Musannaf Musnad Collections

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(a) Write a detailed account of the musannaf and musnad

collections of Hadith. [10]
Paragraph 1
[What is Musnad?]
 The term Musnad was originally used for such traditions as were
supported by a complete uninterrupted chain of authorities (Isnad).
 But later on the term came to be used in the general sense of a
reliable and authoritative tradition and for all reliable works in the
Hadith literature like the Sunan of Al-Darimi and the Sahih of Al-
 But technically it is used only for those collections of Hadith in which
they are arranged according to the names of the final authorities by
whom they are related, irrespective of their subject-matter.
 Such are the Musnad of Abu Dawood Al-Tayalisi (d. 204) and
Ahmed b. Hambal (d. 233) which contains more than 30000
traditions reported by about 700 Companions.

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Paragraph 2
[Different ways within Musnad works]
 The Musnad works themselves, however, differ in detail in the
arrangements of the authorities who related them.
 In some of them they are arranged in the alphabetical order of their
names and they are called Mu’jam.
 In some of them they are arranged according to the their relative
merit in the acceptance of Islam.
 Or according to taking part in the early important events of the
Prophet’s mission.
 There are, however, many Musnad works which are devoted to
traditions related either by special group of Companions or by on
single Companion only.

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 There are, however, certain Musnad works which are divided
into chapters devoted to various subjects, and in each chapter
the Hadiths are arranged according to the original authorities,
Companions, by whom they are related.
 This plan is followed by Abu Ya’la (d. 276) and Abu Abdul
Rahman in their Musnad works. These works combine the
characteristics of the Musnad and Musannaf works.
 Some of the Musnad-compilers, however, tried to collect
together all the available traditions reported by the various
Companions. The Musnad of Ibn Al-Najjar is said to have
contained the traditions related by all the Companions.

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Paragraph 3 [What is Musannaf?]
 Musannaf are those large collections of Hadith in which the
traditions relating to most or all the various topics are put
together and arranged in various books or chapters, each
dealing with a particular topic. To this class belong the Muwatta
of Imam Malik and Sihah Sittah, the six sound books.
 Muwatta is not a work on Hadith in the same sense in which
the Sahih Bukhari and other later works are. Its object was not
to sift the hadiths only but to demonstrate the religious law
rituals and practices which were in keeping with Sunnah
prevalent in Madina.
 Imam Malik included in his work a large number of fatwas and
customs of Madina, without trying to prove them by Hadith.

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 Muwatta was not intended to serve as a collection of
Hadiths and at the same time it is not a book of fiqh in the
same sense in which later books of fiqh are said to be
works on the subject.
 It contains a large number of Ahadith Al- Ahkam (legal
 There are 1700 traditions in it and almost all are included
in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.
 Some scholars count it in six sound books in place of
Sunan Ibn Maja.
 Some other musannafat are Musannaf of Abdul Razzaq
and Musannaf of Ibn abi Sahibah.

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Paragraph 4
[Which method was followed first?]
 It is not unlikely that some of the very early collections of them
were arranged according to their subject-matter connected with
the Islamic legal, ritual or religious problems. But these were
small collections on a single topic.
 Most of the experts have the opinion that the Musnads are
earlier in origin than the Musannafs as it is simpler way of
 In the third centaury Muhaddithin realize that Musannaf way is
more convenient for the law makers so all followed topical
arrangement of Ahadith.

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(b) In your opinion, from the two Hadith collections above,
which is the more useful to Muslims? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]

 I my opinion Musannaf is more useful for various reasons.

 We usually want to get information about a certain topic and in
musannaf we will get all Ahadith together.
 It is beneficial for law makers also as they want all Ahadith
together on the topic they are making law on.
 For true understanding of something we have to study all
material related to it and it is available with convenience only in
 For its more benefits the six compilers also adopted this way of

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Other Types Of Compilations

 Sunan is a technical term used by scholars of Hadith sciences to
denote a book of Ahadith in which Ahadith, relating to legal
rulings, are collected topically, from the Chapters of
Purification down to the Chapter on Wills.
 The topics are arranged in the same order as followed in books
of Islamic jurisprudence. For example: Sunan Abu Dawood
and Sunan Ibn Maja.

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 Jami’ are those compilations of Hadith in which Ahadith about
the following eight topics are collected:
 Beliefs (Aqai’d)

 Islamic rulings (Ahkam)

 Interpretation of Quran (Tafseer)

 Battles of Prophet’s time (Siyar)

 Etiquettes (Aadaab)

 Merits (Manaqib)

 Discords (Fitan)

 Evidences of Qiyamah (Ashraat)

For example: Sahih Bukhari and Sunan Tirmidhi.

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