Time Table T1W4-6 - K1 Blackberry 2023

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Class: K1 Blackberry Term: 1 Week1 Week: Date: 17 / 7 / 2023 - 21 / 7 / 2023

Theme: My School
English: - To be able to introduce school environment
Math: - To be able to identify (circle, triangle, rectangle and square
Phonics: - To recognize letter Ii by its sound, strokes and objects started with it.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
17 July 2023 18 July 2023 19 July 2023 20 July 2023 21 July 2023
8.00 – 8.20

(20 minutes)

8.20 – 8.30

Class Circle Time

(10 minutes)

8.30 – 9.00 Chinese Apple Town/Library Phonics 2 English 3 Music

(30 minutes) Reading Time Letter Oo (Part of body)
(WS Phonics 2)
9.00 – 9.30 Chinese Chinese Creativity Phonics 3
(30 minutes) PE
(My first day of School) (Myself) Shapes Hunting
Yoga Time
(WB Math page 51)
9.30 – 10.00
(30 minutes) Snack Time
10.00-10.30 Outdoor Social Studies Chinese Chinese Math 2
(30 minutes) Ws

10.30-11.00 English 1 Bahasa Bible Chinese

English 2
(30 minutes) (Freeze and Dance) My School
11.00-11.30 Phonics 1 Science Creativity
Moral Education Math 1
(30 minutes) (My Classroom) (Myself) (Myself)
Brian the Smelly Bear Shapes
(WS Math 1)
11.30 - 12.00
(30 minutes)
Review/Reflection/Closing circle/Dismissal
Class: K1 Blackberry Term: 1 Week 2 Date: 24 / 7 / 2023 - 28 / 7 / 2023
Theme: My School (2)
Objectives: -English: To be able to enrich vocabulary about people who work at school.
-Math: To be able to identify the basic shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle and square) and recognize simple pattern of AB, AB, AB and
-Phonics: To recognize letter Ee by its sound, strokes and objects started with it.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
24 July 2023 25 July 2023 26 July 2023 27 July 2023 28 July 2023
8.00 – 8.20

(20 minutes)

8.20 – 8.30

Class Circle Time

(10 minutes)

8.30 – 9.00 Chinese Apple Town/Library Phonics 2 English 3 Music

(30 minutes) Reading Time Letter Ee Review My School
(WS Phonics 2) (WS English 3)
9.00 – 9.30 Chinese Chinese Creativity Phonics 3
(30 minutes) PE (My Class Name craft) Letter Ee
(My first day of School)
(Collect Balls) (WS Phonics 3)
9.30 – 10.00
(30 minutes) Snack Time
10.00-10.30 Outdoor Social Studies Chinese Chinese Math 2
(30 minutes) (Ground Rules in the Shapes and Pattern
Playground) (WB Math 16)
10.30-11.00 English 1 Bahasa Bible Chinese
English 2
(30 minutes) My Classroom (English WB People who work at school
page 37) (WB page 35)
11.00-11.30 Phonics 1 Science Creativity
Moral Education Math 1
(30 minutes) Letter Ee (WS Phonics 1) (Liquid and Solid) (My Class Name craft)
(Ms Nelson is Missing) Simple Pattern (WB Math
11.30 - 12.00
(30 minutes)
Review/Reflection/Closing circle/Dismissal
Class: K1 Blackberry Term: 1 Week 3 Date: 31 / 7 / 2023 - 4 / 8 / 2023
Theme: My Body
Objectives: - English : To be able to identify different parts of body.
- Math : To be able to recognize simple pattern of AB, AB, AB and ABC,ABC, ABC.
- Phonics: To recognize letter Uu by its sound, strokes and objects started with it.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
31 July 2023 1 August 2023 2 August 2023 3 August 2023 4 August 2023
8.00 – 8.20

(20 minutes)

8.20 – 8.30

Class Circle Time

(10 minutes)

8.30 – 9.00 Chinese Apple Town/Library Phonics 2 English 3 Music

(30 minutes) Reading Time Letter Uu Body Percussion
(WS Phonics 2) (WB page 27)
9.00 – 9.30 Chinese Chinese Creativity Phonics 3
(30 minutes) PE (My Class Name craft)
(My first day of School) Letter Uu
(Foot Print Path)
(WS Phonics 3)
9.30 – 10.00
(30 minutes) Snack Time
10.00-10.30 Outdoor Social Studies Chinese Chinese Math 2
(30 minutes) (Wash Hands Review Shapes Pattern
Procedures) (WB Math 17)
10.30-11.00 English 1 Bahasa Bible Chinese
English 2
(30 minutes) Introduction of My Match the Body Parts
Body (WB page 26)
(WS English 1)
11.00-11.30 Phonics 1 Science Creativity
Moral Education Math 1
(30 minutes) Letter Uu (Walking Water) (My Class Name craft)
(Ms Nelson is Back) Review Shapes
(WS Phonics 1)
(WB Math 3)
11.30 - 12.00
(30 minutes)
Review/Reflection/Closing circle/Dismissal
Class: K1 Blackberry Term: 1 Week 4 Date: 7/ 8 / 2023 -11/ 8 / 2023
Theme: My Body (2)
Objectives: - English : To be able to name five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch).
- Math : To be able to find the objects that has some sizes (small, medium and big) and shapes.
- Phonics: To recognize letter Oo by its sound, strokes and objects started with it.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7 Agustus 2023 8 Agustus 2023 9 Agustus 2023 10 Agustus 2023 11 Agustus 2023
8.00 – 8.20

(20 minutes)

8.20 – 8.30

Class Circle Time

(10 minutes)

8.30 – 9.00 Chinese Apple Town/Library Phonics 2 English 3 Music

(30 minutes) Reading Time Letter Oo Review My Senses
(WS Phonics 2) (WS English 3)
9.00 – 9.30 Chinese Chinese Creativity Phonics 3
(30 minutes) (My first day of School) Letter Oo
(Foot Print Path) My Class Name craft
(WS Phonics 3)
9.30 – 10.00
(30 minutes) Snack Time
10.00-10.30 Outdoor Social Studies Chinese Chinese Math 2
(30 minutes) (Cleaning Service Duty) Shapes Hunting
(WB Math page 51)
10.30-11.00 English 1 Bahasa Bible Chinese
English 2
(30 minutes) Introduction about Five
Match the Body Parts
(WB page 26)
(WB page 29)
11.00-11.30 Phonics 1 Science Creativity
Moral Education Math 1
(30 minutes) Letter Uu (Tasting Experiment) (My Class Name craft
(Brian the Smelly Bear) Shapes and sizes
(WS Phonics 1)
(small, medium and big)
(WS Math 1)
11.30 - 12.00
(30 minutes)
Review/Reflection/Closing circle/Dismissal
Class: K1 Blackberry Term: 1 Week: 4 Date: 7 / 8 / 2023 - 11 / 7 / 2023
Theme: My Body (2)
Objectives: - English : To be able to name five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch).
- Math : To be able to find the objects that has some sizes (small, medium and big) and shapes.
- Phonics: To recognize letter Oo by its sound, strokes and objects started with it.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
14 August 2023 15 August 2023 16 August 2023 17 August 2023 18 August 2023
8.00 – 8.20

(20 minutes)

8.20 – 8.30

Class Circle Time

(10 minutes)

8.30 – 9.00 Chinese Apple Town/Library Phonics 2 English 3 Music

(30 minutes) Reading Time Letter Oo Review My Senses
(WS Phonics 2) (WS English 3)
9.00 – 9.30 Chinese Chinese Creativity Phonics 3
(30 minutes) Letter Oo
Yoga Time My Sight craft
(WS Phonics 3)
9.30 – 10.00
(30 minutes) Snack Time
10.00-10.30 Outdoor Social Studies Chinese Chinese Math 2
(30 minutes) Cleaning Service Duty Shapes Hunting
(WB Math page 51)
10.30-11.00 English 1 Bahasa Bible Chinese
English 2
(30 minutes) Introduction about Five My School
senses (WB page 29)
11.00-11.30 Phonics 1 Science Creativity
Moral Education Math 1
(30 minutes) Letter Oo Tasting Experiment My Sight craft
Brian the Smelly Bear Shapes and sizes
(WS Phonics 1)
(small, medium and big)
(WS Math 1)
11.30 - 12.00
(30 minutes)
Review/Reflection/Closing circle/Dismissal

Class: K1 Blackberry Term: 1 Week: 5 Date: 14 / 8 / 2023 - 18 / 8 / 2023

Theme: My Family
Objectives: English : To be able to identify family members (immediate and extended).
- Math : To be able to recognize number order from 1 to 10.
- Phonics: To recognize letter Aa by its sound, strokes and objects started with it.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
14 August 2023 15 August 2023 16 August 2023 17 August 2023 18 August 2023
8.00 – 8.20

(20 minutes)

8.20 – 8.30

Class Circle Time

(10 minutes)

8.30 – 9.00 Chinese Apple Town/Library Independence Public Holiday Music

(30 minutes) Play in the Apple Town Celebration

9.00 – 9.30 Chinese Chinese Independence Phonics 3

Public Holiday
(30 minutes) Celebration Letter Aa
(WS Phonics 3)
9.30 – 10.00
(30 minutes) Snack Time
10.00-10.30 Outdoor Social Studies Independence Public Holiday Math 2
(30 minutes) Ground Rules in the Celebration Number 1 to 10
Play in the Transportation
Area Playground (WS Math 1)

10.30-11.00 English 1 Bahasa Public Holiday Chinese

English 2
(30 minutes) Introduction about Family
Every Kind of Family
(WS English 1)
(WS English 2)
11.00-11.30 Phonics 1 Science Public Holiday Creativity
Moral Education
(30 minutes) Letter Aa Liquid and Solid My Family Craft
Family is like a Cake
(WS Phonics 1)
11.30 - 12.00
(30 minutes)
Review/Reflection/Closing circle/Dismissal
Class: K1 Blackberry Term: 1 Week: 6 Date: 21 / 8 / 2023 – 25 / 8 / 2023
Theme: My Family (2)
Objectives: - English : To be able to identify the things found in each part of the house (Living room, kitchen, bedroom and
- Math : To be able to count and identify the form of number 11 to 20.
- Phonics: To be able to recognize letter Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo and Uu by their sounds, stroke, and things started with
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
21 August 2023 22 August 2023 23 August 2023 24 August 2023 25 August 2023
8.00 – 8.20

(20 minutes)

8.20 – 8.30

Class Circle Time

(10 minutes)

8.30 – 9.00 Chinese Apple Town/Library Phonics 2 English 3 Music

(30 minutes) Play in the Apple Town Letter Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, and Part of My House
Uu (Bedroom and bathroom)
(WS Phonics 2) (WS English 2)
9.00 – 9.30 Chinese Chinese PE Creativity Phonics 3
(30 minutes) Scarf Dance My House craft Letter Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, and Uu
(WS Phonics 3)
9.30 – 10.00
(30 minutes) Snack Time
10.00-10.30 Outdoor Social Studies Chinese Chinese Math 2
(30 minutes) Family Chores Number 11 to 20
Play Hide and Seek
(WB Math 21)
10.30-11.00 English 1 Bahasa Bible Chinese
English 2
(30 minutes) Part of My House
Part of My House
(Living Room)
(WB English 33)
(WS English 2)
11.00-11.30 Phonics 1 Science Creativity
Moral Education Math 1
(30 minutes) Letter Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, and Magic Milk Experiment My House craft
Kindness Grow Number 11 to 20
Uu (WB Math 19)
(WS Phonics 1)
11.30 - 12.00
(30 minutes)
Review/Reflection/Closing circle/Dismissal

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