Cairns & Wirshing 2015 Phylogeny Scleraxonian Octocorals
Cairns & Wirshing 2015 Phylogeny Scleraxonian Octocorals
Cairns & Wirshing 2015 Phylogeny Scleraxonian Octocorals
Abstract. The Scleraxonia are a group of octocorals that share similarities of their axis morphology. However,
molecular phylogenetic analyses have shown this group to be largely polyphyletic. As a result, there is a significant lack
of understanding of what constitutes distinct evolutionary units among members of this group, particularly at the family
level. Prompted by the discovery of an unknown spongiodermid scleraxonian octocoral (Anthothelidae) from shallow
water off the Pacific coast of lower Baja California, a phylogenetic analysis of the undescribed specimen, together with
members of six scleraxonian families and an additional 29 non-scleraxonian octocorallian families was performed. Two
mitochondrial loci (mtMutS and COI) and one nuclear locus (28S) supported a monophyletic spongiodermid clade
(Homophyton, Callipodium, Diodogorgia, Titanideum and Sclerophyton, gen. nov.) at the family-level. The unknown
scleraxonian was supported as a new genus and species within the spongiodermid clade, sister to the western Atlantic
genus Titanideum. A morphological examination of the taxa within this clade revealed shared morphological
similarities in solenial (boundary) canals, and medullar and cortical sclerites. A revision, with illustrations, of the
Spongiodermidae was performed. Similar to previous studies, this study underscores the importance of combined
morphological and molecular analyses in order to resolve unstable systematic relationships among octocorals.
Received 10 December 2014, accepted 6 February 2015, published online 28 August 2015
Table 1. Taxonomic information and GenBank accession numbers for octocoral taxa and outgroups used for phylogenetic analyses
Taxa in bold represent newly sequenced individuals (this study); voucher numbers for these specimens are in parentheses following their genus/species
Table 1. (continued )
Table 1. (continued )
Leiopathes glaberrima (Antipatharia) (FJ597644) and Metridium members of the families Subergorgiidae (Subergorgia, Annella
senile (Actiniaria) (AF000023) were used for the MutS+COI and Rosgorgia) and Anthothelidae (Erythropodium, Anthothela,
dataset. For 28S, Nematostella vectensis (Actiniaria) Solenocaulon, Iciligorgia and Alertigorgia) were both
(AY345871), Montastraea franksi (Scleractinia) (AY026375) polyphyletic, with the anthothelid genera distributed within
and Leiopathes cf. expansa (Antipatharia) (FJ626241) were used. and outside the HA clade. Members of the Coralliidae and
Paragorgiidae grouped within a well-supported clade that
Morphological analyses showed a close phylogenetic affinity to Anthomastus ritteri
Standard morphological terminology for octocorals is used, (Alcyoniidae) and Paraminabea aldersladei (Alcyoniidae)
based on the glossary of Bayer et al. (1983). In addition, the (sensu AC clade; McFadden et al. 2006) with the mtMutS
abbreviation L : D is used to indicate the ratio of the length to +COI dataset (only Anthomastus ritteri with 28S). With
diameter of a sclerite. mtMutS+COI, the representative paragorgiids were not
monophyletic; both species of Sibogagorgia (S. dennisgordoni
Results and S. cauliflora) did not group with the Paragorgia spp., but
were sister to a clade containing the Paragorgia species and
Genomic DNA (gDNA) yields from NMNH scleractinian
the coralliids Paracorallium tortuosum, Corallium rubrum and
octocorals varied considerably. The greatest yields tended to
C. medea (Fig. 1A).
be from samples stored in 95% EtOH and/or collected within
Members of the anthothelid subfamily Anthothelinae
10 years. Genomic DNA was reliably recovered from dried
(Anthothela, Alertigorgia and Erythropodium) were polyphyletic
specimens >10 years old; however, fungal contamination was
with both datasets. The Anthothela species grouped together
common, and likely contributed to higher total gDNA yields as
within the HA clade but did not group with Alertigorgia sp.,
fungal nuclear rDNA was often preferentially amplified in many
and Erythropodium caribaeorum was an unresolved lineage
dried specimens. As a result, many scleraxonian specimens
outside the HA clade. Members of another anthothelid
were not sequenced for octocoral-specific 28S.
subfamily, Semperininae (Iciligorgia and Solenocaulon),
showed a close mutual phylogenetic relationship, and together
Phylogenetic reconstruction – Scleraxonia
with Azoriella bayeri and Cervera atlantica (both clavulariids)
Analyses of mitochondrial (mtMutS+COI) and nuclear (28S) were sister to a monophyletic melithaeid clade. Briareum
loci each recovered phylogenies congruent with previous asbestinum (family Briareidae) fell outside the HA clade and
studies (e.g. McFadden et al. 2006; McFadden and van grouped as a sister taxon to members the Spongiodermidae
Ofwegen 2012 2013) (Fig. 1). Both phylogenies contained (formerly in the anthothelid subfamily Spongioderminae).
supported clades consistent with the ‘Holaxonia–Alcyoniina’
(HA), ‘Anthomastus–Corallium’ (AC) and ‘Calcaxonia–
Pennatulacea’ (CP) clades discussed in McFadden et al. Spongiodermidae Wright & Studer,
(2006); however, the AC and CP clades were unresolved with 1889 (resurrected family)
28S (Fig. 1B). Neither dataset recovered a monophyletic With both mitochondrial and nuclear datasets, members of
Scleraxonia, but instead scattered many of the families and the family Spongiodermidae (Callipodium, Diodogorgia,
genera throughout the octocorallian phylogeny. For example, Homophyton, Titanideum and Sclerophyton, gen. nov.)
350 Invertebrate Systematics S. D. Cairns and H. H. Wirshing
formed a well-supported clade outside the HA clade that was their boundary canal systems in cross section (Fig. 3), more
sister to Briareum asbestinum. This clade was unresolved likely points to a lack of genetic resolution, or ‘false
among the other octocorallian taxa at deeper nodes with negatives’ (McFadden et al. 2011), among these taxa.
mtMutS+COI (Fig. 1A), but was sister to the HA clade with However, the minimal variation among sclerite morphologies
28S (Fig. 1B). Phylogenetic relationships among the between Sclerophyton and Titanideum makes these taxa
Spongiodermidae with mtMutS+COI were largely consistent difficult to distinguish (see ‘Taxonomy’). Nevertheless,
across all the reconstruction methods, and differed only with keeping S. bajaensis, sp. nov. in a separate genus sister to
the placement of Homophyton verrucosum with maximum Titanideum is likely a better representation of the biodiversity
parsimony (MP) and likelihood (ML and MB) analyses and evolutionary history within the Spongiodermidae.
(Fig. 2). For example, with BI and ML (Fig. 2A), In addition to the spongiodermids, and similar to other
H. verrucosum was sister to all of the spongiodermid studies (e.g. Aguilar-Hurtado et al. 2012; McFadden and van
genera. With MP (Fig. 2B), H. verrucosum was sister to a Ofwegen 2012, 2013; Reijnen et al. 2014), the melithaeids
clade containing Callipodium pacificum and Diodogorgia also formed a monophyletic clade. This clade was part of a
nodulifera. The remaining taxa, Titanideum frauenfeldii and larger well-supported clade containing three anthothelid taxa
Sclerophyton bajaensis, sp. nov., grouped in a separate sister (Iciligorgia, Solenocaulon and Alertigorgia) and two
clade. With all methods, Sclerophyton bajaensis, sp. nov. was alcyoniids (Azoriella and Cervera), and suggests a close
sister to Titanideum frauenfeldii, and Callipodium pacificum phylogenetic relationship among these morphologically
was sister to Diodogorgia nodulifera. disparate taxa. Increased taxon sampling, specifically with the
addition of the monotypic melithaeid genus Asperaxis (sensu
Reijnen et al. 2014), and additional morphological analyses
Discussion need to be performed to clarify the relationships among the
Phylogenetic analysis of taxa representing six scleraxonian taxa found in this clade.
families recovered several polyphyletic clades scattered Like other studies that have examined upper-level
throughout a larger octocorallian phylogeny. However, one of systematic relationships among octocorals (e.g. McFadden
the clades was consistent with a monophyletic Spongioderminae et al. 2006), this study highlights the limitation, yet relative
(subfamily within the Anthothelidae), but was resolved at the usefulness, of standard molecular markers and well-sampled
family level. In addition, this clade was sister to Briareum taxa to resolve enigmatic systematic relationships among
asbestinum, a member of the family Briareidae. This octocorals. Undoubtedly, the addition of novel markers,
relationship could be interpreted as B. asbestinum belonging most likely through the use of next-generation sequencing
to a more inclusive Spongiodermidae (resurrected family). techniques, will help resolve many of the recalcitrant
However, the genetic distance (uncorrected p) of B. asbestinum groups within the octocorallian phylogeny and enhance our
relative to the other spongiodermids was 3.9%, a value that understanding of this ecologically important and biologically
may seem low, but can be interpreted as relatively high for diverse group of marine organisms.
mitochondrial DNA in octocorals (McFadden et al. 2011; see
also Shearer et al. 2002). Additionally, the sclerite morphology
of B. asbestinum is generally distinct from those of the Taxonomy
spongiodermids. Therefore, these two indices suggest that
B. asbestinum most likely belongs to an evolutionary linage Order ALCYONACEA
that is sister to, but separate from, the spongiodermids at the
family level. Subordinal group SCLERAXONIA
The pairwise genetic distance between S. bajaensis, sp. nov.
and its sister taxon, Titanideum, was 0.9%. This value is above Family SPONGIODERMIDAE Wright & Studer, 1889
what is generally found for intraspecific variation in octocorals
(0.5%), but within the range of what can be considered as Spongioderminae Wright & Studer, 1889: xxxi (in part: not Iciligorgia).
separate congeneric species (McFadden et al. 2011). This Briareidae: Kükenthal, 1924: 9 (in part).
Spongiodermatidae Aurivillius, 1931: 16 (in part: not Suberia).
suggests that S. bajaensis, sp. nov. could be a species of
Spongiodermatinae Bayer, 1955: 208; 1956: F196; 1981: 945.—
Titanideum; however, the genetic distance between Callipodium Williams, 1992a: 186.
and Diodogorgia, also inter-oceanic taxa and with greater Type genus: Spongioderma Kölliker, 1871 (=Homophyton).
morphological differentiation, was 0.6%. Thus, although a
strict interpretation of an octocoral ‘barcode’ suggests minimal
taxonomic diversity among these four genera (Titanideum, Diagnosis
Sclerophyton, Callipodium and Diodogorgia), the presence of Monomorphic Scleraxonia with its medulla surrounded by a
discernable contrasting morphologies, most notably among ring of longitudinal solenial (boundary) canals; a secondary
Fig. 1. Molecular phylogenies: (A) mtMutS+COI; (B) 28S. Scleraxonian taxa are colour coded by family (see legend), and newly sequenced individuals
contain their USNM ID. Each phylogeny was generated using Bayesian inference (BI), maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum parsimony (MP). Node
support for BI, ML and MP is shown from left to right. Clades with support <50 for maximum likelihood and parsimony, and <0.80 for Bayesian posterior
probabilities were collapsed to the next well-supported clade; ‘–’ represents less than the threshold for that method or not following the branching topology for
that method.
Spongiodermidae and phylogeny of Scleraxonia Invertebrate Systematics 351
Fig. 1. (continued)
352 Invertebrate Systematics S. D. Cairns and H. H. Wirshing
Fig. 1. (continued)
Spongiodermidae and phylogeny of Scleraxonia Invertebrate Systematics 353
Fig. 2. Phylogenies depicting phylogenetic relationships among the Spongiodermidae with the mtMutS+COI dataset. (A) Phylogram generated by Bayesian
inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML). (B) Cladogram generated by maximum parsimony (MP). With BI and ML, Homophyton verrucosum was sister
to all of the spongiodermid genera. With MP, H. verrucosum was sister to a clade containing Callipodium pacificum and Diodogorgia nodulifera. See Fig. 1
for node support explanation.
ring canal system may also separate inner from outer cortex. scleraxonian families being the unconsolidated axis (medulla)
Medullar sclerites stout rods, often bifurcate, branched, and/or of its genera.
spiny; cortical sclerites always include radiates, and may include The first modern account of the scleraxonian families was
spindles, ovals and double heads. that of Aurivillius (1931), who divided the suborder into eight
families or subfamilies, a classification that is currently used.
He also provided useful keys to the scleraxonian families and
Remarks genera within each family. He elevated the spongiodermids to
Three of the five previously known spongiodermid genera the family rank for the first time and considered it to be a new
were described between 1864 and 1869, another in 1919, and family, but according to the International Code of Zoological
the fifth in 1955, thus the generic complement of the family Nomenclature, this must be considered as an elevation of
has been fairly stable for a long time and subject to the evaluation Wright and Studer’s (1889) subfamily Spongioderminae and
of the four comprehensive revisions of the Octocorallia, i.e. thus take Wright and Studer’s name and date. The correct
Wright and Studer (1889), Kükenthal (1924) and Bayer spelling of the elevation to family status would then be
(1956, 1981). Nonetheless, Kölliker (1871) was the first to Spongiodermidae, not Spongiodermatidae, as later advocated
notice the resemblance of Titanideum and Spongioderma by Aurivillius (1931) and Bayer (1956). Aurivillius (1931)
(=Homophyton), but placed them in the associated defined the family as having monomorphic polyps, an axis
scleraxonian family Briareidae. (medulla) that was non-jointed, not cemented together and not
In the first comprehensive classification of the Octocorallia, penetrated by solenial canals (instead the canals form rings in
Wright and Studer (1889) divided the scleraxonian section of the cortex), and with at least some cortical radiate sclerites.
the Gorgonacea into four families, one of these four families, Despite Aurivillius’ reasoning, Bayer (1955, 1956, 1981),
the Briareidae, with two subfamilies, the Briareinae and without explanation, downgraded the spongiodermids to the
the Spongioderminae, the latter containing Titanideum, subfamily grade, sharing the family Anthothelidae with the
Spongioderma (=Homophyton) and Iciligorgia. Thus, the subfamilies Anthothelinae and Semperininae. Essentially he
proper authorship of the family-group name Spongiodermidae distinguished the Spongioderminae from the other two
should be attributed to Wright and Studer (1889), not Aurivillius subfamilies by its cortical radiates and branching medullar
(1931), as is common. Subfamily Briareinae was distinguished rods. Contemporary classifications (e.g. Williams and Cairns
from the Spongioderminae by having solenial canals in the 2014) have followed that classification.
medulla, the latter not. A similarity to Callipodium was However, as discussed above, genetic analysis of mitochondrial
mentioned, but that encrusting genus was placed by Wright and nuclear loci support the spongiodermid genera (with the
and Studer (1889) in the rather distant family Cornulariidae in exception of Tripalea, not used in this study) as a monophyletic
the order Alcyonacea. clade at the family level, that is sister to the family Briareidae.
Kükenthal’s (1924) revision of the Gorgonaria was somewhat Thus, the family level taxon Spongiodermidae is resurrected, as
of a step backwards in that he lumped 14 scleraxonian genera first suggested by Wright and Studer (1889). There are now
into the Briareidae, including those now assigned to the nine families considered to fall within the scleraxonian group:
Spongiodermidae, Briareidae, Anthothelidae and Paragorgiidae, six families with an unconsolidated axis (Briareidae,
the character distinguishing this family from the other three Anthothelidae, Spongiodermidae, Subergorgiidae, Paragorgiidae
354 Invertebrate Systematics S. D. Cairns and H. H. Wirshing
Medulla Medulla
Cortex Cortex
(E) Tripalea
Fig. 3. (A–E) Diagrammatic representations of the relative sizes and positions of the
medulla, cortex, and inner and outer circles of ring canals. Diagnosis
8BB26AD1 Colonies unbranched or sparsely branched from basal region,
with long ascending branches. Outer cortex composed of 3-
Material examined and 4-radiates and double heads; inner cortex composed of 4-,
Holotype: Turtle Bay, Baja California (Pacific side, approx. 27380 N, 5-, 6-, 7- and 8-radiates, these sclerites often elongate with a
114540 W), MEXICO, 15–18 m, xi.1959, USNM 1246057, coll. James neck region connecting sets of tubercles. Medulla composed of
Stewart. Paratypes: from type locality, six colonies and 23 branches, closely packed longitudinally arranged rods, often with bifurcate
USNM 1246058; Punta Hughes, Baja California (Pacific side, near tips and occasionally short medial branches. Two longitudinal
Magdalena Bay), MEXICO, 18 m, viii.1957, three colonies, USNM rings of boundary canals present, one delimiting outer from inner
1246059, coll. James Stewart. cortex, the other delimiting the inner cortex from the medulla.
Type locality Description of type species
Turtle Bay, Baja California (Pacific side), Mexico, 15–18 m. Colonies unbranched or sparsely branched, most long ascending
branches originating near colony base (Fig. 4D); colonies reach
Description up to 31 cm in height and 15 mm in basal branch diameter.
Colonies unbranched (Fig. 4B) or sparsely, dichotomously Calyces usually flush with branch surface. Colonies usually
branched (Fig. 4C), the latter with U-shaped axils, and in both uniformly yellow or orange, the latter sometimes with pale
cases the colony reaches up to 28 cm in height. Branch tips blunt yellow calyces, or pinkish-red, or rarely white. Cortex sclerites
to slightly clavate. Colonies have a thin encrusting base, the pink, medullar sclerites colourless. Thin outer cortex densely
356 Invertebrate Systematics S. D. Cairns and H. H. Wirshing
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Fig. 4. (A) Diodogorgia nodulifera, USNM 49705, Palm Beach, Florida, 73 m. (B) Sclerophyton bajaensis, USNM 1246059,
paratype. (C) Sclerophyton bajaensis, USNM 1246057, holotype. (D) Titanideum frauenfeldii, USNM 60410, Cape Hatteras,
packed with 3- and 4-radiates (Fig. 7C, F) and double heads (Figs 3B, 7B), consisting of 10–12 contiguous, relatively large
(Fig. 7G), the former 0.038–0.09 mm in length, the latter (0.15 mm in diameter) canals that border the medulla. Outer ring
0.044–0.068 mm in length. Inner cortex composed of larger 4- canal system somewhat indistinct (Figs 3B, 7A), consisting of
to 8-radiates (0.11–0.19 mm in length), the tubercles often more numerous, smaller (0.075–0.10 mm in diameter), non-
separated by a short neck region and thus approximating a contiguous canals lying only ~0.15 mm beneath branch
tuberculate spindle (Fig. 7H); these sclerites have an L : D ratio surface, distinguishing outer from inner cortex.
of up to 1.6. Relatively small medullar region composed of
densely packed longitudinally arranged rods (Fig. 7B, D, E)
0.22–0.36 mm in length. These rods usually distally bifurcate Remarks
and may also have short lateral branches; rods relatively smooth Among the four spongiodermid genera with two longitudinal
and have few tubercles. Inner ring canal system well defined ring canal systems (Table 2), Titanideum is unique in having
Spongiodermidae and phylogeny of Scleraxonia Invertebrate Systematics 357
(A) (B)
(F )
Fig. 5. (A) Diodogorgia nodulifera, USNM 1147814, Discovery Bay, Jamaica, 82 m. (B) Callipodium pacificum, YPM 588,
Panama, syntype. (C) Tripalea clavaria, USNM 43421, 36420 S, 56230 W, 21 m. (D) Homophyton verrucosum, USNM 1091355,
29270 S, 31310 E, 68 m. (E) Callipodium rubens, USNM 50523, off Freeport, Texas, 9.1 m. (F) Tripalea clavaria, MNRJ 5478,
–2358’06.0000'', -04529’26.4000'' 2358.10 S, 4529.440 W, 45 m.
double heads in its outer cortex. It is further compared to The genus Paratitanideum Kükenthal, 1919: 84 (in part,
Sclerophyton in the account of that genus. type species Titanideum friabilis Nutting, 1911, by subsequent
Useful descriptions, comments and/or illustrations of the designation (Kükenthal 1924)) was placed in the Semperinidae
type species can be found in: Verrill (1864a), Kükenthal by Aurivillius (1931).
(1919, 1924), Deichmann (1936), Bayer (1961), Cairns and
Bayer (2009), and DeVictor and Morton (2010). Its Other species
distribution is: North Carolina to Cuba, and south-east Gulf of ?Titanideum obscurum Thomson, 1927: Azores, 1250 m.
Mexico, 13–293 m. Although not examined, the illustrations in the original
358 Invertebrate Systematics S. D. Cairns and H. H. Wirshing
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
(E) (F )
Fig. 6. (A–G) Sclerophyton bajaensis, paratype, USNM 1246058: (A) stereo view of branch cross section showing inner and outer ring canals; (B) stereo view
of polyp cross section in the outer cortex; (C) stereo view of branch cross section showing cortex, medulla, ring canals and sponge sclerites encrusting the
branch; (D) stereo view of interlocking branched medullar rods; (E) 3- to 8-radiates from outer cortex; (F) 4- to 8-radiates with a short neck region, from inner
cortex; (G) medullar sclerite.
Spongiodermidae and phylogeny of Scleraxonia Invertebrate Systematics 359
(A) (B)
(C) (D) (E )
(F ) (H)
Fig. 7. (A–G) Titanideum frauenfeldii, USNM 49587, off Little River Reef, Florida, 14 m; USNM 8348, 35120 3000 N, 75250 W (Cape Hatteras), 88 m: (A) stereo
view of branch cross section showing inner and outer ring canals and longitudinal section of five polyps; (B) stereo view of medulla surrounded by inner ring
canal; (C) stereo view of radiates in outer cortex; (D) branched medullar rods in situ; (E) branched medullar rods; (F) 3- and 4-radiates from outer cortex;
(G) double heads from outer cortex; (H) 4- to 8-radiates with neck region from inner cortex.
360 Invertebrate Systematics S. D. Cairns and H. H. Wirshing
between layers)
which would not be consistent with this genus. It is also quite
No ring canals
deep for this family.
Bifurcate rods
Western Atlantic (North Carolina to Cuba, Gulf of Mexico),
?Azores, 13–293-?1250 m.
up to 5.5), vacuous
Spiny spindles (L : W
Tuberculate spindles,
Diodogorgia Kükenthal, 1919: 96, 97; 1924: 36; Aurivillius, 1931: 16, 18,
19; Deichmann, 1936: 85, 86; Stiasny, 1937: 67; Bayer, 1956: F196;
Bayer, 1961: 71, 72; Bayer, 1981: 945; Williams, 1992a: 193.
Type species: Diodogorgia ceratosa Kükenthal, 1919, by subsequent
designation (Kükenthal, 1924) (=Solandaria nodulifera Hargitt in
Hargitt & Rogers, 1901 (senior synonym); =Solanderia cristata
Hargitt in Hargitt & Rogers, 1901; =Diodogorgia cervicornis
indistinct with small
Two rings: inner ring
Short, bifurcate rods
sparsely branched
Table 2. Comparison of the spongiodermatid genera
branches, one ring between outer and inner cortex (termed the
(L : W up to 1.55)
Bifurcate rods
sometimes fused
(L : W up to 1.6)
4- to 7-radiates,
Bifurcate rods,
Outer cortex
their adjacent canals within a ring are closely spaced (Figs 3C,
8A–C), canals of both rings circular to elliptical in outline and
Spongiodermidae and phylogeny of Scleraxonia Invertebrate Systematics 361
(A) (B)
(C) (G)
Fig. 8. (A, B, D, G, H) Diodogorgia nodulifera, USNM 49705 (see above – C, E, F, USNM 59128) off Little Cayman, 21.3 m: (A) stereo view of branch cross
section showing inner and outer ring canals, cortex and medulla; (B) stereo view of enlargement of cortex and part of inner and outer ring canal system; (C) stereo
view of branch longitudinal section showing cortex and medulla; (D) 3- to 6-radiates from outer cortex; (E) tuberculate spindles from outer cortex; (F) two
tuberculate spheroids from outer cortex; (G) elongate tuberculate spindles from inner cortex; (H) medullar rods.
362 Invertebrate Systematics S. D. Cairns and H. H. Wirshing
about the same size in both rings, i.e. 0.18–0.20 mm in greater cylinders up to 3 mm in height and ~1.7 mm in diameter, and
diameter. often of a different colour from branch, but they may also be
flush with branch surface when retracted. Colonies uniformly
Remarks yellow, pinkish-white, reddish-orange or dark red; calyces
Among the four spongiodermid genera with two longitudinal either white, yellow or red (Williams 1992a). Thin outer
ring canal systems (Table 2), Diodogorgia differs in having cortex (Fig. 9A, B) composed of 3- to 8-radiates (Fig. 9D)
well-developed tuberculate spindles in its cortex, as well as 0.048–0.12 mm in length or diameter. Inner cortex composed
various classes of radiates. of much larger and thicker sclerites called ovals (Fig. 9C, E) up
Useful descriptions, comments and/or illustrations of the to 0.28 mm in length and with an L : D ratio of only 2. Large
type species can be found in: Kükenthal (1919), Deichmann medullar region (Fig. 9A) composed of relatively short
(1936), Stiasny (1937), Verseveldt (1940), Bayer (1959, 1961), (0.12–0.29 mm in length), densely packed, longitudinally
Cairns and Bayer (2009), and DeVictor and Morton (2010). The arranged rods (Fig. 9F) that are relatively smooth and often
account by Verseveldt (1940) is by far the most exhaustive. distally bifurcate. Inner ring canal system that occurs at
Indeed, this is one of the better known and discussed octocoral boundary of medulla and inner cortex is indistinct, the small
species in the western Atlantic. DeVictor and Morton (2010) diameter canals measuring only ~0.16 mm in diameter. The
were the first and only to illustrate sclerites with SEM, which outer ring canal system, which separates the inner from the
we add to with stereo views of the ring canal, sclerites in situ, outer cortex, quite distinct (Figs 3D, 9A, B), composed of
and the various sclerite types. Its distribution includes, from large (up to 0.5 mm in diameter) canals.
north to south: Jacksonville, Florida, Bahamas, Greater and
Lesser Antilles, Panama and the northern coast of South Remarks
America to Surinam (Bayer 1961) at depths of 36–183 m. Among the four spongiodermid genera with two longitudinal
ring canal systems (Table 2), Homophyton is distinguished by
Other species having ovals in its inner cortex, and much larger diameter
Diodogorgia capensis (Thomson, 1911): off South Africa, canals in its outer ring than its inner ring.
80–90 m (see Williams 1992b: 397, fig. 23A). Homophyton was resurrected by Bayer (1981) to replace
?Diodogorgia sibogae Stiasny (1941: 67): South Africa, Spongioderma, based on priority of description.
Indonesia, 73 m. Useful descriptions, comments and/or illustrations of the
type species can be found in: Möbius (1861), Gray (1866),
Distribution Kükenthal (1919, 1924) and Williams (1992a, 1993), the most
complete accounts provided by Kükenthal (1919) and Williams
Western Atlantic (from Florida throughout Greater and Lesser
Antilles, eastern Gulf of Mexico, Panama, northern coast of
S. America to Surinam), South Africa, ?Indonesia; 36–183 m. Other species
Genus Homophyton Gray, 1866 The genus is monotypic. Juncella elongata var. capensis
Hickson, 1904, once placed in Spongioderma, is now placed
(Figs 3D, 5D, 9A–F)
in Ideogorgia (see Williams 1992a), and Spongioderma chunii
Solanderia: Möbius, 1861: 3. Kükenthal, 1908 is considered to be a junior synonym of
Homophyton Gray, 1866: 27, fig. 2; Bayer, 1981: 945; Williams, 1992a: H. verrucosum.
186, 187.
Spongioderma Kölliker, 1871: 14 (type species: Solanderia verrucosa Distribution
Möbius, 1861, by monotypy); Wright & Studer, 1889: xxxiv;
Kükenthal, 1919: 89–91; 1924: 34; Aurivillius, 1931: 18; Bayer, South Africa, southern Mozambique, 0–168 m (Williams 1992b:
1956: F196. 397, fig. 24b).
Type species: Homophyton gattyiae Gray, 1866, by monotypy
(=Solanderia verrucosa Möbius, 1861, the senior synonym). Genus Tripalea Bayer, 1955
(Figs 3E, 5C, F, 10A–F)
Suberia Studer, 1878: 666 (in part: S. clavaria); Kükenthal, 1919: 85
Colonies unbranched or sparsely dichotomously branched. Outer (in part); 1924 (in part).
cortex composed of small 3- to 8-radiates and tuberculate Tripalea Bayer, 1955: 208, 209; Bayer, 1956: F196; 1961: 70; 1981: 911,
spheroids; inner cortex composed of much larger ovals. 945.
Medulla composed of closely packed longitudinally arranged Type species: Suberia clavaria Studer, 1878, by original designation.
rods, often bifurcate at their ends. Two longitudinal rings of
boundary canals present, the inner ring indistinct. Diagnosis
Colonies unbranched, branch tips clavate. Outer cortex composed
Description of type species of tuberculate spheroids and tuberculate and girdled spindles;
Colonies unbranched or sparsely branched in a dichotomous inner cortex spongy, composed of spiny spindles. Medulla
fashion (Fig. 5D), colonies attaining a height of 42 cm with a composed of closely packed longitudinally arranged rods,
basal branch diameter of 15 mm. Branch tips attenuate to blunt often bifurcate at their ends. Only one longitudinal ring canal
(not clavate). Calyces often protuberant (Fig. 5D), expressed as system, located at the boundary of medulla and inner cortex.
Spongiodermidae and phylogeny of Scleraxonia Invertebrate Systematics 363
(A) (B)
(D) (C)
(F )
Fig. 9. (A–E) Homophyton verrucosum, USNM 1091355 (see above), (F) USNM 53882, 31380 4800 S, 29340 2400 E, 48 m. (A) Stereo view of branch cross
section showing large canals of outer ring and much smaller canals of inner ring, and central medulla; (B) Ssereo view of branch cross section showing
boundary between outer and inner cortex and two large longitudinal ring canals of outer ring; (C) stereo view of an inner cortex oval; (D) 3- to 8-radiates from
outer cortex; (E) ovals from inner cortex; (F) medullar rods.
364 Invertebrate Systematics S. D. Cairns and H. H. Wirshing
(A) (B)
(F )
Fig. 10. (A, B, F) Tripalea clavaria, USNM 43421 (see above), (C–E) USNM 84390, Mar de Plata, depth unknown. (A) Stereo longitudinal view of distal
branch showing several polyps and a longitudinal canal; (B) stereo view of branch cross section showing single ring canal system, medulla and cortex;
(C) girdled spindles from outer cortex; (D) tuberculate spheroid from outer cortex; (E) spiny spindles from inner cortex; (F) medullar rods.
Spongiodermidae and phylogeny of Scleraxonia Invertebrate Systematics 365
(A) (C)
(E )
(F )
Fig. 11. (A, C–F) Callipodium rubens, USNM 50523 (see above), (B) Callipodium pacificum, YPM 588, syntype. (A) Stereo view of girdled tuberculate
spindles from cortex; (B) 7- to 8-radiates from cortex; (C) tuberculate girdled spindles; (D) branched spindles from cortex; (E) ovals from cortex; (F)
medullar rod?
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