Nunez Van Bryan 21
Nunez Van Bryan 21
Nunez Van Bryan 21
K-W-L Chart
1. Download this file (K-W-L Chart).
2. Output will be graded based on the attached rubric.
3. In the first two columns, write what you think you already know about Literature
(K) and what you want to know (W).
4. After completing the module, write what you learned in the third column (L).
5. Be ready to present your output to the class during the synchronous session.
1. Download this file (CONCEPT MAP).
2. Fill out the concept map.
3. Don’t forget to write a short description in your own words.
4. For genres, just pick five for each type.
5. Your output will be graded based on the attached rubric.
written or spoken material
does not have any
metrical structure Is a type of literature that is
used as a way by us people
GENRES who can put down into writing
and can produce some works
to outflow our emotions from
experiences in life. It uses
rhythm, vivid language and
often rhyme to provoke an
emotional response. It is most
likely the way that we
generate it into art of having
the power of speaking or
writing in a forceful and
convincing way.
Play is a
Legends are stories performative form of
that are somewhat The Book of Psalms
art exclusively being is the longest book in
early citizens in a different from the
particular place the Bible that has Elegy is a song or
others as it is not been written by
believed to have an poem we dedicate to
written that you Israelite praisers and
account of someone who has
could think for a long is composed of
something happened passed away as for
time. But it is an extensive chapters
long time ago of the our expression of
actual and is used in singing of the
incipience of the love, sorrow, beliefs
presented on a stage people to exalt the
story that has existed and lamentation
or theater which goodness of the Lord
and it became a part towards the person.
therefore have and for His favor. It is
of the culture and different casts,
what is known of the in honor to Him that
elements and it we are His people.
place. shows variety of
performances and
acts in scenes.
1. List down at least ten books or literary pieces that you have read or like to read.