Doping 10

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rraining and Doping in Sports

------:-..-,------:---~ LEARNING OBJECTIVES

After completion of the chapter, students will learn and will be able to know about the:
concept and Principles of Sports Training
1. d
. Training Load: Over Loa , Adaptation, and Recovery
_concept of Doping and its Disadvantages

Sports training ~s ~ndi~pensab_le in the field ~f ~a~es an~ sports. In fact, without
ppropriate tra1n1ng 1n the field of sports 1t 1s 1mposs1ble to reach to the top
aosition. Owing to this reason, sports training is widely used in this field.
~ports training, directly or indirectly , aims at improvin g the personali ty of a
sportsperson, which ultimatel y helps in enhancin g his/her sports performa nce.


The word 'Training ' is not new; people have been using this word since archaic
period. Training means the process of preparati on for some task. But in the field
of sports, our main task is fitness and condition ing for sports and games. It is
only due to this reason that this term is mostly used in sports and games. So, it
is called 'sports training'. The concepts of 'training' and sportsma n's 'preparat ion'
seem to coincide, but are not identical. Preparati on is broader both in volume
and content. In fact, preparati on is a complex process and directly influence s
, the sportsperson's developm ent and ensures the necessar y degree of readiness
for success. This complex system includes: sports training, sports competit ions
(as a form of preparati on), special nutrition , etc. Sports training is the main
~o~ponent and the basic form of preparin g the sportsper son. In other words,
~his a systemati cally planned preparati on with the help of various exercises .
e content of sports training includes all the basic types of preparati on of the
~po~tsperson. Systemat ic training improves the athlete's fitness level. It is the
e:sis ~f his/her prepared ness for achievem ents in the field of sports. The physical
de:r~ises which are used in training have a profound effect on the physical
e 0 Pment of an athlete.
1RAINrN ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r . - -
exercises does not ensure fu
~ut the syst ema tic and regu lar use of physical
r factors which are n rther
imp rove men t in the performance. The re are othe
reha bilit atio n treatmeec:ssary
for good perf orm ance in spor ts such as special
titions, mea ns of assessn s, Use
of supp lem enta ry, extr a-tra inin g, extra-compe • a1 factors, etc. So itnent of
• , spec1a • • , psych o1og1c
• 1 nutr ition
I per£orm ance capacity
to achi eve the best resu lts, all the abov e-m enti oned fact ors are
to be u~e: ;der
I a 0 ng
I with phy sica l exer cise .
ialis ed process of all-r nd
Spo rts train ing mus t be und erst ood as a spec
arat ion of spor tspe rson °~
phy sica l stre ngth enin g aim ed at the prep
trai ning is a systematics or
perf orm ance in gam es and spor ts. Spo rts
for a long er dura tion . Sp a~d8
regu lar proc ess, whi ch is gen eral ly used
if we wan t to get good res: t
train ing shou ld be base d on scientific facts
ld be base d on the results 0
in competition. If that is not possible, it shou
successful practices.

Def init ion s of Spo rts Tra inin g

erst and the meaning of sports
The following definitions may be helpful to und
train ing:
the basic form of preparation of
According to Mat wej ew, "Sports trai ning is
spor tsme n.."
plan ned and controlled process
According to Mar tin, "Sports trai ning is a
plex spor ts motor performance,
in whic h, for achi evin g a goal, changes in com
mea sure s of content, methods and
abil ity to act and beha viou r are mad e thro ugh
orga nisa tion ."
d on scientific knowledge, and a
According to Har re, "Sports trai ning is base
h, thro ugh syst ema tic effect on
peda gogi cal process of sports perfection whic
ance readiness, aim s at leading
psyc ho-p hysi cal perf orm ance abil ity and perform
a spor tsma n to top level of performance."
Spo rts train ing is a syst ema tic process with
the objective of improving an
term process that is progressive
athl ete's fitness in a selected activity. It is a long
capabilities. Sports training
and recognises the individual athl ete's need s and
the qual ities required for an
prog ram mes use exercise or practice to develop
even t.
on scientific principles. It helps
So, it can be said that spor ts train'ing is base d
in spor ts competitions. Sports
in prep arin g a spor tsma n for apex performance st
evement in sports. But, highe
train ing is a mai n elem ent to get the high est achi
this train ing; othe r factors also
achi evem ent cann ot be achieved only thro ugh
in prep arin g the sportsperson,
play maj or roles. But, it is a given fact that
ing plays an important role. All
basi cally for high level competitions, spor ts train
othe r factors seem to be useless in its absence.
Pri nci ple s of Spo rts Training
arin g sportspersons foI
In fact, spor ts train ing is an intri cate process of prep nd only on successfu
high er performances. The whole process does
not depe
~- 7

(' . g practice but on the findings of sports medicine sports biomech anics,
• 10 '
trt11:ise physiol~gy~ s~orts psych?logy, etc. The knowled ge from the above-
eie . 1 ed sub-d1sc1phnes of physical educatio n has to be applied into actual
JlleJlt~o: The principl es of sports training assist in the task of applyin g the
pr~~;~dge of thesed~ub-:iscipl£ines into practice. These principl es of sports
l{Jl. ·og serve as 1rec 1ves or the coaches and sportsp ersons. For the
trtl lation of the training process, the importa nt principles of training are
t rJllU
iO cribed below. - - - -
des The Princip le of Contin uity: According to this principle, training should
1• be
a continuous process. There should not be any break. In fact, there should
00t be a long period of inactivi ty. It has been observe d that disconti nuity of
training reduces the physiological capaciti es of sportspe rsons. Along this,
the interval between two training sessions should be maximu m but not too
2, The Princip le of Overlo ad: The principle of overload states that there
should be greater than normal load on the body as required for training
adaptat ion to take place. It means that the training load should be
increased for improvi ng the performance of sportspe rsons. The normal
training load cannot improve the performance. If the training load remains
static, the effectiveness of the load diminishes with the passage of time.
It can only maintai n the achieved adaptat ion of load. It means that for
the continu ous improve ment of performance, the training load should be
increase d after the adaptat ion of previous training load. For example , to
increase enduran ce, muscles must work for a longer period of time than
they used to.
3. The Princip le of Individ ual Differe nces: According to this principl e,
every sportsp erson is differen t due to individ ual differen ces. Each
sportspe rson's respons e to exercise or load will definite ly vary. So, a
training program me should be modified to take individu al differences into
following conside rations.
(a) Large muscles heal slower than smaller muscles.
(b) Fast twitch muscle fibres recover quicker than slow twitch muscle fibres.
(c) Fast or explosive movements require more recovery ti~e than slow
4. The Princip le of Genera l a11d Specif ic Prepar ation: For the
improvement of performance, both the general and specific prepara tions
are equally significant. General prepara tion serves as the base for specific
preparation. As a matter of fact, the perform ance will be better if the
base is better. The general prepara tion increase s the function al capacity
of all the body systems and organs. Specific prepara tion is then further
required to improve those systems and organs on which the perform ance of
sportspersons directly depends. For example , the speed improve d through
running will also be beneficial in football.
5 • The Prin cipl e of Pro gres sion : According to this principle, the overload
is incr ease d too rapidly
~hould not be incr ease d too rapidly. If the overload
g above the targ et
it may resu lt in inju ry or muscle damage. Exercisin
also mak es us realise
zone can be dang erou s. The principle of progression
overload can lead to
the need for prop er rest and recovery. The cons tant
exha usti on and inju ry.
6 - Tlie Prin cipl e of Spe cific ity: This prin ciple state s that exercising
develops that part.
a cert ain part or component of the body prim arily
exercise or skill, you
It mea ns that to become bett er at a part icul ar
ple, a runn er should
mus t perf orm that exer cise or skill. For exam
min g and a cyclist
get trai ned by runn ing, a swim mer by swim
by cycling.
orm ance of an athlete
7. The Prin cipl e of Act ive Invo lvem ent: The perf
The principle of active
is the resu lt of athl ete's efforts and coach's skill.
ramm e, the athlete
invo lvem ent mea ns that for an effective train ing prog
mus t part icip ate actively and willingly.
-term process and load
8. The Prin cipl e of Variety: Trai ning is a long
ete and the coach. So,
and reco very can become boring for both the athl
train ing programme to
a succ essf ul coach shou ld buil d in vari ety in the
te. Sometimes, change
mai ntai n the inte rest and motivation of the athle
of exercise, time of the
and vari ety may be done by changing th·e natu re
day of the session, train ing group and the envi ronm
n: War m-u p thro ugh
9. The Prin cipl e of Warm-up and Coo l Dow
the wor king muscles
low -inte nsit y acti vity incr ease s blood flow to
er warm -up usually
and prep ares them for high -inte nsity sports. Prop
ees. Afte r training
incr ease s the body temp erat ure by one to two degr
work ing muscles back
cooling dow n help s in tran sfer ring blood from
y for rem ovin g the
to vita l orga ns of the body. It is also nece ssar
was te prod ucts .
well awa re of the fact that
10. The Prin cipl e of Res t and Recovery: We are
er and stron ger than
the body rege nera tes duri ng rest and becomes bett
in such a way that
before. So the train ing programmes should be conceived
ing activities.
ther e shou ld be prop er rest and inter val between train
aim of spor ts train ing is to
11. The Prin cipl e of Ens urin g Results: The apex
aim is to enable the
atta in good resu lts. It can be said that sports train ing's
petitions. Therefore,
spor tspe rson to put up bett er performance in the com
and main taini ng it
this prin ciple aims at guar ante eing good performance
on of othe r principles,
for long er period. However with out impl eme ntati
shou ld be laid on the
this prin ciple cann ot be applied. So, prop er stres s
or physical education
imp leme ntat ion of othe r principles by the coach
teac her.
ramm es are developed
12. The Prin cipl e of Cyclicity: Sports train ing prog
, meso cycle and micro
thro ugh vari ous train ing cycles such as macro cycle
dura tion of which is
cycle. Macro cycle is the longest cycle of train ing, the
to 12 months approximately. Meso cycle is a training cycle for medium
:uration and may be 3 to 6 weeks. Micro cycle is the shortest duration cycle
which may be for 3 to 10 days.


aning of Load
1\1e field of sports, load is known as training load. So, in that sense, a training
In th~ the work or exercise that a sportsperson performs in a training session. In
Joad ~ords it can be said that training load is the psychological and physiological
0ther nds put on the organism through movement resulting in improvement or
. tenance of per£ormance capacity.
derna •
01 a1n
Meaning of Overload .
D ring training phase of sportspersons or athletes, load is given to the players
~ording to their capacity. Whenever this training load goes beyond the
::pacity of an individual, the physiological and psyGhological functions are
disturbed. However, this increased load does not affect the athlete/ sportsperson
immediately. But if the administratio~ of this over load continues fo_r a longer
period, it decreases his/her performance. He/she may get fatigue, loss of interest
in sports, lose appetite and get injured. He/she may have lack of motivation and
sleep disorder.
Meaning of Adaptation
Adaptation is the process of long-term adjustment to a specific stimulus. In fact,
adaptation refers to your body's physiological response to training. When you do
new exercises or load your body in a different way, your body reacts by increasing
it's ability to cope with that new load. It generally takes four to six weeks for
your body to adapt to a training method. Adaptation occurs during the recovery
period after the training session is completed.
Meaning of Recovery
Recovery is to regain what was lost. Recovery is an essential part after exercise
or training load.
The Process of Stimulus-Recovery and Adaptation
Our body is made up of millions of very small living cells. Each type of cell or
~~up.of cells performs a different job. All the cells have the ability to adapt to
b dat 18 hap~ening to the body. This general adaptation takes place inside the
T~ ! ~11 the time. There is also an adaptation to the training for sport and games.
to ~ining load is very significant is the field of sports training because it helps
traf~rease the sports performance. For improving the sports performance, the
Per;ing load has to be increased. Stagnation training load means stagnation in
orrnance. When a sportspersons' fitness is challenged by a new training load
NG-:-'.AN~D_D_O_P_IN_G_IN_S_P_ O_RT-S------------------~
adapt at'
there is a respo nse fron1 the body. This respo nse by the body is an
e, When:~~
to t~e stimu lus of the traini ng load. The initia l respo nse _is of fatigu
ation t
loadin g stops, there is a process of recovery from the fatigu e and adapt 0
r------- - - - - - - -
j the traini ng load.
I The proce ss of recov ery and Overcompensation
I adapt ation return s the sports perso n Stimulus (Load) (adaptation)
I not just to his previ ous fitnes s Fitness
level but to an improved level. The
impro ved level of fitnes s is achieved
throu gh the body's overcompensation
to the initia l train ing load. So, Fatigu e~~,
overload cause s fatigue, and recovery
and adapt ation allow the body to - - - - Training too easy
overc ompe nsate and reach impro ved - - - - Training adequate
level of fitnes s. .................................. Training too hard
If the traini ng load is not much L . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . J
there is little or no compensation. If Effects of different training loads
the load is too much, it will cause the on sportsperson's recovery
sport spers on to have problems with
recov ery ap.d he may not return to the previous level of fitness. This
is cause d by overtr aining .
As a matte r of fact, the main aim of traini ng process is obviously
is actually
perfo rmanc e. However, to attain this aim is not so simple. In fact, it
in recovery.
a proce ss of intent ionall y repea ting stimu li (exercise) which result s
adapt ation , while avoiding over-training.


lists who
Dopin g is not new to the people. In ancie nt Greece, there were specia
their physical
used to offer athlet es nutrit ional ingred ients in order to enhan ce
perfo rmanc e. Those specialists may be compared to the curre nt sports
es tried to
specia lists. Durin g the Olympic Games in the 3 BCE, the athlet
. In 1 CE,
increa se their sports performance by takin g mush rooms and opium
the Greek runne rs used to drink a herba l bever age to increa se their
reported to
and become capab le to run long distan ce races. Gladi ators are also
the use of
use vario us subst ances for enhan cing streng th. In the mode rn era,
top sports persons
perfo rmanc e-enh ancin g substa nces and techn iques by the
for nearly
acros s the world has been a persis tent issue in the world of sports
es have been
four decades. Since the begin ning of the 21st centu ry, many athlet
e such
engag ed in takin g such substances. Some of them have been tested positiv
as Tim Montgomery, Mario n Jones , swim mer Micha el Phelp s, etc.


ited ust• if it meets tw~

A substance can be included on the "World Anti-Doping Code Prohib
the spirit the sports (3) it
of the three criteria: (1) it is performance enhancing (2) it violates
is harmful to the athlete's health.


cept of Doping
co~ .
. g' is the word used in the field of

- ~. ~~-:
,popin h . .
to refer to t e situation

, ..
sports,tes use pro h.b. d b
i ite su stances •
ath1e ..
f • 1 . "' •
methods to un air Y improve their i

or ting perform ance. In general .... ..........

• •

' Q • •

spor doping is the use of performa nce ,,

terms, '

enh an
cing substanc es or methods by •
hletes to gain an advanta ge over '-
::eir competit ors. In fact, some athletes
~. ! J •

ke illegal substanc es to enhance their

performance. activity • • • k
is nown as Substance s that harm athletes-D oping
'doping• '
Doping in sports is the delibera te or inadvert ent use by an athlete of a substanc e
or method banned by the Internat ional Olympic Committ ee. In fact, the ban or
prohibition on such substanc es is necessar y to protect the athletes from the unfair
advantage which may be gained by those athletes who use prohibite d substanc es
or methods to enhance their performa nce and also from the possible harmful side
effects which these substanc es or methods can produce. The following definitio ns
of doping may help in understa nding its exact meaning :
According to Interna tional Olympi c Commit tee, "Doping is the use of
any method or substanc e that might harm the athlete, in a quest to gain an
unfair advantag e, over his I her fellow competit ors." In fact, doping is the use
of prohibite d substanc es or methods designed to enhance an athlete's physical
or mental abilities or to mask the use of such substanc es or methods during
preparatio n for or participa tion in a sports competit ion.
According to World Anti-Do ping Agency (WADA) , ''Doping is defined as the
occurrence of one or more of the anti-dop ing rule violation s set forth in Article 2.1
through Article 2. 8 of the code."
We often think of doping as being the use of a prohibite d (banned) substanc e, but
breaking other anti-dop ing rules is also consider ed doping. In the code, doping is
defined as the breaking of one or more of the following anti-dop ing rules:
1. Presence of a prohibite d substanc e or method.
2- Use or attempt to use a prohibite d substanc
e or method.
3• Refusing to submit sample
collectio n after being notified.
4• Failure to
file athlete's whereab outs after being notified.
5• Tamperi ng with any
part of the doping control process.
6• Possessio
n of a prohibite d substanc e or method.
• Trafficki ng a prohibite d substanc e or method.
8• Adminis
tering or attempti ng to administ er a prohibite d substanc e or method
to an athlete.
In fact, it is very clear that doping is not only using a prohibited sub t
method to enhance the sports performance but breaking any one or rns ance or
doping rule/rules is also included under doping. ore anti.
Hence, it can be concluded that doping refers to the use of a Perform
enhancing substance or method that is not approved by the law or violat ance
World Anti-Doping Code. -~---- ___ ____ es the
Why do athletes use drugs?
There are various reasons why athletes use drugs in sport and sometimes there are muit·
reasons that contribute to an athlete's drug use .in sports. These reasons are: 'Pie
• For performance enhancement
• To self-treat untreated mental health issues
• To deal with stress, such as pressure to perform
• To overcome injuries
• To overcome physical pain

Classification of Doping
Doping can be classified into the following two types.
A. •Performance enhancing substances
B. Physical methods
Performance Enhancing Substances
1. Stimulants: Stimulants are related
to a group of drugs that enhance
alertness and physical activity by
increasing heart and breathing rates
and the functions of the brain. Indeed I

stimulants stimulate the body both ,~ \

physically and mentally. They improve f '
the reaction time and reduce the
feeling of fatigue. They also increase
aggression. Amphetamines, cocaine,
ephedrine and adrafinil are commonly Performance enhancing drugs
used stimulants by athletes. These are taken orally, by nasal spray and by
2. Anabolic Steroids: Anabolic steroids stimulate the growth of muscles a~d
help athletes to train harder and recover rapidly. By increasing the muscle size
and strength, they enhance the performance in sports. Drostanolone, metenolone
and oxandrolone are common anabolic steroids. These are taken orally or
by intramuscular injection. •
3. Peptide Hormones: Peptide hormones are substances that are produced
by glands in the body. These substances circulate in the blood. These ca:
improve the growth of muscles, change the balance of other hormon_e~ an f
increase the production of red blood cells, which increases the ability 0
the blood to carry oxygen. These hormones are prohibited in
competitions. Examples of such hormones are erthropoietin, human ...
hormones, insulin, etc.
Beta-2-Agonists: These drugs are generally used to treat asthma. So,
• drug is found in asthma inhalers. These drugs relax the muscles that
surround the airway and opening of the air passages. Indeed, these drugs
allow more oxygen to reach the blood. Owing to the endurance that this I.
drug provides, athletes usually take such drugs to enhance the respiratory Il
function, increase their capacity for strenuous efforts and resistance and
shorten recovery time. These drugs also stimulate the will to win in sports
5 Narcotics: Narcotics are used to reduce or eliminate pain from injuries
or allow athletes to make persistent efforts for a longer time. If narcotics,
such as morphine, heroin, pethidine, etc., are used in order to ignore injury,
athletes obviously risk enduring further damage. These are also taken to
reduce anxiety, which may help in enhancing sports performance. These II
drugs are usually taken during competition. l
6. Diuretics: Though diuretics are not performance enhancing drugs, these
are used in. sports to remove fluids from the body, particularly water.
These are also taken to reduce weight rapidly as in weight lifting, boxing,
wrestling, etc. These drugs are also taken to evade anti-doping tests
as these remove the traces of other doping substances from the body.
Examples of diuretics are dextran, diuretics, etc. These are taken by
athletes in and out of competitions.
7. Glucocorticosteroids: These drugs relieve fatigue and pain. These
enhance tolerance for pain and prepare the athletes to continue the efforts.
8. Cannabinoids: Cannabinoids are psychoactive chemicals that cause a
feeling of relaxati?n. Examples of cannabinoids are hashish and marijuana.
Their use in competition is banned. I
Physical Methods
Physical methods include blood doping, chemical and gene doping. \
1. Blood Doping: Blood doping I I

is defined by w·orld Anti- 'II

Doping Agency (WADA) as

the misuse of techniques or
substances to increase one's ANTI-DO PIN
red blood cell count. Usually
two units of athlete's blood AGENCY
is taken some weeks prior to
competition. Then the blood is
frozen until one or two days before the competition when it is injected into
the athlete. This is known as autologous blood doping. Homologous blood
doping is the injection of fresh blood, taken from a second person, straight


. t h e num ber of red blood cells, the oxyge n
. reas1ng
•lllto the athlete. By 1nc
. 1s • reased , so the muscle endurance is
• 1nc
carry1ng capacity to the muscles
rts performance.
increased which ultiinately enhances the spo
Use of artificial oxygen carriers is also
a second method of blood doping which
involves the use of arti fici al oxygen
carriers. Haernoglobin oxygen car rier s
are che111icals or purified proteins which
have the ability to carry oxygen. These are
helpful in enhancing aerobic capacity.
2. Ge ne Do pin g: Gen e dop ing is
ma nip ula tion of cel ls or gen es to
enhance the body's sports performance.
Creating a drug-free environment
Modifying genes enables faster reaction
and increases physical stre ngt h. Gene
e the rap y. The process of
doping is based on the principles of gen
in futu re in an atte mp t to
gene doping is likely to be used by athletes
s. Gene the rap y may play a
enhance the function of normal healthy cell
elopment of musculo-skeletal
vital role in future in the growth and dev
injuries of muscles, tendons,
structures. It will speed up the rep air of the
ligaments, etc.
Dis adv ant age s of Do pin g
t doping substances, but the general
There are varied disadvantages of differen
are given below:
disadvantages of various doping substances
1. Performance enh anc ing drugs hav
e a neg ativ e effe ct on health.
term, negative effects on
Doping substances create a potential, long
child's as well as adolescent's
health. Some of the substances can stu nt a
risk of liver or hea rt damage
growth. Active use of doping creates a higher
in men, issues with balding
and blood clotting. There may be impotency
and difficultly in controlling emotions.
sen ce of dop ing in spo rts. If
2. Spo rtsm ans hip is red uce d in the pre
a damage to sportsmanship.
doping is used in the field of sports, it will be
rac ter and offer foundation
Sports competition should be fun, build cha
ethics and teamwork. Doping
of honesty. People excel through fair play,
m self-respect involved.
takes this away because the re is no long-ter
fiel d for the spo rt. Doping can
3. Do pin g can cre ate an unf air pla yin g
s who are not tak ing drugs/
set the stage for unfair play put ting ath lete
hormones at a disadvantage.
atio n where sportspersons are
4. Me dic al sup erv isio n. It creates a situ .
usually operating outside medical supervision
tak ing dru gs. Young athletes
5. Yo ung ath lete s ma y be hab itua l of
ance because professional
may tak e drugs to enhance sports perform
model for new athletes.
sportspersons who tak e drugs act as a role

A Glance at the Side Effects of Various Prohibited Substances
- I \ \
z Name of Anabolic . . . . . '\ Narcotic. \\ Beta Blockers
0 .d Corbcostero1ds D1urehcs Stimulants a1ges1cs
0 Drugs Stero1 s
'"'O !
G) Increase muscles Increase aggression, Reduce weight Increase alertness Kill pain and Slow heartbeat
z mass and reduces fatigue and quickly and and delay fatigue induce feeling and steady
'"'O strength pain mask other of calm body move-
0 drugs ments
(/) '

Minor Women- Retard healing or Dehydration, Restlessness and Danger of Causes asthma
Complica- menstrual foster infections stomach or leg anxiety, accelerate worserung symptoms
tions irregularity, . cramps, loss heart rate and tnJury, over- and decreased
breast shrinkage . of sodium and breathing dose may mental
Men-testicular potassium cause coma alertness
More Cause Heart and Cause pituitary Cause irregular Erratic heartbeats Over dose Heart rate is
Severe liver diseases gland, adrenal heartbeats that and severe high may cause severely
Complica- gland and kidney can lead to temperature, slow breath- slowed
tions problems heart attacks addictive ing, danger- down
and kidney ously addic-
damage tive

___ .....0

(Carryinl1 Mark)
Objective Type/Multiple Choice Questions
Give one word answers. 0th d '? Id?
mask er rugs· . h
1. Which drug reduces weight quickly and . I ti doping rules ,n t e wor •
ete v,o ates an -
2. Which agency ensures that no athl
3. In which training cycle the duration
is 3 to 10 days? better in
· lly and mentally to perform
h h
bot P ys,ca , t
4. Which substances stimulate. the body
sports? .
S. Which substances remove fluids from the bo dYpa rti cu larly
• ""·
· · · 11 thl · - ~ -
Fill in the blanks. e pain from inJunes or a ow a etes
.......... are used to reduce or eliminat
1. .. .....................
to make persistent efforts for a longer time sports
of cells or genes to enhance the body's
.......................doping is the manipulation
.. :......................... •
3. Narcotics may cause loss of balance and
.is the basic form.of preparation of sportsm
4. ..................... ...
is .................... .
S. The duration of training in Mesocycle
State True or False. - water. (True/False)
the body particularly
1. Diuretics remove fluids from lse)
anti-doping rules in the world. (True/Fa
I 2. WADA ensures that no athlete violates

I 3. Diuretics are not performance enhancin

4. Tampering with any part of the dop
g drugs. (True/False)
ing control process, is not an anti-doping
rule. (True/

y fatigue. (True/False)
S. Stimulants increase alertness and dela

Choose the correct answer.
1. Which one of the following substanc
es is a performance enhancing substanc
(c) Amphetamines (d) All of the above
(a) Cocaine (b) Ephedrine
2. Which is not the example of anabolic
(b) Metenalone (c) Drostanolove (d) Temoxifen
(a) Stenazolal
ing cycle which may be for 3 to 10 days
3. Which training cycle is the shortest train (d) Ergocycle
(b) Mesocycle (c) Microcycle
(a) Macrocyc~~ ,
men." Whose st~tement is it?
4• "Sports}r,aining is the basic form of preparation of sports
(c) Matwejew (d) Hill
(a) Harre (b) Martin
the count of.. ............
S. Blood doping is a method that increases
(c) Monocytes (d) Skin cells
(a) White blood cells (b) Red blood cells


I I \

6. Which of the following is a physical method of doping?

(a) stimulants (b) Steroids (c) Gene doping
7. What is the full form of WADA? (d) Diuretics
(a} White Anti Doping Agency {b) Wide Anti Doping Agency
(c} World Anti Doping Agency {d) None of the above
8. Taking of prohibited substances in the field of games and sports is
(a} Steroids (b) Detoxification (c) Medication (d) Doping
g, Which one of the following substances, if taken regularly, slows
down the heart rate
(a) Stimulants (b) Diuretics
(c} Beta Blockers
(d) Anabolic steroids
10. Owing to systematic training the resting heart rate of a marathon
runner will:
(a} increase (b) decrease (c) remain normal (d) become critical
11. Sports training tends to increase:
(a} Sports performance
(c) Waste products .
(b) Sports injuries
(d) Blood pressure
12. Diuretics may lead to:
(a) Mineral imbalances (b) Muscle weakness
(c) Irregular heart beat (d) All of the above
13. Given below are the two statements labelled Assertion (A) and
Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Diuretics enhance alertness any physical activity
by increasing heart rate
• • and breathing rates and the functions of the brain.
Reason (R): Most probably diuretics are taken by weight lifters, boxers and wrestle
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the followi
ng is correct?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of
{b) Both {A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation
of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
14. The systematic and s_cientific sports training helps in increasing
(a) injuries (b) performance
(c) stress and tension (d) blood pressure
15. Which one of the following drugs is generally taken by boxers,
weightlifters, wrestlers and
judo players to reduce their body weight before competition?

(a) beta blockers (b) anabolic steroids
(c) stimulants (d) diuretics
16. Sportswomen, who take one of the following drugs tend to mascu
(a) Amphetamines (b) Diuretics
(c) Anabolic steroids
17. What does 'NADA' stand for?
(d) Narcotics , , 1( 1 • A. • . ,
. • . . •1 rJ~, 1ft~· ,
(a) National Anti Doping Academy {b) National Anti Doping Agenc9
(c) National Anti Doping Association (d) National Anti Development Agency
18. Which one of the following is a physical method of doping?
(a) Anabolic steroids (b) Stimulants
(c) Blood doping (d) Peptide hormones



n ti D o p in g Agency is situ
rs o f world A (c) a.uebec
(d) Vienna
ic h ci ty , th e headquarte
19· In w h
(b) New York a/ly water?
(a) Brussels m th e body spec, ids
re m o ve s the flu id s fr o
(b ) A nabolic stero
bstan ce

I 20, Which su
(a) D iu re
(c) Peptide h
tic s
e o f the follo
w in g st a te ments is not
(d) Beta block

21. Which on cr e ases metabolic

ro d u ct~
in p
(a) Warmin g u p
e lp s in re m o val o f w ast e
ss , ,s n o t a n anti doping
down h g control pro
(b) Limbering a n y part o f dopin
g w ith u .
(c) Tamperin a le rtn ess and delay fatig
increa se
(d) Stimulants
Marks} doping.
Q u es ti o n s- I (Carrying 2 o m ologus blood
A n sw e r g a n d H
Short s blood dopin
te b e tw een Autologu brief.
1. Differe n tia
s o f A n ab o lic Steroids in
e side effect
2. Discuss t·h iscuss in brief.
W h a t is b lo od doping? D le s o f sports tr
e rs on? Discuss
in brief.
3. o p rin ci p s p o rt s-p
4. Discuss ab
out any tw rmance o f a
b lo ck e rs a ff ect the perfo
beta in brief.
5. How does ct s o f stimulants
sid e e ffe overload.
6. Discuss the e e n tr a in ing load and
te b e tw
7. Differentia recovery?
W h a t is a d aptation and
8. arksJ
u es ti o n s- II (Carrying 3 M .
Q brief. .
Short Answer o rts training in lain one o f th
a n in g o f sp a in in g ? E xp
1. Explain th
e me le o f sports tr
yo u m e a n by the princip
2. What do trainil)g.
th e co n cept o f sports orts training.
3. Exp la in
e a n in g a n d concept o f sp
4. Elucidate
the m bstances.
e rfo rm a n ce enhancing su logous blood
5. E nlist th e p s a n d ho m o
6. What do
you mean by
7. What is b
lood doping?
ne doping?
t d o yo u mean by ge in in brief.
8. W h a
m e a n b y m ethods? Expla
9. What do
you hormones?
d o yo u m e an by peptide
10. Wha t eroids?
by anabolic st lain in b • f.
11. What d
t ar
a n
effect s o f a n a b o lic steroids? Exp
a n d n a rco tic s? Expl:~~ in brief.

12. Wha e ffe cts o f stimula b
o f them in brief. of
e si d e y tw o
13. W ~ a t a re th
14. En/1st the you mean by physical
en h a
n ci n
:ances a~d
0 57 Explain the me
e xp la in a n
thods prohib
ited in the fie

15. What do
sports. g.
th e di sa dv an tages o f dopin
16. Eluci~ate d O I d Adaptation •
la ,n th e te rm s: Training loa ' ver oa and
17. Exp
Value Based
a~ w
as a good a achieve t
thlete up to m a tr icul .
. . ation. In
fa ct , h e
u t
d to practise
hard in the
spite o f his go
od efforts I
anted him to
. A rn l le ve
18 ening to on a t nationa' h
mornmg and ev y p ositio op posi~tional level H15 tic coach also w I
ac hi ev e a n
athn. a • a t le depressiotl
he could not H d o
v . D u e to overstress
win th e goId • e got fru st ra te
poor perform
a n ce eantime,
ta ki n g stie r ,'5 p e rf o rm a nce. In the' m
e started mu ants. to e
and anxiety h


. coach came to know about this fact. He called him and suggested not to take such
hIS .
prohibited substance in future. Aman assured his coach not to take such substances in
future. [CBQ)
Based on the above passage, answer the following questions: (1 x 3 = 3)
1_What values did the athletic coach reflect through his initiative?
2 . What qualities and virtues are shown by Aman?
3. What do you mean by stimulants?
Long Answer Questions (Carrying 5 Marks)
_ What do you mean by sports training? Enumerate the principles of sports training.
2. What do you mean by the term 'Doping'? Discuss physical methods.
3. Define doping and explain the types of doping.
4. Explain the performance enhancing substances in detail.
s. "Scenario of sports training is changing day by day." Justify the statement.
6. Approximately all the international sportspersons follow the principles of sports training. Discuss
the important principles of training which are followed by coaches and sports persons during
training to accomplish good results in competitions.
1. "Doping in Olympics is not a new phenomenon". Give your valuable comments in the light of
this statement.
s. Discuss the concept and disadvantages of doping in detail.
9. Discuss overload, adaptation and recovery in-detail.
10. What do you mean doping? Discuss performance enhancing substances in detail.

Objective Type/Multiple Choice Questions
One word answers • • I

1. • Diuretics 2. WADA . \ 3. Microcycle

4.. Stimulants 5. Diuretics .
FIii in the blanks - l

•1. Narcotics 2. Gene 3. • Coordination
• 4. Sports training 5. 3 to 6 weeks
True or False
• l.· True 2. True 3. True
4. False . 5. True
Correct answers
1. (d) All of the above 2. (d) Temoxifen 3. (c) Mi_crocycle
t 4. (c) Matwejew 5. (b) Red blood cells 6. (c) Gene doping .
•7. (c) World Anti Doping Agency 8. (d) Doping 9. (c).Beta Blockers •.• •
10. (b) decrease • 11. (a) Sports performance 12. (d) All of the above
, 13. (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.14. (b) Performance • 15. (d) diuretics . '
16. (c) Anabolic steroids •
17. (b) National Anti Doping Agency •
r 18. (c) Blood doping , • • •• 19. (c) Quebec . . 20. (a) Diuretics
: 21. (c) Tampering with any part of doping control process, is not an anti doping rule

-- - ... ...,;.c;..,.._,1.


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