Future Tense
Future Tense
Future Tense
Research Design
-The research design will provide a structured approach for conducting the
investigation, facilitating clear methodology. An extensive assessment will
determine whether the e-bench promotes sustainable behaviour and
environmental awareness more effectively than traditional benches. In
addition, the study incorporates mixed-methods research, which is in line with
Nooraie's (2020) call for methodological integration. It also seeks expert
opinions to further develop the versatile E-Bench concept.
Designing Stage
-Once an important amount of data has been gathered, researchers move on
to the next stage of the E-bench project. During the design stage, researchers
will engage in various activities to facilitate the development of the product.
These actions will include idea generation, extensive literature review, online
video analysis, and consultation with other relevant resources. A graphical
representation of the product has been included in this section. Compliance to
the specified pattern will be the highest priority for the researchers during the
design process.
-The researchers will hold a meeting to gather opinions from all members of
the team regarding the project's development. The purpose is to establish a
clear plan for the project's proper development. All members will cooperate
and share their knowledge and ideas to ensure that reliable information can
be obtained from related studies. The team has identified the materials that
will be used in the project.
-In order to achieve the desired outcome, it is crucial to engage in meticulous
planning and execution, employing a range of strategies and procedures to
guarantee a successful result.
-In the design process, the researchers aim to create an environment within
the school that will be multifunctional, aesthetically pleasing, and a place for
children to socialize.
1. Dimension
-The researchers developed the multipurpose e-bench with careful
consideration of its dimensions. The researchers have thoroughly examined
multiple perspectives, including front, top, side, and exploded views. They
have confidently chosen to use the foot (ft) as the standard unit of
measurement for practical purposes.
2. Material Choice
- During the equipment and materials selection process, we will be conducting
a thorough evaluation of the products that are currently available locally.
3. Technical Specification
-Here are the technical specifications provided to assess the capabilities of
the multipurpose E-Bench:
Plywood- will be used to create the walling and roof for the bench. It will be
stronger than solid wood of the same thickness and will be able to support the
long-term availability of the e-bench.
The Cutting Disc - is designed to effortlessly cut through steel.
A flat bar - will be used to support the table.
Steel Matting- will have greater airflow and will offer a nice view.
Tubular Steel - is used to provide support for the E-Bench's table and body.
The Welding Electrode is used for joining two base metals together.
Steel Sheet- for the E-Bench roof Screws are an essential tool for securely
fastening materials together. By rotating them, they can effectively penetrate
plywood and other materials, ensuring a tight and reliable hold.
- All projects will adhere to the standard of purchasing high-quality materials
at a reasonable price. Researchers are striving to discover the essential
components that will meet the desired level of quality for the project, all while
remaining cost-effective.
-In this process, researchers are aiming to acquire high-quality, ecofriendly,
and cost-effective materials to construct the project.
-The project idea was developed by researchers who utilised their skills and
prior experience. This will help them collect new data and create a
multipurpose E-Bench
-The multipurpose E-Bench is being investigated and evaluated to track its
development. Several issues have been carefully considered during the
project's creation, resulting in prompt and innovative solutions. Solutions have
been developed to address them.
Final Evaluation
-During this phase, the multipurpose E-bench project will be inspected to
determine if any modifications were made to the design and development.
This is done to ensure that the entire product performs as expected and that
the project has been completed successfully.
The chart shows that the enquiry will be completed within the designated
timeframe. In January, scholars discussed various approaches to achieve
their objectives. The planning phase is set to begin in the second week of
January and wrap up in the first week of February. The design process is
expected to occur in a similar manner to the planning process. The prototype
is set to be completed by the end of March. Starting from the second week of
March, the prototype will be finalized.