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1.1 Background of the study

Curriculum is arranged as a basic guidance for the implementation of

education in which it concerns with the students’ improvement and reflects the

environment, national development needs, the improvement of science and

technology as well as culture.

The development of English curriculum in Indonesia has been reviewed

clearly by Sadtono (1997) and Kasbollah (1997). The development of teaching

English as foreign language (TEFL) in Indonesia began in 1950 and the program

to learn English at schools in Indonesia started in 1954. The English curriculum

was first set in 1954 and had changed at least eight times until 2006. Respectively,

the curricula were the old style curriculum (1954), the new style curriculum

(1962), the revised new style curriculum (1968), the 1975 curriculum, the 1984

curriculum, the 1994 curriculum, the Curriculum Based Competence in 2004

(Budiharso, 2007).

The 2004 Curriculum was not implemented considerably in all level of

education units by 2005. The government changed the policy on curriculum and

stipulated the 2006 curriculum that was labeled as Curriculum for Education Unit

Level or KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan). KTSP constitutes an

effort to perfect the past curriculum in order to improve Indonesia education. The

2006 Curriculum that is labeled as Curriculum for the Education Unit Level

(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) is developed to change the 2004


The 2006 curriculum gives wider autonomy for each school to develop

their own curriculum by taking into account the potentials of schools and

surrounding region (Camara, D.H: 2006). It means that every school can develop

their own curriculum based on their potentials and environment. The school also

is given autonomy to choose the instructional materials to support the teaching

and learning process especially textbooks in order to achieve the curriculum

objectives. Eddy Wibowo (2005) stated that textbooks that are used by students

must be based on curriculum of the national education and aim to support

students’ graduate competence.

In Indonesia schools, textbook constitutes one of very important

educational media and strategies to achieve the competence of learning purpose.

Various studies’ result showed that textbooks have important role to improve

students’ achievement. World Bank report (1989) and Supriadi’s study (1977)

showed that in Indonesia, the book ownership level and another facilities have

correlation with the learning achievement (Wibowo:2005). It means that the

textbooks that are published and offered by private publisher must support

achieving students’ competence and support the learning achievement.

Because many English textbooks are offered in the market, it

makes difficult to distinguish and choose a good English textbook that has a good

quality and appropriate with the 2006 curriculum. Moreover, shortcoming in

coordination between curriculum compiler and textbooks compiler causes the

contents of the textbooks are not quite appropriate with curriculum.


Based on that problem, the researcher wants to examine English textbooks

of the second grade of Junior High school level that are published by private

publishers, that are Pakar Raya and Erlangga. These two textbooks are generally

used by schools in Samarinda.

1.2 Problems of Study

Concerning the background of the problems above, the researcher

formulates the research questions as follows:

1. What materials are given in the English textbooks of second grade of Junior

high school level published by private publishers?

2. How is the congruity of English textbook materials of second grade of Junior

high school level published by private publishers with the 2006 Curriculum?

1.3 Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to identify the materials in the English

textbooks of second grade of Junior high school level published by private

publishers and to verify the congruence of the English textbooks materials of the

second grade of Junior high school level with the 2006 curriculum.

1.4 Significance of the study

The results of this study are expected to be useful for:

a. The English teachers of Junior high school as input for them to critically use

the textbooks to improve the English teaching quality at school.

b. Improving the quality of next textbooks

c. The students to determine whether the book is suitable for them or not.

1.5 Scope and limitation

The researcher will limit the scope of the study as follows:

1. The study will be focused on assessing textbook materials of second

grade of Junior high school level that include the material presentation

techniques of reading, listening, speaking and writing.

2. English textbooks which will be examined are from private publishers,

namely Erlangga and Pakar Raya.

3. The study will assess the congruence of English textbooks on second

grade of Junior high school level with the 2006 curriculum.

1.6 Definitions of Key-Terms

To make the description clear, it is necessary to give the definitions of

key-terms that are used to measure the variables as follows:

a. English textbook is student guidebook that is arranged based on National

education curriculum and based on education system in Indonesia, and has a

purpose to increase knowledge and communication skill in English, as well as

has positive attitude toward English (Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2003). In

this study researcher will examine two English textbooks namely Erlangga

and Pakar Raya.

b. Curriculum constitutes a set of plans, content and lesson materials

arrangement and the way that used as guidelines for finishing teaching and

learning process (Diknas, 2003:4). The 2006 curriculum is operational

curriculum arranged and implemented by each education unit (BSNP, 2006:4).


c. Analysis on textbooks is an analysis of the English textbooks materials toward

the 2006 curriculum. The researcher will analyze the congruity between

materials presented in the English textbooks and 2006 curriculum.

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