GUBAR DefiningChildrensLiterature 2011
GUBAR DefiningChildrensLiterature 2011
GUBAR DefiningChildrensLiterature 2011
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theories and
On Not Defining
Children's Literature
diverse group of texts, Perry Nodelman contends that "defining English and director of the Children's
Literature Program at the University of
children's literature has been a major activity of children's literature
Pittsburgh, is the author of Artful Dodg-
criticism throughout its history" ( Hidden Adult 136). I disagree.
ers: Reconceiving the Golden Age of Chil-
Certainly, influential children's literature critics have been arguing dren's Literature (Oxford UP, 2009). This
back and forth about whether or not it is possible to define their sub- essay is drawn from her new book proj-
ject of study since this academic field came into being in the 1970s. ect, "Acting Up: Children's Theatre and
But I would characterize these two groups- the definers and the the Case for Childhood Studies."
the term, they point out that the possessive run together a murky brown is form
"children's" falsely implies that young people doesn't happily belong to either pot, bu
own or control a body of texts that are gener- a fool who cannot distinguish the green
ally written, published, reviewed, and bought the orange" (51). Yet in responding so
by adults, and often read by them as well sively to the challenge posed by the ant
(Townsend, "Standards" 194). Regarding the ers, he and other definers go too far, i
concept, they note the existence of many texts that it is possible to articulate the "e
by authors such as Rudyard Kipling that re- ingredient [s]" of children's literatu
sist easy definition as one thing or the other, single out "defining characteristics" t
children's literature or not. "Since any line- genuine children's texts apart as bel
drawing must be arbitrary," Townsend con- to their own distinct genre (McDow
cludes, we should "abandon the attempt and Nodelman, Hidden Adult 188).
say that there is no such thing as children's While I am in sympathy with the
literature": just as "children are not a separate to hold on to the category, this appr
form of life from people," children's books are flawed, since the idea that all children's
not a discrete and distinctive type of literature share even a single trait that remain
(196-97). Jacqueline Rose similarly deems same over time and across cultures is unten-
children's fiction an "impossible" category able. Because the field of international texts
because it rests on the false assumption that that have historically been regarded as chil-
For example, Shavit and Nodelman suggest Adult 209). Instead of essentializing children, □Г
that the category "children's literature" can- such accounts stereotype adults, depicting a
not contain any text penned before the mod- them as beings who "always" insist on "the e
ern (Western) concept of childhood emerged, innocence and incapability" of children and
a presentisi conception of the subject that who create a literature to inculcate this state
forecloses analysis of texts composed for chil- of subjectivity into young minds (Nodelman,
dren in earlier eras, such as The Babees Book Hidden Adult 45).
(c. 1475) and Derjungenknabenspiegel ("The By characterizing children's literature in
Boys' Mirror"; 1554). Similarly, Maria Niko- this reductive way, definers accept a key te-
lajeva excludes folktales, fairy tales, and "clas- net of their opponents' argument: basing her
sics" such as the Arabian Nights and Robinson case on Peter Pan , Rose famously depicted
Crusoe - even those editions that were simpli- children's fiction as an adult-run activity that
fied and sanitized for young readers- on the attempts to impose a static ideal of childhood
grounds that they were not originally created purity on young people, and other antidefin-
for children, as if no amount of adaptation ers quickly followed suit.4 Yet scholars have
could transform an adult- oriented text into recently begun to question whether the ide-
children's literature (14-20, 43). ology of innocence spread as quickly and
comprehensively as such accounts suggest,
In their drive to generalize, definers rely
too heavily on authorial intention and often even in the Anglo-American context from
end up essentializing children or adults. For which Rose and others draw their exemplary
instance, McDowell declares that children's texts.5 In fact, Nodelman himself made this
books differ from texts aimed at adults because objection in 1985, before he embarked on his
"children think quantitatively differently than quest to determine the defining characteris-
adults" (52): since children share a "schematic tics of children's literature. Reviewing Rose's
moral view of life," children's fiction is simple The Case of Peter Pan; ory The Impossibility of
and formulaic (54); since children "are more Children's Fiction , he protested that her rep-
active than ruminant," children's fiction is resentation of children's books as "simple,
full of action, not description or introspection straightforward, unambiguous, and devoid
(55). More recent definers carefully refrain of sexual content" was not just "limited" but
from generalizing about children yet end up "seriously wrong," since the very texts she
making the same argument, contending that focuses on -Peter Pan , Alan Garner's Stone
children's literature is "simpler and less com- Book Quartet - reveal that children's litera-
plete than adult literature": children's books ture is often "rich in irony, in ambiguity, in
feature "plots that do not diverge greatly from linguistic subtlety, [and] even in truthful evo-
the same basic story patterns" and eschew am- cations of childhood sexuality" ("Case").
biguity, irony, sexual content, open-endedness, Nodelman's about-face on this issue il-
and moral equivocation (Nodelman, Hidden lustrates how the attempt to find essential
Adult 264-65, 154-55). The difference is that traits tends to narrow our vision, leading
contemporary critics blame the "simplified us to ignore, misread, or arbitrarily rule
American children's literature convinced but look and see whether there is anything
■о common to all. - For if you look at them you
о themselves that "golden age" texts were devoid
of sex and satire, unconventional authors such will not see something that is common to all ,
(У but similarities, relationships, and a whole
E as Tom Hood, E. L. Blanchard, and F. Anstey
series of them at that. To repeat: don't think,
-и garnered no attention, despite their popular
с but look! - Look for example at board-games
<ü success. Similarly, because scholars presume . . . [or] ball games . . . [or] games like ring-a-
(А that children's literature is an adult-run ac-
written by young people for young people hasWhat games share, Wittgenste
been excluded from serious study.6 Overcor- not an essential, universal trait
recting for past accounts that took for granted resemblance" that manifests its
children's involvement in children's litera- in specific cases, just as membe
ture, both definers and antidefiners cut young family are linked by various
people out of the picture entirely: by their kinds of likenesses (31-32; pt.
reckoning, nothing that actual children write, Wittgenstein's family-rese
say, or do has any place in discussions of what proach enables us to stake
constitutes children's literature.7 How, then, to ground between the antidefin
account for a story such as Orson Scott Card's finers: we have neither to throw
Enders Game , which was not written for chil- cept of children's literature n
dren yet garnered such enthusiastic responses common trait exhibited by all (
from young readers that it was eventually re- dren's texts. lhe fact that som
published as a children's book (xi-xviii)? difficult to define - even "impo
The definers and the antidefiners agree exactly" - does not mean that it
on another central and equally problematicor cannot be talked about. In
point: both sides presume that the absence of simply have to accept that the
a working definition of children's literatureconsideration is complex an
constitutes a major problem, undermining may also be unstable (its meanin
the validity of the category itself (Jones 288). time and across different cultu
But, as philosophers of language remind us,at the edges (its boundaries are
the idea that all viable concepts have defi- exact). Childhood is one such
nitions is profoundly controversial. In his dren's literature is another. Tru
Philosophical Investigations , Ludwig Witt-eternal essence that all children share - not
genstein famously denies this very point. Heeven youth. (To a parent, a forty-year-old can
uses the example of games to illustrate how a be a child.) But it does not follow that the des-
category can exist even when the diverse ar-
ignation "child" has no meaning, that we can-
ray of things belonging to it - board games,not know anything about the lives, practices,
Olympic games, the game of catch - have noand discourse of individual children from dif-
one thing in common; rather, a complicatedferent times and places. Similarly, in order to
network of similarities crop up and disap-expand our knowledge of children's literature
pear as we compare and contrast differentas a whole, the best approach we can take is
types of games. Faced with complex phenom- to proceed piecemeal, focusing our attention
ena of this kind, Wittgenstein says, we shouldon different subareas and continually striv-
eschew grand attempts to define or theorize
ing to characterize our subject in ways that
about the category as a whole. acknowledge its messiness and diversity.
were widely
of public entertainment regarded as belonging
available to all to this
agescat- 3
and classes, and someegory.
of While
the earliest
doing works
so, we can generate a list
of textual
written especially for the and extratextual
young in traits common to
countries ft
dramas that
such as England, Germany, and Franceaddress themselves to children,
young audiences." Numerous factors have teristic traits). What we end up with is not a
contributed to the neglect of this subfield, set definition of the term "children's play" but
but one of them is that the rigidity of the two rather a constellation of criteria that we can
positions outlined above virtually ensures its refer to as we attempt to make distinctions
exclusion from serious study. Antidefiners among different kinds of productions.
who mention this topic argue that dramas If my investigation of the emergence of
such as Peter Pan were created by and for professional children's theater in England and
adults; accordingly, there is no way to iso- the United States is any guide, the flexible list
late children's theater as a dramatic category of criteria we can use to determine whether
in its own right and thus no way to trace its a drama counts as a children's play can be
history or contextualize individual plays. As roughly divided into three groups. First, para-
for the definers, they ignore children's drama or peritextual aspects of a drama sometimes
(and poetry, and nonfiction) in their drive to attest to children's status as a primary target
generalize; like their opponents, they have a audience, as when children are mentioned in
bad habit of using "children's literature" and a play's subtitle or in the preface to the pub-
"children's fiction" as interchangeable terms. lished version of the script. Second, textual
Drama in particular upsets their paradigm: and generic aspects of the play often prove in-
both the format and the content of profes- formative: lines of dialogue addressed to chil-
sional children's theater tend to subvert gen- dren; stage directions that presume children
eralizations about the triumph of innocence will be in the audience; scenes, characters, or
in nineteenth-century children's literature, plot lines copied from previous productions
and figuring out which plays count as chil- aimed explicitly at children; or the fact that a
dren's dramas often involves attending to the drama was adapted from a book widely con-
theatergoing practices of actual children. sidered to be for children.
Õ stood as being for children or housed in a spe- plays produced professionally constitute only
О cially designated children's theater? All these one small subcategory of children's theater.
•м questions relate to the issue of intention; other At least in the United States and the United
E queries put the spotlight on reception. Did Kingdom, a thriving tradition of home and
-о reviewers emphasize how child-oriented the school theatricals performed by and for chil-
а performance was and dwell on the question of dren preceded and paved the way for pro-
how children might (or did) react? Do we have fessional productions (Gubar, "Peter Pan ').
proof of various kinds that children attended Catering to this craze, publishers issued many
in large numbers? Did young people write fan volumes of dramas composed for children to
letters to actors performing in the production enact at home, school, and church for an in-
or describe their reactions to the production tergenerational audience of peers, relatives,
in diaries, letters, statements to journalists, or and acquaintances. Further study of these
writing contests run by periodicals? amateur children's plays will likely reveal that
Such competitions, which occurred in En- they exhibit some (but not all) of the features
gland and the United States at the turn of the common to professional plays, while sharing
twentieth century, may have been unique to other qualities that their commercial counter-
the Anglo-American scene; scholars studying parts lack. "In spinning a thread," Wittgen-
Russian or Japanese children's theater might stein observes, "we twist fibre on fibre. And
turn up a different list of recurring traits. This the strength of the thread does not reside in
is a key benefit of the family-resemblance ap- the fact that some one fibre runs through its
proach: its flexibility allows critics to attend whole length, but in the overlapping of many
to cultural and temporal diversity while still fibres" (32; pt. 1, sec. 67). If even one small
borrowing from the work others have done subcategory of children's literature can only
on the same general topic. This approach also be defined in a loose, inexact way - by giving
allows categories- "children's theater," 4 chil- rise to a list of characteristics no one of which
dren's literature" - to remain fuzzy at the is shared by all children's plays - it seems evi-
edges. Plays, stories, and poems do exist that dent that we should not waste our energy try-
resist simple categorization as one thing or ing to generate a set definition of children's
the other, children's fare or not. The family- literature as a whole. The point is not that it
resemblance approach makes room for these is impossible to do but rather that any defini-
borderline cases, since the list of character- tion attentive to the glorious messiness and
istics generated need not coalesce into a set multiplicity of children's literature would be
definition that triggers a simple thumbs-up or so long, complicated, and qualified that it
thumbs-down decision. It might - but if not, would be of no value to us.
this model enables scholars to weigh the evi- A final benefit of the family-resemblance
dence for and against inclusion and engage in approach is that it does not automatically
subjective interpretation: to decide, for exam- deem the reading, writing, and viewing prac-
ple, that some traits count for more than oth- tices of children "irrelevant" and "impossible
ers or to determine that the evidence for and to gauge" (Hunt 120; Rose 9). To be sure, it is
against inclusion of a given text is so evenly tempting to rule out-of-bounds any reference
balanced that no firm decision can be made. to actual children in scholarly discussions of
While studying Anglo-American chil- children's literature because it allows us to
dren's theater, I have not discovered a single avoid addressing the complex methodological
characteristic shared by all professional and epistemologica! questions that inevitably
our knowledge of the field, decades of debate 8. Taking an intertheatrical approach involves look-
driven by anxiety over the absence of an over- ing beyond the specific occasion of a single performance
"to include an awareness of the elements and interactions
arching definition of children's literature have
that make up the whole web of mutual understanding be-
resulted in the adoption of rigid and reduc- tween potential audiences and their players" (Bratton 37).
tive accounts that contribute to the neglect Just as an intertextual interpretation insists that no act
of children's theater, children's writing, and of reading or writing occurs in isolation from others, an
other subareas in children's literature studies, intertheatrical reading "seeks to articulate the mesh of
connections between all kinds of theatre texts, and be-
while doing little to encourage the compara- tween texts and their users" (37).
tive study of children's texts from different 9. Examples include toy and book giveaways, writing
cultural traditions (O'Sullivan). It is time to and designing contests, and the decoration of offstage ar-
try a different approach. eas (the box office, the house of the theater) to resemble
playhouses or nurseries.
10. Obviously, not all children's literature scholars
need engage in this type of work. Those who do must ar-
ticulate their methodology clearly and acknowledge its
limits repeatedly. Because the temptation to generalize
Notes about children is so strong, rigorous humility is required.
Thanks to Laurie Langbauer for inspiring me to take up As Karen Coats observes, "[R]eal children always exceed
this topic and to Kieran Setiya for showing me how. I am the sum total of our inquiry," so those of us who study the
also grateful for the thoughtful comments and sugges- reading, writing, and viewing practices of young people
tions made by Robin Bernstein, Troy Boone, Don Gray, should "endeavor to know as little as possible about our
Erik Gray, Edward Gubar, Susan Gubar, John Hay, Ken- subject and to treat what knowledge we do have as provi-
sional" (142, 148).
neth Kidd, Jeanne Klein, Sharon Marcus, Daniel Morgan,
11. For more on the connection between children's
and Courtney Weikle-Mills.
1. For Huckleberry Finn , see Clark 80-83; for Peter Pan , play and children's literature, see Robin Bernstein's ar-
ticle in this issue of PMLA.
see Gubar, " Peter Pan"; for Little Prince, see Schiff 400.
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Jones, Katharine. "Getting Rid of Children's Literature." Knopf, 1994. Print.
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