GROUP 5 RESEARCH Minor Revision
GROUP 5 RESEARCH Minor Revision
GROUP 5 RESEARCH Minor Revision
People from the Philippines often substitute the /p/ in a word for /f/. This becomes
especially tricky when those sounds occur close together. For example: perform, helpful, cup,
and perfect. Filipino speakers also commonly make the mistake of mixing up the /v/ and
the /b/ confused. Another sound that Tagalog speakers struggle with is the /th/, which they
substitute with /t/ or a/d/ sound. How many of your Filipino people, "tank" your "mudder"
instead of, "Thank your mother?" Lastly, many people native to the Philippines confuse the
/s/ sound with the /z/ sound, meaning that they often say a /s/ sound where there is commonly
a/z/ sound in English. Filipino speakers don't just have a difficult time with consonants, there
are several vowel sounds that they struggle with, as well. The most problematic ones are
the /I/ sound and the difference between it and the /i/ sound and the /a/ sound and the
difference between it and the /e/ sound. Tagalog speakers have an exceedingly difficult time
due in part to the acceptance of speaking "Filipino English" with each other, but if you want
to be more clearly understood when speaking to a native English speaker, work on these
sounds to be more confident in your English.
Nowadays, there are a lot of strategies that can be used in learning process. The
technique that the teacher used should be understandable and fun to the students, one of them
is tongue twister. Tongue twister is a series of words or longer piece, like a poem,
constructed to be difficult to pronounce properly. Tongue twisters are used to create humor
by challenging students to repeat the tongue twister very fast and enjoy listening to the funny
results. The faster of person can say the tongue twister without slipping up, become the
stronger their pronunciation skills. Tongue twister can help the students in better
understanding, memorizing vocabulary while saying the words as fast as possible. Tongue
twister can also help the students encourage their self-confidence in speaking English because
it will help the students speak fluently and clearly. Therefore, writer compiles a main idea
which contains a smart solution, collaborate some abilities such as memorizing and speaking,
to develop their ability with saying words fast, correctly and in a fun way.
The study focuses on the improvement of the student’s pronunciation using tongue
twisters, how it gives the learners the opportunity to practice by improving a range of real-life
spoken language in the class room, it is an extremely effective technique if the students are
confident and cooperative. The use of tongue twisters as a fast, fun and effective vocal warm
up challenges vocalists to improve pronunciation and technique in speaking skills.
1. What are the factors affecting the pronunciation ability of First Year BEED
students based on oral reading?
The result of this study is expected to give contribution for both teachers and learners.
In particular, this study can be one of the sources in recognizing and realizing teacher’s
question related to the student’s speaking ability.
Students. This study can help students get more motivation in learning English
speaking and they can practice pronunciation in a fun way of speaking.
English Teachers. The result of this study can help them to enrich their techniques in
teaching speaking English and enhancing pronunciation ability by using tongue twister
School Administration. The outcomes of this study will give wider avenue for the
administration to address effective technique in enhancing the pronunciation ability of the
Other Researchers. This study may serve as basis for conducting and developing
related researches on improving pronunciation skill.
Expected Output:
The study will be conducted among 50 students of First Year BEED, Caramoan
Community College, Cadong, Caramoan, Camarines Sur this 2 nd Semester of school year
Research Procedures
The pre-test to be given to the students for the first meeting, to obtain the
data of the students’ essential speaking ability and to ascertain that the students
from both groups has the same capacity and the corresponding English
proficiency before they receive the treatment.
In the pre-test, the experimental group and control group will receive the
same test. Both groups to be allotted dialogues text (asking and giving help)
and give the students some minutes to practice and memorize the dialogue
before a performance. Then, we will pick up a team to go first. When one
side finished, the next team will stand up.
b. Treatment
1) Experimental group
The first treatment, the Teachers will give training as one way to warm-
up for stage students, rehearsals, and performances using tongue twister
strategy. Begin by stretching out the muscles of the student's face and jaw.
After that, warming up students' tongue by repeating short tongue twister
aloud "Toy boat," "Unique New York." The next, move onto the next section is
a little tricky and complicated tongue twister "red leather, yellow leather,"
"Good blood, bad blood," "big black bear a big black bug bit the big black
bear, but the big black bear bit the big black bug and so on. The last, teacher
will explain the next subject matter and then allotted a dialogue text and will
ask the students to focus on listening and watching the teachers read the
dialogue carefully until two times. And then ask the students to repeat the
conversations. The teachers will observe when there’s an error reciting a
tongue twisters’ technique where the students to be asked to repeat the error
words for three and more times until the students' speaks with accuracy and
The second treatment, Tongue twisters technique, to be shifted between /p/, /f/
and /v/ sounds. This treatment purpose of knowing how the different
pronounce between /p/, /f/ and /v/ sound accuracy and fluency.
Tongue twisters’ strategy for the third treatments to be shifted between /t/
and /th/ sounds. This treatment purposed to practice the students' speaking
ability and to know how different pronounce between /t/ and /th/ sound
accuracy and fluency.
Tongue twisters strategy for the fourth treatments to be shifted between /s/,
/ch/, and /ch/ sounds. This treatment purposed to practice the students'
speaking ability and to know how the different pronounce between /s/, /ch/,
and /ch/ sounds accuracy and fluency.
Tongue twister's strategy for the fifth treatment to be shifted between // and /r/
sounds. This treatment purposed to practice the students' speaking ability and
to know how different pronounce between / and /r/ sounds accuracy and
The sixth treatment, tongue twisters’ strategy to be shifted between /t/ and /th/
sounds. This treatment purposed to practice the students' speaking ability and
to know how the different pronounce between /t/ and /th/ sounds accuracy and
2) Control group
In the control group, the researchers will give task stimulus treatment, where
The teachers will present (models) the task to be performed and Response-
Prompt treatment, where the students will complete the responsibility as the
teachers' instructions. This treatment will be the procedure of direct interaction
c. Post-test
This study will conduct the post-test at the end of the research, to measure the
students’ speaking ability after the treatment. This is intended to find out the
significant differences between students' scores of both groups. Both groups
will be allotted dialogues test (asking and giving help). Having one student
from each group came in front of the class and will ask the students to practice
and memorize the dialogues. After that, the teacher will ask the students back
to their teams and teach their team with the same strategy given by the teacher.
The teacher will give the students some minutes to practice their speaking and
memorize the dialogues. Then, will pick up a team to go first. When one side
is done, the next team proceed. The team with the shortest time and speaking
accuracy and fluency will win. This game will help the students to learn
quickly and improve their teamwork and also gave motivation to each other.
Submitted by:
Noralyn A. Ombao
Mary Rose P. Alvarez
Eric John C. Buendia
Karen G. Bracero
Lira Jean B. Clet
Mary Grace M. Tomale