124 Lec Amphibians
124 Lec Amphibians
124 Lec Amphibians
Part 1: Click on the following link and watch the video, after which record ten neat facts
provided in the video. Focus on both the similarities and differences between amphibians and
Key The Differences Between Amphibians and Reptiles - Comparison and Similarities - YouTube
Coastal Giant
Dicamptodon It has adapted Douglas Fir
tenebrosus to its high-rise and Western
It is one of lifestyle by Hemlock
the largest developing forests in
terrestrial the ability to low
salamander parachute and elevation
s in North glide when coastal
America. falling. areas.
Tiger Salamander
tigrinum It is the It is a stocky
largest animal, with
land- a broad, flat
dwelling head, a
salamander Adults are blunt nose,
in the usually 9-12 small eyes,
United inches in and a long,
States. length. thick tail.
Salamander It lives its It inhabits
Aneides vagrans entire life It has adapted Douglas Fir
in the to its high-rise and Western
crowns of lifestyle by Hemlock
redwood developing forests in
trees more the ability to low
than 150 parachute and elevation
feet above glide when coastal
the ground. falling. areas.
Coastal Tailed Ascaphus is
Frog It is one of the
Ascaphus truei believed to Tadpoles can longest-
be the take up to 4 lived frogs
most years to in the world
primitive metamorphos (up to 20
frog living. e. yrs).
Western Toad The Western
Bufo boreas
The Toad is an
Western ectotherm,
Toad is the which
smallest means that
amphibian The males the
on the west tend to have temperature
coast, lengthy tails of its body is
growing that are thick dependent
between ¾ and the on the
of an inch females temperature
to two usually have a of its
inches shorter more surrounding
long. stubby tail. s.
Pacific Treefrog The Western
Hyla regilla The Toad is an
Western ectotherm,
Toad is the which
smallest means that
amphibian The males the
on the west tend to have temperature
coast, lengthy tails of its body is
growing that are thick dependent
between ¾ and the on the
of an inch females temperature
to two usually have a of its
inches shorter more surrounding
long. stubby tail. s.
Boreal Chorus It has a slimy
Frog dark brown It makes a
Pseudacris This frog is exoskeleton loud and
maculate a small tree that may have distinctive
frog with three stripes call that
wide and on the back sounds like
drowsy that are not a finger
looking always running over
eyes. continuous. a comb.
It is well-
Red-legged Frog
known for
Rana aurora
being the
The Red- featured in
legged Mark
Frog is Twain’s
named for short story
its reddish The
color on Celebrated
the It is the largest Jumping
underside native frog in Frog of
of its legs the western Calaveras
and belly. United States. County
Bullfrog They are
Rana voracious
catesbeiana predators, and
Bullfrogs their diet of Bullfrogs are
are the small native to
largest mammals, Eastern
species of rodents and North
frog in the reptiles can American
U.S. They harm the but can be
can grow animals that found on
up to 8 already exist several
inches and in their continents
weigh over introduced around the
1 lb. area.. world.
Western Pond The
Turtle Western
Clemmys Pond Turtle
marmorata is a
medium- They are
sized turtle usually dark
native to brown or dull The Western
the western olive in color, Pond Turtle
coast of with or can spend
the United without darker upwards of
States and reticulations 200 days out
Mexico. or streaking. of wate
Painted Turtle They have
Chrysemys picta been Painted turtles
walking have an The males
this earth incredibly reach sexual
for more long lifespan maturity
than 15 and can get as much before
million old as 50 compared to
years. years. females.
Green Turtle Green sea
Chelonia mydas turtles are
so named A typical adult They are
for the is 3 to 4 feet among the
greenish long and largest sea
hue of their weighs 300 to turtles in the
skin. 350 pounds. world.
Leatherback Sea Leatherbac
Turtle k sea
Dermochelys turtles are
coriacea the largest
and They are the
heaviest only living They are
turtles in species in highly
the world, their family migratory
reaching and genus and can
up to 10 and have cross both
feet long existed since the Atlantic
and 2,000 the age of the and Pacific
pounds. dinosaurs. Oceans.