Lifeformdiversity AbuneYosef
Lifeformdiversity AbuneYosef
Lifeformdiversity AbuneYosef
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Mistire Yifru*1, Tigist Wondimu2, Sebsebe Demissew3, Brita Stedje4, Tamrat Bekele5
Department of Biology, Kotebe Metropolitan University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Department of Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management, Addis Ababa University,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Department of Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management, Addis Ababa University,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo, Norway
Department of Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management, Addis Ababa University,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The aim of this study was to classify plant functional types based on life forms adaptation in Afro-alpine
ecosystem. A total of 31 plots were established along altitudinal gradients of Afro-alpine area within the range of
3830m.a.s.l to 4168m.a.s.l. The data were recorded in 5m × 5m quadrats based on homogeneity. Physiographic
variables such as altitude and longitude were measured for each quadrat using GPS. Information on habit,
habitat, and the position of perennating buds were recorded so as to draw a biological spectrum, following the
concept of Raunkiaer. A total of 107 plant species belonging to 76 genera, and 30 families were identified and
documented. The dominant families were Asteraceae, followed by Caryophyllaceae, Scrophulariaceae,
Lamiaceae, Crassulaceae, Brassicacea and Ranunculaceae. The family Asteraceae was represented by all the five
major life form groups. The dominant life form was Chamaephytes represented by 39 species (36%) followed by
Therophytes, 21 species (20%), Geophytes, 16 species (15%), Hemicryptophytes, 19 species (18%) and
Phanerophytes 12 species (11%). The Chi-square test showed significant differences between the Raunkiaer’s
spectrums (χ2= 129.85, p < 0.001) to sub-afroalpine and afroalpine flora. Chamaephytes were with highest
individual values (83.4%) and show high deviation from the Raunkiaers spectrum. The finding confirmed that
the studied area was characterised by the two dominated life forms, the Chamaephytes and Therophytes,
therefore the mount Abune-Yosef is characterised as Chamaeo-Therophytic. Both Chamaephytes and
Therophytes are characterized the colder and high altitude.
*Corresponding Author: Mistire Yifru [email protected]
located in the Lasta massif of North Wollo Zone of habitat (Richman and Biniyam 2013). The Afro-alpine
Amhara Region, between 12°8′7″N and 39°15′7″E (Fig. ecosystem has been reduced over the last decades, as in
1). The Abune-Yosef Mountain reaches up to 4260 most of Ethiopian highlands, and it currently remains
m.a.s.l. (13,976 ft) and covering 70km2 of Afro-alpine above 3,700m.a.s.l only (Saavedra, 2009).
The climate is moist and cold, with a wet season from solar radiation and strong wind (White, 1983). The
June to October, and a dry season from November to Afro-alpine landscape is open and dominated by
May. The average annual rainfall is 2,000mm and the grasslands and heath lands, with steep slopes covered
mean annual temperature ranges between 7.5 and by rocky and shallow soils, valleys and depressions,
11°C (Environmental Support project, 2001). with deep black soils, sustaining an important for the
presence of various plant life forms.
Abune-Yosef Afro-alpine area has tourism value due
to its scenery and the presence of endemic animals The mosaic of Afro-alpine vegetation types includes
and plants which attract a growing number of visitors. “guassa’ grasslands (Festuca simensis), giant lobelias
Besides, area has been serving as an important (Lobelia rhynchopetalum), Euryops pinifolius bushes
religious site for centuries with many churches and locally known as “chifra”, “kirshiba,” or “charranfe”,
monasteries around (Saavedra, 2009). and remnant patches of Erica arborea (Fig. 2).
night times, that means, “summer every day and conservation area by regional government in 2016
winter every night” (Hedberg, 1970). Besides, the since it is a home of endemic species of five plants,
Afro-alpine ecosystems are also identified by harsh eight mammals and six birds and endangered species
climatic conditions such as low temperature, high of seven mammals and nine birds.
Floristic contribution
A total of 107 plant species belonging to 76 genera,
and 30 families were collected from Mount Abune-
Yosef (Fig. 5). Nineteen species (17.76%) are endemic
to Ethiopia.
Appendix 1. Lists of vascular plant with their family and life form category.
Species Name Family Origin Life Form
Aeonium leucoblepharum A. Rich. Crassulaceae Chamaephyte
Agrocharis melanantha Hochst. Apiaceae Therophyte
Alchemilla abyssinica Fresen. Rosaceae Hemicryptophyte
Alchemilla kiwuensis Engl. Rosaceae Hemicryptophyte
Alchemilla pedata A. Rich. Rosaceae Hemicryptophyte
Andropogon distachyos L. Poaceae Hemicryptophyte
Anthemis tigreensis J.Gayex.A.Rich. Asteraceae Therophyte
Arabis alpina L. Brassicaceae Hemicryptophyte
Arabis thaliana L. Brassicaceae Therophyte
Artemisia abyssinica Sch. Bip. Ex A.Rich. Asteraceae Phanerophyte
Artemisia schimperi Sch.Bip. ex Engl. Asteraceae Endemic Hemicryptophyte
Asplenium abyssinicum Fee Aspleniaceae Chamaephyte
Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm.f.) Bech. Aspleniaceae Chamaephyte
Berula erecta (Hudson) Coville Apiaceae Chamaephyte
Bidens macroptera (Sch.-Bip. ex Chiov.) Mesfin Asteraceae Endemic Therophyte
Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P. Beauv. Poaceae Therophyte
Campanula edulis Forssk. Campanulaceae Hemicryptophyte
Cardamine hirsuta L. Brassicaceae Chamaephyte
Carduus macracanthus Sch. Bip. ex. Kazmi Asteraceae Endemic Chamaephyte
Carex peregrina Link Cyperaceae Chamaephyte
Cerastium octandrum A. Rich. Var. octandrum Caryophyllaceae Therophyte
Cineraria sebaldii Cufod. Asteraceae Endemic Chamaephyte
Clematis simensis Fresen. Ranunculaceae Phanerophyte
Conyza stricta Willd. Asteraceae Therophyte
Crassula granvikii Mildbr. Crassulaceae Therophyte
Crassula schimperi Fisch. & Mey. Crassulaceae Chamaephyte
Cynoglossum coeruleum Hochst. ex A.DC. Boraginaceae Endemic Therophyte
Delosperma abyssinica (Regel) Schwantes Aizoaceae Geophyte
Delosperma schimperi (Engl.) H.E.K. Hartmann &Niesler Aizoaceae Geophyte
Dianthoseris schimperi Sch.Bip.ex A. Rich. Asteraceae Geophyte
Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Bl.) DC. Asteraceae Therophyte
Dichrocephala integrifolia (L. f.) O. Kuntze Asteraceae Therophyte
Discopodium penninervium Hochst. Solanaceae Phanerophyte
Epilobium hirsutum L. Onagraceae Hemicryptophyte
Epilobium salignum Hausskn. Onagraceae Hemicryptophyte
Epilobium stereophyllum Fresen. Onagraceae Hemicryptophyte
Erica arborea L. Ericaceae Phanerophyte
Erophila verna subsp. macrosperma (Sebald) Jonsell Brassicaceae Chamaephyte
Erucastrum meruense Jonsell Brassicaceae Therophyte
Euryops pinifolius A. Rich. Asteraceae Endemic Phanerophyte
Festuca simensis Hochst ex. A. Rich. Poaceae Chamaephyte
Galium aparinoides Forssk. Rubiaceae Therophyte
Galium simense Fresen. Rubiaceae Therophyte
Geranium arabicum Forssk. Geraniaceae Hemicryptophyte
Gnaphalium unionis Sch. Bip. ex Oliv. & Hiern Asteraceae Chamaephyte
Haplocarpha rueppelii (Sch. Bip.) Beauv. Asteraceae Chamaephyte
Fig. 5. Species distribution and abundance with the influenced by farming, grazing, firewood collection
respective families in Mount Abune-Yosef. and grass cutting over several centuries (Zelalem et
al., 2012). Shahid and Joshi (2018) indicated the
Based on the result from Chi-square test (χ2) test, life presence of high amount of Therophytic life form next
to Chamaephytes indicated that the studied Afro-
form spectrum of the Abune-Yosef community
alpine area is influenced by enormous anthropogenic
conservation area showed significant differences to
disturbance like road construction, grazing and
that of the Raunkiaer’s spectrums (χ2= 129.85, p <
farming up to highest altitude (3780m.a.l.s) and
0.001). Chamaephytes showed significant deviation
proximity of settlement to the Afro-alpine area. This
from the Raunkiaers spectrum (Table 1) having the
reason may be facilitating the dominance of
highest individual value (83.4%).
Therophyte over the other life forms in Mount Abune-
Yosef Community conservation areas. In addition to
Table 1. Comparison of Life form spectrum.
the above mentioned factors, Therophytes are usually
Study area and
Cr dominated in some of the driest and coldest
Raunkiaer normal PH CH H TH Total
Spectrum environments of the world (Harrison et al., 2010) due
Abune-Yosef 11 36 18 15 20 100
Raunkiaer normal to their shortest life cycle.
46 9 26 6 13 100
χ2 26.3 83.4 2.7 14.1 3.35 129.85
Because of the occurrences of the two dominant life
Ph = Phanerophytes, Ch = Chamaephytes, H =
forms, Chamaephytes and Therophytes, the finding of
Hemicryptophytes, Cr = Cryptophytes (Geophytes),
Th = Therophytes the studied Afro-alpine areas is named by both
dominant life forms. According to the biological
The study finding indicates that Chamephytes were therophytic. Qadir and Shetvy (1986) considered
more dominant than other life forms in the mount Chamaephytes and Therophytes as the major life
Abune-Yosef Afro-alpine area. The finding of forms under unfavorable environmental regions.
Heitschmidt and Stuth (1991) indicates that
Chamaephytes become more prominent in subalpine Hemicryptophytes contributed lower share relative to
zones due to soil and climatic conditions which also normal Raunkiaer (1934) life form spectrum. This
support the present study indicates alpine vegetation may be due to the absences of sufficient moisture to
dominated with chamaephytes. Another finding support the growth of this Hemicryptophytic life
(Muhammad, 2012) also stated that Chamaephytes form. This finding agrees with the report of Mahdavi
are indicators of alpine vegetation. Cold conditions, et al. (2013) and Mistire et al. (2015) who reported
low temperature, wind and biotic factors result in that a strong relation between moisture in the upper
unfavorable conditions paving way for chamaephytes soil layers and Hemicryptophytes prevalence.
Geophytes were also exceeding the expected normal Bidens macroptera (Therophyte), Helichrysum
life form spectrum. This might be due to data splendidum (Chamaephytic), Euryops pinifolius
collection timing that favors the availability of (Phanerophytic), Dianthoseris schimperi (Geophytic)
geophytes especially the wet season. This result and Anthemis tigreensis (Hemicryptophytic). As its
indicates that the researcher treating the modification dominancy indicates the family Asteraceae develops
of Raunkiaer (1934) system of life form classification different survival strategy to cope with different
by Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974) to include environmental conditions. Next to Asteraceae,
the data during favorable conditions. Geophytes have Caryophyllaceae with geophytic and Therophytic life
well protected new growing buds in the ground and form (e.g. Stellaria media-Therophyte and Silene
they are characteristic of Mediterranean type of macrosolen- Geophyte), Scrophulariaceae
climate (Shimwell, 1971). It is not surprising to come represented by Chamaephytic, Hemicryptophytic and
with very poor representation of Phanerophytes in Therophytic. Lamiaceae represented by
Afro-alpine area which is avery adverse climatic Chamaephytic, and Hemicryptophytic life form (see
conditions that do not support this type of life form. Appendix 1).The endemic plant species that are
Phanerophytes are indicators of favorable conditions represented in all life forms accounts for 17.76% of
according to Raunkiaer (1934). This result is the total 107 taxa, which comparatively higher than
supported by Ghelichnia (2014) in the study of Flora the 10% endemism of the Ethiopian Flora. This
and vegetation of Mount Damavand in Iran. indicates that the Abune -Yosef community
conservation area is one of the richest sites in the
Normal Biological Spectrum
distribution of endemic species of plants in Ethiopia.
The chi-square test confirmed a significant difference
However, according to the IUCN Red List Categories
(χ2 = 129.85, p < 0.001) between the observed (Vivero et al., 2005); some of the endemic taxa such
Abune-Yosef community conservation area and as Inula confertiflora and Satureja punctate are
Raunkiaer’s normal spectrum. Chamaephytes found to be on the verge of threatened while Euryops
exhibited marked deviation (36%).From normal pinifolius is vulnerable to extinction. On the other
Raunkiaer’s spectrum based on individual values hand Solanecio gigas is under the list concerned
(Table 1). Mendes et al. (2010) reported significant species categories in the mountain.
difference between Raunkiaer’s spectrum and flora of
Brazil that showed high proportion of Phanerophyte. The Effect of Altitude on Life form Distribution
Another study from Pakistan reported Therophytes The biological spectrum obtained in the present study
with the highest individual values (34%) obtained
is a reflection of existing environmental conditions.
from Chi-square (X2) test and showed high deviation
Diversity and distribution of life forms is usually
from the Raunkiaer’s spectrum (Khan and Khan,
correlated with climatic heterogeneity (Cowling et al.,
2017). These two findings support strongly results
1994) decreasing with increasing altitude (Montana
from the present study in which Chamaephytes
and Valientebanuet, 1998, Pavon et al., 2000). The life
showed significant deviation from the Raunkiaers
form that ended at the lowest elevation was the
spectrum. The biological spectrum of Mount Abune-
phanerophytes which become rare relative to elevation.
Yosef reflects high altitudinal zone and found in the
Therophytes also declined gradually. Geophyte and
tropics, they are characterized by tropical Mountains
Hemicryptophytes took a lower share as well.
so Chamae-Therophytic climate may be due to the
effect of altitude in tropical climate and
In Mount Abune-Yosef, Chamaephytes have a
anthropogenic disturbance.
tendency to increase at higher altitudes. The results
Floristic contribution from Klimes (2003) confirm that Chamaephytes show
With regard to floristic contribution Asteraceae are an increasing trend towards higher altitudes. The
represented by all the five major life forms, e.g. work of Muhammad (2012) concluded that
Chamaephytes are generally the most common life change and other environmental changes at very
forms in high altitudes. Hussain et al. (1997a) different scales and different vegetation types
reported that in Girbanar Hills (Pakistan), especially the fragile Afro-alpine environment like
Chamaephytes increased from lower altitude to Abune-Yosef Mountain.
higher altitude. They are generally the most common
life form in high altitude. Acknowledgment
Addis Ababa University is gratefully acknowledged for
Conclusion provision of financial support through the thematic
According to the biological spectrum, the flora of the research titled with “Integrated approaches of
Mount Abune-Yosef is described as the Chamae- Molecular systematics and plant Biodiversity
Therophytic. Chamaephytes are characteristics of the Informatics to climate change Mitigation and
colder and high altitude or more prominent Afro- Monitoring in Ethiopian Mountains’’. The first author
alpine and sub-Afro-alpine zones. The ecological shows gratitude to Ato Ashenafi Tilahun, a GIS
condition of the Afro-alpine area is highly influenced analyst, for helping preparation of study area map.
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