Compact First 3rd Edition Teacher Book - Copy-8
Compact First 3rd Edition Teacher Book - Copy-8
Compact First 3rd Edition Teacher Book - Copy-8
a a role camping at the weekend.
green liquid.
You will hear a radio presenter reviewing a biography of 8 After Greg had working in the shop for several years, When I put ‘photos of desserts’ into called Roger Fenton (6) would (9) would be taken / were taken
a chef. For questions 1–10, complete the sentences with
a word or short phrase.
1 The presenter thinks that everyone will find Kwame’s
he became the manager.
9 When Nick arrived at the party it was late and most
of the other guests went home.
a search engine this morning, I got
hundreds of millions of results. When
I (1) was having / had had dinner
with a friend last week, he did not
photograph / had photographed
richly detailed scenes of food, which
imitated the ‘still life’ displays of
objects so brilliantly painted by the
from the point of view of the eater.
Food was laid out on the table,
and photos were shot from above,
looking down, with the plates
Speaking Test in video format with hints and tips
biography a very book.
start eating each dish until he Dutch masters. He (7) produced / clearly separated. Towards the end
2 Kwame studied for a while at a ,
presentation has become more and produced photographic prints, this food photography aims to display
4 In 2010, Kwame went back to New York and became
more important. Taking photos of type of print (8) had been selling / food as simply and naturally as
Practice Test:
8 The speaker says that what motivated Kwame was a in the nineteenth century. At that and middle of the twentieth
that was always with him. time, photographers (5) were trying century more commonly had
9 Kwame’s current restaurant is in a / tried to establish photography functional purposes such as
in Washington. as a serious art form. During the illustrations in recipe books. For