Zhang&Al 2007 Birds
Zhang&Al 2007 Birds
Zhang&Al 2007 Birds
DOI 10.1007/s10336-007-0150-4
Received: 11 September 2006 / Revised: 2 February 2007 / Accepted: 21 March 2007 / Published online: 19 June 2007
Dt. Ornithologen-Gesellschaft e.V. 2007
Abstract Mitochondrial sequences (2,379 bp) from also implies that an ancestor of Zosterops/Philippine
cytochrome b, ND3, 12s and 16s rRNA were analyzed in Stachyris derived the ability to disperse over long distances,
order to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within so that it could fly over the sea and arrive at the Philippines.
the yuhinas (Yuhina), including the chestnut-faced babbler
Stachyris whiteheadi which is endemic to the Philippines, Keywords Phylogenetic analysis Mitochondrial DNA
the Japanese white-eye Zosterops japonicus, the chestnut- Yuhina Zosterops Stachyris
flanked white-eye Z. erythropleurus, and the oriental white-
eye Z. palpebrosus. The results showed strong support for
the idea that S.whiteheadi and three white-eye species form Introduction
a clade embedded within the Yuhina clade. The robustness
of the Yuhina/Philippine Stachyris/Zosterops clade rejected Babblers (Timaliini) comprise more than 200 highly mor-
the validity of the monotypic genus Staphida, which was phologically diversified species in South-East Asia and
proposed for the striated yuhina Yuhina castaniceps based Africa. Although both morphological and molecular data
on its peculiar morphological traits. Sister group relation- have been used to assess the systematic relationships among
ships between the striped-throated yuhina Yuhina gularis major groups of Timaliini (Delacour 1946, 1950; Cibois
and the rufous-vented yuhina Yuhina occipitalis and be- et al. 1999, 2002; Cibois 2003), phylogenetic relationships
tween the whiskered yuhina Yuhina flavicollis and the of the babblers within genus are still poorly understood.
white-naped yuhina Yuhina bakeri were discovered. The Here we used mitochondrial DNA sequence data to re-
sympatric patterns of the above two sister groups in evaluate the phylogenetic relationships within a group of
the Himalayas is most likely due to secondary contact. The Asia endemic birds, the yuhinas (Yuhina). The genus Yuh-
molecular phylogeny also suggests that crestlessness was ina includes eleven species that are distributed in the
derived just once for the Zosterops/Philippine Stachyris Himalayas, Indochina and the Sunda region (Sibley and
clade. The Zosterops/Philippine Stachyris clade in our study Monroe 1990). Yuhinas inhabit broad-leaved, coniferous or
bamboo forests. Their distributions range in altitude from
several hundred meters to 4,000 m high (Sibley and Monroe
Communicated by M. Wink. 1990). Yuhinas are omnivorous, feeding on insects, flower
honey, small berries and seeds (Ali and Ripley 1987).
S. Zhang L. Yang (&) X. Yang J. Yang Recent molecular data had suggested that the genus
Kunming Institute of Zoology,
Yuhina is not a monophyletic group; three species of
The Chinese Academy of Sciences,
32 jiaochang donglu, Kunming, Stachyris endemic to the Philippines are embedded within
Yunnan Province 650223, China the yuhina clade (S. whiteheadi, S. striata, S. dennistouni),
e-mail: [email protected] and are not related to other continental species of Stachyris
(Cibois et al. 2002). Furthermore, the white-bellied yuhina
S. Zhang
Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuhina zantholeuca, which has traditionally been placed
Beijing 100039, China among the yuhinas (Deignan 1964; Sibley and Monroe
418 J Ornithol (2007) 148:417–426
1990; Inskipp et al. 1996; Clements 2000), is not even a samples, DNA was isolated by the standard phenol/chlo-
babbler (Cibois et al. 2002). Instead, it is closely related to roform extraction method (Sambrook et al. 1989); for toe
the Vireonidae (Barker et al. 2004). Molecular data have pad samples, Puregene DNA purification kits (Gentra
also revealed that the Japanese white-eye, Zosterops Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA) was used; the manu-
japonicus, appears to be closely related to the yuhinas facturer’s recommendations were followed. All primer
(Cibois 2003). sequences are shown in Table 2. For the historical DNA
In this study, by including two more Yuhina species (the template of Y. nigrimenta, four primer pairs were used to
white-naped yuhina Yuhina bakeri, and the striated yuhina amplify overlapping fragments of the cytochrome b gene.
Yuhina castaniceps), we aimed to elucidate the phyloge- We were careful not to contaminate the historical DNA
netic relationship within Yuhina in more detail by during DNA isolation and PCR (polymerase chain reac-
sequencing four mitochondrial DNA fragments (2,379 bp tion). PCR amplification was carried out using the fol-
in total). By adding three species of Zosterops and one lowing parameters: 94 C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles
species of Stachyris, which is endemic to the Phillippines, of 94 C (30 s), 45–52 C (40 s), 72 C (40 s), and final
we also attempted to elucidate their relationships to the extension at 72 C (5 min). A touchdown PCR was used to
yuhinas. While typical yuhinas are crested, the Philippine amplify four fragments of the cytochrome b gene of
Stachyris and Zosterops are crestless. Molecular phylogeny Y. nigrimenta. Annealing temperature ranged from 64 to
of these birds was used to infer the evolution trend of the 57 C for the two terminal fragments and 62–55 C for
crest. Since some species sampled in the study are endemic the two internal fragments. Primer pairs L1549/H1991
to Southeast Asia, we also hoped that molecular phylogeny (Desjaidin and Morais 1990), L3214 (Hedges 1994)/H3783
could provide a better basis for interpreting the origins and (Hedges and Sibley 1994) and L10755/H11151 (Chesser
diversification of birds in Southeast Asia, which is still 1999) were used to amplify the 12s, 16s rRNA, and ND3
poorly understood (Moyle et al. 2005). genes. The same PCR amplification parameters used for
cytochrome b were used to amplify the above fragments,
except that the annealing temperature was changed to
Methods 50–65 C. PCR products were purified using a DNA puri-
fication kit (Sangon Inc., Shanghai, China) and sequencing
Taxa sampling, amplification, and sequencing of purified PCR products was performed with BigDye
Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kits (Applied Biosystems,
Due to the difficulty involved in choosing an appropriate Foster City, CA, USA) on an ABI Prism 3100 automated
outgroup, five species of Timaliini, the red-tailed minla DNA sequencer (Perkin-Elmer Applied Biosystems).
Minla ignotincta, the blue-winged laughingthrush Garrulax
squamatus, the grey-throated babbler Stachyris nigriceps, Phylogenetic analysis
the rufous-capped babbler Stachyris ruficeps, the golden
babbler Stachyris chrysaea, and a species of Acrocephali- DNA sequences were proofread by eye and then assembled
nae, the brownish-flanked bush-warbler Cettia fortipes, using the software DNAstar (DNAstar Inc., Madison, WI,
were included as a composite outgroup. All Yuhina species USA). All cytochrome b and ND3 sequences were aligned
described, except for the Burmese yuhina Yuhina humilis, by using Clustal X with default parameters (Thompson
were sampled. However, Y. humilis is considered to be et al. 1997). To avoid the alignment difficulties introduced
closely related to the whiskered yuhina Y. flavicollis, and is by indels, we used Gblock 0.91b (Castresana 2000) to
treated as a subspecies of Y. flavicollis by some authors delete gaps within certain regions of the 12s and 16s rRNA.
(Deignan 1964; Dickinson 2003). Three species of Pairwise distances (Tamura–Nei distance) and other char-
Zosterops (the Japanese white-eye Zosterops japonicus, the acteristics of the sequence were calculated using MEGA3.0
chestnut-flanked white-eye Z. erythropleurus, and the or- (Kumar et al. 2004). A partition homogeneity test (ILD)
iental white-eye Z. palpebrosus) and one species of and a test of stationary nucleotide composition across taxa
Stachyris endemic to the Philippines (the chestnut-faced were conducted in PAUP*4.0b10 (Swofford 2003).
babbler Stachyris whiteheadi) were also included. The taxa Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the maxi-
sampled in this study are summarized in Table 1. mum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML)
Four mitochondrial fragments (cytochrome b, ND3, 12s algorithms implemented in PAUP*4.0b10. For the MP
and 16s rRNA) were used to infer the molecular phylogeny analysis, a weighted parsimony method was used by
of Yuhina and its allies. Total genomic DNA was isolated removing the transitions at the third codon position in both
from 95% alcohol-preserved tissues (muscle, liver, and cytochrome b and ND3 genes to avoid the saturation effect.
blood) or the toe pads of museum skin specimens (for A heuristic search, with 1,000 replicates of random addi-
the black-chinned yuhina Yuhina nigrimenta). For tissue tion sequences of taxa and tree bisection reconnection
J Ornithol (2007) 148:417–426 419
Zosterops erythropleurus KIZ, GLGS1443 Yunnan, China DQ837524a DQ837492a DQ837507a DQ837515a
a a a
Zosterops palpebrosus KIZ, GLGS1816 Yunnan, China DQ837522 DQ837493 DQ837509 DQ837517a
Zosterops japonicus KIZ, GLGS2247 Yunnan, China DQ837523a DQ837491a DQ837508a DQ837516a
a a a
Cettia fortipes KIZ, 05353 Yunnan, China DQ837512 DQ837490 DQ837512 DQ837518a
a a b
Garrulax squamatus KIZ, GLGS1833 Yunnan, China DQ092872 DQ837502 AF484900 AF484357b
a a b
Minla ignotincta KIZ, GLGS091 Yunnan, China DQ092874 DQ837503 AF484916 AF484373b
a a b b
Stachyris ruficeps KIZ, GLGS494 Yunnan, China DQ092876 DQ837505 AF376925 AF376905
Stachyris chrysaea KIZ, 04035 Yunnan, China DQ092875a DQ837506a AF376922 b
AF376902 b
b b b
Stachyris whiteheadi AY124542 AF376928 AF094661
a a b b
Stachyris nigriceps KIZ, GLGS1854 Yunnan, China DQ092873 DQ837495 AF376924 AF376904
a a a a
Yuhina castaniceps KIZ, 99172 Guangxi, China DQ092879 DQ837488 DQ837510 DQ837514
Yuhina everetti LSUMNS, B36457 Sabah, Malaysia DQ092881a DQ837489a AF376917b AF376898b
Yuhina bakeri KIZ, 04323 Yunnan, China DQ092877a DQ837499a DQ837511a DQ837513a
Yuhina flavicollis KIZ, GLGS1424 Yunnan, China DQ092882a DQ837497a AF376916b AF376897b
a a b
Yuhina gularis KIZ, GLGS1248 Yunnan, China DQ092883 DQ837498 AF376918 AF094659b
a a b
Yuhina diademata KIZ, 03026 Yunnan, China DQ092880 DQ837496 AF376915 AF376896b
a a b
Yuhina occipitalis KIZ, 03031 Yunnan, China DQ092885 DQ837494 AF376920 AF376900b
a a b
Yuhina brunneiceps TNU, T0620 Taiwan, China DQ092878 DQ837501 AF376914 AF376895b
Yuhina nigrimenta KIZ, 012777 Yunnan, China DQ092884a DQ837500a AF376919b AF376899b
a a b
Yuhina zantholeuca TNU, T0325 Taiwan, China DQ092886 DQ837504 AF376921 AF376901b
Taxonomic denomination followed Sibley and Monroe (1990)
Sequences new to this study
Sequences taken from GenBank database, published by Barhoum and Burns (2002), Cibois et al. (2002), Cibois (2003)
KIZ Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences; TNU Department of Life Science, Taiwan Normal University; LSUMNS
Louisiana State University Museum of Natural History
420 J Ornithol (2007) 148:417–426
(TBR) branch swapping, was executed to obtain the MP mitochondrial partitions. Therefore, we combined se-
tree. We assessed the robustness of the MP tree with 1,000 quences of four mitochondrial fragments into a larger data
bootstrap replicates. set (2,379 bp). The characteristics of these sequences are
We used the program Modeltest 3.6 (Posada and summarized in Table 3. The pattern of base compositional
Crandall 1998) to choose an appropriate substitution model bias was similar to that found in previous avian studies
for the ML analysis. The model was subsequently used in (Barhoum and Burns 2002; Perez-Eman 2005). The result
PAUP*4.0b10 to search the ML tree using a heuristic search of a chi-square test (X2 = 13.24, P = 1.00, df = 57) sup-
with 1,000 replicates of random addition sequences for taxa ported the notion that nucleotide composition is stationary
and TBR branch swapping. Reliability of the phylogenetic across taxa.
relationships was evaluated by performing 100 replicates of Because data on avian cytochrome b gene is commonly
bootstrap analysis with taxa added ‘‘as is.’’ available, we calculated its divergence between our taxa
In addition, Bayesian inference of phylogeny was per- for the purposes of comparison (Table 4). The average
formed using the program Mrbayes 3.0b4 (Huelsenbeck sequence divergence between the Yuhina clade and out-
and Ronquist 2001). The substitution model selected by the group was 16.18%, but it was only 12.12% for Yuhina and
program Modeltest 3.6 was likewise used in the Bayesian Zosterops, 11.85% for Yuhina and the Philippine Stachyris,
method. The Bayesian analysis started with randomly and 10.77% for the Philippine Stachyris and Zosterops. The
generated trees; four Markov chains under default heating average sequence divergence between Yuhina species was
values were run for four million generations and sampled about 11.10% (ranging from 3.25% for Y. castaniceps to
every 100 generations. The ‘‘burn-in’’ was determined by Y. everetti to 13.75% for Y. castaniceps to Y. nigrimenta).
checking for the likelihood of being stationary. Posterior The average sequence divergence among Zosterops species
probabilities were estimated to assess the robustness of was only 5.19%.
the tree.
Phylogenetic analysis
Cytochrome b 1143 419 (36.7%) 338 (29.6%) 84 (20.0%) 21 (5.0%) 314 (75.0%) 28.5 33.4 13.2 24.9
ND3 351 157 (44.7%) 132 (37.6%) 44 (28.0%) 15 (9.6%) 98 (62.4%) 29.4 32.4 12.3 25.9
12s 386 81 (21.0%) 44 (11.4%) 33.1 25.7 19.4 21.8
16s 499 92 (18.4%) 53 (10.6%) 30 25.7 23.1 21.1
Table 4 Pairwise sequence divergence (Tamura–Nei distances) in cytochrome b
J Ornithol (2007) 148:417–426
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1.Y. gularis
2.Y. occipiotalis 0.0869
3.Y. flavicollis 0.0944 0.0840
4.Y. bakeri 0.0964 0.0839 0.0811
5.Z. palpebrosus 0.1225 0.1121 0.1134 0.1038
6.Z. japonicus 0.1168 0.1126 0.1032 0.1072 0.0505
7.Z. erythropeurus 0.1116 0.1099 0.1046 0.1028 0.0544 0.0491
8.S. whiteheadi 0.1193 0.1148 0.1143 0.1121 0.1147 0.1083 0.1000
9.Y. nigrimenta 0.1176 0.1181 0.1212 0.1151 0.1367 0.1407 0.1322 0.1129
10.Y. brunneiceps 0.0983 0.0876 0.0908 0.0868 0.1097 0.1140 0.1032 0.1045 0.0967
11.Y. everetti 0.1134 0.1079 0.1080 0.1166 0.1263 0.1372 0.1307 0.1248 0.1372 0.1062
12.Y. castaniceps 0.1128 0.1070 0.1007 0.118 0.1285 0.1309 0.1267 0.1253 0.1375 0.1012 0.0325
13.Y. diademata 0.1317 0.1174 0.1228 0.1054 0.1379 0.1463 0.1331 0.1385 0.1310 0.1294 0.1322 0.1326
14.M. ignortincta 0.1495 0.1502 0.1479 0.1601 0.1664 0.1682 0.1681 0.1679 0.1611 0.1492 0.1500 0.1436 0.1472
15.G. squamatus 0.1241 0.1467 0.1357 0.1315 0.1568 0.1609 0.1475 0.1515 0.1416 0.1307 0.1493 0.1505 0.1537 0.1252
16.C. forticeps 0.1498 0.1553 0.1465 0.1560 0.1701 0.1635 0.1650 0.1645 0.1689 0.1525 0.1654 0.1711 0.1509 0.1665 0.1727
17.Y. zantholeuca 0.1611 0.1653 0.1636 0.1634 0.1732 0.1797 0.1734 0.1684 0.1534 0.1701 0.1787 0.1826 0.1676 0.1855 0.1690 0.1742
18.S. ruficeps 0.1506 0.148 0.1606 0.1606 0.1842 0.1772 0.1761 0.1826 0.1449 0.1645 0.1676 0.1641 0.1732 0.1766 0.1570 0.1867 0.1652
19.S. chrysaea 0.1583 0.1425 0.1677 0.1604 0.1689 0.1717 0.1742 0.1667 0.1688 0.1643 0.1705 0.1692 0.1681 0.1744 0.1639 0.1904 0.1678 0.0931
20.S. nigriceps 0.1717 0.16 0.1757 0.1717 0.1807 0.1929 0.1790 0.1754 0.1248 0.1718 0.1825 0.1778 0.1648 0.1718 0.1690 0.1910 0.1787 0.1408 0.1527
422 J Ornithol (2007) 148:417–426
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic interspecies relationships of Yuhina based on cyt Fig. 2 Phylogenetic relationships of Yuhina based on cytb, ND3, 12s
b, ND3, 12s, and 16s sequences; maximum parsimony tree is shown and 16s sequences obtained with maximum likelihood and Bayesian
with transitions of third position removed. Numbers represent analysis. Numbers represent bootstrap values/posterior probabilities,
bootstrap values; only those >70% are shown above the branches and are only shown when bootstrap values >70% and posterior
probabilities >95%
found to form a clade (100% bootstrap values). Z. palpe- probability values). The clade of Y. bakeri and Y. flavicollis
brosus was a sister group to the clade made up of Z. ery- shared a common ancestor with Y. gularis/Y. occipitalis,
thropleurus and Z. japonicus, and the relationship obtained and obtained strong support in Bayesian analysis (97%
strong support (77% bootstrap values). posterior probability values). The topological difference
Modeltest 3.6 selected the GTR + I + G model as a between the MP and ML trees was within the Zosterops
substitution model for our combined data set. The param- clade; in ML and Bayesian analysis, Z. erythropleurus was
eter values were estimated as follows: base frequencies a sister group to the clade comprising Z. palpebrosus and
A = 0.3128, C = 0.3459, G = 0.1496, T = 0.1917; proba- Z. japonicus, but this did not obtain strong support (with
bilities for the six different substitution types Rmatrix = 59% bootstrap values in ML analysis and 80% posterior
1.8632, 6.6449, 2.3026, 0.2447, 17.5067, 1, with 0.5857 of probability values in Bayesian analysis, not shown).
sites invariable, and the substitution rates for variable sites The hypothesis of constant rate within the alignment
followed a gamma distribution with a shape parameter of was rejected by a likelihood ratio test (LRT test) (Swofford
0.7868. The ML and Bayesian trees were identical (Fig. 2), et al. 1996) in PAUP*4.0b10. Under the GTR + I + G
and they were almost identical to the MP tree, with the model of evolution, with no molecular clock enforced, the
aforementioned nodes gaining strong support. Furthermore, likelihood (log L = –13171.3846) was significantly better
the sister group relationship of Y. flavicollis and Y. bakeri at the 5% level than when the molecular clock was en-
was strongly supported in Bayesian analysis (97% posterior forced (log L = –13199.7564) (P = 0.000007).
J Ornithol (2007) 148:417–426 423
424 J Ornithol (2007) 148:417–426
contentious species Y. zantholeuca is not a babbler but is Philippine Stachyris (Rand 1970, but see Cibois et al.
instead closely related to the Vireonidae (Cibois et al. 2002).
2002; Barker et al. 2004). This suggests that the morpho-
logical similarities between Y. zantholeuca and other
yuhinas, especially the presence of a crest, are probably Zusammenfassung
caused by convergent evolution. In fact, when we carefully
examined the crest from specimens of Y. zantholeuca and Molekulare Phylogenie der Yuhinas (Sylviidae:
another seven Yuhina species kept by the Kunming Insti- Yuhina), einer paraphyletischen Gruppe von
tute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we Brillenvögeln aus Zosterops und Philippinischer
found that the crest of Y. zantholeuca is merely composed Stachyris
of crown feathers, while the crest of the other Yuhina
species comprises both crown and occipital feathers. It is Um die phylogenetischen Zusammenhänge innerhalb der
the convergent crest characteristic that has caused this Yuhinas (Yuhina) zu rekonstruieren, wurden Mitochond-
contentious species to be misclassified into the Yuhina. riensequenzen (2379 bp) von Cytochrom-b Genen, ND3,
Similarly, the broad-billed sapayoa, Sapayoa aenigma, and 12s und 16s rRNA analysiert. Die Yuhinas beinhalten die
the Tibetan ground-jay, Pseudopodoces humilis, have re- Brillentimalie Stachyris whiteheadi, einen Endemiten der
cently been proven by molecular systematics to have been Philippinen, den Japanbrillenvogel Zosterops japonicus,
misclassified into different families (Fjeldså et al. 2003; den Rotflanken-Brillenvogel Z. erythropleurus, sowie den
James et al. 2003; but see Fjeldså et al. 2005). Overall Indischen-oder Ganges-Brillenvogel Z. palpebrosus. Die
morphological similarities could not reflect the true rela- Ergebnisse unterstützen stark die Hypothese, wonach
tionships of these contentious birds. S. whiteheadi und drei Brillenvogelarten eine phyletische
Our phylogeny also suggested that crestlessness was a Einheit innerhalb des Yuhina-Zweigs bilden. Die Robust-
derived character of the Zosterops/Philippines Stachyris heit des Zweiges Yuhina/Philippinische Stachyris/Zoster-
clade, and was only derived once. The general evolutionary ops lehnt die Gültigkeit der monotypischen Gattung
trend of the crest showed that the crest was not stable in the Staphida ab, die für die Rotohr-Yuhina Yuhina castaniceps
true Yuhina clade, which made Yuhina a paraphyletic auf Grund besonderer morphologischer Merkmale vorg-
group. It has been suggested that, once evolved, similar eschlagen worden war. Eine Neuentdeckung stellt das
color patterns can easily disappear and re-appear inde- Schwesterntaxa-Verhältnis zwischen Kehlstreifen-Yuhina
pendently in the leaf warblers, Phylloscopus (Price and Yuhina gularis und Roststeiß-Yuhina Yuhina occipitalis
Palvelka 1996). Therefore, extreme caution should always dar, ebenso wie das zwischen Gelbnacken-Yuhina Yuhina
be taken when applying any morphological traits to avian flavicollis und Rotkopf-Yuhina Yuhina bakeri. Das sym-
systematics, otherwise the conclusions could be totally patrische Verbreitungsmuster der beiden oben genannten
misleading. Schwesterngruppen in der Himalaya-Region entstand
höchstwahrscheinlich im Zuge eines sekundären Kontakts.
The dispersal route for yuhinas and their allies Unsere molekulare phylogenetische Systematik zeigt auch,
dass das Fehlen einer Haube ein einmalig abgeleitetes Ei-
Geologically, the Philippine archipelago had never been genmerkmal für den Zweig aus Zosterops und Philippini-
connected to the Asian continent or to Sunda land directly scher Stachyris darstellt. Die monophyletische Einheit aus
(Hall 1998). In addition, no species of Yuhina is known for Zosterops und Philippinischer Stachyris in unserer Arbeit
its long distance dispersal or migration. Therefore, the bedeutet außerdem, dass ein gemeinsamer Vorfahr von
origin of the Philippine Stachyris is not straightforward. Zosterops und Philippinischer Stachyris als Autapomorphie
Seasonal migration and long distance dispersal are, how- die Fähigkeit zur Langstrecken-Dispersion entwickelt hat,
ever, well documented for several Zosterops species. For was ihm ermöglichte, über See zu fliegen und die Philip-
example, Z. lateralis have been found to frequently dis- pinen zu erreichen.
perse from New Zealand to its nearby islands (Mees 1969).
Acknowledgments We thank the Comparative Genomics Group,
Zosterops japonicus and Z. erythropleurus were found to
which is directed by Dr. Bing Su (Kunming Institute of Zoology, the
migrate between northern and southeastern Asia seasonally Chinese Academy of Sciences), for providing their laboratory and
(Sibley and Monroe 1990). It is possible that an ancestor of kindly helping with the experiment. We would also like to thank Dr.
Zosterops/Philippines Stachyris was able to disperse from Shou-Hsien Li and Carol Yeung (Department of Life Science, Taiwan
Normal University) for providing tissue samples and providing
its Indochinese or Himalayan origins into the Sunda region
helpful comments on the manuscript. We also thank Donna L. Ditt-
and subsequently into the Philippines. This is also consis- mann (Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University) for
tent with the Borneo origin hypothesis proposed for the providing tissue samples. Moe Flannery (California Academy of
J Ornithol (2007) 148:417–426 425
Sciences) kindly checked old references for us and facilitated the Fuchs J, Fjeldsa J, Bowie RCK, Voelker G, Pasquet E (2005) The
tissue loan from the Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State African warbler genus Hyliota as a lost lineage in the oscine
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