La Teoría de Tipos de Russell
La Teoría de Tipos de Russell
La Teoría de Tipos de Russell
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are. No uniformity may ever be unity; yet, all the more, in this
world of many different uniformities there is unity and there is the
necessity that unity enjoins and that all uniformities serve or medi-
ate. Long live this "Power behind the Throne"; behind all thrones;
a power whose only law, the only absolute law, is the principle of
law and order or, just once more, the "synthetic unity a priori."
Finally, thus to be able to translate the old-time Kantian Trans-
cendentalism into the recent creative evolution, to be able to read
in Kant's causality as category a priori the nature of causation as
involving (1) duality, (2) incommensurability, and (3) necessity,
but vital necessity, is at once not without a large tribute to the
"vision," if possibly not the clear seeing, of Kant and decidedly
with a most significant historical justification of the new creationism
and its great retinue of other important "isms."
The question occurs: If only predicative propositions are to be true
or false, how can we have a non-predicative proposition formally
equivalent to a predicative proposition, that is, true when it is true,
false when it is false? That would seem to require a true non-
predicative proposition, which is a contradiction. The principle of
the vicious circle requires that non-predicative functions be meaning-
less. Yet reference is made repeatedly to terms which satisfy a non-
predicative function. This occurs in the definition of identity and else-
where :5"x and y are to be called identical when every predicative func-
tion satisfied by x is also satisfied by y. We can not state that every
function satisfied by x is also satisfied by y, because x satisfies fune-
tions of various orders, and these can not all be covered by one ap-
parent variable. By virtue of the axiom of reducibility it follows
that, if x = y and x satisfies fx, where / is any function, predicative
or non-predicative, then y also satisfies 'y. Hence, in effect, the defi-
nition is as powerful as it would be if it could be extended to cover
all functions of x. " What satisfaction of a non-predicative function
can mean is not clear. If it means "makes the function a true prop-
osition" we may have self-reference in a true proposition resulting
4 " Principia Mathematica, " page 174.
'5 "Principia Mathematica," page 176.