Sem Stats
Sem Stats
Sem Stats
You just need to fill in B4, C4, B5, & C5 (ie, the cells on a white background)
Model 1 should be more constrained than model 2
Page 1
Test 1.66%
model 0 is better. Risk: 5%
Model 0 is better. Risk: 10%
If Model 0 is better, the fit of Model 1 is significantly lowered by the additional constraints
If no model is better (test > 5% or 10%), you should usually use model 1
Page 2
mre.pdf , p. 14
Page 3
Rel & Val
lambda 1-lambda2
LV--> item 1 0.75 0.438
LV--> item 2 0.8 0.360
LV--> item 3 0.817 0.333
LV--> item 4 0.868 0.247
LV--> item 5 0.735 0.460
LV--> item 6 0.657 0.568
LV--> item 7
LV--> item 8
LV--> item 9
LV--> item 10
3.595 sum (lambda2)
2.405 sum (1-lambda)2
Just fill in this column 0.599 Rho vc
21.409 Sum lambda2
0.899 Joreskog rho
Page 4
Rel & Val
I've never seen any construct giving good results with 7 or more indicators, so I limited to 10 items
If you have less indicators than are present in the B column, just delete the values!
Construct reliability
Ref. : Fornell, C. & D. F. Larcker (1981), Evaluating Structural Equations Models with
Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error, Journal of Marketing Research , 18, 39-
Page 5
GammaHat & RMSEA
Chi-deux df n p
329 76 494 44
Page 6
GammaHat & RMSEA
RMSEA Lo 0.072 ###
RMSEA 0.082
RMSEA Hi 0.091 ###
Moschopoulos' (1984) approximation is used to compute the RMSEA confidence interval. ###
Moschopoulos, Panagis G. (1984), "On a New Transformation to Normality," Communications in###
Page 7
LV with 1 item
Page 8
LV with 1 item
uniqueness fixed at
Page 9
Cronbach's alpha
number of items 5 0.833
average correlation between items 0.500
What if I remove 2 items with the "same" correlation with the others?
Alpha becomes ,,, 0.750
number of items becomes ,,, 3
What if I remove 1 item with the "same" correlation with the others?
Alpha becomes ,,, 0.800
number of items becomes ,,, 4
What if I add 1 item with the "same" correlation with the others?
Alpha becomes ,,, 0.857
number of items becomes ,,, 6
What if I add 2 items with the "same" correlation with the others?
Alpha becomes ,,, 0.875
number of items becomes ,,, 7
You just need to fill in B2 & B3
By Michaël Korchia (professor at KEDGE BS)
Thanks to all SEMnet contributors
(comments welcome)
Version 1.3.B, 08/06/21