1 Maijjartek-BFDC-Fisheries Rd 2nd km 1,000 980 Karnafuli bridge now
under construction
Tangail R506 Aricha-Ghior-Daulatpur- 39th km 1,000 700 Tenders received
Nagorpur Tangail Rd
Munshigonj Fatulla-Munshigonj-Laohojong Rd. 9th km 1,530 Bangladesh-China friend
ship bridge under
Duhar-Bashtola-Jhaokanda- 8th km Covered by proposed
Charbhodrason -Faridpur Rd Padma bridge
Gopalganj Pirojpur-Nazirpur-Matibhanga- Tungipara 300 390 Under construction
Patgati-Ghonapara Rd
Pirojpur Togra-Zianagar-Balipara-Kolaran- 2nd Km 300 387 Under construction
Sanyashi Rd
Khulna Khulna(Rupsha)-Terokhada Rd 1st km 500 1,400 Parallel to Rupsha
bridge at 500m
Khulna Gallamary-Batiaghata-Dakup- 7th km 260 260 Under construction
Nalian forest Road
Patuakhali N8 Dapdapia
Patuakhali N8 Lebukhali
Source : RHD
Out of the above, 61 ferries and 61 pontoons are more than 25 years old and are beyond economic repair.
Major engine overhauling, major repair and major replacements are done by ferry divisions under RHD’s
Mechanical Zone. Petty repairs and day to day maintenance required to keep the ferry service operation
intact round the clock are done by the civil operation zones. The Mechanical Zone generally makes surveys
of the ferries and pontoons and prepare estimates, call tenders, select bidders and give work orders. Work is
done under supervision of S.O, SDE and Executive Engineer of the Mechanical Zone.
Most ferry ghats are leased out to private operators who are supposed to provide fuel and lubricants. The
Mechanical Zone looks after the engine condition and they take care for regular and smooth functioning of
ferries. They take care of pontoons as well when major repair/replacement is required. Around Taka 15-20
Crore are spent by the ferry unit alone with a far bigger amount spent by the operation unit for maintaining
and operating the ferry ghats.
3.9. Institutional Issues

3.9.1. Organisation and Staff

The Roads and Highways Department’s stated aim is to become a modern Highways Agency in an
International Context, and it has made great strides over the last ten years towards this. It still remains an
organisation which appears to be very hierarchical institution. However, many projects tend to be managed
independent of the central management.
From a nominal number of posts of nearly 20,000, current staff strength is about 11,800, of which over
8,000 are in “temporary” posts. 61% of all sanctioned posts are vacant. Many “temporary” staff are long
term. Many posts in Class III and IV are no longer relevant for present requirements of a modern
RHD consists of an aging workforce, in particular amongst Class 1 senior officers, and there will soon be
insufficient numbers to fulfil management obligations. 56% of Class 1 officers are 51

years old or older and will all have retired in 7 years time. By 2010, 13 of the 17 Additional Chief
Engineers will have retired.
An interim re-organisation for RHD has been approved and largely implemented. A further, far- reaching
re-organisation is required to complete this process, but this is likely to meet with strong opposition from
the Ministry of Establishment.

3.9.2. Budgetary Control and Financial Issues

In RHD the Executive Engineers have disbursement capabilities. This means that RHD Officers can be
Procurer, Paymaster and Engineer in the same projects. In addition to this issue, the audit function is
nominal. The Central Management System (CMS) has improved this, but is not fully used yet but it is

3.9.3. RHD Issues of Management Culture

Within RHD there are several collective and supportive organisations (or unions) including the cadre of
first class officers. These unions are powerful and can mobilise strong support, and some have
demonstrated their ability to close down RHD operations if required.

3.9.4. Current Institutional Change Initiatives in RHD

RHD has been the subject of several institutional studies and development programmes over the years. This
is to be expected in the main roads agency of a developing country. Some initiatives have been relatively
successful, for example the development of the computer based HDM/RAMS model, whereas others have
not been successful, for example the large amount of work which has been undertaken to try to improve the
quality of construction works. Transport Sector Management Reform (TSMR)
The longest lasting programme, and the one which is still working within the MoC/RHD is the DFID
funded TSMR programme, an extension of the IDC (Institutional Development Component). The objective
of this institutional strengthening programme was to modernise RHD with an emphasis on contracting out
most of its services, focusing on effective collection, management and analysis of data, thereby permitting
the fulfilling of its strategic planning role.
The programme has been partially successful and the latest phase is concentrating on developing the
computer based financial/progress monitoring system (CMS), embedding the HDM/RAMS suite, and
improving the work on the DFID and JBIC (debt forgiveness) funded Periodic Maintenance Programme
(PMP). These programmes are developing, but they all lack real GOB sustainability support. RHD also has
several completed initiatives which are in danger of becoming vestigial with the external support removed.
The Road Safety and Environmental Circles are not working as they should, the RHD Training Centre
lacks funding and has non- permanent posts, and the management manuals are not in use. Institutional Development Action Plan
The World Bank initiative to produce reform in this sector is given the name of IDAP (Institutional
Development Action Plan). The main body of this is in the form of a large matrix of suggested actions
which have been derived from a variety of sources. There is a proposal for an RHD based TA project to
develop the IDAP and facilitate the sector improvements from within it. It is worth noting that two of the
sources for the IDAP were the ADB inspired RHD Road Map along with the output from the IDC projects. Operational Risk Assessment
Final Report issued in June. The World Bank Operational Risk Assessment is still reporting. Discussions
with the team during their time in Dhaka suggest that they will recommend a series of structural changes
which will be required to RHD and other parts of government. Clearly this needs resolution. There is no
doubt that in order to achieve the changes required to produce the institutions of the future, external funding
will be required. Most importantly, the changes require the Ministries of Communications and
Establishment to support the ideas, push through the ideas and include them in the rules and regulations
that the RHD works within.

4.1. Population Growth
The population of Bangladesh is expected to grow considerably over the next twenty years. Unofficial
forecasts prepared by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and World Bank are shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 : National Population forecasts

Constant TFR=2.1 by TFR=2.1 by TFR=2.1 by

Year Medium High Low Fertility Rate 2011 2016 2021
1970 64.9 64.9 64.9 64.9 64.9 64.9 64.9
1975 73.2 73.2 73.2 73.2 73.2 73.2 73.2
1980 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2
1985 92.8 92.8 92.8 92.8 92.8 92.8 92.8
1990 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0
1995 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5
2000 128.9 128.9 128.9 128.9 128.9 128.9 128.9
2005 141.8 141.8 141.8 141.8 139.8 139.8 139.8
2010 155.0 156.5 153.4 156.7 149.7 150.5 151.5
2015 168.2 172.3 164.0 173.4 159.0 161.6 163.4
2020 181.2 188.9 173.5 191.3 169.5 172.2 175.0
2025 193.8 205.4 182.2 210.5 180.2 182.9 185.7
TFR = Total Fertility Rate

For this study, the extreme high and low, and medium variant have been adopted, as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 : Population Forecasts adopted for RMP





140 Constant Fertility Rate - High TFR=2.1 by 2011 - Low

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

The effective growth rates in population over the twenty-year period 2005 to 2025 are Low: 27%; Medium:
36%; and High: 48%.

4.2. Economic Growth
Recent GDP growth in Bangladesh has averaged around 5.5% per year, as shown in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2 : Year on Year GDP Growth, 2000 to 2005



0 200020012002200320042005


In developing assessments of what future economic growth might be, it was assumed that a continuation of
the 5.5% growth would be a reasonable central assumption. This is very much in line with world Bank
assumptions. Either side of this, low growth was assumed to be 4.5% per year, and high growth 6.5% per
year. The forecast GDP per capita resulting from these are shown in Figure 4-3
Figure 4-3 : GDP Per capita forecasts ($)


400 Low Medium High

200 World Bank


The consequences of these levels of economic growth are seen in Figure 4-4 in which forecasts for
Bangladesh in 2025 are compared with GDP per capita figures for Asian countries in 2005. The purpose of
this is to enable a view to be taken of the reasonableness of the forecasts. For example, under the
medium growth scenario Bangladesh would in 2025, have the same level of GDP per capita as does Sri
Lanka today. Under the high growth scenario, Bangladesh would have the same level of GDP per capita as
does the Philippines today.

Figure 4-4 : Comparison of Bangladesh Forecast GDP with other Asian Countries

2000 Bangladesh today
Bangladesh today
)$ 2000

a 1500
P 2025
1000 2025
G 1000

n e si p a k a t d ta e am 0 w u ig
d as a s a n e ia n an D od 0 R i ia 5 m
h ai l p i n e
n R
u r an u t es In i s i tn P 2 Lo d H
nd L h r-L k Gu e o mb h s h e
i l i p d o ab s M sh

4.3. Vehicle Growth

4.3.1. Trucks
For this study a relationship was derived between the number of trucks in Bangladesh and industrial and
agricultural GDP as shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5 : Recent growth in registered trucks related to GDP



No. of



23000 440000 480000 520000 560000

Industrial and Agricultural GDP

Using the above relationship growth factors (relative to 2005) for trucks were prepared as shown in Figure

3.5 Medium High
Growth factor relative to



2010 2015 2020 2025

Figure 4-6 : Growth Factors for Trucks

4.3.2. Buses
Bus passenger numbers and bus services are assumed to grow in line with population and current trends in
vehicle registration growth. Most recently, the typical year-on-year rise in bus registrations has been around
4%. This is taken to be the medium estimate, with low growth assumed to be 3% per year, and high growth
5% per year. Whilst this might under-estimate the propensity for increased travel with growth in GDP, this
is counter-balanced by the shift towards private car travel, and train travel with the proposals for improving
the railway network20. Figure 4-7 shows the forecast growth in bus travel.


1.50 Low
Medium High
Growth relative to





2010 2015 2020 2025

Figure 4-7 : Growth factors for Buses

4.3.3. Cars
Figure 4-8 shows car ownership in selected Asian countries. Using this and GDP data it is possible to
derive a relationship as shown in Figure 4-9. Using this relationship estimates of car growth rates are shown
in Figure 4-10.

Bangladesh Railway, Railway Development Plan – Interim Report, April 2007

4.3.4. All Vehicles
Taxis, auto-rickshaws and other motorized vehicles have been grouped as ‘Other’ Their growth rate is
assumed to be an average of car and commercial truck growth. Annual average growth rates, by vehicle
type used in this study are summarized in Table 4-2
Figure 4-8 : Car Ownership in selected Asian countries, 1997

Cars per 1000 population



Figure 4-9 : Relation between car ownership and GDP

Car Ownership per 1000



0 50010001500200025003000
GDP per head ($US)

Figure 4-10 : Growth factors for Cars

Low Medium
6.00 High
Growth relative to





0.00 2010 2015 2020 2025


Table 4-2 : Average Annual Forecast Vehicle Growth Rates (%)

Truck Bus Car Other All Vehicles

2005-2010 6.03 3.00 9.60 8.90 5.70
2010-2015 5.95 3.00 8.30 6.70 5.25
2015-2020 7.10 3.00 6.90 5.25 5.15
2020-2025 1.40 3.00 5.50 2.00 2.45
2005-2025 5.10 3.00 7.57 5.69 4.64
2005-2010 7.25 4.00 11.50 10.40 6.95
2010-2015 6.85 4.00 9.15 7.50 5.82
2015-2020 6.40 4.00 7.00 5.30 5.00
2020-2025 2.80 4.00 5.70 2.90 3.18
2005-2025 5.82 4.00 8.40 6.45 5.24
2005-2010 8.32 5.00 17.00 11.70 8.40
2010-2015 8.00 5.00 10.60 8.30 7.25
2015-2020 6.00 5.00 6.80 5.20 5.50
2020-2025 5.22 5.00 5.45 4.20 4.90
2005-2025 6.87 5.00 9.90 7.32 6.50

5.1. Road Sector Policy
As part of this study, a Road Sector Policy was drafted in response to the problems identified in Chapter 3.
This is set out in Table 5-1. The Road Sector Policy amplifies and expands statements made in the
National Land Transport Policy, and was approved by the Road Masterplan Advisory Committee on 10th
April 2007.
Table 5-1 : Road Sector Policy
Subject Government Policy
Integrated planning  Development of the strategic road corridors will be planned in co-
should be improved ordination with the development of the railway and inland waterway
networks to ensure that the most appropriate mode is used for the
movement of people and goods.
Insufficient attention has  Government to establish a ‘Road Maintenance Initiative’ to direct
been paid in the past to development partners to focus their assistance on a single programme for road
road maintenance. Road maintenance and rehabilitation
maintenance must be given
a higher priority, and  Government to create a High Level Committee (headed by Minister) to
enough resources allocated. oversee Road Maintenance Initiative, to ensure that targets are being met and
Road maintenance must be adequate resources are provided.
performed in a transparent
and accountable way.  Government will create Road Fund and autonomous Board to manage it.

 Board may create a Technical Advisory Committee on the Road

Maintenance Initiative, comprising all stakeholders, including government,
transport industry, road users, industry and commerce, agricultural sector, and
construction industry. Technical Advisory Committee to ensure that initiatives
There are no agreed are taken to improve road maintenance quality and to meet the agreed standards.
standards and targets for the  Road network to be maintained to a set of agreed standards. Government
condition of the road will set standards for the quality of the road network and ensure that resources
network. By setting targets are made available to road agencies for targets to be met.
the Government can expect
road agencies to improve
performance. Routine
maintenance is not done  All roads under RHD to be placed under routine maintenance contracts.
properly in Bangladesh. It
must have a higher priority  Contractors will be asked to tender for 3 year contracts to provide all routine
maintenance activities : vegetation control, culvert cleaning, slope protection,
pothole filling and crack repairing, signage, lines etc.

 Pilot schemes will be used to develop the most appropriate form of

 RHD to set performance standards for these contracts.
Overloaded trucks and
buses cause excessive  The Government will confer powers on, and allocate resources to, road agencies
damage to roads and cost to set and enforce limits on the weights of vehicles so as to protect the
the country around Tk. 300 road network from damage caused by overloading.
Crore per year in additional
maintenance needs. Axle  Government to consult stakeholders on the issue of axle-load control in
loads need to be controlled order to ensure understanding and compliance, before measures are introduced.

 RHD to install 18 weighbridges across the country (First Phase).

 Government to ban import of 2-axle trucks with an unladen weight of

more than 5 tonnes from 1 January 2008, and encourage use of multi-axle trucks.
Regulations to be enforced to ensure that vehicles are not physically modified
from the registered specifications.

Road building can damage  Government to ensure that measures are introduced and adhered to that protect
the environment and cause the physical and social environment from adverse effects of road
social problems construction.

 Government will finalise and approve RHD’s draft ‘Social Assessment

Guidelines’ and ‘Land Acquisition and Resettlement Guidelines’.
These and the already approved ‘Environmental Impact Assessment
Guidelines’ shall be followed for all road works.

 Government shall develop a revised set of standard contract documents

for maintenance and construction works that include environment and social
protection clauses, and promotion of employment opportunities for local people.

More than 20% of the Zila  The Zila road network will be rehabilitated over the next ten years in
road network is in very poor order to achieve a minimum accessibility level on all Zila roads.
condition due to a history of
poor maintenance.  Minimum accessibility levels will be defined in the Road Master Plan
Road classification does
not fully meet the  The road hierarchy will be reviewed and roads re-classified where
hierarchy required to assist necessary to meet economic objectives
economic development
 Within the hierarchy, road functions will be determined to ensure that
Design standards and traffic is managed to improve safety and efficiency of travel.
quality can be improved to
enhance safety and get  Design standards will be updated to meet international norms.
better value for money
Road safety is a priority  The quality of road infrastructure will be improved to higher standards
and needs to be improved
 On National Highways strict safety measures will be enforced to protect
vulnerable road users from fast moving traffic

 Encroachment of roadside activities onto the main carriageway will be

prevented, also to protect vulnerable road users in these locations.

 Local committees will be involved in implementing necessary

Many level crossings are  An integrated approach to road safety will be introduced with agencies
unsafe, and increased and measures coordinated across areas of education, awareness, enforcement
traffic will exacerbate this and physical improvements
 Grade separation will be introduced where train frequencies and traffic
levels warrant

 Unprotected road/rail crossings will be placed in a programme for safety

enhancement through manned gates
Bridges are an important
asset for the road network.  RHD will co-ordinate with Bangladesh Railway on these issues.
Their conditions must be
improved and maintained  Bridges in poor (category ‘D’ condition) will all be replaced or undergo
major works to ensure safety and access over the next 10 years.

 All Portable Steel Bridges (PSBs) will be replaced by permanent structures over
the next 20 years.

 Regular bridge maintenance will be introduced and enhanced.

 All narrow bridges (less than 7.3m) on National Roads will be replaced over
the next 20 years by bridges having at least 7.3m carriageway

 The Government will ask RHD to commission an independent study of the

condition of all its bridges, by specialist consultants.

Flooding undermines the  The Government will take necessary steps to protect its investment in the
investment in roads, and strategic road network from the adverse effects of flooding.
road building needs to take
better account of flooding  All construction and rehabilitation works of National Highways will ensure
that the road crest is at least 1 metre above the highest flood level
of 50 years.

 For all other roads, the freeboard will be determined from time to time by the
concerned agencies

 All new road construction and rehabilitation works will be subjected to a full
The proposed Padma hydrological and morphological study
Bridge is urgently needed to  Feasibility studies have been undertaken and the Government is fully
unlock the development committed to the construction of the proposed Padma Bridge.
potential of the south-west
of the country.
More use should be made
of Bangladesh’s
geographical position to  The Government will seek to make bilateral transport agreements with
encourage trade neighbouring countries to avoid trans-shipment, and reduce transport costs.

 In order to facilitate sub-regional movement, the Government will

encourage SAARC to adopt a Sub Regional Transport Facilitation
Agreement (STFA).

 The Government will explore investment in additional and enhanced

international infrastructure connections where there are clear economic
benefits to Bangladesh.
 The Government will ratify the Asian Highway Network Agreement.

 The Government will Gazette the relevant part of the road network to
be part of the Asian Highway. These roads will be upgraded to
appropriate standards to accommodate the growth in traffic from international

The above policy frames the priorities for the Masterplan. However, before these can be finally identified
and placed in programmes, account must be taken of the commitments already made in the road sector.
Standards for the condition of the road network should be adopted by Government and made public at the
national and local level, along with active publicity.

5.2. Commitments

5.2.1. Introduction
This section provides an analysis of the projects listed under Roads and Highways Department in the
2006/07 Annual Development Programme. The purpose of the analysis is to identify:
 the potential commitments for expenditure on approved projects in the
next four years; and

 to provide a basis on which projects can be prioritized in the light of
constrained resources.

5.2.2. Size of the ADP

It was observed that the Government’s Annual Development Program (ADP) related to Roads and
Highways Department (RHD) includes large number of projects, some of which are still unapproved. A
detailed analysis of ten years ADP (1997-98 to 2006-07) for RHD revealed that every year new projects
were being added without ensuring the completion of large share of on- going projects. As a result, total
number of projects has risen by nearly 350% over a period of ten years. Figure 5-1 illustrates how the
number of projects in the ADP has been growing year on year.

Figure 5-1 : Number of RHD Road Projects in ADP over 10 Years (1997-



Number of Projects






1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Ongoing Project31 63 86 104 127 113 124 135 145 130
New Project6 32 23 25 40 15 8 22 12 14
Total Project37 95 109 129 167 128 132 157 157 144

Fiscal year

Source: ADPs, Bangladesh Planning Commission, Dhaka

An analysis of the size of the 2006-07 ADP revealed that it includes 144 projects with a total cost estimate
of Taka 22,605.99 crore for which an allocation of Taka 2,397.65 crore (USD 343 million), equivalent to
9.42% of the cost, was provided. It was quite noticeable that the 2006-07 ADP contains many projects that
have been dragging on for over 8+ years. If this trend continues, many of these projects will not be
completed before 25 or 30 years. In addition, the analysis also revealed that ADP for 2006-07 contains
several large cluster projects that are mini programmes in their own right. These projects have great
financial impact on remaining projects in the ADP, as they call for the commitment of large amounts of
resources. As Bangladesh, till recently, did not have a well established strategic planning approach, the
selection of projects for inclusion in the ADP was fairly arbitrary and very often subjected to political
interference. In fact, many of the projects included in the ADP in the past were without proper appraisal. As
a result it has become difficult to prioritize projects in the ADP in an efficient manner, for the allocation of
scarce resources.

5.2.3. Prioritization within ADP

Figure 5-2 above shows that the Bangladesh Planning Commission already attached higher priority to
foreign aided projects over other government (GOB) funded projects. As a result, 40%

of the 2006/07 ADP resources (shown in Appendix 121) were allocated to 16 foreign aided projects. The
Planning Commission also attached priority to other major projects, which were included in the ADP based
on some sort of feasibility studies. Around 47% of the resources was therefore, allocated to these major
projects, whose number stood at 57. The remaining 71 projects were treated as low priority and only 13%
of the ADP resources were allocated to these projects. The 16 Foreign aided projects in the ADP are
estimated to be completed by 2011/12.

Figure 5-2 : ADP 2006-07: Percentage of Resource Allocated to Foreign Aided

Projects, GOB Major and Minor Projects of RHD

(97098 lakh) Allocation-2006-2007
Foreign Aided Project (111499 lakh)
(No. of Projects 16) GOB Major Projects
40% (No. of Projects 57)

(31168 lakh)
GOB Minor Projects
(No. of Projects 71 ) Foreign Aided Project (No. of Projects 16) Allocation-2006-2007 (97098 lakh) GOB
Major Projects (No. of Projects 57) Allocation-2006-2007 (111499 lakh) GOB Minor
Projects (No. of Projects 71 ) Allocation-2006-2007 (31168 lakh)
Source: ADP 2006-07, Bangladesh Planning Commission, Dhaka

5.2.4. Rationalization of the ADP

In order to accommodate the new priority projects coming out of the Road Master Plan (in this study), it
has become essential to recast the current ADP to make space. All major and minor projects included in the
ADP numbering 128, the majority of which have been dragging on for years, for which considerable
expenditure has already been incurred, need to be completed within the next 3-4 years. A further analysis
of these projects indicates that 49 projects out of 128, could be completed in 1 year, with a resource
allocation of Tk.195 crore, while another 33 projects could be completed in 2 years if Tk. 313 crore could
be allocated. The Planning Commission should take note of this analysis and act accordingly.
In addition, the cluster projects listed in separately in the ADP all include a large number of smaller
sub-projects. These projects did not go through any project appraisal before their inclusion in the ADP.
As part of the rationalization process, it has become necessary to take out temporarily the cluster projects,
listed above, from the ADP for a thorough review by RHD. Following the review, only the high priority
projects from among the large number of smaller projects included in the 10 cluster projects, could be
included in the future ADPs as individual projects. The Planning Commission is already aware of this
issue, and as a result of the development of the Masterplan has

Appendix 1 shows the ‘white leaf’ projects that were approved, and the ‘green leaf’ projects to be included in the ADP
only after approval and allocation from sectoral block.

recommended that those sub-projects which are near completion should be finished with the utmost
urgency, and those sub-projects which are not being implemented should be removed from the ADP. It is
recommended that RHD provide sufficient information to the Plannning Commission so that all the cluster
projects, and sub-projects, can be reviewed in the light of Masterplan priorities. It is further recommended
that RHD remove the unjustified sub-proejcts from the ADP and replace them with properly justified
projects from the Masterplan.
The forecast committed expenditure over the next four years excluding cluster projects is set out in Table 5-
Table 5-2 : Estimated committed expenditure resulting from the 2006/07 ADP
Expected Expenditure (Crore Taka)
Project Type 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Total
Foreign Aided 1,434 747 672 412 3,265
GoB Projects which should have been completed by 2007/08 98 98 0 0 195
GoB Projects which should be completed by 2008/09 78 156 78 0 312
Other GoB Projects 221 245 341 173 979
Total 1,831 1,245 1,091 585 4,751

5.2.5. Committed Road Improvement and Maintenance Projects

Table 5-3 lists the committed project interventions on paved Regional and National Roads, covering 1,975
km. All the remaining National Highways and Regional Highways (5,627km) are considered for
interventions in the first 5 years of the Masterplan period (Section 8.4.4).
Table 5-3 : Committed Interventions on paved National and Regional Highways

Road No. Road Name Intervention Length (km) Project

N1 Chittagong to Dohazari Improvement 26.2 RNIMP-II
N1 Chandina, Comilla and Feni by-passes Improvement 51 RMIP
N1 Feni to Chittagong, section 2 Improvement 38 RMIP
N3 Joydebpur to Mymensingh Improvement 90 RSRP
N3 Tongi to Joydebpur Improvement 12.5 RSRP
N4 Kaliakoir by-pass Improvement 3.2 RNIMP-II
N5 Panchagarh to Banglabandh Improvement 57 RNIMP-II
R280 Sylhet to Sunamganj Improvement 68 RSRP
R360 Mymensingh to Nandail Improvement 47 RNIMP-I
R556 Mithapukur to Madhyapara Improvement 24 RNIMP-I
Sub Total Improvement 416.9
N1 Chittagong to Cox’s Bazaar (ch 19.5 to Maintenance 62.5 RMIP
N1 Cox’s Bazar to Teknaf (ch 6 to 43) Maintenance 37 RMIP
N1 Daudkandi to Chandina Maintenance 28.7 RMIP
N1 Chandina to Feni Maintenance 34.62 RMIP
N1 Jatrabari to Kanchpur Maintenance 9 PMP
N1 Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar Maintenance 65 PMP
N102 Comilla to Brahmanbaria (ch. 10 – 27, ch. Maintenance 27 PMP
67 –77)
N107 Kalurghat to Monesertek Maintenance 11 RMIP
N2 Dhaka to Sylhet Maintenance 0.7 PMP
N2 Dhaka to Tamabil Maintenance 6 PMP
N212 Tamabil Landport connecting road Maintenance 0.34 PMP
N4 Madhurpur to Jamalpur Maintenance 41 RNIMP-I
N4 Joydebpur to Jamalpur Maintenance 28.55 PMP
N4 Joydebpur to Jamalpur Maintenance 6.63 PMP
N4 Joydebpur to Jamalpur Maintenance 21.72 PMP
N401 Madhurpur to Mymensingh Maintenance 47 RNIMP-I

Road No. Road Name Intervention Length (km) Project
N5 Gaibanda to Rangpur Maintenance 41 RNIMP-II
N5 Rangpur By-pass Maintenance 12 RNIMP-II
N5 Beldanga to Panchgarh Maintenance 76 RNIMP-I
N5 Dhaka – Banglabandh (ch 173 to 188) Maintenance 15.55 PMP
N5 Dhaka to Rangpur Maintenance 29 PMP
N5 Dhaka to Rangpur (ch. 188.75 – 207.35) Maintenance 19 PMP
N506 Rangpur to Kurigram (ch 3 – 23) Maintenance 20 RNIMP-II
N508 Beldanga to Dinajpur Maintenance 13.9 RNIMP-I
N509 Rangpur to Barobari Maintenance 104 RNIMP-II
N516 Noagaon by-pass Maintenance 8 PMP
N7 Dauladia to Mongla Maintenance 14.25 PMP
N7 Dauladia to Mongla Maintenance 14 PMP
N7 Dauladia to Mongla Maintenance 26 PMP
N7 Dauladia to Khulna (ch. 61.6 – 63.6) Maintenance 2 PMP
N7 Dauladia to Khulna Maintenance 18 PMP
N8 Dhaka to Mawa (ch 0 – 2.5) Maintenance 2.5 PMP
N8 Dhaka – Barisal (ch 121 – 139, 149 – Maintenance 33 PMP
N8 Dhaka to Barisal (ch 95.5 – 115) Maintenance 19.55 PMP
N8 Dhaka to Barisal (ch.115 - 121 Maintenance 6 PMP
N809 Barisal to Lakshmipur Maintenance 10.5 PMP
R111 Narayanganj Link Road (ch. 3 – 15.9) Maintenance 8.5 PMP
R140 Comilla to Chandpur Maintenance 50.55 RMIP
R140 Laksmirpur to Raipur Maintenance 16 RMIP
R140 Raipur to Chandpur Maintenance 27 RMIP
R140 Comilla to Begumganj (ch. 55 – 69) Maintenance 14 PMP
R141 Lalmai to Laksham Maintenance 38 RMIP
R141 Lalmai to Soniamuri (ch 11 – 34.7) Maintenance 23.77 PMP
R141 Lalmai to Soniamuri (ch 34.7 – 37 Maintenance 2.23 PMP
R142 Begamganj to Ramganj Maintenance 20.5 PMP
R143 Begumganj to Sonapur Maintenance 20 RMIP
R143 Maijdi to Chandraganj Maintenance 11.7 PMP
R151 Baraiyerhat to Fatikchhari Maintenance 3.5 PMP
R152 Heako to Ramgarh Maintenance 7.63 PMP
R152 Heako to Ramgarh Maintenance 3 PMP
R160 Hathazari to Khagrachhari Maintenance 1.5 PMP
R211 Kishorganj to Katiadi Maintenance 13 RNIMP-II
R240 Shaistaganj to Sherpur Maintenance 9.3 PMP
R280 Sylhet to Sunamganj Maintenance 34 PMP
R281 Rajnagar to Charkhai Maintenance 10.5 PMP
R281 Charkhai to Baroigram Maintenance 9.5 PMP
R282 Juri to Lathitila Maintenance 5.7 PMP
R360 Mymensingh to Kishorganj (ch 89 to Maintenance 27 RNIMP-II
R360 Mymensingh to Kishorganj (ch 20 to 49) Maintenance 29 RNIMP-II
R370 Mymensingh to Netrokona (ch 42 to 52) Maintenance 10 RNIMP-II
R371 Mymensingh to Sherpur (ch 0 to 65) Maintenance 65 RNIMP-I
R460 Jamalpur to Bangoan Maintenance 29.93 RNIMP-I
R505 Nabinagar to Kaliakor Maintenance 12.9 PMP
R555 Palashbari to Gaibanda Maintenance 15 RNIMP-II
R570 Saidpur to Niliphmari Maintenance 16 RNIMP-II

Road No. Road Name Intervention Length (km) Project
R685 Rajshahi to Chowmasia Maintenance 65 PMP
R710 Ahladipur to Kushtia (ch. 0 –11.17) Maintenance 11.17 PMP
R760 Khulna to Satkira Maintenance 17 PMP
R770 Noapara to Pirojpur Maintenance 12 PMP
R771 Rupsha to Bagerhat Maintenance 7 PMP
Sub Total Maintenance 1,557.89
Total 1,974.79

5.2.6. Recent Funding Levels

Since Independence the Development Budget for Roads and Highways Department has increased from less
than Tk. 100 Crore to over Tk. 2,300 Crore in 2006-07. Over the past seven years the total allocation has
been remarkably constant, at an average of Tk. 2,314 Crore. However, this masks a recent shift in burden to
the Government of Bangladesh, whose contribution has risen, whilst development partner support has
declined from Tk. 1,140 Crore in the first three years of the period to Tk. 618 Crore over the last three
years. The revenue budget for road maintenance, excluding work charge employees, is currently around Tk.
800 Crore.
It will not be possible to mobilise additional development partner support in the first two years of the plan
period, simply because of the approval times required. Therefore, given the level of commitments there is
limited scope for major new projects in the first two years (2007/08 and 2008/09).
Supplementary financing for the road sector, through charges on road users and non-users, and private
sector investment must also be considered. In particular, a Road Fund is necessary to fund maintenance and
repair of roads and bridges (refer also to Section 17.4.1).

6.1. Summary of Issues
The approach to the development of the Road Masterplan is based on addressing the existing problems
faced by the road and bridge network, along with the future challenges. The key issues that have emerged
from the study are:
 The underlying strength of the National and Regional Highway network, largely due
to a lack of maintenance
 Vehicle overloading has contributed significantly to the above
 The operation of the National Highway network is severely hampered by congestion
caused by poor local traffic management and encroachment
 The fact that the Zila road network is not fulfilling its full role in rural connectivity
because it is partly incomplete, and has suffered from a lack of maintenance
 Bridges have not been properly maintained, with the result that a large number of
them already need, or will shortly need replacement, or major repairs
 Road safety is critical and not properly addressed in design or enforcement
 Traffic is forecast to grow by a factor of at least three over the next twenty years,
leading to a need to increase capacity significantly on the major strategic corridors
 Maintenance is poor, and needs a higher priority, more resources, improved
management, and better quality standards
6.2. Approach
The above 8 issues define the problems that this Masterplan has to address over the next twenty years. The
Policy requirements, and the role of the Masterplan in implementing these are set out in Table 6-1. These
are need based, determined by the diagnosis in Chapter 3, and traffic growth identified in Chapter 4.

Table 6-1 : Role of the Masterplan in implementing the Road Sector Policy
Government Policy Implementation
1.1 Development of the strategic road corridors will be planned Planning Commission to coordinate
in co-ordination with the development of the railway and long-term sub-sectoral transport
inland waterway networks to ensure that the most appropriate plans
mode is used for the movement of people and goods.
2.1 Government to establish a ‘Road Maintenance Initiative’ Cabinet decision required

2.2 Government to create a High Level Committee (headed by Cabinet decision required
Minister) to oversee Road Maintenance Initiative

2.3 Government will create Road Fund and autonomous Board Government decide to promulgate
Road Maintenance Ordinance
Board may create a Technical Advisory Committee on the
2.4 Road Maintenance Initiative For Board to determine
3.1 Road network to be maintained to a set of agreed Chapter 8 of Road Masterplan
standards. (strengthening) and Chapter 15

Government Policy Implementation

4.1 All roads under RHD to be placed under routine Section 15.1 of Road Masterplan
maintenance contracts.

4.2 Contractors will be asked to tender for 3 year contracts to

provide all routine maintenance activities

4.3 Pilot schemes will be used to develop the most

appropriate form of contract.

4.4 RHD to set performance standards for these contracts. The

5.1 Government will confer powers on, and allocate resources to, Chapter 9 of Road Masterplan
road agencies to set and enforce limits on the weights of

5.2 Government to consult stakeholders on the issue of axle- load Ministry of Communications to
control implement

5.3 RHD to install 18 weighbridges across the country (First Section 9.4 of Road Masterplan

5.4 Government to ban import of 2-axle trucks with an Cabinet Decision required
unladen weight of more than 5 tonnes from 1 January
2008, and encourage use of multi-axle trucks.
6.1 Government to ensure that measures are introduced and Chapter 18 of the Road
adhered to that protect the physical and social environment Masterplan
from adverse effects of road construction.

6.2 Government will finalise and approve RHD’s draft ‘Social Section 18.1of the Road
Assessment Guidelines’ and ‘Land Acquisition and Masterplan
Resettlement Guidelines’. These and the already approved
‘Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines’ shall be
followed for all road works.

6.3 Government shall develop a revised set of standard contract Section 18.5 of the Road
documents for maintenance and construction works that Masterplan
include environment and social protection clauses, and
promotion of employment opportunities for local people.
The Zila road network will be rehabilitated over the next ten
7.1 years in order to achieve a minimum accessibility level on all Chapter 11 of the Road
Zila roads. Masterplan

Minimum accessibility levels will be defined in the Road

7.2 Master Plan Section 11.4 of the Road
The road hierarchy will be reviewed and roads re- classified Masterplan
8.1 where necessary to meet economic objectives Section 2.3 of the Road
Within the hierarchy, road functions will be determined to
8.2 ensure that traffic is managed to improve safety and efficiency Ministry of Communications to
of travel determine
Design standards will be updated to meet international norms.
9.1 Chapter 7 of the Road Masterplan
The quality of road infrastructure will be improved to
higher standards
9.2 Chapter 8 of the Road Masterplan
10.1 On National Highways strict safety measures will be enforced to Chapter 10 of the Road
protect vulnerable road users from fast moving Masterplan

Government Policy Implementation

10.2 Encroachment of roadside activities onto the main carriageway Section 10.1 of the Road
will be prevented, also to protect vulnerable road users in these Masterplan
10.3 Local committees will be involved in implementing necessary Section 13.3 of the Road
measures. Masterplan
10.4 An integrated approach to road safety will be introduced with Chapter 13 of the Road
agencies and measures coordinated across areas of education, Masterplan
awareness, enforcement and physical improvements
Grade separation will be introduced where train
11.1 Section 13.4 of the Road
frequencies and traffic levels warrant
Unprotected road/rail crossings will be placed in a
11.2 Section 13.5.3 of the road
programme for safety enhancement through manned gates
RHD will co-ordinate with Bangladesh Railway on these
RHD to implement

12.1 Bridges in poor (category ‘D’ condition) will all be replaced Chapter 12 of the Road
or undergo major works to ensure safety and access over the Masterplan
next 10 years.

12.2 All Portable Steel Bridges (PSBs) will be replaced by Section 12.8 of Road Masterplan
permanent structures over the next 20 years.

12.3 Regular bridge maintenance will be introduced and Chapter 16 of the Road
enhanced. Masterplan

12.4 All narrow bridges (less than 7.3m) on National Roads will be Section 12.7 of the Road
replaced over the next 20 years by bridges having at least 7.3m Masterplan

12.5 The Government will ask RHD to commission an Section 12.12.2 of the Road
independent study of the condition of all its bridges, by Masterplan
specialist consultants.
13.1 The Government will take necessary steps to protect its Section 7.6 of the Road
investment in the strategic road network from the adverse Masterplan
effects of flooding.

13.2 All construction and rehabilitation works of National Highways Section 7.6 of the Road
will ensure that the road crest is at least 1 metre above the Masterplan
highest flood level of 50 years.

13.3 For all other roads, the freeboard will be determined from time Section 7.6 of the Road
to time by the concerned agencies Masterplan

13.4 All new road construction and rehabilitation works will be Section 18.7.1 of the Road
subjected to a full hydrological and morphological study Masterplan
14.1 Feasibility studies have been undertaken and the Government Chapter 14 of the Road
is fully committed to the construction of the proposed Padma Masterplan
15.1 The Government will seek to make bilateral transport Cabinet decision required
agreements with neighbouring countries to avoid trans-

Government Policy Implementation
shipment, and reduce transport costs.

15.2 In order to facilitate sub-regional movement, the Cabinet decision required

Government will encourage SAARC to adopt a Sub
Regional Transport Facilitation Agreement (STFA).
15.3 The Government will explore investment in additional and Section 14.14 of the Road
enhanced international infrastructure connections where there Masterplan
are clear economic benefits to Bangladesh.
15.4 The Government will ratify the Asian Highway Network Cabinet decision required

The Government will Gazette the relevant part of the road Cabinet decision required
network to be part of the Asian Highway. These roads will be
upgraded to appropriate standards to accommodate the growth
in traffic from international transit.

7.1. Introduction
The design standards and specifications for roads and bridges highlighted in this chapter are meant
primarily for use in the Road Master Plan study. The suggestions given here, however, may form the
basis for updating the official RHD guidelines22. Further study in this direction is recommended.

7.1.1. Approach
The guidelines of RHD currently in circulation have been found to be generally in order and therefore
considered as the base. The chapter discusses the rationale for recommending a change in the value of a
design parameter, while the actual values – whether changed or already in use - are included in tabular
forms as annex at the end of the chapter.

7.1.2. Geometric Standards

The “Geometric Design Standards of Roads and Highways Department” is considered as the official
document for the relevant standards for use by RHD. The discussions on geometric standards for roads in
the following sections pertain to the recommendations contained in this and the accompanying two
documents (referred to as the RHD Standards).
7.2. Design and Permissible Speeds
Since the design speed governs most of the geometric parameters, adoption of an appropriate value is most
essential for road planning and design.
The standard speed values universally followed are given below. The figures within parenthesis denote the
original values from which the present ones in SI unit have been derived.
50 km/h (30 mph)
65 km/h (40 mph)
80 km/h (50 mph)
100 km/h (60 mph)
Most roads in the country have single carriageway and pass through bazaar areas at regular intervals. There
is usually no access control or any segregation between NMT and MT. Besides, the fitness of the vehicles
(brake, lights, steering), particularly of loaded trucks, is seldom passable under a proper test. Thus, from
the standpoint of safety, traffic must not be allowed to travel at speeds that would make control of the
vehicles difficult in unforeseen situations such as sudden intrusion of NMV and pedestrian in the MV
stream, friction loss in road surface, sharp curves, loss of visibility, mechanical failure etc. The RHD
Standards recognizes this fact and have made a case for restricting
the design speed to 80 km/hr. At this point there is a need to differentiate
between Design speed and Permissible speed. The former is defined as the speed adopted for the design
of various elements and sections of the road while the latter is the speed limit imposed by the road authority
on the vehicles for reasons of safety. Therefore, if ground conditions permit, design speed as high as
100 km/h can be adopted for design of individual elements like curves or sections like urban stretches. But,
the permissible speed must be restricted to 80 km/h. As a rule, Permissible Speed (speed limit) should be at
least one stop below the Design Speed to make allowance for occasional violation. If required, speed limit
should be reduced further at urban and bazaar areas, where NMT is high. For dual carriageway roads with 4
or more lanes, the design speed and the permissible speed can be the same.
Table 7-1 presents the speed values for road design and operation in plain terrain.
Table 7-1 : Design and Permissible Speeds
Ministry of Communications, Geometric Design Standards of Roads & Highways Department, July 2001
Ministry of Communications, Standard Tender Documents, Technical Specifications, May 2001
Ministry of Communications, Geometric Pavement Design Guide for Roads & Highways Department, April 2005

Dual Carriageway Single Carriageway
More than 4 lanes 7.3 m wide 5.5 m wide 3.5-3.75 m wide
Design Speed (km/h) 100 100 80 80
Permissible Speed (km/h) 100 80 65 50
Note : the speeds indicated are the maximum that can be adopted.
In the case of road upgrading and rehabilitation, there is usually very little scope for improving the road
geometry without major land acquisition. Hence, design speeds (and in turn the permissible speeds) may
need to be judiciously reduced while designing elements like super-elevation, horizontal and vertical
For rolling and hilly terrain, the speed limits should be respectively one step and two steps lower than the
corresponding values shown above.
Under constrained conditions, the design speed may therefore vary from element to element or from section
to section. But the allowable speed over a distance must be determined by the most critical condition in that
This fact has been recognized while preparing Table 2.2 of RHD Standards (Geometric) where the ruling
design speed is linked to the road configuration (directional segregation, lane width). However, Table 2.1,
to which Table 2.2 refers, needs review. For example, for Design Type 3 (7.3m wide single carriageway 2-
way road), 2100 passenger car units (pcu)/hr is shown as the maximum design year traffic volume whereas
Figure 4.4 later in the document indicates 2100 pcu/hr as the capacity for the same road cross-section.
7.3. Passenger Car Unit
The pcu factors adopted in the RHD Standards generally reflect the traffic classification and composition
on Bangladesh roads. Nevertheless, the modifications shown in Table 7-2 are suggested:
Table 7-2 : Modifications proposed to PCU’s
Passenger Car Unit
Vehicle Type RHD Standard-2001 Suggested for RMP
Minibus 3.0 2.0
Motorcycle 0.75 0.50

A minibus has a capacity of 30 passengers compared to 52 for a standard bus (size ratio~0.60). Although
minibuses stop and go in the same manner as its larger cousin, it has more manoeuvrability. In view of this,
a reduced pcu factor of 2.0 is suggested. Motorcycles travel fast and are in no way more obstructive than a
bicycle, which has a pcu factor of 0.5. Therefore, it is reasonable to adopt a value of 0.5 for all motorized
2-wheelers including motorcycles and scooters.
7.4. Level of Service
The RHD document recommends Level of Service (LOS) E (v/c ranging from 0.64 to 1.00) as the level for
upgrading to the next higher design type (configuration). The range is wide and leaves room for ambiguity.
Letting congestion reach a critical stage (near the upper limit of the range) defined in LOS E will not be
conducive to growth. Instead, a definite cut off at v/c = 0.7 is deemed to be a reasonable trigger level for the
National and Regional Highways.
7.5. Shoulder
The usefulness of a paved (or even hard) shoulder is beyond dispute. One of the most important uses of a
shoulder is to provide space for movement of slow-moving vehicles and for routine and emergency parking
of vehicles.
Paved shoulders should be at least 2 m wide on both sides of single carriageway 2-lane roads. A narrow
shoulder of 1.5 m is not wide enough to accommodate fully an animal-drawn cart or a

parked or stranded truck. Thus the carriageway, particularly in the case of 2-lane undivided roads, is
encroached upon.
The flow of traffic on the main carriageway is likely to benefit most from segregating slow moving, non-
motorised traffic and pedestrians from motorised traffic. Therefore, the most appropriate solution is to
provide a wide shoulder of relatively thin construction.
A wider shoulder of 2.0m width will eliminate this problem. If a wide shoulder with physical separation is
provided, it will not be necessary to use full pavement construction, as traffic loads will be light. On the
other hand, where there is no separation and a narrow shoulder is provided, evidence suggests that heavy
vehicles will routinely travel on the shoulder and it is therefore appropriate to use full depth construction.
Consideration should be given to the surface texture of the carriageway and the shoulders. On the main
carriageway, it is important to have a relatively high coefficient of friction to assist vehicle traction and
braking, whereas on the shoulder a smoother finish is better for bicycles and other non-motorised traffic. If
the shoulders are constructed to, at least, the same dimensional tolerances as the main carriageway, and are
designed to remain in such condition with minimal maintenance, there will be less reason for pedestrians
and users of non-motorised vehicles to stray on to the main carriageway.
Although some will ignore road signs and markings, there is evidence that the majority of road users will
usually respect them. Therefore allowance should be made for much improved marking and signage. In
particular, the edge of the main running carriageway should be marked with a continuous line, preferably
reflective and ridged.
Clear segregation of NMV and MV through wide shoulders can significantly improve the capacity and
safety of existing roads.
The RHD Standards recommends no edge drop between carriageway and paved shoulder (although in
reality edge drop is commonly provided). Cross –section drawings unfortunately do not always bear out
this fact. A 2-2.5m wide paved shoulder with leaner pavement than the main carriageway will obviate the
need for the edge drop.
In narrower roads, heavy vehicles frequently steer out of the carriageway to pass an approaching vehicle
without slowing down. Providing a paved shoulder in such roads would give the driver a false impression
of width and the shoulder will be routinely used a part of carriageway. This will necessitate as strong a
pavement for the shoulder as the pavement of the main carriageway, thus defeating the very purpose of
retaining the narrow road width. Instead of paved shoulders, narrow roads (<7.3m) should be provided with
hard shoulders built with granular material of sub base quality having CBR not less than 30%.
The verge should be minimum 1.5m to allow for 0.5m rounding-off at the edge of embankment and
erecting of signs and other items of road furniture.
7.6. Freeboard
In a flood prone country like Bangladesh, keeping the important highways above submergence level is
essential. Yet the need for economy (avoiding over-design) cannot be over-emphasised. Therefore, the road
level must be judiciously fixed looking at the frequency of disruption as predicted from return periods of
flood i.e. HFL (high flood level) for 20-yr and 50-yr return periods. Broadly, the freeboards for National
and Regional Highways should be:
 1m to 1.2m above 50-year HFL measured from the HFL to the road top at embankment
 0.30 m above 50-year HFL measured from HFL to top of subgrade (bottom of
 1.5 m above ponding level measured from stagnant water level to top of subgrade (to
avoid saturation of subgrade owing to capillary action).
 Highest level calculated from the above three criteria shall be applicable. In case of Zila
roads 20-year HFL may be considered.

The embankment height for important new roads such as bypasses must be designed strictly in accordance
with these freeboard guidelines. For upgrading existing roads, especially in built-up areas, the freeboard
may have to be reduced for other considerations.
7.7. Crossfall
The normal carriageway crossfall for a high grade bituminous surfacing such as asphalt concrete can be
2.5%. The paved shoulder crossfall with an inferior surfacing material should be 3%. In super-elevated
sections, the roll-over camber between the outmost carriageway and shoulder interface should not exceed
8% to ensure safety (mainly of NMVs). On roads where traffic intensity warrants only surface treatment
(AADT <4000), a 3% camber may be provided in the carriageway. The paved shoulder, in that case, would
have 0.5% steeper crossfall.
7.8. Super-elevation
There is serious reservation about capping the maximum allowable super-elevation at 7%. Super- elevation
design assumes that 85 percentile of all vehicles will travel at the design speed. In a situation where there is
a large number of NMV and heavily loaded trucks, such an assumption is not realistic. For vehicles
travelling at speeds considerably below the design value, 7% super- elevation may cause the slow vehicles
to slide towards the inner lanes thus posing great danger of accident at sharp curves. A limit of 5% is
suitable for roads in Bangladesh with mixed traffic. The permissible speeds may be calculated accordingly.
7.9. Longitudinal Gradient
For a flat country like Bangladesh, a minimum longitudinal gradient for roads should be specified. A value
of 0.5% is suggested. However, introducing a minimum gradient in an existing inter-urban section may be
difficult. If the section is on an embankment, prescribed cross-fall should be able to facilitate surface run-
off even if sufficient gradient cannot be provided. New roads should be provided with a minimum 0.5%
longitudinal gradient. The maximum gradient should be 4% for National Highways and Regional
Highways23, with a maximum on Zila Roads of 2.5% to account for the high proportion of non-motorised
7.10. Pavement Design
The base document for pavement design is “Pavement Design Guide for Roads & Highways Department”
published by the Roads and Railways Division of Ministry of Communications in April 2005, in short
RHD Guide-2005. The discussion will be confined to the need for change and not on the acceptable
parameters or design methodology.
7.11. Traffic Count
For the purposes of detailed pavement design, a 7-day 24-hour classified traffic volume count is needed.
The count should be representative of the section under design. The choice of survey location is therefore
most important. Since pavement design is based on the cumulative number of standard axles that are
likely to be imposed on the section during the design period, the proportions of different types of vehicles
needs to be known. Therefore, the traffic count period should include working days and a weekend to
account for fluctuations during one whole week at least.
7.12. Design Life
The RHD Standards suggest a design period of 20 years. This may need re-consideration. In the case of
Bangladesh, future development will depend on a number of probable crucial events such as construction
of the Padma Bridge; opening of sections of the Asian Highway on major shift in trans-border trade policy.
The network traffic pattern will be affected by the occurrence or otherwise of these events. Not only the
events themselves but also their timing would be of great significance. Obviously, the pavement for a road
section cannot be designed for all alternative traffic scenarios, that too over a 20-year uncertain period. It
would be wiser to restrict the design period to a more realistic time span of 10 years and adopt one most
probable traffic projection. This strategy will limit the risk of over/under estimation of traffic and will
allow revision of projection at the time of stage design for the next 10-years and so on.

the standards may be relaxed with the agreement of the Chief Engineer

7.13. Equivalence Factor
The Equivalence Factor is a major issue and has been dealt with in detail separately in Section
3.4.4. The findings and recommendations are summarised here as they directly and primarily affect the
pavement design. At present, with little or no control on loads carried by commercial vehicles, the spectrum
of axle loads of trucks and buses in the country has been observed to be quite different from what is
assumed in the guide. Sample surveys conducted recently, as part of this study, reveal the following
average ESAL per vehicle or equivalence factor:
Light truck = 1.0
Medium truck = 15 for Rangpur and Sylhet zones and 7.5 for the other 6 zones Heavy
truck = 30
Minibus = 1.0
Standard Bus = 2.8
According to RHD Guidelines, the factor for medium truck is 4.62 and for heavy truck 4.8 and for standard
bus is 1. Obviously these are gross underestimates. The observed very high values of ESAL have largely
been responsible for the rapid and widespread deterioration of the road network, as the pavement design did
not take these equivalence factors into account.
There is an urgent need to impose immediate and strict axle load control all over the country. The
legal load limits proposed for different type of commercial vehicles would produce the following
equivalence factors:
Light truck = 1.0
Medium truck = 2.7
Heavy truck = 3.5
Minibus = 0.8
Standard Bus = 1.0
Once axle load control is implemented across the country, these factors should be used in pavement design.
However, in the interim period, primary axle load survey on specific project roads should be conducted and
the result used in the pavement design.
7.14. Improved Subgrade
The RHD Standards recommend an improved subgrade (capping) layer over the subgrade if the latter has a
CBR value of 4% or less. The available data of subgrade strength of existing roads show an average value
of about 5%. Thus the need for improved subgrade is not universal and hence should be provided
selectively as it is a costly item.
7.15. Vertical Clearance
Structures above waterways should be construcuted in accordance with BIWTA’s published clearances for
Class I to IV navigable waterways. For structures above other waterways, a survey of craft using the
waterways should be carried out prior to design to enable the appropriate clearance to be incorporated. It
is recommended that the Planning Commission check that this is adhered to in Development Project
Proformas (DPP’s).
7.16. Land Acquisition
Agricultural land is being lost in Bangladesh at the rate of around 1% per year. Whislt road building is by
no means the biggest culprit, every effort should be taken to minimise the loss in agricultural land for road
projects. DPP’s for road projects shall include an Initial Social Assessment, and if the proposed
requirement for agricultural land is significant, then a full Social Assessment is recommended.
7.17. Costs
Project costs estimated in this plan are based on existing road construction costs in Bangladesh at 2007
prices. When projects are brought forward from the Masterplan in the forms of DPP’s then detailed cost
estimates should be provided on the basis of full engineering surveys.

8.1. Background
A major issue that emerged as a result of the diagnostic analysis of the road network was the need for
sustainable medium and long term solutions to the poor performance of the National and the Regional
Highways. Historically, the National Highways have always received more attention than the Regional
Highways. Among the National Highways, the investment on the major corridors like N1, N3 etc. has been
much more than the others. Even the expenditure that has been made by the government did not yield the
desired result because of the lack of a comprehensive improvement and maintenance plan based on
accurate data and analysis. As a result, the network as a whole failed to provide any impetus to the overall
development of the country. The recent introduction of the system of preparing and following the annual
‘Needs Report’ based on HDM output was a step in the right direction by RHD. However, the primary
focus of this report has been preventive maintenance only as a means of preserving the road asset. The
rationale for such an approach could justifiably be the chronic absence of assured fund for capital
investment and the backlog thereof.
The master plan provides the right opportunity to address the issue of inadequacies in the road network in a
comprehensive manner. There is no scope for deferring action any longer on the plea of fund shortage.
Appropriate and sufficient investment for medium to long term benefit has become imperative now. This
chapter discusses this issue and provides the basis for a physical programme under the Master Plan.
The objective of the repair and rehabilitation programme is to strengthen the road pavement of the network
sufficiently so as to support the projected traffic load – during the master plan period - without frequent
capital interventions subsequently.
8.2. The Problem
Initially, the Consultants believed that the major thrust would be needed towards routine and periodic
maintenance of the National and Regional Highway network under a policy of preserving the existing
assets. The problem of the road network is much more than poor maintenance. The analysis of RMMS data
for the National and Regional Highways (Section 3.1.8) has indicated that the underlying strength of the
roads is, in general, low. In other words, the pavements were not strong enough to support the projected
traffic loading. There can be several reasons. The weakness in the pavement structure can be attributed to
premature damage imparted by overloaded vehicles; inadequacy in the pavement thickness; poor quality of
materials and workmanship, and lack of maintenance.
Assessment of the existing condition revealed that almost all roads would require attention in one form or
another to remain serviceable over the plan period. The picture that emerged pointed towards the fact that,
although majority of the roads have riding quality ranging between Good and Fair, they are deficient in
pavement strength for the traffic loading for a design period of 10 years based on model generated traffic
forecast. Mere preventive maintenance with the aim to preserve the surface of the road by repairing the
cracks and/or road profile will no longer be economical on life-cycle consideration. Surface treatments like
reseal and seal coat only conceal the weakness of the pavement structure. The intervention that appeared
most appropriate was bituminous overlay on the existing surface, thickness of which would vary depending
on the present condition and future traffic. Obviously specific levels of intervention would be necessary for
individual road sections. The intervention for distressed pavements can be of the following two basic types:
 Periodic or preventive maintenance with a thin overlay only
 Rehabilitation for pavement strengthening with a thicker overlay or by reconstruction
These options can be defined broadly as:
Maintenance: this intervention would be warranted when the existing pavement is reasonably strong but
the surface is in distress. There can be several levels of maintenance depending on the traffic and
existing surface condition (IRI value).

Rehabilitation: this strengthening intervention would be necessary if the present and the projected traffic is
high and the pavement is weak. The assessment of existing pavement strength, derived from either
deflection value and/or pavement composition, is essential.
8.3. Approach
It was not practical or possible to carry out analysis for individual road sections of the national and
Regional Highway network of over 6500km. The HDM database is actually broken down into 409 National
road segments and 764 Regional Highway segments of uniform properties. Hence a macro approach, based
on developing a road network matrix of representative road links, was adopted. Roads were classified by
traffic and pavement condition levels, which are the key attributes that influence pavement performance
and road user costs the most. Thus, 5 traffic levels (T1 to T5) and 5 pavement condition/strength levels (C1
to C5), identical with HDM Circle classification, defined the matrix comprising 25 representative road
Two separate matrices, one each for National and Regional Highways, were developed. The weighted
averages of 2005 traffic, roughness and other condition parameters were used as historical inputs for the
hypothetical road section that each cell represented. Each cell possessed a single set of properties and
required the same interventions for improvement. These data were analysed to formulate typical proposals
for repair and rehabilitation of the roads.

8.3.1. Classification by Traffic

The traffic on a road segment in the RHD network is designated by Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT).
For the purposes of the design for strengthening, however, two components of the total AADT were
 Motorised traffic excluding two and three wheelers
 Commercial vehicles comprising trucks and buses only
The 5 traffic levels (similar to those adopted for HDM) were defined in terms of the ranges of AADT of
motorised traffic as shown in Table 8-1. The same classifications were used for National and Regional
Table 8-1 : Grouped Traffic Levels
Traffic Level AADT* range Description
T1 0 - 1999 Very Low
T2 2000 - 3999 Low
T3 4000 - 5999 Moderate
T4 6000 - 7999 High
T5 >8000 Very High
* AADT of motorised traffic excluding 2- and 3-wheelers

8.3.2. Condition Levels

The same ranges of roughness, in terms of IRI, as used for HDM programme analysis of the network were
adopted to define 5 conditions levels for the matrix. The standard ranges of roughness shown in Table 8-2.
As a general rule, roughness in excess of IRI 9 means the surface has reached a condition that cannot be
rectified by a mere maintenance overlay while IRI above 12 signifies reconstruction is necessary by
scarifying the surface.
Table 8-2 : Grouped Road Condition Levels
Condition Level IRI Range Description
C1 0 - 4.99 Good (G)
C2 5 – 6.99 Fair (F)
C3 7 – 8.99 Moderate (M)
C4 9 – 11.99 Poor (P)
C5 12 - 120 Bad (B)

8.3.3. Matrix Structure
The classification of the segments by traffic and pavement condition gave rise to a 5 x 5 matrices with cells
designated as T1C1, T1C2 …T4C3, T5C5 etc. As each cell also had an existing Structural Number
(SNexist) attributed to it and the SNexist values with respect to Condition Values varied considerably
between National and Regional Highways, two separate 5 x 5 matrices had to be developed. Each cell was
considered as a hypothetical road segment possessing a single set of historical parameters (AADT, IRI,
SNexist) derived from weighted average values of all segments (of National or Regional Highways as the
case may be) that satisfied the cell criteria. Therefore, specific intervention (SN after works, equivalent
bituminous overlay thickness) for each of the 25 hypothetical segments for National roads - and the same
number for Regional Highways - had to be ascertained based on the design strength and the existing
strength of the cell pavement. The following sections discuss the derivation of the ‘after works’ parameters
for different cells of the two matrices.

8.3.4. Intervention Design

The primary input for pavement design is the number of repetitions of standard axles expected to be
imposed during the design period. This is a function of base AADT (MT except 2/3 wheelers), composition
of heavy vehicles in the stream (discussed later in the chapter) and their respective growth rates during
design period, the design period and ESAL for different vehicles.

8.3.5. Design Period

A design period of 10 years was adopted for all roads segments for reasons explained in Appendix 2:
Design Standards and Specifications. A staged construction strategy with a rehabilitation overlay
after 10 years to prolong the life of the pavement to the end of the plan period of 20 years was considered.

8.3.6. Growth Rates

The traffic forecast model provided different sets of growth rates for three scenarios of high, medium and
low economic growths of the country for National and Regional Highways. For the purpose of pavement
design, the respective medium growth rates were considered for all vehicles modes including the
commercial ones. During the Plan period of 20 years, the growth rates changed every 5 years.

8.3.7. Cumulative Standard Axles

Based on the above factors, the cumulative number of standard axles (CSA) from 2007 to 2016 had to be
estimated and assigned to different cells of the two matrices. In the ultimate analysis, CSA had to be co-
related to the traffic levels T1, T2 etc. A regression analysis was carried out to derive a relationship
between AADT of motorised vehicles (excluding 2- and 3-wheelers) and the traffic loading from
commercial vehicles expressed in terms of million CSA.

Figure 8-1shows the graphs so obtained for National and Regional Highways. In each regression, R2 value
of 0.88 was returned, which was considered to be quite acceptable. The average design CSA for the traffic
level (T1, T2 etc) was assessed for the two graphs separately. For example, in National roads, loading
would be 4 million CSA for traffic level T2 and 12 million CSA for T5. Similarly, in Regional Highways,
loading over 10 years would be 3 for traffic level T2 and 9 million CSA for T5.

Figure 8-1 : Relationship between CSA and AADT





10.0 Natio
n nal





2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
AADT (MT excluding 2&3-wheelers) 2005

8.4. Pavement Strength

8.4.1. Design Pavement Strength

Differential Structural Number method was employed to estimate the rehabilitation need of the pavement.
The difference between the design structural number and the existing structural number of the pavement
determined the equivalent overlay thickness.
The following AASHTO relationship was used to calculate the design Structural Number, SNdesign:

log10 (W18) = ZR x S0 + 9.36 x log10 (SN +1) - 0.20 + (log10 [(Δ (PSI)/4.2-1.5]) / (0.40 +
(1094/ ((SN + 1)5.19)))) + 2.32 x log10 (MR) - 8.07

W18 = Predicted number of 18 – kip (8160 kg) equivalent standard axle load
applications = CSA
ZR = Standard Normal Deviate = -1.645
S0 = Combined Standard Error of the traffic prediction and performance
prediction = 0.45
Δ (PSI) = difference between the initial design serviceability index P0, and the design
terminal serviceability index Pt, = 2
MR = Resilient Modulus (psi) = 1500 x CBR = 7500

A universal 4-day soaked CBR value of 5% was adopted for simplicity.

8.4.2. Existing Pavement Strength

In all pavement rehabilitation projects, it is essential to ascertain the residual strength of the existing
pavement so that the additional strengthening layer(s) to bring it to the design strength can be provided. The
residual strength is usually determined by the non-destructive deflection method and the destructive layer
coefficient method. Fortunately RMMS provided 2004 data for BBD values and existing layer composition
at 1 km interval on most of the segments.
Structural Number from deflection was calculated from the formulae: SNC
= 3.2 x (def) -0.63

SNdef = SNC – SNSG where SNSG is the subgrade structural number. SNSG
= (3.5 x log10 (CBR)-0.85 x (log10 (CBR)) 2-1.43)

Adjusted BBD values and existing subgrade CBR values were used as mentioned in Section 3.1.6.
The equation used for determining the Structural Number from pavement composition was:

SNpavement = a1D1 + a2D2m2 + a3D3m3

Where :
a1 = layer coefficient of bituminous layer = 0.32 for N roads and 0.30 for R roads a2
= layer coefficient of granular base layer = 0.13 for N roads and 0.12 for R
a3 = layer coefficient of granular subbase layer = .09 for all roads Di
= layer thickness (inches) and
m2 = m3 = layer drainage factor = 1 assumed considering poor drainage

The weighted average of the SN from the two methods was used in design calculation. SNdef was given
twice the weightage of SNpavement as deflection data were thought to be more reliable. SNexist was
assumed to be a function of pavement condition i.e. IRI. It was possible to establish a correlation between
the two variables as given in the Tables 7.1 and 7.2.

8.4.3. Equivalent Overlay Thickness

The design strengthening overlay was calculated as an equivalent dense bituminous layer with a strength
coefficient of 0.40 per inch thickness for simplicity.
Equivalent overlay thickness (mm) = SNoverlay x 25.4/0.40
In practical terms, however, a combination of binder and wearing course or partial reconstruction will be
necessary during implementation. In fact, if the existing IRI exceeds 9 or the equivalent overlay thickness is
more than 180mm, reconstruction after scarification would generally be cost- effective. The required
overlay thickness, which is in effect the rehabilitation or strengthening layer, for individual cells computed
by the above method is presented in Table 8-3 and Table 8-4.
Table 8-3: SN values for National Roads
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
0.9 1.2 1.4 2.0 2.0 SNoverlay
T1 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 SNdesign
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
1.3 1.6 1.8 2.4 2.4 SNoverlay
T2 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 SNdesign
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
1.6 1.9 2.1 2.7 2.7 SNoverlay
T3 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 SNdesign
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
1.8 2.1 2.3 2.9 2.9 SNoverlay
T4 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 SNdesign
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
2.0 2.3 2.5 3.1 3.1 SNoverlay
T5 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 SNdesign
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist

Table 8-4 : SN values for Regional Highways
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 SNoverlay
T1 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 SNdesign
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 SNoverlay
T2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 SNdesign
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 SNoverlay
T3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 SNdesign
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 SNoverlay
T4 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 SNdesign
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 SNoverlay
T5 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 SNdesign
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist

8.4.4. Intervention Schedule

As per HDM input, the rehabilitation intervention was proposed on all the road segments in the year 2007
so that economic evaluation could be done on a uniform basis. The future interventions, again for
uniformity, were scheduled in the same years. The general intervention programme proposed for the
purpose of analysis is as under:
 Rehabilitation overlay in the 1st year
 Periodic maintenance (functional overlay) in the 5th year
 Structural overlay in the 10th year, and
 Periodic maintenance (functional overlay) in the 15th year
8.5. Cost of Intervention
The inputs of HDM Circle of RHD formed the basis for financial unit costs for this analysis. A factor of
1.1 was adopted for bringing the HDM values to the current year. Necessary extrapolations were needed
for higher overlay thickness proposed here. For confirmation, independent estimation was carried out using
RHD Schedule of Rates for roads and was found to compare reasonably well. The unit cost of overlay in
square meters for different interventions are presented in the input matrices (see para. 8.6)
8.6. Input Matrices
The outcome of the design exercise described in this chapter so far was the matrices for National and
Regional Highways. These Input Matrices were prepared for use as inputs for the HDM analysis of
rehabilitation intervention programme, as discussed in the following sections. The consolidated Input
Matrices are presented in Table 8-5 and Table 8-6. The input matrices cover 6,891.4 km of National and
Regional Highways, and do not include the 710.6 km of roads under the 2005/06 Periodic Maintenance

Giving a total of 7,602 km paved National and Regional Highways

Table 8-5 : Input Matrix for National Roads

0 - 4.99 5.00-6.99 7.00-8.99 9.00-11.99 12.00-120
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 SNdesign
60 80 90 130 130 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
595 790 888 1279 1279 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
0-1999 T1 482 709 168 17 3 Length (km)
3.6 5.7 8.1 10.4 13.4 Initial IRI
1386 883 1227 1388 910 Traffic
199 389 103 15 2 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 SNdesign
90 110 120 160 160 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
888 1084 1182 1573 1573 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
2000-3999 T2 658 227 78 72 6 Length (km)
4.0 5.9 8.1 10.1 13.0 Initial IRI
2801 2899 2770 3070 2855 Traffic
405 170 64 78 7 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 SNdesign
110 130 140 180 180 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
1084 1279 1377 1768 1768 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
4000-5999 T3 283 11 43 55 0.1 Length (km)
3.6 5.8 7.7 10.6 12.8 Initial IRI
4721 4728 5490 4949 4086 Traffic
213 10 41 67 0 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 SNdesign
120 140 150 190 190 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
1182 1377 1475 1866 1866 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
6000-7999 T4 39 20 22 0.0 6 Length (km)
3.9 6.2 8.6 14.5 Initial IRI
7749 6876 7055 7141 Traffic
32 19 22 0 7 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
3.1 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 SNexist
5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 SNdesign
130 150 160 200 200 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
8000++ 1279 1475 1573 1964 1964 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
T5 269 74 19 17 0.3 Length (km)
3.8 5.5 7.7 10.5 12.4 Initial IRI
11521 12018 20000 9103 12794 Traffic
239 76 20 23 0 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)

Table 8-6 : Input Matrix for Regional Highways

0 - 4.99 (2.5) 5.00-6.99 (6.0) 7.00-8.99 (8.0) 9.00-11.99 (11.0) 12.00-120 (14.0)
AADT C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 SNdesign
130 140 140 150 150 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
1279 1377 1377 1475 1475 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
0-1999 T1 831 699 1045 395 84 Length (km)
3.9 6.2 7.9 10.3 13.6 Initial IRI
980 614 537 653 796 Traffic
510 462 691 279 59 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 SNdesign
150 150 160 160 160 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
1475 1475 1573 1573 1573 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
2000-3999 T2 82 89 215 115 6 Length (km)
4.5 5.9 8.1 10.2 13.4 Initial IRI
2536 2562 2468 2570 2419 Traffic
58 63 163 87 5 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 SNdesign
160 170 180 180 180 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
1573 1671 1768 1768 1768 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
4000-5999 T3 9 9 0 1 0.0 Length (km)
4.7 5.9 0.0 9.4 0.0 Initial IRI
4309 4175 0 4224 0 Traffic
7 7 0 1 0 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 SNdesign
180 180 190 190 200 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
1768 1768 1866 1866 1964 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
6000-7999 T4 0 14 1 0.0 0 Length (km)
0.0 5.4 8.3 0.0 0.0 Initial IRI
0 6504 7256 0 0 Traffic
0 12 1 0 0 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)
Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Rehab Overlay Improvement Type
2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 SNexist
4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 SNdesign
190 200 200 210 210 Surf_thick (mm) of Rehab Overlay
8000++ 1866 1964 1964 2062 2062 Fin-unit cost (Tk/m2)
T5 16 0 0 2 0.0 Length (km)
3.3 0.0 7.5 10.8 0.0 Initial IRI
11160 0 11160 8307 0 Traffic
14 0 0 1 0 Approx. Cost (Tk Crore)

8.7. Interventions Required
The resulting interventions from the HDM runs are set out in aggregate form in Table 8-7. This table shows
the total lengths of roads in each Circle that require some form of maintenance or rehabilitation intervention
over the next five years. 4,780 km are proposed for interventions in this Masterplan at cost of Taka 3,909
Crore25. 1,974 km are committed under projects and programmes identified in Table 5-3, a further 710 km
are committed under the 2005/06 PMP, and 138 km are not proposed for any intervention in the first 5
Interventions are shown, by Zone, in Maps 8.1 through 8.8. Interventions for Barisal, Chittagong, Comilla,
Dhaka, Rangpur, Khulna, Rajshahi, and Sylhet Zones are listed in Table 8-8, Table 8-9, Table 8-10, Table
8-11, Table 8-12, Table 8-13, Table 8-14, and Table 8-15 respectively.
Table 8-15 is likely to involve rehabilitation, and 81% overlays. Using the above costs, the programme
estimate was uprated, using an average cost of Taka 1.13 Crore per km, to Taka 5,407 Crore.
Table 8-7 : Interventions Required on National Highways and Regional Highways (Km)
Year Dhaka Comilla Chittagong Sylhet Khulna Barisal Rajshahi Rangpur Total
1 176.7 50.1 55.9 77.5 0 6.7 29.2 7.0 403.1
2 126.3 95.3 131.5 237.8 271.4 124.3 142.1 55.3 1,184.0
3 101.7 3.7 149.6 199.4 198.9 109.8 109.3 872.4
4 232.4 62.0 218.7 124.3 132.5 79 285.7 46.7 1,181.3
5 266.3 19.2 126.3 0 119.8 207.7 205.0 195.1 1,139.4
Total 903.4 230.3 532.4 589.2 723.1 616.6 771.8 413.4 4,780.2

Table 8-8 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Barisal Zone

Road No. Name Length (km) Year
N803 Alipur to SS Ghat 6.72 1
N804 Bhanga to Goalchamot More 2
N7 Daulatdia Ferryghat to Kamarkhali Bridge 124.3 2
N8 Tarail to Takerhat 2
R580 Takerhat to Gonapara 3
R860 Mostafapur to Ibrahimpur Ferry ghat 3
R861 Monoharpur to Sariatpur(Premtala) 198.89 3
R870 Barisal(Rupatala Bus stand) to Pirojpur(Thana More) 3
R770 Boleswar Bridge to Pirojpur(CO office) 3
R890 Puran Talukdarhat to Burhanuddin(Keramatganj) 3
R881 Amtali to Kuakata 4
R710 Kushtia to Pangsha 79.04 4
R711 Baghmara to Joukura Ferryghat 4
N8 Mawa Ferryghat West to Tarail 5
N8 Takerhat to Rajoir 5
N8 Joysree to Rahmatpur 207.74 5
N809 Barisal(Medical more to Chatarmatha 5
N8 Barisal(Medical more to Patuakhali 5
R890 Burhanuddin(Keramatganj) to Char Manik 5

Using HDM cost rates (see para. 8.9)
Giving a total of 7,602 km of paved National and Regional Roads.

Table 8-9 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Chittagong Zone
Road No. Name Length (km) Year
N1 Baraiyerhat to Mirsarai 1
R163 Chittagong(Mohora) to Chandraghona 55.85 1
R160 Chittagong(Hathazari) to Manikchhari 2
Link road(Teknaf road diversion N1) to Old Jhenuk
N110 Market 2
N1 Chittagong(Bohadderhat) To Maizzertek 131.53 2
N1 Lohagara(Aziznagar) To Eidgah 2
R170 Patiya To Gunaigari 4
R170 Banshkhali to Toitong 4
N108 Keranirhat to Bandarban(Shisu Academy) 4
R161 Chandraghona to Bandarban(Shisu Academy) 4
R164 Baraichhari to Kaptai 218.74 4
R162 Khagrachhari to Manikchhari 4
R160 Manikchhari(Thana) to Khagrachhari 4
R151 Baraiyerhat to Fatikchhari(Haidchokia) 5
N106 Chittagong(Hathazari) to Rangamati 126.29 5
R161 Ghagra to Chandraghona 5

Table 8-10 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Comilla Zone

Road No. Name Length (km) Year
R142 Chatkhil to Ramganj 1
N1 Lalpur to Baraiyerhat 1
N1 Daudkandi Bridge to Baldar Khal(Toll plaza) 1
N2 Bhairab Bridge end to Madhabpur 2
N104 Feni to Chowmohoni 2
R140 Lakshmipur Uttar Tamohoni to Chowmonohi 2
R140 Lakshmipur New Bus Terminal to Uttar Tamohoni 3.66 3
R220 Sarail to Nasirnagar 4
R203 Nabinagar to Bancharampur 4
R203 Bancharampur To Meghna River 4
R860 Harina Ferryghat to Vatialpur 19.23 5

Table 8-11 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Dhaka Zone
Road No. Name Length (km) Year
N8 Postagola to Baorvita 1
R810 Shampur to Chashara 1
R110 Jatrabari to Chashara 1
N3 Banani to Abdullahpur 1
R301 Tongi to Kaliganj(Arikhola) 1
N302 Abdullahpur to Baipal 1
N4 Joydevpur to Mirzapur 176.72 1
N405 Elenga to Jamuna Bridge Access Road East Side 1
R370 Netrakona(Mogra Bridge) to Netrakona(Rajur Bazar) 1
R370 Thakurakona to Mohanganj 1
N5 Golra To Paturia Ferryghat 2
N2 Kanchpur To Bhulta(intersection)+6.6km 2
Mymensingh(Charpara more) to Netrakona(Mogra 126.31
R370 2
R504 Hemayetpur to Manikganj 3
N501 Road Chn 1.70Km to Dhour 3
R314 Mawna to Bormibazar 3
R314 Bormibazar To Gafargaon 3
R301 Kaliganj(Arikhola) to West side of Moizuddin Bridge 3
R301 East side of Moizuddin Bridge to Panchdona 3
N501 Mirpur Bridge to Chn500m 3
R506 Barangail to Tangail 4
R313 Mawna To kapasia 4
R312 Kapasia To Toke 4
R211 Itakhola To Motkhola 4
R212 Akhdaria(C&B Bazar) To Agarpur 4
R202 Rupganj To Bhulta 232.39 4
R203 Bhulta To Ramchandri 4
N5 Savar To Golra 4
N4 Porabari To Madhupur 4
R820 Zinzira To Srinagar 5
N8 Baorvita To Mawa 5
R812 Munshiganj To Mawa 5
R113 Madanpur To Sayedpur 5
N105 Madanpur To Kanchon Bridge 5
R114 Narsingdi to Bostail 5
R210 Shahepratap To Narsingdi 5
R302 Kaliganj Bazar Portion 266.29
N105 Debogram To Intersection with R301 5
R310 Joydevpur to Chn11.95km 5
R315 Mawna To Dulivita 5

Table 8-12 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Rangpur Zone

Road No. Name Length (km) Year

N517 Rangpur(Modern more) To Medical more 6.97 1
R546 Dhaka road To Shantahar 2
N502 Bogra(Jahangirabad) To Nandigram 2
R555 Gaibandha 3
R585 Fulbari To Gabindaganj 109.26 3
R550 Mokamtala To Jaypurhat(Rail gate) 3
R545 Dhamoirhat To Jaypurhat(Oachur more) 4
R549 Paharpur To Khanjanpur 4
N506 Rangpur(Modern more) To Mohiganj 4
N506 Teesta Bridge west side To Kurigram(Shapla chatter) 4
N518 Sayedpur(Sutkir more) To Sonapukur 5
R585 Dinajpur(Hospital more) To Fulbari 5
R558 Moheshpur To Barapukuria 5
R556 Mithapukur To Fulbari 5
R557 Madhaypara To Badarganj 5
N5 Bairagiganj To Beldanga 5

With regard to Dhaka Zone (Table 8-11), intervention on the N501 (Dhaka by-pass) is proposed, as a result
of the HDM analysis, in year 5. However, visual inspection of this road reveals that it is seriously failing,
despite being recently constructed. Intervention will be needed before year 5.

Table 8-13 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Khulna Zone

Road No. Name Length (km) Year

N704 Jhenaidah To Bheramara 2
N7 Jhenaidah To 2
N7 Kaliganj To 2
N7 - 2
N7 - 2
N702 Jessore(Doratana more) to Magura(Vaina more) 271.41 2
N707 Palbari To Murali 2
N706 Jessore Daratana More To Banapole 2
R755 Jessore(Rajarhat) To Chuknagar 2
N7 Jessore(Palbari) To 2
N7 Phultala To Khulna(Ferryghat) 2
N7 Mongla 2
R745 Jhenaidah(Bata more) To Chuadanga 3
R748 Chuadanga(Boro bazaar) To Kaliganj 3
R760 Khulna(Power house) To Athara Mile Bazar 3
R760 Satkhira 199.44 3
R856 Katakhali To Mollarhat 3
R770 Katakhali 3
Bagerhat(Circuit House) To Boleswar Bridge West
R770 3
R713 Charaikal To Shelaidah 4
R710 Khoksha To Kushtia(Chowrhash) 4
R720 Magura(Old bus Stand) To Narail 4
R771 Rupsha To Bagerhat(Khanzahan Ali Mazar) 4
R745 Kushtia(Trimohoni) To Meherpur 5
R746 Meherpur To Mujibnagar(BDR Camp) 119.78 5
R749 Darshana(Chowmatha Traffic Point) To
Mujibnagar(Monument) 5

Table 8-14 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Rajshahi Zone
Road No. Name Length (km) Year
N405 Jamuna Bridge West side To Hatikamrul 1
R604 Pabna Bus Terminal To Gaspara 29.22 1
N5 Hatikamrul To Chandikona 2
N502 Omarpur 2
N704 Paksey Ferryghat To Dasuria 2
N705 Ruppur To Dasuria 2
N6 Tebunia To Rajshahi(Court) 2
N602 Natore (Bus stand) To Harishpur 2
R601 Pabna To Sujanagar 3
R680 Rajshahi(Court) To Nawabganj 109.78 3
R545 Patnitala To Santahar Bypass End(Dhaka road) 3
R545 Patnitala To Khanjanpur 4
R547 Naogaon To Shapahar 4
R549 Badalgachhi To Paharpur 4
R548 Naogaon To Atrai 4
R548 Natore 285.66 4
N502 Omarpur To Natore 4
N507 Hatikamrul To Baraigram 4
R450 Jamuna Bridge(Saidabad) To Sirajganj 4
N6 Kashinatpur To Tebunia 4
R451 Sirajganj To Nolka 5
R604 Tebunia To Chatmohor 5
R604 Humkurai 5
N5 Natakhola To Satiakhola 5
N5 Paikpara To Hatikamrul 5
R603 Belpukur To Kasiadanga 5
R681 Bijoynagar To Uzanpara 5
R547 Shapahar To Gomastpur 5

Table 8-15 : Interventions in first 5 years of Masterplan, Sylhet Zone
Road No. Name Length (km) Year
N205 Sylhet (Chandipool) To Sylhet (Keen Bridge) 1
N206 Sylhet (GPO) To Nayerpool 1
R250 Sylhet (Keen Bridge) To Charkhai 1
R251 Golapganj To Vadeswar(Kura bridge) 1
R281 Juri To Barlekha 1
R281 Bairagirbazar To Sepla 1
N2 Madhabpur To Mirpur 2
N204 Jagadishpur To Shaistaganj 2
N207 Mirpur To Sherpur 2
N2 Tajpur To Sylhet(National Eid gah) 2
N208 Moulvibazar To Fenchuganj 2
N2 Sylhet To Tamabil 2
R241 Pagla To Jagannathpur 3
R240 Hobiganj To Auskandi 3
R281 Rajnagar To Kulaura 149.59 3
R250 Charkhai To Zakiganj 3
R241 Auskandi 3
N2 Mirpur To Tajpur 4
N208 Moulvibazar To Fenchuganj 4
R282 Juri 124.33 4
R282 Lathitila 4
R281 Kulaura To Juri 4

8.8. Updating Prices of Vehicle Operating Cost Components

8.8.1. General
The Economics Circle of RHD regularly publishes the RHD Road User Cost Report, which gives
information on the vehicle operating costs (VOC). The latest available report, the fifth update, is for the
year 2004-05. In this report, the data on the costs and prices of different VOC components such as vehicle,
tyre, fuel, spare parts, crew, etc. pertain to the year 2004. Since 2004, significant changes that have
occurred in the national economy include surging of global oil prices, changes in duties and taxes on
imported items, exchange rate fluctuation and rise in inflation. As all of these factors are likely to impact
both the financial and economic prices of VOC components it was necessary to update the price data to the
current 2006-07 level in order to obtain realistic values.
Given that it was not possible to carry out a full-fledged analysis from basic data within the study period,
RHD’s 2004-05 data and methodology were broadly adopted. Current (2006-07) information was obtained
for major items like import prices, foreign exchange rate, and rates of applicable taxes and duties, while
remaining items were simply updated using the inflation factor for the period 2004-06. The financial or
retail prices were broken down into its constituent parts to identify taxation and foreign currency elements.
Duties and taxes are charged on the CIF or Assessable Value (AV) of the import, after conversion to
Bangladeshi Taka. “Other Costs” include port dues, transportation, assembling (for knocked down
products), dealers’ overheads and profit margins. The economic prices, net of taxes and duties, were
calculated as the CIF plus Other Costs, shadow priced according to the Standard Conversion Factor (SCF)
of 0.8. The average annual inflation factor over the period 2004-06 was taken to be 6.76%.
The VOC components considered include:
 Vehicle purchase cost

 Tyre cost
 Cost of fuel & lubricants
 Vehicle maintenance, e.g. cost of spare parts and maintenance labour
 Crew cost, and
 Overheads

8.8.2. Vehicle Purchase Cost

The CIF and Assessable Values (AV), in Taka of different categories of vehicles were collected from
some established dealers in Dhaka. The tariffs payable include Landing Permit Fee (LPF), Customs Duty
(CD), Supplementary Duty (SD), Value Added Tax (VAT), Advance Income Tax (AIT), Infrastructure
Development Surcharge (IDSC), Advance Trade VAT (ATVAT), and Pre- shipping Inspection Fee (PSI).
These are set out in Table 8-16.

Table 8-16 : Percentage tariffs applicable to representative vehicles and tyres

Vehicle LPF on CD SD on VAT on IDSC PSI on
Category CIF on AV AV+CD AV+CD+SD on on AV ATVAT* CIF
Medium Truck 1% 25% - 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
Small Truck 1% 25% - 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
Large Bus 1% 12% - 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
Mini Bus 1% 12% - 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
Micro Bus 1% 25% - 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
Utility (jeep) 1% 25% 65% 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
Car 1% 25% 25% 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
Motor Cycle 1% 25% 15% 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
Autorickshaw 1% 25% 15% 15% 3% 4% 1.5% 1%
All Tyres 1% 25% - 15% 3% 4% 1.5% -
* on 110% of AV+CD+IDSC
Table 8-17 presents a breakdown of vehicle purchase costs.
Table 8-17: New Vehicle Purchase Costs (Taka in 2006-07 prices)
Total Total
CIF Value Tariffs Other Costs
Category Financial Economic
Medium Truck 839,340 456,746 816,589 2,112,675 1,501,004
Small Truck 716,188 389,730 547,988 1,653,906 1,161,740
Large Bus 908,911 355,304 1,751,416 3,015,630 2,319,133
Mini Bus 735,000 287,320 784,810 1,807,130 1,370,198
Micro Bus 774,257 421,252 82,633 1,278,143 848,107
Utility (jeep) 976,238 1,452,438 979,858 3,408,534 1,769,886
Car 495,050 449,030 90,384 1,034,464 572,307
Motor Cycle 51,122 38,948 13,700 103,770 62,593
Autorickshaw 124,195 94,618 29,408 248,221 148,963

8.8.3. Tyre cost

Table 8-18 presents the breakdown of new tyre prices for each vehicle category.

CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight

Table 8-18: Cost of New Tyre (Taka in 2006-07 prices)
Total Total
CIF Value Tariffs Other Costs
Category Financial Economic
Medium Truck 9,000 4,807 2,779 16,586 11,313
Small Truck 6,000 3,204 1,853 11,057 7,542
Large Bus 8,000 4,273 2,471 14,743 10,056
Mini Bus 6,000 3,204 1,853 11,057 7,542
Micro Bus 1,700 908 525 3,133 2,137
Utility (jeep) 4,700 2,510 1,451 8,662 5,908
Car 1,900 1,015 587 3,501 2,388
Motor Cycle 775 414 239 1,428 974
Autorickshaw 450 240 139 829 566

8.8.4. Fuel and Lubricants

Global prices of crude petroleum rose to an all-time high of $70 per barrel in 2005. Prices of refined oils
also increased significantly in the last 2 years. But the government has been selling fuel oils, especially
diesel, at prices lower than the import costs. At present, Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) imports
diesel at around $69.45 per barrel and petrol at $63.93 per barrel. The Tariff Value (TV) is a value fixed by
the government, which is different (lower) than the actual cost and is used as the base for calculation of
taxes and duties. The TV for refined oils is fixed at $0.31 per litre. The import cost of each litre of diesel
stands at Tk. 37.27 and petrol at Tk.
34.90. The import costs include Tk. 7.56 as government taxes for each litre of fuel oil. Taxes comprise
Customs Duty @ 13%, IDSC @ 4%, VAT @ 15%, and ATVAT @ 1.5%. Additional costs28 are taken to be
Tk. 1.35 per litre for diesel and Tk. 1.70 per litre for petrol, as estimated in the Road User Charges Study29.
The selling price at petrol pumps is Tk. 31 per litre for diesel and Tk. 53 per litre for petrol. The economic
price was calculated from the above, taking into consideration the profit/subsidy component.
In the case of lubricants, the 2004 values given in RHD Report have been inflated to 2006-07 levels using
the average annual inflation rate of 6.76%.
The financial and economic prices of petrol, diesel and lubricants are presented in Table 8-19.

Table 8-19 : Economic and Financial Prices of Fuel (Taka per litre in 2006-07 prices)
Petrol Diesel Lubricants
Financial Economic Financial Economic Financial Economic
Import price 27.34 27.34 29.70 29.70 23.33 23.33
Tariff Value 21.08 - 21.80 - - -
Taxes 7.56 - 7.56 - 10.91 -
Price incl. taxes 34.90 - 37.27 - - -
Other costs 1.70 1.36 1.35 1.08
40.14 32.11
Profit (+)/Subsidy (-) 16.40 13.12 (-) 7.62 7.62
Total 53.00 41.82 31.00 38.40 74.38 55.45

8.8.5. Maintenance Labour Costs

The average financial cost of maintenance labour in the RHD Report was taken as Taka 70 per hour.
This translates into a monthly salary of Taka 16,800 assuming an average workday of 8

These include transportation, marketing margins, dealer/agent commission, depreciation, etc.
Road User Charges Study, 2006 by WSP for World Bank (Road Sector Reform Project) and RHD.

hours duration. As this appeared to be much too high, the cost of labour was re-estimated for the present
The average wage rate of skilled manufacturing workers (felt applicable for mechanics engaged in
vehicle maintenance) was estimated as Tk. 98.46 per day in 1998/99 30. The nominal wage rate index for the
manufacturing sector, according to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) data, increased from 2,522 in
1998-99 to 4,445 in 2005-06. Based on this, the present wage rate is estimated as Tk. 174 per day, which
translates to Tk. 22 per hour. The financial cost to the user is typically 2.5 times the wage rate, giving an
hourly rate of Tk. 55 per hour.
Thus, the financial cost of maintenance labour for 2006-07 is taken as Taka 55 per hour and the economic
cost is Taka 44 per hour for all vehicle types.

8.8.6. Crew Costs

The crew wage costs, presented in the RHD Report, were updated to 2006-07 levels using the inflation
factor and set out in Table 8-20.

Table 8-20 : Crew Wage Cost (Taka per hour in 2006-07 prices)
Category Total Total Vehicle Total Total
Financial Economic Category Financial Economic
Medium Truck 34 27 Micro Bus 26 21
Small Truck 22 17 Utility (jeep) 17 14
Large Bus 50 40 Car 28 23
Mini Bus 35 28 Autorickshaw 24 19

8.8.7. Overheads
Overhead costs comprise office administration and rentals, garaging, insurance, vehicle excise duty/VAT,
and tolls/route permit fees. Table 8-21 presents the annual overhead costs by vehicle category for 2006-07,
obtained by inflating the 2004 Report values.
Table 8-21: Annual Overhead Costs (Taka in 2006-07 prices)
Total Financial
Category Economic
Medium Truck 199,460 109,988
Small Truck 92,321 59,040
Large Bus 430,074 247,748
Mini Bus 238,782 153,527
Micro Bus 161,847 139,394
Utility (jeep) 28,494 22,909
Car 121,385 84,685
Motor Cycle 9,916 7,340
Autorickshaw 32,597 26,272

8.8.8. Summary of VOC Inputs

The updated VOC inputs used to run the HDM model are summarized in Table 8-25.
8.9. Economic Appraisal
Using the revised economic and financial inputs for HDM, the resultant NPV's divided by capital cost are
shown in Table 8-22. All the interventions show a benefit greater than cost. The highest priorities, and
therefore earliest interventions, are on the T5 (highly trafficked) road sections.

Decomposing Wage Inequality Change in Bangladesh, 2002, Research paper by Mustafa Mujeri and Bazlul

Table 8-22 : NPV/Capital Cost for National Highway and Regional Highway
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
T1 1.7 1.3 3.2 3.5 2.2 National
1.8 1.1 1.3 2.2 3.5 Regional
T2 5.3 7.2 7.0 7.7 8.0 National
7.7 9.4 9.9 11.0 11.9 Regional
T3 9.4 11.6 15.9 13.1 11.0 National
12.1 12.56 15.3 Regional
T4 18.4 17.9 19.6 19.6 National
15.3 16.7 Regional
T5 24.9 25.3 25.4 22.16 26.1 National
10.7 12.9 14.5 Regional

8.10. Summary of Interventions on National and Regional Highways

Table 8-23 : Summary of Committed and Proposed interventions on National and
Regional Highways (first 5 years)
Intervention Km
Proposed Road Masterplan Rehabilitation/Maintenance Projects 4,780
Committed Improvement and Maintenance Projects 1,974
PMP 2005/06 710
No intervention 138
Total 7,602

Table 8-24 : Programme Requirements

Year 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Year start June 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Cost (Crore Taka) 246 1,086 1,227 1,353 1,495 5,407

Some interventions will have to be reconstruction

Table 8-25 : Summary of VOC Inputs - 2006-07 prices

Medium Truck Small Truck

Cost Item Unit
Fin Eco Fin Eco
New Vehicle Tk '000 per veh 2,113 1,493 1,654 1,155
New Tyre Tk per tyre 16,586 11,223 11,057 7,482
Maintenance Labour Tk per hour 55 44 55 44
Overheads Tk '000 per annum 199 110 92 59
Crew wages Tk per hour 34 27 22 17
Fuel - Diesel Tk per litre 31.00 38.40 31.00 38.40
Fuel - Petrol Tk per litre - - - -
Lubricants Tk per litre 74 55 74 55
Micro Bus Utility
Cost Item Unit
Fin Eco Fin Eco
New Vehicle Tk '000 per veh 1,278 840 3,409 1,760
New Tyre Tk per tyre 3,133 2,120 8,662 5,861
Maintenance Labour Tk per hour 55 44 55 44
Overheads Tk '000 per annum 162 139 28 23
Crew wages Tk per hour 26 21 17 14
Fuel - Diesel Tk per litre - - - -
Fuel - Petrol Tk per litre 53.00 41.82 53.00 41.82
Lubricants Tk per litre 74 55 74 55
Large Bus Mini Bus
Cost Item Unit
Fin Eco Fin Eco
New Vehicle Tk '000 per veh 3,016 2,310 1,807 1,363
New Tyre Tk per tyre 14,743 9,976 11,057 7,482
Maintenance Labour Tk per hour 55 44 55 44
Overheads Tk '000 per annum 430 248 239 154
Crew wages Tk per hour 50 40 35 28
Fuel - Diesel Tk per litre 31.00 38.40 31.00 38.40
Fuel - Petrol Tk per litre - - - -
Lubricants Tk per litre 74 55 74 55
Cost Item Unit
Fin Fin
New Vehicle Tk '000 per veh 1,034 567
New Tyre Tk per tyre 3,501 2,369
Maintenance Labour Tk per hour 55 44
Overheads Tk '000 per annum 121 85
Crew wages Tk per hour 28 23
Fuel - Diesel Tk per litre - -
Fuel - Petrol Tk per litre 53.00 41.82
Lubricants Tk per litre 74 55

9.1. Emerging Issues
The problem of overloading can be tackled in two fundamental ways:
 Axle load control
 Incorporate overloading in design
The second option is the one followed in the country presently. Obviously this is not an acceptable
situation. An illegal act like overloading cannot be given legitimacy by providing higher pavement
thickness and turning a blind eye to the offence itself. The only solution is to impose strict axle load
control. These controls should address the facts as mentioned below.
 Overloading is rampant especially on National Highways and therefore axle load
control is necessary.
 There is too high a proportion of 2-axle medium trucks, which cause severe pavement
damage. Government must actively encourage import/manufacture of multi-axle
trucks and ban imports of 2-axle trucks above a certain weight.
 Truck owners commonly strengthen the chassis and the suspension to enable carrying
of extreme loads.
 Standard buses are guilty of overloading too.
 Pavements constructed to the highest standards show signs of distress well before the
end of design life. This is even when normal overloading is taken into account in
9.2. Load Limit
At the outset, the following legal load limits can be imposed:
Front 2-tyre single axle : 6000 kg
4-tyre single axle : 10200 kg
8-tyre tandem axle : 20000 kg
A maximum tyre pressure of 80 psi (5.5 kg/cm2) should be allowed.
9.3. Equipment
Two types of axle load weighing equipment are available. There are the fixed type weighbridges and the
portable weighing pads like the one used for the survey in this study.
Fixed Weighbridges
As the name implies, these are fixed installations on the roadside where the entire vehicle is weighed. The
distribution of load to the individual axles may be calculated from standard factors. These weighing scales
have very high range and are accurate. As installation is expensive, the number and locations have to be
selected judiciously.
Portable Weighing Pads
Portable weigh pads can be inexpensive yet efficient. Pads are useful for spot weighing of the axle load
directly. However, portability results in loss in accuracy to some extent. The pads are usually meant for
static weighing, which is acceptable for most purposes. Portable weighbridges should be used to
supplement the static weighbridges, and should be used at locations where temporary overloading is

9.4. Strategic Locations for fixed Weighbridges

Fixed weighbridges at strategic locations are best suited for continuous enforcement and monitoring of axle
load control. Bangladesh has a few fixed weighbridges in the process of construction. These have to be
made operational immediately. More such facilities have to be

installed. Out-sourcing to private agencies with suitable incentive is a viable option. The control points can
primarily be on highways where overloading is most prevalent. N1, N2 and N5 are some of the roads that
seem to warrant load control. The government has taken initiative to address the problem by planning some
fixed weighbridges at five strategic points:
 Auskandi on Dhaka- Sylhet road (N2) – installed but not operating
 Jamuna Bridge – installed and currently operating after long period of inactivity
 Sitakunda on Dhaka-Chittagong (N1) – work in progress
 Dhaleshwari on Dhaka-Mawa (N8) – work in progress
 Dhamrai on Dhaka – Aricha Highway – modern and nearly complete
A further 18 weighbridges are recommended (Table 9-1) to be permanently installed across the country.
The selected locations are on major roads where truck volumes are high, on roads where trucks routinely
carry heavy goods, e.g. near ports, and sources of sand and stone, and on the roads that cover virtually all
strategic movements in Bangladesh. However, installation alone will not suffice but operation and
enforcement must be ensured. Initially there would be significant need of policing and legal action.
However, in due course of time, the very knowledge of the presence of control points will be deterrent
enough. In addition, the police may be equipped with portable weighing pads and empowered to stop and
weigh any vehicle on any road. Thus the element of surprise will be present nationwide.
9.5. Proposed Weighbridge Locations
Proposed weighbridge locations are shown in Table 9-1 and Map 9.1.
Table 9-1 : Proposed Weighbridge Locations
Existing/Under Construction (5) (Green in Map 9.1)
N1, Shittakunda
N2, Auskandi
N4, Jamuna Bridge
N5, Manikganj
N8, Dhaleshwari
Immediate Proposed (18) (Red in Map 9.1) Future Proposals (4) (Yellow in Map 9.1)
N1,Feni Bhomra Landport
N1, Teknaf Sonamasjid Landport
N1, south of Daudkandi Hilli Landport
Chittagong Port Halaughat Landport
Mongla Port
N2, Brahmanbaria
N2, Narsingdi
N207, south of Mouvlibazar
N3, Gazipur Sadar
N5,Rangpur Sadar
N5, Tetulia
N509, Patgram
N706, Benapole Landport
N704,Bheramara, Kustia
N102, Mynamati-Brahmanbaria
R170,Banskhali, Chittagong
R371,Phulpur, Mymensingh
R685,Mohanpur, Rajshahi

9.6. Actions Required
The following actions are required to underpin axle-load control:

 A ban on the import of 2 axle trucks with gross weight over 6 tonnes
 Enhanced enforcement
 Placing the Highway Police under RHD
 Issuing penalty tickets for overloading
 Direct charging using toll mechanism
 Fine and tolls should be more than the benefit of overloading
 Allowing a small margin of overloading (say, 0.5 tonnes)

Table 9-2 lists the advantages and disadvantages of various means of enforcing axle-load control at

Table 9-2 : Options for Ensuring compliance

Option Advantages Disadvantages
Off-Loading overweight Protects road from damage Requires storage space, and labour
goods (and/or passengers) from remainder of journey
Major deterrent Security problems
Vehicle continues journey No management issues Vehicle continues to damage road
No deterrent if vehicle does not pay
high enough fine or toll

Axle Overload Current Level of Tariff Proposed Level of Tariff
(tonnes) (Tk) (Tk)
1 50 300
2 120 720
3 200 1200
4 300 1800
5 700 4200
6 1,100 6,600
7 1,700 10,200
8 2,500 15,000

proceeding, and returns the

Vehicle stopped from

ways it has come
No management issues Vehicle continues to damage road

Major deterrent Potential for confrontation

Veh icle may seek alternative route

Table 9-4 : Expenditure Programme for Axle Load Control (Crore Taka)
Toll Collection
ending Weighbridges Total
July Equipment
2008 110 10 120
2009 110 40 150
2010 - 40 40
2011 - 10 10
Total 220 100 320

9.9. Next Steps

Consultations with associations of bus and truck owners carried out during this study revealed considerable
support for axle load control. Inactivity on the part of the Government over the last ten years has cost the
country ‘000’s of Crores of Taka in additional road maintenance and rehabilitation, along with increased
costs to vehicle operators.
If the steps outlined in this Chapter are not taken then the value of the investment proposals outlined in the
remainder of this report will be severely eroded, and the Masterplan will bear little relation to reality. There
is no alternative to proper axle load control. Most countries with a modicum of financial prudence enforce
weight limits on trucks without civil unrest or inflated food prices. Any worry that trucks from outside the
country using the Asian Highway (Section 14.14) might damage Bangladesh’s roads through overloading
can be dispelled with effective axle load control.
The next steps should be:
 Place responsibility for axle load control clearly under RHD, as the owner of the
road assets, so that they can take the following actions required
 Immediate major publicity drive to sensitise owners and drivers
 Highlight benefits to road users of reducing axle loads
 Operate first 5 weighbridges from September 2007
 Use toll mechanism as means of fining overloading
 Use private sector contractors to operate Vehicle Overloading Control Stations
 Ask Police to enforce ‘No Passage’ to overloaded trucks, under Advisor decree
 Approve DPP32 for additional weighbridges
 Introduce 18 new weighbridges over next two years
 Draft stronger legislation to assist operation and enforcement
9.10. Implementation
Axle load control is a cornerstone of the Road Masterplan. The Ministry of Communications should take
necessary initiatives to implement the recommended measures to control vehicle overloading as soon as

Development Project Proforma

10.1. Solutions to the operational problems
Section 3.5 of this report revealed the operational problems on the major Highways. Based on a careful
review of these, and depending on the type of encroachment and other constraints indicated below, certain
possible solutions have been proposed which are shown in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1 : Types of Encroachments and Possible Solutions

Sl. Possible Solutions

No. Category Type of Solution
1 Major haats and bazaars are located along the A Provide separate by-pass road
highway and sufficient vacant land is not with special design criteria,
available on the road side within the RHD’s together with service lanes and
right of way (ROW) for widening and well planned inter-sections.
straightening of the carriageway, or for creating
service lanes for buses, trucks, NMTs, as well as
for providing bus- bays/stops, and for temporary
parking of vehicles
2 Sizeable encroachment exists on the highway, but
land within the ROW can be restored through B Provide service lanes for buses,
eviction of encroachments to provide service trucks and NMTs, and also bays
lanes for buses, trucks and NMTs, or if enough for loading/unloading together
land is not available within the ROW, additional with foot over bridge(s) and iron
land required can be procured with less hassle, fencing barriers on both sides of
through easy resettlement of original owners. the road prohibiting all entry into
the main carriageways around
bazaar area with requisite road
3 Railway crosses the national highway at the furniture.
market place, and there is densely built-up area C Provide over bridges for
and home-stead just outside the ROW (may be on thorough traffic, and separate
the private land) and spread over wide area on lanes for NMTs, and bus stops at
both sides of the road in such a way that land for the ground level, with requisite
future road expansion becomes expensive. road furniture and delineators.
4 There are certain inter-sections on the national .
highways, which are unable to cope with the D Need to improve designs of inter-
present level of traffic. These should therefore be sections, roundabouts and islands
designed properly. at critical road crossings, and
wherever possible use traffic
signals, or other traffic
management techniques.

A further analysis of the various solutions that could be applied to different types of encroachment in hats
and bazaars located along the 8 major National Highways revealed that to overcome the congestion
problems at these hats and bazaars, it would be necessary to build 13 by-passes, segregated service lanes at
111 locations, and 4 over bridges. The details are shown in Table 10-2. Map 10.1 shows the locations of
Hats and Bazaars on the N1 National Highway.

Table 10-2: Summary Table- Categories of Solutions necessary to address
Encroachment Problems on major National Highways
Road Category
Sl. Name of road Length
No. No. (km) Total
A B C D Locations
1 N1 Dhaka (Jatrabari) - Comilla 461 2 15 - 1 18
(Mainamati) - Chittagong Teknaf
2 N2 Dhaka (Katchpur) - Bhairab 287 1 7 - 3 11
Jagadishpur - Saistagong -Sylhet
- Jaflong

3 N3 Dhaka (Banani) - Joydevpur - 115 - 9 - 1 10

4 N4 Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur 146 1 10 - 1 12
5 N5 Dhaka (Mirpur) - Utholi Paturia – 529 4 40 1 1 46
Natakhola - Kashinathpur –
Hatikamrul – Rangpur – Beldanga
– Banglabandh
6 N6 Kashinathpur – Dasuria – Nator - 150 1 10 1 - 12
7 N7 Daulatdia – Faridpur - 252 5 14 2 - 21
(Goalchamot) – Magura –
Jhenaidah – Jessore – Khulna -
8 N8 Dhaka (Jatrabari) – Mawa – 202 1 6 - 2 9
Bhanga – Barisal - Patuakhali
Total 2,142 15 111 4 9 139

10.2. Proposed By-passes

Based on earlier studies, RHD has already built a number of by-passes to overcome congestion problems
created by location of towns along the national highways. Several by-passes are currently under
construction. But the current study on the congestion created by different types of encroachment, such as
haats and bazaars along the eight National Highways has now come up with a recommendation that 15
more by-passes are required. Out of these by-passes, it is learnt that one along Kaliakoir on N4 is already
under construction. For detailed location of these by- passes, see Table 10-3, and Map 10.2. All of the
proposed by-passes in Table 10-3 should be the subject of design and feasibility studies.

10.3. Access to Inland River Ports

Roads linking the network with inland river ports should facilitate easy and smooth access to river ports.
Road improvements that meet these objectives will be highlighted in the forthcoming Inland Water
Transport Masterplan.

10.4. Programme Costs of Other Interventions

The remaining interventions for traffic management on the major highways should be implemented over
the next 5 years. After that period new problems will emerge on these roads and elsewhere, that require
traffic management solutions. Hence budget provision should be made for this. The costs of the
interventions required in Table 10-2 are set out in Table 10-4.

Table 10-3 : Locations of the Proposed by- passes,major National Highways (N1-N8)
Section Proposed Chainage & length
Estimated Cost
Sl No Road Place/Haat Bazaars Length
Code From To (Crore Taka)
No to be by-passed (km)

1 S1-8 N1 Mirershari 178+650 179+000 0.35 6.0

2 S1-12 Patiya 258+900 260+400 1.50 25.7
3 S2-19 N2 Goala Bazaar 197+000 198+000 0.30 5.1
20+900 By pass under
4 S4-8 N4 Kaliakoir 21+800 0.90 construction
5 S5-58 Gobindagong 248+000 249+800 1.80 30.9

6 S5-64 Polashbari 265+200 266+700 1.50 25.7

7 S5-66 Daperhat Bazaar 272+800 273+500 0.70 12.0
8 S5-88 Boda Bus-stand 452+000 452+900 0.90 15.4
9 S6-6 N6 Ataikhola Bazaar 24+200 25+300 1.10 18.9
10 S7-20 Kaligong Bazaar 119+500 120+500 1.00 17.1
11 S7-10 Magura 74+600 75+000 0.4 6.9
12 S7-28 N7 Rupdia Bazaar 159+300 159+800 0.50 8.6
13 S7-32 Noapara Bazaar 175+200 177+800 2.60 44.6
14 S7-34 Fultala Bazaar 186+ 900 187+400 0.50 8.6
15 S8-18 N8 Barisal 152+750 156+600 3.85 66.0
Total 291.4

Table 10-4 : Traffic Management Cost Estimates (Crore Taka)

Service Junction
Roads Overbridges Total
N1 30 0 1.2 31.2
N2 14 0 3.6 17.6
N3 18 0 1.2 19.2
N4 20 0 1.2 21.2
N5 80 0.5 1.2 81.7
N6 20 0.5 0 20.5
N7 28 1 0 29.0
N8 12 0 2.4 14.4
Total 222 2 10.8 234.8

10.5. Programme Costs

The first five years traffic management costs are estimated to be Taka 234.8 Crore (Table 10-4). Provision
for future years should be made at the same rate, and projects should be identified on the basis of future
traffic problems. Total programme costs for these improvements are Taka
526.2 Crore (Table 10-5).
Table 10-5 : Traffic Management Programme Costs

Component Cost (Crore Taka)

By-passes 291.4
Traffic Management (1 5 years) 234.8
Traffic Management (years 6 to 20) 704.4
Total 1,230.6

11.1. Importance and Function of Zila Roads
Zila roads perform an essential function in providing road access to and supporting social and economic
development of rural areas. They do this by connecting the rural areas of Bangladesh, the majority of the
country, with the major towns and trading routes. These roads are the key to unlocking the potential of rural
areas to social and economic development. In particular they:
 connect Upazila Growth Centres to the larger markets at District and Regional
headquarter towns, and to the national road network to open linkages with Dhaka and
international trading routes;
 improve flow of goods, especially agricultural and industrial inputs and outputs, and
access to cold storage for example, to support economic development of rural areas.
Zila roads also promote social and economic development by making it easier to travel between Upazila
headquarters and towns, and through the national road network to Dhaka, promoting better communications
links between the administrative levels. They also make it easier to find good quality staff to fulfil
government and NGO posts at the local level, by enabling frequent trips back to their hometowns and
families. The effect of this is:
 improved quality and more reliable services including education and health facilities,
public administration and governance;
 improved communications for Government and NGOs to deliver social and economic
development programmes to support equitable development.
11.2. Prioritisation of Road Projects
Bangladesh currently uses two methods for prioritising works on the RHD network. The first is to use
HDM to prioritise rehabilitation and maintenance works on the National and Regional Highway network.
The second is to follow the method described in the Project Appraisal Framework. This section explains
why these two methods are not appropriate for analysing the Zila Road network at the strategic level
required to prepare the Road Master Plan.

11.2.1. Why not HDM?

The National and Regional Highway network has sufficient traffic and vehicle data to support economic
analysis using HDM to calculate an Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR), Net Present Value (NPV)
and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), based on estimating benefits such as Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC)
Savings and Travel Time Cost (TTC) Savings. RHD are experienced in prioritising investment on this
There is, however, negligible traffic data available for the Zila road network, and the nature of traffic using
Zila roads means such analysis would be unlikely to capture fully the social benefits of these roads. Most
Zila roads have a low traffic volume that is comprised mostly of non- motorised vehicles (NMVs), mainly
rickshaws, rickshaw vans, bicycles and pedestrians. It is extremely difficult to measure VOC savings
(which are usually very low) for such means of transport.
It is even more difficult to measure Travel Time Cost (TTC) Savings, especially in the Bangladesh context
where work patterns, particularly of the rural poor, are so diverse. This is exacerbated by the different
perspectives of the concept of time and the value of time among rural people, who often do not refer to
clocks or watches and therefore do not measure time or follow schedules in the same way as workers do in
urban areas.
A study carried out by IT Transport under DFID’s Knowledge and Research (KaR) programme 33
investigated the value of time based on field research in Jessore District of Bangladesh. It found that the
options for many rural travellers were extremely limited, if there was any option at all
The Value of Time in Least Developed Countries, Final Report, IT Transport. Published by DFID (UK), July 2002. KaR

other than to walk, and therefore no trade offs between transport modalities could be made. This meant that
no meaningful valuation of time savings could be calculated. The issue is further complicated by lack of
timetabled passenger services leading to significant variation in waiting times, and variation in journey
times due to obstacles along the road (e.g. accidents, road works, other buses / trucks blocking the road at
market places, etc).It also found a significant difference in value of time derived from ‘Willingness to Pay’
to save time depending on:
 The gender of traveller
 Whether the traveller has permanent employment or casual labourer
 Whether travelling with / without a load
 Whether travel is on market day or other days
 The poverty status of traveller
Whilst the study calculated a series of Value of Time figures that could be used in HDM analysis, the
results would be biased towards wealthier male business travellers, hence neglecting the needs and rights of
access to travel by the poor and women. This would be in direct conflict with the strategic objectives of
poverty reduction and equitable social development of rural areas as defined in the National Strategy for
Accelerated Poverty Reduction.
For this reason, the use of traditional economic analysis using HDM is not considered appropriate for the
planning and prioritisation of investment in the Zila road network.

11.2.2. Why not PAF method?

The Project Appraisal Framework (PAF) provides detailed guidance for appraising individual road projects.
The level of data required for the equity indicators (women and poor people living within area of influence,
among road users and potential labour force, etc.) and efficiency indicators (EIRR and reliability) is not
available for most roads. Nor is it appropriate to undertake a major data collection exercise for the strategic
prioritisation process required to prepare the Road Master Plan.
It is therefore necessary to develop a modified methodology for prioritising Zila road investment, whilst
meeting the same overall objectives of equitable social and economic development.
11.3. General Approach

11.3.1. Strategic Objectives

The National Land Transport Policy document expressed a vision for the road network as:
“The development and maintenance of a road network that serves
the economic and social needs of the country, and which can be
used safely by all vehicle types.”
The Road Sector Policy document prepared as part of the Road Master Plan study identifies a number of
strategic objectives necessary to achieve this vision. These are in line with the Government of
Bangladesh National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction, and include:
 To develop and manage strategic road corridors to underpin the economic
development of all regions of the country and contribute to the
Government’s poverty reduction objectives
 To link all rural areas with the national road network to provide basic social
access and promote pro-poor growth
The first is primarily concerned with the National and Regional Highways, although the requirement to
contribute to the Government’s poverty reduction objectives applies to all roads. The second is very much
concerned with the Zila road network.
In order to achieve the strategic objectives and support the social and economic development of rural areas,
the Road Sector Policy suggests the following:

 The Zila road network will be rehabilitated over the next ten years in order
to achieve a minimum accessibility level on all Zila roads
 Roads which serve the highest concentrations of poverty will be treated as
priorities for rehabilitation
 Priorities for Zila road improvements will be based on analysis of
socio-economic indicators
11.4. Approach to Prioritisation
The Planning Commission requires that all growth centres, Upazila headquarters, land and sea ports should
have all weather year round vehicular access. The RMP therefore takes this as its minimum accessibility
target. To achieve this target and meet the strategic objectives in the most efficient manner, the RMP has
defined three Priority Levels. These are summarised in Table 11-1 below, and explained in the following

Table 11-1: Summary of Priority Levels

Priority Level 1 = Primary
Priority Level 2 = Priority Level 3 = Socio-
/ Secondary Roads
Road Condition Economic Score
1. Upgrade unpaved roads Rank highest SE Score first
1. Primary Zila Roads 2. Rehabilitate roads with IRI >10 Rank highest SE Score first
3. Rehabilitate roads with IRI 8-10 Rank highest SE Score first
1. Upgrade unpaved roads Rank highest SE Score first
2. Secondary Zila Roads 2. Rehabilitate roads with IRI >10 Rank highest SE Score first
3. Rehabilitate roads with IRI 8-10 Rank highest SE Score first

11.4.1. Priority Level 1: Primary and Secondary Roads

The first priority will be to make sure that the roads that provide a direct connection between an Upazila
Headquarter, Land or Sea Port and the nearest major town and / or Highway meet the all weather vehicular
access standard. These are referred to as ‘primary’ Zila roads and are strategically more important than the
remaining ‘secondary’ roads. Table 11-2 summarises the characteristics of Primary and Secondary Zila
The proposed investment and work plans aim to recover the Primary Roads first, and then the Secondary

Table 11-2: Characteristics of Primary and Secondary Zila Roads.

Primary Zila Roads Secondary Zila Roads

1 Provide essential link between lower and Provide a convenient link between lower levels in
higher service levels (vertical link) different locations (horizontal link)
2 Promote social and economic Promote social and economic interaction at local
development of local area level
3 Provide the only means of access to Provide an alternative means of access to services, so if
services, so if the road is not accessible, the the road is not accessible, the community can still gain
community is cut off from those services access to those services through another route.

For Upazila headquarters, land and sea ports that are not yet connected by a Highway or Zila road, new
Zila roads should be constructed to provide the Primary road access to that location.

11.4.2. Priority Level 2: Road Condition

To meet the requirement of providing all weather vehicular access, the road must be maintained and kept
in a good or fair condition. Due to lack of funds, many of the Zila roads have been

neglected and are in poor condition, or are not paved. These roads do not therefore meet the minimum
accessibility criteria. They should be recovered, and the RMP proposals prioritise their recovery as follows:
1. Unpaved roads provide unreliable access. They are usually inaccessible
at certain times of the year (during the rainy season) and they deteriorate
rapidly leading to difficult vehicular access. All such roads should be
upgraded to paved standard.
2. Roads with an International Roughness Index (IRI) of greater than
10 m/km are in very poor condition and are considered inaccessible to
vehicles. They should be rehabilitated.
3. Roads with an IRI between 8 and 10 m/km are in poor condition and
provide difficult vehicular access. They should be rehabilitated.
The road condition is used to prioritise individual roads within the Priority Level 1 – Primary / Secondary
Road categories.

11.4.3. Priority Level 3: Socio-Economic Score

The socio-economic prioritisation approach is a proxy evaluation that aims for investments to reach the
most people, the most poor people and the most social and economic facilities that each Zila road serves.
The socio-economic indicators used are:
 Population density
 Poverty density
 Density of social facilities (education, health, community, religious)
 Density of economic facilities (markets, industry, agricultural production, animal husbandry,
natural resources, etc)
Based on these four indicators, a socio-economic (SE) score is calculated for each Upazila or Thana, shown
in Map 11.1.
An average socio-economic score is then calculated for each road by multiplying the length of the road in
each Upazila or Thana by its SE score for each section of road and then dividing it by the total road length.
This socio-economic score is then used to rank individual roads within the Priority Level 2 – Road
Condition categories.
11.5. The Recovery Programme

11.5.1. Priority Level 1 – Primary and Secondary Roads

A manual review of the road network maps has identified which roads are primary and which are secondary
– see Section 11.4.1 for an explanation of primary and secondary roads. In some cases, only some sections
of a road actually provide the functions associated with Primary roads, but due to the amount of data to be
processed and time constraints, the RMP has assumed that if any section of a road is a primary road, then
the whole length of that road shall be assigned primary status.
Using this approach, approximately 5,400 km (53%) of the Zila road network have been assigned primary
road status.

11.5.2. Priority Level 2 – Road Condition

Once the roads have been assigned primary or secondary status, they are prioritised based on their road
condition. Many roads are not in a consistent condition, with different sections being in better or worse
condition than others.
The RMP team debated whether it was better to apply the concept of ‘spot improvements’ where short
sections in very bad condition are recovered first and then other sections are recovered according to their
condition. However this approach was thought to add an onerous planning and

management burden on the already overstretched RHD staff in terms of procurement and contract
management, as well as being generally unpopular with local communities who suffer from extended road
works as a result of piecemeal recovery programmes.
For these reasons, the RMP prioritises roads based on the section of road in the worst condition to ensure
that a minimum level of accessibility is achieved for the whole road length. This means that the recovery
programme includes the whole length of the road, and so recovery contracts may include some sections that
require different types of recovery works, or some sections that only require periodic maintenance, or some
sections that do not require any works at all. This approach also allows the recovery programme to include
sections that have not been surveyed.

11.5.3. Cost Estimates

The cost estimates for recovery works are based on unit rates per km as defined in Table 11-3 below. For
partially surveyed roads, the cost estimate for the not surveyed sections is based on the assigned need (see
Section 3.2). Whilst the prioritisation may be based on the worst section of a road as explained above, the
cost estimate is based on the actual condition as defined by the survey data and hence on the actual works
needed for each road section to meet the minimum accessibility criteria.
Table 11-3: Unit rates for cost estimates
Cost per km
Works Required
Laky Tk.
Periodic Maintenance 35
Rehabilitation IRI 8-10 40
Rehabilitation IRI >10 60
New Construction – Hilly 120
New Construction – Plain 130
New Construction - Swampy 250
New Construction rates apply to the paving of unpaved roads. These rates are taken from Table 17 of the
Planning Commission’s Design Standards for Low Volume Roads, 2004, using the average of the ranges
given for Design Type 6.
The assignment of topography type (hilly, swampy, and plain) is approximate only and is shown in Map
The rates for Rehabilitation and Maintenance are based on recent experience of RMP Team.

11.5.4. Prioritisation
The prioritisation process was undertaken using an MS Excel spreadsheet. A copy of this spreadsheet can
be provided on request, and a ‘user manual’ that explains the step by step analysis process to enable RHD
staff or their consultants to update the RMP in the future is currently under preparation.
The following paragraphs provide a summary of the prioritisation process.

11.5.5. Priority Levels

The analysis assigns each road with a priority level. This is a number that
differentiates between primary and secondary roads, and the condition status or
recovery need of the worst section of the road. A description of the priority levels is
given in

Table 11-4.

Table 11-4: Description of priority levels

Primary /
Level Current Condition (of worst section)
P1 Primary Unpaved
P2 Primary Very Poor, IRI>10
P3 Primary Poor, IRI 8-10
S11,S12,S13 Secondary As for 1-3 but for secondary roads
14,15 Primary or Not surveyed so condition unknown. 15 is roads that are believed to be
Secondary under construction.
21 Primary or In good or fair condition, IRI<8.
3 Third Priority Roads which are identified as Zila roads, but not yet
constructed, eg. Upazilla to Upazilla connections

Once the priority level for each road has been defined, the spreadsheet sorts the
roads into a list that follows the priority levels in the order shown in

Table 11-4.
Within each priority level, the roads are then sub-prioritised based on the socio-economic score. The roads
that have the highest Total Socio-economic score are ranked highest.
An annual workplan for the recovery programme is then estimated based on this prioritised list. The
detailed recovery programme recommendations are shown in Maps 11.3 through 11.50.

11.5.6. Recovery Workplan

The total works required to bring the Zila road network up to the minimum accessibility standard are
summarised in Table 11-5. The total estimated cost for the recovery programme is 2,657 Crore Taka (26
million Taka). This does not include the roads where no survey data is available, which is approximately
17% of the total Zila road network as defined in the RMMS. As no data is available for these roads, the
RMP has applied a pro-rata estimate and therefore includes a contingency amount of 20% (=17/83) for
additional recovery works on these not surveyed roads.
Table 11-5: Cost estimate for Recovery Programme
Priority Level Length, km Cost (Crore Taka)
P1 (unpaved) 845 791
P2 (IRI >10) 2,089 960

P3 (IRI 8-10) 2,440 733
Sub-total 5,374 2,484
S11 (unpave d) 27 36
S12 (IRI >10 ) 256 122
S13 (IRI 8-10 ) 64 15
Sub-total 347 173
Total 5,721 2,657
Contingency for roads 1,144 531
not surveyed
TOTAL 6,865 3,188

This is a considerable work load and so it has been broken down into annual work plans as follows. It is
assumed at this stage that the additional works for roads that have not yet been surveyed (i.e. the
contingency amounts) will be undertaken after the priority 1-3 and 11-13 roads have been completed.
The annual workplan for the recovery programme is given in Table 11-6. The detailed list of roads, and
maps showing the annual workplan are provided in Maps 11.3 through 11.50.

Table 11-6: Recovery Programme Annual Work Plan (Crore Taka)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TOTAL
P1 545 246 791
P2 303 563 94 960
P3 451 282 733
S 11-13 173 173
Contingency 218 213 100 531
Total 545 549 563 545 500 386 100 3,188

11.6. New Construction Programme

11.6.1. Prioritisation of New Roads Required

The RMMS and GIS suggests that there are 16 Upazilas and 1 Land Port that are not yet connected to the
RHD road network, see Table 3-12. It is a government requirement that these be connected by at least a
Zila road.
Table 11-7 below shows the new roads to be constructed and socio-economic data for the Upazila they
connect (including the Upazila of the land port to be connected). Of the 16 Upazilas not yet connected, 12
(75%) have the lowest possible Socio-economic score of 4. This means that the Socio-economic score is
not sufficient to prioritise the new roads to be constructed. For this reason, Table 11-7 shows the total
population and total poor people living in the Upazila to be connected, and associated rank numbers for
population, poor people, and the average of these two indicators. The roads connect new land ports are Zila
Roads (Table 2-11) and have therefore been omitted from Table 11-7, and included as new National
Highways in Chapter 14.
Table 11-8 shows the prioritised list of the new roads required, with the land port connection placed first in
the list and followed by the Upazilas prioritised by average rank of population and number of poor people
in that Upazila. Where two Upazilas have the same average ranking, the one with the highest total
population has been prioritised first. A connection for Barkal, across Kaptai Lake, is not considered viable,
and it is not included in Table 11-8.
The proposed road on a Bangladesh Water Development Board embankment between Dohar and
Balirtac should be included in the plan at a cost of Taka 25 Crore.

Table 11-7: List of New Roads required and Socio-economic data

SE Population Pop’n Poverty Poverty Average
RHD Zone District Upazila / Thana
Score ('000) Rank ('000) Rank Rank
Barisal Barisal Mehendiganj 4 296 1 151 1 1
Chittagong Sandwip 4 293 2 147 2 2
Cox’s 5 9
Kutubia 106 10 63 8
Barkal 4 43 14 15 15 14.5
Belaichhari 4 26 15 18 14 14.5
Rangamati 4 24 16 13 16 16
4 69 13 37 12 12.5
Austagram 4 145 5 57 9 7
4 148 4 73 6 5
Kishoreganj Itna
4 122 9 50 10 9.5
Dhaka Mithamain
6 234 3 119 3 3
Netrakona 4 79 12 34 13 12.5
7 126 8 73 6 7
4 139 6 75 5 5.5
Jamalganj Sulla
Sylhet Sunamganj 4 89 11 40 11 11
5 131 7 82 4 5.5

Table 11-8: Prioritised list of new zila roads required.

Priority OrderAverage RankLength (km)Cost (Crore Taka)Upazila / Thana
1 1 24 24.4 Mehendiganj
2 2 10 10.2 Sandwip
3 3 21 21.3 Kalmakanda
4 5 17 17.3 Itna
5 5.5 24 24.4 Jamalganj
6 5.5 29 29.4 Tahirpur
7 7 17 17.3 Austagram
8 7 15 15.2 Bishwambarpur
9 9 9 9.1 Kutubia
10 9.5 13 13.2 Mithamain
11 11 25 25.4 Sulla
12 12.5 15 15.2 Khaliajuri
13 12.5 16 16.2 Langadu
14 14.5 - 0.0 Barkal
15 14.5 55 55.9 Belaichhari
16 16 51 51.8 Juraichhari
Total 356 346.2
11.7. Remaining Unpaved Roads
The result of the Zila Road Recovery Programme, and associated paving to provide basic access, will
mean that, at the end of the programme, there will remain 3,603 km of unpaved Zila Roads. The cost of
paving all these roads is estimated to be Taka 5,781 Crore. These roads generally provide additional access,
e.g. between Upazilla Headquarters. They are considered for inclusion in the 20-year Masterplan after the
Zila Road Recovery Programme has been completed.
11.8. Routine Maintenance
Routine maintenance should be carried out on all roads regardless of their condition, to ensure that
whatever level of accessibility they currently provide is maintained (para. 15.1.1).

11.9. Periodic Maintenance and Rehabilitation
Periodic maintenance should be carried out only on roads that are in maintainable condition, i.e. those roads
with an IRI of less than 8. When a road is rehabilitated or upgraded, it is assumed that the IRI shall be
approximately 2.5. HDM analysis suggests that with a traffic load of 800 commercial vehicles per day, on
average the Zila roads recovered will require periodic maintenance after 8 years. In many cases this is a
conservative estimate, but allows for increases in traffic levels and changes in traffic composition that
may occur as a result of social and economic development in the rural areas served.
In the future, five year and annual periodic maintenance plans can be prepared based on the condition
surveys of the Zila road network and assumed deterioration rates. However, for the purposes of this RMP,
the average annual cost for periodic maintenance and/or rehabilitation in the long term has been calculated
by taking the total length of the Zila road network expected to be in maintainable condition. This is
summarized in Table 11-9.

Table 11-9 : Summary of Zila Road network proposed for periodic maintenance
Year Length (km)
2007 2,854
2012 6,625
2017 10,065
2022 11,420
2026 13,22734

11.10. Conclusions and Recommendations

11.10.1. Summary of Zila Road Recovery Programme

Figure 11-1 shows the proposed Zila road programme, including the recovery, new construction and
maintenance programmes.
Figure 11-1: Summary of Zila Road Programme for next 10 years.



Estimated Budget, Crore

500 Periodic Maintenance Programme Contingency for roads not surveyed Secondary (1-3)
Priority 3
Priority 2
Priority 1



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

11.10.2. Future Updates

The Zila road programme is based on road inventory and condition data contained in the RMMS, GIS
data, and assumptions for cost estimates and deterioration rates based on national

Not the total of 13,678 km as around 451 km of roads still being paved in final year

averages. It is highly likely that some roads will deteriorate faster than others, and that natural or even man-
made disasters may potentially influence the future condition of the Zila roads. Detailed analysis and
design of the roads and inflation may significantly influence the cost of the Zila road programme, and
changes in the political, social, technical and physical environments may prevent the implementation of the
Zila road programme in accordance with the suggestions made in this RMP. It is therefore recommended
that the Zila road programme be reviewed at least every five years, based on the latest available inventory,
condition and cost data.

11.10.3. Summary of Interventions

Table 11-10 : Summary of interventions on Zila Road network
Intervention Length (km)
Periodic Maintenance35 2,854
Rehabilitation 6,865
Paving to meet Minimum Accessibility Criteria 356
Paving remainder of network 3,603
Total 13,678

11.10.4. Impacts
The impacts of the Zila road programme over the Masterplan period are expected to be very significant. At
the end of the programme, a total of 469 Upazilla Headquarters 36 will have paved access to the main road
network, serving an additional 32 million people, including more than 18 million people currently
classified as poor.

Includes rehabilitation if required
Out of a total of 481 (Reported by BBS, defined by LGRD Ministry and Police Headquarters, December 2006)

12.1. Bridge condition category
Based on the condition category of bridges and their location in the road network, a Bridge Reconstruction
Programme has been prepared. From Table 3-16 it is clear that 63.09% of the bridges (Category A) are
without any damage, and are in good condition. 14.20% (Category B) of bridges have minor damage but
are good enough for safe traffic movement. The minor damage in Category B bridges includes damage
like honeycomb, minor cracks, sapling in railing, sidewalk, toe wall, pier cap, delaminating of wearing
course in deck, minor rusting of truss bridges etc, identified in the Bridge Condition Survey carried out in
2004. Most of the minor damage as identified are repairable to bring their status up to A condition. Thus
77.3% of the bridges in RHD road network are suitable and safe for traffic movement

12.1.1. Major damage

The remaining 22.7% of RHD bridges and culverts are the subject of major structural deficiencies
(Category D) or major elemental damage (Category C) which require treatment like improvement,
rehabilitation or reconstruction depending on the extent and type of damage occurred in individual

12.1.2. Narrow width

There is also a large number of narrow bridges in the RHD road network. There are 146 narrow bridges
(less than 3.7m carriageway width) on National and Regional Roads that need to be addressed in the
Masterplan. A Bridge Replacement Programme (BRP) project for replacing narrow bridges on mainly Zila
Roads began in 2003-04.

12.1.3. Bridges length over 100m and above

There are 190 long bridges having a total length of 100m or above. These are shown in Table 12-1 by
condition category and in Table 12-2 by road classification. This excludes the ten longest bridges on the
RHD network (ranging from 646m to 1786 m). Since the long bridges in the higher classified roads are of
national importance, the 36 C and D category bridges on the National and Regional Highways have the
highest priority for reconstruction or rehabilitation.

Table 12-1 : Bridge length 100 m and above by category

Category Number
A 108
B 32
C 46
D 4
Total 190

Table 12-2 : Bridge length 100 m and above by road classification

Road Category
Classification A B C D Total
National 38 17 24 2 81
Regional 30 7 8 2 47
Zila 40 8 14 - 62
Total 108 32 46 4 190

12.2. Replacement/reconstruction/repair work in progress
Through BRP, 36 nos. of bridges and culverts have been taken up by RHD for replacement and expected to
be completed during current fiscal year. Further to this, 50 nos. of bridges (excluding culverts) have been
taken up for improvement, reconstruction or major repair through Periodic Maintenance Programme of
RHD under Japan Debt Conversion Funding arrangement. Under this programme RHD is preparing
proposals for 139 nos. of bridges to be taken up for improvement and reconstruction during the coming
years. In addition 10 nos. of bridges or culverts earlier marked for taking up in BRP project will also come
under the umbrella of PMP bridge programme.
During the study, it was revealed that about 25 nos. of bridges for reconstruction or new construction or
major repair are included in the routine maintenance programme and further proposal for inclusion under
this programme is under study.

12.2.1. Major bridges

In case where replacement or periodic rehabilitation works are substantial it may be necessary to include
these in the Annual Development Programme (ADP) as separate projects. This issue as well as criteria for
inclusion in the ADP needs to be resolved and require further consideration. This issue has not been taken
into account in the preparation of candidate list for 2006-07.
12.3. Prioritisation

12.3.1. Priority of roads

RHD prepares a Road Network Maintenance and Rehabilitation Assessment Report for each financial year
by undertaking programme analysis of all bituminous roads of the whole of RHD road network. For the
programme analysis, HDM circle of RHD uses HDM4 software and identifies candidate road sections for
maintenance, rehabilitation etc. and develops an optimized list of roads and programme of work. Finally
the Annual Road Network Needs Assessment report (Annual Needs report for short) is published by the
HDM Circle for the purposes of identifying the priority roads in the RHD network. The prioritisation of
these roads is based on EIRR and NPV/cost ratio.

12.3.2. Priority of Bridge Reconstruction and Repair

Procedure for preparation of bridge programme
The operational procedure no. OP/PD/3.2 of Bridge Management Wing Manual no 5 of RHD Management
plan describes the steps to be followed in preparing the draft programme and budget for ADP listed bridges
(Development Budget) and prioritized bridges and culverts under revenue budget (Periodic Maintenance)
in a particular year.
12.4. Identification of Bridges on maps
RAMS (Road Asset Management System) maps are used for identifying road, bridge and ferries on the
RHD road network. The critical and priority bridges with treatment required, as well as on- going bridge
projects are shown in the RHD Divisional maps through legends and colours. The GIS Cell of RHD is at
present responsible for preparing RAMS maps and the TSMR (Transport Sector Management Reform)
consultant is assisting RHD in producing those RAMS maps.
The bridges are identified in the RAMS map using a Location Referencing Points (LRP) for a given road.
Plotting bridge locations on the map requires geographical coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude). The
whole process of plotting is carried out through ‘ArcGIS’ software produced by the GIS cell of RHD.
The colour and shape to identify the bridges in the map signifies the rank and treatment, and shows Red as
critical, Blue as priority and Green as ongoing.
The critical and priority status of the bridges for required treatment is determined on the order of score of
risk factors. The critical bridges are those which are in the highest order of risk factor with danger of
immediate failure. Table 12-3 and Figure 12-1 show an example RAMS output for Feni Division,
indicating the ranking and location of bridges.

12.5. Site Surveys

12.5.1. BCS data base

The BMMS Database of RHD was used as basic data for review and preparing the analyses. All elemental
condition in BCS-1 were properly reviewed and entered into the Database. The results and
recommendations of BCS-1 were compared with those of BCS-2 & BCS-3.

12.5.2. Site Verification of BCS data base

There are 133 Nos. of ‘D’ condition category bridges having length more than 20 m. Of these, 25 Nos.
bridges were visited for verification.
There are 514 Nos. of ‘C’ condition category bridges having length more than 20 m. Of these, 45 Nos.
bridges were visited for verification.
A separate ‘Bridge site inspection report’ has been prepared incorporating inspection
observations, conclusions and recommendations which should be adopted by RHD.
Table 12-3 : RAMS Bridge Options for 2006-2007 in Feni Road Division
Road no LRP ID
Critical Priority On-going
Z1030 005b 🞍
Z1030 007b 🞍
Z1433 006c 🞍
N104 009a 🞍
N104 013a 🞍
Z1030 001a 🞍
Z1030 010a 🞍
Z1032 005a 🞍
Z1425 015a 🞍
N1 002a 🞍
Z1032 004b 🞍
Feature Type Rehabilitation/Improvement Reconstruction New
Bridges 🞍 🞍 ⮽

12.6. Unit price and Estimated cost

12.6.1. Unit Rates

The unit price (cost /sq. m.) and estimated cost for the reconstruction of each bridge will vary depending on
type, length and width of structure, construction method, depth and type of foundation, cost of temporary
works / diversion works and locations etc. RHD’s Schedule of Standard Rates covers unit rates for different
items of bridge works. The RHD Zones prepare estimates using these unit rates.

Figure 12-1 : RAMS Map for Feni Road Division

12.6.2. Estimated costs

Reconstruction of Bridges
 Unit cost for reconstruction cost of bridge was calculated from average
estimated costs of 13 Nos. of projects under the PMP
 Average unit price is Taka 58,300 / sq. m (cost of structure excluding cost of
diversion and approaches)
 Average unit price is Taka 85,000 / sq. m (Total cost of structure
including cost of diversion and approaches)
Estimated cost (For repair of bridges)
 Unit cost for repair of bridges was calculated from average estimated costs
of 15 Nos. of projects under the PMP
 Average unit price is Taka 200,000 per metre length of structure.

12.6.3. Priority of Repair and Reconstruction of Bridges

The general principles for prioritizing bridges (C and D Category) for repair or reconstruction are:
• Risk factor and consequences of failure of bridge structures is high
• Bridges/culverts having bridge decks/girders, abutments, wing walls, piers,
damaged or settled partly or fully
• Bridges/culverts which have width constraints and which have bailey
bridges as superstructure

The priorities for Bridge Reconstruction (Table 12-4) are based on the following criteria:
 Abutments/piers partly/seriously damaged/tilted/settled, priority-01
 Deck/girders partly/seriously damaged, priority-01
 Open foundation scoured, priority-01
 Cracked slab over steel beams, priority-01
 Important Road bridges with damages & narrow carriageway widths,
 Bridges under category D (20m & above) with defects/damages other than
the above have been put in priority-02
Table 12-4 : Priority of Reconstruction of Bridges
Programme Number of Bridges Cost (Crore Taka)
Reconstruction, National Highways, Priority 1 11 75.4
Reconstruction, National Highways, Priority 2 11 42.0
Reconstruction, Regional Highways, Priority 1 35 127.8
Reconstruction, Regional Highways, Priority 2 9 27.5
Reconstruction, Zila Roads, Priority 1 40 115.9
Reconstruction, Zila Roads, Priority 2 27 89.1
Total 133 477.7

Table 12-5 : Priority 1 Bridges for Reconstruction, National Highways

Road No. Div. Name LRP. Name. Chain age Length (m)
N6 Natore IRP09a 90.376 106.96
N208 Sylhet LRP058b 58.49 387
N509 Lalmonirhat LRP019a 19.55 56.27
N804 Faridpur LRP004a 4.742 51.07
N804 Faridpur LRP005b 5.819 50.98
N302 Dhaka LRP05b 5.71 65.6
N106 Rangamati LRP024a 40.007 95
N1 Cox's Bazar LRP396b 392.907 61.3
N5 Sirajgonj LRP128a 127.016 43.68
N102 Brahmanbaria LRP067c 68.007 48.4
N506 Rangpur LRP009a 8.612 29.2
Table 12-6 : Priority 2 Bridges for Reconstruction, National Highways
Road No Div. Name LRP. Name. Chain age Length (m)
N5 Manikgonj LRP065a 64.24 50
N4 Tangail LPR078a 78.98 71
N2 Brahmanbaria LRP075b 75.77 79.75
N208 Sylhet LRP042a 41.766 36.4
N3 Mymensing LRP075a 73.086 26
N4 Tangail LRP074c 75.411 36.5
N4 Tangail LRP076a 77.366 40
N5 Sirajgonj LRP127a 126.806 43.8
N8 Barisal LRP138a 136.699 24.15
N5 Manikgonj LRP065a 64.24 50
N8 Barisal LRP095a 94.098 36.76
The priorities for Bridge Repair (Table 12-7) were based on the following points:
 Abutments/piers/wing wall minor cracks/ spelled /damaged priority-01
 Deck/girders minor cracks/corrosion of reinforcement/ minor damages, priority-01

 Open foundation minor scoured, priority-01
 Important Road bridges with damages & narrow carriageway widths, priority-01
 Bridges under category C (20m & above) with defects/damages other than the above
have been put in priority-02
 Portable Steel Bridges are not included, as they are programmed for replacement under
Section 12.8
Maps 12.1 to 12.3 show the priorities for reconstruction and repair on the National Highways.

Table 12-7 : Priority Programme for Bridge Repair

Programme Number of Bridges Cost (Crore Taka)
Repair, National Highways, Priority 1 58 89.1
Repair, National Highways, Priority 2 86 147.8
Repair, Regional Highways 127 132.8
Repair, Zila Roads 147 220.6
Total 418 590.3

12.7. Narrow Bridges

The Narrow Bridge replacement programme will address 18 bridges on National
Highways (Table 12-8), and 108 bridges on Regional Highways (

Table 12-9). Programme costs are summarized in Table 12-10.

Table 12-8 : Narrow Bridges on National Highways
Zone Road No. LRP Name Length (m)
Nilphamari N518 LRP004a . 49
Dinajpur N5 LRP392a . 44
Shaistagonj N2 LRP181d Bata Pur 35
Faridpur-2 N804 LRP014a . 25
Sylhet N2 LRP200a Brommon Gram 25
Jamalpur-1 N4 LRP130a Roghunathpur Bridge 24
Cox's Bazar - 2 N1 LRP400b Chadirikhana 24
Cox's Bazar - 2 N1 LRP400c Chadirikhana 24
Fatikchari N106 LRP023b Jananihat Bridge 23
Cox's Bazar - 2 N1 LRP404b Ukhiya Bazar 21
Bhola N809 LRP038a . 12
Cox’s Bazaar Muslim
Cox's Bazar - 2 N1 LRP398b 11
Barisal-1 N8 LRP151a . 10
Jhenaidah N7 LRP125b . 9
Cox's Bazar-1 N1 LRP380e South Mitta Chori 8
Barisal-1 N8 LRP141a . 8
Bhola N809 LRP037a . 8
Lalmonirhat N509 LRP011a . 7

Table 12-9 : Narrow Bridges on Regional Highways
Zone Road No. LRP Name Length (m)
Netrokona R370 LRP050a Thagurakona 372
Sariatpur R860 LRP021a Angaria Bridge 148.8
Naogaon R548 LRP028b Atrai Bridge 142.1
Sariatpur R860 LRP017a . 102.4
Nayarhat R315 LRP038a Gadob Doctor Bridge 102
Manikganj R506 Srighur Nagar 101.4
Sariatpur R860 LRP053d . 92.6
Sunamganj R280 LRP061a Chakni Kara Bridge 82.9
Chattak R280 LRP028a Bukar Vanga 75.4
Kulaura R281 LRP037a Horirampur Bridge 69.5
Golapganj R281 LRP069a Khasir 66.6
Rangamati-2 R162 LRP011a Kaghari Para Bridge 64.5
Golapganj R250 LRP044a Sorifa Bad Bridge 61.2
Narsingdi R114 LRP032b Puranpara Bridge 59.9
Chattak R280 LRP029a Jatua Bridge 59.4
Golapganj R250 LRP049a Satpari 56.4
Chattak R280 LRP033a Jawa Bazar Bridge 56.4
Dhaka, Sub-division - 2 R812 LRP006a Shahed Pur 55.2
Rajshahi-1 R685 LRP010c Nawhata Bridge 54.54
Tangail R480 LRP002b Shampur Bridge 49.85
Chattak R241 Aktapara 47
Chittagong R164 LRP006c Ballur Chora 45.8
Sunamganj R280 LRP058a Janigram Bridge 43.5
Dighinala R160 LRP044a Manick Chori 43.4
Rangamati-2 R162 LRP029a Slona Bath Chari. 43.4
Patuakhali-2 R881 LRP005a . 43.4
Kawkhali R870 LRP048a . 43.35
Sariatpur R860 LRP047a . 41.74
Dohazari R170 LRP053a Pushuri Prem 41
Chattak R241 LRP036a Counder Nola Bridge 40.6
Chattak R280 LRP024a Talalpur Bridge 38.1
Khagrachari-1 R160 LRP078a Shapmara Bridge 37
Golapganj R250 LRP070a Sajapur Bridge 36.9
Rajbari R710 LRP018a . 36.8
Bhola R890 LRP016a . 36.65
Jhalokati R870 LRP014b . 36.5
Chattak R280 LRP030a Baws Bridge 36.2
Sunamganj R280 LRP064a Ojkhali Bridge 35
Chattak R280 LRP032a Rawli Bridge 34.2
Rangamati-2 R162 LRP024a Bogachara 33.9
Narail R720 LRP044a . 33.03
Jhalokati R870 LRP040a . 31.15
Patiya R170 LRP018b Shili Kora 30.5
Tangail R506 Vathra Bazar Bridge 30.5
Tangail R506 Buikuta Bridge 30.5
Bhola R890 LRP028a . 30.4
Bhaluka R314 LRP014f Borkul Bridge(2) 29
Rajbari R710 LRP031a 28.1
Jhalokati R870 LRP038a . 28.15
Barguna R880 LRP046b . 27.27
Munshiganj R812 LRP014a Bait Para 27.2
Golapganj R250 LRP061a Ray Gram 26.5
Chattak R280 LRP023a Takirai Bridge 26.5
Golapganj R281 LRP071a Angarjor 26.1
Golapganj R250 LRP069a Hamygram Bridge 26

Zone Road No. LRP Name Length (m)
Golapganj R250 LRP071a Kaja Pur Bridge 25.5
Golapganj R250 LRP034a Sonia Beel Bridge 25.2
Golapganj R281 LRP074a Unogaliss Rcc Bridge 24.6
Charfession R890 LRP095c . 24.34
Golapganj R250 LRP083a Elabag Bridge 24.1
Golapganj R251 LRPSa Tikorbari Bridge 23.7
Munshiganj R812 LRP017a Borolia 20.5
Jhalokati R870 LRP030a . 19
Patuakhali-2 R881 LRP033a . 19
Bhaluka R314 Boli Para Boro Bridge 18.3
Sariatpur R860 LRP053a . 18.2
Golapganj R250 LRP054a Maswdgram 18
Golapganj R250 LRP063c Kalygonj Bazar 17.3
Golapganj R281 LRP074c Bagni Rcc Girder Bridge 17.25
Golapganj R250 LRP063a Bollar Pool 17.1
Golapganj R250 LRP051a Doyarimati 17
Golapganj R250 LRP052a Eidga Rcc Gider Bridge 17
Golapganj R281 LRP072a Kakordia 16.9
Kulaura R281 LRP045b Kathal Toli Rcc Bridge 16.8
Golapganj R251 LRP010d Purbo Bag Bridge 16.7
Golapganj R281 LRP061f Jaldub 16.7
Golapganj R250 LRP035a Natair Sor Bridge 16.6
Golapganj R250 LRP074a Baro Thakur Bridge 16.5
Golapganj R250 LRP041a Shaha Goli Bridge 16.4
Joydepur-1 R315 LRP006b Hashi Kali Bridge 15.5
Bhola R890 LRPSa . 14.03
Golapganj R251 LRP006f Dhaka Dakhin Bazar 14
Sitakunda R152 LRP011b Gadar Dokan 13.2
Bhola R890 LRP004a . 12.5
Bhaluka R314 LRP005b Tangora Culvert 12.2
Brahmanbaria R220 LRP5c Ziload 12.15
Golapganj R250 LRP087a Mosum The Khal 12
Brahmanbaria R220 LRP002a Borganara 11.9
Chandpur R140 LRP058a Mohamaya 11.5
Golapganj R250 LRP084a Holat Rcc Girder Bridge 11.5
Golapganj R250 LRP069c South Koskonapur 11.4
Dohazari R170 LRP050c Napura Bazar 11.3
Sariatpur R860 LRP051d . 11.2
Golapganj R250 LRP080a Noyagram 9.8
Kulaura R281 LRP048b Borolekha Soru Setu 9.6
Golapganj R250 LRP080c Gonga Bazar 9.5
Kushtia R713 LRP002a . 9.2
Kushtia R713 LRP002a . 9.2
Narsingdi R114 LRP047a Sherpur. 9
Brahmanbaria R220 LRP002c Surjakadi 8.8
Rajbari R711 LRP002b . 8.53
Nayarhat R315 LRP044b Bangal Para Bridge 8.5
Ramgonj R140 Roadas Pull Bridge 8.4
Bancharampur R203 LRP034b Banchrampur 8
Bhola R890 LRPSc . 7.55
Patiya R170 LRP005b Boria Rcc Gider Bridge 7.4
Pabna-1 R601 LRP011b . 7.05
Shibpur R212 LRP013c Golgolia 6.1
Narsingdi R114 LRP038c Goraman Bridge. 6

Table 12-10 : Summary Priority of Narrow Bridges Replacement

Programme Number of Bridges Cost (Crore Taka)
National Highways 18 115.8
Regional Highways 108 328.0

Total 126 443.8
12.8. Replacement of Portable Steel Bridges
In accordance with Policy 12.2 of the Road Sector Policy (Section 6.2) portable steel bridges are to
replaced by permanent structures. Table 12-11 lists the 23 bridges for replacement on National Highways,
at an estimated cost of Taka 114.8 Crore.
Table 12-11 : Portable Steel Bridges on National Highways proposed for replacement
Road Chainage LRP Name Length (m)
N2 284.46 LRP285b . 40
N3 90.169 LRP092a Trisal Bazar 13.8
N4 20.285 LRP020a Lotif Pur Bridge 80
N4 73.276 LRP072a Sarkail 64.5
N8 95.526 LRP096a . 36.1
N8 96.879 LRP098a . 121.5
N8 100.676 LRP101a . 42.8
N8 176.88 LRP178a . 39.5
N8 180.819 LRP182a . 33.5
N8 197.413 LRP198c . 73.54
N8 199.222 LRP200c . 21.3
N105 26.697 LRP027a Ulakola 209
N105 29.116 LRP029b Shamarsingh 160
N106 16.038 LRP017a Fouzia Bazar 37.3
N107 0.052 LRPSa Kalurghat Bridge 23.8
N107 1.917 LRP001a Afolahmed Bridge 9.1
N108 6.175 LRP006a Bajalia 21.7
N204 12.136 LRP014a Sath Sari 24.8
N208 9.392 LRP009a Asraful Kapul 41.7
N401 32.093 LRP032a Mukiagasa New 23.7
N506 19.896 LRP020b . 12.15
N803 4.726 LRP004b . 33.5
N809 26.642 LRP026a . 42.6
N809 28.999 LRP028a . 128.76

There are 239 Portable steel bridges on Regional Highways, shown in Table 12-12. The total replacement
cost of these bridges is estimated to be Taka 639.8 Crore.
Table 12-12 : Portable Steel Bridges on Regional Highways proposed for replacement
Road No.Chainage LRP No. Name Length (m)
R140 80.597 80.597 Dakatia Bridge 102
R140 92.832 92.832 Mb Bridge 12
R151 3.712 LRP004a Teli Gram Bridge 15.2
R151 4.013 LRP004c Laxmisora Bridge 15.3
R151 4.644 LRP005a Karer Hat Bazar 9.9
R151 10.225 LRP011a Tulatuli Bridge 24.3
R151 10.823 LRP012a Bur Caamp Bridge 30.2
R151 14.886 LRP016a Koila Bazar 37.2
R151 15.645 LRP016c Balutila Bazar 21.25
R151 16.806 LRP018a Fullchar 15.25
R151 29.267 LRP031a Narayanpur Bailey With Steel Deck 19
R151 32.981 LRP035a Mizzar Hat Bailey With Steel Deck 25
R151 34.516 LRP036e Mizzar Hat Bailey With Steel Deck 31
R152 12.709 LRP013a Bagan Bazar Bridge 18.5
R160 23.954 LRP024b Flazi Digio Baily Bridge 16.5
R160 25.713 LRP026b Flazi Bailey With Steel Deck 18.5
R160 26.447 LRP027a Fhaindom 15.5
R160 30.01 LRP030a Kanchon Nagor 24.6
R160 30.48 LRP031a Baganbari 18.5

Road No.Chainage LRP No. Name Length (m)
R160 35.064 LRP035a Notunmosjid Baily Bridge 22.8
R160 37.727 LRP038b Boraitoli Baily Bridge 24.5
R160 41.854 LRP042a Tinotada Bridge 30.7
R160 43.655 LRP044c Manichari Bridge 16.1
R160 43.671 LRP044d Mainchan 16.1
R160 46.517 LRP047c Gacch Bil Baily 18.45
R160 47.188 LRP048b Gaccaha Bridge 23
R160 55.797 LRP056a Kalapani Baily Bridge 18.7
R160 58.739 LRP059a Guitara Bazar 76.5
R160 64.674 LRP065b Baliachari 44.2
R160 65.069 LRP066a Balu Chori Bailey With Steel Deck 42.4
R160 74.757 LRP076a Bangchori Baily With Steel Deek 26
R160 84.321 LRP085b AlutilacBridge 45.8
R160 87.36 LRP088e Changi Bridge 111
R160 87.739 LRP089a Sengipara 6
R160 88.004 LRP089b Kasaem S Mill 6
R160 88.28 LRP089c Bus terminal 6
R160 88.469 LRP089d Khagrachari 10.3
R160 88.818 LRP090b Collage Gate Bridge 6.1
R161 1.756 LRP001a Dangmara Baily Bridge 33.65
R161 12.348 LRP012a Hedmar Para 9
R161 21.371 LRP021d Noapara 8.2
R161 32.203 LRP032b Bangalhalia Bazar 30.45
R161 33.249 LRP033b Kodum Chora Baily 27.6
R161 34.584 LRP035a Chagolkhaia Baily 18.5
R161 37.069 LRP037a Udalbana Bazer 18.4
R161 37.236 LRP037c Sultan Shah Bazar Bridge 103
R161 39.087 LRP039a Napit Pukaria Baily Bridge 93.3
R161 40.851 LRP041a Dal- Bala Bailey With Steel Deck 15.5
R161 41.157 LRP041c Dack Bala Bailey With Steel Deck 18.6
R161 41.517 LRP041e Kawali Para Bailey With Steel Deck 33.5
R161 41.839 LRP042a Kawa Para Bailey With Steel Deck 12.4
R161 41.899 LRP042c Kawa Para Bailey With Steel Deck 15.5
R161 42.57 LRP043a Kebro Para Bailey With Steel Deck 12.4
R161 42.772 LRP043b Kabra Para Bailey With Steel Deck 15.6
R161 42.87 LRP043d Kabro Para Bailey With Steel Deck 12.4
R161 43.476 LRP043f Bhoda Chori Bailey With Steeldeck 18.5
R161 44.839 LRP045a Amtali Bailey With Steel Deck 18.5
R161 45.117 LRP045c Amtali Bailey With Steel Deck 21.6
R161 45.533 LRP045e Kawaltali Bailey With Steel Deck 15.5
R161 46.045 LRP046a Amtali Bailey With Steel Deck 18.5
R161 46.183 LRP046c Amtali Bailey With Steel Deck 12.4
R161 47.024 LRP047a Noyapara Bailey With Steel Deck 36.7
R161 48.799 LRP049a Dulpara Bailey With Steel Deck 21.3
R161 49.363 LRP049d Dolu Para Bailey With Steel Deck 9
R161 50.445 LRP050b Tamolang (3)Bailey Bridge 18.2
R161 50.463 LRP050c Steel Bridge 7
R161 54.725 LRP055a Keamoron Culvert 9
R161 55.657 LRP055e Pakuchora Baily 9.1
R161 56.415 LRP056c Boddojati Bridge 40
R161 58.794 LRP059a Balakata Baily Bridge 9.1
R162 34.504 LRP035a Bailey Bridge 33.5
R162 42.333 LRP045a Changachari 27.6
R162 49.266 LRP052a Manikchari Baily Deck 30.5
R162 59.736 LRP062a Takar Chora Bayli Bridge 35
R164 5.563 LRP006a Shetar Ghat 25
R170 3.186 LRP003a Vatikhin Bailey With Steel Deck 9
R170 8.603 LRP008b Murali 15.2

Road No.Chainage LRP No. Name Length (m)
R170 15.135 LRP015a Golden Park Bailey With Steel Deck 36.5
R170 15.426 LRP015c Bolg Bailey With Steel Deck 16
R170 45.493 LRP045b Shilxup Bally 34.5
R170 47.121 LRP047a Chambol 25.2
R170 49.977 LRP050a Na Para Sheet 25.2
R171 0.975 LRPSb Chunti Bazar 14
R171 10.878 LRP010c Monir Fokir Hat Bailey With Steel Deck 20
R203 5.085 LRP005a Kalibari Bailey With Steel Deck 36
R203 10.118 LRP010a Arihazar 36
R203 13.964 LRP014a Sadadia Bailey With Steel Deck 18
R203 17.764 LRP018a Daribisnondi 10
R203 18.146 LRP018d Bisnandi Bailey 30
R212 8.048 LRP008a Vayar Bazar Bridge 19.2
R212 10.76 LRP010e Bogli Bailey With Steel Deck 24.9
R220 39.84 39.84 Raishal Karal Bailey With Steel Deck 9
R220 42.275 42.275 Sotun Bailey With Steel Deck 81.65
R220 46.33 46.33 Lokra Bailey With Steel Deck 42.7
R220 48.604 48.604 Langra Bailey With Steel Deck 43.4
R220 50.324 50.324 Wakhirpul Bailey With Steel Deck 24.01
R240 16.695 LRP016a Kuy Steel Bridge 91.5
R240 20.54 LRP020b Balikhal Steel Bridge 110.25
R240 27.063 LRP027a Ujirpur 27.5
R240 33.28 LRP033a Chandpur 20
R240 48.27 LRP048a Paipur Bailey With Steel Deck 24.3
R241 28.857 LRP028c Majidpur Truss Bridge 37.9
R241 31.212 LRP031a Khasira Bailey With Steel Deck 17.5
R241 33.759 LRP033b Gongur Bailey With Steel Deck 14.2
R241 42.018 42.018 Darga Vasa Bailey With Steel Deck 23.7
R250 36.223 LRP036a Kakora Bridge 79.5
R250 62.79 LRP061c Ballapoll Bailey With Steel Deck Bridge 10.2
R280 34.968 LRP035a Jawa Steel 41.3
R280 38.296 LRP038c Mobeg Bridge 78.45
R280 50.925 LRP051a Joykalas Bridge 42.76
R280 51.072 LRP051c Jaykalash Bridge 42.7
R280 52.681 LRP053a Ahasan Bridge 146
R281 18.221 LRP019a Chatol Gaon Bailey With Steel Deck 22.7
R281 29.782 LRP030a Bhuyai Bridge 27.3
R281 30.75 LRP031a Buktera Bridge 24.5
R281 31.894 LRP032b Bella Gawn 60.48
R282 0.046 LRPSa Juribail With Steel Deck 9.4
R282 0.757 LRP001c Juribazr Steel Bridge 18.2
R282 1.622 LRP002a Juri Baily With Steel Deck 36.5
R282 1.946 LRP002c Juri-College Road Bridge 22.3
R282 2.936 LRP003b Juri Lalhidila Road 27.3
R282 4.526 LRP005a Noya Bazar 18.3
R282 6.82 LRP006c Goalbari Bridge 6.1
R282 7.306 LRP007a Goyal Mary 24.3
R282 8.114 LRP008a East Goalbari 6
R282 8.734 LRP008b Silloh Steel Bridge 6
R282 9.491 LRP009c Silloh Steel Bridge 3
R282 11.245 LRP011a Kuchai Bridge 9
R282 12.8 LRP012c Kuchai-3 6
R282 14.133 LRP014a Kusaitui Baily With Steel 15.25
R282 14.995 LRP014e Dilkhush Baily With Steel Deck 21.5
R301 3.563 LRP003c Nimtoli Bailey With Steel Deck 36.8
R301 10.777 LRP010b Pubail 117
R310 7.232 LRP007a Thitkhul Bridge 75
R312 9.929 LRP010a Rajabari Steel Bridge 61

Road No.Chainage LRP No. Name Length (m)
R312 10.992 LRP010d Razabari Haluebulsteel Bridge 15.24
R315 39.275 LRP040b Rodaltlki Baily Bridge 73.5
R315 49.134 LRP050a Sharif Bag Bridge 113.3
R360 63.479 LRP063a Aowrargat Bailey With Steel Deck 38
R360 106.265 LRP106a Boktarmara 36
R360 108.77 LRP109a Akbor Nagar Bailey With Steel Deck 25.6
R360 111.459 LRP111a Gazirtak Bailey With Steel Deck 32.2
R370 58.15 LRP058a Barhatta 6.1
R370 60.008 LRP059e Otilepur 18.6
R370 61.705 LRP061c Otilepur 18
R450 0.918 LRP002a . 12.92
R451 0.907 LRP001a . 50.8
R451 6.561 LRP007a Steel Baily Bridge 58.8
R451 10.62 LRP011a Baily Bridge 24.6
R504 7.982 LRP007c Bomdokham Bailey With Steel Deck 75
R504 8.717 LRP008c Bakkon Bralakat Bailey With Steel Deck 75
R504 16.639 LRP016c Kashemnagar Bridge 22.2
R504 17.476 LRP017b Kula Para Bailey With Steel Deck 24.5
R506 0.02 LRPSa Aricha -Gorai Bailey With Steel Deck 36.8
R506 2.8 LRP002a Bridge Coulvert 21.4
R506 6.726 LRP006a Gaiur Bazar Bailey With Steel Deck 30.5
R506 7.207 LRP007a Coestha Bailey With Steel Deck 15.45
R506 12.072 12.072 Mandarta Bridge 33.4
R506 13.422 13.422 Mulkandi Bridge 12
R506 14.399 14.399 Chakmir Pur Bridge(L) 30.5
R506 14.399 14.399 Chak Mir Pur Bridge(R) 30.5
R506 19.542 19.542 Arrokomatvatra 30.5
R506 20.902 20.902 Georpoll Bridge(R) 29.9
R506 21.232 21.232 Dhalapara 22.2
R506 25.782 25.782 Dalaysori Bridge 65.3
R506 29.262 29.262 Georpoll Bridge 29
R506 30.252 30.252 Dhala Para 22.2
R506 38.081 38.081 Alasi Bridge 36
R506 39.152 39.152 Elasin Bazar Bridge 36
R545 100.323 LRP099b . 36.8
R547 21.519 LRP021a . 39
R549 0.452 LRPSa Badalgachi Baily Bridge 74
R555 8.768 LRP008b . 39.85
R585 80.501 LRP080a Ichamati Bridge 24.75
R602 0.038 LRPSa . 18.47
R681 9.968 LRP010a Baily Bridge 36.2
R710 25.201 LRP026a Chandrana Bridge. 55.93
R710 37.151 LRP038b . 18.25
R710 40.205 LRP041a . 24.7
R710 43.356 LRP044a . 15.4
R746 6.857 LRP006a Monakhalir Bridge 93.15
R747 11.198 LRP011a . 36.63
R749 5.56 LRP005a Golaidari Ghat Bridge 111.23
R770 9.77 LRP010a . 25
R770 23.258 LRP022a . 29.5
R770 30.527 LRP030a . 18.45
R770 33.912 LRP033a . 24.51
R770 38.315 LRP037b . 21.35
R771 4.084 LRP004b . 18.3
R812 10.729 LRP010b Dashxani Bridge 36.5
R812 11.051 LRP010d Bania Bari Bailey With Steel Deck 20
R812 18.526 LRP018a Tongi Bari Bailey With Steel Deck 42.6
R812 22.77 LRP022a Boly Bailey With Steel Deck 39.7

Road No.Chainage LRP No. Name Length (m)
R812 24.447 LRP023c Taxi 2 36.5
R812 26.274 LRP025a Baligaon Bailey With Steel Deck 73
R812 27.443 LRP026a Kather Para 46.5
R812 28.957 LRP028a Purbo Burdia 56.3
R812 30.467 LRP029a Fultoli 78.5
R812 31.989 LRP031a Kolkata Bailey With Steel Deck 61.5
R812 33.414 LRP032b Maleranko Bazar Bailey With Steel Deck 30.3
R812 35.525 LRP035a Masahat Goan 18.5
R812 36.708 LRP036a Konokshar Bailey With Steel Deck 37.5
R812 37.606 LRP037a Dokhin Holda 36.7
R813 0.732 LRPSb Mirashare Bridge 24.3
R813 0.897 LRPSd Nayagoan 18.3
R820 8.096 LRP008a Shakta Bridge 37.5
R820 10.922 LRP011b Ramar-Kanda Bridge 15.75
R820 11.108 LRP011e Ramer Konda 12.5
R820 11.723 LRP012b Rohilpur Bridge 31.5
R820 23.951 LRP024a Gukul Nagor 30.6
R820 38.706 LRP038e Chalni Bailey With Steel Deck 30.4
R820 47.201 LRP047c Shutar Para Bailey With Steel Deck 39.8
R820 56.498 LRP056a Syen Pukur Par Bridge 27.4
R820 57.369 LRP057a Jahanabad Bailey With Steel Deck 27.2
R820 58.403 LRP058b Bagra Bailey With Steel Deck 18.5
R860 12.796 LRP013a . 31.2
R860 16.224 LRP016b . 31.2
R860 17.39 LRP017d . 31.15
R860 27.317 LRP028g . 15.25
R860 27.753 LRP029b . 12.25
R860 27.919 LRP029d . 16.4
R860 29.6 LRP031a . 28.89
R860 32.943 LRP034a . 33.4
R860 34.021 LRP035a . 30.5
R860 43.024 LRP044c Gazipur Bridge 110.89
R860 53.333 LRP054a . 18.2
R860 54.695 LRP056a . 24.3
R861 1.442 LRP001a . 15.15
R870 29.806 LRP029a . 24.55
R870 30.071 LRP029d . 36.7
R890 21.584 LRP021a . 24.3
R890 29.847 LRP029b . 18.2
R890 45.766 LRP045a . 61.75
R890 53.689 LRP053b . 33.6
R890 83.498 LRP083a . 24.4
R161 50.908 LRP051a Camolou(I) Bridge 12.4
R161 52.756 LRP053a Kamolaw (2)Baily Bridge 15.5
R170 17.059 LRP017a Shoylok Bailey With Timber Deck 9
R506 1.21 LRP001a Shaily Bailey With Steel Deck 42.25
Total 7,539.3

12.9. Upgrade Condition B to Condition A

29.467 km of condition B structures should be improved to condition A at a repair cost of Tk.
16,500 per metre length, at a total cost of Taka 48.6 Crore.

12.10. Ferry Replacement Programme

12.10.1. National and Regional Highways

Para 5.9.5 of the National Land Transport Policy states that ferries will be replaced by bridges on National
roads, where economic benefits are proved. There are 2 ferries on National Highways, and 11 ferries on
Regional Highways which are considered as candidates for replacing with bridges, and these should be
considered as the first priority. However, there are two potentially very long spans on Regional Highways
(Jowkura Nazirganj on R602 of 3km, and on the Patuakhali-Amtoli-Barguna-Kakchira Road – R880, of
2.5km. These are unlikely to be economically viable and are not included in the Masterplan. Bridges at the
locations listed in Table 12-13 are included at a total cost of Taka 600 Crore. All proposed bridges in Table
12-13 should be subjected to a full economic appraisal.
Table 12-13 : Recommended new bridge locations on National and Regional Highways
Approximate length of Cost of
Location Approximate
Name of Road Road bridge required Bridge
of Ferry width of
To replace the ferry Crore
water way (m)
(m) Taka
Bhatiapara-Kalna Rd N806 4th km 600 900 76.4
Barisal-Bhola-Laxmipur Rd N809 3rd km 300 500 42.4
Ghagra-Chandragona-Bangalkhalia- Bandarban Rd
R161 16th km 356 450 38.2
Bhulta-Rupgonj-Badda Rd R202 9 km 390 420 35.6
Madaripur-Shariatpur-Bhedorgonj-Chandpur Rd.
R860 4th km 300 300 25.5
Barisal-Jhalokati-Bhandaria-Pirojpur Rd R870 55th km 1250 1400 118.8
53rd km
Patuakhali-Amtoli-Barguna-Kakchira Rd R880 Amtali 1100 1600 135.8
Barguna -Kakchira R880 Baraitoli 500 600 50.4
Amtoli-Khepupara -Kuakata Rd (R881) R881 18th km 300 350 29.7
Amtoli-Khepupara -Kuakata Rd (R881) R881 30th km 320 370 31.4
Amtoli-Khepupara -Kuakata Rd (R881) R881 36th km 130 180 15.3

12.10.2. Zila Roads

Table 12-14 lists 8 ferry locations on Zila roads where bridge construction is expected to economicallt
viable in the next twenty years, and these should be considered as the second priority. The total cost of
these 8 bridges is Taka 230 Crore.
Table 12-14 : Recommended new bridge locations on Zila Roads

Cost of
Width of Length of
Name of Road Road Location water replacement
way (m) bridge (m)
Sathkhira-Assashuni-Goaldnanga-Paikgacha Rd Z7603 26th km 250 260 22
Bhaberchor-Gozaria-Munshigonj Rd Z1063 7th km 300 330 28
Betgram-Tala-Paikgacha-Koira Rd Z7604 51st km 223 223 19
Gallamary-Batiaghata-Dakup-Nalian forest Road Z7606 21st km 250 300 25
Panchar-Shaibchar-Madaripur Rd Z8011 18th km 162 162 14
Magura-Mohammedpur Rd Z7012 27th km 305 335 28
Narail-kalia Rd Z7502 21st km 750 600 51
Kachua-Betagi-Patuakhali-Lohalia-Kalaya Rd
Z8052 17th km 350 500 42

A further 14 ferry locations on Zila roads are unlikey to prove economically viable if bridged in the next 20
years. These can be considered third priority, and are not included in the masterplan, although listed in
Table 12-15.

Table 12-15 : Ferry locations on Zila roads where new bridges are not recommended

Width of Length of Cost of

Name of Road Road Location water way replacement Bridge
(m) bridge (m) Crore Taka
Matlab north-south connection Rd. Z1069 Matlab 220 260 22
Golachipa- Amragachia Rd (Z8806) 78th km 200 250 21
Khulna-Mongla Rd Z7701 42nd km 400 500 42
Sarankhola-Bogi Rd. 7th km 710 825 70
Golachipa- Amragachia Rd (Z8806) 59th km 400 500 42
Golachipa- Amragachia Rd (Z8806) 14th km 400 660 56
Rd (Z8052) 17th km 2,250 3,000 255
Razapur-Noikati-Bekutia-Pirojpur Rd Z8702 52nd km 1,250 1,500 127
Shatapakia to Nalcity from Barisal- Jhalokati 3rd km 600 900 76
Rd Z8709
Golachipa- Amragachia Rd (Z8806) 70th km 1,225 1,500 127
Rahmatpur-Babugonj-Muladi-Hizla Rd Z8034 8th km 1,200 1,500 127
Norail-Lohagora-Naragati Rd Z7503 1st km 130 119 10
Mehendigonj-Barisal(Laharhat) link Rd 4th km 800 1,000 85
Mehendigonj-Barisal(Laharhat) link Rd 13th 3,000 3,500 297
Laxmipur-Panti-Kumarkhali-Pabna Rd 21st km 600 650 55

12.10.3. River Training

River training costs should be included in the cost estimates for new bridges where possible and needed.
12.11. Economic Appraisal
An economic appraisal was carried out to assess the feasibility of a repair programme for bridges in
Category C. The Bridge Maintenance Management System (BMMS) database, available on the RHD
website, provides basic information about the RHD bridge network. The Road Master Plan proposes to
replace all D category bridges, and carry out repairs to C category bridges. All the bridges, classified by age
and condition categories A-D, are presented in Table 12-16. The mean (weighted) age in each category was
found to be as set out in Table 12-17.
Table 12-16 : Overall Age and Condition of RHD Bridges
Condition Category
Age Group
A B C D All
No % No % No % No % No %
0-10 3,079 33 314 15 311 12 34 5 3,738 25
11-20 4,382 47 891 43 890 34 158 22 6,321 43
21-30 1,348 15 595 28 876 33 202 28 3,021 21
31-40 251 3 151 7 302 12 185 26 889 6
> 41 220 2 144 7 248 9 136 19 748 5
Total 9,280 100 2,095 100 2,627 100 715 100 14,717 100

Table 12-17 : Average Age by Condition of RHD Bridges
Category A B C D
Mean Age (yrs) - calculated 14 20 22 28
Mean Age (yrs) – rounded 15 20 25 30
The conclusions that emerge from the age and condition analysis are that the design life of a bridge, with
proper maintenance, should be 50 years. However, the bridges in need of replacement (D class) have an
average age of 30 years. Thus, the lack of maintenance causes the life of a bridge to reduce to 60 percent of
its original life. The 5-year lag between the average ages in each category implies that a bridge slides
down the condition scale (from A to B to C to D) every 5 years, also due to inadequate maintenance.

12.11.1. Deterioration and Remaining Life of C Class Bridges

The analysis for D class bridges was used to validate our assumptions regarding deterioration rates and
replacement years for C class bridges. Thus, it is presumed that without maintenance and repair, the
real/effective age of C class bridges is already double the actual age. If repairs and maintenance are not
done even now, life will be further eroded by 50% and need for replacement hastened. Table 12-18 gives
the actual age of C class bridges as a consequence of lack of repairs and their remaining life if the situation

Table 12-18: Real Age and Remaining Life for C Class Bridges (Years)
Age Group (yrs) 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 > 41
Actual Age 5 15 25 35 45
Real Age 10 30 50 70 90
Remaining Life - today 40 20 0 - -
Remaining Life – do nothing 20 10 - - -
The number of C class bridges analysed, after excluding the narrow bridges, are shown in Table 12-19.

Table 12-19 : C Class Bridges after excluding Narrow Bridges

Age Group (yrs)
Condition Category
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 > 41 All
C 215 631 593 216 149 1,804

12.11.2. Cost of the Bridge Repair Programme

The unit costs estimated for the different components of the programme, and their years of application, are
given below:
Major repairs to C class bridges Tk 230,000 per m
Periodic maintenance (5 yearly) Tk 10,000 per m
Routine maintenance (annual) Tk 500 per m
The weighted average length of the C class bridges selected for analysis (after excluding narrow bridges)
was found to be 15.35m. Based on the total number of bridges, average length of a bridge and the unit rates,
the cost streams of the repair programme were calculated. The financial costs were converted into
economic costs by applying a Standard Conversion Factor (SCF) of 0.8.

12.11.3. Benefits
The benefits of undertaking major repairs to bridges are mainly the savings in the cost of replacement. The
unit cost of replacement of a structure is estimated as Taka 600,000 per metre.

Based on the unit cost, average length, and the number of bridges in different age groups, the replacement costs
were calculated and are shown in
Table 12-20. The start years for replacement are shown in Table 12-21.
Table 12-20 : Replacement Costs of C Class Bridges
Age Group (yrs)
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 > 41 All
Number of bridges (C) 215 631 593 216 149 1,804
Replacement Cost –Financial (Crore Taka) 198 581 546 199 137
Replacement Cost –Economic (Crore Taka) 158 465 437 159 110

Table 12-21 : Start years for Replacement of C Class Bridges

Age Group (Years) 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 > 41
Start Year of Replacement 20 10 2 2 2

12.11.4. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Based on the above, an economic appraisal of the Repair Programme for C class bridges, having
carriageway widths greater than 3.7 metres, was carried out. The economic cost and benefit streams were
prepared for an analysis period of 30 years, and economic internal rate of return (EIRR) calculated using
discounted cash flow method.
The EIRR of the project is 43%, which indicates that the benefits of repair or the savings in replacement
cost far outweigh the costs of repair. It is therefore economically feasible to undertake the Major Repair
Programme for C class bridges.
Table 12-22 : presents the results of the economic analysis.

12.12. Recommendations

12.12.1. Updating of BCS survey data

The majority of BMMS data come from the Bridge Condition Surveys carried out by RHD as per
procedures and instructions laid down in the BCS Manual. As per provision in the manual, occasional and
periodic updating of the field data has been recommended. Since the data in BMMS are based on survey
done in the year 2004, it is now necessary to go for revalidation and updating of the data.
Modification in prioritisation may be required to match Updated BMMS data base, which can be done
considering proposed prioritisation criteria.

12.12.2. Recommendations for updating of BCS data base

 The present BCS data is based on survey done in year 2004. It is necessary
to revalidate and update the data.
 The scoring system adopted for condition categorisation of bridges needs to
be revised and to be made more specific and systematic.
 A comprehensive survey and analysis is recommended to be carried out
 Updated BCS data should form the basis for preparation of the ADP.
 All existing ferry locations should be identified with LRP numbers.
 Identification of bridge structure by LRP as per BCS Manual should be
adopted for all references.
 All other identifications being presently used should be replaced
 The cost of this is estimated to be Taka 5 Crore.

Table 12-22 : Economic Evaluation of Repair Programme for C Class Bridges (CW
width > 3.7 m), Million Taka
Economic Costs Economic Benefits – Savings in Replacement Cost
Year Major
Routine Periodic Total 5y 15 yr 25 yr 35 yr 45 yr Total Net
Maint. Maint. Costs r old old old old Benefits Benefits
2007 1,019 1,019 0 -1,019
2008 1,019 1,019 874 318 220 1,412 393
2009 1,019 1,019 874 318 220 1,412 393
2010 1,019 1,019 874 318 220 1,412 393
2011 1,019 1,019 874 318 220 1,412 393
2012 11 11 874 318 220 1,412 1,401
2013 11 11 0 -11
2014 11 11 0 -11
2015 11 11 0 -11
2016 11 221 232 930 930 698
2017 11 11 930 930 919
2018 11 11 930 930 919
2019 11 11 930 930 919
2020 11 11 930 930 919
2021 11 221 232 0 -232
2022 11 11 0 -11
2023 11 11 0 -11
2024 11 11 0 -11
2025 11 11 0 -11
2026 11 221 232 317 317 85
2027 11 11 317 317 306
2028 11 11 317 317 306
2029 11 11 317 317 306
2030 11 11 317 317 306
2031 11 221 232 0 -232
2032 11 11 0 -11
2033 11 11 0 -11
2034 11 11 0 -11
2035 11 11 0 -11
2036 11 221 232 0 -232
EIRR = 42.96%

12.12.3. Recommendations for RHD Programme Management

 A comprehensive survey and analysis is recommended to be carried out by
experts in bridges before updating of BCS data base.
 RHD should devote more to overall project management and outsource
actual execution and responsibility of day to day management to experts in
 RHD should concentrate its resources in protecting its National Assets,
Planning and budgetary monitoring, providing efficient and safe highway
12.13. Programme Summary
The total costs of the Bridge Repair and Replacement Programme is Tk 3,403 Crore, as shown inTable

Table 12-23 : Priority Bridge Construction, Repair and Reconstruction Programme
cost summary
Item Number of Bridges Cost (Crore Taka)
Reconstruction 133 477.7
Major Repair 418 627.5
Narrow Bridge Replacement 126 443.8
PSB Replacement 262 756.4
Minor Repair 730 48.6
Ferry Replacement (Priority 1) 13 600
Ferry Replacement (Priority 2) 8 230
Condition Survey - 5
Total 1,690 3,189

The interventions proposed for the D and C class structures are set out in Table 12-24 and Table 12-25.
The overall summary is shown in Table 12-26.
Table 12-24 : D Class Structure Interventions
Intervention No. of Structures
Replacement of Portable Steel Bridges 62
Replacement of Narrow Bridges 25
Reconstruction of Bridges of 20m span or greater 133
Culverts replaced under road rehabilitation 318
Short structures replaced under road rehabilitation 177
Total 715

Table 12-25 : C Class Structure Interventions

Intervention No. of Structures
Replacement of Portable Steel Bridges 200
Replacement of Narrow Bridges 101
Repair of Bridges of 20m span or greater 418
Culverts repaired under road rehabilitation 1,427
Short structures repaired under road rehabilitation 481
Total 2,627

Table 12-26 : Summary of proposed bridge interventions

A B C D Total
Maintain 9,279 9,279
Repair 2,091 418 2,509
Reconstruct 133 133
Replace PSB’s 200 62 262
Replace Narrow Bridges 101 25 126
Repair/replace culverts 1,427 318 1,745
Repair/replace short structures 481 177 658
9,279 2,091 2,627 715 14,712

13.1. Road Safety: Priority Action Areas
In order to address road safety issues comprehensively, there is a need for identification of accident
prevention priorities. Road safety issues which need priority attention are:
 adoption of certain effective measures to reduce and control speeds; Highway Police
need to go for random radar spot speed checks, and enforce heavy penalties for
 promotion of pedestrian safety, for which adequate pedestrian facilities are to be built
by RHD, at major haats and bazaars along the highway;
 full implementation of the road safety audit process into the road planning and design,
and RHD to ensure that all the safety provisions are strictly implemented during
 RHD should consider improved design arrangements for safety of non- motorised
transport on National Highways, through, for example, wider shoulders, and physical
separation of the main carriageway from NMT facilities;
 RHD should act to intervene with physical measures to improve road geometry and
safety features at identified ‘black spots.’37
 RHD should carry out road safety audits, and should enforce strictly safety features in
the design and construction of all new road schemes;
 RHD to provide special facilities for non-motorized vehicles, and service lanes for
buses and trucks along all major haats and bazaars located on highways;
 Strict police enforcement of traffic laws and regulations to deter unsafe behaviour and
violations using both known and perceived enforcement strategies;
 RHD to take initiative in securing donor funds to involve NGOs in creating mass
awareness about various aspects of road safety through print and electronic media.
NRSC (National Road Safety Council) to ensure that ‘road safety education’ is
included in all school curriculum as part of public education program, especially for
small children;
 RHD to take initiative in involving NGOs in promoting more safety conscious
behaviour of road users, heavy vehicle drivers through a focused and effective
motivational programs, including sanctions and licensing requirements;
 BRTA to ensure effective driver testing with the help of certified examiners, as well
as promote establishment of high quality and well equipped private sector run driving
schools, duly certified and registered with them, to ensure quality training. BRTA also
need to deal strictly with fake license holders. In this context, introduction of High
Security Driving License by BRTA has been a very useful step;
 BRTA to further strengthen technical inspection system for checking and testing
vehicle standard and fitness. To this end, BRTA should consider selecting, based on a
transparent inspection procedure, a number of top quality private motor vehicle
workshops, which could be given the license to issue vehicle fitness certificate.
BRTA should however, continue to oversee the tasks being performed by these
private workshops;

Black spots can be defined as clearly identifiable points on roads where accidents repeatedly occur, and hence where these
occurrences are not ‘accidents’ but usually a fault of the road design, geometry or lack of safety features.

 Government should make compulsory, the uses of seat–belts in cars, jeeps, buses
and trucks, as well as uses of helmets for motorcyclist and encouraged for use by
 NRSC to ensure prompt emergency assistance and efficient trauma care management
to enhance patient survival and minimize road accident deaths following the injury;
 NRSC to take measures for strengthening governments’ coordination mechanism for
accident and casualty data collection system (between police, hospital, insurance, and
Accident Research Centre) for enhancing reliability of such data, and for a clear
understanding of the causes of accidents; It is also necessary to establish trauma
centres with supporting facilities, at convenient locations along the national/ regional
 Accident Research Centre (ARC) at BUET could undertake detailed scientific
analysis of accident and casualty data, and develop effective countermeasures, based
on continued research to improve the current road safety scenario. NRSC should
extend support to ARC in mobilizing donor assistance for such research activities;
 BRTA’s institutional and professional capability should be strengthened through
recruitment for the recently sanctioned 253 posts, for effective implementation of
road safety measures. Additional institutional reforms have also been suggested (see
para. 13.2) in pursuance of the anticipated Government’s new strategy to declare that
Road Safety a National Priority; and
 Highway and traffic police capacities should be strengthened.
13.2. Institutional Reform
A review of the present institutional set up responsible for road safety revealed that there is a major
weakness in respect of enforcement, as a result road safety situation is deteriorating rapidly. It is therefore,
important that a major institutional reform is undertaken to address the current weaknesses. The National
Road Safety Council (NRSC) is the highest body in the country responsible for, among others, setting road
safety policies, formulation of short and long term road safety action plans, advise the ministries and
agencies concerned on developing ways and means of implementing the action plans. But it meets only
once in every six months. Indicated below are some of the recommendations.
 It is, therefore, important to set up a working level committee to pursue the
implementation of the decisions of NRSC. In addition, the NRSC should also ensure
availability of adequate resources for implementation of the action plans, which need
to be spelled out in detail, with indication of deadlines, and names of agencies
responsible for implementation.
 A Mid-level Committee, headed by the Chairman BRTA was established earlier to
pursue the decisions of NRSC, but it is not functioning presently. It is essential
therefore, to revive that Mid-level Committee.
 BRTA needs further strengthening. With the appointment of 253 staff against newly
created posts, BRTA should be in a position to carry out strictly all its tasks in respect
of annual road tax, vehicle fitness certificate, issuance of driving license, addressing
the problem of fake driving license, etc. BRTA together with Traffic Police/ Highway
Police should regularly monitor whether the vehicle owners and drivers are defaulting
in any of the above items, and deal strictly with the defaulters.
 RHD needs to create a post of Additional Chief Engineer (ACE), Road Safety. This is
necessary to enhance the profile of activities related to road safety in RHD. All new
road projects should have a road safety component included in the cost estimate, and
these activities carried out as part of project

implementation. To carry out road safety related activities on existing roads,
ACE(Road Safety) should clearly identify road safety improvement programmes, and
adequate budget should be made available for these to RHD, by the government.
 Recognizing that lack of strict enforcement of traffic rules and regulations has led to
the present state of road safety situation in the country, it has become essential to
establish in the Ministry of Communications(RHD), a high level Enforcement
Office, headed by the State Minister. The secretariat of this office could be
headed by the Additional Secretary of the Ministry. This new office could be manned
by bringing officers and staff on lien from BRTA, Police Department, and RHD. The
above mentioned institutional reforms are shown in Figure 13-1.
 Re-constitute the NRSC as a Statutory body under law, with powers, funding and staff
to deliver the components of Figure 13-1.

Figure 13-1 : Proposed Arrangements for Road Safety

Minister MoC State Minister MoC Secretariat

State Minister

Strategy Office
Implementation for Enforcement

ACE Road Safety BRTA Addl Sec MoC Seconded Staff BRTA
Police ARC Police

13.3. Integrated Pilot Project

There is a pressing need to pilot new ideas on road safety in Bangladesh. It is recommended that the N5
Dhaka-Aricha Road is the subject of such a pilot scheme. The scheme will need to be designed in detail
following baseline surveys of existing physical, social, traffic and accident conditions, but it is expected
that it will address the issues in Table 13-1.
The Pilot Concept will:
 Improve selected sections of national and regional highway to incorporate physical road safety
 Enforce all traffic and vehicle rules and regulations along that section, impose fines
 Work closely with the bus and truck operators that use that section of road – owners and drivers.
Perhaps initiate a reward scheme for safe drivers.
 Work closely with roadside communities, especially at markets and schools, to raise road safety
 Work with roadside market committees to identify and implement physical works to improve

 Monitor and evaluate the economic and social impacts of the road safety pilot programme (before
and after studies) to quantify benefits (and costs) to road users, to roadside communities, to the
economy and poverty reduction efforts.

Table 13-1 : Issues and Solutions for the Road Safety Pilot Scheme

Physical Issues Operational Issues:

 Central reserve and safety fencing /  Driver licensing
 Road safety awareness and training
 Separate lanes for NMVs
 Speed control
 Footpaths in urban / market areas
 Enforcement of rules and regulations
 Barriers to prevent market
encroachment  Unsafe vehicles and overloading
 Junction and interchange design  Dangerous overtaking
 Access roads / entrances  Vehicles stopping on carriageway
 Encroachment (markets etc)
Physical Solutions: Operational Solutions:
 Apply RHD road safety design  Enforce traffic rules and regulations
standards on highways
 Train and change attitudes / behaviour of
 Conduct road safety audits on all road professional drivers
projects, and design for safety
 Raise road safety awareness in roadside

It is estimated that the cost of the pilot project will be around Taka 33 Crore, representing around 1.0% of
the total budget for roads and bridges. It is recommended that an allowance be made in the Masterplan for
specific road safety projects, to be identified following the pilot project, of 2.0% of the total budget for
roads and bridges on an annual basis. The total cost of road safety projects is estimated to be Taka 1,039
Crore over the twenty year period.
13.4. Level Crossing Replacement Programme

13.4.1. Level Crossing Data

Road/rail grade intersections, commonly known as ‘level crossings’, present a case of two infrastructure
systems, with different responsibilities and travelled by vehicles with dramatically different performances,
which converge during their normal operation. The result is that these crossings constitute high-risk spots
for the users. Accidents at level crossings not only cause deaths of, or serious injuries to, thousands of road
users and railway passengers, but also impose a heavy financial burden in terms of interruption of railway
and road services and damage to railway and road vehicles and property. Grade separators ensure
uninterrupted flow of trains and road vehicles.
This section presents a brief analysis of level crossing information for Bangladesh and a methodology for
evaluating and prioritising locations that warrant grade separation. Since a broad assessment of a very large
number (over 2,000) of level crossings is intended for this study, many simplified assumptions were
applied for railway operation and traffic data. Although detailed economic evaluation, with project-
specific data, should be done for decision-making of individual cases, this approach may serve as an
appropriate screening tool.
Data provided by Bangladesh Railways (BR) indicates the characteristics of level crossings in the country
(Table 13-2).

Table 13-2 : Level Crossing Characteristics - Bangladesh
Approved* Level
Zone Installing Agency Unapproved*/
Crossings Total
Protected Unprotected Unprotected
Local government
134 360 517
East departments 1,084
RHD 21 26 26
Local government 122 776 267
West departments 1,241
RHD 46 24 6
Total 323 1,186 816 2,325
* - by Bangladesh Railways
Out of a total railway route-km of 2855, the numbers of level crossings are 2325. This indicates an average
level crossing density of one every 1.2 km. (This is even higher than India’s (one in
1.5 km), whose railway network and level crossings are both about 20 times that of Bangladesh). Level
crossings that have been established by the road agencies, without seeking the permission of BR, are
“unapproved” and all of these are unprotected, i.e. without barrier or gate-man. The number of such
unapproved level crossings is high (35 percent). Many (more than 78 percent) approved level crossings also
remain unprotected due to the establishing agency defaulting in its responsibility of providing the necessary
facilities (such as barrier and gateman’s work station). Such unprotected crossings were originally
permitted at locations on unpaved roads with only pedestrian/animal crossings. But, with the paving of
rural roads and increasing motorisation, these crossings are the sites of frequent accidents.
Considering the high level crossing density, the large number of unprotected crossings and the high rate of
accidents, fatalities and injuries at these crossings, there is an urgent need to provide appropriate safety
facilities at level crossings.

13.4.2. Grade Separation Proposals

In most Asian countries it is difficult to monitor level crossing safety effectively even if the railways take
adequate measures to improve the safety of their level crossing installations. This is primarily due to the
indiscipline of road users, who try to proceed through crossings as the barriers are closing and after
they have closed. In such situations the best solution for safety enhancement is to physically segregate the
road and the rail traffic. One of the policy prescriptions of the Road Master Plan for Bangladesh is that
safety will be improved at level crossings on the main road network by introducing grade separation.
In addition to the safety concerns, at-grade crossings typically result in delay to the road traffic, which has
to wait for the train to pass. Clearly, crossings carrying a high volume of road traffic and where barriers
remain closed for excessive periods result in vehicular congestion and slow discharge of the accumulated
road traffic. Delay at these crossings can be removed by separating the rail traffic from the highway traffic
by constructing “road over bridges” (ROB) or “under passes” at the locations that affect the greatest
number of vehicles.

13.4.3. Intervention Criteria

The first step is to identify locations on the National and Regional Highways network that are in need of
grade separators. In many countries it is government policy to provide grade separation whenever it is
justified by the frequency of accidents and the combined volume of road and rail traffic at the crossing
locations under assessment. If the “crossing exposure”, or the product of number of trains and traffic
volume per day, exceeds a certain level, the crossing is a candidate for grade separation.
Suitable warrants for establishing the requirement of grade separators at level crossings are not adopted in
Bangladesh. In the absence of these, the intervention criterion given in the Indian Roads Congress Code,
IRC-62 (1976) was used. The IRC also uses “crossing exposure” as the criterion for grade separation.
According to this code, ‘ROB should be provided across existing

railway crossing if the product of ADT (fast moving vehicles) and the number of trains per day
exceeds 50,000 within the next 5 years’.
Application of this criterion resulted in a number of level crossings warranting grade separators
immediately. These are listed in Table 13-3+.
13.5. Evaluation Methodology
Level crossings satisfying the above traffic warrant can be considered for grade separation if they are also
found to be economically feasible. Economic evaluation involves carrying out a cost- benefit analysis to
ensure that an adequate return, in terms of benefits, results from the capital investment. Thus, estimates
need to be made not only of the life cycle costs associated with converting a level crossing into a grade
separator, but also of the user benefits that are expected to accrue.

13.5.1. Benefits
The first benefit is that of eliminating collisions between trains and motor vehicles at level crossings, and
thereby eliminating the deaths and injuries associated with these collisions. The second is that of
minimizing the delays to road traffic as a result of barrier closures. Although the first is of paramount
importance, it was not possible to include it in this analysis, as data on accidents at individual crossings are
not readily available. The present analysis has thus focussed only on the benefits to motorised traffic due
to delay reduction. However, for project specific analysis, it is essential to collect and analyse level
crossing accident data and the benefits due to accident reduction. An additional benefit, in the form of
saving in idling fuel consumption, would accrue to vehicles waiting at the level crossing barriers with their
engines running for the duration of the gate closure. However, as this is not expected to be very
significant, it is not included in the analysis.
Delay Reduction
The calculation of existing and future delays at rail crossings takes into account the number of trains
passing the crossing per day, the gate closure time per train, and the road traffic affected. Ideally, for
project-specific analysis, a survey should be conducted for obtaining this information at each level
crossing. However, owing to the large number of crossings involved, and the preliminary nature of this
analysis, data from secondary sources, supplemented by some simplifying assumptions, is sufficient.
Road Traffic
It was necessary to estimate future traffic streams for each level crossing. The base year (2004) road traffic
was obtained from the CIDC-3 survey (WSP), while projected traffic figures for some cardinal years (2010,
2015, 2020 and 2025) were taken from the Bangladesh Traffic Model (WSP). Traffic for the intermediate
years was estimated through interpolation.
Train Operations
The number of passenger and freight trains passing each level crossing was obtained from the railway
reports and yearbooks. Train frequencies are assumed to remain constant in future mainly because little or
no growth in route-kilometres is observed over the past 10 years. The gate closure times for passenger
and freight trains have been taken to be different due to the difference in their lengths and speeds. A few
sample observations in Dhaka city were made to confirm this and to obtain typical gate closure times per
train type - 5 minutes per passenger train and 10 minutes per freight train.

Table 13-3: Level Crossings Requiring Grade Separation
Level MT39 per No of Warrant
Sl. Crossing Road
Thana Name day trains (MT*Trains
No. location No
(2011) per day > 50,000)
National Roads
1 1 N2 Bhairab 2,943 42 123,623
2 2 N2 Brahmanbaria Sadar 1,565 41 64,154
3 3 N2 Habiganj Sadar 5,872 26 152,672
4 5 N2 Habiganj Sadar 6,314 21 132,585
5 6 N8 Dhaka City (Tejgaon) 10,806 20 216,112
6 11 N704 Kushtia Sadar 5,302 10 53,020
7 12 N1 Comilla Sadar (Kotwali) 25,393 39 990,343
8 14 N1 Feni Sadar 20,826 35 728,905
9 18 N6 Ishwardi 6,538 13 84,999
10 21 N6 Natore Sadar 3,179 17 54,037
11 37 N7 Bagher Para 2,719 20 54,388
12 42 N205 Sylhet Kotwali 3,183 22 70,019
13 50 N401 Mymensingh Sadar 2,212 24 53,084
14 53 N4 Jamalpur Sadar 3,158 24 75,804
15 54 N4 Jamalpur Sadar 3,158 24 75,804
16 55 N706 Jessore Kotwali 6,447 20 128,937
17 91 N7 Jessore Kotwali 6,447 18 116,044
18 92 N7 Goalandaghat 5,990 10 59,897
19 115 N7 Bagher Para 2,719 20 54,388
20 117 N7 Abhaynagar 2,719 20 54,388
21 120 N7 Abhaynagar 2,719 20 54,388
22 121 N7 Abhaynagar 2,719 20 54,388
23 130 N102 Brahmanbaria Sadar 6,404 41 262,577
24 215 N5 Ullah Para 6,587 13 85,637
25 219 N105 Gazipur Sadar 2,301 42 96,632
26 225 N5 Rangpur Sadar 3,700 15 55,503
Regional Highways
1 19 R301 Gazipur Sadar 2,301 42 96,632
2 100 R301 Rupganj 2,301 42 96,632
3 108 R301 Rupganj 2,301 42 96,632
4 123 R140 Comilla Sadar (Kotwali) 6,809 39 265,548
5 223 R151 Mirsharai 5,109 35 178,828
6 234 R370 Mymensingh Sadar 6,245 24 149,887
7 240 R370 Mymensingh Sadar 6,245 24 149,887
Delay Analysis
Based on the above, the average period per barrier closure and the daily delay, i.e. the number of minutes in
a day that the gate remains closed, are calculated. The daily delay, as a percentage of 1440 (i.e. 24*60)
minutes per day, when applied to the projected daily traffic (AADT) on the highway section, gives an
estimate of the average number of vehicles per day detained at the crossing during the period of barrier
closure. Assuming only 50 percent of the vehicles in the queue experience delay equal to the closure time,
the collective delay per day, in total vehicular-

Rail Road Identifier
Motorised Traffic

hours, is calculated by taking into account the vehicular volumes and the average duration of every barrier
closure. In future years, as highway traffic continues to grow, the delay continues to increase. The annual
vehicular delay for each vehicle type, or the time lost, is given by the following formula:
Dvt = (Vt * 365 * Tc * 0.5)/60 minutes
Where: Dvt = Annual Delay to vehicle type ‘t’ in vehicle-hours; Vt =
Number of vehicles of type ‘t’ held up per day; and
Tc = Average duration (in minutes) of every barrier closure.
Summation of all vehicle types gives the total vehicular delay per annum. The benefits of grade separation
are in terms of elimination of these delays and the costs associated with them. The cost of delay is the value
of the time lost. Delay costs vary for the different vehicle types, depending on their respective values of
travel time.
Value of Travel Time
The value of travel time (VOT) or the travel time costs (TTC) vary between different vehicle types
according to the socio-economic characteristics of the occupants, their trip purpose and the type of freight
carried. TTC also varies geographically, depending on the socio-economic condition of the region.
However, conventionally, a national average TTC is adopted in all analysis.
The Economics Circle of RHD has been conducting annual TTC surveys since 1997 in order to estimate a
common national set of TTC by vehicle types for Bangladesh. For passenger vehicles, the analysis uses the
average wage approach, where wage rates of vehicle occupants are assumed to reflect their value of time,
and also takes into account their work time (WT) and non- work time (NWT). The cost of delays in
transporting freight consists chiefly of costs due to interest on the capital that the goods represent, costs due
to damage or spoilage of perishable goods, or other ancillary costs that can arise as a consequence of
journey time. These costs represent the value of time for freight vehicles. TTC are expressed as hourly
values per vehicle by assuming average occupancies and loading factors for each vehicle type. The results
of these surveys are published in the RHD Road User Cost Annual Reports.
The TTC values for the present analysis are based on the Road User Cost Annual Report (2004- 05). As
TTC values for trucks are not presented in this Report, this value has been taken from the Planning
Commission’s Project Appraisal Framework, Road Sector Manual (2005). The 2004 TTC values, in
financial terms, have been updated to 2006 using an average inflation rate of 7.04% per annum. The
economic TTC are derived from the financial values by applying the standard conversion factor of 0.8,
generally applicable for Bangladesh. Vehicle occupancies and the financial and economic TTC per vehicle
for car, bus and truck are presented in Table 13-4.
Table 13-4: Financial and Economic TTC for Motorised Vehicles
TTC (2004) TTC (2006)
Average Financial Economic Financial Economic
Type Occupancy TTC per TTC per TTC Per TTC Per TTC Per
(number) passenger vehicle vehicle vehicle vehicle
(taka/hr) (taka/hr) (taka/hr) (taka/hr) (taka/hr)
Car 3 38.6 123.30 98.60 141.30 113.0
Bus 36.4 22.0 816.60 653.30 935.60 748.5
Truck - - 125.05 100.04 143.30 114.6
Source: For car and bus, Road User Cost Annual Report, 2004-05, Economics Circle, RHD.
For truck, Project Appraisal Framework, Road Sector Manual, 2005, Planning Commission.
The cost of construction of a typical road over bridge (ROB), comprising earthwork, pavement and bridge
structure cost, has been broadly estimated for this analysis. It assumes a clear span of 16m, 160 m
approach roads on either side @ 4% gradient. The economic cost is estimated by applying the SCF of 0.8.
The annual maintenance cost is assumed to be 1 percent of the capital

cost. The financial and economic costs of a 2-lane and 4-lane ROB are presented in Table 13-5. The cost is
phased equally over a 2 years (2007 and 2008) construction period.
Table 13-5 : Construction and Maintenance Costs of Typical ROB's (in million Taka)
ROB Type Financial Economic
2 – lane
Construction Cost 70 56
Annual Maintenance Cost 0.7 0.56
4 - lane
Construction Cost 126 100.8
Annual Maintenance Cost 1.26 1.008

13.5.2. Economic Evaluation

In order to determine whether the investment on an ROB will yield adequate economic returns, a cost-
benefit analysis was carried out for each ROB candidate location. The costs and benefits streams are built
up over the analysis period of 20 years (2009-2026). Using discounted cash flow technique, the economic
internal rates of return (EIRR's) and the net present values were calculated. The project is considered to be
economically viable if the EIRR is above the country’s planning discount rate of 12%. The EIRR’s for the
various locations, where ROB’s are justified, are presented in Table 13-6. The locations are listed in order
of priority, and are shown in Map 13.1.

Table 13-6: Level Crossings where ROB’s are justified

SI RRID No Road No Thana Name EIRR (%)
1 12 N1 Comilla Sadar (Kotwali) 83.1
2 123 R140 Comilla Sadar (Kotwali) 62.7
3 14 N1 Feni Sadar 60.8
4 130 N102 Brahmanbaria Sadar 53.0
5 6 N8 Dhaka City (Tejgaon) 34.3
6 3 N2 Habiganj Sadar 30.0
7 5 N2 Habiganj Sadar 26.2
8 223 R151 Mirsharai 26.0
9 234 R370 Mymensingh Sadar 20.3
10 240 R370 Mymensingh Sadar 20.3
11 1 N2 Bhairab 18.5
12 55 N706 Jessore Kotwali 16.2
13 42 N205 Sylhet Kotwali 15.4
14 91 N7 Jessore Kotwali 14.9
15 215 N5 Ullah Para 12.5

13.5.3. Protection at Other Level Crossings

As grade separators are expensive solutions, these should be provided only where they are absolutely
necessary and also economically feasible. Level crossings that do not warrant grade separators, or where
grade separators are not viable solutions, also need to be provided with adequate protection systems. The
different level crossing types found in most countries include:
 Manned crossings which are manually controlled by full width lifting
 Manned and fitted with mechanical full width swinging barriers
integrated with signal interlocking system

 Unmanned –without barriers but with warning signs; and
 Unmanned - open crossings without barriers or warning signs
It is important to develop warrants for identifying the appropriate protection for these other types of level
crossings. A systematic approach for crossing protection is carried out by the Indian Railways, which uses
the Train Vehicle Unit (TVU) criteria. The TVU is the product of the daily road traffic (motorised and non-
motorised) volume at the level crossing and the daily number of trains passing through that crossing.
Whereas the warrant for grade separators takes into account only the motorised traffic, the warrant for
other level crossing types pertains to the total traffic. The TVU criteria applied in India are shown in Table

Table 13-7: TVU Criteria for Level Crossing Type

Item Train Vehicle Unit Type of Crossing Indicated
1 TVU < 6000 Unmanned level crossing with warning signs
Unmanned crossing to be manned on priority
2 6000 < = TVU < 10,000 basis
3 10,000 <= TVU < 100,000 Manned level crossing
In addition to the traffic warrants, other factors such as the importance of the road corridor, train speeds,
etc. should be taken into consideration while deciding on the crossing type. For manned crossings, the type
of protection system, whether manual or mechanical, will again depend on the cost involved and the funds
available. An additional Tk 550 Lakh provision is made for other protection measures.

13.5.4. Programme Cost

The total cost of the first phase of the grade separation programme for level crossings is Tk 149.8 Crore.

14.1. Approach
Section 4.3 revealed the forecast growth in traffic across Bangladesh as a whole. One of the greatest
challenges for the road network over the next twenty years will be to accommodate growth in traffic
volumes, to ensure economic efficiency. The Bangladesh Traffic Model (BTM) has been used as the main
forecasting task for the RHD National Highways and Regional Highways between 2005 and 2025. The trip
forecasting methods worked as the input to the traffic forecasting model along with the simulation of ferry
delay, tolls, narrow bridges etc. in the final version of the BTM modelled in SATURNTM modelling
software. The objective of traffic forecasting is to identify the need to increase capacity on the major
strategic corridors considering different scenarios and major interventions during the Masterplan period.
14.2. Traffic Forecasting
The forecasting horizon is up to 2025, and used historical vehicle and trip data, which had been collected
from Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), and primary Origin-Destination (O- D) data collected
by the CIDC3 project. Sectoral GDP (Industry, agriculture, and service), population and household
information collected from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) act as independent parameters in the trip
forecasting process. The trip forecasting method uses the same spatial segregation as the BTM so as to be
consistent with it.
The independent parameters used in the trip forecasting methods can be sensitive to other factors, which are
hard to simulate, so three scenarios have been established for the trip forecasting process. These three
scenarios set out in Section 4.2 are:
 Low Growth Scenario
 Medium Growth Scenario
 High Growth Scenario
The following common assumptions for all forecasts were made:
 The spatial distribution of trips is consistent with the O-D survey commissioned in
 The latest national socio-economic data and forecasts (GDP, Population, Household
information etc.) are used
 Forecast of socio-economic forecasts will be continued to be consistent as the
available data
 Trip rates per registered vehicle will remain constant in the future year for all
Thus, the model establishes simple relationships between key socio-economic variables and vehicle
ownership and usage to assess future trends. In this course, following assumptions on socio-economic
variables are made:
 Real GDP growth is used to predict growth in truck traffic;
 Disposable income growth is used to predict growth in passenger car;
 Population growth is used to predict growth in bus; and
 Average rate growth rate for truck and passenger car is used for other motorized
vehicle (Micro bus, jeep, utility etc)
14.3. Traffic Model Development
The Bangladesh Traffic Model (BTM) includes all the national and the Regional Highways and a few key
urban roads. The model also includes 2006 toll rates on all the roads and the bridges, and the ferry rates
and average ferry waiting time. Each road is represented in the model by its
Report on Road Side Interview Survey

length, capacity and speed (free flow and at capacity). The change in speed with traffic volume is
represented by speed-flow curves equivalent to the speed-flow curves used in the UK (COBA 41 default
curves) for appropriate road types, which was then adjusted to reflect the traffic environment in
The accuracy of the road length used in the model was checked against RHD GIS data source. This GIS
data source is reported to be highly accurate, in light of that the network representation in the model should
be considered acceptably accurate.
The model consists of 91 traffic zones in total covering the entire country. The model zoning system is
shown in Map M13.1. Except for five most populated districts, each administrative district is represented
by a single traffic zone. The five most populated districts are further disaggregated as follow - Dhaka into 5
zones, Chittagong into 4 zones, Comilla into 3 zones, Mymensingh and Tangail each into 2 zones. Separate
traffic zones were used to represent the following landports with India and Myanmar:
 India at Benapole
 India at Meherpur
 India at Banglabandha and Burimari
 India at Tamabil
 India at Akhaura
 India at Sherpur
 India at Hilli and
 Myanmar at Teknaf
The model outputs are given in
 AADT (Annual Average Daily Traffic) for four types of vehicles: bus, truck, car and
other motorised vehicles, mainly micro buses and utility vehicles. It was assumed that
buses run on predetermined routes while other vehicles are free to choose minimum
cost routes as perceived by them.
 Volume-Capacity ratio
 Average vehicle speeds, degree of congestion, vehicle-km, vehicle-hrs etc on selected
roads as well as overall network statistics.
The trip matrices representing different classes of vehicles have been developed based on two types of
 Origin destination survey (OD survey) – A sample of each type of vehicle drivers
were interviewed and their origin, destination information were collected.
 Classified Count Data – On a selected number of links total traffic flow by different
type of vehicles were recorded.
To avoid any bias all the surveys were done for 24 hours on a weekday.
It was recognised that for economic evaluation it was important that the model travel time be representative
of the actual network travel time. Journey time surveys were carried out along the eight major national road
corridors (N1 to N8).
After satisfactory validation result the model has been calibrated and run under base year scenario and in
forecasting mode. The model has been used to test different Road Master Plan scenarios and to assess
degree of saturation along each corridor and will help to identify bottlenecks at key locations. This helped
to assess how a change in one road may change traffic there and in the broader area and to compare
vehicle-km and vehicle-hours increase/ saving along key corridors for economic appraisal.
COBA = Cost Benefit Analysis, extensively used in UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB)

14.4. Traffic Modelling Schedule
The BTM was run for the following forecast years in a Base or ‘Do-nothing’ condition:
 2010
 2015
 2020
 2025
For each of these years, an analysis was made of the likely traffic conditions under low, medium and high
growth assumptions.
14.5. Forecast Increases in Traffic
The overall forecast growth rates for traffic, expressed in Vehicle-kilometres on the National Highways and
Regional Highway network are set out in Table 14-1. The medium growth forecast over the Masterplan
period is just under 6% per year. In the absence of other data, it is recommended that individual scheme
appraisals use as an aggregate growth rate for all traffic of 6% in future.

Table 14-1 : Forecast annual average % growth in vehicle-km, National and Regional
Highway network
Low Medium High
2005-2010 6.71 7.52 8.13
2010-2015 6.01 6.40 6.98
2015-2020 6.18 5.84 5.71
2020-2025 3.28 3.86 4.98
2005-2025 5.54 5.90 6.44

14.6. 2010 Base Year

The 2010 Base year run revealed the following potential traffic problems on the network:
 N1 Dhaka to Feni, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N102 Mynamati to Brahmanbaria, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N1 Chittagong to Patiya, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 R504, Dhaka to Manikganj, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 Aricha Ferry, over capacity

14.7. 2015 Base Conditions

In addition to the above, the following problems are predicted:
 N4 Dhaka to Tangail, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N704 Kushtia to Pabna, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 R180, N110, Cox’s Bazar to N, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N1 Feni to Mirsarai, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 R812, Tongibari to Munshiganj, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 Meghna and Meghna Gumati Bridges over capacity

14.8. 2020 Base Conditions
In addition to the above, the following problems are predicted:
 N5 Dhaka to Aricha, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N074 Jhenaidah to Kushtia, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N405 Jamuna Bridge Approach Roads, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N405, Nolka to Hatikamrul, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 R114, Dhaka to Narshingdi, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 R140, Noakhali to Laxmipur, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N1 Cox’s Bazar to Patiya, volume to capacity ratio > 60%
 R160, Chittagong to Khagrachhary, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N106, Chittagong to Rangamati, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 R161, Rangamati to Bandabarn, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N1, Chittagong to Mirsarai, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
14.9. 2025 Base Conditions
 N702 Jessore to Magura, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N5, Hatikamrul to Bogra, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N401, Mymensingh to Madhupur, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N3 Dhaka to Mymensingh, volume to capacity ratio > 90%
 N104/R141, Noakhali to Comilla, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N507, Hatikamrul to Baraigram, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 R170, Chakaria to Patiya, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
 N804, Rajbari to Bangha, volume to capacity ratio > 70%
14.10. Scheme Identification
In order to address the problems caused by traffic growth on the network the schemes listed in Table 14-
2 have
been identified as candidates for preliminary appraisal. For Dhaka, scheme identification is integrated and
with STP42 proposals, and implementation of the road masterlan should be co- ordionated with that of the
STP. For each project the network-wide total pcu-km and pcu-hours were extracted from the traffic model.
These were then converted into vehicle-km, and vehicle- hours. For each scheme, the savings in each of the
outputs was calculated by taking the difference between a Base Case (without scheme), and a Do-
Something Case (with scheme). The savings are shown in Table 14-3.

Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka, Ministry of Communications, December 2005 (Draft)

Table 14-2 : Road Masterplan, Preliminary Scheme Identification
Road Number Section Type of Improvement
Opening Year
N1 Dhaka - Chittagong Widening to 4 lanes 2010
N3 Tongi - Mawna Widening to 4 lanes 2015
Repair and removing unsafe
N102 Mynamati - Brahmanbari 2010
Repair and removing unsafe
R280 Sylhet - Sunamganj bends 2010
N8 Dhaka - Mawa Widening to 4 lanes 2015
2nd Meghna and Meghna Gumpti
N1 Bridges New Bridges 2013
N1 – N3 Link Dhaka Eastern By-pass New Road 2015
N8 Padma Bridge New Bridge 2015
N8 – N5 Link Dhaka Western By-pass New Road 2016
Upgrading and widening to 4
R750/Z7503 Narail to Jessore
lanes 2015
N4 Dhaka - Tangail Widening to 4 lanes 2015
N706 Jessore - Benapole Widening to 4 lanes 2020
N2 Dhaka – Bhairab Widening to 4 lanes 2020
N5 Dhaka - Baniajuri Widening to 4 lanes 2020
N1 Chittagong By-pass New Road 2020
N1 – N106
Kumira - Hatazari New Road 2003
N1 Chakaria to Chittagong Widening to 4 lanes 2020
Dhaka Outer Orbital Road New Road 2024
N6 Baneshwar - Bhelpukur Widening to 4 lanes 2025
N8 Lebukhali Ferry Replacement New Bridge 2025
Dhaka-Chittagong Expressway New Road (Tolled) 2020

Table 14-3 : Savings in Vehicle-hours and Vehicle-km per day for selected schemes
Scheme Year of Calculation Vehicle KM Savings Vehicle Hour Savings
N1 Dhaka-Chittagong 2025 1,510,865 57,784
N3 Tongi-Mymensingh 2015 5,878 101,441
N102 Mynamati-Brahmanbaria 2015 3,346 3,038
R280 Sylhet-Sunamganj 2015 949 0
N8 Dhaka-Mawa 2015 9,321 44,994
N1 2nd Meghna/Daudkandi Bridge 2015 61,878 125,164
N1 2nd Meghna-Gumpti Bridge 2015 61,878 125,164
Dhaka Eastern Bypass 2020 1,094,797 102,919
Padma Bridge 2015 64,440 27,240
Dhaka Western Bypass 2025 81,240 16,422
Dhaka Eastern By-pass 2025 4,017,440 136,435
R750-Z7503 Jessor-Lohagari 2020 95,600 448,363
N4 Dhaka-Tangail 2020 7,099 12,567
N1 Deepsea Port-Sonadia 2025 14,976 0
N1 Chakaria-Chittagong 2020 36,955 85,752
N8 Jessore-Benapole 2025 2,465 70,000
N5 Dhaka-Baniajuri 2025 32,995 146,080
Chittagong Bypass 2025 25,603 758,121
N6 Baneshar - Belepur 2025 8,653 105,264
Dhaka Outer Orbital 2025 43,294 19,701

14.11. Preliminary Project Appraisal
Table 14-4 : Project Costs and Benefits
Scheme Year of Opening EIRR Cost (Crore Taka)
N3 Tongi-Mymensingh 2011 12 500
N102 Mynamati-Brahmanbaria 2012 67 360
R280 Sylhet-Sunamganj 2012 17 212
N1 Dhaka-Chittagong 2012 45 1,867
N8 Dhaka-Mawa 2013 16 600
N1 2nd Meghna-Gumpti Bridge 2014 44 650
N1 2nd Meghna/Daudkandi Bridge 2014 41 750
Dhaka Eastern Bypass 2016 27 300
Padma Bridge 2016 16 10,080
Dhaka Western Bypass 2017 16 360
R750-Z7503 Jessore-Lohagari 2018 74 600
N4 Dhaka-Tangail 2019 12 690
N1 Chakaria-Chittagong 2021 85 1,060
N8 Jessore-Benapole 2021 22 330
N1 Deepsea Port-Sonadia 2021 14 400
N5 Dhaka-Baniajuri 2022 24 780
Chittagong Bypass 2024 94 210
N6 Baneshar - Belepur 2025 31 600
Dhaka Outer Orbital 2025 20 1,500
N1 Chakaria-Chittagong 2025 16 1,060
N1 - Hatazari Link Road 2025 31 200

In addition to the above, and in the light of Asian Highway proposals (section 14.14), the following schemes should
be included in the Masterplan:
 N2 Dhaka to Bhairab (70 km, widening to 4 lanes)
 N2 Bhairab to Mouvlibazar (120 km, widening to 4 lanes); and
 N2 Mouvlibazar to Sylhet (96 km, widening to 4 lanes)
14.12. N1 (Dhaka-Chittagong) Improvement
RHD is currently drawing designs for the possible 4-laning of the Dhaka-Chittagong highway. As shown in
Table 14-4, this is a relatively expensive scheme. If implemented, the case for a Dhaka-Chittagong
expressway is eroded, to the extent that it would not be viable before 2020. It may, therefore, make more
sense to promote the case for an expressway, funded by the private sector, in advance of any improvement
to the existing highway using Government funds. Traffic forecasts for an expressway have been made and
are shown in Table 14-5
Table 14-5 : Selected Traffic Forecasts, Dhaka-Chittagong Highway
Car Other Bus
(vehicle) (vehicle) (pcu) (vehicle)
N1 2 lane Daudkandi – Comilla 10,169 1,836 8,429 8,332
N1 4 lane Daudkandi – Comilla 12,197 3,078 8,429 8,332
Off line Expressway River Meghna to Chandpur 10,194 719 1,369 2,000
On-line Expressway Daudkandi – Comilla 9,130 2,343 6,322 3,000

The financial consequences of the proposed private sector express have been examined. The total cost of
the ‘off-line’ option is Tk. 5,824 Crore. Tariff levels of Tk 100 per section for trucks were tested, on each
of the 6 sections. An ‘on line’ option was also tested with similar tariff levels, and a similar cost
(reflecting the increased cost of land acquisition). In order for a private sector concessionaire to realize a
10% financial internal rate of return the Government would have to provide a subsidy in each
case. This has been capitalized and is shown in Table 14-6
Table 14-6 : Costs to Government of Capacity Increase, Dhaka-Chittagong
Option Cost to Government (Crore Taka) Total Resultant Capacity
4-Lane existing highway 1,867 4 lanes
Off-line 4 lane expressway 2,184 6 lanes
On-line 4 lane Expressway 1,164 6 lanes

The lowest cost to the government and the most beneficial in traffic terms is the ‘on-line’ Expressway.
14.13. Land Port Connections
Landport connections to the National Highway network are required for the ports listed in Table 14-7.
Table 14-7 : Costs of new Landport connections
Landport Cost (crore
Connection Length (km) Taka)
Hili Z5503, Z5856 23 115
Sonamasjid Z6801 5 25
Akhaura Z1216 8.5 42.5
Haluaghat Z2371 10 50
Bhomra None 7 70
Bibirbazar None 8 80
Total 61.5 382.5

14.14. Asian Highway

14.14.1. Background
The Asian Highway project was conceived by UN-ECAFE (United Nations Economic Commission for
Asia and the Far East) in 1959 with the aim of establishing regional cooperation among the main land
countries of Asia, based on road transport linkages. This name was subsequently changed to UN-ESCAP
(United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) in 1974. The Asian Highway
network is now 141,000 km long and across 32 Asian countries with linkages to Europe. The Asian
Highway is now one of the three pillars of Asian Land Transport Infrastructure Development (ALTID)
project comprising the Asian Highway, the Trans-Asian Railway and facilitation measures for border
In order to formalize the establishment of the Asian Highway network and to ensure commitment of the
member governments towards its further development, standardization and maintenance, an
Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network was adopted on 18 November 2003 in
Bangkok. The last date of signing the Agreement was December 31, 2005. By June 2007, the Agreement
was signed by 28 member states out of 32 members, of which 19 have already become Parties.
1,761 kms of Bangladesh national highways are included in the Asian Highway network. Two major routes
of the Asian Highway, AH-1 and AH-2 cross Bangladesh. Route AH-1 enters Bangladesh at Tamabil in the
East and passes through Sylhet-Dhaka-Padma Bridge-Narail- Jessore –Benapole. Route AH-2 also enters
Bangladesh through Tamabil and follows the same

route as that of AH-1 up to Dhaka and then takes a turn towards Tangail in the North-West direction. AH-2
then passes through Jamuna Bridge-Bogra-Rangpur-Dinajpur-Banglabandh. The other Asian Highway
route AH-41 connects the two sea-ports of Bangladesh with the AH-1 and AH-2. Standards have already
been adopted (Table 14-8). Bangladesh has upgraded most of its network to Asian Highway class II
standard, except the portions on the N1 and N5 as shown in Table 14-9.
The Asian Highway Agreement provides a framework for coordinated development of this international
highway in Asia, as well as between Asia and Europe. It provides the member countries a platform to
discuss technical and institutional issues to improve the quality of the network and increase the efficiency
of its operation, as well as to discuss changes if any to the network. Unfortunately Bangladesh has not
signed the agreement as yet. It is, however, still possible to accede to the agreement, by signing the
accession form of the UN.

Table 14-8 : Asian Highway Design Standards

Highway classification Primary ( 4 or more lanes) Class I ( 4 or more lanes) Class II ( 2 lanes) Class III ( 2 lanes)
Terrain classification L R M S L R M S L R M S L R M S
Design speed(km/h) 120 100 80 60 100 80 50 80 60 50 40 60 50 40 30
Width (m) Right of way (50) (40) (40) (30)
Lane 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.00(3.25)
Shoulder 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 1.5(2.0) 0.75(1.5)
Medium strip 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Min. radii of horizontal curve (m) 520 350 210 115 350 210 80 210 115 80 50 115 80 50 30
Pavement slope (%) 2 2 2 2-5
Shoulder slope (%) 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6
Type of pavement Asphalt/cement concrete Asphalt/cement concrete Asphalt/cement concrete Dbl. bituminous treatment
Max superelevation (%) 10 10 10 10
Max. vertical grade (%) 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7
Structure loading (minimum) HS2 0-44 HS2 0-44 HS2 0-44 HS2 0-44
Notes: Figures in parentheses are desirable values.
Minimum radii of horizontal curve should be determined in conjunction with super-elevation. The
recommended width of the median can be reduced with the proper type of guard fence.
The Parties should apply their national standards when constructing structures such as bridges, culverts and tunnels along the
Asian Highway

14.14.2. Road Upgrading to Asian Highway Standards

The roads listed in Table 14-9 need to upgraded as part of the Road Masterplan in order to meet Asian
Highway standards. The total cost is estimated to be Taka 536.1 Crore.
Table 14-9 : Costs of upgrading to Asian Highway standards
Road Section Current Width Length (km) Cost (Crore
N1 / AH41 Cox’s Bazaar - Teknaf 5.75m 80 169.9
N5 / AH2 Taraganj - Boda 5.5m 110 271.2
N5 / AH2 Panchagarth - Tetulia 3.65m 19 95.0
Total 209 536.1

14.15. Private Sector Involvement

As noted in Section 14.12 there is potential for private sector participation in the capacity expansion of the
N1 Dhaka-Chittagong Highway. Compared the cost of 4-laning the existing highway, the equivalent private
sector contribution to an expressway ought to be at least 700 Crore Taka43. This figure is conservative, and
will be probably rise as result of detailed feasibilities studies.
Other candidates for private sector participation are:
 Dhaka Eastern By-pass

Tk 1,867 Crore (cost to Government) minus Taka 1,164 Crore (net cost to Government of expressway)

 2nd Meghna-Gamati Bridge
 2nd Meghna-Daudkandi Bridge
 Dhaka Western By-pass
14.16. Paving National and Regional Roads
85 km of National Highways and 207 km of Regional Highways should be paved during the Masterplan
period, and unit cost rates of Taka 8 Crore, and Taka 6 Crore, per km respectively have been taken, giving
a total cost of Taka 1,916 Crore. This should be done after the rehabilitation programme (Section 8.10), and
hence is programmed to start in the financial year beginning June 2012.
14.17. Network Connectivity
The consequence of all the above proposals will be improved connectivity across the network, particularly
along the major strategic corridors and access to key traffic generators, such as land and sea ports, and the
Madhyapara coal mine.
14.18. Safeguarding
Road widening schemes and new roads will require land acquisition. This can be a cumbersome process if
buildings and structures have been constructed by the time the land is needed. Hence safeguarding is
required. It is recommended that the Ministry of Communications and RHD put in place safeguarding
measures for new road and road widening proposals. A special committee may be formed to investigate the
appropriate powers to do this.

15.1. Routine Maintenance

15.1.1. Costs
The costs of routine maintenance for the RHD paved road network should be around Tk. 60 Crore per year
(Table 15-1). This is a small figure in comparison to periodic maintenance requirements. It should have
priority in resource allocation, simply on the basis of economic return. Two HDM runs were
commissioned, with and without routine maintenance. A comparison of the intervention costs required
revealed that the value of routine maintenance is a saving in other forms of intervention of around Tk 300
Crore per year.
Table 15-1 : Routine Maintenance Costs of the existing paved network
Annual Routine Maintenance
Road Class Paved length (km)
Cost (Crore Taka)
National 3,485 17.4
Regional 4,117 12.4
Zila 9,832 29.5
Total 17,434 59.3
Routine maintenance costs will rise as the paved road network is increased in length. The total costs of
routine maintenance over the 20-year period are estimated to be Taka 1,392.4 Crore.

15.1.2. Institutional Arrangements

Some allocation of routine maintenance is made by RHD, but is insufficient and inefficiently used. RHD
still uses force-account working for routine maintenance, despite the experience of the vast majority of
countries with similar problems who have moved to contracting out routine maintenance. Routine
maintenance needs a serious planned and managed attitude to off- carriageway care, coupled with a
responsive and professional attitude to on-carriageway works. Because there is very little culture or history
of routine maintenance in Bangladesh, these qualities are missing in RHD. As a result, institutional reform
and capacity building is required to ensure that routine maintenance is carried out efficiently.
Off-carriageway works are often carried out by individuals responsible for a specific stretch of road
(the lengths man principle). They are usually local inhabitants employed through a simple contract. It is not
necessary to have a large labour force within the road administration for this purpose.
For carriageway repair, access to some machinery and materials is required. Historically these have been
kept at local depots but without regular and predictable funding machinery is not maintained properly and
stocks of bitumen are often inadequate. The delivery of this kind of maintenance is best undertaken by a
responsive team with clear terms of reference and accountability.
Routine maintenance is a very visible activity and demonstrates to the public and road users that the road
administration is active in road care. On-carriageway works are often small in nature and do not require
the road to be closed. Road agencies can transfer this accountability to contactors through performance-
based contracts for routine maintenance, and this approach is adopted is many countries already. Contracts
for routine maintenance can have a strong labour- based content, especially for off-carriageway works, can
use a lengths man approach, and can employ a large quotient of female workers. For low volume roads,
equipment need not be very sophisticated, so, for example, a manual roller can be used for pot-hole filling.
For high volume roads, reasonably well experienced and competent contractors are required, in order to
ensure safety of workers and access to good materials and equipment.
Even where routine maintenance is contracted out, the road agency needs to have appropriate arrangements
in place to manage the activity effectively. For the National Highways, routine maintenance is so important
that it needs to take precedence in budget allocation. Responsibility for it should lie with the ACE
(Planning and Maintenance), and all contracts monitored by his

office. Once established budget allocations will be reasonably predictable. Three-year contracts for total
lengths of around 150 km would be worth around Taka 2.2 Crore, and on average (currently) seven or eight
contracts would be let annually. Supervision and inspection would be carried out by Executive Engineers in
the Divisions.
Routine maintenance of Regional and Zila roads is administered at a local level with devolved
responsibility. For RHD, there are three options.
 To disaggregate the network into manageable sizes of the 128 operational
highway engineering Sub-Divisions, giving an average of around 165 km
of routine maintenance for each area. This road length might be divided
into lots of around 40km, depending on geography. An annual routine
maintenance contract for 40km would be worth of the order of Tk 16 lakh.
A Sub-Divisional Engineer would be responsible for ensuring that the
contractors in his/her area met the contract performance targets.
 To designate a specific engineer in each of the 64 RHD Divisions to be the
Maintenance Engineer and to be responsible for, on average
330 km of roads under routine maintenance contracts. He/she might then
delegate inspection work to Sub-Divisional Engineers in the respective
 To designate one Executive Engineer from each Circle to be the EE
(Maintenance) for that whole Circle. He would be responsible for all
routine maintenance contracts in that Circle, totalling, on average around
1200 km. His previous other responsibilities would be shared by the EE’s
in the other Divisions of that Circle.
15.2. Periodic Maintenance
It is vital that sufficient resources are devoted to periodic maintenance on an annual basis. The actual needs
will de determined by HDM each year, but the average expected needs are set out in Table 15-2. The
HDM Circle will need to fully sustained over the masterplan period.
Table 15-2 : Periodic Maintenance Costs
Annual Requirement (Crore Taka) Requirement over 20-
Rising from To year plan period
National Highways 250 850 11,421
Regional Highways 150 250 4,050
Zila Roads 125 560 7,620
Total 500 1,760 23,091

16.1. Introduction
Failure to maintain bridges will lead to rapid deterioration which in turn will lead to increases in road user
cost and accidents and the need for expensive re-construction work. Well-maintained bridges make a
valuable contribution towards the country’s economy.
Lack of regular bridge maintenance has led to deterioration of some bridges rather early in their life, and
quite a few bridges have had to be replaced much earlier than their designed life. Incidences of structural
deterioration and collapse of bridges have been growing recently. Maintenance of bridges generally gets
neglected in this country because of a prevailing misconception that bridges once constructed do not need
any substantial maintenance, particularly in first couple of years after construction.
Large numbers of bridges have been constructed on various roads throughout the country and the pace
of activity have been particularly intensive in the last two to three decades. Attention in the next few
decades thus needs to be focused on the preservation and rational management of the large stock of bridges
built in the recent past and to rehabilitate and strengthen the older bridges which have deteriorated due to
inadequate maintenance.
16.2. Maintenance Goal
RHD is committed to raising the standard of maintenance of bridges. As such the maintenance goal shall be

To maintain the Road and Bridge Network of the RHD to an optimum level in
order to maximise the potential economic returns to the Country whilst providing
the travelling public with a safe, cost effective highway network.
16.3. The Benefits of Maintenance
Of all the possible types of spending on road network, Preventive Maintenance is the most beneficial. This
is because a small amount of money on timely maintenance can preserve the massive initial expenditure
which was made at the time of construction. The benefits of maintenance are;

 Saving cost of the Road Agency

 Saving cost to the Road Users
 Improved Road User Safety and Road User Satisfaction

16.3.1. Maintenance Activities

The basic objective of regular maintenance of the main bridge elements is to keep the bridge in sound
structural condition and extending the life of structures. RHD have a very large number of bridges to
maintain and hence they require attention to ensure that minor faults do not lead to further major problems
and failures.
Routine Maintenance should include:
 Simple cleaning by hand or scraper of the carriage way, Footpath and
Median verge to remove debris, soil and foreign material such as trash etc
 Removal of parasitic vegetation and similar operations
 Cleaning of drains, gulleys and storm water pipes etc
 Small restorations, repointing of masonry and brickwork
 Localised repairs to pavement, pothole filling etc
 Cleaning vent holes of superstructure
 Localised painting operation to protect against corrosion

 Rectification to safety barriers
 Rectification to sign boards
 Removal of clogging in channel bed
Periodic Maintenance should include:
 Restoration of brick or masonry structure.
 Restoration of concrete structural parts with different techniques.
 Injection of cement grout or thermosetting resin into cracks.
 Maintenance of bolts, welding, cleaning greasing of metallic structure.
 Repair or reconstruction of expansion joints.
 Repair or reconstruction of pavement or waterproofing of deck.
 Maintenance of Bearings and setting of same.
Emergency maintenance is defined as;
 Works to respond to natural calamities such as Flood, Cyclone, Earth
slide and Earthquakes
There are a total of 14,712 structures on different roads of RHD Network. The maintenance of bridges
should be the responsibility of RHD, with maintenance devolved to Zones and Divisions who manage the
implementation of works in accordance with the Annual Bridge Maintenance Plan.

Table 16-1 : List of Category ‘A’ and ‘B’ Bridges (by Structure Type)
Category Category No. of
Sl no Structure type
A B Structures
1 Box Culvert 5,671 917 6,588
2 Slab culvert 1,843 444 2,287
3 Arch Masonry 131 57 188
4 RCC Bridge 94 28 122
5 RCC Girder Bridge 639 418 1,057
6 PC Girder Bridge 242 54 296
7 Steel Beam& RCC Slab 61 30 91
8 Truss with Steel Deck 141 13 154
9 Truss with RCC Slab 16 4 20
10 Bailey with Steel Deck 428 124 552
11 Bailey with Timber Deck 9 2 11
12 Truss with Timber Deck 3 0 3
13 PC Box 1 0 1
Grand total: 9,279 2,091 11,370

16.4. Supervision and Execution plan

Bridge Maintenance Work Supervision
 Routine Maintenance : Departmentally by Sub-Divisional Engineer
 Periodic Maintenance : By Divisional Engineer or Experts in Bridges

Bridge Maintenance Work Execution
 Routine Maintenance : By direct labour or small contractor hiring

 Periodic Maintenance : By Contracts only.

Small Scale Works --- By approved General
Large Scale Works ---By prequalified, National
Contractors in General Class
Other activities that will be outsourced include surveys, specialist inspections and investigations, detailed
designs, studies associated with the design of improvement and rehabilitation works. Such work will should
be executed by contractors working under consultant supervision.
16.5. Monitoring and Evaluation
Routine Maintenance reports will indicate the physical and financial percentage completion of works under
each sub division.
Periodic Maintenance will be reported using the standardized format of ADP projects with details of all
major items of work, their quality and individual costs. The Physical and financial compliance will then be
Annual data collection provides information on the state of the bridges throughout the country. Hence it is
possible to asses the performance of each operational group whether RHD as a whole or an individual Sub-
division. This makes evaluation of the impact of work programme available to the managers in the
department and will be available to the Government.
16.6. Bridge Maintenance Cost Rates
Unit prices
The unit price (cost /m.) and estimated cost for Routine and Periodic Maintenance of bridge vary depending
on the type, length, and width of structure. RHD’s Schedule of Standard Rates covers unit rates for
different items of bridge works. The RHD Zones prepare estimates using these unit rates.
Estimated costs
 Unit cost for maintenance of bridges is calculated from estimated cost of maintenance
activities required., with unit cost calculated in CIDC3, indexed by 80% for
inflation )
 Average unit price for routine maintenance is = Taka 500 / m length of structure /
 Average unit price for periodic maintenance is = Taka 10000 / m length of structure
/ 5 years.
16.7. Cost Estimates for the Road Masterplan
The costs of maintaining RHD’s bridges will alter over the Masterplan period. Routine and Periodic
maintenance programmes should be brought in immediately for all Category A and B Bridges. When
bridges are repaired or reconstructed in line with the proposals in Chapter 12 then they should also be
brought under routine and periodic maintenance regimes.

Table 16-2 : Bridge Maintenance Requirements of the Road Masterplan (Crore taka)
Year Starting July Routine Periodic
2007 6.6 20.4
2008 6.6 20.4
2009 6.6 20.4
2010 6.7 20.4
2011 6.8 20.4
2012 6.9 26.3
2013 7.0 26.3
2014 7.1 26.5
2015 7.2 26.9
2016 7.3 27.2
2017 7.4 27.7
2018 7.6 28.0
2019 7.8 28.3
2020 7.9 28.9
2021 8.0 29.5
2022 8.2 29.8
2023 8.2 30.6
2024 8.2 31.3
2025 8.2 31.8
2026 8.2 32.2
Total 148.3 533.6

16.8. Economic Appraisal

16.8.1. Age and Condition Analysis

All the bridges, classified by age and condition categories A-D, are presented in Table 12-16. The
mean (weighted average) age in each category was set out in Table 12-17. The conclusions that emerge
from the age and condition analysis are as follows:

 The design life of a bridge, with proper maintenance, is assumed to be 50 years. However, the
bridges in need of replacement (D class) have an average age of 30 years. Thus, the lack of
maintenance causes the life of a bridge to reduce to 60 percent of its original life.

 The 5-year lag between the average ages in each category implies that a bridge slides down the
condition scale (from A to B to C to D) every 5 years, also due to inadequate maintenance.

16.8.2. Deterioration and Remaining Life of A & B Class Bridges

The analysis for D class bridges was used to validate the assumptions regarding deterioration rates and
replacement years for A and B class bridges. Thus, it is presumed that their remaining life, in the absence
of a rigorous maintenance programme, would also be reduced to 60 percent of the original life. Table 16-3
gives the remaining life for bridges in different age groups for “with” and “without” maintenance scenarios.
The remaining life indicates, at least theoretically, the year when the bridge needs to be replaced.

Table 16-3 : Remaining Life for A & B Bridges “With” and “Without” Maintenance (Yrs)
Age Group (yrs) 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 > 41
Average age 5 15 25 35 45
Remaining Life “with” maintenance 45 35 25 15 5
Remaining Life “without” maintenance 27 21 15 9 3

The total number of bridges in A & B categories is 11,375, comprising 9280 in Class A and 2095 in Class
B. The present analysis excludes all narrow bridges, as they are likely to be taken up by RHD under a
separate scheme. A narrow bridge is defined as one with carriageway width “less than” or “equal to” 3.7
metres. Table 16-4 presents the number of bridges in A and B categories, classified by age, after excluding
narrow bridges.

Table 16-4 : A & B Class Bridges after excluding Narrow Bridges

Number of Bridges by Age Group (years)
Condition Category
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 > 41 All
A 2,296 3,174 986 197 179 6,832
B 257 677 459 130 111 1,634
Total 2,553 3,851 1,445 327 290 8,466

16.8.3. Cost of the Maintenance Programme

The maintenance programme for A and B class bridges would comprise the following.
 Minor repairs to B class bridges to take care of the years of neglect in
maintaining them and to bring them up to a minimum acceptable standard.
This would involve a one-time investment at the beginning of the analysis
 Periodic maintenance, once every 5 years, and.
 Annual routine maintenance.
The unit costs estimated for the different components, and their years of application, are given below:
Minor repairs to B class bridges (once) Tk 16,500 per m
Periodic maintenance (5 yearly) Tk 10,000 per m
Routine maintenance (annual) Tk 500 per m
The weighted average length of the A and B class bridges selected for analysis (after excluding narrow
bridges) was found to be 10.56 m. Based on the total number of bridges, average length of a bridge and
the unit rates, the cost streams of the maintenance programme were calculated. The financial costs were
converted into economic costs by applying a Standard Conversion Factor (SCF) of 0.8.

16.8.4. Benefits
The benefits of maintaining bridges are mainly the savings in the cost of replacement. The unit cost of
replacement of a structure is estimated as Taka 600,000 per metre.
Based on the unit cost, average length, and the number of bridges in different age groups, the replacement
costs were calculated as shown in Table 16-5
Table 16-5 : Bridge Replacement Costs without Maintenance
Age Group (yrs)
0-10 11-20 21-30 > 41 All
Number of bridges (A&B) 2,553 3,851 1,445 327 290 8,466
Replacement Cost –Financial (Tk million) 16,179 24,405 9,157 2,072 1,838
Replacement Cost –Economic (Tk million) 12,943 19,524 7,326 1,658 1,470

Considering the very large number of bridges involved, this cost had to be phased out. As the number of
bridges in the 41+ age group, and needing replacement within the next 3 years, is small (290), it was
thought practical to club them with the 31-40 age group and replace all 617 bridges over a period of 5 years
beginning Year 9. All other bridge categories (very large number) would take 10 years to replace. The start
years of replacement assumed are shown in Table 16-6.

Table 16-6 : Replacement Needs for Bridges by Age (without maintenance)

Age Group (Years) 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 > 41
Start Year of Replacement 27 21 15 9 9

16.8.5. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Based on the above, an economic appraisal of the Maintenance Programme for A & B class bridges, having
carriageway widths greater than 3.7 metres, was carried out. The economic cost and benefit streams were
prepared for an analysis period of 30 years, and economic internal rate of return (EIRR) calculated using
discounted cash flow method.
Table 16-7 presents the results of the economic analysis.
The EIRR of the project is 22.18%, which indicates that the benefits of maintenance or the savings in
replacement cost far outweigh the costs of maintenance and, therefore, it is economically feasible to
undertake the Maintenance Programme for A and B class bridges.
16.9. Conclusions and Recommendation
 A comprehensive bridge survey and analysis is recommended to be carried out by
experts in bridges before updating the BCS data base. Annually up- dated BCS data
should form the basis for preparation of budgets.
 Identification of bridge structures by LRP as per BCS Manual shall be adopted for all
references and all other identifications being presently used to be replaced
 The maintenance manual for different types of bridge structure to be prepared for
proper execution of bridge maintenance.
 Bridge maintenance requires team work involving various level of responsibilities and
skills. Training programme to be organized to develop expertise and team work.
Training facility shall be set up at central level.
 There is considerable gap between present bridge maintenance practices and desired
maintenance practices. All aspects of bridge maintenance must be gained and
 Presently no priority is given for bridge maintenance and also very less fund
provision is made in the budget for bridge maintenance. It is recommended to give
High Priority to bridge maintenance, and a separate provision of cost of bridge
maintenance of bridge shall be made through the annual budget.

Table 16-7 : Economic Evaluation of Maintenance Programme for A and B Class
Bridges with CW width > 3.7 m
Economic Costs Economic Benefits – Savings in Replacement Cost
Year Minor Routine Periodic 5 yr
Total 15 yr old 25 yr old 35 yr old 45 yr old Total Net
Repairs Maint. Maint. Costs old Benefits Benefits
to B
2007 267.67 267.67 0.00 -267.67
2008 35.77 35.77 0.00 -35.77
2009 35.77 35.77 0.00 -35.77
2010 35.77 35.77 0.00 -35.77
2011 35.77 35.77 0.00 -35.77
2012 35.77 715.34 751.11 0.00 -751.11
2013 35.77 35.77 0.00 -35.77
2014 35.77 35.77 0.00 -35.77
2015 35.77 35.77 331.56 294.05 625.61 589.84
2016 35.77 35.77 331.56 294.05 625.61 589.84
2017 35.77 715.34 751.11 331.56 294.05 625.61 -125.50
2018 35.77 35.77 331.56 294.05 625.61 589.84
2019 35.77 35.77 331.56 294.05 625.61 589.84
2020 35.77 35.77 0.00 -35.77
2021 35.77 35.77 732.58 732.58 696.81
2022 35.77 715.34 751.11 732.58 732.58 -18.53
2023 35.77 35.77 732.58 732.58 696.81
2024 35.77 35.77 732.58 732.58 696.81
2025 35.77 35.77 732.58 732.58 696.81
2026 35.77 35.77 732.58 732.58 696.81
2027 35.77 715.34 751.11 1,952.36 732.58 2,684.94 1,933.83
2028 35.77 35.77 1,952.36 732.58 2,684.94 2,649.17
2029 35.77 35.77 1,952.36 732.58 2,684.94 2,649.17
2030 35.77 35.77 1,952.36 732.58 2,684.94 2,649.17
2031 35.77 35.77 1,952.36 1,952.36 1,916.60
2032 35.77 715.34 751.11 1,952.36 1,952.36 1,201.25
2033 35.77 35.77 1,294.31 1,952.36 3,246.67 3,210.90
2034 35.77 35.77 1,294.31 1,952.36 3,246.67 3,210.90
2035 35.77 35.77 1,294.31 1,952.36 3,246.67 3,210.90
2036 35.77 35.77 1,294.31 1,952.36 3,246.67 3,210.90
EIRR = 22.18%

17.1. Programme Component Costs
The cost components and references are listed in Table 17-1. The total cost including Padma Bridge is
US $ 11.5 Billion44
Table 17-1 : Road Masterplan Programmes and Costs
Programme Cost (Crore Taka) Paragraph Reference
Commitments 2,921 5.2.4
National And Regional Repair and Rehabilitation 5,407 8.10
Axle Load Control 320 9.90
Major National Highway Bypasses 291 10.3
Traffic Management (Urgent) 235 10.3
Traffic Management (Provisional) 704 10.4
Zila Road Recovery 3,188 11.5
New Zila Roads 371 11.6.2
Paving Zila Roads 5,781 11.7
Bridge Reconstruction 1,053 12.6
Bridge Repair and Maintenance 682 12.6
Narrow Bridge Replacement 444 12.7
PSB Replacement 755 12.8
Upgrade Condition B bridges to A 49 12.9
Ferry Replacement 830 12.10
Condition Survey 5 12.11.2
Road Safety 1,075 13.3
Level Crossings 150 13.5.4
N1 Chakaria-Chittagong 1,060 14.11
Dhaka Eastern Bypass 500 14.11
N102 Mynamati-Brahmanbaria 421 14.11
N8 Jessore-Benapole 330 14.11
Chittagong Bypass 210 14.11
N3 Tongi-Mymensingh 800 14.11
N1 2nd Meghna-Gumpti Bridge 650 14.11
N6 Baneshar - Belepur 400 14.11
N1 Deepsea Port-Sonadia 400 14.11
N1 2nd Meghna/Daudkandi Bridge 750 14.11
N1 Hatazari Link 200 14.11
N2 Bhairab-Habiganj 1,200 14.11
N2 Dhaka – Bhairab 700 14.11
N2 Habiganj - Sylhet 960 14.11
Dhaka Western Bypass 360 14.11
Dhaka Outer Orbital 1,500 14.11
R280 Sylhet-Sunamganj 212 14.11
N8 Dhaka-Mawa 600 14.11
N1 Dhaka-Chittagong 1,867 14.11
N4 Dhaka-Tangail 690 14.11
R750-Z7503 Jessor-Lohagari 600 14.11
N5 Dhaka-Baniajuri 780 14.11
Landport Connections 383 14.13
Asian Highway 536 14.14
Road Routine Maintenance 1,392 15.1.1
Road Periodic Maintenance 23,091 15.2
Paving National and Regional Highways 1,918 14.16
Total 66,768
Padma Bridge 10,080 14.11
Total 76,848

US$ = Taka 70

17.2. Overall Programme
The overall cost of investment required for the (RHD) road sector over the 20 years is Tk 68,768 Crore, or
around US$ 10 Billion. This represents an annual average requirement of Tk 3,430 Crore per year. Table
17-2 lists the recurrent expenditure total component of the Road Masterplan.

Table 17-2 : Recurrent Expenditure Programmes and Projects of the Road Masterplan,
2008/09 to 2027/28
Programme Cost (Crore Taka) Type of Expenditure
Recurrent Traffic Management 939 Recurrent
Road Routine Maintenance 1,392 Recurrent
Periodic Maintenance National Roads 11,421 Recurrent
Periodic Maintenance Regional
4,050 Recurrent
Periodic Maintenance Zila Roads 7,620 Recurrent
Bridge Repair and Maintenance 735 Recurrent
Road Safety Measures 1,075 Recurrent
Total 27,232

Table 17-3 lists the capital programmes and projects of the Road Masterplan.
17.3. Prioritisation of the Masterplan
The following principles have been used to phase the required expenditure over the plan period, and to
prioritise programmes and projects.
 Recurrent (maintenance) expenditure should have the first priority, and full needs
should be planned for on an annual basis
 The rehabilitation of National Highways, Regional Highways and Zila Roads must
be considered a priority, as delay will increase the costs of recovery
 Road and bridge projects that are related to traffic growth should be programmed
according to dates that they are needed
 Bridge replacement and repair programmes are a priority, but have to be phased
in order to respect human capacity constraints in RHD
 Axle load control is of the utmost priority, and
Padma Bridge is a priority of the Government, but should not be included in the RHD programme The
Road Masterplan is shown in Table 17.7
17.4. Funding

17.4.1. Road Fund

Funding for road and bridge maintenance should come from the Road Fund. Draft legislation for the Road
Fund also provides for powers for the fund to pay for road safety measures. Full funding for road and
bridge maintenance should be provided by the Government of Bangladesh until the matter of the Road fund
establishment is finalised.

17.4.2. Annual Development Programme

Other recurrent expenditure on traffic management measures should be prepared as projects on a 3-year
rolling basis, funded by the Annual Development Programme (ADP). Capital projects should be funded
through the ADP.

Table 17-3 : Capital Programmes and Projects of the RHD Road Masterplan, 2007/08 to
Programme Cost (Crore Taka) Type of Expenditure
National Highway and Regional Highway Rehabilitation 5,407 Capital
Axle Load Control 320 Capital
Major National Highway By-passes 291 Capital
Zila Road Recovery Programme 3,188 Capital
Bridge Reconstruction Programme 1056 Capital
Narrow Bridge Replacement Programme 444 Capital
PSB Replacement Programme 755 Capital
Ferry Replacement Programme 830 Capital
N1 Dhaka-Chittagong 4-Lane 1867 Capital
N3 Tongi-Mymensingh 800 Capital
N102 Mynamati-Brahmanbaria 421 Capital
R260 Sylhet-Sunamganj 212 Capital
Dhaka Eastern By-Pass 500 Capital
Dhaka Western By-Pass 360 Capital
Dhaka Outer Orbital Route 1,500 Capital
R750/Z7503 Jessore to Lohagari 600 Capital
Deep Sea Port Sonadia - N1 link 400 Capital
N1 4 lane Chakaria to Chittagong 106 km 1,060 Capital
N8 Dhaka-Mawa 4 Lane 60km 600 Capital
N4 Dhaka-Tangail 4 Lane 69 km 690 Capital
N6 Beneshwar-Belpuhur 16km 400 Capital
N5 Dhaka Baniajuri 78 km 780 Capital
N2 Bhairab-Mouvlibazar 120 km 1,200 Capital
N2 Dhaka - Bhairab 70 km 700 Capital
N2 Habiganj - Sylhet 96 km 960 Capital
N8 Jessore Benapole 4 Lane 330 Capital
Chittagong By-pass 210 Capital
N1-Hatazari Link Road 200 Capital
N1 2nd Meghna Bridge 750 Capital
N1 2nd Meghna Gumpti Bridge 650 Capital
New Zila Roads 371 Capital
Paving Zila Roads 5,781 Capital
Commitments 2,921 Capital
Level Crossing Replacement 150 Capital
Landport Connections 383 Capital
Asian Highway 536 Capital
Paving National and Regional Highways 1,918 Capital
Total 39,536

17.4.3. Private Sector
Table 17-4 lists the projects which are suitable candidates for private sector participation in funding. In
addition to this list, the private sector could be encouraged to invest in improved landport connections.
Table 17-4 : Potential Private Sector Participation Projects
Total Project Cost
(Crore Taka)
N1 Dhaka – Chittagong Highway 1,867
Dhaka Eastern By-pass 500
2nd Meghna Gumati Bridge 650
2nd Meghna Daudkandi Bridge 750
Dhaka Western By-pass 360
Deep Sea Port Sonadia - N1 link 400
Ferry Replacement Propramme 830
N4 Dhaka-Tangail 4 Lane 69 km 690
N2 Bhairab-Habiganj 120 km 1,200
N2 Dhaka - Bhairab 70 km 700
N2 Habiganj - Sylhet 96 km 960
N1-Hatazari Link Road 200
Total 9,107

The Government of Bangladesh has adopted a policy to facilitate private investment in infrastructure and
approved the Bangladesh Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines (PSIG) on 2 October 2004 by a
notification of the Cabinet Division. The Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines establishes procedures to
identify, procure and implement Private Infrastructure Projects and establishes institutional arrangements to
monitor and expedite implementation of these projects at national level.
For promotion and efficient processing of Private Infrastructure Projects in Bangladesh, a national Private
Infrastructure Committee (PICOM) has been set up under the Prime Minister’s Office on 5 October 2005
by another notification of the Cabinet Division, for implementing the Guidelines. The Committee is
headed by the Principal Secretary of the Government. Since the adoption of PSIG, increased interest of the
private sector has been observed in infrastructure development in Bangladesh, but surprisingly, the private
sector involvement in transport infrastructure has been very limited so far.
On those roads where traffic and potential toll income are high, the private sector could be invited to invest
on Build –Operate- Transfer (BOT) basis. In such cases, Government may have to assume the role of
acquiring land, and possibly fund part of the equity. In these cases, concession periods could be of the
order of 25 to 30 years, with provision for three yearly tariff reviews. However, where traffic levels do not
warrant BOT involvement, the Government could consider the annuity concept where the private sector
would invest in improving a road on an existing right of way (ROW), and recoup its investment from
annual Government contributions.
In order to facilitate greater involvement of the private sector in infrastructure development, a new
relationship needs to emerge between the Government and agencies responsible for development and
management of government’s road assets. (Section 19.2).
It is recommded that the Minstry of Communications take immediate steps to investigate options for
modalities of greater private sector participation in project funding. A high-powered committee may be
established comprising officials of the Ministry, RHD and the Planning Commission to do this. The
experience of the Masterplan consultants may be used to assist this committee.

17.4.4. Development Partners
It is recommended that Development Partner assistance be sought for major development (not
rehabilitation, recovery or repair projects and programmes)., as well as axle load control. Development
partners’ assistance at the rate of 62% of project cost is assumed, with projects shown in Table 17-5.
Table 17-5 : Potential Projects for Development Partner Support
Project Cost (Crore
Programme Comment
National and Regional Highway Rehabilitation 5,407
Paving National and Regional Highways 1,918
Axle Load Control 320
N3 Tongi-Mymensingh 800 World Bank Proposed
N102 Mynamati-Brahmanbaria 421 World Bank Proposed
R260 Sylhet-Sunamganj 212 World Bank Proposed
Dhaka Outer Orbital Route 1,500
R750/Z7503 Jessore to Narail Batiapara 600
N1 4 lane Chakaria to Chittagong 106 km 1,060
N8 Dhaka-Mawa 4 Lane 60km 600
N6 Beneshwar-Belpuhur 16km 400
N5 Dhaka Baniajuri 78 km 780
N8 Jessore Benapole 4 Lane 330
Chittagong By-pass 210
Commitments, Foreign Aided Projects 1,831 Committed
Level Crossing Replacement 150
Landport Connections 383
Asian Highway 536
Total 17,456

17.4.5. Summary of Funding

Table 17-6 lists the funding summary.
Table 17-6 : Summary of Funding Sources for RHD Road Masterplan
Funding Source Crore Taka
Road Fund 27,233
Private Sector 9,107
Development Partners 10,823
Government of Bangladesh co-funding 6,633
Government of Bangladesh own projects 12,972
Total 66,768

17.5. Private Sector Involvement

17.5.1. Adminstrative Arrangements

Administration and management of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Programme in Bangladesh are
carried out through the Bangladesh Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines (PSIG). The PSIG is the first
official policy document adopted by GOB providing a framework for private sector investments in
infrastructure. Appreciating the need for infrastructure, GOB has undertaken necessary steps for opening
the infrastructure development to the private sector – both local and foreign.

The key institutional framework for private infrastructure projects is centered on the “Private Infrastructure
Committee” known as PICOM. This has been formed under the Prime Minister’s office, with the Principal
Secretary as the Chairman, and the Board of Investment as its Secretariat.
The objective of PICOM is to co-ordinate, monitor and expedite the resources, strengths and capabilities of
both the private and public sectors through the implementation of private iInfrastructure projects. PICOM
is the focal point for promoting and progressing private infrastructure projects across all infrastructure
sectors in the country.

17.5.2. Benefits
The involvement of the private sector in the new road projects brings investment potential, and can also
contribute to greater efficiency and innovation. The general principle is that roads will be tolled in order to
provide an income stream. However, private participation itself will not ensure economic efficiency. The
problem is that toll roads are types of infrastructure that result in monopolies. Because of their large fixed
costs and economies of scale, direct competition in the market is not feasible in the provision of the
infrastructure itself. Even so, under certain conditions, competition can be created for the market (through
concessions) where companies bid for the right to provide a service that will have no competition in the
market. In such a case, due to the lack of direct competitive pressures on the firm to ensure efficiency, the
concession bidding stage is a critical moment in the whole life-cycle of the project when the economic and
financial conditions of the contract can be optimised from the Government’s as well as from the users’ and
tax-payers’ point of view.
Once set, these conditions will be binding for both parties until the end of the contract period. Therefore, it
is essential to create the best conditions for: strong competition in the bidding stage; and appropriate
monitoring and enforcing of the terms of the concession contract.

17.5.3. Direct Competition in Bidding

Having taken into consideration the need for sufficient competition in a Private Public Partnership (PPP) or
Concession bidding process as well as the Bangladeshi experience in tendering, a direct competition
system is recommended, in which:
□ Open tendering procedure is used.
□ The PPP/Concession model is precisely defined by the Government in advance.
□ A larger number of bidders compete against each other.
□ Economic and financial quantifiable and clear-cut parameters of the PPP/Concession agreement
are used as evaluation criteria of the proposals. Excessive complexity of the evaluation system for
proposals should be avoided.
□ Evaluation criteria are established and disclosed in advance by the awarding authority.
□ The Concession/PPP contract is awarded directly to the company whose offer has been evaluated
as the best one based on evaluation criteria.
□ The proposals of the bidders are binding for them and cannot be changed or negotiated after the
best offer is chosen.
□ Financial close is normally not required before the Concession / PPP contract award. Such a
model has a series of advantages:
□ It ensures more competition, which in turn results in better conditions for the awarding
authority, the users and the taxpayers.
□ It provides for comparability of submitted proposals.
□ It provides for more objective bid evaluation and more certainty as far as the selection of the best
offer is concerned.

□ It requires less time for the selection of the private partner than the negotiated procedure.
□ It is also cheaper for the bidders as well as for the Government.

The public interest in the PPPs is fundamentally concerned with getting the best value for money. The
bidding procedure must be designed first and foremost for this purpose. It is clear that the natural interest
of the private partner is to maximize profits. Restriction of the competition allows to the bidder to impose
terms as favourable as possible for him. Negotiations limited to one preferred bidder create therefore
perfect conditions to reach an agreement in which the economic and financial conditions are skewed to the
interests of the private partner. This could be the case in Bangladesh where the awarding authorities are less
experienced than their counterparts in other countries with longer PPP experience records.

In spite of that, they will have to face the negotiations with private companies that have greater knowledge
and technical, legal and financial expertise and better access to specialized assistance. It may be naive to
think that such negotiations will be used by the bidder to develop innovative solutions adjusted to the needs
of the contracting body. In such case, the main objective of the bidder will be to improve the contract
conditions for him and therefore it is the contracting body who will have to take care of its own needs and
to provide a framework that allows covering them at the least possible cost.

Conversely, in the model that is based more on broad competition, the whole effort of bidders is directed to
propose better conditions than the opponents will do within the framework established by the Government.
Unlike in the negotiated procedure with limited competition, in the direct competition model bidders have
no possibility to put all effort to improve their position, and exploit the information asymmetry or possible
omissions or failures by public authority.
The advantage of stronger competitive tension does not only refer to competition between bidders. Thus, if
financial close is not required from bidders before submission of their proposals, the use of advantages of a
competitive market can be made also in the case of project’s financing. After the concession/PPP contract
is awarded, the winning consortium can negotiate the financing package with all possibly interested
financial institutions. The financial close has to be reached within a period specified in the bidding
documentation (e.g. 6 months). If the financing closure were required before the submission of proposals,
financial institutions would be not likely to offer their best conditions due to a high number of bidders
competing for financing.
Bidders will collaborate with financing institutions in the process of preparation of proposals in order to
assure a realistic financing structure. All bidders should justify and provide in their proposals guarantees (in
form of indicative letters of support from financial institutions) that sufficient financing for the project is
assured. Such guarantees should cover the whole period starting from the signature of the Concession
Agreement till completion of all investments and financing according to the proposal. Nevertheless, the
requirement of such guarantees does not mean complete arrangement of the financing package before
submission of bids. Financing conditions could be improved by the winning consortium or even arranged
with other financial entities within the period between contract award and the deadline specified in the
bidding documentation.

17.5.4. Project Definition

In order to ensure comparability of proposals, the Government should define the project’s specifications in
sufficient detail, including :
 The scope of works to be carried out and a specification of outputs to be provided by private
 The technical and financial feasibility as well as a social benefit.
 The Concession Agreement conditions that are not to be negotiated and those subject to be
proposed by bidders must be clearly defined.

 Bidding documentation including fixed Concession Agreement clauses and those to be
proposed by the bidders should be prepared.
The Concession Agreement stipulated in the bidding documentation will have to be accepted by the bidder
and only a small margin of arrangements will be left to be proposed by bidders. However, this margin must
be wide enough to detect significant differences between offers and to allow important improvements of the
project by bidders, if there is a possibility that they can add sufficient value for the Government and users.
On the other hand, this margin must be narrow enough so that the comparability of proposals does not get

17.5.5. Transparency in Bidding

Bids evaluation must be based on clear-cut quantifiable variables so that there is no margin left for
discretion in the process. In this way a complete and undisputable comparability of proposals and at the
same time more transparency of the bidding process is achieved.

The selection of evaluation variables depends on the infrastructure policy of the government, characteristics
of a project, the needs it has to satisfy, and its financing possibilities.

The variables may include:

 toll structure and rates;

 concession period;
 public financial support for the concessionaire (which could be co-funded by the ADB);
 payment offered by the concessionaire for transfer of assets or rights to be used for the
provision of services that are subject of concession;
 present value of revenues;
 assets reversion price (especially in the case of short term PPP/concession contracts);
 minimum traffic, income, return or any other Government guarantee;
 capitalization ratio, solvency ratio, disbursed capital;
 project financing guarantees (from financing institutions),

The choice of evaluation variables should also comply with transport objectives of the Government. If the
Government’s priority is to have low tolls, in order to optimize usage and economic benefits, then variables
related to tolls shall be fixed in advance. If the Government wants to limit its contingent liabilities,
Sovereign Guarantees for credits should be excluded from the bidding documentation and the bidding

When deciding which criteria to choose to evaluate proposals, it is convenient not to opt for variables that
are interdependent. For instance, evaluating bids on the basis of proposed concession period, tolls and
public support creates a problem of lack of comparability of bids as all these variables are interrelated and
the trade-offs between them may be difficult to evaluate. It can allow gathering by the bidders points that
do not reflect real advantages of their proposals. In such cases, it’s advisable to reduce the number of
variables and to fix those that are related to the Government’s clear objectives and priorities and allow the
bidders to adjust other variables in their proposals.

On the other hand, the reduction of the number of bidding variables must not be excessive. It could create
a danger of insufficient consideration of financial credibility, technical preparation and experience of
bidders, which is also very important for the success of a project. Indeed, it is useless to award a contract to
a company that proposes the best technical and financial conditions, being incapable of keeping them.
Therefore, the pre-qualification stage should be used to ensure the credibility of the bidders, including
technical quality as well as technical and financial solvency. This allows for a limited number of evaluation
criteria to be selected.

17.5.6. Time and Transaction Costs
The direct competition model requires less time than the alternative procurement in which the whole
contractual framework may be negotiated. In the procurement model based on competitive
negotiations the whole process lasts between 2 and 4 years on average and the proposed model should
not require more than 6-8 months.

Experience shows that negotiating PPP deals involves high transaction costs that finally at least partially
offset the PPP benefits at micro-level and significantly reduce the attractiveness of this way of

The costs incurred in the preparation of bids and negotiation with the Government finally become sunk
costs for the bidders that fail to win. Thus, it must be stressed that specialized legal, technical and financial
support required during such negotiations by the Government as well as by bidders, is extremely high and
normally reaches sums in the order of USD 4 to 16 millions. In addition, the total cost of employing
advisers to negotiate terms of a complicated contract is so high that it can impede effective competition as
only a small number of competitors can afford them.

The direct competition model means lower costs for the Government thanks to shortening of the procedure,
lack of necessity of exhaustive negotiations of the Concession Agreement and increased comparability of
proposals. The estimated costs of such procedure should not exceed USD 1.5 million. Preparation of the
project before starting the bidding procedure may require advisory and consultant services whose overall
cost could reach around 3% of the total project construction cost.

17.5.7. Staged Implementation of a PPP Bidding Process

1. Project preparation. - the project should be thoroughly prepared by the Government in order to:
 provide the awarding authority with sufficient information on conditions that they may expect from
the market;
 reduce unnecessary risk; and
 build a solid base for the selection of the private partner.

Complete information on the project characteristics and minimized legal, administrative and environmental
uncertainties regarding the project should reduce the necessity of post-bid negotiations.

2. Dissemination of information on the envisaged project, including its technical parameters, envisaged
funding model (real tolls [including their structure and maximum levels], shadow tolls, level of public aid
(that might be subsequently co-funded with ADB Funds) in the construction period, etc.) to potentially
interested bidders.

3. Receiving feedback on the project from potential bidders and its possible modification focused on
improvement of its functionality, costs and attractiveness for the private participation, but still safeguarding
the public interest. - This can be done during a “road show” 45 which serves for presentation of the project to
potential bidders and direct discussion of its details. The objective of this activity is to ensure that the
technical specifications and service requirements are viable, to detect which parts of the project require
improvements and take into account the expectations of private investors. Such adaptation may be
necessary in order to attract to the bidding process as many participants as possible to make the competition
for the project is more intensive. Additionally, the probability that any problems may appear in the
concession award stage is significantly reduced. Finally, if all contentious or omitted issues are detected in
this stage and incorporated into the bidding documentation and Concession Agreement, the necessity of
post- bid negotiations can be practically eliminated.

This method was used successfully in the privatization process of Rupali Bank

4. Public, formal notification of the intent to procure a PPP project including a request for

5. Distribution complete information on the project, including bidding documentation, draft Concession
Agreement (both updated after receiving potential bidder’s comments in the activity No 3), preliminary
studies results (demand projections etc.), environmental impact studies. In the bidding process a two-phase
procedure that involves a sequential evaluation of the technical (7) and financial proposals (8), preceded by
qualification of bidders, is recommended.

6. Qualification phase. The objective of this phase is to ensure that the winning consortium has the
technical and financial capacity to operate the concession successfully. Consortia whose reputation,
experience or financial standing is deemed not sufficient to guarantee the success of the project, are to be
excluded from the procedure at this stage, but always in accordance with the criteria disclosed in advance
in the bidding documentation. The qualification criteria can refer both to quantitative (e.g. minimum
required equity of companies that form a consortium, similar operations in comparable markets, financial
strength of consortium members, etc.) and qualitative aspects of the bidders (e.g. cost efficiency in other
projects [both construction and operation]).

It is important that qualification is carried out at the bidding stage, as opposed to pre-qualification. In this
way, bidders will have to prove that they meet established qualification criteria at the time of submission
of proposals. Interested companies will have more time to form consortia, and by putting qualification and
actual biding together, there will be an increase of competition in the process. This measure will avoid a
situation where a very small number of companies pre- qualify, which can reduce competitive pressure.

7. Evaluation of technical proposals. As all participants bid on the basis of the same technical specifications
prepared initially by the Government and then fine-tuned in discussions with potentially interested
investors, the technical evaluation stage can be conducted on a simple pass/fail basis, i.e. the compliance or
non-compliance of the proposals with the technical specifications should be evaluated. This way, only
financial proposals of those bidders:

 whose technical offers comply with the technical specifications of the project; and
 who fulfill all requirements regarding financial and technical capacity (evaluated in the
qualification phase)

are evaluated, and no marks or scores are carried over.

8. Evaluation of financial proposals. The concession is awarded to the bidder with the best financial
proposal. This could be in the form of a positive contribution to Government, or a subsidy or annuity
requirement. It is advisable to keep the system of the evaluation of proposals as simple as possible in order
to ensure transparency, comparability of proposals and ease of award. The variables that are not
predefined by the infrastructure policy and can represent a clear economic advantage of one offer over the
rest should be the focus of the evaluation. In fact, it is best to select a single evaluation criterion. Given
that it is expected the toll road project will require :

 public aid for investment,

 compensations for the use of toll roads by vehicles legally exempted from tolls, then

the best variables for evaluation are :

 the total amount of public support46 (which could be co-funded from the ADB), and/or
 the concession period.

Adjusting the financial equilibrium of a PPP deal based on the amount of public aid is the best

Or positive cash contribution

way to ensure that:

 the public support is used efficiently, i.e. only the amount required to ensure financial feasibility of the
project is used;
 the return from the project for the private partner is reduced to the minimum (the most efficient
proposal in terms of Value for Money is chosen);
 economic efficiency in terms of efficient investment and operation is promoted; and
 socially important variables such as tolls can be controlled by Government in line with policy, and
inter-dependency of future projects.

Table 17-7 : Potential Timetable for Private Sector Road Project Preparation and
Phase No. Stage Evaluation Time Needed
1 Project Preparation N/a 12 months
2 Information n/a 3 months
Before 3 Road Show n/a 4 months
Bidding 4 Public Notification n/a 1 month
5 Distribution of Na/ 3 months
6 Qualification of Technical Capacity
Bidding and Bidders Financial capacity 4 months
Award 7 Technical Evaluation Compliance (Yes/no)
8 Financial Evaluation Least public aid
9 Award 1 month
After Bidding 10 Financial Closure Up to 6 months
Total 34 months

Table 17-8 : Road Masterplan

18.1. Resettlement and Land Acquisition
Resettlement and land acquisition issues are recognised by RHD as important and in 2003 it prepared
‘Guidelines for Resettlement Management in Roads and Highways Projects’ through an ADB funded
Technical Assistance project (ADB TA 4006-BAN) as a preliminary step in preparing a Resettlement
Policy for Bangladesh. In August 2005, RHD published the ‘Draft Guidelines for Land Acquisition and
Resettlement within RHD’, with support from the DFID funded CIDC3 project.
These draft Guidelines include a simple Social Impact Assessment process, and are complemented by the
by draft manual (discussion document) for ‘Social Assessment in the Roads and Highways Department’,
both of which are designed to assist RHD in planning and implementing the ‘softer’ aspects of roads and
highways projects. The draft land acquisition and resettlement guidelines includes recommendations of
Implementation Procedures and Compensation Matrices that draw upon the principles of equity and best
practice advocated in the National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction, whilst maintaining due
attention to budgetary constraints. They also include Operational Procedures for Resettlement
Management and Implementation by the RHD Social Circle.
However, these guidelines have not yet been approved or put into practice and so the problem continues.
In order to deal with this issue effectively, the Government of Bangladesh must finalise and approve the
guidelines so that RHD staff can implement them.
18.2. Traffic Management
Physical protection measures need to be provided around schools and markets on busy roads, in particular
the national and regional highways. Roadside barriers have been used in some locations to prevent
encroachment of roadside activities onto the main carriageway, and this should be encouraged in all
locations. New markets and schools should include protective barriers as part of the design process.
Off-road parking areas should be provided. A thorough needs analysis of all road users should be made to
ensure the location and access to these areas meets the needs of the users and measures put in place to
ensure they are used. This may be supported by bans on on-street parking, with effective enforcement
measures put in place. This could be managed by the Market Committees as part of the development and
maintenance of the market place.
During the design phase, consideration also needs to be made for the provision of safe pedestrian crossing
facilities and areas where it is safe to wait for public transport services. A range of design options are
available depending on traffic volumes and market size, and should be included as part of the wider Road
Safety Audit process.
A road safety awareness campaign is also needed to improve pedestrian and driver behaviour. Such a
campaign could be included in the national curriculum under the ‘life skills’ umbrella. Awareness raising
for adults could be done through the market committees. Road safety awareness of commercial vehicle
drivers should be conducted through the major road transport associations and companies.
Many organisations have implemented various road safety programmes and conferences over the past
few years, but these efforts are rarely coordinated or followed up in a systematic way that proves effective
at the national level. Whilst RHD can take responsibility for putting in place certain physical protection
measures as part of highway improvement measures at known safety black-spots, the national organisations
responsible for road safety (National Road Safety Council, Road Safety Cell at BRTA, etc) must develop
and implement a national strategy for addressing the major causes of Bangladesh’s poor road safety record.
During the preparation of the Road Sector Master Plan, discussions on road safety led to the preparation of
a concept note on a Road Safety Pilot, whereby a section or sections of road are improved to incorporate
best practice in physical and non-physical road safety measures. The impacts of this model section of road
could then be used to quantify costs and benefits to road users, roadside communities and the impact on
economic growth and poverty reduction efforts.

The pilot could also be used to promote implementation of an effective national Road Safety Campaign,
through the design and testing of road safety awareness materials and dissemination mechanisms.
18.3. Non-motorised vehicles
There have been suggestions, including in the National Land Transport Policy, to ban NMVs on major
highway routes. The idea being that these roads are designed to serve strategic long distance traffic, not
local traffic and NMVs. However, these national highways often provide the only road access for rural
people to their nearest market, school or other social and economic facilities. Therefore a balance needs to
be found to ensure that access restrictions for NMVs does not have a negative impact on the livelihoods of
the poor and vulnerable.
Bans on the use of NMVs on the main carriageways of national highways should only be put into practice
if an alternative lane is provided for NMV use. All highways should have a hard strip / shoulder for NMV
use, at the same level as the carriageway (no step) to ensure that NMVs can easily pull off the carriageway
to allow faster traffic by as necessary.
18.4. Civil Participation
International experience has shown that involving local communities in the planning, design and
implementation of road works can improve the quality of works, the sense of ownership and therefore
protection of the road asset, and can improve the take up of the benefits and socio- economic opportunities
that road improvements can bring. Civil participation in road management improves the efficiency and
effectiveness of the investments made.
In Bangladesh, there is little evidence of effective civil participation in road sector management for the
RHD road network, except on some of the larger donor funded projects. There is a lack of community
consultation and participatory processes, and social assessments. In addition, more effort could be made to
utilise local labour in contract implementation and to implement equitable labour practices.
18.5. Employment
Whilst contractors may utilise local labour, especially for activities that require unskilled labour, there is no
obligation to do so, and little effort is made to make sure employment conditions are fair and equitable.
Most jobs are given to men, and where women are employed they are often not paid the same wage rate as
men. Whilst there are social and cultural barriers to women’s participation in the labour force, these can be
reduced through effective management and civil participation, as has been proven by the LGED practice in
Labour Contracting Societies for rural road maintenance and roadside tree planting.
The promotion of youth employment, especially with an associated training programme, to encourage
development of a local skilled labour force would make a significant contribution towards improving the
economic potential of rural communities, and can be implemented through large (longer duration)
construction contracts or through term maintenance contracts.
Construction and maintenance contracts should include social protection clauses that include targets for
employment of local labour including specific targets for women, youths and the poor. Employment terms
and conditions should be on an ‘equal pay for equal work’ basis, regardless of gender, age, disability, or
ethnic / social group. For development of youths and local skills, contract evaluation criteria could include
additional marks for local skills development programmes, similar to the evaluation for ‘knowledge
transfer’ found in many of the World Bank’s international contracts.
Contracts should also include conditions for minimum ages for different types of work in the construction
sector, based on the ILO standards. Whilst it is difficult for contractors to manage the employment
conditions of their suppliers, it is possible to include additional marks in the contract evaluation criteria for
firms that propose methods for managing child labour on their contracts and from their suppliers.
All local employment targets and minimum age criteria should be agreed following consultation with the
local communities. Acceptable standards will vary depending on the socio-economic

situation and cultural traditions of the local communities, and their attitudes towards women and youths.
At present, maintenance contracts tend to be for particular road sections and for works at a discrete point in
time. In the future, RHD may move towards Term Maintenance Contracts, and perhaps even Performance
Based Maintenance Contracts. These have many advantages in terms of reducing the administrative and
management burden on RHD staff, but also provide a mechanism for promoting local employment and
skills development programmes.
Labour based maintenance contracts for roads and highways should be encouraged for off-road
maintenance activities and roadside vegetation management, including tree planting where appropriate,
especially on the Zila road network. These could target poor women from the local communities by
following the LGED model. The responsibility for implementing such a programme could be transferred
to the Contractor should term maintenance contracts be introduced.
18.6. Stakeholder Participation
It is recommended that all projects and contracts include some form of stakeholder participation process
that incorporates the above points where applicable. The Project Appraisal Framework (PAF) includes a
limited participation process to extract local information for use in decision- making, but does not take it
the next step to improve design, implementation and management of the road network. The extent of
consultation required will depend upon the size and nature of the project / contract. In addition, all projects
should undergo some form of Social and Environmental Assessment, in accordance with current
regulations. The Environmental Management Guidelines for RHD have been approved and are being
implemented. The Social Assessment Guidelines are only in draft form for further discussion within RHD.
Some form of Social Assessment Guidelines need to be prepared, approved and implemented. These need
to include for consultation processes and needs analysis to support improved traffic management,
environmental management and local employment management processes as discussed in the relevant
The Road Masterplan was developed with stakeholder consultation at three workshops on:
 Inception Stage
 Draft Policies and Planning
 Draft Road Masterplan proposals
18.7. Environmental Protection

18.7.1. Water Management

Water management is a key feature of life in Bangladesh and impacts on all parts of society. Because of a
lack of coping mechanisms, the poor often suffer the most when their water supply is cut-off or polluted.
Roads inevitably cut across natural drainage systems and / or irrigation channels. There are many examples
where surveys done during the dry season do not capture the full extent or correct flood and drainage
patterns, leading to poorly designed cross drainage systems. The road therefore prevents effective drainage
of floodwaters and causes wider flooding, crop damage and contamination of the local water supply.
Spillages on roads, especially from traffic accidents, can also cause contamination of local water supplies.
All projects must include initial Environmental Assessments during feasibility and preliminary design
stages. Projects where potential negative impacts are identified and trigger the requirement for full
Environmental Impact Assessment to be carried out, this should be done in consultation with local
communities. Commitment from Senior Managers to implementing effective environmental management
systems and accommodating this in road sector budgets is essential. The capacity of RHD to implement the
Environmental Management Guidelines also needs to be increased.
All new road construction and rehabilitation works will be subjected to a full hydrological and
morphological study. It is important that hydrology studies and environmental impact assessments take
into account local knowledge of typical water flows and flood levels, and recent

historical patterns, and that these are used to improve detailed design to ensure adequate drainage measures
and water management systems are put in place. Where accident data suggests a particular contamination
hazard, pollution control measures should be introduced to protect local water supplies.
It is recommended that costs for full hydrological and morphological studies be required as part of all new
major project preparations be included when DPP’s are prepared.
Road development and rehabilitation projects should follow the recommendations of the National
Workshop on Options for Flood Risk and Damage Reduction in Bangladesh.47
RHD is recommended to develop an asset database with formation levels related to national datum to allow
engineers to forecast flloding of the road network. This should be linked to existing flood forecasting
RHD is also recommended to create a Morphology and Hydrology Unit in its Technical Services Wing, in
order to aid implementation of the above recommendations.

18.7.2. Use of Bricks

There is widespread practice in Bangladesh of using crushed bricks as an alternative to stone aggregate.
Whilst this seems a sensible and cost effective measure to address the lack of suitable gravel aggregate
naturally available in Bangladesh, brick making factories do cause environmental damage. The use of
crushed brick aggregate on major highways is not a preferred solution on technical grounds, as studies
suggest that its strength deteriorates too rapidly hence reducing the life of structural pavements. However,
its use on Zila roads and rural roads is often accepted.
The use of crushed brick is not an environmental hazard in itself, but brick making factories are a major
cause of environmental damage. Not only through the visible atmospheric pollution, that can lead to
respiratory health problems among workers and local communities, but they can dramatically alter the
topography and drainage patterns of the locality, causing serious water management problems that
negatively impact on the local communities.
Where the use of crushed bricks as aggregate is acceptable in contract specifications, contractors should be
encouraged to work with their suppliers to ensure that the bricks used have been made in without undue
damage to the environment. This may lead to slight increases in cost, but this should not be substantial.
Proposal evaluation criteria could include additional marks as an incentive to improve environmental
management on site and through the supply chain for contracts.

18.7.3. Temporary Works

Often negative environmental impacts of road works are not a result of the road itself, but of the temporary works
involved in construction. For example:
 dust and traffic pollution from heavy plant on temporarily unpaved
roads or access roads;
 poor risk management of storage depots and chemicals leading to
potential contamination of water supplies;
 extraction of water from local sources for construction activities limiting
access to safe water by the local community;
 poor management and restoration of quarries and borrow pits;
 negative environmental and social impacts of poorly managed labour
Contract clauses should include environmental protection measures to be implemented during construction
works, covering all aspects of temporary works as well as the final product.

7-8 September 2004, organised by the Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Bangladesh

18.8. HIV or AIDS
Social Impact Assessments should include an analysis of the risk of the spread of HIV or AIDS and
develop protection measures for construction workers and local communities in consultation and
partnership with local health service providers. Implementation of the protection measures can be included
in contract clauses.
18.9. Human Trafficking
The cause of continued and extensive human trafficking in Bangladesh is related to a range of cultural and
poverty issues, and the low value placed on women and children in Bangladeshi society. The impact of the
Road investment programme proposed in the Road Master Plan will have little impact on this issue, and
there is little that an organisation such as RHD can do to address this issue. It is the responsibility of the
Ministry of Women and Children Affairs to identify and implement a national response to the problem.

19.1. Capacity
RHD will need to have the capacity to absorb expenditure of over 68,000 Crore Taka over the next 20
years on capital and maintenance projects. The overall programme requires a great deal of that expenditure
in the first five years. Experience of the Periodic Maintenance Programme (PMP) to date means that RHD
needs continued assistance in institutional development and capacity building.
As a Government Department, RHD does not have sufficient authority to deliver the programmes
efficiently, and in the long term, reform and change will be necessary.
The starting point for that reform might have been the World Bank’s IDAP programme of institutional
change and capacity building. But such has been the slow pace of securing the necessary loan, that IDAP
itself is now woefully out of date. In such a circumstance, it may be prudent to look for a more visionary
view of the shape and role of RHD in 20 years time.
As part of this study, 4 RHD officers and 2 Ministry of Communications officials undertook a study tour of
the institutional arrangements for road building and management in Kolkata, India. It was decided, as a
result, that video filming of the construction of major projects should be done to record the processes for
sharing experiences.
19.2. Private Sector Involvement
Representatives on the study tour also concluded that RHD should make more use of public- private-
partnerships in funding and implementing road and bridge projects.
Much greater use can be made of the private sector in financing the capital costs of road development
than has hitherto been the case.
RHD, or its successor, will need to have in place dedicated and sufficient human resources to deal with
the various types of private sector participation in roads and bridges in the future.
19.3. Reform Agenda
In many countries, both developed and developing, a new relationship is emerging between Government
and the agency responsible for developing and managing the government’s road assets. New road agencies
are being created with a different relationship between themselves and their respective Government
Ministries. In particular, greater levels of authority are being granted, with a parallel deal of responsibility
to meet targets, standards and deadlines.
Such a change in Bangladesh should not affect RHD alone; the Ministry of Communications would need
to alter to adopt a policy-based role, with an accent on setting targets and standards and ensuring that
procedures are in place for its road agency(ies) to adhere to these. The recommendations are in line with the
World Bank’s ORA.

20.1. Programmes
This Road Master Plan is an investment programme for the next twenty years, of which the first five years
are the most critical. Within this period the following programmes need urgent attention for
 National and Regional road Recovery Programme
 Zila Road Recovery Programme
 Bridge Recovery and Maintenance
20.2. Annual Development Programme (ADP)
RHD should bring forward the Road Master Plan programmes by cost and year as proposals for the Annual
Development Programme on an annual basis. This Master Plan has ben approved by the Minstry of
Communications and the Planning Commission, and hence there is already ‘in principle’ agreement to the
ADP submissions so long as they follow the Master Plan.
20.3. Projects
Within the above programmes projects are grouped in priority order, but it will be for RHD to bring
forward the projects from the ADP (in the form of DPP’s) in the order that is appropriate at the time.
20.4. Implementing Agencies
The implementing agency for the bulk of physical work proposed in this Masterplan will be the Roads and
Highways Department. In some cases, within major cities, implementation may be assisted by the relvant
City Corporation, and in the case of Dhaka, by the Dhaka Transportation Co-ordination Board (DTCB).
Other areas of the plan, such as Road Sector Policy Implementation, axle load control, many road safety
initiatives, reform of the Anunal Development Programme, and greater private sector participation should
be led by the Ministry of Communications.
20.5. Improving the Quality of Construction
RHD should take measures to improve the quality of construction through better supervision. The TSMR
Project has brought in a number of improvements, and these should be fully implemented and sustained.
20.6. Monitoring and Review
RHD should monitor the physical implementation of the Road Masterplan, and report on this annually. The
Masteprlan should be reviewed every 3 years, at which time amendments may be made in the light of
prevailing circumstances. Between reviews no road project should be brought forward outside of the
Masterplan proposals, unless such a project is deemed to address a national emergency.
The implementation of the Road Sector Policy should be monitored through Performance Measures, to be
development by the Transport Sector Coordination Wing of the Planning Commission.

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