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Irc SP 19

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Draft of IRC SP:19-2020


(Second Revision)

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 6
2 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................... 7
3 STAGES IN PROJECT PREPARATION ......................................................................... 8
3.1 Stages............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Pre-feasibility study .......................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Feasibility Study ............................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Detailed Project Report ..................................................................................................... 9
5 SURVEY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE................................................................. 15
6 TRAFFIC SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 16
6.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Network Study ................................................................................................................ 16
6.3 Classified Traffic Volume Counts ........................................................................................ 16
6.4 Origin-Destination (O-D) Surveys ...................................................................................... 17
6.5 Speed and Delay Studies .................................................................................................. 18
6.6 Turning Movement Surveys at Intersections ....................................................................... 18
6.7 Traffic Surveys for Replacing Railway Level Crossings with Over Bridges/ Subways. ................ 19
6.8 Axle Load Survey............................................................................................................. 19
6.9 Accident Records ............................................................................................................. 19
6.10 Pedestrian / animal cross traffic surveys ............................................................................ 20
6.11 Truck Terminal / Parking surveys ....................................................................................... 20
6.12 Traffic Projection ............................................................................................................. 20
7 RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY .................................................................................... 23
7.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 23
7.2 Survey Method ................................................................................................................ 23
7.3 Study of Survey Sheets, Maps, etc. ................................................................................... 23
7.4 Aerial Reconnaissance...................................................................................................... 24
7.5 Ground Reconnaissance ................................................................................................... 25
7.6 Alignment Report ............................................................................................................ 25
8 PRELIMINARY SURVEY ........................................................................................... 26

8.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 26
8.2 Survey Procedure ............................................................................................................ 26
8.3 Selection of Optimum Alignment in the Design office .......................................................... 29
REHABILTATION STUDY ......................................................................................... 30
9.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 30
9.2 Environmental Analysis .................................................................................................... 31
9.3 Environmental Design ...................................................................................................... 31
9.4 Environmental Management Action Plan ............................................................................ 31
9.5 Resettlement and Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) .............................................................. 32
10 FEASIBILITY REPORT ............................................................................................. 33
11 FINAL LOCATION SURVEY....................................................................................... 36
11.1 Staking of final center line and right of way ....................................................................... 36
11.2 Proper Protection of Points of Reference ............................................................................ 36
11.3 Boundary Pillars .............................................................................................................. 37
12 SOIL AND MATERIALS SURVEYS ............................................................................. 38
12.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 38
12.2 Study of Available Information .......................................................................................... 38
12.3 Soil Investigations for Low Embankments .......................................................................... 38
12.4 Special Investigations for High Embankments..................................................................... 42
12.5 Soil Investigations for Cut Sections.................................................................................... 42
12.6 Special Investigations in Landslide-Prone Areas .................................................................. 43
12.7 Geo-technical Investigations and Sub-Soil Exploration ......................................................... 43
12.8 Subgrade Characteristics and Strength .............................................................................. 44
12.9 Detailed Investigation for Flexible Pavement Design ............................................................ 44
12.10 Detailed Investigation for Rigid Pavement Design ............................................................... 45
12.11 Naturally Occurring Aggregates for Pavement Courses ........................................................ 45
12.12 Manufactured Aggregates (Brick Aggregate) ...................................................................... 45
12.13 Manufactured sand .......................................................................................................... 46
12.14 Manufactured Items ........................................................................................................ 46
12.15 Water for Construction Purposes ....................................................................................... 46
13 ROAD INVENTORY AND CONDITION SURVEY ......................................................... 51
13.1 Road and Pavement Investigations .................................................................................... 51

13.2 Road Inventory Surveys ................................................................................................... 51
13.3 Pavement Investigation .................................................................................................... 52
14 DRAINAGE STUDIES ............................................................................................... 55
14.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 55
14.2 High Flood Level.............................................................................................................. 55
14.3 Depth of Water-Table ....................................................................................................... 56
14.4 Ponded Water Level ......................................................................................................... 56
14.5 Special Investigations for Cut-Sections............................................................................... 56
14.6 Surface Run-off ............................................................................................................... 57
15 CROSS-DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ............................................................................ 58
15.1 Selection of Site .............................................................................................................. 58
15.2 Collection of Data for New Structures ................................................................................ 58
15.3 Design of Cross-drainage Structure ................................................................................... 59
15.4 Data where improvements are proposed to existing drainage structures ............................... 60
PROJECT REPORT (DPR) ......................................................................................... 61
16.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 61
16.2 Project Report ................................................................................................................. 61
16.3 Pavement studies ............................................................................................................ 63
16.4 Material, labour and equipment ........................................................................................ 64
16.5 Rates and cost estimates.................................................................................................. 64
16.6 Economic and financial analysis (where required): .............................................................. 64
16.7 Construction programming ............................................................................................... 64
16.8 Miscellaneous items ......................................................................................................... 65
16.9 Estimate ......................................................................................................................... 67
16.10 Drawings ........................................................................................................................ 67
16.11 Check List ....................................................................................................................... 69
17 ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 70
17.1 Economic Analysis ........................................................................................................... 70
17.2 Financial Analysis ............................................................................................................ 70
18 PRE-CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES & PROJECT CLEARANCES .................................. 72
18.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 72
18.2 Environment and Social Impact Assessment ....................................................................... 72

18.3 Land acquisition process .................................................................................................. 72
18.4 Utility shifting proposals and estimates .............................................................................. 78
18.5 MOEF Clearance .............................................................................................................. 81
18.6 Forest Land Diversion ...................................................................................................... 82
18.7 Clearance from the National Board of Wild Life (NBWL) ....................................................... 84
18.8 Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ) Clearance .......................................................................... 85
18.9 Procurement of Clearance from Railways for ROB, RUB etc. ................................................. 89
18.10 Tree Felling Permission..................................................................................................... 90
18.11 Clearance for Irrigation canals: ......................................................................................... 90
18.12 Clearance for Underpasses / Overpasses : ......................................................................... 90
LOCATION ............................................................................................................... 91
APPENDIX-2 TRAFFIC GROWTH RATE ESTIMATION .......................................................... 96
RECONNAISSANCE .................................................................................................. 99
INVESTIGATION FOR A ROAD PROJECT ................................................................ 102
FOR INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION (IEE) ........................................... 103
APPENDIX -7 SURVEY AND INVESTIGATIONS FORMATS ................................................. 110
APPENDIX -8 ALIGNMENT OPTION STUDY ...................................................................... 128
EMBANKMENTS ..................................................................................................... 139
FOR HIGHWAY PROJECTS ..................................................................................... 141
MODERN TECHNOLOGY......................................................................................... 165

1.1 Preparation of highway projects involves a chain of activities, such as, study of road
network, selection of alignment, conducting field surveys and investigations, preparing
various designs, reports, drawings, estimates, schedules and bid documents etc. To be
compatible with technical requirements, specifications and standards, and to be consistent
with economy, it is essential that every project is prepared after thorough investigations
and collection of all the relevant information and complete evaluation of all possible

1.2 The extent and quality of studies and investigations have a strong influence on selection of
the most cost-effective design, estimation of quantities, cost and execution of the job itself.
As such, accuracy and completeness of surveys deserve special attention in project
preparation. This objective can be achieved by carrying out the project preparation work
either departmentally or with the help of consultants. In any case, it should be ensured
that experts having the required knowledge are deployed on the work. Use of new
technology, modern instruments and survey techniques ensure high degree of accuracy
and can speed up the work. Quality Assurance Plan, consisting of formats for conducting
various surveys and investigations, and checklists for ensuring that the designs and reports
are complete, has to be drawn before the start of field investigations.

1.3 Adequate funds should be earmarked for the work of surveys, investigations and project
preparation. Realistic estimation of funds and time required for project preparation, will go
a long way in making the project preparation a success. It will be found in the long run
that, such investment pays more than for itself in the form of well prepared and cost-
effective projects, orderly schedule of work and timely completion.

1.4 Systematic presentation of project details is no less important. The project document is the
very basis of technical, administrative and financial sanction of a project. It is also crucial
for accurate execution of work in the field. The project report should, therefore, be
comprehensive enough for proper appreciation of the proposals as well as for easy
understanding of the details. This Manual lays down guidelines both for surveys and
investigations and presentation of the project details.

1.5 The Indian Roads Congress first published this manual in 1977 and revised it in 2001.
Since then, considerable experience has been gained by the Highway Departments and
Consultants in this field, making it necessary to revise the manual. The work was taken up
by the G-1 Committee commissioned for the purpose of Project Preparation, Contract
Management, Quality Assurance and Public Private Partnership Committee of the Indian
Roads Congress. Initial revised draft of the manual was prepared by …………….

1.6 The manual was approved by Highways Specifications and Standards Committee, Executive
Committee and Council (held at Patna) of Indian Roads Congress in their meetings held on
6th Dec’19 (GSS), ……. and 19th Dec’19 (Council) respectively.

2.1 The manual deals with rural sections of Expressways, National Highways, State Highways
and Major District Roads. It does not deal with Other District Roads and Village Roads, for
which a reference may be made to "IRC:SP:20 Manual on Route Location, Design,
Construction and Maintenance of Rural Roads". However, the provisions and guidelines in
this manual are expected to be applicable to a large extent to Urban Roads also. But for
these roads, some additional specific requirements may be there, beyond those dealt in
this document. The manual deals with new construction as well as improvements to
existing roads under various modes of implementation including item rate, EPC, BOT, HAM
etc. Special aspects of each mode have been highlighted wherever necessary.

2.2 The selection of alignment of any road is generally not governed by the siting of cross-
drainage structures except in case of major bridges of length more than 60 m. IRC:SP:54
"Project Preparation Manual for Bridges" lays down guidelines covering various aspects,
which are to be detailed in the preparation of bridge projects. The survey and investigation
for culverts is covered in IRC:SP:13. For hill roads and road tunnels, reference may also be
made to IRC: 52 "Recommendations about the Alignment, Survey and Geometric Design of
Hill Roads", IRC:SP:48 "Hill Road Manual" and IRC:SP - 91 “Guidelines for Road Tunnels”.

2.3 In order to ensure that the Surveys and Investigations, Feasibility Report and Detailed
Project Report are complete, and no essential detail is missed, checklists for each of those
activities are presented in the Appendices - 6, 9.

2.4 It should be understood clearly that the extent of operations involved in surveys and
investigations including the detailing of the individual aspects, would depend very much on
the size and scope of each project and the class of the highway. Depending on the needs
of the situation, one or more phases of investigations might be curtailed, telescoped or
made more extensive than prescribed in this manual.

2.5 The order in which various surveys are discussed in the manual, should not be taken to
mean that such work must strictly follow the same pattern or sequence. Some of the
surveys could easily be initiated in advance and carried out simultaneously overlapping
each other. For example, some results of soil and materials survey and study of cross-
drainage structures would be needed as an essential input to the Feasibility Report. But
more detailed investigations on these aspects may be continued in the detailed engineering
phase. It should be up to the Client to exercise discretion and adopt a flexible approach.
The requirements of the funding agencies or the Client according administrative approval,
may also result in rescheduling the sequence of activities, and in redefining the extent of
coverage of each activity.


3.1 Stages
Broadly, the stages involved in the preparation and sanction of Project are:
a. Pre-feasibility study
b. Feasibility Study
c. Detailed Project Report
d. Project Clearances

3.2 Pre-feasibility study

3.2.1 In some cases, it may be necessary to prepare a pre-feasibility report to enable a funding
agency or private financier or the Project Authority itself, to appreciate the broad features
of the project, the levels of financial involvement and probable returns.

3.2.2 At this stage, the viability of the Project has to be established by carrying out minimum
surveys and investigations, in the least possible time. In order to do that, one has to
largely depend on desk top study of the available data, exploration of alignments on the
digital maps, and field reconnaissance to understand and decide the features of the
proposed project highway.

3.2.3 Road Net Work in the project influence area shall be studied to understand the primary
road corridor in which the project road falls, the alternative routes available between the
proposed origin and designation, and to assess the traffic likely to be attracted to the
project road after its upgradation. Available traffic data on the project corridor and the
region, can be collected from the field to estimate the possible revenue.

3.2.4 Various alignment options shall be prepared on digital maps in accordance with the criteria
given in section 4, and the optimum alignment shall be selected by the Client with due care
to avoid environmentally / ecologically sensitive areas. The final alignment should aim at
reduction in length, travel time, travel costs between the origin and destinations, life cycle
costing etc., in addition to improvement in the existing geometric features / elements.

3.2.5 A minimum of reconnaissance survey, inventory and condition surveys of road and
structures shall be conducted for the selected alignment, and based on these inventories,
preliminary project upgradation proposals shall be made, and corresponding cost estimates
shall be prepared. Traffic forecast and revenue estimation shall be done based on
preliminary assessment of traffic from secondary data. And finally, economic and financial
analysis shall be carried out using the projected traffic and cost of the project, and viability
shall be established.

3.2.6 Prefeasibility Report can be used by the Client to decide if the project is viable and if it
should proceed further for feasibility study and preparation of detailed project report.

3.3 Feasibility Study
In the event that the Client decides to conduct feasibility study and the detailed project
report, it is required to carry out detailed surveys and investigations. Feasibility Study also
aims to establish whether the proposal is acceptable in terms of soundness of engineering
design and expected benefits from the project, for the investments involved.

Detailed road & structure inventory and condition surveys, possible upgradation proposals,
detailed topographic surveys, detailed traffic surveys and projections, soil, material and
geo-technical investigations, environmental and social impact assessment, shall be carried
out for the purpose of feasibility study. It is ideal to carry out sub-soil investigations at
feasibility stage for a better estimation of project viability. A detailed scope of conduct of
feasibility study is presented in section 10 of this code.

In feasibility study, project cost will be estimated based on the preliminary designs of the
highway, structures and other miscellaneous components and facilities. Due to the advent
of LiDAR, NSV and other modern survey equipment, one shall have to invariably establish
the primary control points and capture the details of all the features along the alignment,
including the exhaustive point cloud required for development of a digital terrain model at
this point of time. So, only detailed structural designs remain for the DPR stage. However,
project clearances will be an important activity that would be taken up after receiving the
in-principle approval / administrative approval / stage I clearance (as the case may be)
from the competent authority of the Client.

3.4 Detailed Project Report

3.4.1 Detailed Project Report covers detailed design of highway including geometrical design,
pavement design, design of structures, drainage studies, environment impact assessment
(EIA) studies and preparation of environment management plan (EMP), social impact
assessment (SIA) and preparation of resettlement action plan (RAP), preparation of
detailed drawings, estimates, implementation schedules and bid documents. It shall be
prepared in accordance with section 16 of this code. On the basis of the Detailed Project
Report, Technical Approval and Financial Sanction (TA and FS) are accorded to the project,
enabling it to be executed.

3.4.2 For externally funded projects, the requirements at various stages are different and the
agencies may ask for specific information involving various degree of accuracy of survey
and investigations. The sequence of survey operations and project preparation may thus,
have to be structured to meet the specific needs of the project, its funding option and the
requirements of the authority sponsoring it.

Fig. 3.1. gives a flow chart of the operations involved in highway project preparation.

3.5 Project Clearances:

3.5.1 The process of land acquisition needs to be started immediately after finalising the
alignment. Provisions of the appropriate Land Acquisition Act will govern the various steps
to be followed in the process of land acquisition. Depending on the quantum of land
acquisition, creation of separate land acquisition authority is generally necessary.
Acquisition of Government land, Private Land, Forest Land and land falling under Costal
Regulation Zone, etc. will attract different acts/regulations.

3.5.2 The various steps in land acquisition, namely, appointment of exclusive competent
authority (CALA), if required, declaring intention of acquisition, issuing notices and giving
hearing to the affected parties, joint measurements, final notices and acquisition of the
land, etc. require considerable time and need to be closely monitored to acquire the land
within the desired time limit.

3.5.3 Temporary and permanent structures coming in the alignment, trees need to be cut,
including those in the forest lands, need special attention for obtaining
permission/valuation from the Competent Authority. Similarly, obtaining permission of the
Ministry of Forest and Environment for the forest land, Wild Life Clearance and the land
coming in the coastal regulation zone need to be processed in time.

3.5.4 Detailed procedures for obtaining various project clearances are presented in section 18 of
this manual.

4.1 The fundamental principle of route selection and alignment improvement is to achieve
the least overall cost on transportation, having regard to the costs of initial
construction of the highway facility, its maintenance, and road user cost, while at the
same time, satisfying the social and environmental requirements.

4.2 Different possibilities exist for route selection and alignment improvement. There can
be a totally green field alignment, or improvement of the existing road is done with
bypasses and realignments. Green field alignment alternatives shall be prepared by
using survey of India toposheets / satellite imageries / digital maps etc., duly
considering various factors listed in Appendix-1 and in Fig. 4.1. It should be
understood that all these factors may not be applicable to each and every highway
project and some of them, even if applicable, may not be feasible in many
circumstances. For each case, the Client has to exercise judgement to reach an
optimum solution, in the light of the fundamental principle of minimum transportation
cost enunciated earlier.

4.3 Where the project involves improvements to an existing road, every effort should be
directed towards removing the inherent deficiencies with respect to

a. Lane configuration and cross-sectional elements

b. Sight distance/visibility in horizontal as well as vertical plane
c. Cross-drainage structures
d. Road side drainage provisions as well as area drainage considerations
e. Safety features.

4.4 Any disregard of these aspects may lead to unnecessary expenditure, since at a later
date the alignment may again have to be improved at a considerable extra cost. It is,
therefore, imperative that the final center line of the road with respect to which, the
improvements are designed and to be carried out, is fixed with great care in view of
ultimate geometric requirements and economy. The other important point is removal
of structural deficiencies with an eye on future needs with respect to pavement, cross
drainage and area drainage requirement, etc.

4.5 Proper location and orientations of cross-drainage structures is an important factor in

the selection of the road alignment. Their importance increases with their length and
cost. In general, for bridges having length between 60 and 300 m, location of the
bridges as well as alignment of the approaches will have equal priority and should be
well coordinated. For bridges of length more than 300 m, siting for the bridges will be
primary guiding factor in route selection. For structures having length less than 60 m,
highway alignment will guide the siting of the bridges.

4.6 Apart from engineering factors, environmental impact of the proposal should be fully
kept in view in terms of such aspects as air pollution, damage to life systems, soil
erosion, drainage pattern, landscaping, disruption of life of local communities, etc.

4.7 Comparison of overall cost shall be carried for various greenfield alignment options
and improvement of the existing alignment and the alignment option involving
minimum overall cost shall be selected.

Note: For assessing environmental impact of highway projects, a reference may be

made to section 9 of this manual.

IRC : SP : 19-2020


5.1 The economy of a region and its transport infrastructure are inter-related. The
economic justification for a highway project often depends upon the economic
activities in the region and potential for their further growth. The growth of traffic on
the roads is likely to be governed by the inter-relationship between transport demand
and certain selected economic indicators. A survey of the economic profile is, thus, an
important component in project preparation.

5.2 The economic profile data are generally collected at two levels, viz., (a) Region or
State and (b) Project influence Area. The regional economic profile gives an idea of
how the economic growth has taken place in relation to growth of traffic, thus, giving
a basis for estimation of future growth of traffic for various scenarios of economic
growth. The Project Influence Area is the zone in the near vicinity of the highway
project where investments in the project serve as a catalytic agent towards the speedy
development of the area. Such a development generates additional traffic other than
the normal. It may be sometimes necessary to collect data pertaining to other zones
far from the region, if it has the potential to affect the traffic on the project corridor.

5.3 The economic profile survey of the region should enable the presentation of an
overview of the region's/ state's economy, population and transport system over the
past years and projected to future years. The data should be collected for at least past
ten years.

5.4 The socio-economic status of the Road Influence Area should provide a descriptive
and quantified profile from available data on population, agricultural production, area
under crops, annual industrial and mining production by type of establishment,
tourism potential and the inputs and outputs moving by road. Information on major
planned development projects (type of establishment and expected annual production)
should also be collected.

5.5 The historical trend data should be analyzed statistically to determine the growth
trends and elasticity of traffic with respect to population, industrial production and
agricultural output. The planned rates of growth of those selected indicators viz., GDP,
NSDP, Per Capita Income, Population in the future should be obtained and used in the
estimation of traffic.

IRC : SP : 19-2020


6.1 General
Information about traffic is indispensable for any highway project, since it would form
the basis for the design of the pavement, fixing the number of traffic lanes, design of
intersections and economic appraisal of the project, etc.

6.2 Network Study

It is important to study the road network in and outside the project influence area to
understand the purpose of the project highway under consideration and its importance.
The current traffic on the adjacent road network, the impact of improvement of the
current project highway on the rest of the road network, the diversion of traffic from
the existing network on account of the reduction in length and time of travel through
the Project Highway, can be established by proper study of the road network.

Traffic surveys are required to be conducted / data to be collected in connection with

the preparation of road project are as under:

a. Classified Traffic Volume Counts

b. Origin-Destination Surveys
c. Speed and delay studies
d. Turning Movement surveys at intersections
e. Traffic Surveys for Replacing Railway Level Crossings with Over Bridges/Subways
f. Axle Load Surveys
g. Accident Records
h. Pedestrian and Animal cross movement count
i. Truck terminal / Parking surveys.
The purpose and method of surveys is presented in this section and the formats for
data collection are included in Appendix 7.

6.3 Classified Traffic Volume Counts

6.4.1 Classified Traffic Count is the basic study required in connection with many types of
highway projects. A system of traffic census is in vogue in the country under which 7
days traffic counts are taken once or twice a year. The data from these can be
judiciously made use of, if the census points fall on the proposed highway project.
Nevertheless, it is always desirable to undertake fresh traffic surveys. Guidance may be
taken from IRC:9 "Traffic Census on Non-Urban Roads." The count stations should be
selected such that the results represent the traffic flow in homogeneous sections of the
highway. The classified traffic volume count survey should be done preferably by using
ATCC systems or Infrared Traffic Loggers or Videography or any equivalent later
technology. In locations where there are site constraints, Traffic count may be done
manually with specific approval from the authority.

6.4.2 A seven days count will give the Average Daily Traffic (ADT). This value may be
converted to Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) by applying seasonal factors and / or
by using conversion factors from any continuous traffic count in the region.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

6.4.3 When traffic census data from existing count stations are compiled, it may be found
useful to collect past data (preferably about 10 years) so as to establish meaningful
growth trends in the past for each vehicle class. Secondary data like fuel sales at
nearest fuel stations may be considered if past traffic data is not available. Data
pertaining to revenue collected at the Toll Plazas in the adjoining packages, or in the
region may also be collected and judiciously used for estimation of past trends.

6.4 Origin-Destination (O-D) Surveys

6.4.1 When a new road is being planned, or extensive improvements are to be carried out to
an existing road, or when a bypass is under consideration, the amount of traffic likely
to use the highway cannot be ascertained from a simple census and it may become
necessary to collect information about the origin and destination of the traffic passing
through the area in which the road is situated. The origin and destination data should
be comprehensive enough to cover all roads likely to be affected by the proposed
scheme. The points at which the data is collected should be carefully chosen on the
road network such that it should be possible to derive the volume of traffic likely to use
the facility under consideration.

6.4.2 The survey should normally be conducted for three consecutive days, on sample basis,
during a representative week in the year and must encompass the weekly market day
and one working day. For exceptional cases, in heavy density corridors and where the
daily variation in the traffic is not much, at least one day's survey may be conducted on
a normal working day. Seasonal variation in traffic shall be kept in mind while
interpreting the data.

6.4.3 There are several methods available for conducting the O-D survey. Information is
available in IRC: 102 'Traffic Studies for Planning Bypasses Around Towns". Generally,
the "Roadside Interview Method (RSI)" and “Registration Plate Method (RPM)” are well-
suited for roads in rural areas and can be conveniently adopted. RSI consists basically
of interviewing drivers of vehicles at suitably located points with reference to the type
of road scheme in consideration. At these stations, the number as well as the type of
all vehicles passing the station are recorded. However, only a percentage of the drivers
at random need to be stopped and interviewed for origin, destination and other travel
particulars, like, commodity carried etc. The sampling should be systematic. Generally,
25 to 30 per cent of the vehicles may be covered in the peak periods, and 35 to 40 per
cent in the normal periods. RPM consists of noting the registration numbers of vehicles.
The sample size for Registration plate method shall be 60 to 80 percent in rural

6.4.4 The sample should be upscaled to ADT and preferably hourly based classified vehicle
type. The location of origin and destination zones will be determined in relation to each
individual station and the possibility of traffic diversion to the project road from other
road routes including bypasses. In principle, the zoning should bisect areas where
competing roads pass and the zonal configuration shall be adequate on either side of
the O-D station; thereafter, districts will serve as zones within the State. Zoning outside
the State will relate to individual or groups of States in accordance with the distance
from the O-D station. For coding purposes, code lists or code maps (to be shown to
drivers) will be prepared giving zone number and towns within that zone. The updated
(ADT) numbers shall then be presented by trip matrix. Information on weight of trucks

IRC : SP : 19-2020

should, following upscaling to ADT, be summed up by commodity type and the results
tabulated, giving total weight and average weight per truck for various commodity
types. Sample sizes for each vehicle type should also be indicated. A sample map of
Zonal Division is indicated in Fig. 1.

6.4.5 After processing the O-D results, traffic is assigned from the trip matrix's elements to
the project road's homogeneous sections, provided the route including the project road
in its improved condition is the most desirable of the alternative routes available in
terms of least vehicle operating costs.

6.5 Speed and Delay Studies

6.5.1 Highway improvements result in increased traffic and reduced congestion. Speed and
delay studies on the existing facility provide the basis for estimating the causative
problems and benefits of the improved facility.

6.5.2 The study is conveniently conducted by the "Moving Observer" method. By this method
a test vehicle is run along with the traffic stream, at approximately the perceptible
average speed of the traffic stream. A separate run is needed for each direction. The
average of around six runs ensures accuracy of results. By noting down the travel time,
including actual running time and stopped delays, the vehicles counted in the opposite
direction and those overtaken/overtaking, it is possible to calculate the volume, speed
and delay. For further information, IRC: 102 "Traffic Studies for Planning Bypasses
Round Towns" may be consulted.

6.6 Turning Movement Surveys at Intersections

6.6.1 Road intersection design requires information on directional movement of traffic in a

day. The Intersection Turning Movement Counts are necessary to understand the traffic
movements at intersections and also for design of intersections as per the local
requirement. The intersection turning movement count survey should be carried out for
successive 15 minutes period, for a minimum of 24 hours on a working day.

6.6.2 For simple 'T' or 4-way junction, the survey could be conducted by stationing
enumerators on each arm of the junction to note the number of vehicles entering
through the arm and the direction of their exit. At multi-legged junctions or rotaries,
quick judgement about the exit direction or vehicles may not be possible. In such
cases, a registration plate survey may have to be conducted. This consists of noting the
registration numbers (generally only the last three digits) of a sample of vehicles
entering the intersection.

6.6.3 Simultaneously, on each exit, the registration numbers of vehicles leaving the junction
are noted. The two sets of numbers are then matched in the office to determine the
directional movements. For recording traffic movement at a junction Table 3.1,
Intersection Design Data given in IRC: SP:41 Guidelines for the design of At-Grade
intersections in rural and urban areas shall be used.

6.6.4 Usually, it is not necessary to conduct traffic surveys on junctions where traffic on the
minor cross road is less than 100 vehicles per day.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

6.7 Traffic Surveys for Replacing Railway Level Crossings with Over Bridges/

6.7.1 Present criteria of replacing railway level crossings with over bridges/underpasses are
based on the product of gate closures and fast traffic per day. For this purpose, counts
should be taken in a week spread over three consecutive days and 24 hours each day if
such information is not already available. The number and duration of gate closures
should be ascertained from the Railway Authorities and also counted at site by
conducting a 24 hours survey.

6.7.2 Information should also be obtained on the angle of crossing of the roadway and the
railway. In case the road alignment has curves near the railway crossing, to make it a
perpendicular crossing, an index plan including these curves and the straight alignment
beyond, should also be included to study the feasibility of improving the road alignment
as part of the project for replacing the level crossing.

6.7.3 As such, for safety considerations, all the level crossings on the State Highways and
National Highways shall be replaced by an ROB or RUB. Continuation of Service roads
across the railway line shall be decided in consultation with the Authority.

6.8 Axle Load Survey

6.8.1 Axle load survey is needed to generate data for pavement design. Portable weigh
bridges are very useful for this purpose.

6.8.2 This survey shall be carried out along with classified volume count survey. Number of
days of survey will depend on the project location, the type of project and the intensity
and expected variation in traffic. This survey duration may vary between 24 hours and
3 days, but should be carried out at least for one day at the traffic count stations on a
random basis for commercial vehicles. Buses may be omitted as their weight can be
easily calculated and they do not result in excessive overloads.

6.8.3 The period of conducting the survey should also be judiciously selected keeping the
movement of commodity/destination oriented dedicated type of commercial vehicles in

6.8.4 While finalizing the design by Equivalent Standard Axle Load (ESAL), the following
should be considered:

a. Past axle load spectrum in the region as well as on the road to the extent available
b. Annual variation in commercial vehicles
c. Optimistic and pessimistic considerations of future generation of traffic
d. Generation of changing VDF factor during the project period
Portable weigh pads shall be calibrated before conducting the survey. Axle load data
shall also be collected from nearest toll plaza or weigh bridge for validating the
collected data.

6.9 Accident Records

If accident records are maintained in a methodical manner, they form a good basis for
designing the improvements at accident-prone locations on existing roads. Such

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records, if available, should invariably be consulted before deciding the improvement


6.10 Pedestrian / animal cross traffic surveys

The Pedestrian /Animal cross Counts are necessary to understand the movement of
pedestrians/ cattle crossings at the built-up areas & intersection locations and also for
providing the Pedestrian / Animal cross facilities as per the local requirement. These
shall be conducted to determine if provision of underpass for pedestrians/animals is
necessary to improve the traffic safety.

a. Pedestrian survey needs to be conducted when the alignment passes by such

locations, (e.g., schools, hospitals, etc. on one side of alignment and the village on
the other side), to decide the provision of appropriate crossing, such as, subway,
Foot Over Bridge (FOB), Pedestrian Underpass (PUP) / (CUP).

b. Surveys for provision of pedestrian crossings shall also be conducted at all junctions
being replaced by grade separators.

c. Information shall be collected from local consultations, and inputs shall be taken
from local governmental/ non-governmental agencies in selecting sites for checking
pedestrian/ animal crossing traffic surveys.

6.11 Truck Terminal / Parking surveys

Vehicle parking survey shall be conducted where the vehicles are parked along the
project highway. Truck Lay Byes can be provided at such potential locations to avoid
friction on the through traffic, and also due to safety considerations. Supplementary
surveys shall be conducted to assess the requirement for development of truck
terminals at suitable locations en route, for present and future traffic.

6.12 Traffic Projection

6.12.1 Traffic counts and O-D surveys would provide information about present traffic on the
road (in the case of existing roads), or the possible diverted traffic (in the case of new
construction, such as, bypasses). For design purpose, however, it is necessary that
classified traffic should be predicted for the future horizon year for which the facility is
to be designed.

6.12.2 Period of projection depends on the type of the project, importance of the road,
availability of finances and other related factors. For major trunk routes, the desirable
and minimum forecast periods are 15/20/30 years, (excluding the period of
construction) though occasionally an even shorter period of 10 years is adopted
depending on the policies of stage construction. In the case of lower category roads,
the desirable period of projection is 10 years, but it no case should be less than 5
years. The Design Life shall be as stipulated in the manual of specifications and
standards for different category of roads.

6.12.3 Traffic growth should be assessed in the first instance on the basis of observed trend of
traffic in the recent years and other economic indicators using the technique given in
Appendix-2. In this connection, the IRC: 108 “Guidelines for Traffic Prediction on
Rural Highways”, may be referred to. If reliable information is not available, as a broad

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guide, a compound growth rate of 5 per cent per annum could be adopted for this

6.12.4 Forecast of traffic based on past trends should also be modified for 'generated' traffic
that may be using the highway facility after it is constructed. Generated traffic is quite
distinct from the diverted traffic and represents journeys induced by reduced journey
times and higher level of travel comfort which would not otherwise have been made. It
is not necessary to allow for generated traffic on small schemes, but this may be called
for on comparatively larger projects. Estimation of generated traffic should be carried
out as per the guidelines given in IRC -108.

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Figure 6. 1 Zonal Division (Sample)

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7.1 Purpose

7.1.1 The main objective of reconnaissance survey is to examine the general character of the
area for the purpose of determining the most feasible route, or routes, for furthermore
detailed investigations. Data collected should be adequate to examine the feasibility of
all the different routes in question, as also to furnish the Client with approximate
estimates of quantities and costs, so as to enable him to decide on the most suitable
alternative or alternatives. The survey should also help in determining any deviations
necessary in the basic geometric standards to be adopted for the highway facility.

7.2 Survey Method

7.2.1 The reconnaissance survey may be conducted in the following sequence

a. Study of digital maps, topographical survey sheets, satellite imageries, aerial

photographs, if available, and agricultural, soil, geological, meteorological maps
etc., as required.
b. Aerial reconnaissance by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) (where necessary and
c. Ground reconnaissance (including another round of aerial reconnaissance for
inaccessible and difficult stretches, where called for)

7.3 Study of Survey Sheets, Maps, etc.

7.3.1 Reconnaissance begins with a study of all the available maps. The types of useful map
information which are currently available in the country are as below:

a. Survey of India (SOI) Maps.

i. The most useful maps are the topographical sheets available in the scale of
1:25,000, 1:50,000 and 1:250,000. Map coverage on 1:50,000 and 1:250,000
scale are available for the whole of India but map coverage with the preferable
scale of 1:25,000 is at present, available for about 30 percent of the country.

ii. State maps on scale 1:1,000,000.

These are useful as index maps or to indicate an overview of the project location and
are available for most of the States.

b. Apart from the above-mentioned SOI maps there are special purpose maps, like,
Forest Survey of India, Vegetation Maps on scale 1:25,000,000 showing incidence
of orchards, reserve forests, clusters of social forestry areas, etc. which may be
helpful in selection of alignment in special cases.

c. Also, maps prepared by National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning
(NBSS & LUP) indicating information on Soil, Wasteland etc., and Geological Survey
of India Maps (on scale 1:50,000 or smaller) with information on geology,

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geomorphology and changes in drainage, river courses, etc. are available for many

7.3.2 After study of the topographical features on the maps, a number of alignments feasible
in a general way are selected keeping the following points in view:

a. The alignment should take into account all the control points and should be the
shortest and most economical, compatible with the geometric requirements of
gradient and curvature.

b. Avoidance, as far as possible, of marshy ground, steep terrain, unstable hill

features and areas subject to severe climatic conditions, flooding and inundation.

c. Need of connecting important villages and towns.

d. Cross-drainage, Canal crossings and area drainage

e. Need to preserve environment and maintain ecological balance.

f. Green field alignments may reduce the distance between the origin and destination.
However, comparison of costs i.e. cost of construction, land acquisition, utility
shifting, dismantling of structures etc. between widening of the existing alignment
and green field alignment is required to finalise the alignment option.

7.3.3 Photogrammetry support to highway engineering:

Photogrammetry technology is also useful to the highway engineer in many ways.

Large scale maps on scales at 1:2,000 to 1:25,000 can be very precisely produced
through photogrammetric process. The contouring can also be produced. The contour
interval depends on the height of the camera. Very minute and precise measurements
amounting to sub-metre accuracy can be obtained. In other words, profile (with height
values) and cross-sections across highway centre-line can be extracted from optical

7.3.4 Satellite remote sensing:

This technique is used with the help of satellites. At present, it gives a resolution of the
order of 6 metres. Photographic products of imagery are available from National
Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad on scales of 1: 12,500, 1:25,000 and 1:50,000.

Major advantage of satellite imagery is, it’s repeatability, as orbiting satellites visit the
same spot on earth every few weeks. Thus, the latest information regarding the
physical features (like, the extent of a town or urban area, etc.) can be obtained to
update on the available map. The information on natural resources namely, geology,
geomorphology, land use, soil status (waterlogging, erosion, etc.), drainage, extent of
forest, etc. as available may be most useful input for the planners of highway

7.4 Aerial Reconnaissance

7.4.1 Aerial reconnaissance will provide a bird's eye view of the alignments under
consideration along with the surrounding area. It will help to identify factors, which call
for rejection or modification of any of the alignment. Aerial mobile LiDAR (Light

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Detection and Ranging) is a relatively new technology and is widely available for
undertaking aerial reconnaissance surveys. At this stage, aerial survey may also be
done using UAV with Photogrammetry also. Final decision about the alignments to be
studied in detail on the ground could be taken on the basis of the aerial

7.4.2 After collection of various maps, a tentative alignment shall be prepared for the project
road. In case of bypasses, a minimum of three alternatives shall be prepared. While
preparing alternatives, all points listed in Appendix-1 shall be considered. These
alternatives shall be verified during ground reconnaissance survey for further

7.5 Ground Reconnaissance

7.5.1 Various alternative routes located as a result of the map study are further examined in
the field by ground reconnaissance. As such, this part of the survey is an important link
in the chain of activities leading to selection of the final route.

7.5.2 General reconnaissance consists of general examination of the ground walking or riding
along the probable route and collecting all available information necessary for
evaluating the same. In the case of hill sections, it may sometime be advantageous to
start the reconnaissance from the obligatory point situated close to the top. If an area
is inaccessible for the purposes of ground reconnaissance, recourse may be had to
aerial reconnaissance to clear the doubts.

7.5.3 While carrying out ground reconnaissance, it is advisable to leave reference pegs to
facilitate further survey operations.

7.5.4 Instruments generally used during ground reconnaissance include hand held GPS,
Walkie-talkie sets and mobile phones for communication.

7.5.5 In difficult hilly and forest terrain assistance of Global Positioning System (GPS) or
Differential GPS (DGPS) may also be taken where the magnitude and importance of the
work justify their provision. GPS is a comparatively new technology which utilizes the
satellites orbiting around the earth. A minimum of four satellites are needed to indicate
the co-ordinates (X, Y, Z) on the ground at any time of day and night. The observations
are made to an accuracy of nearly a few metres or so. For more precise work with
accuracy of a few centimeters, two geo-receivers are used and this mode of using two
GPS is known as differential GPS (DGPS).

7.5.6 Points on which data may be collected during ground reconnaissance are listed in

7.6 Alignment Report

Based on the information collected during the reconnaissance survey, a report should
be prepared. The report should include all relevant information collected during the
survey, a plan to the scale of 1:50,000 or larger as available showing the alternative
alignments studied along with their general profile and rough cost estimates. It should
discuss the merits and demerits of the different alternatives to help the selection of one
or more alignments for detailed survey and investigation. For selection of most feasible
option, quantitative approach may be followed as illustrated in Appendix-8.

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8.1 Purpose

8.1.1 Preliminary survey is a relatively large-scale instrument survey conducted for the
purpose of collecting all the physical information, which affects the proposed location of
a new highway or improvements to an existing highway. In the case of new roads, it
consists of running an accurate traverse line along the route previously selected on the
basis of the reconnaissance survey. In the case of existing roads where only
improvements are proposed, the survey line is run along the existing alignment. During
this phase of the survey, topographic features and other features, like, houses,
monuments, places of worship, cremation or burial grounds, utility lines, existing road
and railway lines, streams, rivers, canal crossings, cross-drainage structures, etc. are
tied to the traverse line. Longitudinal-sections and cross- sections, are taken and
benchmarks established. The data collected at this stage will form the basis for the
determination of the final center line of the road. For this reason, it is essential that
every precaution should be taken to maintain a high degree of accuracy.

8.1.2 Besides the above, general information, which may be useful in fixing design features
within close limits, is collected during this phase. The information may concern traffic,
soil, construction materials, drainage, etc. and may be collected from existing records
and through intelligent inspection/simple measurements. It may be found convenient to
divide the road into homogeneous sections from traffic consideration and prepare a
typical estimate for one km stretch as representative of each homogeneous section.
With the data collected, it should be possible to prepare rough cost estimates within
reasonably close limits for obtaining administrative approval, if not already accorded
and for planning further detailed survey and investigations. In particular, information
may be collected regarding:

a. The highest sub-soil and flood water levels, the variation between the maximum
and minimum, and the nature and extent of inundation, if any, gathered from local
enquires or other records. These should be correlated to data about the maximum
and minimum rainfall and its duration, intensity, spacing, etc. by appropriate
hydrological analysis.

b. The character of embankment foundations including the presence of any unstable

strata likes micaceous schists, poor drainage or marshy areas; etc. This is
particularly necessary in areas having deep cuts to achieve the grade.

c. Any particular construction problem of the area, like, sub-terranean flow, high level
water storage resulting in steep hydraulic gradient across the alignment canal
crossings and their closure periods. Information regarding earlier failure in the area
of slides or settlements of slopes, embankments and foundations, together with
causes thereto may also be gathered from records and enquiry where feasible.

d. In cut sections, the nature of rock i.e., hard, soft etc. should be determined by trial
pits or boreholes. This is essential to make realistic cost estimates.

8.2 Survey Procedure

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8.2.1 Topographic surveys, which are one of the most important and crucial field tasks under
the project, should normally be taken up after the completion of reconnaissance
surveys. Technologies that can meet the following accuracy levels shall be adopted.

For land-based surveys:

a. Fundamental horizontal accuracy of 5 cm or better

b. Fundamental vertical accuracy of 5 cm or better
c. More than 50 points shall be measured per sq. m and

For aerial based surveys:

a. Fundamental horizontal accuracy of 5 cm or better

b. Fundamental vertical accuracy of 5 cm or better
c. More than 10 points shall be measured per sq. m.

8.2.2 For land-based surveys, Mobile LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) or better
technology that can meet the above requirements shall be adopted. Laser used shall be
Class 1 (eye safe), 905 nm, with a maximum resolution of 2 mm and scan rate of 700 k
shots per sec. For aerial based surveys, Photogrammetry or Aerial Mobile LiDAR (Light
Detection and Ranging) or better technology that can meet above requirements shall
be adopted. Where possible, mobile/ terrestrial LiDAR and total station or better system
should be used to supplement aerial LiDAR for the final alignment chosen. Aerial based
surveys shall be used as the primary source of topographical data only in cases where a
new/green field alignment is being planned and/or major junctions are being planned
where it is necessary to significantly increase the survey corridor beyond the
capabilities of mobile LiDAR. In shadow areas such as invert levels below culverts,
terrestrial LiDAR / Total Station may be used. Where it is not feasible to use LiDAR or
better technologies for any reason, especially for small Projects, the Project Proponent
may decide to permit traditional methods of GPS/ Total Station/ Auto Level to carry out
the study. Standard operating procedures for use of Mobile LiDAR, Aerial LiDAR, Aerial
Photogrammetry are presented in Appendix 13.

8.2.3 Prior to start of the topographic survey, GPS Pillars / Traverse Pillars / Benchmark pillars
shall be erected all along the selected route. The size of each precast pillar shall be 15
cm X 15 cm X 45 cm and be cast in RCC of grade M 15 with a nail fixed in the center of
the top surface. The precast pillar shall be embedded in concrete up to a depth of
30cm with CC M10 (5 cm wide all around). The balance 15 cm above ground shall be
painted yellow. The spacing shall be 250m apart. GTS Benchmarks shall be established
on these pillars with RL and BM No. marked on it with red paint.

8.2.4 After erecting the above survey monuments, survey shall be carried out to establish the
primary control stations along the selected alignment at an interval of 2.5 km with
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). A pair of observations to be made on
control points for a duration of an hour using DGPS to observe the latitude and
longitude. After completion of all the observations on control points along the entire
alignment, they shall be converted to UTM Coordinate system based on WGS 84
Datum. These points should give Northing and Easting (X,Y coordinates). Further,
Accurate Level Control shall be established by carrying out the fly levelling on these
pillars using auto level duly connecting the traverse to nearest GTS benchmarks
established by Survey of India.

8.2.5 The width of survey corridor will generally be as given under:

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a. The width of the survey corridor should take into account the layout of the
proposed alignment including the extent of embankment and cut slopes and the
general ground profile. While carrying out the field surveys, the widening scheme
(i.e. right, left or symmetrical to the center line of the existing carriageway) should
be taken into consideration so that the topographic surveys cover sufficient width
beyond the center line of the proposed carriageway. Normally the surveys should
extend a minimum of 30 m beyond either side of the center line of the proposed
carriageway or the proposed right of way, whichever is more

b. In case the reconnaissance survey reveals the need for bypassing the congested
locations, the traverse lines would be run along the possible alignments in order to
identify and select the most suitable alignment for the bypass. The detailed
topographic surveys should be carried out along the bypass alignment approved by
Client. At locations where grade separated intersections could be the obvious
choice, the survey area will be suitably increased. Field notes of the survey should
be maintained which would also provide information about traffic, soil, drainage

c. The width of the surveyed corridor will be widened appropriately where

developments and/or encroachments have resulted in a requirement for adjustment
in the alignment, or where it is felt that the existing alignment can be improved
upon through minor adjustments.

d. Where existing roads cross the alignments, the survey will extend a minimum of
100 m either side of the road center line and will be of sufficient width to allow
improvements, including at grade intersection to be designed.

8.2.6 The detailed field surveys shall include Physical features, such as, buildings,
monuments, burial grounds, cremation grounds, places of worship, posts, pipelines,
existing roads and railway lines, stream/river/canal crossings, cross-drainage structures,
etc. that are likely to affect the project proposals. Where the survey is for improving or
upgrading an existing road, measurements should also be made for existing
carriageway, roadway and location and radii of horizontal curves. In case of highways in
rolling and hilly terrain the nature and extent of grades, ridges and valleys and vertical
curves should necessarily be covered.

8.2.7 When the detailed survey is done with the help of Total Stations, cross sections shall be
taken at 25 m interval to cover the entire survey corridor including cross roads, future
intersections, interchanges, flyovers, underpasses etc. In hilly terrain the cross sections
can be at 10 m intervals. In both the cases, cross sections can be taken at closer
intervals in sharp / steep curves, as required. In case of terrestrial / mobile / aerial
LiDAR, the equipment shall be capable of taking 300 points per sq.m with which point
cloud is generated and design is carried out. After carrying out the designs, cross
sections can be automatically generated with utmost accuracy without any
extrapolation. In case of the photogrammetry using UAV, care shall be taken to achieve
70% of overlap in imaging.

8.2.8 Additional survey shall be done for the bridges and the other cross drainage structures
as per relevant codes. Cross section of the streams, HFLs, invert levels etc. for the CD
works shall be taken with supplementary surveys using Total Station and Auto Level.
This will be integrated into the main survey data.

8.2.9 Field notes of the survey should be clear and concise, yet comprehensive enough for
easy and accurate plotting.

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8.2.10 Apart from traverse survey, general information about traffic, soil, drainage should be
collected while the traverse is being run, as mentioned in para 8.1.2.

8.2.11 In hilly areas, a 1.0 to 1.2 m wide trace cut may be made, if required, during the
preliminary survey. For details in this regard, reference may be made to IRC: 52
”Recommendations about the Alignment Survey and Geometric Design of Hill Roads".

Checklist on preliminary survey is available in Appendix-4.

8.3 Selection of Optimum Alignment in the Design office

8.3.1 Determination of the final center line of the road in the office is a forerunner to the
final location survey. This involves the following operations:

a. Making use of the maps and data from preliminary survey showing the longitudinal
profile, cross-sections and contours, a few alternative alignments for the final
center line of the road are drawn and studied and the best one satisfying the
engineering, aesthetic and economic requirements is selected.

b. For the selected alignment, a trial grade line is drawn taking into account the
controls which are established by intersections, railway crossings, streams and
other drainage requirements. In the case of improvements of an existing road, the
existing road levels are also kept in view.

c. For the selected alignment, a study of the horizontal alignment in conjunction with
the profile is carried out and adjustments made in both as necessary for achieving
proper co-ordination.

d. Horizontal curves including transitions with adequate provision for visibility are
designed and final center line marked on the map.

e. The vertical curves are designed, and the profile determined.

8.3.2 The alignment determined in the design office shall be cross checked in the field.

8.3.3 Determination of the final center line of the road forms the appropriate stage for
preparing plans and estimates for land acquisition and obtaining other clearances.

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9.1 General

9.1.1. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has become an integral part of highway
project preparation work. The main purpose of ElA is to identify the environmental
impact of the project proposal and its different alternatives, weigh their significance
and severance, propose possible mitigating measures and provide necessary
information for taking decision regarding the overall acceptability of the project from
environmental angle.

9.1.2. The subject is being briefly described in the following paragraphs but in all cases of
actual project preparation the provision in the "Guidelines for Environmental Impact
Assessment of Highway Projects" (IRC: 104) , Guidelines on Requirements for
Environmental Clearance for Road Projects (IRC: SP-93) together with relevant
circulars, notifications, guidelines and instructions issued by the Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEF & CC) shall be followed as guiding

9.1.3. The EIA comprises mainly of the following four elements:

a. Preliminary Screening and Environmental Analysis

b. Environmental Design
c. Compliance of Coastal Regulation Zonal requirements
d. Environmental Management Action Plan

In most of the cases the second element i.e. Environmental Design within its Scope will
have a brief socio-economic base-line study, assessment of special requirements viz.,
Wild Life, Forests and Coastal Regulatory Zones and preparation of a Resettlement and
Preliminary Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) may become necessary.

9.1.4. Inter-alia the following legislations need due consideration:

a. Environmental (protection) Act, 1986

b. Wild life (protection) Act 1972
c. Forest (conservation) Act, 1980
d. Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981 (amended 1987)
e. Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act ,1981 (amended 1987)
f. Coastal Zone Regulation

Note: The latest versions/amendments shall be used.

9.1.5. The provisions in the Notification of the Government of India in Ministry of Environment
and Forest and Climate Change No. S. O. 1533 dated 14.09.2006 and S.O. 2559 (E)
dated 22.08.2013 shall be followed. As per the current provisions, Expansion of
National Highways having length less than 100 km do not require Environmental
Clearance irrespective of the width of land acquisition. Also, Expansion of National
Highways having length more than 100 km but involving additional right of way or land
acquisition not exceeding 40 m on existing alignments and 60 m on re-alignments or
by-passes do not require Environment Clearance. However, obtaining environmental

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Clearance is mandatory for all new Green Field Highways irrespective of length. For
State Highways, Environmental Clearance is required only for new State Highways and
SH expansion projects in hilly terrain (above 1000 m AMSL) and or ecologically
sensitive areas.

9.1.6. Salient features of MOEF&CC "Environmental Guidelines for Highway Projects" are
covered in Appendix-11.

9.2 Environmental Analysis

A preliminary environmental/screening of the highway may be carried out to determine

the magnitude of actual and potential impact and ensure that environmental
considerations are given adequate weightage in the selection and design of the
highway improvement/construction proposals. In Appendix-5, a chart for Initial
Environment Examination (lEE) and suggested grading and protection measures have
been indicated.

Positive and negative impacts of upgrading the highway or constructing a new highway
shall be identified. Cost-effective measures may be proposed to enhance the positive
impacts and to avoid or mitigate the effect of negative impacts.

Where felt necessary, public consultation with the affected groups or involved NGO' s
may be carried out.

9.3 Environmental Design

From the Environmental analysis, all elements with potential for adverse impacts should
be identified, for which steps can then be taken to avoid/mitigate through judicious
design changes (e.g., shifting the road alignment to save trees on one side of the
road). Adverse impacts, such as, soil erosion, flooding, loss of vegetation cover, etc.
should be identified and appropriate mitigating measures, like ground cover planting,
installation of proper drainage system, etc. can be incorporated in design to reduce the
impact. Cost effective proposals may also be included in the design proposal to suitably
upgrade or enhance the environmental quality along the highway or the new alignment
in a sustainable manner. Where possible, a few stretches along the project road may be
selected for provision of facilities for non-motorized transport, which may provide an
indirect encouragement to enhancement of environmental quality.

MoEF & CC directions stipulate the use of fly-ash in construction projects. The
applicable guidelines regarding utilization of fly-ash shall be complied.

9.4 Environmental Management Action Plan

An implementation schedule and supervision programme may be prepared for timely
execution of environmental mitigation and design works and all efforts may be made to
stick to it. In important cases the programme for monitoring environmental impacts
during construction and operation should be developed. For large projects, the
requirement for institutional strengthening and training facility for personnel to be
deployed on environmental works should be specified. Any further studies of
environmental issues, which are required to be undertaken during project
implementation should be recommended. The cost of implementation of Environment
Management plan shall be added to the Total Project cost.

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9.5 Resettlement and Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP)

9.5.1 Whenever the project will entail acquisition of land, structures and other assets and
cause displacement or loss of assets within the public right of way, the project should
undertake a socio-economic base line study and prepare a Resettlement and
Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP).

9.5.2 Broadly speaking, the RAP has three main objectives:

a. To assess and bring out the impacts of land acquisition and assets for the project
civil works on the people, who own properties in the area to be acquired or live on
the land to be acquired and/or derive their income from the land or own
enterprises operating on the land to be acquired,
b. To present the entitlement policy for compensation and assistance to people
affected by the project, and
c. To prepare an action plan for delivery of compensation and assistance outlined in
the policy to the persons duly identified as entitled to such assistance.

9.5.3 The present policy of the Government is that the population adversely affected by the
project should receive benefits from it or at the least, they should not be worse off than
before because of the project. Since acquisition of land and other assets may be
unavoidable and is an integral part of project design and implementation, undertaking a
social impact assessment and preparing RAP may also be included as a part of project
design from the start and undertaken in close co-ordination with environmental analysis
and environmental action plan. Also, as far as possible involuntary settlement may be
avoided or at least minimized wherever possible, by exploring other alternative project

9.5.4 The initial screening of social and environmental impacts should be a part of final
selection of alignment. In this connection the initial Environmental Examination grading
suggested in the table in Appendix-5 may be seen.

9.5.5 In cases where displacement, loss of assets or other negative impacts on people are
unavoidable, the project should assist the affected persons with means to improve their
former living standards, income-earning capacities, production levels or at least
maintain the previous standards of living.

9.5.6 Since no civil work can be undertaken on any stretch of road before land acquisition
and payment of compensation as per RAP, it is essential that planning and
implementation of civil works may be coordinated with RAP.

9.5.7 Preparation of RAP requires a thorough understanding of the local people, and the
social, economic and cultural factors influencing their lives. It is essential that detailed
base line studies are conducted with a participatory approach through consultation with
potentially affected persons and other stake holders in the area, the local NGO's,
municipal authorities, etc. and a mutually satisfactory solution is achieved.

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10.1 A Feasibility Report is prepared after the preliminary survey is completed. The report is
intended to serve as the basis for according Administrative Approval (AA) for the
project by the Highway Department/Public Works Department. When International
funding is sought, it forms the basis for entering into negotiations with the funding
agency and concluding an agreement for loan. The Feasibility Report must establish the
economic viability and technical soundness of the alternative selected. Thus, it must be
preceded by the engineering surveys and investigations of sufficient accuracy and detail
so as to result in a fairly firm estimation of the cost of the project. It must be based on
accurate traffic projections and must contain an economic analysis.

10.2 A full account of the socio-economic profile of the state and the Road Influence Area
must be given in the Feasibility Report. The transport infrastructure of the state must
be fully described, giving details of the road/transport sector. The Feasibility Report
shall include discussion on different alternative alignments, alternative pavement design
for deciding the one most suitable option as final option. Feasibility of stage
construction should also be examined in the light of the rate of growth of traffic and
other relevant parameters.

10.3 A brief outline of the organizational structure of the Authority must be given,
establishing its adequacy in handling the project and giving details of any capacity
augmentation / support system proposed.

10.4 The Report should give a brief description of the scope of the project, it’s need, sources
of funding, budget and plan provision, selection of route alignment, cross-sectional
elements, drainage facilities and construction technology.

10.5 The methodology adopted for the various studies must be described. These include
traffic surveys, soil, material and sub-soil investigations, hydrological and drainage

10.6 The design standards and design methodology adopted must be explained.

10.7 The Report must contain a reasonably accurate estimate of costs, giving the basis for
adopted rates. Any provision for escalation of costs must be explained.

10.8 The implementation programme involving prequalification, bidding, construction

supervision and contract management must be drawn up and presented in the form of
bar chart.

10.9 The economic analysis must be based on current costs. The IRC Manual on Economic
Analysis of Highway Projects (Special Publication No. 30) gives details of the procedure
that may be adopted. Some other models like HDM IV or its latest revision developed
by the World Bank, RTEM III developed by Transport Research Laboratory U.K. after
suitable calibration for Indian conditions also can be used, if so desired. A sensitivity
analysis must be presented for the following cases:

a. Benefits minus 15 per cent

b. Base costs plus 15 per cent

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c. Base benefits minus 15 per cent and base costs plus 15 per cent
d. Implementation delay: one year

10.10 In addition to catering for the uncertainties in the generated and diverted traffic, a
sensitivity analysis shall be carried out considering the non-occurrence of the
development envisaged and/or the diverted traffic not attracted as per assumption. For
cost benefit assessment, the sensitivity analysis shall include:

a. Base Case
b. Pessimistic Scenario
c. Optimistic Scenario

10.11 The construction arrangements envisaged must be discussed. The procedure for
prequalification of contractors and for bidding and supervision arrangements must be
discussed. Generally, these shall be as per the extant policies of the Client.

10.12 In case of Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) Projects, the financial analysis with
different financial scenarios must be presented. The financial analysis may include cash
flows, minimum construction time and exploring other revenues including the tolls.

10.13 The Feasibility Report must be accompanied by the following drawings:

a. Locality map
b. Plans showing various alternative alignments considered and the selected alignment
c. Typical cross-sections showing pavement details and widening scheme
d. Plan and Profile drawings
e. Drawings for cross-drainage and other structures
f. Road junction drawings
g. Strip plan showing the salient project features
h. Preliminary land acquisition plans

10.14 The Feasibility Study shall have the following broad coverage:

10.14.1 Volume I-Main Report

a. Executive summary
b. Regional/State socio-economic profile
c. Socio-economic profile of the project influence area
d. Methodology adopted for the studies
e. Traffic surveys and analysis
f. Engineering survey investigations and analysis
g. Project road description and or improvement proposals
h. Environmental impact assessment
i. Resettlement and rehabilitation action plan
j. Project cost estimates including L.A. cost
k. Economic analysis including sensitivity Analysis and Financial Analysis
l. Conclusions and recommendations

10.14.2 Volume II-Design Report

a. Project road inventory

b. Engineering survey and investigation data
c. Design standards and specifications.

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d. Pavement and bridge design

10.14.3 Volume III-Drawings

A check list for verification of contents of the Feasibility Report is given in Appendix-6.

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11.1 Staking of final center line and right of way

11.1.1 Based on the study of the existing road network and the corridor where the project
highway falls, control points etc., the alignment options are drawn on the digital maps,
duly taking references from survey of India maps (Topo Sheets), satellite imageries
validated by field reconnaissance. Based on the feasibility of the alignment options and
their financial viability, the most optimum alignment is selected, and administrative
approval is obtained from the competent authority, through approval of pre-feasibility
report or alignment report, as the case may be.

11.1.2 After establishment of GPS Pillars for primary control, Traverse Stations and Temporary
Bench Marks for secondary control along the chosen alignment, topographic surveys
are conducted using Terrestrial / mobile / Arial LiDAR or Aerial Photogrammetry, which
are very detailed in nature. There is no way of doing preliminary surveys with these
methods. After development of the digital terrain model, preliminary designs are done,
and feasibility report is prepared. Upon receipt of approval of feasibility report from
Client, the final alignment can be transferred to the field.

11.1.3 Where topographic surveys are done by traditional methods using Total Station and
Auto Levels, Longitudinal Sections and cross sections can be taken at a larger interval
for the purpose of feasibility study. Once the feasibility study is approved, detailed
topographical survey can be done at a closer interval. But, as already explained, use of
modern equipment allows us to do detailed survey only.

11.1.4 However, it is necessary to stake the final center line on the ground for the purposes of
carrying out the pre-construction activities including land acquisition, enumeration of
utilities, trees, structures etc. After the publication of Notification for land acquisition
i.e. publication of 3A in the Gazette as per NHA act, it is possible to erect the boundary
pillars for the purpose of joint measurement survey for land acquisition.

11.1.5 The completeness and accuracy of the project drawings and estimates of quantities
depend, to a great deal, on the precision with which the final location is staked on
ground. The accuracy of the survey should be test checked by the senior professionals
of the concerned authority.

11.1.6 The final center line of the road should be suitably staked by fixing points at 50m
interval in plain and rolling terrain & 20m interval in hilly terrain. The stakes are
intended only for short period for taking levels of the ground along the center line and
cross section with reference thereto, in case of traditional survey. In the case of
existing roads, paint marks with button headed steel nails may be used instead of

11.2 Proper Protection of Points of Reference

Among other things, field notes should give a clear description and location of all the
bench marks and reference points. The information should be transferred to the plan &
profile drawings so that at the time of construction the center line and the bench marks
could be located in the field without any difficulty.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

At the time of execution, all construction lines will be set out and checked with
reference to the final center line established during the final location survey. It is
important, therefore, that not only all the points referencing the center line should be
protected and preserved but these are so fixed at site that there is little possibility of
their being disturbed or removed till the construction is completed.

11.3 Boundary Pillars

Wherever the proposed alignment follows the existing alignment, the boundary pillars
shall be fixed at an interval of 200m on either side of proposed Right of Way. Wherever
there is a proposal of realignment of the existing Highway and/or construction of New
Bypasses, boundary pillars shall be fixed along the proposed alignment on the extreme
boundary on either side of the project Highway at 50 m interval. Boundary pillars shall
be strictly provided as per IRC:25:1967.

A checklist indicating the major operations involved in the different types of survey and
investigation for a road project is given in Appendix-4.

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12.1 General

12.1.1 Investigations for soil and other materials required for construction are carried out in
respect of the likely sources and the availability and suitability of materials. Some other
investigations, for instance in respect of landslide prone locations may also be
conducted at this stage.

12.1.2 Soil and materials surveys are required:

(i) to determine the nature and physical characteristics of soil and soil profile for
design of embankment and pavement.

(ii) to determine the salt content in soil in areas known to have problems, where the
composition of the design crust requires such testing

(iii) to determine the method(s) of handling soils

(iv) to classify the earthwork involved, into various categories, such excavation in soft
rock, hard rock, hard soil etc.

(v) to gather general information regarding sub-soil water level and flooding; and

(vi) to locate sources of borrow areas for embankment,

(vii) quarries for fine aggregate and course aggregates required for pavement and
structures and to ascertain their availability and suitability for use.

(viii) locate sources of good quality water suitable for use in different items and work

12.2 Study of Available Information

12.2.1 The soil and materials location surveys should include study of all available information
such as geological maps, data published by various authorities regarding location of
construction materials and the information available with ground water authorities
regarding depth of water table etc. Soil maps prepared by the local agricultural
department and records of existing highways may also provide useful information. A
study of these data, if available, will be of great help in the planning and conduct of
further surveys and investigations. This information should be perused in conjunction
with general information gathered during the preliminary survey (see para 8.1.2).

12.2.2 After studying the available information, detailed programme of survey can be drawn
up. Points needing attention during detailed soil survey are highlighted further.

12.3 Soil Investigations for Low Embankments

12.3.1 The first operation in the detailed soil survey is to demarcate the possible borrow areas.
While demarcating borrow areas the directions contained in IRC: 36 "Recommended

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Practice for Construction of Earth Embankments and Sub-Grade for Road Works "
should be kept in view. The extent of borrow areas should be commensurate with the
volume of work involved in the embankment.

12.3.2 The general character of material excavated from test pits should be recorded and tests
conducted on it in the laboratory for properties mentioned. Where the type on material
varies in a single pit, tests should be conducted on each type of soil separately and the
horizon of occurrence is noted. Following tests should be carried out on material from
cuts for the suitability of its use in the embankment shall be ascertained:

(i) Gradation test (IS:2720 Part IV)

(ii) Liquid limit and Plastic limit (IS:2720 Part V) /

(iii) Density and optimum moisture content (IS:2720 Part VII or Part VIII as relevant)

(iv) Deleterious constituents (only in salt infested areas or where presence of salt is
suspected) (IS:2720 Part XXVII)

However, in case of highly plastic, poorly draining and unstable soils, some additional
soil tests for shrinkage properties may also need to be performed before accepting the
same either for foundation or embankment / subgrade.

12.3.3 The results of the laboratory investigations should be summarized in a convenient form
for which a proforma is suggested in Table 1. Usually this information should be
enclosed in full, with the project report. Based on results of the tests, sand content,
and classification of the soil in accordance with IS 1498 should also be determined. The
final selection of the borrow areas, whether for the body of the embankment or the
subgrade could then be made in accordance with the norms recommended in IRC:36 "
Recommended Practice for Construction of Earth Embankments and Sub-Grade for
Road Works " or MORTH Specifications. Great caution should be exercised to ensure
and mark, as far as possible, homogenous soils only for this purpose. Heterogeneous or
variable soils should be avoided. In making the selection, it should be ensured that the
best available homogeneous, soil is reserved for use in the subgrade and top 500 mm
portion of the embankment. After completing the analysis of the results, borrow area
charts similar to the sample shown in Fig. 12. 1 should be prepared.

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Table 12. 1 Suggested Proforma for Presenting Laboratory Investigation Data of

Soil for Embankment Construction

Name of the Laboratory / Institute ........................................................................

Name of the Technician .........................................................................................

Sieve analysis Percent Passing Sand

Type of 425
Date Location 4.7mm 2mm Content
Soil micron 75 micron (Col.4) -
Sieve Sieve
Sieve (Col.7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Atterberg limits (per cent) Density Test

Soil Max. Dry
Classificat Density g/cc OMC Deleterious Remarks
L.L. P.L. P.I ion (Normal per Constituents
Heavy cent
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Note : If desired, the classification could alternatively be done according to the IS system of
classification. See respective paras of IRC 36: Recommended Practice for the Construction of
Embankment of Road Work in this Regard.

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Figure 12. 1 Borrow Area Chart

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12.4 Special Investigations for High Embankments

12.4.1 The basic objective of investigations in case of high embankments is to obtain

engineering data for soil and rock, necessary for a quantitative design of embankment
at the chosen sites. Generally, for checking stability against slip failures, the basic
properties to be investigated are shear parameters, unit weight and moisture
conditions. For safety against excessive settlement, consolidation properties are
important. For investigations in such cases, services of specialists may often be needed.
Reference may also be made to IRC publication ‘IRC-75: Guidelines for the Design of
High Embankments’.

12.4.2 In addition to the above, some special considerations required have been enumerated
in Appendix-1 to this manual for locating roads in hilly areas, desert areas, water-
logged areas and areas subject to soil erosion. These points may be kept in view.

12.4.3 IRC Special Report No. 13 State of Art: High Embankment on Soft Ground Part- A-
Stage Construction Contains recommendations for foundations for high Embankments.
Special Report 14 entitled State of the Art High Embankments on Soft Ground- Part-B-
Ground Improvement. The points mentioned in them would be of help in preparation of
projects in similar situations. Software HED Version 1.0 (available with the IRC) for
design of high embankment is recommended for analysis. Slope stability analysis for
seismic forces and reinforcement force can be handled by this software. This software
has Graphic Capability.

List of laboratory tests to be conducted for highway embankment is placed as


12.4.4 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways circular No. NH-VI-50(21)/79 dated 25th
January, 1980 regarding "Investigation and Design for High Embankments at
Approaches to Bridges and Over bridges on National Highways and other Centrally
Financed Roads" has been printed with 17 Annexures in Addendum to Ministry's
Technical Circulars and Directives on National Highways and Centrally Sponsored Road
and Bridge Projects published by IRC. This circular is very exhaustive and covers basic
steps and procedures for soil investigation, typical worked out example for stability
analysis of embankments, filter design, settlement analysis, etc. (Copy of Circular is
annexed as…….)

12.5 Soil Investigations for Cut Sections

12.5.1 In the same manner as described in para 12.4 for embankment material, soil in cut
sections along the center line of the road at an elevation corresponding to the design
subgrade level should be tested for the following general properties:

i. Gradation
ii. Atterberg limits
iii. Field density and moisture content
iv. Proctor density
v. California Bearing Ratio
vi. Shear strength parameters

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12.5.2 In the case of rock cuts where necessary, trial pits or boreholes should be made to the
foundation level, to make realistic estimates of the type of cutting involved. The interval
of trial bores may be 30 to 50 m or as otherwise decided by the Engineer-in-charge
depending on specific requirements.

12.6 Special Investigations in Landslide-Prone Areas

12.6.1 Information collected during preliminary survey (see para: 8.1.2) would normally
identify the landslide prone areas along the alignment and every effort would have
been made to avoid these while fixing the center line of road. However, in case where
the same is not feasible, further investigations would be required to study the extent of
the problem and plan appropriate remedial measures. For this purpose, services of
geologist or soil specialist may often be needed.

12.6.2 Depending on the geological configuration and drainage of the area, slides may take
the form of rock or soil fall (i.e., movement of detached rock fragments at steep
angles), rock flows (i.e., soil or rock mass suddenly losing strength and flowing like a
liquid), or rotational slides (i.e., slips triggered under-cutting, erosion, external load on
upper parts of the slope, or water seepage), investigation in each case will, therefore,
depend on site conditions and the type of slide expected. These will involve collection
of information about the existing slides, sources of water in the area, substrata profile,
and other pertinent data which may facilitate inferences being drawn as to the cause,
mechanism, and potentiality of slides.

12.6.3 For detailed guidance in regard to such investigation, reference might be made to
standard publications on the subject and IRC Special Report No. 15 - "State of the Art:
Landslide Correction Techniques".

12.7 Geo-technical Investigations and Sub-Soil Exploration

12.7.1 Geotechnical investigations shall be carried out to determine the sequence, extent and
suitability of the soil and rock stratum to support the foundations of bridge or other
structure and also to determine soil parameters and rock characteristics required for design
of foundations by in-situ testing or laboratory testing of soil and rock samples collected from

12.7.2 The geotechnical investigation shall be carried out in such a way that the profiles of
different types of soil for the entire length of the proposed bridge or other structure is
obtained and recorded.

12.7.3 Subsoil exploration shall consist of excavation, drilling of boreholes for the purpose of
collection of undisturbed and disturbed samples, standard penetration tests, in situ vane
shear tests and other field tests as specified by Engineer. Relevant Indian standards such as
IS 1498, IS 1892, IS 2131, IS 2132, IS 4434, IS 4464 and annex 2 of IRC 78 shall be

12.7.4 The scheme of boring, indicating the proposed locations and the depth of boring, shall be
submitted to Client for approval.

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12.7.5 For the approach road pavement, bore holes at each major change in pavement condition or
in deflection readings or at 2 km intervals whichever is less shall be carried out to a depth of
at least 2 m below embankment base or to rock level and are to be fully logged.

12.8 Subgrade Characteristics and Strength

12.8.1 Based on the data derived from condition (surface condition, roughness) and structural
strength surveys, the project road section should be divided into segments
homogenous with respect to pavement condition and strength. The delineation of
segments homogenous with respect to roughness and strength should be done using
the cumulative difference approach (AASHTO).

12.8.2 The testing scheme is, proposed as given under:

a. For the widening (2-Laning) of existing road within the ROW, at least three sub-
grade soil samples shall be tested for each homogenous road segment or three
samples for each soil type encountered, whichever is more.

b. For the roads along new alignments, the test pits for sub grade soil shall be @ 5 km
interval or for each soil type, whichever is less. A minimum of three samples should
be tested corresponding to each homogenous segment.

12.8.3 The testing for subgrade soil shall include:

a. in-situ density and moisture content at each test pit

b. Field CBR using DCP at each test pit
c. Characterization (grain size and Atterberg limits) at each test pit and,
d. Laboratory moisture-density characteristics (modified AASHTO compaction);
e. Laboratory CBR (unsoaked and 4-day soaked CBR on samples compacted at three
energy levels) and swell.

12.9 Detailed Investigation for Flexible Pavement Design

12.9.1 New flexible pavements are to be designed in accordance with IRC:37 "Guidelines for
the Design of Flexible Pavement". General principles laid down in this publication for
moulding and testing soil specimens under different situations to use the CBR method
of design should be kept in view.

12.9.2 For new roads, the soil data already collected in earlier phases of the survey should be
studied in detail for ascertaining the variability/homogeneity of the soil profile and
planning further investigations. Where pavement design relates to
widening/strengthening of an existing road, the road should be divided into more or
less identical sections on the basis of actual performance and pavement composition,
as the basis for further testing.

12.9.3 For pavement design, apart from the general soil tests referred to earlier, CBR test
should be conducted for soaked, unsoaked or both these conditions depending on the
design requirement spelt out in IRC:37. Frequency of CBR testing may be decided
based on the soil classification tests conducted at close interval of 500 m-1,000 m.
Overall objective should be to get strength results for all changes in soil type or each
demarcated section of similar performance.

12.9.4 A suggested proforma for presenting soil investigation data pertinent to flexible
pavement design is given in Table 12.2.

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12.9.5 Overlay design shall be done by Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) using IRC 115:
Guidelines for Structural Evaluation and Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements
Using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Technique. Standard Operating Procedure
for using FWD is presented in Appendix 13.

12.10 Detailed Investigation for Rigid Pavement Design

For design of cement concrete pavement in the case of new construction, 'K' value tests
should be carried out with 75 cm diameter plate at the rate of generally, one test per
km per lane unless foundation changes warrant additional tests. Further guidance in
this respect can be had from IRC:58 "Guidelines for the Design of Rigid Pavements for

For investigations in connection with the strengthening of existing rigid pavements,

reference may be made to the IRC Special Publication 17 "Recommendations About
Overlays on Cement Concrete Pavements" and IRC: 117, “Guidelines for the Structural
Evaluation of Rigid Pavement using Falling Weight Deflectometer”.

12.11 Naturally Occurring Aggregates for Pavement Courses

The survey for naturally occurring materials, like, stone aggregates, moorum, gravel,
kankar, etc., to be employed in construction should embrace the identification of
suitable quarries for these, the amount of material likely to be available from each, and
the determination of physical and strength characteristics of the materials. The tests to
be conducted and sample pro forma for presenting the test results are shown in Tables
12.3 and 12.4. Table 12.3 is for aggregates, while Table 12.4 is for naturally occurring
materials like, moorum, gravel and soil-gravel/moorum mixtures. For every quarry
source, at least three specimens should be tested for each type of material met with.
Samples for the tests should be representative and collected in accordance with the
procedure set forth in IS:2430. Quarry charts showing the location of quarries and the
average lead of materials should also be prepared.

New road construction as well as essential maintenance and rehabilitation of existing

network use substantial quantity of material resources, like earth, stone aggregate,
binder, etc. On one hand material extraction, processing and production invariably have
adverse impact on environmental and also leads to progressive depletion of existing
resources. On the other hand, there are many heavy industries, like steel plants, power
plants, etc. which produce a large quantity of waste materials, like slag, fly ash, bottom
ash, etc. which pile up in the absence of satisfactory disposal constituting an
environmental hazard. Road research has shown that these waste materials, like slag,
fly ash, etc. can be gainfully utilised in various ways in construction of embankment,
pavement, etc. which will not only be economical in certain areas but also will solve the
disposal problem. Keeping in mind the environmental need and over-all economy in use
of material resources, project preparation should aim at maximum utilization of these
substitute materials in the construction process.

12.12 Manufactured Aggregates (Brick Aggregate)

Where the use of brick aggregates is envisaged, a survey should be made to identify
the location and average lead from the work site of existing kilns capable of producing
overburnt bricks/ brick bats. Where suitable kilns are not in operation, the survey
should indicate the possibility of opening new kilns for the purpose.

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12.13 Manufactured sand

Manufactured sand could be utilised in construction where natural sand is not easily
available subject to meeting the specifications stipulated.

12.14 Manufactured Items

For manufactured items, like lime, cement, steel and bitumen, information about their
sources of supply and the distance of the nearest rail-head from the location of works
should be gathered during the survey. For lime, in addition to source and lead, the
information should cover its purity.

12.15 Water for Construction Purposes

Information should also be gathered about the availability of water near the work site
and its suitability in conformity with IS:456 for construction purposes.


Average Annual Rainfall


Sieve analysis % by weight Field dry

location Attenberg Limits **CBR of **CBR of Depth of
passing density at
Nature remoulded remoulded water able
Sand subgrade
of Soil Max. dry soil soil below sub-
content OMC level for
Date of Cut/fill/ (Visual 75 (Col.5, Liquid Plastic Plasticity density
% existing
samples samples grade under
4.75mm 4.25mm
sampling km existing identific Micron Col7) Limit (LL) Limit Index gm/cc
roads or
tested soaked in works
ation) sieve sieve without water for 4 condition
road sieve % (PL) % (PP) new roads
soaking days (m)
in cutting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Note: **The moulding density (Whether Proctor density or field density) and the testing condition of samples (soaked or unsoaked) will depend on the nature of circumstances
and design requirement. In some cases only unsoaked CBR values may be needed in others only soaked values, and in some, both unsoaked and soaked values. Both
columns 15 & 16 do not therefore have to be filled in each and every case. For further guidance in this regard, references should be made to IRC 37-2001 "Guidelines for
the Design of Flexible Pavements"

IRC : SP : 19-2020


State :
District :
Date of Testing :

Flakiness index Remarks Addl.

Aggregate Impact Value**
***(IS:2386 Part-I) regarding Remarks like
Location and Type of Rock performance old / new
name of (General Watch of the quarry,
** Abrasion Surprising
quarry if any group, specimen* Absorption aggregate approximate
Value Dry test Value ****
(Correlated classification No. Wet test (IS:2386 Nominal Size Nominal Size wherever a quantity
(IS:2386- (IS:2386 (IS:6241)
with index or trade (IS:5640) Part-III) 40mm 20mm systematic available,
Part-IV) Part-IV)
map) name) evaluation existing
has been access to
made quarry etc.,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12




Note : * For every quarry source, at least 3 specimens should be tested for each type of material met with
** For hard aggregates, like, stone metal, any one of the two tests given in columns 4 & 5 may be conducted
Wet test in column 6 has to be done in th ecase of soft aggregates like laterite, kankar, brick metal etc.,

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*** Not required to be carried out for soft aggregates, likes, laterite, kankar, brick metal etc.,
**** To be performed only when the material is to be used in bituminous constructions.

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Date of Testing :

Gradation : Per cent by weight passing the Atterberg limits (IS:2720-Part- Proc
Location and name General Sieve (IS:2720-Part-IV) V)
of quarry if any description Specimen
(correlated with of the No 75 Liquid Plastic
80 40 20 10 4.75 2.36 600 Plasti
index map) material micron Limit (LL) Limit (PL)
mm mm mm mm mm mm micron Index
% %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14




Note : *** Tested in accordance with IS:2720 Part XVI on samples prepared at Proctor density, OMC and
Soaked in water for 4 days.

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Many highway projects involve improvement to an existing road

(strengthening/widening) or construction of new facilities (bypasses), which are an
improvement in traffic conditions over the existing facility. In all these cases, the scope
of improvement measures and economic justification for them depends upon the
condition of the existing road. It therefore, becomes necessary to prepare a road
inventory and carryout condition survey.

Suggested formats are indicated in the Appendix-7.

In some Highway Departments/ Public Works Department, systematic data on roads

and bridges is maintained and updated periodically. They are known as Road Registers
and Bridge Registers. For national highways and many state highways there is an
existing system of maintaining inventory. Wherever available, these data may be
consulted and made use of.

The best way of preservation of collected data is to keep them in a computer-based

road data bank. With the proliferation and increasing use of computers of different
denominations in engineering works, this may soon become the usual method. With
this expectation in view a brief note on introduction of computer-based road data bank
is placed in Appendix-11.

In case the above sources are not available, a fresh road inventory shall have to be
prepared. In any case, for preparation of DPR, the agency deployed for the purpose
may have to carry out the inventory and condition survey to confirm the records being
maintained by the Department and carry out the detailed designs.

13.1 Road and Pavement Investigations

Detailed field studies shall be carried out in respect of road and pavement. The data
collected through road inventory and pavement investigations should be sufficient to
meet the input requirements of HDM-IV.

13.2 Road Inventory Surveys

Detailed road inventory surveys shall be carried out to collect the following details of
the existing road and pavement features.

a. Terrain (flat, rolling, mountainous);

b. Land-use (agricultural, commercial, forest, residential etc.) @ every kilometer;
c. Carriageway width, surfacing type @ every 500m and every change of feature
whichever is earlier;
d. Shoulder surfacing type and width @ every 500m and every change of feature
whichever is earlier;
e. Sub-grade / local soil type (textural classification) @ every 500m and every change
of feature whichever is earlier;
f. Horizontal curves; vertical curves;
g. Road intersection type and details, at every occurrence;
h. Retaining structures and details, at every occurrence;
i. Location of water bodies (lakes and reservoirs), at every occurrence;

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j. Height of embankment or depth of cut @ every 200m and every change of feature
whichever is earlier.
k. Land width i.e. ROW from the boundary pillars & building lines
l. Culverts, (type, size, span arrangement and location)
m. Roadside arboriculture
n. Existing utility services on either side within ROW.
o. General drainage conditions

13.3 Pavement Investigation

a. Pavement Composition

i. The data concerning the pavement composition may be already available with
the PWD. However, trial pits shall be made to ascertain the pavement
composition. Alternately, Ground Penetration Radar of appropriate configuration
may be deployed to identify the pavement layers by non-destructive means.

ii. If a test pit is made, the following information shall be recorded for each test

• test pit reference (Identification number, location):

• pavement composition (material type and thickness); and
• subgrade type (textural classification) and condition (dry, wet)
• embankment (composition and geometry)

b. Road and Pavement Condition Surveys

Detailed field studies shall be carried out to collect road and pavement surface
conditions. The data should generally cover:

• pavement condition (surface distress type and extent);

• shoulder condition;
• embankment condition; and
• drainage condition

i. Pavement Condition

• cracking (narrow and wide cracking), % of pavement area affected

• raveling, % of pavement area affected;
• potholing, % of pavement area affected; no. of pot holes, classified;
• edge break, length (m);
• rut depth, in mm

ii. Shoulder Condition

• Paved: Same as for pavement

• Unpaved: material loss, rut depth and corrugation,
• Edge drop, in mm.

iii. Embankment Condition

• general condition; and

• extent of slope erosion
• deficiency in design slope – flatter or steeper than the required

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iv. Drainage Condition

• General condition
• Connectivity of drainage turnouts into the natural topography
• Condition in cut sections
• Condition at high embankments

The objective of the road and pavement condition surveys shall be to identify
defects and sections with similar characteristics. All defects shall be systematically
referenced, recorded and quantified for the purpose of determining the mode of

i. In addition to visual means, the pavement condition surveys shall be carried out
using Network Survey Vehicle mounted with equipment such as high resolution
cameras, digital laser profilometer, transverse profiler, the data from which
should be geo-referenced using a DGPS receiver and in-vehicle data processing
software, or equivalent technology to accurately measure the pavement surface
properties covered earlier. This vehicle also takes the images of the assets to
generate the road inventory. The Pavement Camera in the rear of the vehicle
takes the pictures of the pavement showing the distress. The transverse profile
logger (TPL) measures the rut depth, roughness and the camber of the
pavement with the help of the lasers fitted on the TPL. The measurements
made should be having an accuracy of at least 1.0m.

ii. Supplemented by actual measurements and in accordance with the widely

accepted methodology (AASHTO, IRC, OECD, TRL and World Bank Publications)
adapted to meet the study requirements, the measurement of rut depth can
also be made using standard straight edges, where NSV is not being used.

iii. The shoulder and embankment conditions shall be evaluated by visual means
and the existence of distress modes (cuts, erosion marks, failure, drops) and
extent (none, moderate, frequent and very frequent) of such distress
manifestations would be recorded.

iv. For sections with severe distresses, additional investigations as appropriate shall
be carried out to determine the cause of such distresses.

v. Middle 200m could be considered as representative sample for each one km. of
road and incase all other things are considered similar.

The data obtained from the condition surveys should be analyzed and the road
segments of more or less equal performance may be identified using the criteria given
in IRC: 81-1997.

c. Pavement Roughness

i. The roughness surveys shall be carried out using a network survey vehicle
mounted laser profilometer or better technology. A standard operating
procedure for using Net Work Survey Vehicle is presented in Appendix 13.

In addition, the following criteria should be met by the process of defect


IRC : SP : 19-2020

• Roughness measurement with outputs of both raw longitudinal profiles and

IRI calculation shall be reported at 100m referenced to the preceding (Linear
Reference Points) LRP. The roughness must meet ASTM-E950 (equivalent to
Class I road profiler).

• The IRI shall be determined for both wheel-paths over a minimum length of
250m for a minimum of 6 calibration sites with a roughness range between
2m/km and 8m/km. Calibration shall be made for speeds of 20, 30, 40, 50,
60 km/h.

ii. The surveys shall be carried out along the outer wheel paths. The surveys shall
cover a minimum of two runs along the wheel paths for each direction.

iii. The results of the survey shall be expressed in terms of BI and IRI, and shall be
presented in tabular and graphical forms. The processed data shall be analyzed
using the cumulative difference approach to identify road segments
homogenous with respect to surface roughness.

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14.1 General

14.1.1 Drainage of highway refers to the satisfactory disposal of surplus water within the
highway limits. The water involved may be precipitation falling on the road, surface run
off form the adjacent land, seepage water moving through sub-terranean channels, or
moisture rising by capillary action. Adequate information about drainage patterns is
necessary to devise an effective drainage system, which brings into focus the need for
requisite studies and investigations.

14.1.2 Drainage studies have the following principal objectives:

a. fixing the grade line of the road

b. design of pavement
c. design of the surface/sub-surface drainage system, and
d. design of cross drainage structures

14.1.3 Main components of the drainage investigation are determination of catchment area,
HFL and ponded water level, depth of water table, range of tidal levels, where
appropriate and the amount of surface runoff. Besides this, for cut sections in rolling
and hilly areas, it would be necessary to carry out special investigations for sub-
terranean flows and seepage of irrigation water from fields situated above the road.

14.1.4 Extent of studies and the data to be collected will depend on the type and scope of the
project. Preliminary information could be collected through site inspection, single
measurements and local enquiry. Most appropriate time for such enquiries is during the
stage of preliminary survey (see section 8) so that the information gathered can be of
use in fixing the alignment and finalizing the broad strategy for improving the drainage.
Detailed investigations could continue till the final location survey, when any
adjustment in light of further data could still be made before the project is finally ready.
In the case of cut sections, investigations for seepage and sub-terranean flows may
generally have to be done again at the stage of formation cut, when new features may
come to light warranting modifications in design or the need for special measures.

14.2 High Flood Level

14.2.1 HFL governs the road top level and the grade, and its reasonably precise estimation is
particularly important. The design HFL should be based on a return period depending
upon the importance of the structure. Information in this regard can normally be had
from the irrigation department, who maintains and analyzes such data. Inspection and
local enquiry can often provide very useful information, such as marks left on guide
bunds, river banks, trees or structures indicating the maximum flood level. HFLs so
determined should also be compared with those for the adjoining sections of the road
or nearby railway/irrigation embankments to correct any mistake.

14.2.2 Construction of a highway embankment may sometime block the natural drainage
paths and cause heading up of water on upstream side. In finalizing the HFL, due
allowance for the possible afflux in such circumstances must be made. Preferably,
adequate number of openings shall be provided to avoid heading up of water on
upstream side.

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14.3 Depth of Water-Table

14.3.1 Knowledge of high water-table (for various return periods) is necessary for fixing the
subgrade level deciding the thickness of pavement and taking other design measures
such as provision of capillary cut-offs or interceptor drains. Depth of water-table may
be measured in open wells along the alignment or in holes specially bored for the
purpose. Usually, observations should be taken at intervals of one kilometre or less,
preferably at the time of withdrawal of the monsoon, when the water-table is likely to
be the highest. If there is any evidence of spring flow in the test holes, this should be
carefully recorded. The depth of water table should be measured with reference to a
common datum.

14.3.2 Besides high water table, it may be helpful to know the fluctuations in water-table. For
this purpose, measurements of the lowest water-table in the driest month should also
be made.

14.3.3 In areas, where the climate is arid and the water-table is known to be at least one
metre below the general ground level, depth of water table need not be measured.

14.4 Ponded Water Level

In situation where water stagnates by the roadside for considerable period, e.g.,
irrigated fields etc., information about the level of standing water should also be
collected and considered for design in conjunction with HFL and water-table.

14.5 Special Investigations for Cut-Sections

14.5.1 In cut sections in rolling or hilly terrain, the problem of seepage flows is common. The
seepage water may be due to high water-table, sub-soil water moving through
subterranean channels, where a permeable soil layer overlies an impermeable stratum,
or irrigation water in adjoining fields situated at a higher level. Where such conditions
exist, it may be necessary to intercept the seepage flow to prevent saturation of the

14.5.2 Preventive measures in this regard can consist of deep side drains of open or French
type (to check sideway seepage or lower the water-table), buried transverse drains (to
cut-off the longitudinal sub-surface flow, underneath the pavement, especially at the
transition from cut to fill sections), or blanket course/sub-drains below the pavement in
combination with side drains (to protect the pavement from excess hydraulic pressure).
Actual treatment in each case will depend on factors such as the intensity of seepage,
depth of the permeable strata etc., for which investigations would be required.

14.5.3 Analysis of water-table information (see para 13) in conjunction with the surface profile
will indicate the possible problematic areas with regard to seepage flows. As an adjunct
to this, ground within the highway limits should be surveyed soon after the rainy
season to visually identify the seepage zones, normally characterized by wet areas and
patches. The following detailed investigations could then be taken up at these locations
to decide the appropriate drainage measures against seepage:

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a. Soil profile of the area i.e. soil type and the depth of various strata.
b. The head under which seepage water is flowing and its hydraulic gradient. This
could be measured through a series of stand pipes placed in observation holes.
c. Permeability tests on strata through which the ground water is flowing.

14.5.4 It is desirable that investigations for seepage flows may have to be repeated during
execution, particularly at the stage of formation cut, when it may be possible to make a
closer examination to locate the seepage areas more accurately. The additional
observations may warrant changes in the original design or the need for special

14.6 Surface Run-off

14.6.1 Surface run-off to be catered for includes precipitation on the highway itself and flow
from the adjoining areas. Run-off is ultimately led away from the highway area to the
natural drainage channels by means of side drains. For the design of these drains, the
following investigations, would be needed:

a. Study of ground contours of the land adjacent to the highway for determining the
catchment contributing to the flow in side drains.

b. Determination of the surface characteristics of catchment area, i.e., the type of soil,
vegetation, slopes etc., and

c. Study of ground contours for locating the outfall points.

In addition to the roadside drainage system special drainage provisions shall be

designed for sections with super-elevated carriageways and high embankments. The
drainage provisions shall also be worked out for road segments passing through urban

14.6.2 For further guidance about the design of surface drainage system, reference may be
made to the "IRC SP:42 & IRC SP:50".
Rain water harvesting requirements shall be assessed taking the Ministry of
Environment & Forest Notification, into consideration. The construction of rainwater
harvesting structure is mandatory in and around water scarce / crisis areas notified by
the Central Ground Water Board.

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For cross-drainage structures, i.e., culverts, surveys and investigations are carried out
essentially for:

a. Selection of site, and

b. Collection of data for design of the structure.

Surveys and investigations, for bridges shall be conducted in accordance with IRC:SP
54 “Project Preparation Manual for Bridges”. Surveys and investigations, for culverts
shall be conducted in accordance with IRC-SP-13. The detailed designs of the
structures shall be carried out as per relevant manuals and codes.

15.1 Selection of Site

By and large, the siting of culverts should be guided by the geometric features of the
road alignment unless there are specific problems of location and design. Where
defined channels exist for watercourses, the culverts may be located on them. In case
of a flat and featureless terrain, culverts shall be provided for balancing purposes. The
spacing and location may be decided by study of the catchment and allocation of the
expected runoff among the culverts. Where there is a choice, the following points
should be kept in view:

a. The site should be on a straight reach of the stream sufficiently below bends.

b. The location should be as far away from the confluence of the large tributaries as
possible. So as to be beyond their disturbing influence.

c. The banks should be well defined.

d. As far as possible the site should enable a straight alignment and a square crossing.

15.2 Collection of Data for New Structures

15.2.1 For designing culverts, hydrological, physical and foundation data are required to be
collected. In addition, site inspection with local enquiry and a study of the nearby road
or railway cross-drainage structures on the same stream or in the vicinity, will provide
useful information about HFL, afflux, tendency to scour, the probable maximum-
discharge, the likelihood of collection of brush-wood during floods, foundation
problems, etc.

15.2.2 The essential data needed for design of new culverts are:

a. Catchment Area: Where the catchment, as seen from the topographic sheet,
is less than about 1.25 sq.km. in area, traverse should be made along the
watershed. Where the area is flat without defined watershed, it would first be
necessary to conduct a local contour survey to identify the watershed before
taking up the traverse for larger catchments, the area can be measured from
the 1:50,000 topographic maps.

b. Cross-sections: As a rule, for a sizeable stream, three cross-sections should

be taken, one at the selected site, one upstream and another downstream of

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the site, all to the horizontal scale of not less than 1:1000 and exaggerated
vertical scale of not less than 1:100. Approximate distance upstream and
downstream of the selected site, where cross-sections may be taken as shown
in Table 5.

Table 15. 1 Location of Cross Sections for Streams

Distance (U/S & D/S of the crossing)

Catchment Area at which Crosss sections should be
2.5 Sq km 150m
From 2.5 to 10 Sq km 300m
Over 10 Sq km 400 to 1600m

The cross-section at the proposed site of the crossing should show levels at close
intervals and indicate outcrops of rock, formation of pools, scour holes etc. Where
the existing road or a cart-track crosses the stream at the selected site, the cross-
section should not be taken along the center line of the road or the track as that
will not represent the natural shape and size of the channel. Instead the cross-
section should be taken at a short distance upstream or downstream.

In the case of very small streams (Catchments of 40 hectares or less), one cross-
section may do but it should be carefully plotted so as to represent truly the
normal size and shape of the channel on a straight reach.

c. The Maximum HFL: The maximum high flood level should be ascertained by
intelligent local observation, supplemented by local enquiry and marked on the

d. Longitudinal Section: The longitudinal section should extend upstream and

downstream of the proposed site up to the cross-section mentioned in (b)
above and should show levels of the bed, low water level and the HFL.

e. Velocity Observation: Attempts should be made to observe the velocity

during an actual flood, but if that flood is smaller than the maximum flood, the
observed velocity should be suitably increased. The velocity thus obtained is a
good check on the accuracy of velocity calculated theoretically.

f. Trial Pits: Where rock or some firm undisturbed soil stratum is not likely to be
far below the bed of the stream, a trial pit should be dug up to the rock or firm
soil. But if there is no rock or undisturbed firm soil close to the stream bed
level, then the trial pit should be taken down roughly up to twice the maximum
depth of the existing or anticipated scour line. The location of each trial pit
should be shown in the cross-section of the proposed site. The trial pit section
should be plotted to show the kind of soils passed through. Where trial pits are
not possible because of longer depths or for other reasons, trial bores should
instead be made. For very small culverts, one trial pit will be sufficient.

15.3 Design of Cross-drainage Structure

15.3.1 The steps involved in the design of cross-drainage structures include:

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a. Estimation of design discharge

b. Choice of type of structure to be provided
c. Determination of waterway and vent height
d. Structural design of foundations, sub-structure and super-structure.
For details of the design procedure, reference may be made to IRC SP 13 "Guidelines
for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts".

15.4 Data where improvements are proposed to existing drainage structures

15.4.1 The existing drainage structures proposed for improvement should be surveyed and
data collected on the following points:

a. Type of structure and details of span, vent height etc.

b. Existing width of roadway & water way
c. Condition of foundations / sub-structure, super-structure, parapets etc. and any
deficiency to be rectified
d. Load carrying capacity of the structure, in case of bridges older than 30 years, or
when the visual condition of the bridge suggests so.
e. Adequacy/inadequacy of waterway, signs of silting or blocking of the vent way, over
topping of the structure, observed scour level, pattern, etc.

15.4.2 The data collected should be presented in a tabular form along with proposals for
correcting deficiencies.

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16.1 General

The project data collected during the survey and investigation together with the
proposal worked out on that basis should be presented in a proper form for full
appreciation by the appropriate authority. These should be prepared in three parts
under the following headings which when read together will constitute the complete
project document:

a. The Report
b. Estimate
c. Drawings

Details to be presented in each part are brought out in subsequent paragraphs for
guidance. It should, however, be understood that the extent of detailing of an
individual aspect would depend upon the size of the concerned project and its scope,
e.g., whether new construction or improvement to an existing road.

16.2 Project Report

The Project Report is one of the most important parts of the project document and
should give a precise amount of the different features for easy understanding and
appreciation of the proposals. The information provided may be conveniently dealt with
under the following heads:

i. Executive Summary
ii. Introduction
iii. Socio-economic Profile
iv. Traffic surveys and investigations,
v. Engineering surveys and investigations, and proposed road features
vi. Pavement studies
vii. Design standards and specifications
viii. Drainage facilities including cross-drainage structures
ix. Environmental and social considerations including rehabilitation and resettlement
x. Materials, labour and equipment
xi. Rates and cost estimates
xii. Economic analysis and financial analysis (where required)
xiv. Miscellaneous
xv. Conclusions and Recommendations

The design calculations, etc., with regard to the above items should be attached.

16.2.1 Executive Summary: Executive summary will summarise the entire report. All the
salient points will be included. The executive summary should be such that a top
executive is able to know all the features of the project that are required for decision

16.2.2 Introduction: This should cover:

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a. Name of the work and its broad scope: Information here should give a general
idea of the scheme as a whole.

b. Authority and plan provision: Give reference to the order of the competent
authority calling for the project and the provision for the work in the relevant
development plan.

c. History, geography, climate, demography, etc.,

i. Previous history of the road and its present condition (in the case of existing
roads) or development history for project as regards economic activity,
population served, available transport facilities, etc. (in the case of a new

ii. Highlight aspects such as prone to flooding of the area, waterlogging, etc.

iii. The general topographical and geological features of the area.

iv. Rainfall, annual average intensity and distribution during the year, range of
temperature during summer and winter months periods of low and high water
levels in river/canal, etc.

d. Necessity: Indicate the necessity for the project and the circumstances which
have made its execution urgent.

16.2.3 Socio-economic profile: This should cover Socio-economic profile of the region and
the Project influence Area (see Section 5)

16.2.4 Traffic surveys and traffic forecasts: Discuss the type of traffic surveys conducted
for various sections, the data collected and the results of future growth. Present the
design traffic figures separately for each element of the project, e.g., width of
carriageway, pavement, intersections, railway crossings, etc. For existing roads, discuss
the accident data with special reference to the known accident- 'prone location.

16.2.5 Engineering surveys and investigations and proposed road features:

Description under this head should inter-alia cover:

a. Route Selection

Considerations governing the route selection and the effect of the proposed
route on the overall transportation pattern of the area with respect to other
facilities, like, railways, inland waterways, etc. (in the case of new roads).
Discuss the merits and demerits of alternative routes investigated and reasons
for selecting the proposed route.

b. Alignment

The general alignment of the road and its details, section by section, with
reference to topographical and geological features, obligatory points, such as,
bridge sites, important population centres, existing or prospective industrial
centres, etc. Also, discuss points of general importance, like, high banks, heavy
cuttings, nature of gradients, radii of curves, sight distance, nature of soil along
that alignment, etc.

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c. Roadland, roadway, carriageway and other cross-section elements

Discuss the proposals regarding right-of-way, acquisition of structures alongside

roadway, carriageway width, etc. In the case of existing roads, compare the
cross-sectional elements with the existing widths.

d. In case of the existing roads or where relevant, the above subject should cover
aspects, such as, road inventory, road condition survey, geo-technical
investigations, bridge inventory study, bridge condition survey, etc.

16.3 Pavement studies

a. Road Design

Bring out the special features of road design, e.g., fixation of grade line vis-a-vis HFL,
water table, high embankments, treatment of cut sections, design of road junctions,
removal of geometric deficiencies in the case of existing roads, remedial measures for
land-side prone location, etc. Attach design calculations where necessary. Discuss any
deviations from the prescribed standards, with reasons for the same.

b. Pavement Design

Present the soil investigation data for pavement design in a tabular form (including
Benkelman Beam deflection data, if collected in the case of existing roads). Discuss the
methodology of collecting these data and bring out the pavement design proposals with
respect to the alternatives considered.

c. Other works (other than CD. Works)

Bring out the proposal for retaining walls, breast walls, pitching, parapet walls, railings,
etc. Attach design calculation where required.

16.2.6 Designs standards and specifications: Give reference to the standard specifications, in
accordance with which the works are proposed to be executed. Highlight where any
modifications are proposed, or special specifications are advocated.

16.2.7 Drainage facilities including cross-drainage structures

a. Discuss the investigations carried out for designing the drainage measures and
bring out the salient points in respect of H.F.L., water-table, ponded water level,
seepage flows, closure periods in case of canals, etc.

b. Give details of the surface/sub-surface drainage measures proposed, e.g.,

longitudinal side drains, catch water drains, longitudinal transverse sub-drains,
blanket courses, etc. Attach design calculations/drawings as necessary.

c. Highlight if any special measures are proposed to check soil erosion and assist soil

d. Discuss the proposal regarding small cross-drainage structures i.e., culverts. Give
details of the proposed structures in a tabular form with cross reference to the
standard designs adopted on the detailed drawings enclosed. The table should also
indicate special features of each structures like design HFL, deck level, waterway,
etc. Attach water-way calculations.

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e. In case of improvement to existing roads list out the cross-drainage structures

proposed to be improved/widened/reconstructed with details of improvement and

f. State whether the structures to be built with regard to standard designs. If so, give
reference to the relevant drawings. Otherwise, attach design calculations and

16.2.8 Environmental and social consideration including R&R: Significant beneficial and
detrimental impact of the proposed works on the environment in terms of air pollution,
damage to life system, stream pollution, soil erosion, drainage pattern, landscaping,
etc. Discuss the planning and design measures proposed to minimize/eliminate the
adverse effects. Discuss also the resettlement and rehabilitation action plan.

16.4 Material, labour and equipment

a. Materials
Present the results of the soil and materials survey with reference to various sections of
the road, bringing out clearly the sources from which the materials are to be obtained
and their suitability of use in the works. Attach borrow material charts, quarry charts,
results of tests on materials, etc. Discuss the facilities for transport of materials, and
how these are to be provided.
b. Labour
Discuss the requirements of labour for the work, whether it is to be imported, skilled
labour needed, housing facilities, etc.
c. Equipment
List the total equipment required for the implementation of the project. The list of
equipment required to be maintained after construction, like, settlement gauge for high

16.5 Rates and cost estimates

a. Give reference to the Schedule of Rates adopted and the year of its publication.
Indicate whether the schedule is current, or any corrections have to be applied. The
schedule of rates must be realistic including the cost of machinery input, etc. to
avoid revision of estimates.

b. Bring out the items for which suitable rates are not available in the schedule and for
such items give reference to the analysis of rates attached to the estimate.

16.6 Economic and financial analysis (where required):

The DPR must contain the economic analysis carried out establishing the viability of the
project. For details para 10.9 may be referred to. Where required, financial analysis
may also be given.

16.7 Construction programming

a. Mention whether the work is proposed to be executed departmentally or through

contract, period proposed for completion of the project. Constraints, if any, which
might possibly upset this schedule may be mentioned and plan to encounter them

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b. Draw up a construction schedule, either in the form of a bar chart or on the basis
of critical path method (CPM). For details of the latter, reference may be made to
IRC :SP 14.

c. Cash flow requirements for the proposed construction schedule should be


16.8 Miscellaneous items

a. Wayside Amenities: To increase the efficiency of work of truck drivers, for

provision of better comfort and hygienic conditions at rest places to make essential
items needed during travel, like, good food, first-aid, medical assistance, recreation,
essential repair items for vehicles of both truckers as well as travelling passengers
and tourists rest places with wayside amenities are required to be provided at
suitable intervals. Complexes with wayside amenities for truck drivers, cleaners and
other people attached to the carrier vehicles and also complexes with passenger
oriented amenities are constructed for this purpose. These complexes also may
provide at reasonable charges telephones, reading rooms, recreation and indoor
sports rooms in addition to rest place, toilet, refueling and repair arrangements.
The average distance between the complexes and their size and capacity will be
determined by the intensity of the traffic flow along the highway.

b. Parking Places: Provision of adequate areas of parking spaces at suitable

locations is an important feature of road networks, particularly in urban situations.
On rural highways also, depending upon the intensity of traffic, parking places are
required to be provided in complexes with wayside amenities for trucks as well as
passenger cars and tourist vehicles. On busy roads when vehicle break-down
occurs, the immobilised vehicle needs to be pulled upon the extreme edge of the
road embankment so that it does not in any way interfere with the traffic flow. Near
fuelling stations, rest or units with other type of amenities for travelers or truckers,
there should be suitable lay-bys adjacent to the highway.

c. Traffic and Traffic Safety: The number of accidents occurring on our roads and
the number of lives lost in road accidents is one of the highest in the world.
Consequently, the total economic loss to the country is huge even excluding the
cost of delay, pain, deprivation and suffering, etc. for which it is difficult to make
economic evaluation. Pursuant to the national targets for reduction in accidents and
fatalities, it is necessary to make provisions for traffic safety in the design and
estimates of the project.

It is commonly said that traffic safety is dependent on provision of five E's, i.e..
Engineering, Enforcement, Education, Environment and Emergency. In the project
preparation stage care can be taken only on the engineering aspect. Geometric and
structural provisions in the project should, therefore, conform to the engineering
standards and elements essential for the design speed, capacity, etc. of the
concerned project. Since pedestrians and cyclists constitute a large percentage of
the fatalities, specially on urban roads, adequate safety provisions, like,
segregation, provision of side-walks, footpaths, cycle tracks, crossing facility at
intersection, proper lighting, etc. where relevant, shall, have to be provided.

The MORT&H has published a " Manual for Safety in Road Design - A Guide for
Highway Engineers", the suggestions of which should be kept in view during project

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preparation. Also, no compromise or comer-cutting shall be allowed on provision of

adequate road signs, road marking and use of other suitable traffic safety aids.

d. Safety Audit: Depending upon the importance of the project, where considered
necessary, arrangement for competent safety audit on the design and engineering
provisions may be made for experts’ advice by some eminent consultant or
professional organisations.

e. Toll Plazas: For collection of toll fee for using a particular highway facility, it is
often necessary to construct suitable toll plazas on the highways. The location of
the Plaza should be decided consistent with the guidelines issued by Ministry of
Road Transport and Highways from time to time, for planning, construction and
operation of modern toll plazas on National Highways including procedural details
for selection of an appropriate design, layout, construction keeping in view traffic,
terrain and type of operating system desired (manual, semi-automatic, automatic),
duly keeping the distance from the adjacent toll plazas on either side.

The plaza should be away from the municipal limits of the nearby towns, villages,
structures etc. and preferably lie in a straight alignment. The location should be
such that the cost of acquisition of land, structures etc. is minimum. It should in
general not lie in bypasses and locations, where traffic may evade the plaza and ply
through alternate routes.

f. Dumping Grounds: One of the essential requirement of road planning and design
is to make proper provision for utilisation of unwanted surplus materials resulting
from construction excavations in earth work and rock, etc. are normally tried to be
adjusted between cut and fill sections or utilisation low level areas within
reasonable leads. Where no such thing is possible or if the surplus material is of
unwanted nature (like, dismantled old road crust, elements of dismantled
structures, stumps and root system for trees, rejected bituminous mixes, etc.) these
require to be dumped in specially earmarked places. Depending upon the
requirement of space suitable fallow land or naturally depressed low lands in need
of filling may be identified within easy and economic leads for dumping of such
materials. The project estimate may make suitable provisions for such

The DPR may contain an assessment of the requirement of various miscellaneous

items, their type design and suitability of location, etc., like the following:

i. Bus bay and shelters

ii. Truck lay byes / parking areas
iii. Tourist facility items, such as, rest areas / way side amenities,
parking/scenic lay-bys;
iv. Traffic control / safety devices and road furniture viz., traffic signs,
pavement marking, guard stones, kilo meter stones, delineators, crash
barriers etc.
v. Pavement, slopes and road side drainage
vi. Median plantation, Avenue plantation, turfing, landscaping etc.
vii. Toll plazas and Toll Management Systems
viii. Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS).
ix. Incident Management Systems
x. Traffic Management and Safety in construction zone;
xi. Construction Camps; Temporary Diversions and haul roads;
xii. Arrangement for water supply and other site amenities;

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Conclusions and Recommendations: This should cover conclusions and

recommendations about the project as a summary.

16.9 Estimate

16.9.1 The project estimate should give a clear picture of the financial commitment
involved and should be realistic. This is possible only if the items of work are
carefully listed, the quantities determined to a reasonable degree of accuracy, and
the rates provided on a realistic basis.

16.9.2 The estimate should consist of;

a. General abstract of cost: This should give the total cost of the scheme with
a general break-up under major heads (with further sub-divisions as
necessary), e.g., site clearance, earthwork, sub-bases and bases, bituminous
work/cement concrete pavement; cross- drainage and other miscellaneous
structures; miscellaneous items, percentage charges for contingencies,
escalation, , quality control, etc. The General Abstract of cost should also
include the cost of land acquisition, shifting utilities, like, electric lines,
telephone poles, underground cables, gas lines, sewers, water pipes, cost of
arboriculture, cost of removal of trees and compensatory afforestation.

b. Detailed estimates for each major head: These should consist of

i. abstract of cost
ii. estimate of quantities
iii. analysis of rates for items not covered by the relevant schedule of rates;
iv. quarry/material source charts

16.10 Drawings

16.10.1 General:

Project drawings should depict the proposed works in relation to the existing features,
besides other information necessary for easy and accurate translation of the proposals
in the fields. For easy understanding and interpretation, it is desirable that the drawings
should follow a uniform practice with regard to size, scales, and the details to be

16.10.2 Drawing size:

Drawings should be adequate size to accommodate a reasonable length of the road or

a structural unit in full details. At the same time, these should not be inconveniently
large to necessitate several folds. From this angle, it is recommended that preferably
the size may be 594x420 mm or 420x297 mm corresponding to A2, A3 respectively, as
per IS: 696 - 1 960. Drawings of this size could be stitched in a folder with flexible
covers so that the folio can be rolled for convenient handling. On sheet of A2 size, it
will be possible to accommodate the plan and L-section of one km length of the road,
with sufficient overlap on either side and on sheet of A3 size, it will be possible to
accommodate the plan and L-section of 1000 m length of the road, with sufficient

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overlap on either side, if drawn to the horizontal scale of 1 :2500. A wider margin of 40
mm may be kept on the left hand side of the drawing to facilitate stitching into a folio.

16.10.3 Component parts of highway project drawings:

The drawings usually required for a road project include the following:

Locality map-cum-site plan: This is combination of a key map and index map drawn on
a single sheet. This will be the first sheet in folio of drawings for a particular section of
the road. However, where the length of a section is substantial, it may become
necessary to separate out the locality map and the site plan. The former being
accommodated in one sheet and the latter on a series of sheets.

The locality map (same as key map) should show the location of the road with respect
to important towns and industrial centres and the existing means of communication' in
the neighbourhood so as to give a bird's eyeview of the proposed work. The map may
be to a scale of 1 :250,000 which is one of the common scales used in Survey of India

The site plan (same as index map) should show the project road and its immediate
neighbourhood covering the important physical features, such as, hills, rivers, tanks,
railway lines, etc. It may be to a scale of 1 :50,000 and should show the, kilometres
from the beginning to end.

The sheet containing the locality map-cum-site plan should have a legend to explain
the abbreviations and symbols used in subsequent drawing sheets.

One typical example of location map-cum-site plan may be seen in Plate-1.

a. Land Acquisition Plans: These should be prepared on existing village maps or

settlement maps giving the details of property boundaries and their survey
numbers. A scale in the range of 1 :2000 to 1 :8000 depending on available maps
will be suitable. If for any reason detailed land acquisition plans are not possible,
rough plans should be prepared. Inter alia, the plans should show the final
centreline of the road; and right-of-way boundaries, buildings, wells, monuments,
trees, etc. affected by the road alignment, type of land, i.e., irrigated, wet, dry,
barren, forest, etc. and the nature of crops. For detailed procedure of Land
Acquisition and preparation of Land Plans reference may be made to section 18.

b. Plan and longitudinal section: Plan and longitudinal section for one km length
of the road should be shown on a single drawing sheet as far as possible the plan
should be at the top and the longitudinal section at the bottom. Common scale
adopted is 1 :2500 for the horizontal, and 1 :250 for the vertical, but this may be
changed suitably for hilly stretches.

The plan, among other things, should show the final centreline of the road, right-
of-way limits, roadway of the existing road where applicable, existing structures,
drainage, courses, intersecting roads, railway lines, electric and telephone lines,
cables, location of cross drainage structures, design details of horizontal curves,
bench marks, location of cross sections, contours, north point, etc.

The longitudinal section should show the profiles of the proposed road, the general
ground, and the existing road where applicable. In addition, it should show details,
such as, the gradients, location and set out data for vertical curves, super-
elevation, details of horizontal alignment, the design HFL, location of drainage

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crossings and intersecting roads, pavement design features, continuous chainage,


The manner of presenting the details on the plan and longitudinal section drawings
is illustrated in Plate-2.

c. Typical cross-section sheet: In a highway project, cross-section elements, like,

width of the carriageway and roadway, side slopes, and pavements cross fall will
generally remain constant for most of the road length. Instead of repeating these
details on every cross-section, it would be desirable to show these on a typical
cross-section sheet. The number of typical cross-sections to be drawn will depend
on the type of project, the terrain traversed, etc.. For Typical cross sections of
different configurations (2/4/6/ lane and expressway), the applicable manuals may
be referred.

These should be drawn to a scale of 1:100.

d. Detailed cross-sections: A few detailed cross-sections may be presented serially

along the continuous chainage. These should show the ground levels, existing road
levels where applicable, and the proposed road levels. The area of cut and/or fill
involved should be indicated as also the type and thickness of the different
pavement courses. For rest of the cross-sections computer charts showing
tabulated level details and distances may be appended.

The recommended manner of presenting the cross-sections is illustrated in Plate-3.

e. Drawings for structures: In a highway project, a large number of structures,

(i.e., culverts, Bridges, Underpasses etc.,) will be required to be constructed. A
separate drawing should be prepared for each structure with a scale of 1:50.

16.11 Check List

Appendix-4 gives a check list for the various surveys and investigation work involved
in the preparation of a road project. The various items that should be incorporated in a
detailed Project Report are shown in the form of a check list in Appendix-9 for
guidance. This is intended to serve in a ready reference to ensure that all the items
have been included and give an opportunity to the engineer preparing the project to
review his work and if necessary to state in the reports why some items have been left

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17.1 Economic Analysis

The benefit and cost streams should be worked out for the project using HDM-IV or
other internationally recognized life-cycle costing model, for each of the project
sections identified.

Economic analysis shall cover the following aspects:

i. Assessment of the capacity of existing roads and the effects of capacity

constraints on vehicle operating costs (VOC);

ii. Calculation of VOCs for the existing road situation and those for the project;

iii. Quantification of all economic benefits, including those from reduced

congestion, travel distance, savings in road maintenance cost and reduced
incidence of road accidents; and,

iv. Estimation of the Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) for the project over a
30-year period. In calculating the EIRRs, identify the tradable and non-tradable
components of projects costs and the border price value of the tradable

v. Assessment of Saving in time value.

Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) and Net Present Value (NPV), “with “and
“without time and accident savings” should be worked out based on these cost-benefit
streams. Furthermore, sensitivity of EIRR and NPV shall be worked out for different
scenarios as given under:

Scenario I Base Costs and Base Benefits

Scenario II Base Costs + 15%, and Base Benefits
Scenario III Base Costs, and Base Benefits – 15%
Scenario IV Base Costs + 15%, and Base Benefits – 15%

The sensitivity scenarios given above are only indicative. More scenarios can be
selected taking into account possible construction delays, construction costs overrun,
traffic volume, revenue shortfalls, operating costs, exchange rate variations,
convertibility of foreign exchange, interest rate volatility, non-compliance or default by
contractors, political risks and force majeure.

The economic analysis shall also take into account all on-going and future road and
transport infrastructure projects and future development plans in the project area.

17.2 Financial Analysis

The objective and methodology of Financial Analysis is described hereinafter.

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The main objective of financial analysis is to find the likely returns to the investor. This
covers aspects like financing through debt and equity, loan repayment, debt servicing,
taxation, depreciation etc. The viability of the project shall be evaluated on the basis of
cash flow analysis, where both costs and revenue have been indexed to take in to
account of the inflation.

Financial viability analysis shall be done on the basis of a financial model developed by
the agency. The model projects the key financial statements of the investor over the
concession period. Concession period of 10/15/20/25/30 years shall be considered and
the growth rate of the traffic may be assumed at minimum of 5% per annum. All
investment costs and capital expenses will be identified in the year in which they are
deemed to occur. A 25% inflation rate per annum will be applied to all cost and
revenue items.

The construction is to be financed through both equity and loan. A Debt-Equity ratio of
70:30 would be appropriate as most financial institutions hesitate to lend at higher
leverages and also in view of the fact that a high gearing invariably subjects projects to
substantial financial risks. A 15-year period is proposed for construction loan
repayment. The rate of interest considered shall be in line with the prevailing lending
rates of financial institutions. The actual financial parameters to be adopted in the
analysis will be reviewed after gathering additional data from published sources and
finalised in consultation with the Authority as per the TOR.

Depreciation of capital items will be calculated by using two methods, viz. the Written
down Value (WDV) Method and the Straight Line Method (SLM). The WDV method
favors income shielding and is, therefore, used only to calculate taxes payable by the
concessionaire. The rate permitted for a toll road enterprise, viz. 10 percent will be
used in the analysis.

Tax holiday (100% tax exemption on profits and gains), as per Section 80-IA of Income
Tax Act, shall be available from such business for 10 consecutive assessment years out
of 20 years beginning with the year in which undertaking or the enterprise develops
and begins to operate any infrastructure facility or develops an industrial park or special
economic zone or generates power or commences transmission or distribution of power
or undertakes substantial renovation or modernization. The corporate tax rate adopted
will be based on the latest Finance Bill.

The NPV and FIRR for the project shall be calculated. It shall undertake sensitivity
analysis by identifying the most critical factors and determine their impact on FIRR,
including varying project costs and benefits, implementation period, and combination of
these factors. Risk analysis will be conducted by considering the possible values for key
variables based on records and their occurrence probability.

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18.1 General
Besides preparation of the Project Report, it is equally important to procure the
clearances required for implementation of the Project viz. environmental clearance,
wild life clearance, CRZ clearance, clearance for ROBs/RUBs, cross drainage structures
/ bridges over canals, Underpasses over cross roads etc. from various statutory
bodies, Railways, Irrigation Department, R&B Department, Electrical Department, RWS
Department and so on. Handing over of vacant access to Site being the primary task,
Land Acquisition, removal of encumbrances / encroachments / Structures / Utilities
and other hindrances assumes top priority. A brief procedure for each Preconstruction
Activity, the requirements and the methodology for obtaining various clearances is
presented in the following section.

18.2 Environment and Social Impact Assessment

For Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, reference may be made to section

18.3 Land acquisition process

The process of land acquisition for upgrading National Highways is done in accordance
with the procedure laid in the National Highways Act, 1956. The Act provides broad
guidelines for land acquisition. The NH Act is commonly used for acquisition of land for
any public purpose, more specifically for the projects being funded by the MORTH.
The current section explains the LA procedure to be followed for acquisition of land as
per NH Act and if any executing agency bears the cost of land acquisition, and hence
desires to follow the state LA Act, provisions of the relevant act can be referred to.
Land Acquisition (LA) proposals are uploaded in ‘Bhoomirashi Portal’ namely
http://bhoomirashi.gov.in. The stages involved in land acquisition process are
presented below:

Appointment of CALA and 3(a) Publication

The Central Government appoints the Competent Authority for Land Acquisition
(CALA) in exercise of its powers under Section 3(a) of the NH Act, 1956. As such, the
CALA appointed by the Central Government, is obliged to take all actions for
acquisition of land under the NH Act and the guidelines issued by the Central
Government on the subject. As a general practice, Revenue Divisional Officer / Joint
Collector in the District level is appointed as CALA.

Appointment of CALA is the first step of the LA process, who oversees the entire
process of land acquisition, and acts as a liaison between the state government and
the Executing Agency / Authority.

"Competent Authority" means any person or authority authorised by the Central

Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, to perform the functions of the
competent authority for such area as may be specified in the notification;

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"Land" includes benefits to arise out of land and things attached to the earth or
permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth.

The 3 (a) Notification broadly describes about the list of villages through which the
proposed alignment passes, the corresponding Police Stations, the Taluk, and District.
In normal practice, the process of “3(a)” notification is initiated by the respective
executive agency and the following details are incorporated in Bhoomirashi Portal:

i. Project information
ii. Sanction details
iii. Detailed account of CALA(s)
iv. Name of the villages with Taluka & District where LA is to be done.

Subsequently, Government of India publishes a Gazette notification appointing the

competent authority. The flow chart given below in Fig 1 presents the process for 3a
Gazette Notification/Publication.

Figure 18. 1 Typical Flow Chart for Preparation of 3a Notification

Collection of Maps, Digitization and 3(A) Notification

The Central Government by publication of this Gazette under Section 3A of NH Act -

Power to acquire land, expresses its intention to acquire such land for construction,
maintenance and management of National Highways. The same shall be eventually
intimated to the public through two local newspapers, one of which will be in
vernacular language.
As part of preparation of 3 (A) notification, it is required to provide village wise details
of affected survey numbers of the affected land, along with type and nature of the
land. In addition to the above, Land Acquisition Plans (LAPs) shall be prepared for

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initiating the LA process. The area of the land under acquisition shall be provided in
square hectares or square meters.

The procedure for preparation of LAPs and schedules (3(A)) is given in the following
i. Collection of revenue maps from revenue authorities.
ii. Conversion of Village maps to TIF or JPG file after scanning
iii. Digitization of Scanned map using Auto CAD software
iv. Stitching the scanned maps using match lines
v. Correction of the final map using field data, specific features / land marks,
images etc.
vi. Superimposition of the Final alignment of the Highway on the stitched map.
vii. Demarcation of the proposed Right of Way of Final alignment on the Map.
viii. Importing the digitized Map into GIS software.
ix. Identifying the affected survey numbers using GIS.
x. Estimation of the affected area Survey number wise / sub division number wise
using GIS.
xi. Preparation of the Draft Land Acquisition Schedule (3A) as per standard Gazette
xii. Preparation of Village wise LAPs in the prescribed drawing format.
xiii. Submission of the Draft 3A to the user agency for verification and approval.
xiv. Verification of the proposed 3A notification by the concerned revenue
authorities as per the direction of CALA.
xv. Preparation of Final 3A notification duly complying with the comments, if any.
xvi. Certification / Authentication of the 3A notification by CALA for Gazette
xvii. Uploading the 3(A) details in the Bhoomirashi Portal for approval and
xviii. Publishing 3A Gazette notification by Government of India,
xix. Publishing the notification in the local newspapers, one in English and another
in the vernacular language to make the public aware of the agency’s intention
to acquire the land for a specific purpose.

The flow chart given below shows the process of 3A Gazette Notification/Publication.\

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Figure 18. 2 Typical Flow Chart for Preparation of 3A Notification

Section 3(A) – Power to enter for surveys

Following the gazette notification as per Section 3A, the Land Acquisition Officer or
any Competent Authorities concerned in land acquisition and authorized by the Central
Government can:

a. Make any inspection, survey, measurement, valuation or enquiry;

b. Take levels;
c. Dig or bore into sub-soil;
d. Set out boundaries and intended lines of work;
e. Mark such levels, boundaries and lines placing marks and cutting trenches;
f. Do such other acts or things as may be laid down by rules made in this behalf by
that Government.

Section 3(C) – Hearing of objections

Subsequent to the Publication of 3 A Notification, objections receive from the affected

parties shall be addressed.
i. Any person interested in the land may, within twenty-one days from the date
of publication of the notification under sub-section (1) of section 3A, object
to the use of the land for the purpose or purposes mentioned in that sub-
ii. CALA officials shall receive the public objections and schedule public
iii. CALA staff shall send notices to petitioners on respective hearing dates
iv. CALA’s staff shall prepare a record of hearings, ensure compliance of
corresponding orders and notify the final order to the petitioners
v. CALA shall have the power to either allow or disallow the objections.

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vi. Any order made by CALA, the competent authority shall be final.

Joint Measurement survey and 3(D) Notification

(Section 3D – Declaration of Acquisition)

The Competent Authority (CALA) shall submit a report to the Government of India
based on the Joint Measurement Survey (JMS) & Enjoyment Surveys conducted where
the land is proposed under acquisition. The procedure involved in Joint measurement
survey and preparation of 3D are described below.

Joint Measurement Survey

The user agency shall install the ROW Boundary Pillars for the purpose of Joint
Measurement Survey, to be conducted by the Revenue department officials as well as
with the staff of Survey & Land Records department of the State to determine the
actual requirement of the land.

During the JMS, Survey number wise and Sub division number wise exact affected area
of land and affected structures (i.e. bore-wells, trees, houses, etc.,) are measured.
Further, JMS report is prepared & submitted to the CALA for review and approval. In
order to facilitate the JMS Survey, the details of the ROW Pillars shall be marked on the
digitized revenue map, where the individual survey numbers also are digitised and
inserted. The sketch of the individual survey number along with the ROW Pillar and its
distance from the nearest physical or identifiable revenue feature shall be marked too
facilitate easy identification of the survey number and the confirmation of the affected
area in the field. Such a method can hasten the process of JMS.

Enjoyment Survey

The enjoyment survey has to be conducted in order to identify the ownership of the
affected land and the details shall be submitted to authority after verification by CALA.
These surveys have to be conducted with utmost care as the final compensation shall
be worked out based on these.

Preparation of “3D” notification

After completion of JMS & Enjoyment survey, revenue department shall prepare the
JMS report along with LA sketches of individual survey numbers / sub-divisions. The
Draft 3D notification shall be prepared by revenue authorities based on the JMS report
and submitted to CALA for review and approval. Once approved, the Draft 3D
notification shall be uploaded in the Bhoomirashi Portal.

The following flow chart shows the process of 3D gazette notification/publication.

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Figure 18. 3 Typical Flow Chart for Preparation of 3D Notification

Section 3(E) – Power to take possession

The competent authority shall notify in writing to the owner as well as any other person
who may be in possession of the land, to surrender the same to the competent
authority (or any person duly authorised) within sixty days of the service of notice.

Notice shall be served to the beneficiaries for collection of award, and the certificate of
possession shall be issued to the user agency / Authority. Section 3(F) – Power to
enter into the land where land has vested in the central government
Any authorised official shall be able to enter the land and conduct activities of
construction, maintenance, management or operation of the Project Highway.

Structure Evaluation, Award, 3(G) Notification, Compensation

Structure evaluation:

During the process of JMS, survey number wise and subdivision number wise
affected structures (i.e. bore-wells, trees, houses, etc.,) shall be identified/ measured.
Further, a report on affected structures shall be submitted to the respective Road &
Buildings Department/Horticulture /Forest Department for validation and fixing-up the

Declaration of Award & Compensation disbursement

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Public notice is published in two leading newspapers, one of which will be in, one in
English and another in the vernacular language to invite claims from the affected land
The current status of utilization of land shall be acquired and ownership status is
ascertained from revenue records and local Panchayat office.
Land rates of various categories are collected from respective Collector/Sub Registrar

Further steps would be:

i. Valuation and Calculation of land compensation payable and serving of

compensation notices to the individual landowner and obtaining proper
ii. Hearing and Recording of Claims
iii. Preparation of award of compensation to be paid to the landowners.

Section 3G – Determination of Amount Payable as Compensation

Compensation to be paid to the appropriate owner of the land for any land acquired
under the Act shall be determined. 3G award along with valuation details is prepared
for the approval of the CALA and the same shall be delivered upon approval. CALA staff
shall prepare a field book which contains award by each beneficiary after 3G award is
declared based on 3A, 3D and 3G notifications

Section 3H – Deposit and Payment of amount

The compensation amount determined as per Section 3G and payable to the persons
entitled thereto, shall be deposited by the executing agency in the account of the CALA
for payment to the affected persons. Alternatively, payment may be made to the
affected persons directly through Bhumirashi or by other means as per the procedures
in vougue.

This procedure is for the Projects using NH Act’1956 for land Acquisition. The User
Agency using State LA Act shall follow relevant provisions of the Act.

18.4 Utility shifting proposals and estimates

Various utilities are found in the existing and the proposed right of way (ROW), for
which clearances are required from the concerned user departments, before relocating
them out of the ROW.

Types of utilities

Different types of utilities generally observed along the project corridor are:
i. Electrical Poles and Lines
ii. High Tension Towers
iii. Water Supply Pipe lines
iv. Under Ground Drainage Pipes
v. Telephone Lines

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vi. OFC Cables

vii. Gas Pipe Lines

(a) Electrical Utilities:

It is necessary to identify the electrical utilities falling within the proposed ROW and
relocate them in the designated utility corridor inside / outside the proposed Right of
Way. The utilities have to be inspected, enumerated and estimates for shifting them
shall be prepared with the help of the user department. Such estimates have to be sent
to the executing agency for approval so that the same can be shifted through a
separate agency or the agency doing the civil works. Further, the executing agency is
required to pay the supervision charges etc., as required and get the utilities relocated.
In this regard, the details of the surface electrical utilities to be identified are:

a. Type of pole i.e. C.C, Steel, M type pole, Tower etc

b. Identification of Type of Transmission line i.e. LT,11 KV, 33 KV etc.

(b) High Tension Towers

The organizations that are associated with the relocation of HT towers are Transco and
Power grid. Details of the HT lines/towers to be identified in the field are:

a. Type of Transmission i.e. 132 KV, 220 KV, 330 KV, 440 KV etc.
b. Available Clearance of Transmission line above the proposed FRL of the
c. Section of HT Line

(c) Water Supply utilities:

The organizations that are associated with the relocation of Water Supply are RWS,
Public Health, Municipal Corporation and Panchayat Raj Departments. Joint Inspection
has to be carried out with the concerned departments to identify the affected existing
water pipe lines, water tanks etc., along the project corridor.

(d)OFC Cable and Telephone lines:

The organizations that are associated with the relocation of OFC Cables are BSNL,
Reliance, TATA Teleservices, etc. Joint Inspection has to be carried out with the
concerned departments to show the Utility Corridor, confirm if any of their utilities are
passing through, so that these can be relocated in the designated utility corridor.

Identification of underground utilities:

The overhead lines or surface utilities falling in the proposed ROW or affecting the
construction can be identified easily. But, for identifying the underground utilities
Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) is used. Ground Penetration Radar can be used to
screen all the underground utilities like electrical cables, water pipelines, OFC cables,

GPR can be run longitudinally on the existing road / project alignment and any
incidence of utility crossing can be identified. Later, GPR can be run across the road at

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an interval of 250 m or higher, and any incidence of longitudinal pipelines can be

identified. Wherever required, GPR can be run at closer intervals to determine the exact
length and location of the utility. Depth of utility also can be determined by the GPR. By
using a GPR of proper configuration, it is possible to identify the cross drainage
structures and the pavement composition also.

It is a non-destructive method which uses electromagnetic radiation in

the microwave band (UHF and VHF frequencies) of the radio spectrum to detect the
reflected signals from subsurface utilities.

Preparation of utility relocation plans:

After completion of the above field enumeration, affected surface & sub-surface utility
plans shall be generated by using Auto CAD & GIS software based on the information
collected from all the utility agencies in the region and maps/plans available with
executive agencies .

Consultation will be done with local people, Panchayat, municipal authorities to

ascertain the presence and location of utilities. Field visits will be conducted along with
the user agencies / departments owning the Services. Utility Relocation Plans shall be
submitted to the concerned agencies showing the affected utilities and the designated
corridor for shifting the same.

Clearance for Gas pipelines:

The organizations that are associated with Gas pipe lines are ONGC, HPCL and GAIL
etc. Joint inspection with the concerned officials shall be organized to identify the
affected gas pipe lines all along the project corridor. Based on the site visit best feasible
option (GADs) shall be prepared to accommodate the Gas pipe line with proper care
and safety features. Finalized GAD shall be submitted to the concerned agencies for
obtaining NOC. Sometimes, new structures may have to be built for protecting the gas
lines crossing the project highway. The tentative location of gas lines can be obtained
from the agencies’ web sites or other portals, which can be used to avoid the conflict
with gas lines in the first place

Activities involved in obtaining Utility Shifting Estimates

a. Identification of utilities falling in the existing / proposed right of way that require
relocation to enable construction of the proposed project road.
b. Incorporation of the space required for relocating elevated and under-ground utility
corridors and utilities crossings as required for existing and future utilities in
consultation with user departments
c. Obtaining draft utilities shifting proposal from user departments for all utilities
identified for shifting along project road
d. Preparation of utility shifting cost estimates using latest schedule of rates and
seeking approval from user departments
e. Review of final designs submitted, cost estimates, completion of checklist, obtaining
the required declarations.
f. Coordination with the user department to incorporate any changes requested in
shifting proposal and cost estimate.

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g. Procuring all the required utilities shifting proposal estimates and required
approvals from user department

18.5 MOEF & CC Clearance

Development of a Project Highway attracts various International, National, State and
World Bank environmental laws, rules and regulations. These regulations and rules are
helpful in impact mitigation and improvement of the environment. As per EIA
Notification 2006 and subsequent amendments, various norms listed based on the type
of project proposal shall require prior environmental clearance. The Project Proponent
shall be responsible for procuring environmental clearance from Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF & CC), prior to execution of the civil works of a road

Environmental Clearance (EC) is necessary if:

a. The project alignment passes through reserve forest, sanctuaries, national parks,
protected natural reserves etc.
b. All new National and State Highways including Expressways
c. Expansion of National Highways greater than 100 km involving additional RoW or
land acquisition greater than 40 m on existing alignment and 60 m on re-
alignments or bypasses
d. If there are plantations on the RoW, that are notified as Protected Forests
e. State Highway expansion projects in hilly terrain (above 1000 m AMSL) and or
ecologically sensitive areas.

Forest Clearance (FC) is necessary for:

All State Highways and National Highways including Expressways passing through
notified forest (Reserved, Protected or any other).

18.4.1 Process of obtaining Environmental Clearance is as follows:

a. User Agency to upload Form I (Pre-Feasibility Report TOR) in the MoEF & CC web
portal (https://parivesh.nic.in) for approval of TOR.
b. Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC), MoEF & CC, New Delhi to hold a review
meeting to know the necessity and requirement of the project corridor.
c. EAC / SEAC to recommend TOR and forward to MOEF & CC / SEIAA for grant of
ToR and conducting EIA studies.
d. User agency or the agency deployed by the user agency shall commission
Environmental base line studies for the project corridor as per the approved TOR,
and prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report
e. User Agency to organize Public hearing through State Pollution Control Board
f. Prepare final EIA report based on the above studies & outcome of the public
hearing and submit to MoEF along with copy of FSR/DPR through user agency for
obtaining clearance.
g. User agency along with QCI / NABET approved Consultants to make a detailed
presentation on EIA to Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC/SEAC) at MoEF & CC, New
Delhi for obtaining final approval of EIA Report.
h. Procure the Environmental Clearance from MoEF&CC duly complying with the
comments given during EIA presentation and submit the same to the user agency.

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A Snap shot of the MoEF&CC Web site

No Objection Certificate has to be obtained from State Pollution Control Board as part
of requirement for obtaining Environmental Clearance.

18.6 Forest Land Diversion

Diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose shall be done under the provisions of
the Forest Conservation Act 1980 and Forest Conservation Rules 2003.

Further the Ministry also provided several explanations and exemptions from time to
time though various GOs to enable the process of diverting the forest land for non-
forest purposes.

The Ministry also published a Handbook on Forest Conservation Act to enable the
process. The latest Handbook was published in the year 2019.

The definition of forest is enshrined in the Act. However, by its order of 1996, the
Supreme Court of India has extended the provisions of the Act to all forests,
irrespective of ownership (including ‘forests” as understood in the dictionary sense)

I. Procedure to be adopted for diverting the forest land for linear projects or


Preparation of Form – A of Part – I:

a. After the finalization of the proposed alignment of the road, Forest patches
intervening with the proposed road shall be identified. The same shall be confirmed
by the forest department in their pre-proposal visit.

b. Based on the data, the Form – A of part – I would be developed with required
Maps, certificates and undertakings as required.

c. In some states the DGPS survey of the proposed forest patches for diversion is a
prerequisite for the preparation of the Form – A. In such cases the project

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proponent shall submit the raw data of the DGPS survey conducted by any
authorized agency and get it authenticated by the forest department.

Online Submission of the Form – A of Part – I

a. The project proponent shall register on ‘PARIVESH' the designated web portal of
the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) as a user

b. Based on the data of the identified forest patches, the form – A shall be uploaded,
with all the required Maps, KML files, certificates and undertakings. Authenticated
DGPS maps and their corresponding KML files only be uploaded.

c. Thus, submitted Form – A will be reviewed by the concerned state Nodal officer
and if found correct the same would be forwarded to the concerned DFOs and
district collectors for further action.

d. At this stage the forest department would ask the Project proponent to submit 4-8
sets of hard copies of the proposal (with original signatures of the project
proponent) to DFO and 1 copy to DC.

e. The DFOs after conducting site inspection of the proposed forest patches for
diversion would forward the same to the concerned Conservator of Forests (CF) by
filling up the Part – II limited to his / her jurisdiction with comments and

f. In case of State Government projects, the Project Proponent shall identify non
forest land for Compensatory Afforestation (CA), equal to the area proposed for
diversion, certified by the DFO. If non forest area for Compensatory afforestation is
not available, then a certificate from the Chief Secretary of the state shall be
submitted by the Project Proponent stating that land for CA is not available hence,
the CA land may be identified in any other state by the Ministry.

g. In case of Central Government projects, the State forest department has to identify
the land for CA. The CA land would be double the area proposed for diversion.
Further the DFO shall prepare a scheme for afforestation and include the same with
the part – II.

Processing of the proposal at various stages of the Forest Department:

a. The Conservator of forests after receiving Part – II filled up by concerned DFO

would forward the same to the Nodal officer by mentioning comments and
recommendations in Part – III

b. The Nodal Office after verifying the merit of the case would forward it to the
Secretary (forest department) of the state by filling comments and
recommendations in part – IV of the proposal.

c. The Secretary forest department would forward the same to the Regional
Empowered Committee of MoEF and CC by signing in part – V of the proposal, with
a copy to the Nodal officer to present the proposal to the Chairperson of Regional
Empowered Committee directly, if the proposed land for diversion is less than 40Ha.

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d. If the proposed land for diversion is more than 40Ha the proposal shall be sent
directly to the Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, with a
copy of the proposal (with complete enclosures) to the concerned Regional Office
as per the rules framed for the Forest Conservation Act in 2003.

Approval Process at the Regional Empowered Committee (REC) of the MoEF&CC

a. If the proposed land for diversion is less than 5Ha, the Chairperson of the REC would
make a decision without calling for the REC meeting.

b. If the proposed land for diversion is 5 – 40 Ha, the proposal will be discussed by the
REC based on the recommendations of the committee and a decision is made.

c. If the proposed land for diversion is more than 40Ha, the proposal will be discussed in
the REC meeting and its recommendations will be sent to the Secretary, MoEF and CC,
for final decision.

d. If the proposed land for diversion is more than 100 Ha, the REC has to conduct site
inspection and then the recommendations of the committee will be sent to the
Secretary, MoEF and CC, for final decision.

e. Execution of the project can be started after the Stage – I clearance is accorded by
making payment towards the demand raised by the forest department.

f. While this process is going on, the Project Proponent shall try and submit the certificate
in the prescribed format from the concerned district collector about the status of
settlement of rights of the forest dependent communities as per the provisions of the
Forest Rights Act – 2006.

g. As per the extant policy, Project Proponent can submit the certificate under FRA – 2006,
till the stage – II clearance is accorded.

18.7 Clearance from the National Board of Wild Life (NBWL)

The National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) is constituted by the Central Government under
Section 5 A of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (WLPA)

In case the proposed alignment is passing through Wildlife Sanctuary or Protected

Forest or National Parks, clearance under the Wildlife Act of 1972 is a prerequisite.

Procedure to be adopted for Clearance from the NBWL:

a. After the finalization of the proposed alignment of the road, if the prosed alignment is
passing through any Wildlife Sanctuary or Corridor or Protected Forest or National Park
area, the user agency shall approach the concerned DFO or DCF of the wildlife division
and get the area confirmed by organizing a pre-proposal visit.

b. The process of wildlife clearance as well as the forest land diversion can be initiated

c. Preparation of the Part – I of the wildlife clearance proposal with all supporting

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documents shall be uploaded on the designated web portal of the MoEF and CC '

d. After reviewing the proposal with all necessary documents, the CCF – Nodal, would
forward the same to the concerned DCF

e. The DCF after conducting the site inspection, would forward the proposal to the State
wildlife Warden, with comments and recommendations in part – II.

f. The Wildlife Warden upon receiving the part – II from the concerned DCF, would
forward the proposal to the CCF- Nodal, by filling part – III.

g. At this stage, the forest department would ask the Project Proponent to submit 18 sets
of the hard copy of the proposal (with original signatures of the Project Proponent)

h. The CCF – Nodal would forward the proposal to the State government by recommending
the same in part – IV, to discuss in the State Board for Wildlife (SBWL), Chaired by the
Chief Minister.

i. Based on the recommendations of the SBWL, the proposal will be forwarded to the
NBWL through the secretary, MoEF and CC.

j. The NBWL, would review the proposal and make the final decision.



18.8 Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ) Clearance

Classification of CRZ:

(a) CRZ – I:

These areas are environmentally most critical and are further classified as under:

CRZ – IA: shall constitute the following ecologically sensitive areas (ESAs) and the
geomorphological features which play a role in maintaining the integrity of the

a. Mangroves (in case mangrove area is more than 1000 square meters, a buffer of 50
meters along the mangroves shall be provided and such area shall also constitute
b. Corals and coral reefs
c. Sand dunes
d. Biologically active mudflats
e. National parks, marine parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats and
other protected areas under the provisions of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of
1972), Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980) or Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986 (29 0f 1986), including Biosphere Reserves
f. Salt marshes
g. Turtle nesting grounds
h. Horseshoe crabs’ habitats
i. Sea grass beds

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j. Nesting grounds of birds

k. Areas or structures of archaeological importance and heritage sites

CRZ – IB: The intertidal zone i.e. the area between Low Tide Line* and High Tide
Line** shall constitute the CRZ-I B.

(b) CRZ – II: shall constitute the developed land areas up to or close to the
shoreline, within the existing municipal limits or in other existing legally
designated urban areas, which are substantially built-up with a ratio of built-up
plots to that of total plots being more than 50 per cent and have been provided
with drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such as
water supply, sewerage mains, etc.

(c) CRZ – III: Land areas that are relatively undisturbed (viz. rural areas, etc.)
and those which do not fall under CRZ-II, shall constitute CRZ–III, and CRZ-III
shall be further classified into the following 2 categories.


Such densely populated CRZ-III areas, where the population density is more than 2161
per square kilometer as per 2011 census base, shall be designated as CRZ–III A and in
CRZ-III A, area up to 50 meters from the HTL on the landward side shall be earmarked
as the ‘No Development Zone (NDZ)’, provided the CZMP as per this notification,
framed with due consultative process, have been approved, failing which, a NDZ of 200
meters shall continue to apply.


All other CRZ-III areas with population density of less than 2161 per square kilometer,
as per 2011 census base, shall be designated as CRZ-III B, and in CRZ-III B, the area
up to 200 meters from the HTL on the landward side shall be earmarked as the ‘No
Development Zone (NDZ)’.

Land area up to 50 meters from the HTL, or width of the creek whichever is less, along
the tidal influenced water bodies in the CRZ III, shall also be earmarked as the NDZ in

(d) CRZ – IV:

The CRZ- IV shall constitute the water area and shall be further classified as under:


The water area and the seabed area between the Low Tide Line, up to twelve nautical
miles on the sea side shall constitute CRZ-IV A.


Areas shall include the water area and the bed area between LTL, and the tidal
influenced water body, where and to the extent the salinity is greater than five parts
per thousand (ppt) during the driest season of the year.

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Procedure for CRZ clearance for permissible and regulated activities:

The Project Proponent shall apply with the following documents to the concerned State
or the Union territory Coastal Zone Management Authority for seeking prior clearance
as per CRZ notification.

a. Project summary details to be provided as per details mentioned in the CRZ

notification. (Refer Annexure-V of CRZ notification).

b. Rapid Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Report shall be submitted including

marine and terrestrial component, as applicable. Rapid EIA report is not required
for building construction projects or housing schemes.

c. Comprehensive EIA with cumulative studies for projects, (except for building
construction projects or housing schemes with built-up area less than the threshold
limit stipulated for attracting the provisions of the EIA Notification, 2006 number
S.O 1533(E), dated 14th September, 2006) shall be carried out if located in low and
medium eroding stretches, as per the CZMP of CRZ notification.

d. Submit Risk Assessment Report and Disaster Management Plan, except for building
construction projects or housing schemes with built-up area less than the threshold
limit stipulated for attracting the provisions of the EIA Notification, 2006 number
S.O 1533(E), dated 14th September, 2006).

e. CRZ map in 1:4000 scale, drawn up by any of the agencies identified by the
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide its Office Order number
J-17011/8/92-IAIII, dated the 14th March, 2014 using the demarcation of the HTL
or LTL, as carried out by National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management.

f. Project layout superimposed on the CRZ map duly indicating the project boundaries
and the CRZ category of the project location as per the approved Coastal Zone
Management Plan of CRZ notification.

g. The CRZ map normally covering 7 kilometer radius around the project site shall be
submitted indicating the CRZ-I, II, III and IV areas including other notified
ecologically sensitive areas.

h. “Consent to establish” or No Objection Certificate from the concerned State

Pollution Control Board or Union territory Pollution Control Committee for the
projects involving treated discharge of industrial effluents and sewage, and in case
prior consent of Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee is not
obtained, the same shall be ensured by the proponent before the start of the
construction activity of the project.

i. The concerned Coastal Zone Management Authority shall examine the documents
in clause (i) above, in accordance with the approved Coastal Zone Management
Plan and in compliance with CRZ notification and make recommendations within a
period of sixty days.

j. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change shall consider complete
project proposals for clearance based on the recommendations of the Coastal Zone
Management Authority, within a period of sixty days.

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k. In case the Coastal Zone Management Authorities are not in operation due to their
reconstitution or any other reasons, then it shall be responsibility of the
Department of Environment in the State Government or Union territory
Administration, who are the custodians of the CZMP of respective States or Union
territories, to provide comments and recommend the proposals in terms of the
provisions of the said notification.

l. The clearance accorded to the projects under this notification shall be valid for a
period of seven years, provided that the construction activities are completed, and
the operations commence within seven years from the date of issue of such

m. The validity may be further extended for a maximum period of three years,
provided an application is made to the concerned authority by the applicant within
the validity period, along with recommendation for extension of validity of the
clearance by the concerned State or Union territory Coastal Zone Management

Post clearance monitoring:

a. It shall be mandatory for the Project Proponent to submit half-yearly compliance

reports in respect of the stipulated terms and conditions of the environmental
clearance in hard and soft copies to the regulatory authority(s) concerned, on the
1st June and 31st December of each calendar year and all such compliance reports
submitted by the project proponent shall be published in public domain and its
copies shall be given to any person on application to the concerned Coastal Zone
Management Authority. The compliance report shall also be displayed on the
website of the concerned regulatory authority.

b. To maintain transparency in the working of the Coastal Zone Management

Authority, it shall be the responsibility of the Coastal Zone Management Authority to
create a dedicated website and post the agenda, minutes, decisions taken,
clearance letters, violations, action taken on the violations and court matters
including the Orders of the Hon’ble Court as also the approved CZMP of the
respective State Government or Union territory.

Areas requiring special consideration in the CRZ

Following coastal areas shall be accorded special consideration for the purpose of
protecting the critical coastal environment and difficulties faced by local communities.

a. Critically Vulnerable Coastal Areas (CVCA): Sundarban region of West Bengal and
other ecologically sensitive areas identified as under Environment (Protection) Act,
1986 such as Gulf of Khambat and Gulf of Kutchh in Gujarat, Malvan, Achra-
Ratnagiri in Maharashtra, Karwar and Coondapur in Karnataka, Vembanad in Kerala,
Gulf of Mannar in Tamil Nadu, Bhaitarkanika in Odisha, Coringa, East Godavari and
Krishna in Andhra Pradesh shall be treated as Critical Vulnerable Coastal Areas
(CVCA) and managed with the involvement of coastal communities including fisher
folk, who depend on coastal resources for their sustainable livelihood.

b. CRZ for inland Backwater islands and islands along the mainland coast.

c. CRZ falling within municipal limits of Greater Mumbai.

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18.9 Procurement of Clearance from Railways for ROB, RUB etc.

a. It is the Executing Agency’s obligation to procure the approval of the Railways for
the ROBs, RUBs or any similar structures to be constructed across a railway line
within the Right of Way of the Railways Department. Process of obtaining ROB
clearance is as follows:

b. GAD shall be prepared based on the field studies conducted at the proposed
crossing. During the field visit following details shall be identified:

a. Right of Way of the Railway boundary

b. Nearest existing LC (Level crossing) number
c. Nearest Railway station
d. Existing railway chainage

A. Proposed GAD shall be uploaded by the executing agency in the Road

Rail Crossing GAD approval system (RORACS) web portal
B. Joint site visit shall be organized with the concerned Railway authorities
for field verification.
C. Joint feasibility report shall be prepared and uploaded in the RORACS
web portal based on the inspection.
D. Based on the observations of the Railways, the GAD shall be revised.
E. Revised GAD shall be uploaded in the RORACS web portal for approval.
F. Planning & Estimation and Way –leave charges shall be paid by the
executing agency.
G. Thereafter, an MoU shall be made between Railways and the executing
H. A snapshot of the RORACS system is presented below.

Figure 18. 4 A Snap Shot of RORACS for uploading ROB details

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18.10 Tree Felling Permission

Trees which are affected due to project proposals shall be clearly identified, properly
blazed and numbered during the enumeration. Tree enumeration shall be carried out
girth-wise & species-wise. The trees whose girth size is 30 cm and more shall be
considered for enumeration. The girth of a tree shall be measured at a height of 100
cm from ground. The following details shall be collected of each tree:

a. Name of the Tree (Local/Scientific)

b. Girth of the Tree
c. Height of the Tree
d. Height of the stem
e. Distance from existing road centre line
f. Condition of wood (if possible)

Further, requisition form shall be submitted to competent authority (DFO) through user
agency for obtaining felling permission. Joint field verification has to be carried out with
concerned forest / revenue officials for approval of enumeration report. No Objection
Certificate (NOC) has to be obtained for felling of roadside trees, which have been
planted by individuals, and the Planning and Extension Division of the Forest
Department, R&B and Highways. The current Upset Price and tree felling estimates
shall be obtained from concerned forest officials. The felling permission and its value
for fruit bearing trees shall be obtained from Horticulture / revenue departments as per
WALTA / State Government rules.

18.11 Clearance for Irrigation canals:

The organizations that are associated with irrigation canals is respective State Water
Resource / Irrigation department. Joint inspection with the concerned officials shall be
organized to identify the affected irrigation canals all along the project corridor. Based
on the site visit best feasible option (GADs) shall be prepared to accommodate
irrigation canal with proper care and safety features. Finalized GAD shall be submitted
to the concerned agencies for obtaining approval and NOC.

18.12 Clearance for Underpasses / Overpasses :

Permission shall be obtained from the local R&B Department / PRED / MORTH etc. for
the proposals made on the cross roads, in respect of the roadway width, the clearances
and the profile of the cross road. The development plans of the concerned departments
for the cross roads shall be taken into consideration before designing the profile and
the junctions at those locations.

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1. General

1.1. The highway should be as direct as possible between the cities or towns to be linked,
thereby, satisfying the major desired links. A direct highway link results in economy in
construction, maintenance and operation.

1.2. The location should result in minimum interference to agriculture and industry.

1.3. The location should, as far as possible, facilitate easy grades and curvature.

1.4. The location should steer clear of obstruction, such as, cemeteries, burning ghats, places
of worship, archaeological and historical monuments, and as far as possible, from public
facilities, like, hospitals, schools, playgrounds, etc.

1.5. Where the proposed location interferes with utility, services, like, overhead transmission
lines, underground water supply lines, sewerage lines, gas lines etc., decision between
changing the highway alignment or shifting the utility services should be based on study of
the relative economics and feasibility.

1.6. As far as possible, frequent crossing and re-crossing of a railway line should be avoided.
For design requirements in such cases, reference may be made to IRC:39 "Standards for
Road-Rail Level Crossings".

1.7. An important obligatory point in the selection of the route is the location of river crossings.
While crossings of major rivers (waterway exceeding 200 m.) may have to be as normal to
the river flow if possible, with highway alignment sub-ordinated to considerations of the
bridge siting. Crossings of medium/minor streams should be generally governed by the
requirements of the highway proper. If necessary, such structures could be made skew/
located on curves.

1.8. The location should be such that the highway is fully integrated with the surrounding
landscape of the area. In this connection, it would be necessary to study the
environmental impact of the highway and ensure that the adverse effects of it are kept to
the minimum.

1.9. The highway should, as far as possible, be located along the edges of properties rather
than through their middle so as to cause least interference to cultivation and other
activities and to avoid the need for frequent crossing of the highway by the local people.

1.10. The location should be, such as, to avoid unnecessary and expensive destruction of
wooded areas. Where intrusion into such areas is unavoidable the highway should be
aligned on a curve if possible so as to preserve an unbroken background.

1.11. The location should, as far as possible, be close to sources of embankment and pavement
materials so that haulage of these over long distances is avoided and the cost minimized.

1.12. A preferred location is one which passes through areas having better type of soil and
permits a balancing of the cost of cut and fill for the formation.

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1.13. Marshy and low-lying land, and areas having poor drainage and very poor embankment
material should be avoided, as far as possible. Also, areas susceptible to subsidence due to
mining operations should be by-passed.

1.14. Areas liable to flooding should be avoided, as far as possible.

1.15. Highways through villages and towns increase traffic hazards and cause delay and
congestion. Wherever a serious problem of this nature is encountered it may be advisable
to by-pass the built-up area playing well clear of the limits upto which the town or village is
anticipated to grow in the future.

1.16. As far as possible, areas likely to be unstable due to toe-erosion by rivers, shall be avoided.

1.17. During fixing of alignment by the side of a river, the direction of flow of the river and HFL
records for past 50 years shall be kept in view.

1.18. In spite of all conscious effort to avoid running through forest areas many times roads are
required to be aligned passing through the forest land. With increase in traffic roads
require to be widened often leading to cutting of trees on one or both sides of the road. All
this unavoidable felling needs to be made good by provision of compensatory afforestation
in equal or additional areas at suitable locations. Project preparation needs to keep this
aspect in view and make necessary provisions for compensatory afforestation where the
same is warranted.

1.19. If prior to project preparation it is known that a facility under construction is to be widened
to additional lanes, the project should be prepared by locating the first embankment and
pavement in an eccentric position with respect to the total land available and also freeze
the total land required for the entire envisaged facility right in the beginning. The
subsequent construction may then be undertaken symmetrically with respect to the center
line of the land.

If provision of additional lanes has to be made to an old road, it can be done either by
addition of half the requirement symmetrically on each side on the entire new addition on
one side only. The points to be considered in such a case are:

(i) the availability of land and convenience of additional acquisition in view of presence of
buildings and existing constructions on each side

(ii) felling of trees that may be involved on either side

(iii) the width of new construction and facility of compaction equipment to operate and

(iv) technical convenience for construction of additional structures and necessary

protection works for the same in the vicinity of the existing structures

(v) Technical convenience for locations of additional two-lane carriageway preferably on

upstream side of the flow of water, providing better protection to the existing facility.

1.20 The location should, as far as possible, to avoid or minimize the CRZ areas while planning
the highway in coastal region.

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1.21 Defense establishment, future development of Airport Areas should be avoided, as far as

2. Special Problems of Locating in Hilly Areas

2.1. The route should enable the ruling gradient to be attained in most of the length.

2.2. Steep terrain and other inaccessible area should be avoided, as far as possible.

2.3. Unstable hilly features, areas having frequent landslide or settlement problems and up
slope benched agricultural field with potential for standing water may be avoided as far as

2.4. Locations, along a river valley have the inherent advantage of comparatively gentle
gradients, proximity of inhabited villages, and easy supply of water for construction
purposes. However, this solution is be-set with disadvantages, such as, the need for large
number of cross-drainage structures and protective works against erosion. It would,
therefore, be necessary to take the various aspects into account before making the final

2.5. The alignment should involve least number of hair-pin bends. Where unavoidable, the
bends should be located on stable and gentle hill slopes.

2.6. In certain cases, it may be expedient to negotiate high mountain ranges through tunnels.
For such cases, the decision should be based on relative economics or strategic

2.7. In crossing mountain ridges, the location should be such that the highway preferably
crosses the ridge at their lowest elevation.

2.8. An alignment likely to receive plenty of sunlight should receive due preference over the one
which will be in shade.

2.9. Areas liable to snow drift should be avoided.

2.10. As far as possible, needless rise and fall must be avoided, specially where the general
purpose of the route is to gain elevation from a lower point to a higher point.

2.11. Areas of valuable natural resource and wildlife sanctuaries shall be avoided.

3. Special consideration for locating roads in desert area

3.1. Locations where sand is loose and unstable should be avoided and the alignment selected
along ridges having vegetation.

3.2. Preference should be given to areas having coarse sand than to areas having fine
windblown sand.

3.3. In locating a road in an area having longitudinal sand dunes, the best location is always at
the top of a ridge or in the inter-dunal space. Location along the face of longitudinal dunes
should be avoided.

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3.4. The alignment of road should as far as possible run parallel to sand dunes, sand dunes
should be crossed without disturbing their existing profile.

4. Special Considerations in Expansive Soils

4.1. Suitable forms of stabilization, specially mixing of lime in pulverized soil may be necessary
to achieve desired gain in strength.

5. Special Considerations of Road in Saline Soils

5.1. Locations where large salt deposits occur should be bypassed.

5.2. In locating the road in medium and highly saline soil precautions for diversion of water
away from road bed should be taken.

5.3. On wet saline soils, highway embankment should be constructed of good imported soil free
from salts.

6. Special Consideration in Marine Clay

In case the marine clay site is under the influence of tide rise and fall of water, the
subgrade should be 1.0 meter above the highest tidal water level.

Marine clay are soft and compressible. Therefore, stability of fill and the magnitude and
time rate of settlement needs to be evaluated and considered. If these factors are not
within the acceptable limit ground improvements methods may be adopted.

7. Special Consideration in Water Logged Areas

7.1. Embankment height should be adequately above level of standing water.

7.2. Provision of capillary cut-off or blanket drainage facility below pavement may be necessary.

8. Points of Guidance on Prevention of Soil Erosion needing attention in the

Construction of Road in Hilly Areas:

8.1. The road construction project estimates should provide for not only the requisite scale of
investigation but also the necessary measures against soil erosion so that these can be
built into the project with adequate financial provision.

8.2. Before finalizing the alignment erosion potential of each alternative should be carefully
examined and the one involving least disturbance to the natural ground should be

8.3. Roads should not be located in geological by unstable strata, if this can be avoided. Study
of the geological maps of the area and consultation with the local Geological Department
will be helpful in this regard.

8.4. Road alignment should avoid large scale cutting and filling and follow the profile of the
land as far as possible. Use of tunnels to avoid deep cuts should be considered where
feasible and economical.

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8.5. To the extent feasible, roads should be aligned away from streams except where these are
to be crossed, since the greatest damage always occur along water courses. Special
attention is necessary to create protective belts of forests on both sides.

8.6. It will be advisable, at least for important roads, to have consultation with officers of Forest
Department at the stages of route alignment selection, surveys and investigations, etc., so
as to ensure that the selected alignment has minimum potential for soil erosion and that
the project designs and estimates provide for the necessary soils erosion control measures.

8.7. On hill Slopes half cut and half fill type of cross-section which involves least disturbance to
the natural ground, should be adopted subject to^ consideration of economy and road
stability being satisfied.

8.8. The cut slope should be made stable for the type of strata in the initial construction stage
itself by resorting to stable cut slopes with benches, etc., including the use of slope
stabilizing structures, like, breast walls, pitching, etc.

8.9. Area for clearing and grubbing should be kept minimum subject to technical requirements
of the road. The clearing area should be properly demarcated to save desirable trees and
shrubs and to prevent over clearing.

8.10. Location and alignment of culverts should be so chosen as to avoid adverse erosion at
outlets and siltation at inlets.

8.11. The cross-drainage structures should discharge safely on the valley side and in this
connection all necessary precautions/safe guards should be taken to ensure that the
discharging water does not cause erosion even when they flow for long period.

8.12. Drainage of water from the roadside must be given top attention and necessary system of
drains will be received to deal the run-off to natural water courses.

8.13. Appropriate mitigating Pleasures, like, ground cover planting and compulsory afforestation
may be catered for.

IRC : SP : 19-2020


1.1. Traffic growth rate is required to be estimated to assess the future corridor traffic. To be
realistic, this projection must be made by considering traffic flow pattern by Origin-
Destination pairs and changes in vehicle mix expected during the time horizon of the study.
Since the transport demand can change due to shift in the pattern of economic activities, it
is also necessary to consider trip generation potentials within a region. In view of this,
projecting regional socio-economic characteristics, plus the rate of change likely to take
place in the economy, the population size, urbanization and the spatial distribution of the
economic activities are required to be considered in estimation of growth rate for traffic
projection. Simple methods which may be considered suitable are described below:

1.2. Time Trend Analysis

For this purpose classified volume count data are to be collected at selected survey
locations, which are reasonably representative of the traffic flow conditions along the

The analysis is then carried out generally by Linear Regression Analysis. AR2 value of 0.75
or more would be acceptable for forecasting. Erratic and scattered values of R may require
consideration of other parameteres and appropriate unbiased purification of data base or
adjustment of growth rates. Nevertheless, this method has its limitations particularly in its
applications to a new facility. Secondly, historical growth rates do not cover the changes in
the socio-economic structure, as such, fail to reflect fully the prospective growth envisaged
in the economy and the spatial distribution of economic activities, population size and,
urbanization. These may require some zonal-level forecasting along the corridor. Thus,
something more than simple extrapolation of historical growth rates by vehicle type is

1.3. Systematic Forecasting Method

This method is more related to the projections of Origin-Destination linkages at the zonal-
level, as related to the prospective growth in population and the economy.

The traffic forecasting models developed for the study involve the estimation of future
transport demand, in terms of future growth rates based on the growth of population and
Net State Domestic Project (NSDP), together with the elasticity of transport demand for
both passengers and freight, in relation to income and population.

The data inputs required by this method for the determination of growth rates of vehicular
traffic comprise:

(a) the growth of population

(b) income (in real terms) and

(c) the elasticity of transport demand in relation to population and income

The data, particularly the income and transport demand elasticity, are generally not
available at zonal level, the state level data may be used with due consideration of the
zone under consideration.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

1.4. Simplified Approach

This approach is primarily based on the broad guidelines for economic analysis for highway
investments circulated for schemes under the proposed assistance by the Asian
Development Bank. IRC - 108

Forecast future normal demand for transport by project road based on, but not necessarily
limited to, annual population and real income per capita growth rates (in per cent per year)
estimated in Road Influence Area (RIA), elasticity of transport demand in relation to
income, and estimated annual production increases (in per cent per year) in RIA. In other
words, annual traffic growth must be related to specific economic activity in each RIA.
Transport demand should be projected on an annual basis over the project period. The
formulae for annual growth (in per cent) of passenger vehicles and trucks may be assumed
as follows:

a. Passenger Vehicles

Example: Assumptions

(i) Population growth: 2.1 per cent a year during 1 98 1 -9 1 (expected population
growth rates during 1991-2001 2 per cent per year)

(ii) Real income per capita growth: 3.0 per cent per year


Growth Rate (%) = [ 1 .020 x 1 .03 - 1 ] x 100 x E

First Five Years Second Five Third Five

Years Years
E for Cars, Jeeps
2.0 2.0 1.8
and Vans
E for Buses 1.6 1.6 1.5
E for Two and
2.5 2.3 2.1
Three wheelers

Where E is the elasticity of transport demand

b. Freight Traffic

Estimation of freight traffic is more complex in nature and involves the process of
iteration as well as subjective decision so as to be compatible with the regional
perspective plans and other indicators. The basic steps will comprise:

(i) From socio-economic profile find out the annual weighted average growth
rate in per cent in the agricultural, industrial, mining and tourism sectors
(assumed as the predominant sectors) from the State Domestic Product
(SDP) data base. This growth may be computed in five (5) year blocks;

IRC : SP : 19-2020

(ii) To the above growth rate, apply the elasticity of transport demand. For

For the first five years 2.0, second five years 1.8 and third five years 1.6;

(lii) Based on the above generate movement quantum in terms of commodity

tonnage in the same block of years;

(iv) Now assume percentage of likely market shares by LCV, HCV and MAV during
the project period;

(v) Further assign lead distance to connect the commodity movement into tonne-
km and using step(iv) generate numbers of vehicles in blocks of five years;

(vi) As a check back calculate the growth rates to examine its appropriateness in
the context of regional development perspective and other development
parameters. Apply suitable corrections, on subjective basis, to finalise the
growth rates and generate annualised traffic streams in terms of LCV, HCV
and MAV for use in pavement design as well as economic analysis.

1.5. Conclusion

From the findings of the alternative methods described, appropriate growth rates may be
adopted for the project road concerned.

IRC : SP : 19-2020



1. Details of route vis-a-vis topography of the area, whether plain, rolling or hilly.

2. Length of the road along various alternatives.

3. Bridging requirements number, length.

4. Geometries Features:

(a) Gradient that are feasible, specifying the extent of deviations called for

(b) Curves hair-pain bends, etc.

(c) Railway crossings

(d) Ground constraints

5. Existing means of surface travel-mule path, jeep track, earthen cart tracks, rail way lines,
waterway, etc.

6. Right-of-way available, bringing out constraints on account of built-up area, monuments,

and other structures.

7. Terrain and soil conditions:

7.1. Geology of the area

7.2. Nature of soil, drainage conditions and nature of hill slopes

7.3. Road length passing through

(i) Mountainous terrain

(ii) Steep terrain

(iii) Rocky stretches with indication of the length in loose rock stretches

(iv) Areas subject to avalanches and snow drifts

(v) Areas subjected to inundation and flooding

(vi) Areas subjected to sand dunes including location of dunes

(vii) Areas of poor soils and damage conditions

(viii) Areas with very poor sub-soil strength, e.g. marshes

(ix) Areas of high salinity or wet saline soil

IRC : SP : 19-2020

7.4. Cliffs and gorges.

7.5. Drainage characteristics of the area including susceptibility to flooding

7.6. General elevation of the road indicating maximum and minimum heights negotiated
by mam ascents and descents in hill sections

7.7. Total number of ascents and descents in hill sections

7.8. Disposition and location of sand dunes

7.9. Vegetation-extent and type

8. Climatic Condition

8.1. Temperature-monthly maximum and minimum readings

8.2. Rainfall data-average annual, peak intensities, monthly distribution (to the extent

8.3 Snowfall data-average annual, peak intensities, monthly distribution (to the extent

8.4. Wind direction and velocities

8.5. Visibility

8.6. Exposure to sun

8.7. Water Table and its variation between maximum and minimum

8.8. History of unusual weather, like, cloudbursts, etc.

9. Facilities Resources

9.1. Landing ground in case of hilly stretches

9.2. Dropping zones in case of hilly stretches

9.3. Foodstuff

9.4. Labour - local availability and need for import

9.5. Construction material timber, bamboo, sand, stones, shingle, etc. with extent of
their availability, leads involved and availability of easy access

9.6. Availability of water, especially in arid zones

9.7. Availability of local contractors

10. Value of land-agriculture land, irrigated land, built-up land, forest land, etc.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

11. Approximate construction cost of various alternatives.

12. Access points indicating possibility of induction of equipment.

13. Period required for construction.

14. Strategic considerations.

15. Recreational potential.

16. Important villages, town and marketing centres connected.

17. Economic factors:

(i) Population served by the alignment

(ii) Agricultural and economic potential of the area

(iii) Marketing centres.

18. Other major developmental projects being taken up in the area, e.g, railway project hydro-
electric projects, railway projects, dams, reservoirs, mining/agricultural projects, etc.

19. Crossings with Railway Lines and other existing highways.

20. Location of existing or proposed utilities along the alignment.

21. Necessity of by-passes for towns and villages.

22. Position of ancient monuments, burial grounds, cremation grounds, religious structures,
hospitals and schools.

23. Ecology and environmental factors.

24. Aspects needing co-ordination with other administrative authorities.

25. Traffic counts from existing records.

IRC : SP : 19-2020



1 Reconnaissance Survey (See Section 7)

(i) Map Study
(ii) Aerial reconnaissance
(iii) ground reconnaissance)
2 Preliminary Survey (See Section 8)
(i) Collection of general information about traffic, soil, subsoil and surface drainage, etc.,
(ii) Establishment of reference bench marks
(iii) Traverse survey
(iv) Fly levels and Cross-Sections
(v) Map preparation
3 Determination of Final Center Line in the Design Office (See Section 8)
4 Final Location Survey (See Section 11)
(i) Staking of final centre line
(ii) Referencing HIPs, POTs, etc.,
(iii) Establishment of permanent bench marks
(iv) Longitudinal and Cross-Sections
5 Survey of Economic Profile
(i) State's and road influence area's socio-economic profile
(ii) Transport system in the State
6 Traffic Surveys (See Section 6)
(i) Study of data from records
(ii) Traffic counts, O-D Surveys, etc.,
(iii) Traffic projections
(iv) Collection of traffic particulars for railway level crossings and road junctions
(v) Axle load suraveys
(vi) Analysis of accident records
7 Soil and Materials Surveys (See Section 12)
(i) Study of available information
(ii) Soil investigations for low embankments and demarcation of borrow areas
(iii) Special investigations for high embankment
(iv) Detailed investigations for flexible pavement / rigid pavement
(v) Survey and evaluation of naturally occurring aggregates
(vi) Manufactured aggregates / items
(vii) Water for construction purposes
8 Drainage Studies (See Section 14)
(i) HFL and ponded water level
(ii) Depth of sub-soil water table
(iii) Special investigations for cut sections and seepage glows
(iv) Surface run-off
9 Cross-drainage Structures (See Section 15)
(i) Site selection
(ii) Collection of hydraulic and foundation data

IRC : SP : 19-2020



(a) Environmental Impacts Due to Project Location :
(i) Disruption to hydrology May be avoided through planning D2
(ii) Resettlement Suitable compensation and resettlement D1
planning require consideration
(iii) Environmental aesthetics degradation Care shall be taken to avoid / minimise D2
(iv) Inequitable locations for rural roads Cross roads suitably clubbed for access D3
to the road. For the purpose, suitable
connectors to be planned as part of
(v) Loss of terrestrial ecology including forests May be avoided through planning D2
and wildlife exercise or minimise the effect with
mitigation measures
(vi) Loss of aquatic ecology May be avoided through planning D2
exercise or minimise the effect with
mitigation measures
(b) Impacts During Construction Phase :
(i) Site runoff from cut and fill area Suitable measures to be adopted during D1
(ii) Safety of works from accidents All safety measures may be incorporated D1
in tender document
(iii) Slum creation hazards Appropriate planning for housing of D1
construction workers must be made
(iv) Cultural differences hazards Should preferably be avoided and public --
learning be made and considered
(v) Escape of hazardous materials Strict monitoring of the movement of D2
hazardous materials
(vi) Escape of air pollution (including dusts) Suitable measures will be adopted to D1
prevent minimise
(vii) Noise and vibrations Effect shall be assessed and measures D1
taken based on significant
(viii) Quarrying hazards (including use of Appropriate planning operation of D3
explosives) blasting and use of Operating Quarries
(ix) Disruption of utilities along route Shifting of utilities shall be planned in D2
advance and provision kept in the
(x) Disruption of traffic along route Judiciously planned to avoid / minimise D1
(ix) Disruption of utilities along route Shifting of utilities shall be planned in D2

IRC : SP : 19-2020

advance and provision kept in the
(x) Disruption of traffic along route Judiciously planned to avoid / minimise D1
(c) Impacts from Project Operations :
(i) Noise disturbances Shall not go up from present level D1
(ii) Vibration disturbances appropriate planning and post- D1
construction monitoring may be made
(iii) Air pollution appropriate planning and post D1
construction monitoring may be made
(iv) Continuing erosion Protective vegetation and Other D2
methods shall be adopted
(v) Highway runoff contamination Appropriate planning and post D2
construction monitoring to take care
(vi) Highway spills of hazardous materials Appropriate spills control program and D1
post construction monitoring to take
(vii) Escape of sanitary wastes Appropriate planning / post-construction D1
monitoring to be considered
(viii) Congestion at access / exit points Appropriate planning / post-construction D2
monitoring be made to reduce eliminate
the effect
(ix) Inadequate highway maintenance Post-construction monitoring is D3

Note: IEE grading Scale

D1 - Not Significant
D2 - Small significant effect
D3 - Moderate significant effect
D4 - Major significant effect

IRC : SP : 19-2020



General Details:

Project Name -

Consultant's Name -

Date of Review -

Details /
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Overview of client organization /
2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Methodology adopted for feasibility
3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Socioeconomic profile of the project
4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Regional economic profile basis last 10
4.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
years data as per IRC
Economic profile of project influence
4.2 area basis last 10 years data as per Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Socio Economic status of project
4.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
influence area
Indicative design standards,
5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
methodologies, and specifications
6 Traffic surveys and analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Classified traffic volume counts using
6.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
IHMCL data (7day data)
Traffic projection methodology as per
6.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
6.3 Projected Traffic data for 20 years Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
6.4 Current and Projected PCU Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
6.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
Origin destination surveys as per IRC:
6.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Speed and delay studies as per
6.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Traffic surveys for the design of road
6.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
junctions as per data in IRC: SP:41
Analysis for replacing railway level
6.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
crossings with over bridges/ subways

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Details /
6.10 Axle load survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Any other details relevant to the
6.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Traffic surveys monitored and reviewed
6.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
by the client
7 Reconnaissance survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
7.1 Road Inventory Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Review of Road Inventory survey by
7.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Chainage wise details of pavement
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
composition survey
Geological Survey
7.4 • Geological Map of the Area Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
• Seismicity
Climatic Conditions
• Temperature
7.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
• Rainfall
• Wind
Pavement composition and condition
7.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Review of pavement composition and
7.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
condition survey by client
Pavement roughness survey as per
7.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Review of pavement roughness survey
7.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
by client
Pavement structural strength survey as
7.10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
per IRC:81
Review of pavement structural strength
7.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
survey by client
7.12 Sub grade characteristics and strengths Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

Topographical survey
7.13 • Gradient Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
• Terrain

Review of topographical survey by

7.14 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Inventory of bridges, culverts and
7.15 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Condition survey for bridges, culverts
7.16 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
and structures
Review of condition survey for bridges,
7.17 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
culverts and structures by client
Any other details relevant to the
7.18 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
8 Geotechnical Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Details /
Geo-technical and sub-soil explorations
8.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
as per IRC:78
Bore holes dug for every pier and
8.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Review of geo-technical and sub-soil
8.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
explorations by client
Field testing, soil sampling, laboratory
8.4 testing in accordance with BIS/ Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Recommendation of Foundation Type
8.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
and Depth
Any other details relevant to the
8.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
9 Hydraulic and Hydrological Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Hydraulic and hydrological
9.1 investigations as per IRC:SP:13 and Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
9.2 High Flood Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
9.3 Depth of Water Table specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
9.4 Ponded Water Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Any other details relevant to the
9.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Review of hydrological investigations
9.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
by client
10 Materials Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.1 Materials Survey conducted Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Sources of Naturally Occurring
Aggregates specified
• Details of Borrow Pits with Distance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
from Project Site
• Cost of Material/ Transportation
Sources of Manufactured Items
10.3 • Details of suppliers with distance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
from project site
• Cost of material/ transportation
Sources of water for construction
10.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
specified as per IS: 456
Any other details relevant to the
10.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Environmental screening/ preliminary
11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
environmental assessment
Analysis basis Initial Environment
11.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Recommended feasible mitigation
11.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
12 Initial social assessment/ preliminary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Details /
LA resettlement plan
Analysis basis Initial Environment
12.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Details of consultation with potentially
12.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
affected persons
Names/ Details of consultation with
12.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
local NGOs
Names/ Details of consultation with
12.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
municipal authorities
12.5 Preliminary resettlement plan Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Any other details relevant to the
12.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
13 Cost estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
13.1 Item rates and rate analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
13.2 Escalation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
14 Economic and financial analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
14.1 Estimated cost details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
14.2 Projected revenues details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
14.3 Assumptions stated Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Analysis and results (IRR, Sensitivity
14.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Analysis, Financial Viability)
15 Strip plan and Alignment Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Details of center line of proposed
15.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
15.2 Details of existing RoW Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
15.3 Details of proposed RoW Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Details about ownership of land to be
15.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Strip plan basis reconnaissance and
15.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
topographic surveys
Strip plan reviewed and approved by
15.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
the client
16 Alignment Options Study Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
At least two alignments proposed
16.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
• Details of Alignments on Map
16.2 Review of options with client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
16.2.1 Review of options with local authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Length of the project along proposed
16.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
alignment options
Land Acquisition required along
16.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
alignment options
16.4.1 Environmental impact of each option Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
Review of road geometry and safety
16.4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
for each option

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Details /
16.5 Cost Estimates of alternatives Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
Recommended Alignment with
16.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Any other details relevant to the
16.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
17 Technical Specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
MoRTH technical specifications for
17.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Roads and Bridge works followed
17.2 Details of technical specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
18 Rate Analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Rate analysis for all relevant items as
18.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
per latest SoR
19 Cost Estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Cost estimates for all relevant items as
19.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
per latest SoR
20 Bill of quantities Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
21 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
21.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Report fulfils project objectives and
21.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
scope as per RFP
Report reviewed for errors and
21.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Compliance report prepared on client
21.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

Sl. No.

Structure No.

Project Name:
Name of River Bridge

Existing Chainage

Design Chainage (Km)

Skew / Normal

Existing Type
IRC : SP : 19-2020

Existing Span

Total Existing length of

Bridge(C/C Exp

Flow Direction

Width of Bridge
(Inner to Inner Face of
Railing or Parapet)(m)

Total Width (Outer to

Outer face of Slab)



Superstru Railing

Crash Barrier


/ Bearings





Existing Substructure
Inventory and Condition Survey for Bridges




Wing Walls


Existing Return /

Bed Protection


Repair / Rehabilitation


General Condition

(Ref: para 14.1)
n (Km)
Project Name:
IRC : SP : 19-2020

Existin Span

g Type Arrangem

Total width
Parapet) (m)


Height (m)
Existing Structure Details


Road Level
from Bed (m)

Flow direction
Inventory and Condition Survey for Culverts






Bed Protection


Repair / Rehabilitation


General Condition

Sl. No.

Structure No
Project Name:

Existing Chainage (Km)

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Existing Type

Existing Size (m)

Total Width
(Outer to Outer Parapet
/ Head wall) (m)

Flow direction

Existing Road Level from

Bed level (m)

Head Wall Type


Length (m)

Head Wall


Length (m)


Height (m)

Bed Protection &

Revetment works

General Condition and



Repair / Rehabilitation

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Project Name:

Carriageway (Single/Dual) Lanes 2 3 4 N/A Side (Left/Right)

Pavement Condition Embankment Condition Drainage Condition

Cracking Edge
Pot Rut Height
Ravelli fretting General Slope Connectivity Stagnation Culvert
From To Narrow Wide hole Depth Failures (m)
ng % (length in Condition Erosion E/NE/D E/NE E/D
Type (<3mm) (>3mm) (%) (mm)
% %

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Project Name:

Carriageway (Single/Dual) LANES 2 3 4 N/A Side (Left/Right)

Stretch (km) Paved Shoulder Condition Earthen Shoulder Condition

Narrow Edge fretting Pot hole Rut Depth Edge Drop Material Loss/
From To Wide Raveling % Condition
Type (<3mm) (length in m) (%) (mm) (cm) Corrugations
(>3mm) %

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Date: Name of the Road: Direction: Weather:

Chainage Earthwork
Land Use way Width Shoulder Road Side Drain
(km) Type C/L/F Width
Terra Surfac (m) Soil
in ing Type &
Median Left Right LHS RHS
Type Colour
From To Left Right Left Right LHS RHS (m) Width Width
Type Type Type Condition Type Condition
(m) (m)

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Name of the Road : Direction: Survey Day :
Location : Date of Survey: Day:
Time BUS
Period Car / Car Tata
2W 3W RTC Private Mini School Cycle Animal
Jeep (Y.B) Magic Cycle
Bus Bus Bus Bus Rickshaw Drawn

Sub Total

Sub Total

Sub Total

Sub Total

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Name of the Road : Direction: Survey Day :
Location : Date of Survey : Day :
Time Tractor
Period Heavy/ Tempo/ LCV Tractor with
2 Multi LCV (Tata Goods Bus
3 Axle Earth Trailer
Axle Axle ACE)





IRC : SP : 19-2020


Name of Road: Direction : Towards Date of Survey:
Location: Survey Day: Day:
Origin Destination
Vehicle Vehicle Distance Frequen
S. No. Town/ District/ Town/ District/ Purpose
Type No. (Km) cy
Locality State Locality State




Vehicle Type Purpose Frequency

1. Car 1. Work 6.Recreation 1. Daily – D
2. Bus 2. Education 7.Health 2. Weekly – W
3. Mini Bus 3. Business 8.Returns 3. Monthly – M
4. Tata Magic 4. Social 9.Others 4. Yearly – Y

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Name of Road: Direction: Towards Day of Survey:
Location: Day: Sheet No :
Origin Destination National
Vehicle Vehicle Commod Distance Frequ Permit
S. No. Town/ District/ Town/ District/
Type No. ity Type (Km) ency (Yes/
Locality State Locality State No)



Vehicle Type Frequency

(1) LCV 1. Daily – D
(2) 2 Axle Truck 2. Weekly –W
(3) 3 Axle Truck 3. Monthly – M
(4) MAV 4. Yearly – Y

IRC : SP : 19-2020



Name of Road: Direction : Towards Day of Survey:

Location: Date of Survey: Page No:
Passenger Vehicles
S. Time Car(Yellow RTC Bus & TATA MAGIC
Car Mini Bus
No Board) PVT Bus Passenger
State No State No State No State No State No

IRC : SP : 19-2020



Name of Road: Direction:Towards Survey Day:

Location: Date of Survey:

Page No:

Goods Vehicle
S. No. Time 2 Axle Truck 3 Axle Truck LCV M Axle Mini LCV
State No State No State No State No State No

IRC : SP : 19-2020



Name of Road __________________ From ____________ To_____________________

From Km:_________________________ to Km __________No. of Trip________________

Date :_______________________
Time :_______________________

First Stop Second Stop

Watch Watch
Sl .
Control Points Cause of Delay
No. Journey Time Delay Time
Km. M.
Min. Sec Min. Sec

Name and Signature _________________ Name and Signature ______________

of Enumerators_______________ of Supervisors ________ _ _______________

IRC : SP : 19-2020



Name of Road __________________ From ____________ To_____________________

From Km:_________________________ to Km __________No. of Trip________________

Date :_______________________
Time :_______________________


Passenger Vehicles Goods Vehicles

Car / Jeep / Auto Trucks
Two Tempo/L
Mini Bus Bus Multi
New Old Wheeler CV 2 Axle

Name and Signature _________________ Name and Signature ______________

of Enumerators_______________ of Supervisors ________ ________________

IRC : SP : 19-2020



Name of Road __________________ From ____________ To_____________________

From Km:_________________________ to Km __________No. of Trip________________

Date :_______________________
Time :_______________________


Passenger Vehicles Goods Vehicles

Car / Jeep / Auto Two Tempo/LC Trucks
Mini Bus Bus
New Old Wheeler V 2 Axle Multi Axle

Name and Signature _________________ Name and Signature ______________

of Enumerators_______________ of Supervisors ________ _ _______________

IRC : SP : 19-2020



Name of Road __________________ From ____________ To_____________________

From Km:_________________________ to Km __________No. of Trip________________

Date :_______________________
Time :_______________________


Passenger Vehicles Goods Vehicles

Car / Jeep / Auto Two Tempo/L Trucks

Mini Bus Bus
New Old Wheeler CV 2 Axle Mini Axle

Name and Signature _________________ Name and Signature ______________

of Enumerators_______________ of Supervisors ________ ______________

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Section :
Date & Time :_______________________

Weather ____________________________


Vehic Commo Axle Load (Tonnes)

Origi Destinatio Remar
Time le dity
n n
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th ks
Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle

Name and Signature _________________ Name and Signature ______________

of Enumerators_______________ of Supervisors ________ ______________

IRC : SP : 19-2001


Directon 1 Direction 2

Chainage Bump Wheel Road Condition Mean Value

Bump Wheel Road Condition (Type UI UI
Km Reading Revolution (Type of Surface (A+B)
Reading Revolution of Surface Thickness, cm/km cm/km
BR WR Thickness, Drainage 2
BR WR Drainage, etc.,) A A
etc.,) cm / km

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Finding preferred highway alternatives with existing methods requires considerable resources e.g.,
manpower and time. The agencies often face complex situations in aligning a road and estimating
its cost because the project should be based on comprehensive analyses of many relevant factors,
such as land availability, earthwork, maintenance, life-cycle cost, demand, land-use, user travel
time, environmental impacts, safety, effects on the performance of other transportation modes,
and effects on regional development.

The following flow chart describes the major steps in evaluation process. The evaluation process
is divided into initial evaluation of alternative alignments through reconnaissance and discussions
with various agencies followed by detailed evaluation.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

The attributes considered in any bypass/ new alignments study may take many forms, but of prime
importance are physical, economic, social and environmental ones. After considering all the major
aspects, the alternative alignments have to be evaluated with respect to the following five major
a) Engineering Aspects
b) Socioeconomic Aspects
c) Environmental Aspects
d) Cost Aspects
e) Safety Aspects

Evaluation for each criteria & Overall evaluation through Decision Matrix

a) Parameters for Engineering Aspects

This criterion measures the degree to which the alignment would have a negative impact on
current services such as existing pipelines, cables and/or drainage. This also reflects on the
stage ability of the alignment construction.

Following are sub-division of Engineering aspect parameters:

• Physical location away from the city
• Terrain
• Gradient
• Proposed new road length
• Utilization of existing road by widening/ strengthening
• Length of Service roads
• Horizontal curves
• Interchanges
• ROBs/ RUBs
• VUPs
• PUPs
• Major Bridges
• Minor Bridges

Each of the parameter to be assigned with the same unit value.

b) Parameters for Social Aspects

This assessment refers to the impact on community facilities, the social/community severance
or integration, aesthetic factors, noise factors, and heritage issues.

The following are sub-division of Social aspect parameters:

• Total Land Acquisition required

• Percent of Agricultural land
• Percent of Residential land
• Percent of Commercial land

IRC : SP : 19-2020

• Percent of Industrial land

• Percent of Open/barren land
• Percent of Garden/Plantation land
• Percent of land for Recreational land
• Percent of land covered by Pond/Ditch/Water body
• Demolition of small type houses
• Demolition of important buildings/houses.

Each of the parameter has been assigned with the same unit value.

c) Parameters for Environmental Aspects

The Environmental assessment measures the degree to which there is an undesirable impact
on environmental factors along and in the vicinity of the alignment.

The following are sub-division of Environmental aspect parameters:

• Alignment length
• Cross Roads
• Canal/river crossings
• Use of Existing road
• Damage of Agricultural land
• Damage of residential and commercial land
• Damage of Garden/ Plantation
• Use of pond/ Ditch/ Barren
• Length through Habitation
• Presence of sensitive locations
• Reserve forests/ Protect forests/ Breeding center
• School, College, Religious structures and Hospitals
Each of the parameter to be assigned with the same unit value.

d) Parameters for Cost Aspects

To evaluate cost aspects following parameters have been considered.

• Civil cost
• Overall Cost

Each of the parameter has been assigned with the same unit value.

e) Parameters for Safety Aspects

To evaluate Safety aspects following parameters have been considered.

• Road Geometry
• Number of Intersections
• Road Safety

Evaluation of Each Alternative through Decision Matrix

IRC : SP : 19-2020

The final choice of alternatives as most feasible one needs to be confirmed through
assessment with relative weightage factors from Engineering, Socioeconomic, Cost, Safety
and Environmental considerations.

In overall evaluation among the alternatives, following suggested weightages to be assigned

after considering relative importance and impact of each criteria.

a) Engineering Aspect : 25%

b) Socioeconomic Aspect : 20%
c) Environmental Aspect : 20%
d) Cost Aspect : 15%
e) Safety Aspect : 20%

The above percentages of weightages are admittedly subjective but based on the overall
understanding on the study area with reference to the objective and requirements of the
project. After evaluation of each alternative, the one which scores higher will be preferred

Evaluation of Alignment options using weighted average

S. Maxi- Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

No. Description Units Score Detail Score Detail Score Detail Score
Engineering Aspects

1 Physical location away

from city km 1 1.79 0.76 1.36 1.00 1.36 1.00
2 Terrain - 1 Plain 1.00 Plain 1.00 Plain 1.00
3 Gradient - 1 Flat 1.00 Flat 1.00 Flat 1.00
Proposed new road
length km 1 7.5 0.77 5.8 1.00 7.9 0.73
Utilization of existing
5 road by km 1 0 0.00 0 0
widening/strengthening 0.00 0.00
6 Length of Service Road km 1 7.5 0.77 5.8 1.00 7.9 0.73
7 Horizontal curves no 1 7 1.00 7 1.00 7 1.00
Number of
Interchanges no 1 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00
9 ROBs no 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
10 VUPs no 1 3 0.67 2 1.00 3 0.67
11 PUPs no 1 2 1.00 2 1.00 2 1.00
12 MJBs no 1 2 0.50 1 1.00 2 0.50
13 Number of MIB no 1 4 1.00 4 1.00 5 0.80
Subtotal 13 9.47 11.00 9.44
Socio-Economic Aspects

1 Total land acquisition

required hct 1 45 0.91 41 1.00 53.6 0.76
2 Agriculture Land % 1 100 0.90 90 1.00 100 0.90
3 Residential Land % 1 0 1.00 10 0.00 0 1.00
4 Commercial Land % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
5 Industrial Land % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00

IRC : SP : 19-2020

S. Maxi- Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

No. Description Units Score Detail Score Detail Score Detail Score
6 Open/barren Land % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
7 Garden/Plantation Land % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
8 Forest Land % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
Development % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
10 Pond/Ditch/Water body % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00

11 Demolition of small
type houses no 1 3 0.33 1 1.00 1 1.00
Demolition of
12 important
buildings/houses no 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
Subtotal 12 11.14 11 11.66
Environmental Aspects
1 Alignment Length km 1 7.5 0.77 5.8 1.00 7.9 0.73
2 Cross roads no 1 10 0.60 6 1.00 8 0.75
3 Canal/river crossings no 1 6 0.67 4 1.00 5 0.80
4 Use of Existing road km 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Damage of Agriculture
land % 1 100 0.90 90 1.00 100 0.90

6 Damage of residential
and commercial land % 1 0 1.00 10 0.00 0 1.00

7 Damage of Garden /
Plantation % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
Use of
pond/Ditch/Barren % 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
Length through
Habitation km 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00

10 Presence of sensitive
Reserve forest/ Protect
10.1 forest/ Breeding centre
etc. hct 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
School, College,
10.2 Religious structures
and Hospitals no 1 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00
Subtotal 11 8.94 9 9.18
Cost Aspects
1 Civil Cost (Rs Crores) Rs. 1 150 0.77 116 1.00 158 0.73
Overall Cost (Rs
Crores) Rs. 1 183 0.77 141.52 1.00 192.76 0.73
Subtotal 2 1.55 2.00 1.47
1 Road Geometry 1 Good 1.00 Good 1.00 Good 1.00
2 No. of Intersections no 1 10 0.60 6.00 1.00 8.00 0.75
3 Road Safety 1 Safe 1.00 Safe 1.00 Safe 1.00
Subtotal 3 2.6 3 2.75
Total Score 41 33.70 36 34.50

IRC : SP : 19-2020

S. Maxi- Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

No. Description Units Score Detail Score Detail Score Detail Score
Final Summary
1 Engineering Aspects 2.37 2.75 2.36
2 Socio-economic Aspects 2.23 2.20 2.33
3 Environmental Aspects 1.79 1.80 1.84
4 Cost Aspects 0.23 0.30 0.22
5 Safety Aspects 0.52 0.60 0.55
6 Weighted Average Score 7.14 7.65 7.30
Rank 3 1 2

IRC : SP : 19-2020



General Details:

Project Name -

Consultant's Name -

Date of Review -

Details /
1 Main Report Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
2 Introduction and project background Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Overview of project location, project
2.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
objectives etc
Overview of report structure,
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
deliverables etc.
3 Social analysis of the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Project impact on stakeholders such as
3.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
local people
Project impact on residential,
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
commercial and public properties
3.3 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
4 Reconnaissance survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Geometric Features of the Existing Road
Design Speed
• Sight distance details
4.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
• Horizontal Alignment Details
• Vertical Alignment Details
• Height of Embankment
Topographical Survey using LiDAR (or
equivalent technology)
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
• Terrain
Pavement composition and condition
4.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Pavement roughness survey as per
4.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Pavement structural strength survey as
4.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
per IRC:81
Geological Survey
4.6 • Geological Map of the Area Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
• Seismicity
Climatic Conditions
• Temperature
4.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
• Rainfall
• Wind

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Details /
Land Use along the existing alignment
4.8 • Map of the Project Area depicting Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Agricultural/Habitation/Forest Area
Details of Existing Structures
• Map of the Project Area depicting
4.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Building/Any Other Significant Structure
Inventory and condition survey of
4.10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Geo-technical and sub-soil explorations
4.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
as per IRC:78
Number of Bore holes dug (holes for
4.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
every pier and abutment)
Field testing, soil sampling, laboratory
4.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
testing as per IRC: 78
Recommendation of Foundation Type
4.14 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
and Depth
4.15 Hydrological investigations as per IRC:5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
4.16 High Flood Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
4.17 Depth of Water Table specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
4.18 Ponded Water Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
4.19 Materials Survey conducted Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Sources of Naturally Occurring
Aggregates specified
4.20 • Details of Borrow Pits with Distance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
from Project Site
• Cost of Material/Transportation
Sources of environmentally friendly
4.20.1 construction materials identified as per Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
MoRT&H circular
Sources of Manufactured Items specified
•Details of Suppliers with Distance from
4.21 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Project Site
•Cost of Material/Transportation
Source of Water for construction
4.22 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
specified as per IS:456
4.23 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Traffic studies and demand forecast
5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Classified traffic volume counts using
5.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
IHMCL data (7 day data)
Traffic projection methodology as per
5.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
5.3 Projected Traffic data Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
5.4 Current and Projected PCU Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
5.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
Origin destination surveys as per IRC:
5.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
5.7 Speed and delay studies as per IRC:102 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Details /
Traffic surveys for the design of road
5.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
junctions as per data in IRC: SP:41
Analysis for replacing railway level
5.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
crossings with over bridges/ subways
5.10 Axle load survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
5.11 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Traffic surveys monitored and reviewed
5.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
by the client
6 Cost estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
6.1 Project costing as per latest SoR Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
7 Environmental aspects Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Environment profile of the project
7.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Details of Public consultation at
7.2 residential and commercial settlements Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Impact analysis and mitigation
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
8 Economic and commercial analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
8.1 Estimated cost details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
8.2 Projected revenues details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
8.3 Assumptions stated Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Analysis and results (IRR, Sensitivity
8.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Analysis, Financial Viability)
8.5 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Financial model shared with client and
8.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

9 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

Report fulfils project objectives and

9.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
scope as per RFP
Report reviewed for errors and
9.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Compliance report prepared on client
9.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10 Design Report Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

10.1 Highway improvement proposals Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

10.2 Highway geometric designs Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.3 Roadside drainage Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.4 Intersections Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.5 Urban service roads Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.6 Bus-stops Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.7 Toll plazas Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.8 Pedestrian crossings Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Details /
10.9 Utility relocation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.10 Pavement Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.11 Structures Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.12 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Pavement deflection survey as per IRC
10.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
10.14 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
11 Materials Report Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
11.1 Material investigations as per IRC:10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Review of material investigations by
11.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
11.3 Multiple borrow areas identified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
11.4 Material survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
11.5 Review of material survey by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Geo-technical and sub-soil explorations
11.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
as per IRC:78
Review of geo-technical and sub-soil
11.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
explorations by client
Field testing, soil sampling, laboratory
11.8 testing in accordance with BIS/ Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Pavement composition and condition
11.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Review of pavement composition and
11.10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
condition survey by client
Pavement roughness survey as per
11.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Review of pavement roughness survey
11.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
by client
Pavement structural strength survey as
11.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
per IRC:81
Review of pavement structural strength
11.14 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
survey by client
Water sample tests as per MoRTH
11.15 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
11.16 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Environmental Assessment
12 Report/Resettlement and Rehabilitation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Option for alignment alternatives
12.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
considered and conclusions
Land environment data collection and
12.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
details/ impact/ mitigation measures
Air environment data collection and
12.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
details/ impact/ mitigation measures
Water resources details/ impact/
12.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
mitigation measures

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Details /
Noise environment details/
12.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
impact/mitigation measures
Biological environment details/
12.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
impact/mitigation measures
12.7 Details of public consultation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Environment monitoring and
12.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
management plan
12.9 Details of social impact assessment Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Details of resettlement and
12.10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
rehabilitation action plan
12.11 Measures to minimize resettlement Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Details of public consultation with
12.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Details of implementation arrangement /
12.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
12.14 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
13 Technical Specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
MoRTH technical specifications for
13.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Roads and Bridge works followed
13.2 Details of technical specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
14 Rate Analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Rate analysis for all relevant items as
14.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
per latest SoR
15 Cost Estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Cost estimates for all relevant items as
15.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
per latest SoR
16 Bill of quantities Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
17 Drawing Volume Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
18 Digital drawings of road Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
18.1 Highway cross sections Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
3D engineered models of:
• Road alignment geometry
18.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐
• Proposed highway
• Proposed structures

IRC : SP : 19-2020





Undisturbed samples are those collected in 100 mm dia thin-walled tubes conforming to
IS:2132-1972. These should be tested in the laboratory for the determination of the following
soil properties.

i. Grain size analysis (as per IS:2720 Part IV-1975)

ii. Natural moisture content (as per IS:2720 Part II-1973) and dry density
iii. LL & PL (as per IS:2720 Part V-1970)
(for soils suspected to be organic in nature, by virtue of colour, odour, texture, etc. LL
on fresh as well as on oven-dry specimens may be separately found out)
iv. cs, cv and pc (pre-consolidation pressure) from consolidation test (according to IS:2720
Part XV-1965)
v. c and Ø from unconsolidated, undrained (UU) triaxial test (according to IS:2720 Part
XI-1971). Bulk density, void ratio and moisture content before/after UU test should
also be determined.
vi. Shrinkage limit-free swell and swelling pressure (particularly in case of black cotton
soil) as per I.S.


Where the method of stage construction of embankment based on the effective stress
method of design requires to be kept in view, selected and representative undisturbed
samples should be further tested in the laboratory for the determination of the following soil

c'/Ø' and A-factor from consolidated undrained triaxial tests with measurement of pore
pressure i.e., C-U tests (according to IS:2720 Part XII-1981). Bulk density, void ratio and
moisture content before/after C-U test should also be determined.


Samples from test pits must be tested for the following tests. Samples recovered from the
SPT spoon should be retained in sealed air-tight glass jars. These samples may be treated as
disturbed samples and should be tested in the laboratory for the determination of following
soil properties:

i. Grain size analysis (according to IS:2720 Part IV-1975)

ii. Natural moisture content (as per IS:2720 Part II-1973)
iii. LL & PL (as per IS:2720 Part V-1970)

(For soils suspected to be organic in nature by virtue of colour, odour, texture, etc., LL on
fresh as well as on oven-dry specimens may be separately found out).

IRC : SP : 19-2020


Laboratory tests to be done

i. Grain size analysis (as per IS:2720 Part-IV-1975)

ii. Natural moisture content (as per IS:2720 Part-II-1973)

iii. LL & PL (as per IS:2720 Part-V-1970)

(For soils suspected to be organic in nature by virtue of colour, texture, odour,

etc., LL on fresh as well as on oven-dry specimens may be separately found

iv. Moisture-density relation ship using light / heavy compaction, commonly known as
Standard / modified proctor test (as per IS:2720 Part-VIII-1980)

On the basis of tests conducted as per (a) above, the samples may be categorised into types,
each showing the same or closely similar soil characteristics. One or two samples out of each
category may be judiciously selected so as to be representative and subjected to the following

• For cohesive fill material (e.g. clay or silty / sandy clay mixed with silt / sand), c and Ø may
be determined from unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial test (according to
IS:2720 Part-XI-1972) on specimens remoulded to 95% proctor density at OMC plus 2%.

• If the fill material is cohesionless, Ø may be determined from direct shear test (according
to IS:2720 Part-XIII-1972) on specimens remoulded to 95% proctor density at OMC.

• For cohesive fill materials which may be used for forming embankments likely to be
subjected to submergence and drawdown, effective stress parameters c and Ø as also A-
factor, may be determined from consolidated undrained test with measurement of pore
pressure i.e. CU tests (according to IS:2720 Part-XII-1981) on specimens remoulded to
95% proctor density at OMC plus 2%. The test specimens in the triaxial cell need to be
saturated by applying back pressure before shearing. This test will be in addition to that
mentioned in (b) (i) above and may be carried out for selected few representative samples

• For any of the types of strength tests mentioned above, the actual bulk density, void ratio
and moisture content of the specimens before / after the test should be found out and

IRC : SP : 19-2020



A. Salient Features of the MOEF&CC Guidelines for Highway Projects

1. Purpose of Guidelines

• To assist the project authorities in planning and carrying out EIA and evolving
Environmental Management Plan.
• These guidelines apply to both new projects and upgrading of existing facilities

2. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

• EIA procedure identifies the possible positive and negative impacts resulting from a
proposed project (Table A-11.1).

• For identification of impacts, Table A-11.2. provides as list of parameters relevant to

transportation project including roads. The parameters are classified into four categories,
viz., Natural physical resources, natural biological resource, human development resources
and quality of life values including aesthetic and cultural values. See Table A-11.3. for
questionnaire for environmental appraisal of project.

3. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

The EIS should cover

• Brief description of project

• Description of existing environment with in project influence area
• Likely impact; adverse and beneficial, reversible and irreversible
• Mitigation and conservation measures
• Consideration of alternatives including “no change option”
• Summary and conclusions

4. Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

It is implementation plan for mitigation and conservation measures recommended in the EIS.
It may include several implementation plans. Each should include;

• Objective
• Work plan for Design criteria
• Implementation schedule
• Manpower requirements and
• Monitoring.

5. Identification of Impacts

Physical Resources
Impacts on hydrology, surface water quality, air quality, soils and noise impacts.

Ecological Resources
Impacts on Aquatic and Terrestrial ecosystems such as fisheries, forestry, wild life, etc,..

Human use Values

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Impacts on navigation, flood control, land-use and aesthetics

Quality of life Values

Impacts on socio-economic aspects, resettlement issues, public health, aesthetics, historical

6. Measures for Mitigation of Adverse Impacts

Careful attention be paid to site planning to minimise adverse impact to the extent possible.
Protection measures may include establishment of forest reserve to minimise encroachment,
fencing of road land, promoting new rural occupations.

Measures to deal with the various impacts are outlined as under:

(i) Air Quality: Mobile source emissions.

➢ Construction during off-peak hours in heavy traffic areas

➢ Use of low emission construction vehicles
➢ Periodic check on all vehicles for emission control
➢ Use of lead free gasoline.
➢ Use of Electrical vehicles

(ii) Air Quality: Fixed Source Emissions

➢ Stationary equipment to be located as far away as possible from the receptors

➢ Areas prone to dust emissions be sprinkled with water
➢ Dust covers over the beds of trucks
➢ Low emission equipment for construction

(iii) Noise: Construction period

➢ Specify permissible standards of noise for construction equipment

➢ Specify maximum permissible noise levels for residential, commercial and
institution areas seperately.
➢ Specify time restrictions for sensitive areas such as schools, hospitals
➢ Describe methods of enforcement for the above.

(iv) Noise: Operation Phase

➢ ROW to have buffer strip on each side of road and where possible tree belts be
➢ Nose insulation including noise barries in certain areas such as schools /
➢ Rerouting heavy traffic
➢ Changing speed limits
➢ Changing alignment

(v) Vibration

➢ Appropriate construction technique to prevent damages due to vibration

effects during construction

(vi) Relocation

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➢ Adequate time be given to relocate to alternative place

➢ Public relations through media
➢ Advance payment to relocatees
➢ Compensation for land property should be based on fair market value
➢ Reestablishment cost be carefully considered to off set the loss in income,
increase in expenditure and relocatees may be offered replacement of living
unit organised by the project authorities.
➢ Special low cost housing for squatters
➢ Set up special work sub-section to follow up the problems faced by the

7. Environmental Monitoring

i. Air Monitoring

Monitoring stations for air quality are recommended along the project road to
compare with the background data parameter to be monitored are CO, HC, SO2, NOx
and Pb. Frequency and duration of sampling may be sorted out with the concerned
meteorological departments.

ii. Noise Monitoring

Monitoring stations be set-up in consultation with the Pollution Control

Board of the Centre/State.

iii. Water Quality Monitoring

Monitoring of lead (Pb) content in the nearby water bodies and plants is
recommended. Locations be determined in consultation with the Pollution Control
Boards. Monitoring stations be set-up in consultation with the Pollution Control Board
of the Centre/State.

8. Management Considerations

• Cut and fill technology

• Treatment of unstable areas
• Vegetative cover on slopes. Plant species in consultation with forest department
• Erosion control measures
• Careful attention to drainage needs
• Channel training and erosion control works of culverts
• controlled blasting of rock
• Excavated material should not be dumped haphazardly
• Provision of adequate protective works
• Adequate provision of water supply, power and sanitation facilities.
• Fly-ash availability

Note: Vide MOEF letter No. J-21012/15/96-IA-III dated 12 March, 1997, the
MOEF wrote to Secretary Ministry of Surface Transport regarding
recommendations of the Working Graph constituted to consider issues
relating to exemption from environmental clearance for road projects along
existing alignments.

a. Recommendations are

i. Projects for improvement works along existing alignments with marginal land

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acquisition be exempted from environmental clearance.

ii. Cases involving acquisition of marginal land would be examined by the concerned
Ministry and approval accorded at their end, keeping in view the following:

(a) No problems envisaged where land is in possession of the department

(b) No problems envisaged where extra barren land is to be acquired
(c) Adequate compensating plantation necessary where acquisition of additional
land involves cutting of trees
(d) Where acquisition of additional land involve, displacement of locals

iii. Where diversion of forest land is involved, clearance would be required under the
forest (conservation) Act 1980
iv. Where diversion of land from wildlife sanctuaries or National Parks or Protected area is
involved, clearance would be required under the wildlife (Protection) Act 1972

v. It is necessary for project proponents to carry out EIA study and provide mitigation
vi. Environmental Clearance is a per-requisite for all Green Field roads

vii. MOEF & CC would be kept apprised of any developmental projects being implemented.

b. Coastal Regulation Zone

Coastal stretches of seas, bays, estuaries, creeks, rivers and backwaters which are influenced
by tidal action (in the landward side) upto 500 meters from the High Tide Level (HTL) and the
land between the Low Tide Level and the HTL is declared as Coastal Regulation Zone.

Construction activities are prohibited in the Coastal Regulation Zone except for existing roads
or those specifically approved in the Coastal Zone Management Plan of the area categorised
as CRZ II, viz., the areas that have already been developed upto or close to the shore line and
provided inter-alia with approach road.

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Table –1
Beneficial and Negative Impacts of Highway Projects


Employment opportunity to people Erosion and sediment discharge.
Poor drainage resulting in rail/road/highway damage
Enhancement of local industry,
and leading to flooding problems and degradation of
agriculture and handicrafts
water resources. Formation of new gullies.
Income from visitors and taxes
Enhancement of rural development
Increase in concentration of runoff causing surface
through quick and easy
water pollution and soil pollution.
transportation of building materials
Transporting, processing and Clearing of roadside vegetation for fire-wood, grazing,
marketing of agricultural products. cultivation and urbanisation.
Opening up of opportunities for new
Increase in traffic litter, noise and dust pollution.
Approach to quick services and Air quality affected by vehicular exhausts; smoke with
safety. reference to SPM, NOx, CO, HC and lead.
Spell of toxic and hazardous chemicals from the
carriers using the highway for transportation of such
Improved quality of life for people
and so on.
Transfer of vector diseases.
Effect on wildlife through habitat loss and

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Table – A.2
Some Environmental Parameters Associated with Transportation Sector Projects

Developmental Environmental
Projects Parameters
Highway Surface water quality
Air Quality
Land Quality
Aquatic wildlife
Terrestrial Wildlife
Land use
Public Health

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B. Cost of environmental protection measures (Rs. Lakhs)

S No. Recurring Cost per annum Capital Cost

1 Pollution Control
2 Pollution Monitoring
3 Solid Waste Management
4 Green Belt
5 Others (Please Specify)

XXXII. Public Hearing

A) Date of Advertisement
B) Newspapers in which the advertisement appeared
C) Date of Hearing
D) Panel Present
E) List of Public present along with addresses and occupation

S Summary / Details of Public hearing Recommendation Response of Project

No. Issues raised of Panel Proponents

The data and information given in this Performa are true to the best of my knowledge and belief

Date: Signature of the Applicant with

Full Name & Address.

Place: Given under the Seal of Organisation

on behalf of whom the Applicant is Signing.

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Table – A.3

Questionnaire for Environmental Appraisal

(For Road / Highway Projects)

Note 1 : All information given in the form of annexures should be part of this file itself.
Annexures as separate files will not be accepted.

Note 2 : Please enter x is a appropriate box where answer is Yes/No.

I. General Information

A. Name of the Project

B. Length (in kilometers)
C. Location

Stretch of Road / Village Tehsil District State


D. Geographical Information

1. Latitude From To
2. Longitude From To
3. G.T. Sheet No. (Survey of India Map No.).
4. Elevation above Mean Seal Level (metres)
Min. Max.
5. Total Area proposed for the Project (in ha.)
6. Nature of Terrian

7. Nature of Soil
(Clayey, Sandy, Silty, Loam, etc.)
8. Permeability along the route
In various Sections
II. Current land use of the proposed project site area (in ha.)
A. Agricultural
1. Irrigated
2. Unirrigated
B. Homestead
C. Forest
D. Notified Industrial Area / Estate
E. Grazing

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F. Fallow
G. Mangroves
H. Orchards
I. Sand Dunes
J. No Development Zone
K. Marshes
L. National Park/Sanctuary

III. Alternate Routes / Alignments Considered

A. ____________________________________________

B. ____________________________________________

C. ____________________________________________

D. ____________________________________________

IV. Reason for selecting the proposed Route / Alignment :

V. Land use plan

A. Does the proposed project confirm to the approved land use all along the route / alignment ?
(To be certified by the concerned Department of State Government).

Yes No

B. If not, clearly indicated, which of the stretches are not as per approved land use.

C. Does it confirm to the Regional Development Plan ?

Yes No

VI. Site Preparation

A. Is the proposed route / alignment located in low-lying area ?

Yes No

B. Level before fillling (above MSL in m)

C. Level after filling (above MSL in m)

D. Details of fill material required

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Quantity of Fill Material Source

required (in cu.m)

E. Gradient details

F. Would be above filling result in complete / partial filling of water Bodies ?

G. Does the site involve stripping ?

Yes No

If yes, provide the following details :

1. Size of the area to be stripped.

2. Location

3. Soil Type

4. Volume and quantity of earth to be removed.

5. Location of dump site

6. Proposal for utilisation of removed top soil.

H. Does it involve cutting ?

Yes No

If yes, please furnish the following details :

1. Size of the area to be cut

2. Depth of cut

3. Location

4. Soil Type

5. Volume and quantity of earth and other material to be removed.

6. Location of dump site.

I. Does it involve tunnelling ?

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Yes No

If yes, please furnish the following details :

1. Lithology

2. Geological structural fraction

3. Diameter (meters)

4. Length (kilometer)

5. Location

J. Does the site preparation require cutting of trees ?

Yes No

If yes, please furnish the following details:

1. How many trees are proposed to be cut ?

2. Species of the above trees

3. Are there any protected / endangered species ?

Yes No

If yes, provide details

VII. In case the route / alignment falls totally or partially in the CRZ area

A. What is the categorization of the area (as per approved CZMP) ?



B. Does the proposed activity quality under the category of permissible activity ?

Yes No

C. If yes, under what provision is it permitted ?

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Sl. No Provision No.

D. In case the road passes through a flood plain of a river, please furnish :

1. Detailed micro-drainage

2. Flood passages

3. Flood periodicity in the area

E. Does the proposed project involve construction of any sandy stretch ?

Yes No

If yes, please funish detail

F. Height (above MSL in metres)

G. Does the project involve extraction of sand, leveling or digging of sandy

stretches within 500 mts. Of the high tide line ?

Yes No

If yes, mention the activity involved and area.

1. Stetch
2. Area (sq. metres)

H. Does the project involve any dredging ?

Yes No

If yes, please provide the following details (capital / maintenance)

Extent of dredging, disposal of dredged material etc.

I. Is any sand proposed to be removed from sand dunes ?

Yes No

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J. Does the project involve cutting/destroying of mangroves ?

Yes No

If yes, give detail

1. Area

2. Species

3. Existing health

VIII. Details of the location :

Sea Other Water Bodies

River/Creek/Lake, etc.
(Please specify)
Distance seaward boundary from the edge
of the alignment (in m.)

Distance of seaward boundary of

construction (in m.)

IX. Does the proposed project site involve any breeding or nesting ground ?

Yes No

If yes, provide the following details

A. Name of the aquatic organism

B. Type of habitat

C. Period of year in which activity takes place

D. Independent report of biohabitat study may be furnished.

X. Does the project have any adverse effect on biodiversity ?

If so, details of flora and fauna so affected.

XI. Does the project involve any land reclamation ?

Yes No

If yes, please provide the following details

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Activity for which land to the

Area of land to be reclaimed

XII. Whether there will be any change in the drainage pattern after the proposed activity ?

Yes No

If yes, what are the changes ?

A. What is the maximum extent

B. Is any additional area to be flooded

XIII. Does the proposed alignment/route involve migratory path of animals ?

Yes No

If yes, please provide the following :

A. Name of fauna

B. Habitat

C. Period of the year in which activity take place

XIV. Project Details (A summary of project proposal shall be enclosed).

A. Length of New alignment proposed (kms)

B. Width of the new alignment (meters)
C. Length of existing alignment proposed to be Strengthened/widened
D. Width of the existing alignment (metres)
E. Width of the existing alignment after widening (metres)
F. Total Length of the alignment (kilometres)
G. No. of Bridges Major
H. Length of Bridges (metres)
I. Width of Bridges (metres)

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J. No.of Culverts
K. Length of Culverts (metres)

L. Number and distance (metres) between underpasses

M. No.of intersection
N. Length of Intersection (metres)
O. No.of Railway crossings
P. Length of Railway crossings (metres)
Q. No.of Villages through which alignment passes through
R. Population of the Villages

XV. Raw material required during construction

Item Quantity
S.No Mode of Transport Source
1. Stonemetal
2. Bricks
3. Sand
4. Cement
5. Bitumen
6. Diesel
7. Others (Please specify)

XVI. Water required during construction:

A. Water Requirement (cu.m./day)

Type Treated /
S. Average Peak
Purpose Source Untreated/Fres Remarks
No Demand Demand
1. Road making
2. Dust Suppression
3. Drinking
4. Others (Please

B. Source of Raw Water Supply (Net)

S.No Source Cu.m/hr Cu.m/day

1. Sea
2. River
3. Groundwater
4. Rainwater harvesting
5. Municipal water supply
6. Others (Please specify)

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XVII. Whether there will be any ingress of saline water into ground water due to project ?

Yes No

XVIII. Whether any of the following exist within 10km of the project site. If so please
indicate aerial and the name of the site.

S.No Item Name Aerial Distance (in Km)

1. National Park
2. Marine Park
Sanctuary/Tiger Reserve/Elephant Reserve/Turtle
nesting ground
4. Core Zone of Biosphere Reserve
5. Reserved Forest
6 Wildlife Habitat
7. Habitat of endangered/exotic species
8. Coral Reef
9. Mangroves
10. Lakes/Reservoirs/Dams
11. Breeding Site
12. Nesting Site

XIV. Ambient Air Quality (for RPM, SPM, SO2, NOX, CO)

Procedures adopted should be as per guidelines of CPCB and should cover one full season
(Locations should be so selected to represent the varying geographical locations and sensitive

Concentration as monitored Permissible
Stretch of the Date, Time & (Name of the
S.No (in ug/m3) Standard (As per
Road Location instrument and
SPM, SO2, NOX, CO SPCB guidelines)

XX. Solid Waste

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A. Solid Waste generated during Road Construction (Tonnes/day)

1 Top Soil

2 Overburden

3. Others (Please Specify)


B. Possible users of solid waste

C. Method of disposal of solid waste


1. Landfill

2. Others (Please specify)

3. In case of landfill

(a) Is solid suitable for landfill Yes No

(b) Dimensions
(c) Life of landfill
(d) Proposed precautionary and mitigation measures
(e) Other alternative proposed along
with details

XL Noise leve (dB)

Stretch of the Road

(Locations should be so selected to Noise before Noise after Abatement
represent the varying geographical Construction Construction Measures
locations and sensitive receptors)



XXII. Projected Air Quality (taking into account the traffic projections on this road).

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(SPM, SO2, NOX, CO in ug/m3)

S.No Pollutant Before Constructions After Constructions

1. SPM
2. SO2
3. NOX
4. CO

XXIII. Storage (of inflammable/explosive/hazardous/toxic substances)

Maximum Quantity at
S.No Name any point of time Means of Transportation
(in TPD)
1. Bitumen
2. Diesel
3. Others (please

XXIV. Occupational Health

A. What are the major occupational health hazards and hazards anticipated due to use of
explosive, if any and safety measures to be adopted?

B. What provision have been made/proposed to be made to conform to health/safety

requirements ?

C. Details of personal protective equipment provided/to be provided to the workers

XXV. Green Belt

A. Total area of project (in ha.)

B. Area already afforested (for existing projects), in ha.

C. Area proposed to be afforested (in ha.)

D. Width of green belt (minimum, in m.) along the alignment

E. Trees planted and proposed

1. Planted

2. Proposed

3. List of species

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F. Proposal for maintenance of plantation

XXVI. Construction Phase

A. Estimated duration of construction

B. Number of persons to be employed for construction

1. Peak

2. Average

C. Proposal for employment of local people

D. What provisions has been made for the sanitation for the construction workers ?

E. How the fuel (kerosene/wood, etc.) requirement of labour force will be met to avoid
cutting of trees from the adjoining areas.

F. Measures for Health care will emphases on protection from endemic diseases.

XXVII. Socio-economic profile

A. Human Settlement

Aerial distance from the periphery of the site

Upto 500 m 500 m to 3000 m 3000 m to 7000 m
From the Periphery From the Periphery From the Periphery

Of which

Number of Houses

Occupational Pattern

B. Economic Activity

S.No Population (Agriculture/Horticulture/Fishing/To Average Income per annum

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XXVIII. Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan including vocational training and other
avenues of employment

A. Population to be displaced

S.No Name of Village Land oustees only Homestead Oustees Land + Homestead
only Oustees

B. Rehabilitation Plan for Oustees

C. Site where the people are proposed to be resettled

D. Compensation package

E. Agency/Authority responsible for their resettlement

XXIX. Does it involve displacement of ethnic minority

Yes No

If yes, please furnish details

S.No Name of the Number of Males Number of Total

Community Females

A. Please specify any special measures for their rehabilitation.

XXX. Pollution Control

A. Details of Pollution Control Measures/Environmental Safeguards:

S.No Existing Proposed to be installed

1. Air
2. Water
3. Noise
4. Solid Waste

B. Protection of Forest/National Park/Sanctuary/Mangroves

1. Agricultural Land
2. Grazing Land
3. Top Soil
4. Natural Resources

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5. Sand dunes and mudflats

6. Hill feature
7. Reclaiming borrow area
8. Low-lying area
9. Soil and slope stablization
10. Preventing siltation
11. Archaeological and other Heritage sites

XXXI. Expenditure Environmental Measures :

A. Capital cost of project (as proposed to the funding agency/financial institutions)

(Rs. Lakhs)

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1. Introduction

The advent of personal computers desk top, lap top or palmtop has made it possible to
establish road data banks which can be used both for macro and micro level administration of
various road networks.

As far as possible all project preparation work shall be made computer oriented and the basic
steps starting from collection of data on Road Inventory, condition survey etc. shall be
formulated with due consideration to the requirement of computer-based Road Data Bank

The important element in establishment of an RDB is the choice of reference system. The
reference system for the National and State Highways may be the kilometer posts. For
secondary road system the same may be tied to the NH and SH road networks. Hence, prior
to collection of data the reference system has to be determined to suit the application of data
for easy storage and retrieval.

2. Role of Computer-aided

The rapid development of computer packages in recent years has transformed the highway
and junction design process. No longer do large numbers of repetitive calculations have to be
laboriously carried out by hand. Instead increasingly powerful and compact computers,
together with increasingly sophisticated and commercially available software packages, which
now include computer graphics, make it possible to investigate a greater number of design
options, and to undertake the necessary design calculations more reliably and in a much
sorter period of time.

Furthermore, the development of computer graphics programs can be of considerable help to

decision-makers since a picture or diagram can often replace many words and numerical
tables, and get over a message or impact in a much more satisfactory and clear-cut way.

Computer-aided design (CAD) packages have a number of important roles to play.

(a) Because they enable repetitive calculations to be carried out quickly and accurately,
the designer can investigate a wide range of possible solutions and determine their

(b) It follows from the above that any modifications to a particular scheme involving
recalculations can also be easily and quickly carried out.

(c) Computer package are capable of storing considerable volumes of design data. These
can be readily recalled if necessary. Furthermore, if any design modifications are
carried out, the new information goes into the memory and replaces the original
information. Three advantages follow from this :

i. the information in the memory store is always up-to-date;

ii. information on various aspects of a design, such as, horizontal and vertical
alignment calculations, drainage alignment details including inlet and manhole

IRC : SP : 19-2020

locations, lighting column positions, details of public utility services runs and
depths are stored, and so any potential design conflicts can be identified by
retrieving and plotting from appropriate data sets (e.g. lighting column
coincident with a drainage pipe, or inadequate clearance under a bridge after
adjusting the road vertical alignment.

iii. all the information can be stored centrally, but accessed from remote
terminals, including any on the construction site.

The visual appearance of a scheme can be determined from a wide range of viewing
positions. Normally the proposed scheme is set against the development background in order
that an assessment can be made of the visual impact (if any) on the local area. It is also
possible to assess the extent to which landscaping and planting will reduce the visual

Many Commercial design packages are now available in this country for determining the best
alignment for a length of roads.

3. What is CAD :

When using any design package it is important to realize its limitation, for example, although
the compute can carry out calculations rapidly and accurately, it can only do these in the way
specified within the program. It cannot be creative not can it usually take decisions except in
very simple situations. What it can do, however, is to provide information as an input into the
decision making process. This information will often include not only numerical comparisons
between alternative schemes,. such as capital cost, but also subjective comparisons, such as
the extent of visual intrusion.

In all computer applications it is important to know precisely the analytical basis of the design
program, and its limitations. It should be remembered that the onus of interpreting any
outputs always lies with the designer using the program.

When using any CAD packages it is important to ensure that ll the input information is soundly
based and up to date. This will range from information on site conditions, such as, locations and
types of property, existing accesses, topographic information and existing road and junction layout
details (since these impose possible constraints on what proposals might be developed) to the
design year traffic flow predictions. If the input data are inaccurate or unreliable, then the output
will also be poor, and this can lead to sub-optimal layouts being produce and adopted.

A CAD System will normally consists of the four main components as below:

a. Input devices
b. Processor
c. Data Storage
d. Output Devices

A Single compute can either operate in isolation or be linked to other computers via a modern or
the normal telecommunications network. These linkage can be within the same office, or with
outside locations. This enables information and drawings to be transmitted quickly without the
necessity of physical moving large amounts of paper

4. Data Input Requirements :

Highway design CAD programs and packages can be considered under two broad heading junction

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design and road alignment design. Some CAD packages deal only with one or other of the above
design areas, but more comprehensive interactive packages, embrace both.

5. Essential Compatible Requirements:

To utilize the speed and accuracy of any electronic data processing system through use of
sophisticated computer hardware's and software packages, it is necessary to modernise the data
capturing from field / site and down loading the same direct to the computer. Any manual input
will slow down the process and may involve error. Use of survey equipment such as Total Station,
Electronic Theodolite, Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) Auto level, etc., are a necessity of
the day to expeditiously complete a road project to meet the requirements of high international
quality project preparation.

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A. Standard Operating Procedure to Carry out Topographical Survey with

Aerial Photogrammetry

i. Purpose:

To collect the quality ortho images and point data quickly in order to generate
three dimensional models and topographic map in minimum time period using
Aerial Photogrammetry for the Green Field / Existing Alignments

ii. Definition / Abbreviation:

The word “photogrammetry” is composed of the words “photo” and “meter”

which means measurements from photographs.

UAV : Un manned Aerial Vehicle

GNSS : Global Navigation Satellite System
DGPS : Differential Global Positioning System
TBM : Temporary Benchmark
RTK : Real Time Kinematic
IMU : Inertial Measurement Unit
GCS : Ground Control Station (Computer)
GTS : Great Trigonometric Survey
GSD : Ground Sampling Distance
GCP : Ground Control Point
RMS : Root Mean Square

iii. Procedure:

• Establish the DGPS pillars at every 5 km, and TBM pillars at every 250 m.
• Mark the Ground Control Points (GCPs) on the ground in the survey corridor, at a
close interval
• Carry the Level to each pillar from GTS Benchmark with Digital/Auto Level.
• Connect all the GCPs by running traverse with RTK/Total Station.
• Attach visual camera to UAV.
• Place the UAV at take-off site.
• Power on the UAV and Remote Controller.
• Calibrate UAV compass, IMU and visual sensors.
• Load the required mapping corridor plan into GCS application.
• Draw a flight plan in GCS application.
• Set the flying height, GSD, camera view and overlap.

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• Check the flying parameters.

• Take-off the UAV in autonomous mode.
• Verify the capturing in real time.
• Land the UAV in autonomous mode.
• Copy / download the captured ortho view images.
• Load the captured images and Ground Control Points into Processing software.
• Input the GCP value to the marking in the image.
• Generate key points and tie points.
• Check the RMS error values in the quality report.
• Generate Point cloud and Orthomosaic.
• Verify the point cloud with Ground Control Points.
• Digitize/ Extract all existing features on Orthomosaic.
• Classify the ground points from point cloud.
• Remove the noise from point cloud.
• Drape the features on the surface to get three dimensional output.
• Prepare the base map with all topographic features.

iv. Precautions:

• Ensure that all propellers are tightly fixed.

• Check the UAV hardware, battery and flight parameters before commencement of
• Avoid flying in low light condition, high temperature and wind speed.
• In order to get accurate output, mark the GCPs at closure interval.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

B. Standard Operating Procedure to Carry out Topographical Survey with
Aerial LiDAR on UAV

i. Purpose:

To collect the quality point data quickly and accurately in order to generate
precise three dimensional models and topographic map in minimum time period
in green field projects.

ii. Definition / Abbreviation:

LiDAR is a remote sensing method used to measure the distance of an object on

the earth surface by emitting laser light on the target. The differences in laser
return times and wavelengths, gives precise data to generate three dimensional
digital point cloud of the target

LiDAR : Light Detection and Ranging

UAV : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
GNSS : Global Navigation Satellite System
DGPS : Differential Global Positioning System
TBM : Temporary Benchmark
RTK : Real Time Kinematic
IMU : Inertial Measurement Unit
GCS : Ground Control Station (Computer)
GTS : Great Trigonometric Survey

iii. Procedure:

• Establish DGPS pillars at every 5 km and TBM pillars at every 250 m.

• Mark the check points on the ground at specific interval.
• Connect all the check points with RTK DGPS.
• Carry the Level to each pillar from GTS Benchmark with Digital/Auto level.
• Start the base/ reference station observation on DGPS pillars
• Place the UAV at take off site.
• Attach visual camera to LiDAR Setup.
• Mount the LiDAR setup to UAV.
• Power up the LiDAR system.
• Power up the Wi-fi antenna and connect the cable to GCS.
• Connect the GCS to LiDAR system through Wi-fi.
• Turn on the LiDAR sensor.

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• Initiate UAV take off and hover at comfortable height.

• Calibrate the GNSS/IMU by making figure-8 patterns manually.
• Check the uncertainties in GCS.
• Give predefined flight path to UAV.
• Start the LiDAR and Camera data acquisition
• Finish the Acquisition over given corridor.
• Stop both LiDAR and Camera acquisition.
• Conduct figure-8 patterns at comfortable height.
• Land the UAV and keep it in static condition for 5-10 minutes.
• Download the data and turnoff the sensors.
• Detach the LiDAR and Camera from UAV.
• Post process the trajectory with known base station values
• Fuse the colour from images to point cloud.
• Export the point cloud.
• Check the quality with RTK data.
• Classify the ground data from point cloud.
• Remove the noise from point cloud
• Extract / Digitize the features
• Prepare the base map with all topographical features.

iv. Precautions:

• Calibration of GNSS/IMU should be done in clear sky view location.

• Check the uncertainties in GCS during the acquisition.
• Flight path should be prepared by considering flying altitude, LiDAR overlap and
Image overlap.
• Flying straight direction is recommended to obtain smooth scan lines throughout
the scan area.
• Avoid sharp turns and extreme elevation changes and turn only at the perimeter
of scan area, Using of autopilot is preferred for getting best scan results.
• Make sure of logging rate that both Reference (Base) station and rover are same.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

C. Standard Operating Procedure to Carry out Topographical Survey with

Mobile LiDAR

i. Purpose:

To collect the quality point data quickly and accurately in order to generate
precise three dimensional models and topographic map in minimum time period
along the existing Highway Alignment.

ii. Definition / Abbreviation:

LiDAR is a remote sensing method used to measure the distance of an object on

the earth surface by emitting laser light on the target. The differences in laser
return times and wavelengths gives the precise data to generate digital three
dimensional point cloud of the target.

LiDAR : Light Detection And Ranging

GNSS : Global Navigation Satellite System
DGPS : Differential Global Positioning System
TBM : Temporary Benchmark
RTK : Real Time Kinematic
IMU : Inertial Measurement Unit
GCS : Ground Control Station (Computer)
GTS : Great Trigonometric Survey

iii. Procedure:

• Establish the DGPS pillars at every 5 km and TBM pillars at every 250 m.
• Mark the traverse points on the ground.
• Carry the Level to each pillar from GTS Benchmark with Digital/Auto Level.
• Connect all the traverse points with RTK/Total Station.
• Start the base/reference station observation on DGPS pillars
• Install the Ladybug Camera on vehicle
• Fix the LiDAR to the vehicle and place the GNSS antenna
• Connect the output cables to GCS.
• Power up the LiDAR and Ladybug.
• Turn on the LiDAR sensor.
• Calibrate the GNSS/IMU by making circular motions.
• Check the uncertainties in GCS.
• Start the LiDAR and Ladybug acquisition.
• Finish the Acquisition along required stretch.

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• Stop both LiDAR and Ladybug acquisition.

• Conduct circular motions and keep vehicle in static condition about 5 minutes.
• Download the data and turnoff the sensors.
• Detach the Ladybug, LiDAR, Antenna and Cables.
• Post process the trajectory with known base station values
• Export the point cloud.
• Check the quality with RTK data.
• Classify the ground data from point cloud.
• Remove the noise from point cloud
• Extract / Digitize the features
• Prepare the base map with all topographical features.

iv. Precautions:

• Calibration of GNSS/IMU should be done in clear sky view location.

• Check the uncertainties in GCS during the acquisition.
• Ensure that all cables are connected to defined ports.
• Over speed of vehicle is not recommended. To get high point density average
speed of 20-30 kmph is preferred.

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D. Standard Operating Procedure for operating the Falling Weight

Deflectometer (FWD)

i. Purpose:

To determine the strength of existing Flexible Pavement layers and to evaluate

the strengthening requirements by Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Test.

ii. Accessories for FWD Test:

i. Six to Nine velocity transducers (geophones)

ii. Falling Weight Deflectometer apparatus.

iii. Theory:

Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is an impulse-loading device in which a

transient load is applied and deflected shape of Pavement is measured using
Displacement Sensors to ascertain the structural strength of the pavement and to
determine the thickness of overlay required for sustaining the projected traffic

Based on the data collected from condition survey, the road length shall be
classified into sections of uniform performance. Identification of sections of
“good, fair and poor” performance may made separately for each lane and
shoulders separately. The length of each uniform section is kept at a minimum of
1 km except in the case of localized failures section length restricted to 0.3 km.
Sub grade samples for FWD purpose, also shall be collected at each of FWD
observation location. The entire project shall be analyzed for the calculation of
Modulus of Elasticity of existing Pavement using KGPBACK software.

The resulting load-deflection data shall be interpreted through appropriate

analytical techniques, such as back-calculation technique, to estimate the elastic
moduli of the pavement layers. The back calculated moduli values of pavement
are used for

i. The strength evaluation of different layers of in-service pavements

ii. The estimation of the remaining life of in-service pavements

iii. Determination of strengthening requirement.

Calibration of FWD

It is essential that load cell and geophones fitted in the FWD equipment are
properly calibrated for getting accurate and reproducible results.

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Static Calibration

As per IRC:115-2014, in preparation for commencement of project, the load

cell(s) used in the FWD should be calibrated in a standard laboratory and the
readings of the load cell(s) should be matched to those of the reference load cell.
The readings of the FWD load cell(s) should be accurate to 2 percent of the
reference load cell readings. The date of calibration of the load cell should not be
earlier than 365 days from the date of structural evaluation of pavements using
FWD. Absolute calibration certificate of the equipment used for the project shall
be made available during the actual test at site.

Load Repeatability

As per IRC: 115-2014, in order to study the consistency and accuracy of the test
results obtained by FWD, load repeatability test shall be carried out before using
the FWD. In this test, deflection and load data were measured on a level
bituminous pavement surface, which is free from any cracks. The range of load
applied shall be taken in such a way that it generates peak deflections in the
range of 250µm to 600µm. The test shall be repeated for a minimum twelve
times. The standard deviation of the peak load in the load repeatability test
estimated should be less than 5 percent of the mean value of peak load which is
achieved in the load repeatability test. Deflection repeatability check also to be
conducted using the data collected in load repeatability test. The standard
deviation of the normalized deflections, shall be less than 5% of the mean value
of reading. Results of repeatability test shall be mentioned in the test report.

Interval of test points and Marking for FWD Test:

The interval at which data should be collected will depend on the length of
uniform section.

For example, if the length of section of uniform "fair" performance is 2.0 km, the
maximum spacing at which deflections should be measured is 2000/15 = 133m.
The spacing can be rounded off to convenient practical values.

Different measurement schemes can be adopted. These include (i) measurement

along the most distressed wheel path of the carriageway (ii) measurement along
inner as well as outer wheel paths of all the lanes (iii) measurement along both
wheel paths of only the outer most lanes and (iv) measurement along the more
distressed wheel paths of each of the lanes. The guidelines given in below
mentioned Table are recommended for selection of deflection measurement
schemes for different types of carriageways.

Table: Guidelines for Selection of Deflection Measurement Scheme (As per IRC

IRC : SP : 19-2020

Maximum Spacing (m) for test

points along selected wheel path
Type of Carriage way Recommended Measurement Scheme of different classifications
Poor Fair Good
Single-lane Two- way Measure along both outer wheel paths 60 130 500
Two-lane Two-way Single
Measure along both outer wheel paths 60 130 500
Measure along the outer wheel
30 65 250
paths of outer lanes
Measure along the outer wheel
Four Lane Single 60 130 500
path of more distressed inner lane
Measure along the centre line of
paved shoulder(in case of widening 120 260 500
Measure along outer wheel paths of outer
30 65 250
Four lane Dual(divided)
carriageway (Measurement Measure along the outer wheel path of
60 130 500
scheme given for each inner lane
Measure along the centre line of paved
120 260 500
shoulder(in case of widening projects)
Measure along outer wheel paths of
Dual Carriageways with 3 30 65 250
outermost lanes
or more lanes in each
direction Measure along outer wheel path of more
60 130 500
(Measurement Scheme distressed inner lane
given for each
Measure along the centre line of paved
carriageway) 60 130 500
shoulder (in case of widening projects)

Outer Wheel Paths of outer lanes:

i. Mark a point at a distance of 0.6 m from outer edge of outer lane for single-lane two-
way carriage way, 1 m from outer edge of outer lane for two-lane two-way carriage
way and for divided four lane highway, the measurements points should be 0.75m
from outer edge of outer lane.

ii. Repeat the process of marking points at an interval of (Based upon the Determined
spacing for each uniform performance section).

iii. Outer Wheel Paths of inner lanes:

iv. Mark a point at a distance of 4.0 m from the outer edge of outer lane for multi-lane
single carriageway, 4.2 m from the outer edge of outer lane for divided
carriageways with two lanes in each direction and for divided carriageways with three
lanes in each direction 4.2 m from the outer edge of outer lane for central lane and at
5.2 m from the outer edge of outer lane for the lane adjacent to median.

v. Repeat the process of marking points at an interval of (Based upon the Determined

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spacing for each uniform performance section).

Procedure: The following steps shall be followed for measuring the deflections at each
test point.

1. Mark the test point on the Pavement as per the interval obtained from the Pavement
condition survey.

2. Center the load plate of duly calibrated FWD over the test point.

3. Lower the load plate onto the pavement. There should be no standing water on the
pavement surface. The loading plate should be in proper contact with pavement
surface. If a non-segment plate is used the presence of rutting at test location Should
be noted if it affects the contact between plate and pavement surface. The
longitudinal and transverse slope of the pavement should not exceed 10 % at the test
location for accurate measurement of deflection.

4. Lower the frame holding the displacement transducers (geophones) so that the
transducers are in contact with pavement surface.

5. Raise the mass to a predetermined height for producing a target load of 40 KN.

6. Drop one seating load. Load and deflection data for seating load drop need not be

7. Raise the mass and drop. Record load and deflection data into the computer through
data acquisition system. While peak load and peak deflections at different selected
radial positions must be recorded, complete time history of load and deflections shall
be stored for each load drop if feasible.

8. Repeat the above step at least two more times.

9. Check whether the measured deflection is less than 10 μm. In such case, the test shall
be repeated by changing the peak load.

10. Raise the geophones frame and load plate and move to the next test point.

11. Record air temperature at half hourly interval. Record pavement surface temperature if
non-contact temperature sensors are available.

12. Deflection measurements should not be made when the pavement temperature is
more than 450C. In colder areas and areas of altitude greater than 1000 m where the
average daily temperature is less than 200C for more than 4 moths in a year, the
standard pavement temperature of 35 0C will not apply. In such cases the ambient
temperature is greater than 200C. No temperature is applied for back calculated
moduli of bituminous layers.

Corrections and Analysis:

Following corrections are to be applied to the FWD test observations during its analysis:

1. The pavement temperature and seasonal variation in Climate influence the deflections
measured by the Falling Weight Deflectometer.

2. Measure Pavement surface layer temperature at half-hourly intervals by drilling holes

of 40 mm depth into the pavement surface layer. Fill the hole with a drop of glycerol.
Insert the thermometer into the hole and measure the temperature after three

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minutes. Correction shall be applied to the deflection measured in accordance with the
procedure described in IRC: 115-2014, if the observed temperature is different from

3. The back calculated modulus of bituminous layer obtained from deflection survey
conducted at a temperature "T2" °C can be corrected to estimate the modulus
corresponding to a temperature of "T1" °C using below mentioned equation



λ, temperature correction factor, is given as

l = [1-0.238 ln(T1)]/ [1-0.238ln(T2)]

ET1= back-calculated modulus (Mpa) at temperature T1 (0C)

ET2=back-calculated modulus (Mpa) at temperature T2 (0C)

4. Seasonal correction is to be applied using the relationships developed for different

seasons(Winter/ summer/ monsoon) given in the Clause 6.5.2 of IRC: 115-2014.



IRC : SP : 19-2020

E. Standard Operating procedure for Carrying out Road Inventory and

Pavement Condition Surveys Using Network Survey Vehicle

i. Purpose:

To determine the surface condition of the existing pavement and road assets
(Road Inventory) by Network Survey Vehicle (ROMDAS).

ii. Accessories for FWD Test:

1. Laser Profiler

2. Transverse Profile Logger

3. Geometry Unit

4. GPS (Trimble SPS 855)

5. Camera

6. Odometer

iii. Theory:

The "Road Measurement Data Acquisition System" (ROMDAS) has been

developed by Data Collection Ltd. (DCL) as a generic system for collecting data
on road condition and travel time. The Network Survey Vehicle is based on the
latest survey techniques utilizing Laser, Global Positioning System and Video
image processing tools etc. The Survey Vehicle is used for automatic collection of
road inventory and pavement condition related data required for Road Asset
Management, Pavement Maintenance Management System and Road Safety Audit
Related Studies. The system is capable of collecting the following information at
Highway Speeds:

• Longitudinal Profiling (International Roughness Index)

• Transverse Profiling (Rut Depth)
• Road Geometry Data (cross slope, gradient, curvature)
• GPS coordinates (X, Y, Z) viz. longitude, latitude & altitude
• Video imaging for Roadside furniture / Road Assets
• Video imaging for Pavement Surface Distresses

iv. Survey Instructions:

• The survey speed shall be within 30 to 80 kmph.

• The pavement surface shall not be WET during data collection using
LASER sensors.

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• The survey shall be conducted under good daylight conditions to have

better video data.
• The survey system incorporates the use of LASER technique for data
collection and so a trained operator on “LASER SAFETY” is mandatory.
• The survey vehicle shall only be driven by a “TRAINED DRIVER” for
safety reasons.
• The system shall not be used for extremely bad road conditions.

v. Procedure:

The following steps may be followed for conducting ROMDAS survey:

1. Conduct a test survey before start of the actual survey and check the individual
parts of the equipment for its firm position and ensure the data is recording.

2. Process the test survey raw file and the data shall be checked for its accuracy.

3. Station the NSV at the start of the project stretch.

4. Start a new survey (from Romdas software and enter the start chainage,
direction of survey and section name).

5. Select the devices for survey that needs to be collected as per the project

6. Enter the Location Reference Post.

7. Open several popup windows relating to specific pre-selected tasks from survey
setup menu.

8. Wait for the equipment to stabilize and start the survey.

9. Make sure that Laser Profilers, Transverse Profile Logger (TPL), GPS, Geometry
and camera starts for collecting the data automatically with reference to the

10. Record the road assets and visual condition using Inventory and Condition key
codes, simultaneously.

11. Make sure that, visual conditions are recorded as per the MoRTH guidelines and
is at an interval of every 500 m.

12. Conduct Lane based survey, i.e. if the project section is a four-lane corridor,
NSV records data on each lane and in both increment and decrement directions.

13. Take necessary precautions & care while conducting the survey, that the vehicle

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always stays in the designated lane and no overtaking is performed while

collecting the data.

14. Similarly, make sure that the data is recorded till the section end and a Location
Referencing Post is provided and the data is saved.

15. The Raw data collected from survey section shall be processed using ROMDAS
Data Review software and the collected data is characterized as per the client

Pavement Condition Rating Based on Different Type of Defects:

Defects Range of Defect (%)

Cracking >30 21 – 30 11 – 30 5 – 10 <5

Ravelling >30 11 - 30 5 – 10 1–5 0

Potholes >1 0.6 - 1 0.1 - 0.5 0.1 0

Shoving >1 0.6 – 1 0.1 - 0.5 0.1 0

Patching >30 16 – 30 6 – 15 2–5 <2

Depression >5 3-5 1–2 Upto 1 0

Rutting >30 21 - 30 11 – 20 5 – 10 <5


Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Condition Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good

Reference: Guidelines for Maintenance Management of Primary, Secondary and Urban Roads
(Ministry of Transport & Highways) Published by: Indian Road Congress – Year 2004.

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