Fahad Jamalaldeen
DAR Acting Project Manager
On 28th October 2023 there was an occurrence of heavy rainfall, after which SSTPC conducted
inspections2 to the numerous severe damages in HHR assets 3 (the “Damages”), which revealed
that the Damages were a consequence of the aforementioned P1P1 Defects in civil works and of
the existence of P1P1 latent defects4, primarily concerning their works on drainage and slope
stability for cut areas (loose material), among others.
We hereby recall that the possibility for P1P1 to carry out the relevant remedial works pursuant
to Clause 4.2 of the Operation & Maintenance Package Conditions (the “O&M PC”) has been
exhausted, as noted in our letter ref. 20210720_SAR_3, and therefore, pursuant to Clauses 4.3
and 8.2 of the same, SSTPC is entitled to perform the necessary remedial works due to any such
P1P1 defect and to claim the costs incurred in the form of a Service Variation. Under these
circumstances, SSTPC has taken action and performed from October 2023 until March 2024 the
relevant remedial works to resolve the Damages in the Maintenance Base 2 area under several
Work Orders as detailed in Attachment 1.
In addition to this, it is worth noting that in connection with the referred rainfall event,
subsequent Damages, and during the performance of the remedial works -in coordination with
security and traffic areas- TSR were required to be imposed. SSTPC hereby rejects any impacts
on operation and service performance, and more specifically on KPI, stemming from the
Defects and affiliated remedial works.
Therefore, for the purposes of clause 4.3 of the O&M PC and pursuant to clauses 8.1.5 and 8.2
of the same, we hereby submit our Service Variation 5 for the performed remedial work and the
cost incurred by SSTPC, including the following information, in accordance with the provisions
of Clause 8.2.2 of the O&M PC:
(i) confirmation that the activities requested do not include obligations, duties and
services already within the Consortium's scope of work under these Operation &
Maintenance Package Conditions and/or any approved document produced in
accordance therewith (refer to Section 2 of the Attachment 1 for detailed
(ii) full details of the intended manner of implementing the Service Variation and the
impact of implementing the same on Passenger Services (refer to Section 3 of the
Attachment 1 for detailed justification);
(iii) full details, if applicable, of the time the SSTPC reasonably considers will be taken
to implement the Service Variation and the impact, if any, on the time for
performance of any other obligation to be performed by the SSTPC (refer to
Section 4 of the Attachment 1);
(iv) accurate costing of the increase of the Service Charge that will result from
implementing the Service Variation (refer to Section 5 of the Attachment 1 for the
cost breakdown); and
Please be referred to Incident Report No. 57594.
Included damage to fences, drainage channels, embankments and sinkholes, etc.
See Clause 8.1.4 in the Master Agreement, whereby we “shall not be responsible for latent defects which could not
have been detected by the tests and inspections referred to in Clauses 2.7.4 and 8.1.2[…]”
Please be referred to Attachment 1 with the SV Report and its three annexes.
(v) confirmation that it is able and qualified to implement the Service Variation and
that doing so will not impair its ability to perform its other duties and obligations
under the Contract.
In light of the above, we hereby urge the Government to respond pursuant to clause 8.2.3 of the
O&M PC and confirm the approval of the Service Variation request in writing to the SSTPC in
the form of a variation order so that SSTPC may recover the cost it has incurred and is entitled
to claim.
SSTPC declines all responsibilities and liabilities for any adverse consequences, losses,
damages or additional costs that have arisen and may arise in connection with defective P1
works, which are not attributable to SSTPC, and reserves all its rights, including, without
limitation, the right to claim the commercial revenues losses and any negative impact that this
situation may have on the Project.
All SSTPC’s rights are reserved.
Yours faithfully,