Interaction Adsorption
Interaction Adsorption
Interaction Adsorption
Keywords: The global development of industry and agriculture around the world led to the contamination of various aquatic
Adsorbent environments with pharmaceuticals. Even at low concentrations in water, these pollutants cause significant
Magnetic nanoparticles human health problems, adversely affect the quality of drinking water, and have a detrimental effect on the
environment. The uncontrolled release of pharmaceuticals into aquatic ecosystems poses a real threat to all life
Adsorption capacity
on Earth and requires effective methods of removal. Adsorption is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to
Environmental pollution
clean wastewater from micropollutants. Magnetic adsorbents attract considerable attention due to their
outstanding magnetic properties, high surface reactivity, chemical stability, and the possibility of their modifi
cation and functionalization. The presence of various functional groups makes it possible to increase the
adsorption efficiency. This article is a comprehensive review of studies on the use of various magnetic nano
particles and composites for the removal of pharmaceuticals from aqueous environments through adsorption.
The main attention is paid to two categories of pharmaceuticals: antibiotics (tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, levo
floxacin, etc.) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.). The concentration of these
pollutants in the European surface waters is provided. The main modes of interaction between the adsorbent
(functionalized magnetic nanoparticles) and the adsorbate (pharmaceuticals) are discussed. The analyzed drugs
are mainly adsorbed through electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonds, π-π interaction, surface complexation,
ion-exchange, etc. The effect of various parameters (pH, contact time, temperature, adsorbate concentration,
adsorbent dose) on adsorption efficiency is summarized. The analysis shows that the adsorption behavior
strongly depends on the solution pH, temperature, and the initial concentration of the pollutant. The func
tionalized magnetic nanoparticles have a good potential for pharmaceuticals removal from aqueous media. The
perspectives and problems in magnetic adsorbents applications have been presented.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Tatarchuk).
Received 3 April 2023; Received in revised form 16 May 2023; Accepted 21 May 2023
Available online 25 May 2023
0167-7322/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
units or molecules, which allows precise control over the size, shape, with silica and loaded with PdNPs demonstrated much higher H2 con
composition, and surface properties of the magnetic adsorbent [20]. sumption compared to palladium NPs alone [24]. In most cases, such
“Top-down” approach involves the synthesis of materials through the magnetic adsorbents can be easily recovered. All magnetic sorbents
decomposition of large structures into smaller particles or components demonstrate increased mechanical strength, high adsorption capacity
[21]. “Bottom-up” methods include the co-precipitation method, sol–gel concerning organic and inorganic pollutants, and high magnetic char
method, hydrothermal, solvothermal, microemulsion, etc. [20-22]. The acteristics, which make it possible to subsequently collect the sorbent
top-down methods include mechanical milling and pulsed laser ablation using permanent or electric magnets.
[21]. In general, the choice of synthesis method will depend on the In this review, we decided to focus in detail on the adsorbents based
desired properties of the magnetic adsorbent, available equipment, cost, on magnetic nanoparticles, which can be used to remove various phar
and scalability of the synthesis method. maceuticals from aquatic environments. In particular, attention is paid
The magnetic properties of ferrospinels are determined by the to two groups of pharmaceuticals – antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-
chemical composition and the distribution of cations within A- and B- inflammatory drugs that are most common and most dangerous for the
sublattices. The different numbers of cations in A- and B-sublattices environment. The physicochemical properties of adsorbents, including
cause different net magnetic moments. Ferrites can be ferrimagnetic or adsorption modes, are described in detail.
antiferromagnetic. This is explained by the fact that the ions that are in
the tetrahedral sites have antiparallel spins to the spins of the ions that 2. Distribution of pharmaceuticals in waters
occupy the octahedral sites. Thus the net magnetic moment is due to the
antiferromagnetic order between the tetrahedral (A) and octahedral (B) Nowadays, >3000 active pharmaceuticals are known, which are
magnetic moments [17]. used for the treatment of various diseases [29]. The most common
Magnetic ferrite nanoparticles are widely used and demonstrate high classes of drugs involve antidepressants, antibiotics, anticonvulsants,
activity in the removal of various types of environmental pollutants: hormones, beta-blockers, and anti-inflammatories. Pharmaceuticals as
metals and non-metals (Hg, Pb, Cr, Cu, U, Ni, As, etc.), dyes (Congo red, pollutants can be detected in soil, ground and surface waters, waste
methylene blue, methyl violet, etc.), pharmaceuticals (tetracycline, water, tap water, and drinking water. They are considered micro
ibuprofen, diclofenac, etc.) and other pollutants. Since the purification pollutants because they are present in the environment at very low
processes are carried out in an aqueous medium, an additional advan concentrations [3]. They are difficult to detect, analyze and remove by
tage of magnetic ferrite nanoparticles, in particular magnetite Fe3O4, are existing wastewater treatment systems [30]. The presence of pharma
magnetic properties that allow its extraction from solution and separa ceuticals in the aquatic environment is a growing concern worldwide.
tion with a magnet after the adsorption. Magnetic nanoparticles can be Drinking water supplied to humans contains a large number of various
used as adsorbents alone, or as a magnetic core for complex composites drugs, including antibiotics, hormones, sedatives, anticonvulsants, and
or a matrix that can be further functionalized (Fig. 3). For example, pain relievers [3]. There are various ways of getting such drugs into the
functionalized magnetic nanoparticles have a big potential also in the water. In particular, when people take medicaments, the body absorbs a
adsorption of gases (hydrogen, H2S, etc.) [23,24]. Fe3O4 NPs coated part of them. Non-absorbed pharmaceuticals (about 70%) are excreted
Fig. 3. (a) Polyethylene glycol-modified Fe3O4 combined with Mg–Al-layered double hydroxides for the removal of methyl orange from water. Reprinted with
permission from [25]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society; (b) magnetic graphene oxide/chitin nanocomposites for adsorption of methylene blue and crystal
violet from aqueous solutions separated by the external permanent magnet after the adsorption and its reproducibility. Reprinted with permission from [26].
Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society; (c) UV–vis spectra of Congo red and methylene blue after four removal cycles from tap water using novel core@double-
shell three-layer adsorbent (Fe3O4@SiO2@Zn–TDPAT) [TDPAT = 2,4,6-tris(3,5-dicarboxyl phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazine]. Reprinted with permission from [27].
Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society; (d) activated carbon (AC) modified with metal ferrite CoFe2O4 nanoparticles (AC–CoFe2O4) as a magnetic nano
adsorbent for promazine removal from wastewater. Reprinted with permission from [28]. Copyright 2022, Royal Society of Chemistry. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
naturally, without changing their chemical composition, and are intro interaction decrease very quickly with the increasing distance be
duced to the sewer [2,29]. Wastewater undergoes traditional treatment tween the adsorbent and adsorbate molecules. At the magnetic
and returns to rivers or lakes, the reservoirs of drinking water (Fig. 1). nanocomposite surface, the adsorbate molecule is held by the force
Table 1 shows the distribution of pharmaceuticals in various aquatic field of the surface for some time and then it can be desorbed [45].
environments [31]. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of some representative There is a model of localized adsorption, according to which there
examples of pharmaceuticals in European surface waters (data obtained are adsorption centers at the adsorbent surface, that is, certain areas
from Refs. [32,33]). The municipal sewage treatment system is unable to where stronger adsorption occurs;
completely remove the pharmaceuticals from the water. In addition, it • hydrogen bonds arise due to the electrostatic attraction between the
has been found that adding chlorine and its compounds to water may hydrogen from one molecule and an atom with a high electronega
increase the toxicity of some drugs [2]. tivity from another molecule [45]. Magnetic adsorbents contain a
A wide range of chemical and physical methods can be used to large number of oxygen-containing functional groups at their sur
remove pharmaceuticals, for example, chemical oxidation and biodeg face, such as –OH, –COOH, etc. [46]. These fragments can bind ox
radation (destructive methods), adsorption, liquid extraction, and ygen- or nitrogen-containing groups of pharmaceuticals with the
membrane methods [3]. Adsorption processes are widely used in in formation of hydrogen bonds. The surface hydroxyl groups can be
dustry to remove organic impurities [34], like drugs [28,35-38], per involved in binding various anionic species [47]. For example, the
sonal care products [39], petroleum products [40,41], surfactants [42], C=O and –NH functional groups in the magnetic adsorbent enhance
etc. The term ‘adsorption’ is usually used to describe the attachment of a chemisorption due to the formation of hydrogen bonds with the
molecule from a mobile phase to a solid surface. Adsorption is consid –COOH group in ciprofloxacin [48].
ered one of the most effective methods of drug removal from aquatic • the π-π interaction occurs between aromatic groups of adsorbent and
environments due to its convenience, easiness, and simplicity of adsorbate. The strength of the π-π bond is mostly influenced by the
implementation [30]. The adsorption can be affected by changing such functional groups attached to the benzene ring of the adsorbent [45].
parameters as temperature, concentration, and solution pH [43]. A good Functional groups of pharmaceuticals that have a strong electron-
adsorbent should have a high adsorption capacity for the necessary withdrawing capacity can act as π-acceptors, while, for example,
components. The efficiency of the adsorbent also depends on its pore OH-groups on benzene rings cause the adsorbent to act as a π-donor
size and surface properties [30]. [49];
• surface complexation occurs when the molecules of pharmaceuticals
3. Modes of antibiotics adsorption form complexes with surface functional groups of magnetic adsor
bents [50]. Surface functional groups of adsorbents can contain hy
Understanding, which physicochemical processes taking place at the droxyl, carboxyl, amino, or thiol groups [51]. The formation of
adsorbent surface (magnetic nanoparticles) are crucial for the adsorp complexes may involve the formation of inner-sphere or outer-
tion of adsorbates (pharmaceuticals) is essential to design efficient ad sphere complexes between the pharmaceutical molecule and iron
sorbents. The modes of pharmaceuticals’ adsorption onto magnetic ions coming from the magnetic adsorbent structure [46,52,53].
adsorbents can be governed by electrostatic or non-electrostatic in Inner-sphere complexes are arising when a direct chemical bond
teractions depending on the solution pH and the charge (or at least between the adsorbate (molecule of pharmaceutics) and the adsor
polarity) of the adsorbent and adsorbate. Electrostatic interactions come bent surface is formed. Outer-sphere complexes are formed when the
into play when the adsorbate is protonated or dissociated in an aqueous water molecules or hydroxyl groups are affiliating between the
solution under experimental conditions. Other interactions include van oppositely charged adsorbate (molecule of pharmaceutics) and the
der Waals forces, hydrogen bonds, π-π interactions, etc. [4]. surface of the magnetic adsorbent. The formation of surface com
The main modes of antibiotic adsorption are the following: plexes is influenced by the solution pH, the solution ionic strength,
the concentration of pharmaceuticals in the solution, and the phys
• the electrostatic interaction between the adsorbent surface and the icochemical properties of the adsorbent.
adsorbate can be predicted by the charge of their oppositely charged • hydrophobic interactions occur when non-polar molecules or hy
functional groups [34]. The ionic charge varies depending on the drophobic groups of pharmaceuticals interact with hydrophobic sites
dissociation constants (pKa, pKb), point of zero charge (pHPZC), and on the surface of the magnetic adsorbent. Such hydrophobic inter
solution pH. If the adsorbent surface and adsorbate molecules action is due to the desire of non-polar molecules or groups to
possess the same charge, then adsorption will decrease due to elec minimize their contact with water. Such an adsorption mode is
trostatic repulsion between them [44]. If the charges are opposite, influenced by the concentration of the adsorbate in the solution, the
the electrostatic attraction occurs, and adsorption increases. There density of hydrophobic groups, and the surface area of the adsorbent
fore, the surface charge of the adsorbent and adsorbate is the main [54]. Hydrophobic interactions are observed mostly during the
factor affecting the adsorption efficiency [45]; adsorption of pharmaceuticals, containing both hydrophilic and
• Van der Waals forces are arising between adsorbate molecules and hydrophobic groups in their structure, e.g., ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin,
the adsorbent surface. These relatively small forces of intermolecular norfloxacin, propranolol, clomipramine [55], or when the carbon-
based [55,56] or polysaccharide-based [44] magnetic composites
are used as adsorbents.
Table 1 • ion exchange is observed when the ions that are already attracted to
Distribution of pharmaceuticals in different waters. Reprinted with permission
functional groups of the adsorbent surface can exchange with other
from [31]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier.
ions present in the solution [45]. Magnetic adsorbents can be func
Pharmaceuticals Waters Concentration ranges (μg tionalized with ion-exchange sulfate, carboxylate, or amino groups
mL− 1)
that can attract and exchange ions from wastewater [57]. The
Antibiotics Waste & surface 0.1–1.7 selectivity of ion exchange depends on the specific functional group
water and ionic charge of the magnetic adsorbent, as well as on the con
Wastewater 0.4–1.84
Drinking water 1.7
centration and charge of the ions in the solution [34]. The efficiency
Antiphlogistics/anti- Wastewater 0.05–7.11 of the ion exchange process can be improved by optimizing the pH of
inflammatory the solution, temperature, and contact time of the adsorption. This
Surface water 0.05–7.50 mechanism is especially relevant for ionized antibiotics, which can
Drinking water 1.0–10.0
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
Fig. 4. The distribution of some representative examples of pharmaceuticals in European surface waters (the data obtained from Refs. [32,33]).
be protonated or deprotonated depending on the pH of the solution Fig. 5 shows various types of interactions between magnetic adsor
[34,58]. bents and pharmaceuticals.
• the π-cation interaction involves an adsorption mechanism that can The degree of pharmaceuticals’ adsorption mainly depends on the
occur between aromatic groups of antibiotics (π-electron system of surface charge of magnetic adsorbents, which, in turn, is affected by the
aromatic rings) and positively charged species such as metal ions or pH of the solution. The adsorption can be controlled by measuring the
quaternary ammonium ions, presented on the surface of magnetic point of zero charge (pHPZC) of adsorbents. At pH > pHPZC, the func
adsorbents. The strength of the π-cation interaction depends on the tional groups are deprotonated and the surface of the adsorbent is
pharmaceutical structure, and cationic forms, as well as on the pH negatively charged, so the adsorbent successfully removes cationic ad
and ionic strength of the solution [59]. As an example, the interac sorbates by electrostatic attraction from the aqueous solution. At pH <
tion between the Fe atom of the spinel lattice and the aromatic pHPZC, the protonation of functional groups causes the positive charge of
π-electrons of an antibiotic molecule, for example, tetracycline, can the adsorbent surface, so the adsorbent successfully removes the anionic
be given [60]. adsorbates. Thus, it is possible to change the adsorption capacity of
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
magnetic nanoparticles by changing the solution pH value [61]. For ciprofloxacin removal increases, and at a pH above this point, the
example, as investigated in the work [62], the adsorption capacity of removal process is reduced. Levofloxacin exists in the cationic form at
magnetic graphene oxide adsorbent increases with the pH value pH < 5 and in the anionic form at pH > 8.5. It can be adsorbed by a
increasing and the maximum adsorption was observed at pH 10. The negatively charged adsorbent through the deprotonation of carboxyl
increase in pH led to the deprotonation of –OH and –COOH groups of groups or by a positively charged adsorbent through the protonation of
graphene sheets, making the surface charge more negative [62]. an amino group. The efficiency of levofloxacin removal at low pH is
If pH > pKa, the charge of the pharmaceutical is negative, and if pH lower than at high pH [65].
< pKa the charge of the pharmaceutical is positive. For example, the Usually, the adsorption is improved with increasing temperature,
tetracyclines exist in three forms depending on the solution pH: in the which is associated with an increase in the diffusion rate of dissoluble
cationic form at pH < 3.3, in the zwitterionic form at pH 3.3–7.7, and in molecules. The adsorption process is often endothermic, but it can also
the anionic form at pH > 7.7 [63]. During the adsorption of ciproflox be exothermic for a certain adsorbent, which is associated with weak
acin, the carbonyl group is deprotonated at 5.9 (pKa1), while the amine interactions between the adsorbate and the surface-active groups of the
group is protonated at 8.9 (pKa2) [54]. The removal of ciprofloxacin adsorbent [44]. However, changes in the temperature during the
from aqueous solutions depending on the pH was carried out using adsorption process not only affect the rate of the pharmaceuticals
granular iron hydroxide by M. Asadi-Ghalhari et al. [64]. The pHPZC of diffusion through the outer surface of the adsorbent but also signifi
the granular iron hydroxide is 7.5–8.2, therefore, at a pH below this cantly affect the binding at surface active sites and the equilibrium
range, the surface charge of the adsorbent is positive and the rate of adsorption capacity [66].
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
4. Applications of magnetic nanoparticles for the adsorption of streptomycin [73], cephalexin [111], metronidazole [112], sparfloxacin
antibiotics [86], cefotaxime [71], ceftriaxone [113], chloramphenicol [73], diclo
fenac [114-120], ibuprofen [69,117,120-125], acetylsalicylic acid
The key features of magnetic nanoparticles to be applied in the [124,126], acetaminophen [123,126-129], ketoprofen [106,120,121],
adsorption of pharmaceuticals are the following: high surface concen naproxen [117,120,122], atenolol [93], tamoxifen [130], gemfibrozil
tration of adsorption sites, high specific surface area, high chemical [93,117], etc. For example, P. Yadav et al. [131] synthesized Fe3O4-
stability, adjustable particle size, magnetization, etc. To date, many functionalized MIL101(Fe) chitosan composite beads for the removal of
studies have been conducted to demonstrate the effective use of mag tetracycline, doxycycline, and ciprofloxacin from the aqueous medium
netic oxide nanoparticles as adsorbents for the simple and rapid removal (removal efficiency was over 99%). A. Parashar et al. [132] used mag
of different pharmaceuticals from wastewater: tetracycline [60,62,67- netic iron oxide nanoparticles for effective removal (94.12–99.52%) of
82], minocycline [83,84], ciprofloxacin [44,56,64,85-98], levofloxacin oxcarbazepine from wastewater.
[65,99-104], enrofloxacin [94,105], norfloxacin [94,106,107], amoxi Among more than ten classes of antibiotics, the tetracyclines, fluo
cillin [87,108,109], daptomycin [110], erythromycin [73,87], roquinolones, aminoglycosides, β-lactams, and macrolides pose a
Fig. 7. (a) Chemical structure and (b) ionic species distribution of tetracycline. Reprinted with permission from [135]. Copyright 2018, Springer Nature; effect of pH
on the extraction efficiency of three tetracyclines (OTC – oxytetracycline, TC – tetracycline, CTC – chlortetracycline) by: (c) MGO (MGO dosage = 2 mg, [TCs]0 = 10
mg/L, V = 30 mL, T = 298 K and equilibrium time = 10 h). Reprinted with permission from [75]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier, (d) Fe3O4@SiO2@FeO (V = 10 mL,
[TCs]0 = 0.1 mg L− 1). Reprinted with permission from [77]. Copyright 2017, Elsevier, and (e) mNi@N-GrT (V = 10 mL, [TCs]0 = 5 mg L− 1). Reprinted with
permission from [78]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier; (f) modes of tetracycline adsorption using Fe3O4/clinoptilolite nanocomposite. Reprinted with permission from [80].
Copyright 2022, Elsevier.
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
significant risk to public health and the environment (Fig. 6). Antibiotics according to the Langmuir model, for oxytetracycline, tetracycline, and
of these classes are most widely used both in medicine and in veterinary. chlortetracycline, respectively, while for the corresponding Fe3O4, it was
Therefore, they are the most significant pollutants of surface water. only about 96, 48, and 82 mg/g. The enhanced qmax is because the FeO
Wide use of different antibiotics leads to the faster development of coating can provide additional Fe(II) and numerous adsorption centers
multiresistant pathogenic strains [29]. It is supposed that the increase in [77]. T. Ahamad et al. [79] established that the maximum adsorption
the resistance of pathogenic flora to antibiotics is a serious medical capacity of CDF@MF magnetic nanocomposite, which was fabricated
problem that poses a great danger to human health [29]. using the condensation of the chitosan, formaldehyde, and diphenylurea
in an acidic medium, for tetracyclines is 168 mg/g at room temperature
4.1. Adsorption of tetracyclines and pH = 6. The π-π electron donor–acceptor interactions in aromatic
magnetic adsorbent rings are responsible for enhanced tetracycline
Tetracyclines are one of the most widely used groups of broad- adsorption [79]. Y. Liu et al. [69] synthesized the magnetic genipin-
spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotics. The basis of its chemical structure crosslinked chitosan/GO-SO3H. The maximum adsorption capacity of
is the octahydronaphthacene core [133]. Tetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline increased from 473 to 556 mg/g when the temperature
chlortetracycline, doxycycline, and methacycline are examples of tet increased from 298 to 313 K. B. Yu et al. [62] studied the adsorption
racyclines. Tetracyclines are used in the form of bases or hydrochloride capacity of magnetic graphene oxide towards tetracycline and found it
salts. Tetracyclines are amphoteric compounds with hydroxyl and equal to 473 mg/g. M. Rouhani et al. [80] showed that the maximum
dimethylamine functional groups. They can exist in ionized or non- adsorption capacity of Fe3O4/clinoptilolite nanocomposite was 181 mg/
ionized forms [134] depending on the pH: in the cationic form at pH g, and the efficiency of tetracycline removal was 98.6% at pH = 7–8. The
< 3.3, in zwitterionic form at pH = 3.3–7.7, and in the anionic form at mechanism of adsorption has been explained due to van der Waals forces
pH > 7.7 [63]. The molecular structure of tetracycline (Fig. 7a) has four and the formation of hydrogen bonds between the polar tetracycline
functional groups that can dissociate and it can exhibit five dominant molecules and functional groups at the Fe3O4/clinoptilolite nano
forms in water (Fig. 7b) [135]. These forms exhibit different physico composite surface [80]. Fig. 7f shows the mechanism of tetracycline
chemical and biological properties. adsorption using Fe3O4/clinoptilolite adsorbent [80]. As can be seen the
Many authors study the adsorption capacity of various magnetic hydrogen bonds between H+ from the surface functional groups of the
nanoparticles, which can be used as highly effective adsorbents for the Fe3O4/clinoptilolite nanocomposite and ions, originating from the polar
removal of tetracyclines from wastewater [60,62,67-69,75-82]. In their tetracycline molecule, cause the formation of electrostatic repulsion.
studies, scientists use nanoparticles of magnetic graphene oxide This results in reduced adsorption capacity of magnetic adsorbent under
[62,69,75], goethite [76], Fe3O4 [70,72-74,77,80], NiFe2O4 [71], acidic conditions towards tetracycline molecules [80]. At a neutral pH of
MnFe2O4 [79], etc. J. Miao et al. [75] have shown that the magnetic 7–8, the hydrogen bonds between tetracycline ions and OH groups at the
graphene oxide NPs demonstrate better adsorption of chlortetracycline nanocomposite surface turn into the main driving force for adsorption
in an alkaline medium, while the best adsorption of tetracycline and and leads to the highest removal efficiency [80]. All these results of
oxytetracycline has been observed at pH = 3.3 (Fig. 7c). L. Lian et al. adsorption studies indicate that magnetic oxide nanoparticles and
[77] used the Fe3O4@SiO2@FeO nanocomposite for tetracycline nanocomposites are promising adsorbents for the tetracyclines removal
adsorption and the effect of pH on adsorption capacity was studied from wastewater.
(Fig. 7d). It was shown that the favorable adsorption efficiency was Minocycline is a tetracycline antibiotic used to treat many bacterial
obtained in the pH range of 3 to 9, which may be related to the fact that infections, including pneumonia. L. Lu et al. [84] obtained porous
Fe3O4@SiO2@FeO has a very low ζ-potential at this pH range. The magnetic microspheres of MgFe2O4/γ-Fe2O3 which were investigated as
electrostatic attraction between the negatively charged magnetic sor new effective adsorbents for the minocycline removal from wastewater.
bent surface and tetracycline molecules occurs, so electron-donor groups The maximum adsorption capacity was 201 mg/g. The research results
of tetracycline can easily form stable metal-tetracycline complexes with showed that the adsorption capacity increased with increasing temper
Fe(II) on the sorbent surface [77]. Q. Wang et al. [78] studied tetracy ature, which indicates the endothermic nature of adsorption [84]. In the
cline removal using an ultrathin magnetic nitrogen-doped graphene antibiotic-adsorbent system, the complexes are formed between the
tube with nickel nanoparticles (mNi@N-GrT). It was concluded that the functional groups of the antibiotic and the active centers of the adsor
adsorption efficiency increased with pH increasing from 2 to 4 and did bent, which indicates chemisorption. MgFe2O4/γ-Fe2O3 adsorbents can
not change at pH above 4 (Fig. 7e). Humic acids can enhance the be regenerated with methanol or NaOH solution and easily separated
interaction between tetracycline and goethite at pH < 7 [76]. The from aqueous solution due to their magnetic properties [84].
presence of multivalent heavy metals such as Cu2+ can increase the Table 2 provides an overview of the adsorption parameters for
adsorption of tetracycline on goethite through the formation of inner- various magnetic adsorbents in tetracyclines removal from wastewater.
sphere surface complexes. T. Ahamad et al. [79] synthesized the mag
netic adsorbent using chitosan, diphenylurea, formaldehyde, and mag 4.2. Adsorption of ciprofloxacin
netic nanoparticles MnFe2O4 through the condensation polymerization
route. The tetracyclines adsorption has been tested at pH from 2 to 10. It Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone class [136].
was established that the maximum removal efficiency was obtained at Ciprofloxacin exists in three forms in the solution: in the cationic form
pH = 6, which is explained by the electrostatic attraction between the (with a protonated amino group at pH below 5.90 ± 0.15 [137]), in the
adsorbent and tetracycline molecules. The presence of acidic centers anionic form (with a deprotonated carboxylic acid group at pH above
promotes the adsorption of tetracycline, as they can accept or donate 8.89 ± 0.11 [137]) and the zwitterionic form (Fig. 8a) [138]. According
protons depending on the solution pH [79]. A new magnetic adsorbent to [33], the average concentration of ciprofloxacin in the surface waters
genipin-crosslinked chitosan/GO-SO3H (GC/MGO-SO3H) was success of Western Europe is 0.008 μg/L, and the maximum measured concen
fully synthesized by Y. Liu et al. [69]. The maximum adsorption capacity tration is 13.6 μg/L. Many studies have been conducted to find effective
towards tetracycline was obtained at pH = 10, as well as in the study magnetic adsorbents for ciprofloxacin removal from aquatic environ
[62], where magnetic graphene oxide was used as an adsorbent. ments. The analysis of references showed that magnetic nanocomposites
J. Miao et al. [75] synthesized the magnetic graphene oxide NPs and based on Fe3O4 [44,56,85-93,95-97], magnetic biochar [94], granular
investigated that their maximum adsorption capacities towards chlor ferric hydroxide [64], magnetic chitosan grafted graphene oxide nano
tetracycline, oxytetracycline, and tetracycline hydrochloride were 304, composite [98], etc. are most often used.
290, and 141 mg/g, respectively. L. Lian et al. [77] showed that the qmax Fe3O4 nanoparticles are used as adsorbents for the removal of cip
of Fe3O4@SiO2@FeO was calculated to be 178, 129, and 133 mg/g rofloxacin from wastewater [44,85-93,96,97]. S. Rakshit et al. [92]
T. Tatarchuk et al.
Table 2
The adsorption parameters of different magnetic adsorbents in tetracyclines removal (PFO – pseudo-first-order kinetic model, PSO – pseudo-second-order kinetic model).
Adsorbent Adsorbate Adsorption Adsorption Optimum parameters Removal References
model capacity (mg/g) pH Contact Temperature Adsorbate Adsorbent efficiency (%)
time (min) (K) concentration (mg/ dose
Magnetic graphene oxide sponge (Fe3O4 + GO) tetracycline PSO, Temkin 473 10 18 h 328 400 5 mg 85 [62]
Magnetic graphene oxide tetracycline PSO, 107 4–5 480 313 50 2 mg N/A [75]
Magnetic graphene oxide chlortetracycline PSO, 162 4–5 480 313 50 2 mg N/A [75]
Magnetic graphene oxide oxytetracycline PSO, 146 4–5 600 313 50 2 mg N/A [75]
γ-cyclodextrin-graphene oxide tetracycline PSO 365 8 30 298 400 1 g/L 91 [67]
γ-cyclodextrin-graphene oxide chlortetracycline PSO 375 8 30 298 400 1 g/L 94 [67]
Zeolite/Fe3O4 oxytetracycline PSO, 83 6 240 298 100 0.1 g 90.6 [68]
Magnetic genipin-crosslinked chitosan/graphene oxide- tetracycline PSO, 556 10 120 313 200 5 mg 85 [69]
SO3H composite Langmuir
Magnetic biochar/Fe3O4 tetracycline PSO, 112 6 60 298 30 20 mg 98.4 [70]
NiFe2O4–Covalent organic frameworks -chitosan-tere- tetracycline PSO, 389 8 40 h 293 100 170 mg/L 95 [71]
phthalaldehyde nanocomposites film Freundlich
NH2-Fe3O4/ CuSiW12NP tetracycline PSO, Temkin 192 6.80 24 h 293 250 10 mg 88.6 [72]
Bovine serum albumin/Fe3O4 tetracycline Langmuir 104 N/A 40 N/A 200 0.2 g 92 [73]
Fe3O4@ Polydopamine-SO3H tetracycline PSO, 139 4 1080 298 200 10 mg N/A [74]
Goethite (α-FeOOH) tetracycline PSO N/A 3–10 24 h 298 50 0.02 g N/A [76]
Fe3O4@SiO2@FeO oxytetracycline Langmuir 178 3–9 40 298 50 7.5 mg 91.7 [77]
Fe3O4@SiO2@FeO tetracycline Langmuir 129 3–9 40 298 50 7.5 mg 97.3 [77]
Fe3O4@SiO2@FeO chlortetracycline Langmuir 133 3–9 40 298 50 7.5 mg 93.5 [77]
MnFe2O4 tetracycline PFO, 168 6 60 298 100 0.01 mg 158 [79]
(chitosandiphenylureaformaldehyde resin@MF) Langmuir
Fe3O4/Clinoptilolite tetracycline PFO, 181 7.5 40 323 50 1.5 g/L 98.6 [80]
Iron oxide tetracycline PSO, 0.78 10 360 318 25 30 g/L 97 [81]
Fig. 8. (a) Distribution of ciprofloxacin forms as a function of pH. Reprinted with permission from [138]. Copyright 2015, Elsevier; (b) schematic illustration of the
ciprofloxacin adsorption mechanism at different pH using chitosan nanocomposite (Fe-CS NC) supported by Fe3O4. Reprinted with permission from [44]. Copyright
2019, Elsevier.
evaluated the adsorption of ciprofloxacin on magnetic Fe3O4(s) nano ciprofloxacin and the adsorbent at neutral pH can be another dominant
particles, which were obtained as a secondary corrosion product of iron mechanism of the adsorption process [44]. H. Mao et al. [89] investi
nanoparticles. It was concluded that the adsorption of ciprofloxacin gated the adsorption capacity of magnetic Fe3O4-RM-NPs for the effec
increased from 45% at pH = 3.44 to 80% at pH = 5.97. The results of in tive removal of ciprofloxacin from aqueous media. The highest removal
situ ATR-FTIR showed that coordination of ciprofloxacin on the rate of ciprofloxacin was achieved at pH = 6. This is explained by the
magnetite surface with the involvement of functional carboxyl groups fact that when the solution pH is below 5.9, the ciprofloxacin exists in
occurs [92]. H. Rasoulzadeh et al. [44] used chitosan nanocomposite the cationic form due to the protonation of the secondary amine on the
(Fe-CS) supported by Fe3O4 for the removal of ciprofloxacin from piperazine group. When the solution pH is in the range of 6.1 to 8.7, the
aqueous solutions. The maximum removal efficiency and maximum ciprofloxacin exists in a zwitterionic form. At a pH higher than 8.89,
adsorption capacity were 68% and 142 mg/g, respectively [44]. Fig. 8b ciprofloxacin is available in the anionic form [89]. The results of the
shows the mechanism of ciprofloxacin adsorption using Fe-CS at above studies show that Fe3O4 nanoparticles have great potential for the
different pH. As shown in Fig. 8b, the charge of functional groups de effective removal of ciprofloxacin from wastewater.
pends on the solution pH. At pH < 5.9 and pH > 8.9, the same signs of Table 3 provides an overview of the adsorption parameters of various
surface charge of Fe-CS and CIP molecules caused electrostatic repulsion magnetic adsorbents for the removal of ciprofloxacin from wastewater.
and reduced adsorption efficiency. However, at pH within the range of
5.9–8.9, the electrostatic attraction was responsible for the adsorption
process. 4.3. Adsorption of other antibiotics
Hydrophobic interactions between zwitterionic species of
Levofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
exhibits two dissociation constant values (pKa1 = 6.02 and pKa2 = 8.15)
and can be present in the cationic form (at pH < 6.02), in the zwitter
Removal efficiency
ionic form (at 6.02 < pH < 8.15) or in the anionic form (pH > 8.5)
(Fig. 9a) [65].
Various magnetic adsorbents are used for levofloxacin removal from
water: Fe3O4@SiO2 [99], Fe3O4–gINPs [104], NiFe2O4/biochar com
posites [101], biochar/MgFe2O4 [103], Ag3PO4/rGO/CoFe2O4 [102],
magnetic carbon nanocomposite [100], etc. M.H. Al-Jabari et al. [99]
studied the adsorption of levofloxacin at the surface of Fe3O4 and
Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles. The maximum adsorption capacity of levo
135 mg/L
1.39 g/L
1.4 g/L
2.5 g/L
1.5 g/L
floxacin at the magnetic adsorbent ranged from 6.09 to 6.85 mg/g. The
10 mg
0.02 g
0.02 g
2 g/L
3 g/L
1 mg
1 mg
1 mg
5 mg
5 mg
0.1 g
functional groups of the adsorbent can bind through the –OH and
C=O groups of the levofloxacin molecule forming hydrogen bonds. Also,
The adsorption parameters of different magnetic adsorbents in ciprofloxacin removal (PSO – pseudo-second-order kinetic model).
increasing the adsorption efficiency [101]. B. Yao et al. [103] also used
biochar in levofloxacin adsorption studies. The maximum adsorption
Optimum parameters
capacity was 115 mg/g. The adsorption modes proposed by the authors
Contact time
are shown in Fig. 9b. As can be seen from Fig. 9b, the surface functional
groups C=C, O–C=O, and M− O were involved in levofloxacin removal.
72 h
24 h
tion [103].
Enrofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. The structure of
Adsorption capacity
PSO, Langmuir
PSO, Langmuir
PSO, Langmuir
PSO, Langmuir
Models of best
increasing (between 3.0 and 10.0) and with increasing ionic strength
Fe3O4/graphene oxide/citrus peel-derived magnetic bio-
carboxyl and amine groups are 5.88 and 7.74, respectively). The main
Fe3O4-imprinted chitosan (Fe-CS)
Fe3O4/activated carbon/chitosan
lution: the surfaces of the adsorbent and adsorbate have the same charge
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
Fig. 9. (a) The cationic, anionic, and zwitterionic forms of levofloxacin at different pH. Reprinted with permission from [65]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier; (b) the
possible adsorption modes of levofloxacin at biochar/MgFe2O4 magnetic composite. Reprinted with permission from [103]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier; (c) the formula
of enrofloxacin (the dissociation may occur through the few pathways: path 1 is the cleavage of the C2–C5 bond, path 2 is the N7–C8 bond, path 3 is the F9–C10
bond, path 4 is the C11–N12 bond, and path 5 is the N12–C13 bond). Reprinted with permission from [139]. Copyright 2018, Springer Nature; (d) the molecular
structure of norfloxacin and its ionic forms as a function of pH. Reprinted with permission from [143]. Copyright 2012, Elsevier.
fluoroquinolones. The dissociation constants pKa of norfloxacin are 6.22 –COOH, –OH [144]. It has three different acid dissociation constants:
and 8.51. The cationic, zwitterionic, and anionic forms are shown in pKa1 = 2.68 (carboxyl group), pKa2 = 7.49 (amino group), and pKa3 =
Fig. 9d [143]. According to [33] the average concentration of nor 9.63 (phenolic group) [145]. Therefore, amoxicillin can exist in an
floxacin in surface waters of Western Europe is 0.009 μg/L, and the aqueous solution in four different forms (Amox+, Amox, Amox− , and
maximum measured concentration is 1.15 μg/L. Nowadays, the possi Amox2− ) depending on the solution pH (Fig. 10a) [145]. M. Pooresmaeil
bility of norfloxacin removal from wastewater is extensively studied, et al. [108] synthesized a magnetic nanocomposite Fe3O4@Cd-MOF@CS
because it has a very harmful impact on the environment and human for removing amoxicillin from wastewater. Fig. 10b shows the proposed
health. Much attention has been paid to the synthesis of new magnetic modes of amoxicillin adsorption at the synthesized magnetic adsorbent.
adsorbents [94,106,107], which would effectively remove norfloxacin Fe3O4@Cd-MOF@CS has several types of functional groups that can
from the aqueous environment. G. Peng et al. [106] synthesized a participate in the adsorption of amoxicillin. Chitosan contains numerous
nitrogen-modified reduced graphene oxide incorporated into Fe3O4 hydroxyl and amine functional groups that can bind to the antibiotic
magnetic nanoparticles (N-RGO/Fe3O4) as an adsorbent for norfloxacin through electrostatic attraction and hydrogen bonding. The Fe3O4@Cd-
removal. It was concluded that the maximum adsorption capacity was MOF composite contains a large number of aromatic rings, which pro
158 mg/g. The mode of adsorption can be explained by the fact that vide the possibility of contaminant capture inside the cavities and, thus,
norfloxacin has two proton-binding centers (carboxyl and piperazinyl additionally contribute to adsorption [108].
groups) and they can exist in different forms depending on the solution Daptomycin is an antibacterial drug of the cyclic lipopeptides class
pH. The cationic form is the dominant type at pH < 6, so the adsorption [146]. It has six ionizable residues [147], including three aspartic acids
of norfloxacin is unfavorable in acidic solution due to electrostatic (Asp-3, Asp-7, and Asp-9), one methylglutamic acid (mGlu-12), one
repulsion. When pH increases, the surface of the nanoadsorbent and the aliphatic amine (Orn-6), and one aromatic amine (Kyn-13) (Fig. 10c)
norfloxacin molecule gains opposite charges, so the adsorption increases [148]. It has four acidic groups (pKa of 1.3, 3.8, 4.1, and 4.4) and two
[106]. M.M. Gaho et al. [107] synthesized the magnetic polymers – basic groups (pKa of 1.3 and 10.7), resulting in a total molecular charge
cross-linked Fe3O4 coated with oleic acid using methacrylic acid, of − 3 at neutral pH (the basic residue with a pKa of 1.3 is not dissociated
ethylene glycoldimethacrylate, and 2,2-azobisisobutyronitrile. They at neutral pH) [148]. T. Ai et al. [110] studied the adsorption of dap
showed high efficiency in norfloxacin removal from wastewater. The tomycin at two magnetic ultrafine wood-based materials WSBC/Fe3O4
maximum adsorption capacity at 35 ◦ C was 42 mg/g. The van der Waals (willow sawdust) and PSBC/Fe3O4 (pine sawdust). The maximum
forces and hydrogen bonds are mostly responsible for the adsorption of adsorption capacity of daptomycin on WSBC/Fe3O4 and PSBC/Fe3O4
norfloxacin [107]. was 217 and 213 mg/g, respectively. The study of the adsorption
Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum β-lactam antibiotic. Amoxicillin has mechanism indicates three stages of the adsorption process. The first
amphoteric properties due to three main functional groups: –NH2, step is the diffusion of daptomycin to the material surface, the second
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
Fig. 10. (a) Different forms of amoxicillin and pKa values. Reprinted with permission from [145]. Copyright 2016, Elsevier; (b) the proposed modes of amoxicillin
binding by the Fe3O4@Cd-MOF@CS composite. Reprinted with permission from [108]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier; (c) the structure of daptomycin (acidic groups are
surrounded by solid line circles, and basic groups are surrounded by dashed line circles: Asp – aspartic acid, mGlu – methylglutamic acid, Orn – ornithine, Kyn –
kynurenine). Reprinted with permission from [148]. Copyright 2020, Springer Nature.
one involves penetration of the molecule into the porous structure of the Europe is 0.020 μg/L, and the maximum measured concentration is
adsorbent, where finally the equilibrium between adsorbed and non- 18.74 μg/L [33]. Therefore, the problem of purifying wastewater and
adsorbed daptomycin is reached [110]. drinking water from this pharmaceutical attracts particular attention.
Table 4 provides an overview of the adsorption parameters for One of the methods of diclofenac removal from the aqueous environ
various magnetic adsorbents in different antibiotics removal from ment is the use of adsorbents based on magnetic oxide nanoparticles
wastewater. [114-116].
Magnetic hybrid adsorbents Fe3O4@SiO2/SiHTCC consisting of
5. Applications of magnetic nanoparticles for the adsorption of magnetite cores encapsulated in a silicon mesh containing quaternary
non-steroidal drugs chitosan were synthesized [114]. The ability of nanoparticles to adsorb
diclofenac was evaluated in the pH range of 5–8 with a contact time of 5
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a class of drugs that pro h. The highest removal was achieved at pH = 6, which is associated with
vide analgesic and antipyretic (antipyretic) effects and, when used in the anionic form of diclofenac (–COO–). The maximum adsorption ca
higher doses, can cause anti-inflammatory effects. The most famous pacity was 240 mg/g. The mode of diclofenac adsorption is shown in
representatives are diclofenac, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, ketoprofen, Fig. 12a. The electrostatic interactions between the anionic form of the
naproxen, acetylsalicylic acid (Fig. 11). drug and the –N+(CH3)3 groups of Fe3O4@SiO2/SiHTCC particles is the
main driving force of the adsorption process [114].
5.1. Adsorption of diclofenac J.M.N. dos Santos et al. [115] used the ZnFe2O4/chitosan magnetic
adsorbent capable of reducing the initial concentration of diclofenac
Diclofenac is used as a sodium salt. Diclofenac has poor biode from 50 to 12 mg/L within 20 min, at the initial pH of 4 and adsorbent
gradability and low adsorbability. Diclofenac is widely used throughout dose of 0.2 g/L. It was associated with the ability of the amino groups of
the world and it is found in environmental waters. It was found that the chitosan to protonation in an acidic medium. The maximum adsorption
average concentration of diclofenac in the surface waters of Western capacity was 188 mg/g [115]. X.X. Liang et al. [116] synthesized a
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
Table 4
Adsorption parameters of different magnetic adsorbents for other antibiotics (PFO – pseudo-first-order kinetic model, PSO – pseudo-second-order kinetic model).
Adsorbent Adsorbate Models of Adsorption Optimal parameters Removal References
best fit capacity pH Contact Temperature Antibiotic Adsorbent efficiency
(mg/g) time (K) concentration dose (%)
(min) (mg/L)
Fe3O4 levofloxacin PSO, 6.8 6.5 240 298 20 100 mg 80.2 [99]
Magnetic carbon levofloxacin PSO, 21 7 60 298 40 0.04 g N/A [100]
nanocomposite Langmuir
NiFe2O4/biochar levofloxacin PSO, 172 6 60 h 298 40 10 mg N/A [101]
composites Langmuir
Biochar/MgFe2O4 levofloxacin PSO, 115 5 240 298 100 0.3 g/L N/A [103]
Fe3O4–green iron NPs levofloxacin PSO, 22.5 7 24 h 298 4 100 mg/L 86 [104]
Humic acid/magnetic enrofloxacin PSO, 4.03 10 480 298 10 2 g/L 85 [94]
biochar Langmuir
Fe3O4/magnetic enrofloxacin PSO, 163 6.85 60 298 30 0.1 g/L 90 [105]
montmorillonite Langmuir
Humic acid/magnetic norfloxacin PSO, 3.94 10 480 298 10 2 g/L 90 [94]
biochar Langmuir
Nitrogen-doped norfloxacin PSO, 158 10 210 298 20 100 mg/L 61.2 [106]
reduced graphene Langmuir
Magnetic molecularly norfloxacin PFO, 42.3 6 30 308 30 1.5 mg 95 [107]
imprinted polymers Langmuir
Fe3O4/activated amoxicillin PSO, 526 N/A 120 298 60 1 mg 72 [87]
carbon/chitosan Langmuir
Magnetic cadmium- amoxicillin PSO, 103 8 240 298 200 50 mg 75 [108]
based MOFs Langmuir
modified with
Magnetically amoxicillin PSO, 14.10 5 90 293 10 5 mg 84 [109]
modified graphene Langmuir,
nanoplatelets Temkin
Willow sawdust daptomycin PSO, 217 4 240 298 25 0.025 g N/A [110]
biochar/Fe3O4 Freundlich 213
Pine sawdust
Bovine serum erythromycin Langmuir 145 N/A 60 N/A 200 0.2 g 99 [73]
Fe3O4/activated erythromycin PSO, 179 N/A 120 298 60 1 mg 54 [87]
carbon/chitosan Langmuir
Bovine serum streptomycin Langmuir 69 N/A 60 N/A 200 0.2 g 81.5 [73]
Amine-coated streptomycin PSO, 49 5 15 298 12 10 mg 70 [123]
magnetic Langmuir
Magnetic Fe3O4 NPs cephalexin PSO, 25 7 120 293 40 0.6 g/L 93 [111]
coated zeolite Langmuir
Fe3O4-chitosan (CTS- metronidazole PSO, 97 3 90 318 10 2 g/L 99 [112]
MNPs) Freundlich
Fe3O4/graphene sparfloxacin PSO, 502 6 72 h 298 360 0.02 g N/A [86]
oxide/citrus peel- Freundlich
derived magnetic
NiFe2O4– Covalent cefotaxime PSO, 309 4 40 h 293 100 170 mg/L 95 [71]
organic frameworks Freundlich
Activated carbon ceftriaxone PSO, 29 3.14 90 298 10 1.99 g/L 97 [113]
modified with Langmuir
magnetic Fe3O4 NPs
Bovine serum chloramphenicol Langmuir 148 N/A 50 N/A 200 0.2 g 96.4 [73]
magnetic composite based on amino-functional chitosan and Fe3O4 electrostatic interactions between the negative surface charge of
(ACS@Fe3O4) for diclofenac removal from water. The maximum ACS@Fe3O4 and the negatively charged anionic form of diclofenac
adsorption capacity was 470 mg/g. It was shown that the amount of [116]. T.M. Salem Attia et al. [117] used zeolite-coated magnetic
adsorbed diclofenac decreased with increasing pH due to repulsive nanoparticles (γ-Fe2O3-zeolite) to remove diclofenac. Fast and high
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
Fig. 12. (a) Schematic illustration of the mode of diclofenac adsorption at Fe3O4@SiO2/SiHTCC particles. Reprinted with permission from [114]. Copyright 2018,
Elsevier; (b) distribution of neutral and ionic forms of ibuprofen at various pH. Reprinted with permission from [150]. Copyright 2020, The Author(s); (c) proposed
mechanism of removal of ibuprofen by the rape straw biomass fiber and biochar/Fe3O4 /cyclodextrin adsorbent. Reprinted with permission from [125]. Copyright
2021, Elsevier.
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
adsorption of diclofenac is mainly explained by the presence of NH– and acetylsalicylic acid removal occurs at pH = 4–8 due to the electrostatic
OH-groups in the diclofenac structure, so the adsorbent can adsorb a interaction between the positively charged adsorbent surface and the
large amount of the drug (95%) in a very short time (10 min) (at negatively charged adsorbate with carboxylate anions. E.A. Moacă et al.
adsorbent dose 1 g/L and diclofenac concentration of 0.1 mg/L) [117]. [126] used a magnetite-core active charcoal-shell matrix, Fe3O4@C, to
Table 5 provides an overview of the adsorption parameters for various remove acetylsalicylic acid from aqueous solutions. The maximum
magnetic adsorbents for diclofenac removal from wastewater. adsorption capacity of 234 mg/g was achieved. The magnetic matrix
demonstrates two benefits: the easy magnetic separation from the liquid
5.2. Adsorption of ibuprofen medium and the highly porous structure necessary for effective
Ibuprofen is a derivative of phenylpropionic acid, which causes anti- Acetaminophen is a widely used analgesic. The average concen
inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects [149]. Fig. 12b shows tration of acetaminophen in surface waters of Western Europe is 0.046
the distribution of neutral and ionic forms of ibuprofen at various pH μg/L, and the maximum measured concentration is 230 μg/L [33]. S. C.
[150]. According to [33], the average concentration of ibuprofen in the Kollarahithlu et al. [123] used the amine-functionalized super
surface waters of Western Europe is 0.097 μg/L, and the maximum paramagnetic silica nanocomposite for acetaminophen adsorption.
measured concentration is 303 μg/L. Magnetic nanoparticles coated Amino groups (–NH2), which are present in the NiFe2O4@SiO2@ami
with zeolite (γ-Fe2O3-zeolite) were synthesized by T.M. Salem Attia et al. nopropyltrimethoxysilane adsorbent, are easily protonated (–NH+ 3 ) and
[117]. Zeolites are minerals with molecular-sized pores that can absorb promote adsorption in an acidic medium (at pH from 4 to 6) through
and reliably retain various contaminants [151]. The ibuprofen removal electrostatic interaction. This is explained by the formation of hydrogen
efficiency was>95% within 10 min at an adsorbent dose of 1 g/L and bonds between the –OH group of acetaminophen and –NH+ 3 of the
ibuprofen concentration of 0.1 mg/L [117]. A.C. Fröhlich et al. [121] adsorbent [123]. R. Natarajan et al. [129] synthesized rhamnolipid-
obtained NiFe2O4/activated carbon magnetic composite used for the based chitosan magnetic nanosorbents for the removal of acetamino
ibuprofen adsorption. It was found that the adsorption was favorable phen from aqueous solutions. The study showed the maximum removal
under acidic conditions at 328 K. The maximum adsorption capacity was of acetaminophen of 96.7%, the adsorption capacity was 96.3 mg/g at
261 mg/g. Y. Liu et al. [69] synthesized the magnetic genipin- 60 min contact time, pH = 5, and temperature of 303 K.
crosslinked chitosan/graphene oxide-SO3H (GC/MGO-SO3H) as an Ketoprofen and naproxen are synthetic drugs that originate from
adsorbent for ibuprofen removal. The maximum adsorption capacity propionic acid (according to their chemical structure) and belong to the
increased from 113 to 138 mg/g at a temperature increased from 298 to group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The average concen
313 K.G. Wu et al. [125] synthesized a magnetic rape straw biomass tration of naproxen in the surface waters of Western Europe is 0.057 μg/
fiber/β-Cyclodextrin/Fe3O4, which is a promising adsorbent for L, and the maximum measured concentration is 12.3 μg/L [33]. L. A. Al-
ibuprofen removal from wastewater (Fig. 12c). The mechanism of Khateeb et al. [120] synthesized Fe3O4@graphene nanoplatelets nano
ibuprofen removal encompasses the formation of hydrogen bonds and composite for the removal of ketoprofen from wastewater. The adsorp
electrostatic interactions. The synthesized adsorbent contains a large tion capacity at a temperature of 296 K was 8.76 mg/g. The study
number of oxygen-containing groups (OH, C=O) on its surface, which showed that the π-π interaction is involved in the adsorption process
can bind with ibuprofen through hydrogen bonds [125]. Table 6 pro between the π-electrons of the aromatic nanocomposite and the benzene
vides an overview of the adsorption parameters of various magnetic rings of ketoprofen. Hydrogen bonds can also participate in adsorption
adsorbents for the removal of ibuprofen from wastewater. through the interaction between the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of
the adsorbent and the carboxylic, nitrogen, and carbonyl groups of the
5.3. Adsorption of other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs adsorbate [120]. A. C. Fröhlich et al. [121] synthesized a NiFe2O4/
activated carbon magnetic composite for the ketoprofen removal from
Acetylsalicylic acid belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-in an aqueous medium. The ketoprofen adsorption was favorable in acidic
flammatory drugs with analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory media at 328 K. The maximum adsorption capacity was 98 mg/g. L. A.
properties. The average concentration of acetylsalicylic acid in the Al-Khateeb et al. [120] used Fe3O4@graphene nanoplatelets nano
surface waters of Western Europe is 0.002 μg/L, and the maximum composite for the removal of naproxen from wastewater. The adsorption
measured concentration is 0.36 μg/L [33]. A.S. Liyanage et al. [124] capacity at a temperature of 296 K was 10.6 mg/g.
synthesized the magnetic Fe3O4/Douglas fir biochar adsorbents for Table 7 provides an overview of the adsorption parameters of various
acetylsalicylic acid removal from wastewater. The highest magnetic adsorbents for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs removal
Table 5
Adsorption parameters of different magnetic adsorbents for diclofenac removal (PSO – pseudo-second-order kinetic model).
Adsorbent Adsorption Adsorption Optimum parameters Removal References
models capacity (mg/ pH Contact Temperature Concentration Adsorbent efficiency
g) time (min) (K) (mg/L) dose (%)
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
Table 6
Adsorption parameters of different magnetic adsorbents for ibuprofen removal (PSO – pseudo-second-order kinetic model).
Adsorbent Adsorption Adsorption Optimum parameters Removal References
models capacity (mg/g) pH Contact Temperature Concentration Adsorbent efficiency (%)
time (min) (K) (mg/L) dose
Table 7
Adsorption parameters of different magnetic adsorbents for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (PSO – pseudo-second-order kinetic model).
Adsorbent Adsorbate Adsorption Adsorption Optimum parameters Removal References
models capacity pH Contact Temperature Concentration Adsorbent efficiency
(mg/g) time (K) (mg/L) dose (%)
Fe3O4/Douglas fir acetylsalicylic Langmuir 150 8 5 308 100 2.5 g/L 70 [124]
biochar acid
Fe3O4@C Matrix acetylsalicylic PSO, Freundlich 234 3 100 298 100 2 g/L 86 [126]
Amine-coated acetaminophen PSO, Langmuir 58 6 15 298 12 10 mg 94 [123]
Magnetite acetaminophen PSO, Langmuir 133 7 5 298 400 0.5 mg/L 75 [127]
Polymer Coupled
Magnetic acetaminophen PSO, Langmuir 311 5 30 303 150 1 g/L 97.4 [128]
mesoporous silica
Magnetic NPs acetaminophen PSO, Langmuir 96 5 60 303 60 20 mg 96.7 [129]
coated with
Fe3O4@C Matrix acetaminophen PSO, 142 3 60 298 50 2 g/L 97 [126]
(paracetamol) Redlich–Peterson
Nitrogen-doped ketoprofen PSO, Langmuir 468 7 210 298 20 100 mg/L N/A [106]
reduced graphene
Fe3O4@graphene ketoprofen PSO 12.2 8 20 323 20 10 mg 53.8 [120]
NiFe2O4/activated ketoprofen PSO, Sips 98 2 240 328 0–100 0.5 g/L 86.5 [121]
Magnetic NPs naproxen PSO, Freundlich N/A 2 300 303 0.1 1 g/L 99.8 [117]
coated with
Fe3O4@graphene naproxen PSO 13.1 8 20 323 20 10 mg 60.3 [120]
T. Tatarchuk et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384 (2023) 122174
solution. Thus, magnetically controlled adsorbents can be used for the adsorption will be electrostatic attraction and complex formation.
adsorption of heavy metals, and dyes, as well as for the purification of Simultaneous removal of several pharmaceuticals from the solution can
pharmaceutical effluents from antibiotics, drugs, etc. The use of such occur at different conditions (e.g., higher or lower pH or temperature)
materials makes it possible to replace the mechanical separation stage, compared to separate removal of the same pharmaceuticals. In-situ
which is one of the most labor- and energy-consuming stages of this experimental methods, as well as artificial intelligence and quantum
process. However, the development of the ideal treatment technology chemical modeling, should be used for a deeper understanding of
should be done in such a way that it could easily integrate with existing adsorption modes. Thus, extensive studies on the possibilities of real
treatment facilities and should be a cost-effective and profitable process. applications in water and wastewater treatment are crucial for the
Traditional adsorbents after their use in wastewater treatment create further development of prospective magnetic adsorbents.
sludge, thus leading to secondary pollution. Instead, magnetic adsor
bents do not cause this problem. 7. Conclusions
Water purification with magnetic nanoparticles is a rather complex
procedure that presents some demands, in particular: low concentration The purpose of this review was to show the state of research on the
of pollutants must be treated; extremely low concentration limits should removal of some most popular pharmaceuticals from an aqueous envi
be achieved after the process; nanoparticles cannot remain in purified ronment and to provide some suggestions for the enhancing adsorption
water [152]. In addition, the magnetism of nanoparticles leads to a effectiveness of magnetic adsorbents. Since pharmaceuticals have a
noticeable aggregation of particles and, consequently, a decrease in significant toxic effect on the environment, and a detrimental effect on
adsorption capacity, which complicates their reuse. Most of the analyzed flora and fauna, therefore, the purification of wastewater from phar
studies were conducted using laboratory equipment, so more attention maceuticals gains higher and higher priority among researchers around
should be put to solve several problems such as analysis of the magnetic the world. Adsorption is considered the most common method of
nanoparticles’ productivity when they are used on an industrial scale; pharmaceuticals removal from water. This review presents the modes of
studying the process of continuous pharmaceuticals removal; investi adsorption of pharmaceuticals (in particular, antibiotics and non-
gation of the magnetic nanoparticles’ toxicity after several cycles; the steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) from aqueous environments using
disposal of magnetic nanoparticles; assessment of the life cycle of various adsorbers with magnetic functionality. According to the analysis
magnetic nanoparticles; studying the impact of magnetic nanoparticles of articles, the high adsorption capacity of magnetic nanoparticles
on the environment [153]. makes them prospective for large-scale use. The advantages of magnetic
Adsorbents with magnetic properties are attractive not only because adsorbents encompass the possibility of separation from the aqueous
they are easily extracted from the treatment medium, but also due to the medium using a magnetic field, the use of cheap precursors for synthesis,
possibility of modulating the physicochemical characteristics of the the high stability of these materials in water, the possibility of reuse,
adsorbent in the presence of an external magnetic field, created by both biocompatibility, simple synthesis methods, and the possibility of sur
permanent magnet or electromagnetic field. In the second case, an face functionalization. Scientists from all over the world published a lot
additional effect of heating the magnetic adsorbent appears, which may of works on the removal of pharmaceuticals, such as tetracycline, cip
enhance the adsorption of pollutants molecules. The applied magnetic rofloxacin, levofloxacin, diclofenac, and ibuprofen. Among the magnetic
field can cause changes in both the structure of the adsorbents (the so- adsorbents, Fe3O4-based nanoparticles are most often examined. The
called “magnetic memory effect”) and adsorbed molecules. Adsorbates structures of magnetite or ferrites can be tuned with various cations,
can change their dipole moment in the presence of a magnetic sorbent, making it possible to increase the adsorption capacity, increase the
thus causing additional agglomeration and stronger retention by the amount of surface adsorption active sites and at the same time not to
adsorbent surface. This phenomenon requires further research. reduce significantly the magnetization of the adsorbent, which is
The regeneration of the magnetic adsorbents is an important aspect important for separating the used adsorbent from the solution. The
of their utilization and also should be taken into account. The regener adsorption capacity of magnetic adsorbents ranges from tens to hun
ation depends on the type of magnetic adsorbent and the nature of the dreds of mg/g. It can be increased in few times by creating composite
adsorbed pollutant. Regeneration involves removing contaminants from magnetic adsorbents based on biochar, layered hydroxides, MOFs/COFs,
the surface of the adsorbent so that it can be reused. There are several graphene oxide, etc. The disadvantage of magnetic nano-adsorbents is
methods of regeneration of magnetic adsorbents: thermal, chemical, their tendency to agglomeration, which can be simply resolved using
biological, and magnetic. Thermal regeneration involves the heating of coating/functionalization by different agents (amino acids, surfactants,
the adsorbent at a high temperature to remove adsorbed impurities. silica, polymers (polyaniline, polystyrene, polypyrrole, etc.)). It is
During the chemical regeneration, the adsorbent is treated with chem shown that the adsorption mode strongly depends on pH, temperature,
icals (e.g., HCl [44], CH3OH [79], CH3OH + NaOH [84], CH3OH + adsorbent dose, and adsorbate concentration. We have discussed the
CH3COOH [94]), which desorb the impurities. During biological correlations between molecular structures of pharmaceuticals and their
regeneration, the microorganisms destroy or remove pollutants onto the existence in cationic, anionic, and zwitterionic forms depending on the
adsorbent surface. Another type of regeneration involves the use of a pH of the aqueous solution. Analysis of the literature showed that the
magnetic field to increase the mobility of adsorbed pollutants and modes of pharmaceuticals adsorption on magnetic nanoadsorbents are
enhance their desorption from the adsorbent surface [116]. After the mainly based on hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, π-π inter
regeneration, the adsorbent should be thoroughly rinsed to remove any action, surface complexations, ion exchange, as well as hydrogen bonds.
remaining contaminants or regeneration agents. Therefore, proper This points to very limited possibilities to control the selectivity of the
regeneration and cleaning procedures are important to improve the processes, e.g., aimed at the removal of only pharmaceuticals from
performance of the magnetic adsorbent during repeated use [154]. water. Based on all these data, it is possible to assert the effective use of
Simultaneous adsorption of co-existing pharmaceuticals and selec magnetic adsorbents for the removal of pharmaceuticals from aqueous
tivity of the adsorbents to specific pharmaceuticals are other important environments.
issues and challenges for the future development of the discussed tech
nology [155]. The adsorption of co-existing pollutants should be per
formed by properly functionalized magnetic adsorbents to ensure the Declaration of Competing Interest
involvement of several types of adsorption modes [156,157]. The
functional groups create new adsorption centers and can selectively/ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
simultaneously adsorb different types of pharmaceuticals from the so interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
lution [124]. It is expected that the main modes of simultaneous the work reported in this paper.
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