Cic2601 2023 TL 101 0 B (70636)
Cic2601 2023 TL 101 0 B (70636)
Cic2601 2023 TL 101 0 B (70636)
Year Module
Open Rubric
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 5
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES............................................................................................. 5
2.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Outcomes ............................................................................................................................ 6
3 CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION ................................................................................. 6
4 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS ......................................................................... 7
4.1 Lecturer(s) ........................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Department ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 University ............................................................................................................................ 7
5 RESOURCES ..................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Prescribed book(s) .............................................................................................................. 7
5.2 Recommended book(s) ....................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) .......................................................................................... 8
5.4 Library services and resources information ......................................................................... 8
6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ...................................................................................... 9
6.1 First-Year Experience Programme @ Unisa ........................................................................ 9
7 STUDY PLAN ..................................................................................................................... 9
8 PRACTICAL WORK ......................................................................................................... 10
9 ASSESSMENT.................................................................................................................. 10
9.1 Assessment criteria ........................................................................................................... 10
9.2 Assessment plan ............................................................................................................... 10
9.3 Assignment due dates ....................................................................................................... 11
9.4 Submission of assignments ............................................................................................... 11
9.5 The assignment ................................................................................................................. 12
9.6 Other assessment methods ............................................................................................... 23
9.7 The examination ................................................................................................................ 23
9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring …………………………………………………………………………………………….24
10 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY ............................................................................................... 24
10.1 Plagiarism ......................................................................................................................... 24
10.2 Cheating ............................................................................................................................ 24
10.3 More information about plagiarism can be downloaded from the link below ....................... 24
11 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY ........................................................................................ 24
Dear Student
We are pleased to welcome you to the module CIC2601 and hope that you will find it both
interesting and rewarding. We will do our best to make your study of this module successful. You
will be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the year and resolve to do the
assignments properly.
You will receive several tutorial letters during the year. A tutorial letter is our way of communicating
with you about teaching, learning and assessment.
This tutorial letter (101) contains important information about the scheme of work, resources, and
assignments for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when working
through the study material, preparing the assignments, preparing for the examination, and
addressing questions to your lecturers.
In this tutorial letter, you will find the assignments and assessment criteria, as well as instructions
on the preparation and submission of the assignments. It also provides all the information you
need regarding the prescribed study material, other resources and how to obtain them. Please
study this information carefully and make sure that you obtain the prescribed material as soon as
We have also included general and administrative information about this module. Please study this
section of the tutorial letter carefully.
Right from the start, we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive
during the year immediately and carefully as they always contain important, and sometimes urgent,
We hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you all the best!
Mr S Mampa
Ms MV Chuene
Dear Student
As part of this tutorial letter, we wish to inform you that Unisa has implemented a
transformation charter based on five pillars and eight dimensions. In response to this
charter, we have also placed curriculum transformation high on the agenda. For your
information, curriculum transformation includes the following pillars: student-centred
scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the
scholarship of teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and
philosophies. These pillars and their principles will be integrated at both the programme
and module levels as a phased-in approach. You will notice the implementation thereof in
your modules, and we encourage you to fully embrace these changes during your studies
at Unisa.
We trust that you will find the module CIC2601 (Computer integration in the classroom) both
exciting and valuable. The course lecturer(s) will be available to help you study successfully. You
are advised to be proactive and study the course material immediately after receiving this Tutorial
Letter 501, which contains important information about computer integration in the classroom. You
can be sure of the lecturers’ professional guidance and support. We trust that, after completing this
module, you will have acquired technological knowledge, technological content knowledge, and
technological pedagogical knowledge to assist you in your teaching and learning.
Because CIC2601 is an online module, all deliberations will be online through the Unisa learning
management system (LMS). You will need to use myUnisa to study and complete the learning
activities. Please visit the module website for CIC2601-23-Y1 on myUnisa frequently.
2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this module is to introduce you to the world of computers and related technologies
so that you can become a computer literate teacher. You will learn about the integration of ICTs in
South African schools; support with the integration of ICTs in classroom activities; computer
vocabulary regarding hardware, software, processing, and networks (including the internet); the
various applications of computer and related technologies in education; and ways to use computer
technology in the classroom to enhance your own teaching and your learners’ learning.
2.2 Outcomes
After you have completed this module, you should be able to do the following:
• Discuss and evaluate the appropriate use of ICTs from a historical and current South
African perspective.
• Explain how ICTs are integrated in the South African context.
• Compare the use of ICTs based on research reports and articles in the field.
• Identify various role players in the effective integration of ICTs in classroom activities.
• Discuss how roles are implemented and how supportive role players are in the use of ICTs
in a school context.
• Justify the roles according to ICT theory, for example, the Activity Theory.
• Name and discuss the three literacies of computers, information and integration.
• Evaluate software programs and website for use in teaching and learning.
• Identify and discuss computer security risks, safeguards in the use of ICT, and computer
ethics for teachers.
Unisa has implemented a transformation charter based on five pillars and eight dimensions. In
response to this charter, we have placed curriculum transformation high on the teaching and
learning agenda. Curriculum transformation includes the following pillars: student-centred
scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of
teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. These pillars
and their principles will be integrated at both programme and module levels according to a phased-
in approach. You will notice a marked change in the teaching and learning strategy implemented
by Unisa, together with how the content is conceptualised in your modules. We encourage you to
embrace these changes during your studies at Unisa in a responsive way within the framework of
4.1 Lecturer(s)
: Ms MV Chuene
4.2 Department
4.3 University
If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this
module, please consult the brochure Study @ Unisa that you received with your study
material. This brochure contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to
whom you can write for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers,
addresses, and the times certain facilities are open).
Always have your student number at hand when you contact the university. The details are
as follows:
• E-mail: [email protected]
Shelly, G, Gunter, GA & Gunter, RA. 2012. Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating
Technology in a Connected World. 7th edition. United States: Cengage Learning Boston.
NB: Unisa will not provide your with the prescribed textbook. YOU MUST BUY IT AT
AN OFFICIAL UNISA BOOKSELLER. Please refer to the list of official booksellers
and their addresses in the brochure Study @ Unisa. If you have difficulties in
obtaining the book from these booksellers, please contact Unisa’s Prescribed Book
Section at 012 429 4152 or e-mail them at [email protected].
Recommended guides:
It has all the tips and information you need to succeed at Unisa.
For many students, the transition from school education to tertiary education is quite
difficult. This is also true for first-time students to Unisa. Unisa is an open distance and e-
learning institution and somewhat different from face-to-face or contact institutions.
Because we are a mega university, all our programmes are offered in a blended-learning
or fully online learning mode. It is for this reason that we thought it necessary to offer our
first-time students additional support so that they can effortlessly navigate the Unisa
teaching and learning journey. We refer to this student support programme as Unisa’s
First-Year Experience (FYE) Programme. The FYE conveys helpful information about our
services and how you can access information. The following FYE programmes are
currently offered:
• FYE website: All the guides and resources you need to navigate through your first
year at Unisa can be accessed using the following
• FYE e-mails: You will receive regular e-mails to help you stay focused and
• FYE broadcasts: You will receive e-mails with links to broadcasts on various topics
related to your first-year studies (e.g. videos on how to submit assignments online).
• FYE mailbox: For assistance with queries related to your first year of study, send an
e-mail to [email protected].
The brochure Study @ Unisa also contains valuable information on general time
management and planning skills, and where to begin with your studies. Please take some
time to read through the 11 steps suggested in this document.
It is suggested that you note down the due dates for all the assignments you have to
submit and compile a study plan according to these dates. You may use the following as a
guideline for planning your studies for CIC2601:
Period Activity
January to June Familiarise yourself with the assignments for this semester and the
required study material by scanning through the assignments in this
tutorial letter and the study guideline.
July to November Study the study units relevant to Assignments 03 and 04.
Complete and submit Assignments 03 and 04 on time.
Remember to take part in the discussion forum on myUnisa.
Apart from the assignments, no practical work or work-integrated learning is required.
9.1 Assessment criteria
You must complete four (4) compulsory assignments for this module on or before the
specified due dates.
• The due dates and way to submit your assignments will be available on the
myUnisa site for your module.
• The assignments are also available on the myUnisa site for this module.
• This module is based on continuous assessment, which means that your marks for
the four assignments will determine if you pass this module.
• Continuous assessment means that you are not going to write an examination, and
that all the assignments that you have completed throughout the year will contribute
towards your final mark. Continuous assessment refers to the ongoing periodic and
systematic assessment of students by means of a variety of assessment methods
• You need an average of 50% for all your assignments (which will be your year
mark) to pass this module.
First semester
Second semester
NB: If you were unable to submit Assignments 02 or 03 for any valid reason, you may
submit Assignment 05. This concession does not apply to Assignments 01 and 04.
They must be submitted and may not be substituted by any of the other assignments.
• No assignment due dates are given in this tutorial letter. The due dates will be
available on myUnisa, Unisa’s Learning Management System.
• Assignment due dates will be made known on the landing page of CIC2601 on the
Moodle site. We envisage that the due dates will be available upon registration.
• Please start working on your assignments as soon as you have registered for the
• At Unisa, modules are either blended (we use a combination of printed and online
material to engage with you) or online (all information is available on the internet). In
all online engagement, we use myUnisa as our virtual campus.
• The myUnisa virtual campus is a new learning management system. This online
system is used to administer, document, and deliver educational material and
support engagement with you.
• Look for information from your lecturer and on other Unisa platforms to access the
virtual myUnisa module site.
• Information on the tools to engage with your lecturer and fellow students and
support your learning will also be communicated on various platforms.
• Additional information on the use of the myUnisa site for this module, as well as
features to engage and communicate with your lecturer and other students, will also
be made available on the online site for the module.
• Therefore, log on to the myUnisa site for this module for more information on where
to complete and/or upload your assignments and how to communicate with your
As indicated in section 9.2, you need to complete four compulsory assignments for this
Assignment 02: Written
A.1. Download the Computer Application Technology Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS)
B.1. Set an assessment (Quiz) using those questions used in a lesson plan under “assessment during the
lesson” Kahoot (Research about Kahoot).
B.2. 1. Take screenshots of Kahoot quiz and paste them into the Microsoft word and
3. save as PDF.
C.1. Create a PowerPoint presentation for the lesson plan you have designed on Part A. (Min slides: 10)
C.2. Format
a. Title slide
b. Introduction slide
c. Content slide
d. Summary slide
C.3. Choose any design
C.4. Insert header and footer. (Header: lesson Area Topic and Sub-topic| Footer: Student initials, Surname,
and student number)
C.5. Record a voice-over on the presentation.
C.6. Save as MP4 video (less than 5MB)
C.7. See Rubric attached below.
a. Merge both PDF files (the Lesson plan and the Kahoot quiz)
b. Create a PowerPoint presentation with a voice-over and save it as MP4 (size: less than 5MB)
c. Put these files(Lesson Plan, Kahoot quiz and PowerPoint) in a zipfile and submit them as one
zip file. Rename with student Surname, Initial(s) and student number.
Name, explain and motivate the teaching method that you are going to follow and apply. (3)
Lesson phases
Design 10
Relevance 10
Total Mark
Mark obtained
Design 1
Title slide 1
Introduction slide 1
Content 4
Summary 2
Header 1
Computer skills 10
• Voice over - 5
Assignment 03: Written
• Read the following statements and answer the questions that follow.
• Number the answers according to the numbering system used on this assignment.
There are role players in the effective integration of ICTS in classrooms…. Each of these
role players will play a different role in supporting the integration of Technology in the
1.1. Name and discuss ANY EIGHT (8) Role player and Responsibility in ICT
integration (24)
The responsibilities of the ICT coordinator are to encourage the use of ICT in teaching
and learning at the school. However, the teachers keep on teaching in the traditional
1.2. Mention ANY THREE (3) reasons why teachers do not integrate ICT in their
classrooms. (3)
ICT theories helps identified and explored the roles and responsibilities of a variety of
stakeholders when implementing ICT in the classroom. Activity theory (Engeström,
1987) was selected to demonstrate the roles and support when teachers integrate ICT in
classroom environments.
1.4. Name three (3) elements that Engeström amended Vygotsky’s triangle of mediated
action (3)
Teachers complained that learners do not bring their textbooks to class. Learners cannot
complete their homework in the time allocated, because they do not have their books
with them. In order to solve the problem, the principal in collaboration with the
department of education, the school management team and the school governing body
decided to buy tablets for each class. All the learning material has been loaded on the
tablets. The tablets remain in the class and the learners can access the e-books while
they are busy with their homework.
1.5. Identify all the components of the activity system mentioned in the passage above
and add them to the activity system framework shown below (14)
Component Examples
Division of labour
2.1. Identify the two commonly known file extensions for the following:
2.2. Study the diagram below and name the items labelled (1-7) (7)
Address bar refers to the text field in a web browser that identifies the user’s location on
the web and allows them to access different websites. Address bar shows the Uniform
Resource locator (URL) of a particular website.
2.3. Name THREE (3) parts of the URL below
3.1. In your own words differentiate between Blended learning and Mobile learning (4)
Literacy in the 21st century is about constructing and validating knowledge. Digital
technologies have enabled the spread of all kinds of information, displacing traditional
formats of usually more carefully curated information such as encyclopaedias and
3.2. Name and discuss THREE (3) Computer-related 21st century literacies. (6)
3.3. Study the diagram of a desktop computer below and answer the questions that
3.3.1. Identify the various components of the 21st-century desktop computer and create a
link between components identified on how they communicate. You will have to
match two components out of the 10 components (e.g., 11 and 12 etc), which
means you will have a total of 5 matched components, your answer should be in the
format as shown in the example below:
Identified Component
11 : CPU✓✓
12 : North Bridge✓✓
Linked Communication
TOTAL: [100]
Assignment 04: MCQ
The are no other formal assessments, except the assessments mentioned in 9.5.
Because this is a continuous assessment module, there will be no formal examination. What is
important is that you do well in each of the assignments. If your marks are not satisfactory, you
need to contact the lecturer to discuss options to improve them.
9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring
Since 2020 Unisa conducts all its assessments online. Given stringent requirements from
professional bodies and increased solicitations of Unisa’s students by third parties to
unlawfully assist them with the completion of assignments and examinations, the
University is obliged to assure its assessment integrity through the utilisation of various
proctoring tools: Turnitin, Moodle Proctoring, the Invigilator App and IRIS. These tools will
authenticate the student’s identity and flag suspicious behaviour to assure credibility of
students’ responses during assessments. The description below is for your benefit as you
may encounter any or all of these in your registered modules:
The Moodle Proctoring tool is a facial recognition software that authenticates students’
identity during their Quiz assessments. This tool requires access to a student’s mobile or
laptop camera. Students must ensure their camera is activated in their browser settings
prior to their assessments.
IRIS Invigilation software verifies the identity of a student during assessment and
provides for both manual and automated facial verification. It has the ability to record and
review a student’s assessment session. It flags suspicious behaviour by the students for
review by an academic administrator. IRIS software requires installation on students’
laptop devices that are enabled with a webcam.
Students who are identified and flagged for suspicious dishonest behaviour arising from
the invigilation and proctoring reports are referred to the disciplinary office for formal
Please note:
Students must refer to their module assessment information on their myModule sites to
determine which proctoring or invigilation tool will be utilised for their formative and
summative assessments.
10.1 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of presenting the words, ideas and thoughts of others as your own. It
is a form of theft and involves several dishonest academic activities such as the following:
10.2 Cheating
10.3 More information about plagiarism can be downloaded from the link below
The Advocacy and Resource Centre for Students with Disabilities ARCSWiD) encourages
staff to interact with new and returning students with disabilities.
• If you are a student with a disability and would like additional support or need
additional time for assessments, you are invited to contact me (Samuel Mampa) at
[email protected] for assistance.
We wish you all the best with your preparation for the examination. Please do not hesitate
to contact us if you experience any problems in your studies.
I (full names):
Declare that…
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone
else’s work, whether a printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the
proper acknowledgement and include a complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of
submitting it as his or her own work.
UNISA 2023