Nunez Van Bryan 21

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21St Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Module 1

NAME: Van Bryan A. Nunez


K What do I KNOW about

Literature? W What do I WANT to know
about Literature? L What did I LEARN about

1. Literature is a • As literature refers to • I learned that literature

written work like the written works and shouldn’t be measured
novels, poetry, sometimes spoken for that nothing it gives
drama, and more. materials a country has because of its high
in its history’s richness of importance that it has
2. It helps us learn culture and how some thought and meaning of
new things we’re prominent makers and what mirrors our past as
curious about and writers have contributed our ancestors and
a set of ideas or to it. As they were being salient writers have
goals we want to known in their time and exerted in doing those
learn. how we have to give a larger part to
preservation for the us people in generation.
3. Literature helps in generations to come. As Literature testifies the
enhancing our we do teach young value of our culture in
vocabulary people about our past ethics and morals as it
because when we telling them in. We
teaches us many lessons
remember them in all time
read novels, that are good practices
for their masterpieces
drama, poetry we giving us to broaden our and good help in our
tend to sharpen perceptions of what were daily lives. They are
our mind and those realities lied in us really influential and as
most especially humans. Because for the we being advocates in
our vocabulary. most part, I will focus it in the country, we bring it
here regarding on the up towards the future
4. Literature is a written works, books, and future generations
piece of artwork novels, the prose or the as follows.
where people get writings. I’ve observed that
intrigued by it. each book really has a
• There are two types of
story or particular event to
literature namely the
portray. It helps us
5. Lastly, it is a becoming aware of what prose and the poetry.
masterpiece. were our traditions and Prose refers to those
historical events in the past creative written works by
where we started authors that are most
beginning of time and how usually read by us
we’ve been adapting it. It erudite learners in the
addresses an issue, it means that there are no
reflects the system of the limitations to follow and
society and the nature of don’t have metrical
us humans. Behind each structure like as
literary piece, you could becoming that strict. This
really come up to a
kind has genres and
signification that it conveys
themes depending on
a message. Just as we all
know in some of the the kind of story and
literary pieces of our underlying message it
country. The great works of gives. As we all know
Dr. Jose P. Rizal (Noli Mi that we are most fond
Tangere and El on these about reading
Filibusterismo). I look on for books and literary
something more that will pieces. We can
give me morals in addition compose our own of it. It
from the kind of piece or is in the form of
any other literary works so
sentences and
that I could bring this
paragraphs which we
aspect to show awareness
for myself and other could give bounds to
people conforming to share whole throughout
morality not only in the the happenings in real
content itself but what sets life and fantastical
us out and makes us think situations. While the
outside the box. poetry, what it differs
from the prose is that it
• Back in the years when I accords to a measure
was in high school, we as is parameterized in
were taught to mainly the form of stanzas and
majoring some points of
verses. It really has a
having it in some parts
metrical structure. But
partaking all through
about most lessons in they’re both interesting
Literature. Especially and useful in our
having the Filipino and everyday lives.
English subjects and are
tops of my favourites. In • The main difference
various contexts and between the two as to
textbooks, I’ve known my knowledge and
some. I know composing observation is that the
these things like “Tanka” prose of its group is
and “Haiku”, “Tanaga”
concerted in the matter
and more other literary
of its composition to
genres with all of those. I
look forward to try and I have plot which when
would like to know it better learning something is we
more those things that I can then jump to
haven’t tried yet. And conclusion that there
upon knowing each of are really series of events
them and their definitions in the story or certain
will add up more for my literary written work as a
learnings and awareness
whole. Which from, it
over things most
takes us to know the
importantly all about the
Literature. parts and the elements
that make it up to like
• I would love to learn as (characters, setting,
we will go through this plot, parts of, theme,
kind of lesson to point of view, literary
distinguish the devices and many
differences among others etc.). While now,
each one of them. What recognizing kinds of
are the proper poetry in some definite
techniques in its way is that they’re really
exactness in making it. composed by the
What are the things to composers based on
be considered. How that their experiences and
something is done and emotions which it is
what should be shared through making
followed. these things. Like as you
notice about poems
• Through literature, I that songs are from only
elicit myself to come off added the musical tone
and become familiar and the following
with somewhere new successive patterns.
what places do these
literary pieces come • Prose kinds are found
from and who was the to feature and organize
author of that certain events in life’s situations
book or either writing and poetries are in line
and those alive. I expect to make it in rhyming
to know more some not form where as you
only in our country but express your thoughts,
also in some other opinions and emotions
places. Especially the about happenings and
book lovers out there, experiences.
I’m also here and very
eager to gather more • Having through this
facts and trivias about a lesson, it causes us to
particular book and know that we are born
writing. I cognize to free and thus, we are
discover plots of the free to express ourselves
stories and turn of events in extreme boundaries
whether it’s fantasy, and we could be writers
what genre or it may be of our own story.
a more formal one. Through literature, we
could be able to get
• I’m hoping for more widened and to
things that I could achieve those things.
accumulate and thus,
could way me in my
formulation of thoughts
and ideas, to evoke my
mind by its concepts
and the way it should be
written in the form.
Herewith, I could be
able to do it in my
articulation to have
compositions when I
want it.

K-W-L Chart
1. Download this file (K-W-L Chart).
2. Output will be graded based on the attached rubric.
3. In the first two columns, write what you think you already know about Literature
(K) and what you want to know (W).
4. After completing the module, write what you learned in the third column (L).
5. Be ready to present your output to the class during the synchronous session.
1. Download this file (CONCEPT MAP).
2. Fill out the concept map.
3. Don’t forget to write a short description in your own words.
4. For genres, just pick five for each type.
5. Your output will be graded based on the attached rubric.

written or spoken material

does not have any
metrical structure Is a type of literature that is
used as a way by us people
GENRES who can put down into writing
and can produce some works
to outflow our emotions from
experiences in life. It uses
rhythm, vivid language and
often rhyme to provoke an
emotional response. It is most
likely the way that we
generate it into art of having
the power of speaking or
writing in a forceful and
convincing way.

Play is a
Legends are stories performative form of
that are somewhat The Book of Psalms
art exclusively being is the longest book in
early citizens in a different from the
particular place the Bible that has Elegy is a song or
others as it is not been written by
believed to have an poem we dedicate to
written that you Israelite praisers and
account of someone who has
could think for a long is composed of
something happened passed away as for
time. But it is an extensive chapters
long time ago of the our expression of
actual and is used in singing of the
incipience of the love, sorrow, beliefs
presented on a stage people to exalt the
story that has existed and lamentation
or theater which goodness of the Lord
and it became a part towards the person.
therefore have and for His favor. It is
of the culture and different casts,
what is known of the in honor to Him that
elements and it we are His people.
place. shows variety of
performances and
acts in scenes.

Short Stories are Fables are kinds of Epic is a kind of story

pieces that are stories whereby A Ballad is one of
that is most usually
shorter and transitory primarily, animals are the genres of songs
tragic and there are
than the novels featured as the main that’s a substance
events in the story that
which the characters characters of the from the making of a
the protagonist and
also are only few story. Although it’s a narrative
the antagonist are
appearing in the story narrative work and composition in
one’s against in a fight
and in most cases, being as short form rhythmic verse as a
to the toughest
don’t give us as they say, animals form suitable for
encounter. But in the
concluded thought in act like humans singing. It sounds in
end, the protagonist
the ending because where they could its quality toning like
overcomes between
they usually don’t speak and having a slow romantic or
them as he serves his
have. abilities seeming like sentimental song we
role and plays an act of
a real story. Perhaps, set out as a simple
the work gives us a class song intending
moral lesson that to devote our
answers to the call of feelings to someone
issues and real life we love. As it is
situations. pleasing to the ears
and it means to us
inwards. These
songs are really just
also popular.

Biography is a record that has containment about

somebody’s life written by someone else giving a good
account of his or her detailed personal information,
features, contributions and how he or she made a legacy Ode is a lyric poem that shows respect for the worth
and influence of another as it is marked by enthusiasm
making a name all in his or her entire life more than death.
and exaltation we give to a person.

Title Author Form

• “Invictus” William Ernest Henley - Poem -

• “Beowulf” ~ Unknown ~ but was - Poem -

an anonymous Anglo-
Saxon poet

• “Annabel Lee” Edgar Allan Poe - Poem -

• “Romeo and Juliet” William Shakespeare - Play -

• “The Reign of Greed” Dr. Jose P. Rizal - Novel -

(El Filibusterismo)

• “Noli Me Tangere” Dr. Jose P. Rizal - Novel -

• “Ibong Adarna” Virgilo Almario - Epic Poem -

• “Florante at Laura” Francisco Balagtas - Epic Poem -


• “The Little Prince” Antoine de Saint- - Novel -


. “Sitsiritsit” Ryan Cayabyab - Folksong -


1. List down at least ten books or literary pieces that you have read or like to read.

2. Categorize also the form of each work.

3. Write your answers in the table that follows.

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