Influence of Mass Media On Social Culture of Communities
Influence of Mass Media On Social Culture of Communities
Influence of Mass Media On Social Culture of Communities
INFOKUM JOURNAL, Volume 10 , No.5, December 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706
Article Info The mass media is one of the factors that play an important role in social
and cultural change in society. The role of the mass media in social and
Received : 15/11/2022 cultural change in society is always related to the diffusion of innovation,
Revised : 08/12/2022 where change is driven by the spread of new knowledge in society. The
Accepted : 10/12/2022 mass media has a role in the occurrence of social change in three aspects
1) Changes in people's mindset, 2) Changes in people's attitudes and 3)
Changes in culture. The mass media is the benchmark for society to get
information. By using a literature review, this paper aims to see how the
role of the mass media and its contribution to all innovations that develop
in society. The role of the mass media in education makes changes in the
mindset and mentality of the nation. The role of the mass media in the
field of information dissemination can change people's attitudes. The role
of the mass media in the entertainment community produces cultural
material. In carrying out all these roles, the mass media has a positive or
negative impact according to people's readiness to accept something new
and the mass policy of media owners to carry out their role in society
Keywords: Mass Media, Socio-Cultural, Community
Technological changes put communication at the forefront. From social change. In the
context of mediation, media technology plays a role in shaping the way humans interact and
communicate with one another. Media technology, like a structure, limits what humans can and
cannot do. This happens none other than because each medium has different technical capabilities in
conveying text, sound or images. Media has implications for the balance of the use of human senses.
For example, print media, which can only convey text and still images, makes more use of the eye
senses. Meanwhile, the radio maximizes the function of the ear senses.
The media is an important element that is the basis of social change. The media is seen as an external
social force that enters (or is included) in a particular social situation and causes a cascading change
effect. The media that created the "Highway" not only created a global economy, but also blurred
socio-cultural boundaries, because the world that is being built today is impossible to maintain
sovereignty over information, because "information and its flow also cover the free sky, to be used
together." -sama Culture, as the identity of a society, cannot escape the influence of the media.
With the support of technology, the media has helped break down the distance between macrosocial
and microsocial as well as between macrocultural and microcultural. The media brings public themes
into the private sphere where it enters and is influenced by local conditions, orientations and customs.
Therefore, the public world has been reconstructed in the age of electronics (media), both
technologically and socio-culturally.
Mass communication media is a big factor in influencing social and cultural changes in society. Mass
communication is communication using mass media, both print and electronic, which is managed by
an institution or an institutionalized person, which is addressed to a large number of people who are
spread over many places and has a specific purpose and effect on society. In general, the mass media
is defined as an intermediary or delivery of messages from the sender to the general public or the
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INFOKUM JOURNAL, Volume 10 , No.5, December 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706
public. Through the mass media various kinds of information are easily obtained and also
Likewise, the development of the impact and effect of the media has become very important in socio-
cultural life and behavior in society. The rapid progress of information technology systems has had
both negative and positive impacts on global and significant changes to people's lifestyles, including
the younger generation, which postscript is the backbone of the nation's hopes, with their various
imaginations and creative powers, they have been able to create and enjoy the results of
sophistication. information and communication technology. The constellation of societal socio-
cultural complexity items influences the information and communication culture system, which
increasingly must be able to keep up with the dynamics of society.
With the accelerated industrialization of printing presses, information, recording and communication
processes are increasingly becoming the main needs of society. This also marks the development of
the mass media as a part of the process of mass communication which has become an important
matter. It can be said that the modernization of the media industry, society and the social system
formed within them have also become an integral part of the development of mass communication. In
other words, human understanding of mass communication is no longer placed in a single perspective,
in the sense that mass communication media is not seen as an independent entity, but an industry in
which there is a totality that dynamically interacts between media actors, society and the state. The
mass communication media has played a significant role in changing the culture and behavior of
Indonesian society in general. The current rate of development of information has provided a lot of
information for all those who need it or not. So it would not be wrong to say that our social and
cultural values change along with the fast pace of information that hits us. Culture is very closely
related to society, according to Melville J. Herskovits and Bronislaw Malinowski who argue that
everything in society is determined by the culture that belongs to the community itself.
Meanwhile, Andreas Eppink in Culture – Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Indonesian
language.htm (2007) argues that culture contains all the meanings, values, norms, knowledge and all
social, religious and other structures, as well as all intellectual statements. and artistic characteristics
that characterize a society. From these various definitions, an understanding of culture can be
obtained, namely a system of knowledge which includes a system of ideas or ideas contained in the
human mind, so that in everyday life, culture is abstract. The embodiment of culture in the form of
objects created by humans as creatures that cultured, in the form of behavior and objects that are real,
for example behavior patterns, language, tools of life, social organization, religion, art, and others, all
of which are intended to help humans in carrying out social life . In this paper the author attempts to
present the role of the media in the process of socio-cultural change, particularly in relation to the
media paradigm for socio-cultural change and the implications of the media for socio-cultural change.
This research is literature research which is one of the qualitative studies which in general does
not require researchers to go directly to the field when looking for sources of information. Literature
review is a technique that is used when looking for information or observation methods on a concept
that is studied in depth in order to obtain answers or hypotheses from problems that have been
discovered for the first time when no further research has been carried out. In another sense this
literature research is a technique of finding, analyzing and collecting information for processing and
presentation in the form of reporting.
The purpose of library research is that the research carried out is only adapted to written
works, including the results of studies that have or have not been published. Examples of literature
review include research on the ideas of figures, history, review (research) of books and various other
types of research related to literature study.
According to Saryono, literature review has the aim of obtaining information and data through
various types of material in the library, for example magazines, books, notes, documents, and other
historical stories. In essence, the information obtained through literature review can be a basis and
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INFOKUM JOURNAL, Volume 10 , No.5, December 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706
basic equipment for carrying out field studies. Saryono also explained that this research is a study that
explains information from secondary sources.
This research is a qualitative study that focuses on literature studies regarding da'wah
strategies using social media. Several things that must be considered in this scientific writing are the
results of the analysis of various kinds of material that are in accordance with this discussion. The
writing of this scientific paper uses descriptive techniques. The descriptive technique is defined as a
research process to solve observed problems through depictions of subjects or objects of study in the
present and adjusted based on existing facts. It aims to describe anthropological and sociological
realities that can be taken by researchers.
Descriptive studies seek to solve problems regarding the latest phenomena but the systematic
implementation of this technique is not only concentrated on the activities of compiling information
or includes interpretation and analysis of information. So that the descriptive technique is to explain,
tell and then use the repeated information that has been collected and selected as the reality. Then the
researcher will conduct criticism in order to obtain the reliability and validity of the information
obtained. Analysis of information like this uses a deductive, inductive and reflective perspective,
namely a combination of deductive and inductive perspectives.
The existence or existence of the mass media in the midst of society has an important role. This is
proven or manifested through writing or news from journalists, reporters, editors, observers, writers
and other writers. The works in print and electronic media highlight various issues that adorn page
after page of newspapers, magazines or tabloids in each edition or are broadcast on radio and
television to convey information to the public.
The mass media is an institution or institution that acts as an agent of change, namely as a pioneering
institution for change. This is the main paradigm of mass media. In carrying out its paradigm, the
mass media plays the role of:
a. Institution of public enlightenment, namely its role as an educational medium. The media is a
medium that at any time educates people so that they are smart, have an open mind and
become an advanced society.
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INFOKUM JOURNAL, Volume 10 , No.5, December 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706
b. Media information, namely media that at any time convey information to the public.
Information that is widely owned by the community makes the community a world
community that can participate with various abilities.
c. Entertainment media. As an agent of change, the mass media has also become a cultural
institution. As a pioneer of change, the media has also become a cultural institution, that is, an
institution that at any time becomes a mouthpiece of culture, a catalyst for cultural
development. So that the development of culture is beneficial for moral people and a sakinah
society so that the media plays a role in preventing the development of cultures that actually
damage human civilization and society.
The role of the mass media in social life, especially in modern society, the media has played such an
important role. According to McQuail in his book Mass Communication Theories, there are six
perspectives in terms of seeing the role of the media:
a. Seeing the mass media as a window on events and experiences Media is seen as a window
that allows the public to see what is happening out there. Or the media is a means of learning
to know various events.
b. The media is also often seen as a mirror of events in society and the world, implying a faithful
reflection. A mirror of various events that exist in society and the world, reflecting what is.
Because of this, media administrators often feel that they are not "guilty if media content is
filled with violence, conflict, pornography and various other vices, because according to them
this is the fact, the media is only a reflection of facts. Regardless of whether you like it or not.
In fact, the angle, direction and framing of the content which is considered as a mirror of
reality is decided by media professionals, and audiences are not completely free to know what
they want.
c. Seeing the mass media as a filter, or a gatekeeper who selects various things to pay attention
to or not. The media always chooses issues, information or other forms of content based on
the standards of its managers. Here the audience is "selected" by the media about what is
worthy of being known and getting attention.
d. The mass media is often seen as a guide, guide or interpreter, which translates and shows the
direction of various uncertainties or various alternatives.
e. Seeing the mass media as a forum for presenting various information and ideas to the public,
thus enabling responses and feedback.
f. The mass media as an interlocutor, which is not just a place for information to pass, but also a
communication partner that allows interactive communication to occur.
adequate theory of change must summarize the main questions that become the basic assumptions of
the theory of social and cultural change, namely:
a. What factors experienced the change.
b. To what extent did the change occur.
c. How the speed of change takes place.
d. What conditions existed before and after the change occurred.
e. What happened during that transition
f. What are the stimuli that drive this change?
g. It is through me that the change occurs
h. What elements create stability at a certain point in the change.
i. Can humans determine the direction of that change.
The process of occurrence of social changes that occur will be known because there are several
adequate characteristics:
a. There is no stagnant society, because every society experiences changes that occur slowly or
b. Changes that occur in certain social institutions will be followed by changes in other social
c. Social changes usually result in disorganization which is temporary in nature in adapting.
d. Changes that cannot be isolated are only in the material or spiritual fields, because these fields
have a strong reciprocal relationship. The factors that encourage social change can be divided
into three, namely social factors, psychological factors and cultural factors.
Social factors are driven by the existence of aspects of social organization that exist in society.
For example social institutions, families, organizations and so on. In addition, psychological factors
are related to individuals who carry out roles in society. When creative and innovative individuals
automatically have an impact on changes in society. Cultural or cultural factors related to the habits of
the local community. The wider and more open the public's acceptance of culture or culture, the more
it will affect social change in people's lives.
Society and the mass media are two things that are interrelated because the mass media is one of the
means used by society to meet human needs for information and entertainment. Mass media is the
product of modern technology as a channel in mass communication, and is an important element in
the process of mass communication. The mass media is a channel of mass communication to convey
information or messages to a wide audience.
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INFOKUM JOURNAL, Volume 10 , No.5, December 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706
Shirley Biagi mentions three important concepts about mass media, namely, (1) Mass media is a form
of business that is centered on profits, (2) Developments and changes in the delivery and consumption
of mass media, are influenced by technological developments, (3) The mass media always reflects as
well as influencing the life of society, the world of politics, and culture.
The era of mass media development has made the mass media a means of information in Indonesia,
this development is inseparable from the course of national development in all sectors of people's
lives, especially the information technology sector which places the mass media in an important
position in national development. In line with the rapid development of information technology,
communication methods are also experiencing rapid development. But all of that, has the same
accentuation, namely the communicator conveys messages, ideas, and ideas, to other parties
(communicants). The mass media has attracted so much social energy from clothing, taste, to the use
of language. Through the mass media, elements of foreign culture seem to become a menu that melts
and forms the character of culture in Indonesia, which spreads from big cities to small towns in
The pace of development of mass communication is so fast and has its own value weight on every
aspect of socio-cultural life which is full of changes in people's behavior. Mass communication has
different functions, at least mass communication functions as a hint to build self-concept, self-
actualization, for survival, to gain happiness, to avoid stress and tension, among others, through
entertaining media. When carrying out cross-cultural communication, it is likely that there will be
cross-cultural barriers, which are caused by semantics, connotations of words, differences in tone and
differences in perception. Besides that, there is also a cultural context that can be achieved by
considering the concepts of high context culture, namely a culture that relies heavily on subtle and
non-verbal situational cues in communicating, as well as a low context culture that is very rely on
words to convey meaning in communication (Stephen R. Robin, 2001).
The era of industrialization affects the complexity of the social system of society. At least there is a
process of mechanization and massification of factors of production, distribution and public
consumption. This means that there is an acceleration of the cultural complexity of the existing
society. The community is no longer seen in a simple cultural process, but the community is seen as a
cultural system that has a more complex cultural level. In its modern form, the theory of society and
the function of the mass media-in an empirical-critical perspective-looks optimistically at the
perceptions that develop in society regarding the development of mass media. This means that society
also has the ability to control the mass media and its impacts.
From such an understanding, it appears that the mass media plays a role in shaping cultural diversity
which is produced as a result of the influence of the media on the value system, thought and human
action. At some point, mass society developed a mass culture system. In almost the same context,
there are two kinds of mass culture that can be produced by society. In one piluak, culture in the
context of mass society supported by mass media is seen as a liquid entity and capable of hegemony
in a society (you can see how the media is able to shape people's tastes or form a certain perspective
on a reality, etc.). But on the other hand, culture in the context of society must be seen as an entity that
also forms the mass media.
In the function of cultural communication, culture becomes part of communication behavior and in
turn communication also determines, maintains, develops or transmits culture. "Culture is
communication" and "communication is culture" (Edward Thall), both of which have a reciprocal
relationship. The mass communication media in cultural change also functions in conveying messages
of ritual messages which are usually carried out collectively. Such as broadcasting or notifying the
celebration of religious holidays, ritual ceremonies. Wedding ceremonies are often expressive, namely
expressing one's deepest feelings. In addition, the function of mass communication also contains
persuasive content, in the sense: that the speaker wants the listener to believe the facts and
information conveyed are accurate and worth knowing, sometimes what educates can entertain and
what entertains can both educate and explain and is subtly persuasive. It turns out that there are many
functions of the mass communication media which ultimately can be developed from the results of
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INFOKUM JOURNAL, Volume 10 , No.5, December 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706
observations of the events that occur around us. The mass media also has an important role in
upholding the nation's morals, including in forming the identity of the nation's generation and
changing the social structure of society which is supported by values and cultural norms. These values
or norms become elements of the personality of members of society, which is called a person's "super
ego". For example, acculturation will encourage people to adapt and socialize themselves to deal with
these changes. Humans, will not be separated from the name "communication, especially
communicating through mass media which in each delivery or broadcast contains important messages
and is a form of knowledge, entertainment or just a momentary distraction in every activity.
It is hoped that the mass communication media will not only convey and take commercial benefits
from these results if many communicants are listening to them, but must be able to convey moral
messages that educate the nation's generation, as well as participate in the process of maturing the
thoughts and attitudes of the Indonesian people in particular. Through the mass media, many young
people choose a westernized lifestyle, such as how to dress, enjoy entertainment with dance and disco
music, as well as the habit of talking to their elders. Electronic media, especially audio-visual, has
proven to accelerate the process of imitation that occurs in people's lives. In this case there has been
social contact which must be through a medium, both print and electronic. Mass communication
media is a secondary contact that occurs when messages from communicators are communicated
through third parties, namely the mass media. There is a possibility that communication errors or
distortions can occur, if there is no synchronization between the communicator and the communicant.
During that subjectivity and self-interesting factors also affect the delivery of information, so that
there may be many wrong perceptions and analyzes, social culture changes and deviates from the
values and norms that are But of course there are still many changes that have brought us to a better
and more advanced condition than before. The number of foreign cultural influences that enter
through mass communication media should be adapted to the culture and ethics of our life as an
eastern nation.
The influence of the media is different for each individual. This is due to differences in mindset,
differences in traits that impact on attitudes, daily social relations, and cultural differences. Social
change in society is oriented towards leaving behind elements that must be abandoned, oriented
towards forming new elements, and oriented towards values that existed in the past. The presence of
media in social life is not just a means of diversion, releasing tension or entertainment, but the content
and information presented, has a significant role in the process of social change. For example, the
content of mass media is brain consumption for the audience, so what is in the media will affect the
subjective reality of social interaction actors. Or in other terms, the media is able to instill the pictures
in our heads (Walter Lippmann's term) about the reality that is happening in this world. The picture of
reality that is "formed by the contents of the mass media is what will later underlie the response and
attitude of the audience towards various social objects.
Incorrect information from the mass media will also create a wrong image in the audience, so that it
will also lead to wrong responses and attitudes towards these social objects. Therefore, the mass
media is required to convey information accurately and with quality. The quality of this information is
the ethical and moral demands of presenting media content. Unknowingly the media has brought
people into new cultural patterns and began to determine the mindset and behavior of society. The
change in behavior pattern that is most pronounced is from the aspect of lifestyle and this aspect is
most visible in the younger generation. The impacts caused by the mass media are varied, including:
the occurrence of deviant behavior from social norms and cultural values where this deviant behavior
is considered as part of the current trend. Another impact is the increasing trend of consumerism
which demands an instant lifestyle and reduces interest in learning among the younger generation.
Media is an institution that connects all elements of society with one another through the media
products they produce. The broadcast products try to adapt to heterogeneous audiences and various
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INFOKUM JOURNAL, Volume 10 , No.5, December 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706
socio-economic, cultural. Media production in the form of news, family programs, quizzes, films,
children's programs is referred to as a mass effort, namely cultural work.
Media and its implications in the global context, the media has made--a first in history--a fast (instant)
communication system possible between a number of points in the world which is referred to as the
global village. The phenomenon of accelerated transformation of ideas is referred to by
Koentjaraningrat as diffusion, when cultural elements that arise in one place on earth take place very
quickly, often without even contact between individuals. This is due to the existence of broadcasting
tools that work effectively, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, books, films and television. The
spread of cultural elements was also brought about by job shifts caused by the Industrial Revolution.
In the late 1800's and. In the early 1900s, people in large groups migrated from agricultural sector jobs
in villages to industrial workers in cities. This urbanization is generated by the mass media, because
simultaneously they get information about what they will do in the future for their lives through the
mass media.” This migration led to encounters between groups of people with different cultures. As a
result, the individuals in these groups are confronted with elements of a foreign culture. The process
that can occur from this cultural encounter is cultural acculturation, and at the same time a process of
Currently, cultural encounters are no longer limited to the integration of different groups of people,
but are more influenced by the mass media. The flood of symbolic images in this decade has led to
radical changes in cultural synthetics around the world. The meeting of cultures and the process of
studying culture is also caused by the large amount of time humans spend interacting with the mass
media. Communication media and technology are very important components in human life.
The mass media as an agent of change (pioneer of change) plays a role in encouraging social
change in society as a change in people's mindset, change in people's attitudes and as a change in
people's material culture. These three aspects of social change will be in a good direction if people are
mentally prepared and accept these changes as enlightenment of knowledge and progress of life
without losing norms and morals. The mass media is the spearhead of change, especially social
change in society. The role of the mass media is very influential in the formation of the growth of
human personality and also influences the formation of the personality of the community itself. The
behavior and experience of human awareness as individuals that are built on the foundation of
communication, of course, will also immediately affect the behavior and awareness of humans as
citizens. In its development, mass communication has a significant influence on changes in culture
and behavior, both in the mindset and lifestyle of the community which is summarized in a behavior.
Mass communication media has an important role in shaping national identity. Besides that, it also has
a role that can change culture in society so that values and norms sometimes deviate from the rules
that have long been attached and eventually become the nation's way of life.
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