Difference Between The Western and Indian Secularism: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research 

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

ISSN: 2455-2070; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 2; Issue 6; June 2016; Page No. 09-12

Difference between the western and Indian secularism

J.R.F, Political Science, U.G.C, New Delhi, India

It is true, Western paradigm cannot replicate in India because the material conditions and the ground realities vastly differ in both.
Besides the polyglot nature of Indian society characterized by mind-boggling diversities in terms of religions, languages, regions,
economic conditions and cultural patters, a wide gulf separates the educated minority and the largely illiterate mass shaped in
categories of understanding and modes of perception derived from religion and in ways of life still bearing the impress of a
predominantly agrarian or rural civilization in transition. Secondly, secularism as it developed in the west a particular outcome of
the confrontation between organized church and state and, in particular cultural ambiance of west and the United States of

Keywords: Western, cultural, religion and society

Introduction values derive from the must be contextualized in our
Therefore its verbatim importation to India would not be understanding of the social process we call secularization.
proper. There is however not to suggest that secularism and While a fully secularized society is myth, Secularization is a
secularization is unique to western society without being of condition precedent to secularism becoming a reality. As Nasir
any benefit to India or any other country for that matter. As Tyabji writes: “The truism that there can be no secularism
Rudolph C. Heredia says, “The Understanding of secularism without a process of secularization is now wisely (and perhaps
in a pluri-religious multi-lingual society like India will limply) accepted, but he challenge of actualizing if through
certainly be different from that in the west a difference not just concrete social, political, economic and educational measures
in degree but in kind. However, to deny and relevance for our is an enormous task.”
society of the realities of change that the concept attempts to We can certainly find homologies’ to these Western concepts
capture, would be to fall into a kind of cultural solipsism of and processes in our society as well. And a comparative
‘East is East’ and ‘West is West’. That is hardly tenable in an perspective can make our analysis mush more invasive. After
inter-dependent world. What is required is a critical and fine- all, “Secularism in India (as in fact, in Europe) is intrinsic part
tuned analysis of the sweeping changes in our society in the of the process of giving shape to a modern identity for the
context of social processes that may not be exclusive or people of a multi-language and multi ethnic society, the
unique to it alone for the relationship of religion to society is necessity for which is being continuously generated by
problematic one in any differentiated society, though the processes of industrialization and urbanization. But this
concrete context may indeed make for specific and significant concept of secularization is not easy to define. For this reason
differences.” We have seen how the word secularism as an some sociologists have argued that “secularization should be
Alice in Wonderland has been subjected to varied erased from the sociological dictionary. And Younger prefers
interpretations. In the charmed world of Alice in wonderland, religious change in lieu of secularization.”
world could have multiple meanings depending on the bias of Initially, ‘secularization’ referred to the confiscation of church
the speaker. Not so outside that wonderland’. Words must be property or the exclauzation of religious persons. However,
used with utmost care keeping in mind their context if we are ‘secularization’ is now understood as the process whereby
to avoid inflicting unnecessary sorrow and suffering around. various elements of human life (such as opinion, customs,
Ever since human being began expressing themselves through social forms and even things and persons) or the whole of
words and then language, a measure of sacredness has been human life cease to be determined by religion. Berger also
attached to word. According to our own tradition, in the defines it as the process by which sections of society and
beginning there was a ‘word’ and that word was “Om”. Great culture are removed from the domination of religious
care was taken in articulating the vibrant resonance of “OM”. institutions and symbols. Rufus M. Jones defines it was a way
Similarly sanctity was attached to Muezzins call “Allah-O- of life and interpretation of life that includes only the natural
Akbar”. In the Christian system of faith and belief the second order or things and that do not find God, or a realm of spiritual
person in the Trinity is ‘word’. When a person makes a reality, essential for life or thought. Dr. Hue Sue brings out a
statement or promise to do something upon my word sanctity secular animadversion on religion, “The most important
attaches to that statement. contribution that the religions of the world could make to
Therefore, at the on it would in the fitness of things to clarify modern societies in the World today would be to combat
and distinguish terms like secularism” and secularization not suicide.”
with standing there complexity and comprehensive character A secular state is one which is separated from unconnected
while ‘secularization’ is a social process, secularism as a with and not devoted to religion or to use a terminology which
socio-political ideal or ideology is a value-loaded concept, its is employed to indicate such a relationship between state and

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research 

religion it is a shape where there is a separation of the state that the jurisdictional states maintain a hand off approach
and the Church. The genesis of the concept can be traced to towards churches, they do exercise control over the activities
the Roman Empire when the Caesars demanded unflinching of churches and in some cases, give them subsidies. This
obedience and allegiance from the subjects in all departments pattern can be seen in Holland. However in both cases since
much of life, both temporal and religious. Many subjects the states were not separate from churches, they couldn’t be
protested and found there philosophical underpinnings of their secular in the strict sense of the Term. A better arrangement
resistances in a sermon of Christ recorded in St. Mark’s was put in place, for the first time in the United States
Gospel (xii) Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar and constitution soon after 1776, vide the first amendment,
to God the things that are God’s”. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therefore”.
Development of secularism in western secularism President Jefferson remarked that the legislature would pass
Yet during most of period of the middle age the church and no law regarding religion and that the Amendment built us a
the state were so inter-wined in the activities of one another wall of separation between the church and state. He further
that the church was state-Church and the state was church- said “.... no power to prescribe any religious exercise or to
state. It was only from 16th century onwards that new forces assume authority in religious doctrine has been delegated to
and new ideas started emerging to undermine the authority of the general government”.
this Roman Catholic Church. Renaissance enlightenment and The principle of the separation of the state and the Church
humanism with their emphasis on secular, scientific and these means that there must not be interlocking of their (Church and
worldly values ran head on with the ecclesiastical power. state/respective institutional processes by law or the
Navigators and explorers bought stories which appeared administration of low or any execution, fiat or action. In the
heretical in the eyes of church. The progress of international Everson Versus Board of Education’s, the American Supreme
commerce also called for the establishment of a state of Court (S.C.) in its five to four, majority decision gave a
spiritual neutrality which would facilitate from trade among comprehensive interpretation of the concept in 1941. Justice
Jew, Catholics, Protestants and Chinese. Black delivering the opinion of the court said that the
But most of all, the tremendous strides is the arena of science separation of the state and the church meant that neither a state
and technology administered a heavy blow to many of the and nor the federal government can set up a church, Neither
religious dogmas and marred a great leap forward in secular can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religious, or
thinking. Astronomy of Copernicus (16th century), Galileo prefer one religion over another....., No tax in any amount
(17th century), Newton (late 17th and early 18th century) and large or small can be levied to support any religious activities
Laplace (late 18th century and early 19th century) demolished or instaurations, whatever they may be called or whatever
the Biblical cosmology and weltanschauung: like the world form they may adopt to each or practice religion. Neither a
being only few thoughts and year old and the state nor a federal government can openly or secretly,
anthropocentricity of the entire criterion. The controversy participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or
between the church and scientific community after the groups and vice versa......... state power is no more to be used
Darwinian theory of evolution knocked out of basis the so as to handicap religions than it is to favor them.
Christian belief of human race descending from a common It would be patently wrong to say this view does not have
ancestor – Adam is too well-known. Furthermore, the relevance to our secular practice as underline by our
empiricism of Locke (17th century); Bacon and Hume (18th constitution. Justice Jackson, in his statement, highlighted an
century); the rationalism of Desartes (17th century); Kant (18th important nuance of the concept. He said that the separation of
century) the utilitarianism of Bentham (18th century) and Mill the state and the church had placed religion in a unique
(19th century); and the positivism of Comte (19thcentury), position vis-a-vis the state. While the state could undertake to
provided the intellectual framework for the development of promote individual welfare, health education, entertainment
secularist ideology. The forces from without Renaissance, and security....Religion could not be made the business of the
Enlightenment, Humanism discoveries, international trade- state.... and thereby be supported in whole or in part at tax
joined hands with forces of reformation to cut the church payers’ expense.... He further said that if the state were to aid
down to size. Luther’s advocacy of individual’s right to these religious schools, it may therefore regulate them. That
understand God sans intermediaries (Church) gave a great would be contrary, he said, to the very essence of their
emphasis to the idea of secularism. The positive outcome was separation. Besides arguing that the constitution forbids state
that the states could no longer effectively enforce any support, financial or other of religion in any guise, form or
particular religion or sect, less the followers of other sects take degree, Justice Rutledge made an important point which has
umbrage to it and disturb peace and order. As one author has bearing on the Indian concept of secularism as Sarva Dharma
remarked, it is the unified religion of the great majority of the Sambhav or equal respect for all religions. During the course
citizens that makes a state Catholic or a Protestant state. The of the proceeding of the court it had been argued that the
enunciation of the doctrines of freedom of conscience and reimbursement of funds by the state did not amount to any
religious toleration, principally by John Locke and Thomas discrimination by the state among the various religions. Justice
Paine must be seen in the above context. The Politics also, in Rutledge rejected the argument as irrelevant saying that the
keeping with the current trend, insisted that the civil society purpose of the separation of the state from the church was not
must not punish for the conscience sake. The interests of peace to secure equal treatment by the state of the various religions
came first; the religious interest is a secondary consideration. but to uproot all relationships between the two. He said that
The other Model called jurisdictionalism, is based on the the amendment’s purpose was not to strike merely at the
principle of equality of churches and aims to maintain equal official establishment of a single creed or religion, outlawing
status for the confessions within its domains. It does not mean only a formal relation such as had prevailed in England and
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research 

some of the colonies. Necessarily it was to uproot all such sacred canopy, a process of decline in religious activities,
relationships. beliefs, ways of thinking and institutions. Wilson defines
Another case of far reaching implications was Mc. Column secular society as one in where “The sense of the sacred, the
Versus Board of Education in 1940; some members of the sense of sanctity of life and up religiosity are most
Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish faiths formed an conspicuously absent. And according to Cox, the characters of
association called the campaign council on Religious secularization are: urbanization pragmatism, profanity,
Education. They obtained from the board of education pluralism and tolerance. As religion is denied any role in
permission to impart religious instruction to pupils studying in social life, it is privatized. But with the widespread religious
public schools during regular school hours. One Mrs. Mc revivalism today, from aggressive fundamentalism to popular
Column challenged the permission as contrary to the first religiosity, from ecstatic spiritualism to committed.
amendment The Supreme Court accepted the writ and held Liberationists, the decline or the ‘demise’ of institutional
that the arrangement amounted to a close co-operation religion is a far more complex and contested issue then was
between the public school authorities and campaign council. once thought. One is force to the conclusion that it is obvious
The public school authorities were instrumental in providing no simple uni-linear and one dimension theory of
tax-supported school premises to the religious bodies for ‘secularization’ in Modern society can be maintained.” The
religious education. This was against the constitutional immediate historical consequences of the declaration were:
injunction of separation of state and church the court held. In 1. The acceptance of the modern principle of
the Zorach Versus clause case some religious organizations in disestablishment and separation of state and church.
New York entered into an arrangement with Public Schools 2. The contestability of any Catholic party or political
where by the latter, on the consent of the parents of the pupils movement officially sponsored by the Catholic Church
released the students for religious education at religious and
centers away from schools. 3. In the long run, the incompatibility of a dogmatic
However one Mr. Zorach challenged the arrangement as a conception of authoritative tradition and the principle of
contravention of the first amendment. But the Supreme Court freedom of conscience.
upheld the arrangement. It argued that the “released time” Traditionally, the political mobilization of Catholicism had
programme involves neither religious instruction in public been oriented towards the state, its aim being either to resist
school classrooms nor the expenditure of public funds. In the disestablishment or to counteract state oriented secularist
Mc Collum Versus Board of Education, the classrooms were movements and parties. After the final recognition of the
used for religious instruction. This then, in brief, the principle of religious freedom, Catholic Churches have ceased
development of secularism in the U.S.A with its tenets of: being or aspiring to become state compulsory institutions and
(a) Separation of state and church have become free religious institutions of civil society. It is
(b) Freedom of conscience and limited religious liberty to the this voluntary disestablishment”, that has permitted the church
individual and corporate religious freedom to church and other to play a key role in recent transitions to democracy
religious, bodies subject to reasonable restriction. throughout the catholic world. As Samuel Huntington has
But what of the secularization of world Catholicism with its pointed out, the third wave of democratization of the 1970s
attendant repercussions marginally on U.S.A and principally and 1980s has been a predominantly a catholic wave. This is
on Europe? As a matter of fact “secularism” was coined by G. particularly significant because in the previous democratic
J. Holyoake in 1851 to describe a socio-politico movement revolutions organized catholic churches allied with anti-
pioneered by him and others which affirmed the worth of democratic-forces. The fact, however that the Church appears
mundane existence. Soon afterwards the term began to be used to have accepted not only disestablishment from the state but
to connote five important ideas: also disengagement from political society proper does not
1. The rule of reason, mean that Catholicism becomes necessarily privatized or that
2. Separation of ethics from religion, the church is no longer likely to play any public role. It only
3. Concept of knowledge as product of reason, not faith, means that public locus of the church is no longer the state or
4. Liberty of expression and political society, but rather civil society.
5. Participation in the struggle for making the world a better Yet the statement that “Religion is a private affair is
place to live in. constitutive of western modernity in a dual sense. First of all,
Thus, secularism was largely a movement which aimed to it points to the fact that religious freedom, in the sense of
improve the lot of people here on earth and emancipate them freedom of conscience, is chronologically “the first freedom”
from all tyranny, whether of the church, or of a capitalist as well as the precondition of all modern freedoms. In so far as
socio-economic order. According to Eric S. water house, the freedom of conscience is intrinsically related to the right to
relation of secularism to religion was understood by him as privacy”, i.e., to the modern institutionalization of a private
mutually exclusive, rather than hostile”. Secularism is only sphere free from governmental intrusion as well as free from
concerned with this world, not about the “other world and ecclesiastical control, and in as much as the “right to privacy”
neither offers nor forbids any opinion about these matters. serves as its very foundation of modern liberalism and of
Holyoake was more interested in countering the irrationalism modern individualism, then indeed the privatization of
and supernaturalism of Christian theology than in the denial of religions is essential to modernity. There is another sense in
religion per se. which privatization of religion is intrinsically related to the
Secularism has now ceased to be an active movement in the emergence of the modern social order. To say that, in the
west; the current buzz word is secularization and modern world “religion becomes private” refers also to the
secularization has been seen, as noted above, as decline of very process of institutional differentiation which is
religious hegemony, of religious institutions coming out of constitutive of modernity, namely to the modern historical
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research 

process whereby the secular spheres emancipated themselves democratic civil society to exist against an absolutist
from ecclesiastical control as well as from religious norms. authoritarian state. The active role of the Catholic Church
Religion was gradually compelled to leave the modern secular in processes of democratization in Spain, Poland and
state and to find refuge in the newly found private sphere. Brazil demonstrates it.
Like modern science, Capitalist markets and modern state 2. To question and contest the absolute lawful autonomy of
bureaucracies also manage to function “as if” God would not the secular spheres and their claims to be organized in
exist. This forms the unassailable core of modern theories of accordance with principles of functional differentiation
secularization, a core which remains unaffected by the without regard to extraneous ethical or moral
frequent assertion of critics who rightly point out that most considerations. The Pastoral letters of the American
people in the modern world still, or yet against, believe in God Catholic Bishops questioning the morality of the arms
and those religions of all kinds, old and new manage to thrive race and of the state’s nuclear policies, as well as the
in the modern world. “justice” and in human consequences of a capitalist
Theories of secularization however, have greater difficulty in economic system etc.
answering those critics who point out that the modern walls of 3. When religion enters the public sphere to promote the
separation between church and state keeping developing all traditional life from administrative or juridical or state
kinds of cracks through which both are able to penetrate each penetration it opens up issues of modern discursive ethics
other; that religious institutions often refuse to accept their for public and collective self-reflection. Public
assigned marginal place in the private sphere, managing to mobilization of the “Moral majority” and the Catholic
assume prominent public role, that religion and politics keep Public stand on abortion in support of the right to life may
mixing up in all kinds of symbiotic relationships, to such an serve to illustrate the third instances.
extent that it is not easy to ascertain whether one is witnessing
political movements which don on religious garb or religious References
movements which assume political forms. 1. Joshi PC, Secularism and Religiosity of the Oppressed
More ever the institution of state chaplains, appointed by the Some Reflection Man and Development, 1987; 9(4).
state for many of its state organization/institutions is a classic 2. Barington More, Jr. Privacy Studies in Social and Cultural
case of mixing of religion and politics, for on many occasions History Armouk N.Y. M.E. Sharpe, Inc, 1984.
political considerations have influenced the executive in the 3. Samuel Huntington P. The Third Wave: Democratization
appointment of chaplains, and Chaplains on their part, have in Late Twentieth Century Norman, OK: University of
often used religious position to pedal political agenda. Of all Okhalhoma Press, 1991.
religions, Christianity since it is observed by the majority of 4. Thomas Curry J. The First Freedom: Church and State in
the people has been singled out by the state for favor. The America to the Passage of the First Amendment, New
Church is today organized in the United State and exercises York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
pressure on politics on a continuous basis. The method 5. George Weigel, The Final Revolution: The Resistance
employed by the Church to this end include helping to draft Church and the Collapse of Communism New York:
party platforms, making friends in congress, drafting Oxford University Press, 1992.
legislation, furnishing information to legislators, working with 6. For an analysis of the role of the Catholic Church in
congressional committees, etc. Nevertheless the norm and Transitions to democracy in Spain, Poland and Brazil, see
ideal of the secular state – the separation of state and church- Casanova, Public Religious. On the role of Church in the
remains despite the many compromises and difficulty to draw struggle for human rights in Latin America, see Penry
a clear-cut line. Indeed, the distinction between private and Lernoux, Cry of the People (New York).
public religions was drawn by the liberal political tradition in
the context of the separation of church and state. State
associated churches are designated as “public” religions, while
all other religions are considered to be private.
The dual no “establishment” and free exercise clause of the
first amendment to the American constitution incorporated this
dual historical rational for separation. There is a sense in
which the liberal principle of privatization is also
unimpeachable. In so far as the legal principle of separation is
based not solely on raison’etat principle or on liberal
principles of toleration as necessary conditions for a modern
differentiated and pluralist social order but on the very
principle of freedom of conscience which is the foundation of
the inviolable “right to privacy”- without which there can be
neither a modern democratic state, nor a modern civil society
– then, the deprivatization” of religion presupposes the privacy
of religion and can only be justified if the right to privacy and
the Freedom conscience are legally protected also from
religion. For instance, the deprivatization of religion can be
justified in at least through instances:
1. To protect not only its own freedom of religion, but all
modern freedoms and rights, and the very right of a

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