Rahayu 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 847 012046

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ISIEM 12 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012046 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/847/1/012046

Designing A Reading Chair using Kansei Engineering


Mira Rahayu1,2, Hilman Ardian Ekananda1,3 and Ilma Mufidah1,4

Telkom University, Bandung Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract. Supporting facilities such as reading chair are often used as a scene to read books.
However, the existing reading chair has not satisfied the user. This Research uses Kansei
Engineering which purpose to design a reading chair that fulfil user needs. Kansei Engineering
was chosen in this research because it can translate customer’s impression, feeling, and demands
on existing products or concepts to design concrete solutions and parameters into product design.
This research is done on students in the Bandung area who use reading chair. Using a
questionnaire as a tool to collect data that distributed online with google form to 347 respondents.
Questionnaire data was processed using KMO statistical test and Barlett test, so from 23 Kansei
word that had been obtained there was a reduction to 15 Kansei word would be used into
designing reading chair in this research. The results of this research states, the implementation
of Kansei Engineering could be done in the design of reading chairs, and there are innovations
to meet user needs such as, armrest, headrest and footrest. Also USB port, lights, and book
storage area. All of that can be used by users.
Keywords: Kansei Engineering, Kansei word, reading chair

1. Introduction
Nation is a group of people who share the same identity, language, religion, ideology, culture and history.
In Indonesia the culture of fondness for reading is still very low, even though reading will determine the
quality of the nation. By reading humans can know everything they don't know. Reading is a skill that
can be possessed by every human being, no special skills are needed to be able to read. According to
Periyeti (2017) reading can determine the quality of a nation or society, especially for the community
with the status of students because with low reading interest will have an impact on the nation's
underdevelopment. According to Yassin (2019) one of the factors that influence a person's lack of
interest in reading is inadequate means. Inadequate reading facilities will have a negative effect on
someone's interest in reading. Whereas adequate reading facilities will encourage someone to read.
Supporting facilities such as reading chairs are often used as a place to read books. However, the existing
reading chair has not satisfied the user and has not attracted interest in reading. The reading chair is a
chair that has a backrest that allows people to sit facing a shelf and can promote relaxation, security, and
can be used for hours when reading novels, newspapers and others (GEAR PATROL, 2019).
From the results of interviews and questionnaires that have been conducted from a total of 40
respondents reading chair users, the factors that influence reading interest when using a reading chair
are features (95%), reading chair design (92.5%), sitting position when using (90%) , sitting position

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ISIEM 12 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012046 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/847/1/012046

with reading time (87.5%), reading chair size (50%), and reading chair colour (45%). In the current
reading chair there are also complaints that are often experienced by users when using a reading chair.
From these results it was found that the complaints experienced by users when using the reading chair
in general were aches in the back (67.5%), neck (60%), buttocks (40%), waist (27.5%), shoulders (25%),
feet (12.5%), thighs (7.5%), and no complaints in any part (7.5%). This research uses Kansei
Engineering to produce a product concept in the form of a reading chair that is comfortable and in
accordance with user needs by involving feelings and emotions that exist in consumers.

2. Methods
Based on the above explanation to improve facilities in terms of reading, the Kansei Engineering
approach is used. Kansei Engineering was chosen because it translates customers' impressions, feelings,
and demands on existing products or concepts to design concrete design solutions and parameters into
product design (Schütte, 2002). According to Schütte (2002) Kansei is the impression one gets from an
artefact, environment, or certain situation using all the senses of sight, smell, hearing, feeling, feeling,
and recognition of the user. While Kansei Engineering is a product development methodology that
translates the impressions, feelings, and demands of customers towards existing products or concepts to
design concrete design solutions and parameters into product design.
At Kansei Engineering there are methods that are very structured and can be modified based on the
objectives to be achieved. The following is the structure of Kansei Engineering.
• Choice of participant groups, namely choosing group members who have good knowledge about
market segmentation.
• Collection of Kansei words namely kansei words that describe the product.
• Data Reduction Methods for Selection of Kansei Words is to reduce data to find the right number
of Kansei words.
• Types used scales are different rating scales in the Kansei Engineering context.
• Computerized data collection, which is statistical Kansei Engineering data, requires a large number
of different opinions to obtain statistically reliable results.

Connecting the Kansai words to product properties, namely Kansei word, which provides the properties
of the product.

3. Result & Discussion

The population that will be used in this study are students who have used a reading chair when reading.
And Bandung area as the object of sampling. In this study the number of samples needed using a
population-based sample size determination table developed by Isaac and Michael. So the number of
respondents needed is 347 respondents with an error rate of 5%. In this study using a questionnaire as a
data collection tool consisting of 23 questions that have been adjusted to the number of words obtained.
Primary data collection is done by distributing questionnaires online to users using google form with a
link that is divided into two parts, namely http://bit.ly/KionerHilmanArdian and
http://bit.ly/KionerHilmanArdian2. The first questionnaire link was used to test the validity and
reliability of each questionnaire obtained and the second questionnaire link was used to process data in
factor analysis and KJ method

4. Result and Discussion

4.1 Identification of Target Markets

Before making improvements to the product, it is necessary to identify the target market for users using
reading chairs. In this study the target market is students who have used a reading chair when reading
because students are required to broaden their horizons and enrich themselves by reading a lot of books
as well as working on assignments from various literature as a reference.

ISIEM 12 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012046 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/847/1/012046

4.2 Kansei Word

Kansei words obtained in number can vary but generally use 50 to 600 words (Schütte, 2002). After
collecting the Kansei word, a reduction in the Kansei word is done to reduce the words that have
similarities with other words. This is done to reduce ambiguous words between Kansei words to
minimize the use of words that are in accordance with the needs of reading chair users. The following
are 23 Kansei words that have been reduced as follows:

Table 1. Kansei word reduction

No Kansei Word No Kansei Word
1 Smooth 13 Appropriate
2 Stable 14 Waterproof
3 Feature 15 Ergonomic
4 Backrest 16 Minimalist
5 Headrests 17 Easy to use
6 Armrest 18 Attractive colours
7 Premium 19 Elegant
8 Safe 20 Futuristic
9 Comfortable 21 Unique
10 Relax 22 Slope
11 Functional 23 Artistic
12 Ideal - -

The word from the word that has been successfully reduced will then be used to make a question in the
form of a questionnaire that will be distributed to reading chair users.

4.3 Test Validity and Reliability

• Test Validity
Validity test can be said to be valid if the correlation coefficient value is 3 0.3 (Indrawati, 2015).
Based on the results of the validity test using Spearman shows the results of each Kansei word more
than 0.3 which states that the data from the post-test questionnaire is said to be valid.
• Reliability Test
According to Indrawati (2015) reliability concerns the level of trust, reliability, consistency or
stability of the results of a measurement. Cronbach alpha coefficient value ≥ 0.7 indicates that the
questionnaire has a fairly good level of reliability. Based on the reliability test using Cronbach alpha
shows that the results obtained are above 0.7, which means the questionnaire data is reliable.

4.4 Factor Analysis

Figures KMO and Barlett Test according to Santoso (2012) can be analysed by factor analysis if the
value of KMO and Barlett Test is above 0.5 and the significance value is below 0.05. The hypothesis
for testing is as follows.
• H0: There is no significant relationship between variables that affect the concept of the reading
• H1: There is a significant relationship between variables that affect the concept of the reading chair.

Based on the results of the KMO and Barlett Test values obtained 0.818 or> 0.5 with a significance
value of 0,000 or <0.05 which means accepting the H1 hypothesis or there is a significant relationship
between the variables that affect the concept of the reading chair. In the KMO and Barlett Test there is

ISIEM 12 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012046 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/847/1/012046

a PCA that can be used to find out the classification of each word word from each grouping result that
can be seen in the table 2.

Table 2. Grouping of kansei word

No Kansei Word Component Cluster
1 Smooth 1
2 Feature 1
3 Backrest 1
4 Headrests 1
5 Armrest 1 Basic
6 Comfortable 1
7 Relax 1
8 Functional 1
9 Minimalist 1
10 Attractive colours 2
11 Futuristic 2
Positive Physical
12 Unique 2
13 Slope 2
14 Waterproof 5 Adventurous
15 Ergonomic 6 Compromising

4.5 Product Concept Description

After doing a factor analysis and getting four group components from each kansei word, the next is to
classify the four groups using the KJ method. According to Nagamachi and Lokman (2011) the KJ
method uses affinity diagrams in grouping kansei words called affinity clusters. In the cluster there are
several levels of levels, namely zero level, 1st level, and 2nd level, which means that the higher the level,
the more detailed it will be.
According to Nagamachi and Lokman (2011) when it can deepen the concept of a product that is
initially very general and vague so that it becomes the lowest level concept, we can decide on physical
characteristics such as size, design, colour and function. Physical characteristics also need to be
translated into technical specifications. The following Figure 1 are the physical characteristics and
technical specifications for the reading chair concept.

Matriks Structure

Characteristics Main frame Backrest Headrests Armrest

The main frame The backrest is Headrests are The armrest

Specification merges with the combined with integrated with blends with the
chair legs the main frame the backrest main frame

Figure 1. Characteristics and specifications of the structure

Matriks Dimension

The distance
Height of Height of Height of
Characteristics Width of backrest Width of headrest Width of armrest Length of armrest Width of seating Length of seat between the seats
backrest headrest headrest
to the floor

Specification 72 cm 52cm 23 cm 21 cm 29 cm 11 cm 30 cm 44 cm 42 cm 36 cm

Figure 2. Characteristics and specifications of dimension

ISIEM 12 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012046 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/847/1/012046

Figure 3. Characteristics and specifications of features

Figure 4. Characteristics and specifications of material

4.6 Design Idea

Before visualizing using CAD, it is necessary to design a reading chair design first. Design is done by
benchmarking to find references or ideas that are in accordance with the design that will be made. The
selection was chosen based on the suitability between the kansei word and the technical specifications
obtained on the product design to be made.

4.7 Visualization of Design Concept

After getting the technical characteristics and specifications using the KJ method, the next step is to
create a 3D design using solidworks software. The visualization of this design is derived from the
benchmarking process on read-read products on the market. So that gives an overview to researchers to
make visual designs. The design of this design is also adjusted to the process that the researcher has
done in the previous stages so as to get the following visual design innovations.
When the design of the proposal was completed using solidworks software, the researcher conducted
a trial to find out the user's response regarding the design of the reading chair that the researcher had
designed to 40 respondents and an expert in manufacturing. As a result, users have no problems
regarding the form of design that the researchers design, but there are only a few adjustments and
additional features in the reading chair needed by users. The adjustments are like the lights that can be
adjusted by the user, the backrest which can be adjusted tilt and the brown colour for the frame and the
black for the cushion more chosen by the user. As well as additional features needed in the reading chair
that is designed is the presence of a folding table that can be used as a place to put books while reading.
Then the researcher got expert input regarding the structure of the skeleton used so that there was an
improvement in the skeletal structure that the researcher designed. So from that the researchers
conducted a design evaluation in the hope that the design evaluated by researchers can be better than the
previous design to meet user needs. The following is an evaluation design carried out by the researcher.

ISIEM 12 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012046 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/847/1/012046

Figure 5. Visualization of the proposed design Figure 6. Visualization of evaluation design

5. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research that has been done in designing reading chairs that are in accordance
with user needs by using Kansei Engineering, conclusions can be drawn as follows.
1. Implementation of Kansei Engineering in making the design of a reading chair can be done because
of the design of the view of the user's feelings and needs.
2. The Kansei word test uses processing statistical data to test words that match the user's needs in the
design of the reading chair. The result of the 23 words that have been reduced there are 8 words that
cannot be used, namely smooth, premium, safe, ideal, appropriate, easy to use, elegant and artistic
so that the design of the reading chair only uses 15 Kansei words namely stable, features, backrest,
headrests, armrests, comfortable, relax, functional, waterproof, ergonomic, minimalist, attractive
colors, futuristic, unique and slope.
3. The use of Kansei Engineering in the manufacture of reading chair design results in several
innovations to meet user needs, including the armrests and headrests that are expected by users in
the designed reading chair, there are footrests that users can use to give a more relaxed impression
when reading, then there is a USB port that functions as an electric charger for users who use gadgets
when reading, there are lights that can be used by users when the lighting when reading is felt
lacking, there is a book storage area that users can use when they have finished reading. Backrest
that can be adjusted by the user. And a folding table that can be used to put books or gadgets while

6. References
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[3] Nagamachi, M. and Lokman, A. M. (2011) Innovations of Kansei Engineering. 1st ed. (Tokyo:
Taylor & Francis Group).
[4] Periyeti 2017 ‘Usaha Meningkatkan Minat Baca Mahasiswa’, Jurnal Pustaka Budaya, 4(1), pp.

ISIEM 12 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012046 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/847/1/012046

[5] Santoso, S. 2012 Aplikasi SPSS pada Statistik Multivariat. 1st ed. (Jakarta: PT Elex Media
[6] Schütte, S. 2002 Designing Feelings into Products. (Linköping: Linköpings Universitet).
[7] Yassin, B. A. 2019 Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Membaca, Perpustakaan
Universitas Andalas. Available at: https://pustaka.unand.ac.id/component/k2/item/193-faktor-
faktor-yang-mempengaruhi-minat-membaca (Accessed: 1 March 2019).

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