Unit 01 - Unit I Energy Scenario and Management - PPT - EAM - AGN

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Marathwada Mitramandal’s

College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52

Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Presentation on
Subject: Elective- v: Energy Audit and Management
Class: BE Mechanical
Prepared By

Mr. A. G. Nimbalkar
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
MMCOE Karvenagar, Pune- 411052.
Contact: +91-9120409009
Email: [email protected]
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Unit 01: Energy Scenario and Management

Session Number 01/36

❖ Topic: Introduction of Energy, Energy needs of a growing economy, Current and

long-term energy scenario - India and World:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

A. Attendance
B. Review of the previous session
C. Learning Outcomes of the session
D. Content
E. Student’s evaluation
F. Preparation for next session
G. Wrap up
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

B. Review of the previous session

❖ Review of Need of Energy Audit and Management:

❖ Review of Course Objectives and Course Outcomes:

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

C. Learning Outcomes of the Session

❖ Students will understand the need of Energy Audit and

Management for growing economy.

❖ Students will understand the current energy scenario of

World and India.

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

D. Content
Content Learning / Faculty Typical Student Skill/
Methodology Approach Activity Competency

Introduction of PPT Critical Thinking -

Explain Understand
Energy Observation
Energy needs of a Critical Thinking –
growing economy PPT Explain Remember
Current and long-
term energy Critical Thinking –
PPT Explain Remember
scenario - India Observation
and World:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic
development of any country. In the case of developing countries,
the energy sector assumes critical importance in view of the
ever-increasing energy needs, requiring huge investments to
meet them.
Classification of Energy:
Energy, that can be classified into several types based on
following criteria:
1. Primary and Secondary Energy
2. Commercial and Non Commercial Energy
3. Renewable and Non-renewable Energy
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Primary and Secondary Energy:

❖ Primary energy refers to all types of energy extracted or captured directly
from natural resources.

❖ Primary energy sources are mostly converted in industrial utilities into

secondary energy sources; for example coal, oil or Gas is converted into
steam and electricity.

❖ Primary energy can also be used directly.

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Primary and Secondary Energy:

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Commercial and Non Commercial Energy :

❖ Energy that is available in the market for a definite price is known as

Commercial Energy.

❖ Any kind of energy which is sourced within a community and its

surrounding area, which is not normally traded in the commercial market

is termed as non-commercial energy.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy:

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy needs of a growing economy:

Economic growth is desirable for developing courtiers, and energy is
essential for economic growth. However, the relationship between economic
growth and increased energy demand is not always a straightforward linear
Massive investment in energy sector is required to deliver a sustained GDP
growth rate of 8.0% till the year 2031-2032. The requirement of energy
sector are:
❖ Growth in primary supply by 3-4 times over current consumption.
❖ Increase in electricity installed capacity by 6-7 times.
❖ Increase in annual coal requirement by nearly 3 times over the current
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Energy needs of a growing economy:
As far as electricity is concerned, India has reached a level of about 917
kilowatt hour (kWh) per person per year (2012-13) as shown in Table:
Particulars 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Per Capita Consumption (kWh) 819 884 917

The Comparable figure for Japan is 7848, for China 3298, for USA 13,246, for
UK 6206, for Canada 16,473 and the world average is 2430 (Source: World

Thus India’s per capita electricity consumption is much less than the many
countries and much less than the World average.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Current and long-term energy scenario - India and World:
Global Energy Consumption:
The global primary energy consumption at the end of 2014 was equivalent to
12730 Million tonnes oil equivalent. The share of oil is the largest at 33%
followed by coal and natural gas with 30% and 24% respectively.

The table shows the various constitutes o primary energy consumption

(Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent, Mote) worldwide.
Oil Natural Coal Nuclear Hydro Renewable Total Mmtoe
Gas Energy Power Energy
4185.1 3020.4 3826.7 563.2 855.8 279.3 12730.4
33% 24% 30% 4% 7% 2%
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Current and long-term energy scenario - India and World:
Global Primary Energy Consumption:
The primary energy consumption for some developed and developing countries are
shown in table. It may be seen that India’s absolute primary energy consumption is
only 4.7% of the world, 26% of USA’s and 21% of China’s consumption.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Energy scenario of India:
Primary Energy Consumption:

The annual Energy consumption in India is 595 Million tonnes oil equivalent
compared with the world energy consumption of 12,730 Million tonnes oil equivalent
in March 2013.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Energy scenario of India:
Installed Capacity Of Power Generation:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sector wise Energy Consumption in India:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Quiz 1.1
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01:What is energy Science

A. Study of Energy
B. Study of energy conversion
C. Study of energy and its conversion in other forms
D. Study of energy generation

Question 02: Fossils fuels are

A. Non-renewable source of energy
B. Renewable source of energy
C. both (1) and (2)
D. Neither (1) nor (2)
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: What is the need of Energy Management?

Question 02: What are the different types of Energy?

Question 03: What is mean by Primary and Secondary Energy?

Question 04: What is mean by Commercial and Non Commercial Energy?

Question 05: What is mean by Renewable and Non-renewable Energy?

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

F. Preparation for next Session

❖ Concept of energy conservation:

❖ Energy Efficiency:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

G. Wrap up

In this lecture we have learned:

❖ Different Types of Energy:

❖ Energy needs of a growing economy:

❖ Current and long-term energy scenario - India and World:

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. Bureau of Energy Efficiency Study material for Energy

Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Unit 01: Energy Scenario and Management

Session Number 02/36

Topic: Concept of energy conservation, Energy Efficiency:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

A. Attendance
B. Review of the previous session
C. Learning Outcomes of the session
D. Content
E. Student’s evaluation
F. Preparation for next session
G. Wrap up
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

B. Review of the Previous Session

❖ Introduction of Energy:
❖ Energy needs of a growing economy:
❖ Current and long-term energy scenario - India and World:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

C. Learning Outcomes of the Session

❖ Students will understand the need of Energy Conservation

and Energy Efficiency.

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

D. Content
Contents Learning / Faculty Typical Skill/
Methodology Approach Student Competency
Activity Developed
Concept of energy Critical Thinking -
PPT Explain Understand
conservation Observation
Energy Efficiency Critical Thinking –
PPT Explain Remember
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy Conservation : Energy conservation and Energy Efficiency are

separate, but related concepts.
❖ Energy conservation is achieved when growth of energy consumption is
reduced in physical terms. Energy conservation can, therefore, is the result
of several processes or developments, such as productivity increase or
technological progress.
❖ Energy conservation is the effort to reduce wasteful energy consumption
by using fewer energy services. This can be done by using energy more
effectively (using less energy for continuous service) or changing one's
behavior to use less service (for example, by driving less).
❖ Energy conservation can be achieved through energy efficiency, which has
a number of advantages, including a reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions, a smaller carbon footprint, and cost, water, and energy savings.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Importance of Energy Conservation :

Coal and other fossil fuels, have taken hundreds of millions of years to form, are likely
to deplete soon. In the last two hundred years, we have consumed 60% of all
resources. For sustainable development, we need to adopt energy efficiency measures.
Today, 85% of India's primary energy comes from non-renewable and fossil sources
(coal, oil, etc.). These reserves are continually diminishing with increasing
consumption and will not exist for future generations.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Example of Energy Conservation :

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Example of Energy Conservation :

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy Efficiency :
Energy efficiency is achieved when energy intensity in a specific product,
process or area of production or consumption is reduced without affecting
output, consumption or comfort levels.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy Efficiency Benefits :

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Quiz 1.2
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: Energy conservation can be achieved through

A. Including a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions,
B. A smaller carbon footprint
C. Savings of energy Cost, Water Cost
D. All of the above

Question 01: Energy Efficiency benefits are:

A. Increased Productivity
B. Reduced Energy Imports
C. Reduced Green House Gases and other Gases Emissions
D. All of the above
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: What is mean by Energy Conservation?

Question 02: What are the different examples of Energy Conservation?

Question 03: What is mean by Energy Efficiency?

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

F. Preparation for next Session

❖ Energy and Environment:

❖ Need of Renewable energy:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

G. Wrap up

In this lecture we have learned:

❖ Concept of energy conservation:

❖ Energy Efficiency:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. Bureau of Energy Efficiency Study material for Energy

Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Unit 01: Energy Scenario and Management

Session Number 03/36

 Topic: Energy and Environment, Need of Renewable energy:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

A. Attendance
B. Review of the previous session
C. Learning Outcomes of the session
D. Content
E. Student’s evaluation
F. Preparation for next session
G. Wrap up
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

B. Review of the Previous Session

❖ Concept of energy conservation:

❖ Energy Efficiency:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

C. Learning Outcomes of the Session

❖ Students will understand the impact of Energy on

❖ Students will understand the importance of Renewable
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

D. Content
Contents Learning / Faculty Typical Skill/
Methodology Approach Student Competency
Activity Developed
Energy and Critical Thinking -
PPT Explain Understand
Environment Observation
Need of Renewable Critical Thinking –
PPT Explain Understand
energy Observation
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy and Environment :

❖ The combustion of hydrocarbon based fuels in industrial activity generates
by-product materials, many of which are considered to be air pollutants.
❖ The principal emissions which impact on the air environment are carbon
dioxide, particulate matter (dust), Sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides,
hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Energy and Environment :
❖ Particulate matter is predominantly generated during the combustion of

solid fuels such as coal, lignite, biomass etc. mostly from ash content in the

❖ Sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions mainly occur from combustion of oil and

coal due to Sulphur content in the fuel.

❖ Nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions are also associated with fuel combustion,

both from fuel as well as combustion air.

❖ Both SOx and NOx emissions have been identified as major air pollutants

globally as they lead to acid rain which is a trans-boundary environmental

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy and Environment :

❖ The main sources of carbon monoxide emissions are due to incomplete

combustion of fuels.

❖ Carbon dioxide resulting from the oxidation of carbon in fuels during

combustion dominates the total emissions. Although, carbon dioxide is not

considered as a pollutant, it is considered as a major contributor to global
warming and climatic change.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Global Environmental Issues :

❖ One of the most important characteristics of global environmental issues is
that it affects all mankind on a global scale without regard to any particular
country or region.
❖ These environmental issues have global significance and need to be
addressed through international efforts.
❖ The whole world is a stakeholder and this raises issues on who should do
what to combat environmental problems.
❖ Some of the key environmental issues of global significance are:
➢ Acid Rain
➢ Ozone Layer Depletion
➢ Global Warming and Climatic Change
➢ Loss of Biodiversity
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Acid Rain:
Acid rain is caused by release of Sulphur oxides and Nitrogen oxides from
combustion of fossil fuels, which then mix with water vapour in atmosphere
to form Sulphuric acids and nitric acids respectively
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Acid Rain:
The effects of acid rain are as follows:
❖ Acidification of lakes, streams, and soils

❖ Direct and indirect effects (release of metals, for example: Aluminum which

washes away plant nutrients)

❖ Killing of wildlife (trees, crops, aquatic plants, and animals)

❖ Decay of building materials and paints, statues, and sculptures

❖ Health Problems (Respiratory, Burning Skin and Eyes)

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ozone Layer Depletion:

❖ Ozone layer is a thin layer of ozone (O3) present in stratosphere which
extends from 10-50 km from the earth.
❖ The ozone layer is highly beneficial to life on earth as it blocks the sun's
Ultraviolet radiations (UV-B) from reaching the earth.
❖ Any disturbance or depletion of ozone layer would result in an increase of
harmful radiation reaching the earth's surface leading to dangerous
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ozone Layer Depletion:

Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion:

❖ Effects on Human and Animal Health: Increased penetration of solar UV-B

radiation is likely to have high impact on human health with potential risks
of eye diseases, skin cancer and infectious diseases.

❖ Effects on Terrestrial Plants:

❖ Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems:

❖ Effects on Bio-geo-chemical Cycles:

❖ Effects on Air Quality:

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Global Warming and Climatic Change:

Greenhouse Effect:
❖ The Greenhouse effect is the process by which thermal radiation from
Planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric Greenhouse gases and is
redirected in all the directions
❖ Solar radiation at the high frequency of visible light passes through the
atmospheric which then emits this energy at the lower frequencies of the
infrared thermal radiation
❖ Infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases which in turns re-
radiate much of the energy to the surface
❖ The Mechanism is named after the effect of Solar radiation passing
through the glass and warming a greenhouse
❖ The atmosphere is composed 21% - Oxygen, 78%- Nitrogen, 0.04%
Carban Dioxide, 0.008% Carban Monoxide and Remaining Gases 1 %
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Global Warming and Climatic Change:
Greenhouse Effect:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Global Warming and Climatic Change:
Greenhouse Effect:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Global Warming and Climatic Change:
Greenhouse Effect:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Global Warming and Climatic Changes Impact:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Global Warming and Climatic Changes Impact:

❖ Increasing Ocean Temperature and Rising Sea Levels:

❖ Snow and Ice Melting:

❖ Altered Rainfall Patterns:

❖ Extreme Weather Events:

❖ More Severe Heat Waves:

❖ Loss of Biodiversity:

❖ Increased Diseases:

❖ Dwindling Freshwater Supply:

❖ Food Storage:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Need of Renewable Energy:

❖ In case of Non Renewable sources of energy i.e. Coal, Oil, NG etc. these
energy are costly ( large amount of pollution of environment) to remove
such disadvantage in the matter of energy there is need for renewable
❖ Renewable Energy is the Energy obtained from the sources that are
essentially inexhaustible, less costly, Environmental friendly.
❖ Ex- Solar Power, Wind Power, Geothermal Energy, Tidal Energy, Sea-
Waves, Biomass
❖ Renewable Energy system converts the energy found from sunlight, wind
power, to form Heat and Electricity.
❖ Formation of Heat and Electricity by using Renewable Energy without
releasing the harmful pollutants .It is known as Non conventional energy.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Quiz 1.3
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: The effects of acid rain are as:

A. Acidification of lakes, streams, and soils
B. Killing of wildlife (trees, crops, aquatic plants, and animals)
C. Health Problems (Respiratory, Burning Skin and Eyes)
D. All are the above
Question 02: Which of the following energy has the greatest potential among all the
sources of renewable energy?
A. Solar energy
B. Wind Energy
C. Thermal energy
D. Hydro-electrical energy
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: What are the different Pollutants emitted after burning of fossil fuels?

Question 02: What are the different Global Environmental Issues ?

Question 03: What is mean by Acid Rain?

Question 04: What is mean by Global Worming?

Question 05: What is mean by Ozone Layer Depletion?

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

F. Preparation for next Session

❖ Principles of Energy management:

❖ Energy policy:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

G. Wrap up

In this lecture we have learned:

❖ Energy and Environment:
❖ Need of Renewable energy:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. Bureau of Energy Efficiency Study material for Energy

Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Unit 01: Energy Scenario and Management

Session Number 04/36

Topic: Principles of Energy management, Energy policy:

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

A. Attendance
B. Review of the previous session
C. Learning Outcomes of the session
D. Content
E. Student’s evaluation
F. Preparation for next session
G. Wrap up
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

B. Review of the Previous Session

❖ Energy and Environment:

❖ Need of Renewable energy:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

C. Learning Outcomes of the Session

❖ Students will understand the Principles of Energy management.
❖ Students will understand the different Energy policy.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

D. Content
Contents Learning / Faculty Typical Skill/
Methodology Approach Student Competency
Activity Developed
Principles of Energy Critical Thinking -
PPT Explain Understand
management Observation
Energy policy Critical Thinking –
PPT Explain Understand
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy management :

1. "The judicious and effective use of energy to maximize profits (minimize
costs) and enhance competitive positions"
(Cape Hart, Turner and Kennedy, Guide to Energy Management Fairmont press inc. 1997)

2. "The strategy of adjusting and optimizing energy, using systems and

procedures so as to reduce energy requirements per unit of output while
holding constant or reducing total costs of producing the output from these
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy management :
Principals of Energy Management:

❖ The fundamental goal of the Energy Management to produce goods and

provide services with least cost and least environmental effect.

❖ To achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and utilization

throughout the organization.

❖ To minimize the energy cost / waste without affecting product quality.

❖ To minimize environmental efforts.

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy management :
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy management Advantages :

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Energy Policy:
❖ Energy policy is the scheme in which the government (or any organization)

addresses issues related to energy growth and usage including energy production,
distribution, and consumption.

❖ Energy policy is the manner in which a given entity (often governmental) has

decided to address issues of energy development including energy conversion,

distribution and use as well as reduction of greenhouse gas emission in order to
contribute to climate change mitigation.

❖ The attributes of energy policy may include legislation, international treaties,

incentives to investment, guidelines for energy conservation, taxation and other

public policy techniques.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Purpose of Energy Policy:

❖ Access to energy is critical for basic social needs, such as lighting, heating,

cooking, and healthcare. Given the importance of energy, the price of

energy has a direct effect on jobs, economic productivity, business
competitiveness, and the cost of goods and services.

❖ Frequently the dominant issue of energy policy is the risk of supply-

demand mismatch. Current energy policies also address environmental

issues, particularly challenging because of the need to reconcile global
objectives and international rules with domestic needs and laws.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Quiz 1.4
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation
Question 01: The monitor and control of energy management system is done
by using
D. All of these

Question 02: The energy strategies of companies have the principle of

A. restoring and preserving the environment
B. reducing wastes and pollutants
C. educating the people about energy conservation
D. all of these
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: What is mean by Energy Management?

Question 02: What are the different Principles of Energy Management?

Question 03: What is mean by Energy Policy?

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

F. Preparation for next Session

❖ Energy action planning:

❖ Energy security and reliability:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

G. Wrap up

In this lecture we have learned:

❖ Principles of Energy management:
❖ Energy policy:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. Bureau of Energy Efficiency Study material for Energy

Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Unit 01: Energy Scenario and Management

Session Number 05/36

Topic: Energy action planning, Energy security and reliability:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

A. Attendance
B. Review of the previous session
C. Learning Outcomes of the session
D. Content
E. Student’s evaluation
F. Preparation for next session
G. Wrap up
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

B. Review of the Previous Session

❖ Principles of Energy management:

❖ Energy policy:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

C. Learning Outcomes of the Session

❖ Students will understand the importance of Energy action planning,
Energy security and reliability.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

D. Content
Contents Learning / Faculty Typical Skill/
Methodology Approach Student Competency
Activity Developed
Critical Thinking -
Energy action planning PPT Explain Understand
Energy security and Critical Thinking –
PPT Explain Understand
reliability Observation
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy Action Planning :

❖ Planning is one of the most important components of the energy

management program, and for many technical people it is the least

desirable. It has two major functions in the program.

❖ First, a good plan can be a shield from disruptions. Second, by scheduling

events throughout the year, continuous emphasis can be applied to the

energy management program, and this will play a major role in keeping the
program active.

❖ Such events can be in the form of training programs, audits, planning

sessions, demonstrations, research projects, lectures, etc.

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Steps of Energy Action Planning :

The various steps in energy action planning are:
❖ Top Management Commitment and Support

❖ Assessing Energy Profile and Establishing Baseline

❖ Energy Policy and Planning

❖ Implementation

❖ Evaluating Energy Performance

❖ Recognizing Achievements
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Steps of Energy Action Planning :

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy Security :
❖ The basic aim of energy security for a nation is to reduce its dependency

on the imported energy sources for its economic growth. Energy security is
defined as "The continuous availability of energy in varied forms in
sufficient quantities at reasonable prices".

❖ Energy security is a serious concern because India's energy needs are

growing with rising income levels and a fast growing population. The
dependence on imported energy is also increasing rapidly due to
increasing energy needs.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy Security :
❖ A special concern is that the import of oil is about 75% of total oil

consumption. The domestic oil wells are all over 30 years old and the yield
from these wells have started reducing.

❖ Oil demand is rising at a rate of about 5% every year leading to huge oil

import bills. By 2020, it is projected that our oil imports would exceed 90%
of the total consumption if the economic growth continues at the same
pace as now.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy Reliability :
❖ The reliability of the electric system underpins virtually every sector of the

modern U.S. economy. Reliability of the grid is a growing and essential

component of national security.

❖ Standard definitions of reliability have focused on the frequency, duration,

and extent of power outages. With the advent of more two-way flows of
information and electricity communication across the entire system from
generation to end use, controllable loads, more variable generation, and
new technologies such as storage and advanced meters reliability needs
are changing, and reliability definitions and metrics must evolve
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Quiz 1.5
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: The basic aim of energy security for a nation is

A. To reduce its dependency on the imported energy sources for its economic
B. To reduce emission of Pollutants
C. To Reduce emission of Green House Gases
D. None of the above

Question 02: A special concern of Energy Security is that

A. The import of oil is about 75% of total oil
B. The import of Fossil fuels
C. The import of Natural Gases
D. None of the above
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: What is mean by Energy Action Planning?

Question 02: What are the different steps of Energy Action Planning?

Question 03: What is the need of Energy Security?

Question 04: What is mean by Energy Reliability?

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

F. Preparation for next Session

❖ Energy sector reforms:

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

G. Wrap up

In this lecture we have learned:

 Energy action planning:
 Energy security and reliability:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. Bureau of Energy Efficiency Study material for Energy

Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Unit 01: Energy Scenario and Management

Session Number 06/36

Topic: Energy sector reforms:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

A. Attendance
B. Review of the previous session
C. Learning Outcomes of the session
D. Content
E. Student’s evaluation
F. Preparation for next session
G. Wrap up
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

B. Review of the Previous Session

❖ Energy action planning:

❖ Energy security and reliability:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

C. Learning Outcomes of the Session

❖ Students will understand the Reforms in Energy Sector.

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

D. Content
Contents Learning / Faculty Typical Skill/
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Critical Thinking -
Energy sector reforms PPT Explain Understand
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy sector reforms :

Introduction :
❖ India's economy has been experiencing some of the greatest structural

changes like note ban, GST and efforts to diversify the energy mix.

❖ The country's expanding middle class represents a growing source of

demand for energy.

❖ The Prime Minister Narendra Modi met CEOs of top global and Indian

firms to explore ways to raise domestic output and cut imports.

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy sector reforms :

Need for Reforms :
❖ The status of the energy sector in India is highly uneven and the scope for reform in
many areas still exists.
❖ Regulatory reforms for effective adoption of green power through grid
management and long-term visibility to private sector investors
❖ To explore ways to raise domestic output and cut imports.
❖ To seek investment in exploration and production, processing, transportation and
distribution network in oil and gas.
❖ To achieve government's vision of energy access, efficiency, sustainability and
❖ For securing overseas supplies through equity and long-term contracts
❖ As per estimates by the Central Electricity Authority, electrical energy requirement
is expected to grow by 37 per cent by the financial year 2021-22.
❖ To secure universal, affordable, accessible, 24x7 quality power for all.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy sector reforms :

Policy Initiatives in Past 3 Years :
❖ Deregulation of diesel prices, which reignited private sector interest in fuel


❖ Gas pricing and marketing freedom

❖ New policy for exploration and production.

❖ Russia’s Rosneft acquired Essar Oil’s refinery in Gujarat and a countrywide

fuel retail network for $12.9 billion earlier this year.

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy sector reforms :

Opportunities :
❖ The Government’s programmes like, the DDUGJY and UDAY is likely to
result in improved distribution efficiency, reduce supply-demand
dissonance, decrease technical and commercial losses, improve revenue
realisation and establish smart distribution network.
❖ The Union Government’s thrust on renewable energy is likely to increase
the penetration of electricity in the country, thereby driving the demand
❖ Emerging technologies like power storage devices, electric vehicles, energy
saving devices, smart transmission and distribution systems, etc., are
opening for business expansion.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Energy sector reforms :

Challenges :
❖ The power sector is in early stages of transformation from coal-centric
generation to variable renewable power generation.
❖ This transformation will pose several daunting commercial and technical
challenges for both policy makers and market players.
❖ Power tariff structures in India are rigid.
❖ Private investments have stagnated for the last few years while fuel
demand has been rising by 5-6 percent annually.
❖ Factor Reforms in Land, labour and capital are long overdue which is
holding the domestic manufacturing capacities of solar equipments.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Quiz 1.6
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: What were the reasons for introducing the economic reforms in 1991?
A. The Gulf war
B. The negative balance of payments
C. Increase in fiscal deficit
D. All of the above

Question 02: What was the primary outcome of the liberalisation and privatisation
initiatives under the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1991, followed by the Indian
A. Fiscal policy reforms
B. Globalisation
C. Monetary policy reforms
D. None of the above
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. Student’s Evaluation

Question 01: What is the need of Energy Sector Reforms?

Question 02: What are the Opportunities of Energy Sector Reforms?

Question 03: What are the Challenges of Energy Sector Reforms?

Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

F. Preparation for next Session

❖ Need of Energy Audit:

❖ Types of energy Audit:
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

G. Wrap up

In this lecture we have learned:

❖ Energy sector reforms:
❖ Revision of Unit Number 01 and SPPU Question Pattern
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. Bureau of Energy Efficiency Study material for Energy

Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I.
Marathwada Mitramandal’s
College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU |
Accredited by NBA ( Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Thank You

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