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Ceramics International 47 (2021) 16820–16827

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Ceramics International
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The correlations between structural and optical properties of magnetite

nanoparticles synthesised from natural iron sand
Heryanto Heryanto, Dahlang Tahir *
Department of Physics, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia


Keywords: The correlations between structural and optical properties of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles were analyzed by
Magnetite using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy. The magnetite was syn­
XRD thesised from the iron sand using NaOH, HCl, and NaCl as a solvent. From the quantitative analysis of XRD
Structural properties
spectra, the crystallite size (D), strain (ε), stress (σ ), energy deformation (u), porosity, and specific surface area
Optical properties
were determined. The Kramers Kronig (K–K) relations was applied to the FTIR spectra to determine the optical
Optical phonon vibration properties: refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), the complex dielectric function (ε), and the energy loss
function (Im(-1/ε)). The uniform strain was produced from the NaOH and HCl as the solvent. The magnetite had
higher porosity with NaCl as a solvent and was directly proportional to the optical phonon vibration. We found a
perfect correlation; when the difference between two optical phonon increases, the crystallite size decreases, and
the strain will be uniform.

1. Introduction for drug delivery vehicle shows pure magnetite crystal phase synthesised
using HCl [22,23]. The synthesised of magnetite nanoparticles using
Iron is one type of metal most widely used as a tool for supporting our combination of solvents are: H2SO4/NaCl [24], surfactant of tetrame­
daily life. Ionic type of iron include FeO, Fe2O3, and Fe3O4. Iron has thylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) and NaCl [25], and two step syn­
different properties that are used for various applications. To date, thesis by HCl and followed by NaCl [26]. However, the solvent used to
considerable research has been devoted to studying Fe3O4 materials, synthesize magnetite from natural iron sand were reported using indi­
such as synthesis via wet chemical reduction [1], corrosion in reinforced vidual solvent only HCl and NH4OH, and for combination of solvents
concrete structures [2], adsorption of alkaloids [3], and on the growth such as: HCl followed by NaCl. Therefore, in this study, we used three
and oxidation of iron nanoparticles [4]. Several Fe3O4 potentials of also type individual solvents are HCl, NaCl, and NaOH in synthesised
pH-responsive for imaging-guided tumour eradication by photo-thermal methods. The effect of the various solvent in synthesised magnetite from
therapy [5], as a contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging [6] or iron sand to the structural and optical properties have not been inves­
composite for absorber materials [7,8], and antimicrobials [9]. tigated adequately. These properties are essential knowledge and the
Some references reported the synthesis of Fe3O4 from iron sand using correlation between them also important to understand the performance
high energy milling [10], mechanical alloying [11], co-precipitation of materials for various applications.
[12], sonochemical methods [13], and gamma irradiation [14]. The Hence, in this study, we synthesised the magnetite materials using
study of Fe3O4 using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) reported NaOH, HCl, and NaCl as a solvent and characterised by XRD and FTIR.
in Ref. [12], phase characterisation, and magnetic properties that were We applied the Scherrer, Williamson-Hall (W–H), and size strain plot
prepared by wet mixing [13,15], and magnetite domain interactions (SSP) methods to study the structural properties using a quantitative
[16]. The synthesis of magnetite using solvent HCl and NH4OH reported analysis of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) spectra. These analyses are resulted
in Ref. [17] which affect in decreasing crystallinity and particle size and in important information, including crystallite size (D), strain (ε), stress
for only HCl as a solvent reported in Refs. [18–20] and shows formation (σ), and energy deformation (u). The Kramers-Kronig (K–K) relations
of magnetite single phase. The effects of divalent heavy metal cations to were used to determine the optical properties from a quantitative
the magnetite phase in Ref. [21] and magnetite/silica nanocomposites analysis of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Tahir).

Received 21 December 2020; Received in revised form 2 February 2021; Accepted 27 February 2021
Available online 3 March 2021
0272-8842/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
H. Heryanto and D. Tahir Ceramics International 47 (2021) 16820–16827

Using the refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k), we analyzed
the optical phonon vibrations, determine the complex dielectric function
(ε = ε + iε′′ ) and energy loss function (Im (− 1/ε(ω))=

( ε1 (ω))/((ε21 (ω)+ε22 (ω)).

2. Material and experimental details

The iron sand sample is from Pantai Lere, Bima Regency, Nusa
Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia (− 8.866147◦ , 118.527858◦ ). We
used three kinds of solution: sodium hydroxide (NaOH) produced by
Merck, hydrogen chloride (HCl) produced by Merck, and salt powder
produced by the local industry “Refina Garam Meja” Indonesia. The
amounts of each solution by slowly dropping 3 g of iron sand were as
sample 1 = 3 ​ g ​ NaOH ​ solution ​ (0.1 ​ M) + 3 ​ g ​ iron ​ sand

sample 2 = 3 g HCl solution (0.1 M) + 3 g iron sand, and

sample 3 = (3 ​ g ​ Salt ​ powder + 3g ​ H2 O) + 3 ​ g ​ iron ​ sand
The samples were maintained at room temperature for 12 h. The
final samples were heated in a free oxygen environment at 80 ◦ C for 6 h
and then stirred at 10 Hz for 10 min. All samples were cleaned with
water to remove the solution’s contamination and controlled using X-ray Fig. 1. The crystal orientation of Fe3O4 compared with JCPDS: 98-008-2450.
fluorescence (X-RF). The dried samples were stored in a desiccator for
further use.
The structural properties of the pure iron sand and extracted Fe3O4 a
d = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (1)
powder were analyzed using X-ray diffraction via Shimadzu 7000 CuKα h2 + k2 + l2
radiation in step of 0.02◦ per min and angles from are 25◦ to 75◦ . The
optical properties were determined from the quantitative analysis of the V = a3 (2)
transmission Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra (Shimadzu Corp) Lattice parameter is a for two-dimensional distance between the
at the wavenumber 400 to 900 cm− 1. To prepare our samples for FTIR atomic layers or d-spacing (d), hkl are the Miller indices of the crystal
characterisation, we used KBr because it has a wide spectral range. It orientations, and V is the cubic structure unit cell volume.
produced smooth, thin, and transparent discs when mixed with the In this experiment, the samples’ mass (m), X-ray density (ρx ),
powdered samples [27]. Approximately 0.5 g of each sample are mixed experimental density (ρex ), and porosity (P) were determined using the
with 50 g KBr and then pressed into 1 mm disc in a hydraulic press at following equation:
10.000 psi for 3 min to form pellets. ( )
P = 1 − ex x100% (3)
3. Result and discussion ρs
Details regarding the calculation porosity were previously reported
3.1. X-ray diffraction analysis
in Ref. [30].
Microstructure can be calculated using [31]:
The XRD patterns of the magnetite in this study were extracted by
various solvents and are shown in Fig. 1. The diffraction peak intensity ρex tFe3 O4 =
showed that the impurity concentration of the iron sand’s diffraction SA, face
peaks at 33.5◦ and 56◦ decreased due to the solvent’s effect. The XRD
spectra also detected magnetite phase structures. The next analysis used Where (tFe3 O4 ) is the layer thickness, and (SA, face ) is the surface area,
these spectra to determine the structural properties using the Scherrer, which was determined using the following equation:
Williamson-Hall (WH), and size strain plot (SSP) models. NA
The XRD spectra confirmed that the magnetite’s diffraction peaks SA, face = 2AUC (5)
had cubic structures, and the peak broadening may have been due to the
type of solution: acid, base, or salt solution. Peak broadening at 35o-37◦ For the effect peak broadening, the two dimensional distance layer
in the different solutions as shown in Fig. 2 clearly demonstrates the and inter-layer distance (tint.layer ) using the following equation:
different intensity (a) and (b) relation between the crystal lattice and 1
strain [28]. Fig. 2(a) clearly shows two kinds of strain: uniform and tint.layer = dmax − tFe3 O4 = ( ) (6)
non-uniform strain. ρ dry 2 − tFe3 O4
The solvents’ effect on the strain was as follows: the Fe3O4 with
NaOH, HCl, and NaCl as solvents had uniform strain that shifted to a Table 2 shows the thickness of single-layer Fe3O4 (tFe3 O4 ), thickness of
higher 2θ and lower 2θ, and small non-uniform strain shifted to a lower the interlayer (tint.layer ), surface area ( SA, face ), density ( ρ ), and area total
2θ, respectively, from the iron sand’s diffraction peaks at 35.96◦ with a (Area, Å2). The specific surface area of the Fe3O4 extracted using NaCl as
(311) crystal orientation due to the differences in the distances between a solvent had the lowest value compared to other solvents. However, it
the atomic layers (d). The larger d spacing scale shifted lower and vice showed that higher porosity may have occur due to the solvents’ cor­
versa. The calculated lattice parameters and porosity shown in Table 1 rosive effects.
were obtained using the following equations [29]: X-ray diffraction peak broadening was used to determine the crys­
tallite size (D) and lattice strain (ε). The Scherrer equation was used to
calculate the crystallite size from the full width at half maximum (β) and

H. Heryanto and D. Tahir Ceramics International 47 (2021) 16820–16827

Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction angle positions of iron sand and several solvents (first rows (left)), we have included illustration by the effect of no strain, uniform strain and
non-uniform strain on the peak broadening from x-ray spectra [16] (first rows (right). The illustration of the lattice structure (second rows) and d-spacing (d) (third
rows) for various solvent: NaOH (left), NaCl (middle), and HCl (right).

Table 1
Lattice parameter a (Å), volume (V), and porosity (%) from the quantitative analysis of XRD spectra in Fig. 1.
Sample lattice parameter (Å) range of error Volume (A3) Porosity- Porosity- Porosity-

a error a a-min a-max V-min V-max V-med max (%) min (%) med (%)

Iron Sand 8.37 0.0010 8.3690 8.3710 586.1661 586.5864 586.3763 94.3342 94.3382 94.3362
Iron Sand + NaOH 8.35 0.0008 8.3492 8.3508 582.0056 582.3602 582.1829 94.3750 94.3784 94.3767
Iron Sand + HCl 8.31 0.0012 8.3088 8.3112 573.6076 574.1048 573.8562 94.4547 94.4595 94.4571
Iron Sand + NaCl 8.22 0.00132 8.2187 8.2213 555.1447 555.6799 555.4123 94.6327 94.6379 94.6353

peak position (θ). These relationships were demonstrated in detail in our As reported in Ref. [34], the peak broadening was caused by the
previously published reports [29,32,and 33]]. The corresponding results accumulated of the crystallite size and lattice strain.
are shown in Table 3. Fig. 3 shows the Williamson-Hall (WH), uniform deformation
(UDM), uniform stress deformation (USDM), uniform deformation en­
β2 = β2measures − β2instrumental (7)
ergy density (UDEDM), and size strain plot methods (SSP) for the cor­
responding results shown in Table 3. Details on these calculations are in

D= (8) Refs. [29,32,35and36]. The W–H and SSP plot analysis is shown in
β cos θ
Table 3.

H. Heryanto and D. Tahir Ceramics International 47 (2021) 16820–16827

Table 2 presented in Table 4.

Specific surface area SA, face (Å2/g), thickness of a single layer tFe3 O4 (Å), and the Fig. 2 the diffraction peak of the crystal plane (311) for various
interlayer distance tint.layer (Å). solvent and the relation between crystal lattice with d-spacing (d). The
Sample code d spacing Area ρFe3O4 SA, face tFe3 O4 tint.layer diffraction peaks for iron sand shows 2 peaks, the satellite peaks prob­
2 3 2
ably come from the impurity of the iron sand which lower 0.18◦ than the
Å (Å ) g/cm (Å )/g Å Å
main peaks. For the iron sand after soaking with NaOH as a solvent
Iron Sand 2.515 70.0569 4.08 3.64E+23 1.345 1.171 shows crystal lattice is uniform strain shift to the higher 2θ indicated
Iron Sand + NaOH 2.479 69.7225 4.08 3.63E+23 1.351 1.128
that some of the Fe atoms is properly sitting in the lattice structure but
Iron Sand + HCl 2.537 69.0568 4.08 3.59E+23 1.364 1.173
Iron Sand + NaCl 2.521 67.5684 4.08 3.51E+23 1.394 1.126
still unstable position [39]. For NaCl as solvent shows small shift to the
lower 2θ indicated that Fe atoms are still adjusting to find good position
in the lattice structure but for HCl as a solvent shows uniform strain with
diffraction peak shifts to the lower 2θ is due to the Fe atoms fill the stable
Table 3
position in the lattice structure [39]. The illustration of lattice structure
Slope (a) and y-intercept (b) determined from Fig. 3.
as shown in Fig. 2 (second rows) and d spacing (d) in Fig. 2 (third rows)
code Y= UDM USDM UDEDM SSP for various solvent: NaOH (left), NaCl (middle), and HCl (right). The
effect of HCl as a solvent to the structural properties of magnetite from
Iron Sand a − 0.0015 − 0.000524 − 6.27E- 0.0101 iron sand analyzed by the XRD spectrum are: reduction crystallinity and
particle size [17], single phase with lattice parameter 8.393 Å [18],
b 0.007427 0.007427 0.007427 − 2.612E-
06 cluster microstructures of the primary particles associated with mag­
Iron Sand + a − 0.001138 − 0.0004 − 0.00048 0.0217 netic properties [40], and pure magnetite crystal phase [22].
NaOH b 0.011541 0.011542 0.011542 − 7.0754E- The quantitative analysis of the XRD spectra presented in Fig. 2
06 shows that the structural properties and crystallite size decreased in all
Iron Sand + a − 0.001021 − 0.00036 − 0.00043 0.0146
HCl b 0.009762 0.009763 0.009763 − 3.259E-
of the solvents, probably due to the structural modification of the iron
06 sand that removed some impurities, shifting and broadening the main
Iron Sand + a 0.001510 0.000529 0.000632 0.0193 peaks [41,42]. Comparing each calculation model of the quantitative
NaCl b 0.007516 0.007516 0.007516 − 5.8744E- analysis of the XRD spectra showed good agreement for the crystallite
size. The Scherrer method was higher than the other methods due to the
number of parameters affected by the calculations. The Scherrer method
calculated only the FWHM, 2θ diffraction, Young’s modulus, and dis­
tances between the atoms.

3.2. FTIR analysis

Refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) as a function of the

wavenumber (ω) from the quantitative analysis of the Fourier transform
infrared spectra were determined using the Kramers-Kronig (K–K) re­
lations. In this study, a 1 mm disc of KBr was mixed with the powder
samples to characterise the FTIR transmission spectroscopy. When
mixed with powder samples, KBr will produce smooth, thin, and trans­
parent discs [27]. Fig. 4 shows the FTIR spectra of the natural iron sand
and Fe3O4 with the various solvents. The absorption peak at 560 cm− 1
was the vibration of the Fe–O bond [27,43].
Fig. 4 shows the percent transmittance (T%) between the light in­
tensity transmitted through the samples (I) to the incident light intensity
(I0). These spectra were converted to the reflection (R(ω)) using the
following well-known expressions [28,31,44,45]:
A(ω) = 2 − log[T(ω)%] (9)

R(ω) = 100 − [T(ω) + A(w)] (10)

To ascertain the refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k),
first the phase change ϕ(ω) was determined by:
Fig. 3. Williamson-Hall analysis and Size Strain plot method. Diffraction peaks ∫∞ ′

indicated by symbol, and linear fit analysis indicated by solid line. ω lnR(w ) − lnR(ω)
ϕ(ω) = − (11)
π ω′ 2 − ω2
Fig. 3 shows the slope and y intercept of the fitted lines (strain for
To solve equation (11), we applied the K–K relation and equation
UDM analysis, stress for USDM analysis, and Energy density for UDEDM
(12) for simple computations:
analysis) and crystallite size. Table 3 shows the negative and positive
linear fitting values due to the lattice shrinkage and lattice rearrange­ ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅)
( ) 4ωj ∑ ln R(ω)
ment, respectively, as reported in Ref. [37]. ϕ ωj = − x Δω x (12)
π ω2i − ω2j
The linear fitting results are summarised in Table 3. The negative and

positive y intercept values indicated that the solvents affected the Where, j is a series of wavenumber. If j is an odd number, i is 2,4,6,8, …,j-
structural properties of the acid and base solutions. The negative lattice 1, and j+1, and when j is an even number, i is 1,3,5,7, …,j-1,j+1, … Δω
value of the Fe3O4 was caused by shrinkage, and the salt was estranged = ωi+1 − ωi . equation (12) was the input parameter for determining the
[38]. The crystallite size, micro-strain, stress, and energy density are refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) using the following

H. Heryanto and D. Tahir Ceramics International 47 (2021) 16820–16827

Table 4
Size (nm), Strain (*10− 3), Stress (MPa) and Density of energy (kJ/m3) determined from quantitative analysis of XRD spectra in Fig. 1.
data Scherrer Williamson-Hall Method U Size - Strain

Equation UDM USDM UDEDM Plot Method

D ε D Е D Е σ D Е σ D ε σ U

nm 10◦ nm 10¡3 nm 10¡3 Mpa nm 10¡3 Mpa kJ/m¡3 nm 10¡3 Mpa kJ/m¡3

Iron Sand 26.21 0.0055 24.9 0.93 288 134

24.20 0.0051
36.38 0.0028
27.97 0.003 20.34 1.498 20.35 1.4971 524 20.3 1.5 370 393
33.64 0.0023
33.62 0.0022
39.33 0.0018
Iron Sand þ NaOH 15.02 0.0081 20.1 1.51 20.1 1.511 529 20.1 1.51 529 399.4 25 1.532 475 364.21
16.98 0.0049
16.45 0.0048
11.96 0.006
Iron Sand þ 16.71 0.0074 15.48 1.021 15.48 1.0288 360 15.5 1.03 360 184.9 17 1.141 353 202.06
HCl 17.63 0.0057
26.92 0.0031
16.59 0.0044
Iron Sand þ NaCl 15.37 0.008 13.09 1.138 13.09 1.143 400 13.1 1.15 401 230.4 11.6 1.682 521 438.67
14.16 0.0059
16.73 0.0047
17.58 0.0041

Fig. 4. FTIR spectra by the irons sand and Fe3O4 for various solvent.

equations: indicated by TO and LO as shown in the first rows in Fig. 5. The dielectric
function was also determined by the equation: (̃ ε(ω) = ε1 (ω) + iε2 (ω)),
1 − R(ω)
n(ω) = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (13) where ε1 (ω) is the real part and ε2 (ω) is the imaginary part determined
1 + R(ω) − 2 R(ω)cos ϕ(ω) from the relation with n and k as follows:
2 R(ω)sinϕ(ω) ε1 (ω) = n2 (ω) − k2 (ω) (15)
k(ω) = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (14)
1 + R(ω) − 2 R(ω)cos ϕ(ω)
ε2 (ω) = 2n(ω)k(ω) (16)
The calculation results using equation (13) and (14) are shown in the
The calculation results of the ε1 and ε2 spectra based on equations
first rows in Fig. 5.
(14) and (15), respectively, are shown in the second rows in Fig. 5.
The real part of refractive index indicated by n and the imaginary
The maximum ε1 peaks shifted to lower wavenumbers and ε2 shifted
part or extinction coefficient indicated by k are shown in the first rows in
to higher wavenumbers due to the effects the acid solutions and crystal
Fig. 5. The transverse optical (TO) and longitudinal optical phonons
fields, which affected the structural and electrical properties of the
(LO) were identified by the intersections between n(ω) and k(ω)

H. Heryanto and D. Tahir Ceramics International 47 (2021) 16820–16827

Fig. 5. The complex refractive index ̂n (ω) = n(ω) + k(ω) real part and imaginary part (first row), dielectric function (̃ε(ω) = ε1 (ω) +iε2 (ω)) (second row), and energy
loss function (Im (− 1/ε(ω))=( ε1 (ω))/((ε21 (ω)+ε22 (ω)) (third row) for natural iron sand powder and Fe3O4 for various solvents.

Fe3O4 [46–48]. There were two ways to identify the TO and LO modes;
first, from the intersections between n(ω) and k(ω) as described in the
first row in Fig. 5. The second was from the prominent peak position of
the imaginary part (ε2 (ω)) of the dielectric function as shown in the
second rows in Fig. 5 for the TO mode and energy loss function (Im
(− 1/ε(ω))=( ε1 (ω))/((ε21 (ω)+ε22 (ω)) and in the third rows in Fig. 5 for
the LO mode [28,29]. Ref. [31,49–55] reported a quantitative analysis
of electron spectroscopy spectra to determine the energy loss function
(Im (− 1/ε(ω)) and showed that the prominent peak position was
considered the plasma frequency. Using our previous reports on com­
posite cement/BaSO4/Fe3O4 and from the quantitative analysis of the
FTIR spectra in Ref. [55], we also clearly demonstrated that the prom­
inent peak position of (Im (− 1/ε(ω)) was the plasma frequency. Fig. 6. Crystallite size value indicated by blue symbol, porosity value indicated
The optical properties change for different solvent may due to the by green open symbol, and linear fitting evaluated by solid line. (For inter­
cohesion force between the iron sand atoms and some of the solvent pretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
atoms bonding together but still rearranged to form stable bonding with the Web version of this article.)
a new structure [7,31and39,]. The stable bonding formation indicated
by the distance between two optical phonon modes (Δ(LO-TO)) is higher analysis of the FTIR spectra by applying the K–K relations. The mag­
which consistent by the analysis of XRD spectra for uniform strain with netite’s higher porosity with NaCl as a solvent was directly proportional
diffraction peak shifts to the lower 2θ. For lower distance between two to the optical phonon vibrations. We found very good correlations when
optical phonon modes (Δ(LO-TO)) indicated that the non-uniformity the LO-TO of optical phonons increased, the crystallite size decreased,
cross-linking and less stable crystal structure [56–59]. and the strain was uniform.
Fig. 6 shows the relationship between the porosity, crystallite size,
and different of the optical phonons (Δ(LO-TO)). Declaration of competing interest
Fig. 6 clearly shows that the (Δ(LO-TO)) of the optical phonons
increased when the crystallite size decreased, which was probably due to The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the structural properties transforming into uniform strain, leading to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
reduced vibrations [60]. The porosity was directly proportional to the the work reported in this paper.
optical properties (Δ(LO-TO)), similar to the results reported in
Ref. [61]. Acknowledgments

4. Conclusions This work was supported by the PD (Penelitian Dasar) 2020 funded
by the Indonesian Government (DIKTI).
Fe3O4 was successfully synthesised using various solvents: acid, base,
and salt solutions. The XRD patterns showed that the crystallite size of
the magnetite extracted using salt as a solvent was smaller than the other
solvents. The optical properties were determined from the quantitative

H. Heryanto and D. Tahir Ceramics International 47 (2021) 16820–16827

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