Ass1 S1 2024

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Department of Mathematics

MATHS 108 Assignment 1 Due: 5pm, Friday 1st of March

Hand your assignment in via Canvas. You can write your answers either electronically or by hand.
In either case you need to submit a single pdf file. If you hand write your answers you will need to
scan them: we suggest using the app “camscanner” or the scanner in Google Drive on your mobile
device. Alternatively you can scan to a .pdf on the university photocopy machines. Make sure
you submit only a single pdf file containing all the pages of your answers. We highly recommend
checking your submission by downloading it yourself.

Note that late assignments will not be marked.

This assignment was written by Nicolette Rattenbury ([email protected]).

1. Do Quiz 1 on Canvas. This is a diagnostic quiz, with 18 questions. You will get full marks for
completing the quiz no matter how well you do, but please do your best and use the quiz to discover
what you do and do not understand about the mathematical techniques covered. Do not close
your browser while you are taking the quiz; Canvas does not save your progress and will discard
everything you’ve done.
Once you’re done with the quiz, please go through and count the number of questions you’ve gotten
right! If you got 13/18 problems right or fewer, you are strongly encouraged to take Maths 102
before enrolling in Maths 108, as we’ve found that students with diagnostic quiz scores in this range
do poorly in 108. To be precise, here’s a table with diagnostic quiz scores versus recent student
outcomes in 108:

Score 17-19 14-16 9-13 0-8

D’s 11% 34% 49% 81%
A’s 39% 13% 1% 0%

Finally: after completing this diagnostic quiz, please review the questions that you get wrong! You
can find revision pages and practice quizzes under ”Quizzes” to help you revise any of the material
in this quiz. Do this when you get a chance, as the skills described here are crucial for success in
Maths 108!
You do not need to provide proof that you have completed this quiz. We will be able to see this on
Canvas. [2 marks]

2. Complete the Academic Integrity in Mathematics quiz on Canvas. We strongly encourage working
together in Maths 108 but all work that is submitted must be your own. This quiz is to help you
understand the boundaries. Again, you will get full marks for this quiz, regardless of your score but
you should use this quiz to help build your understanding about what is acceptable when completing
Again, you do not need to provide proof that you have completed this quiz.
[2 marks]

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3. Take a photo or screenshot of yourself during the office hours of your Maths 108 Lecturer. This is
to ensure you know how to get help during the semester when you need it. This can either be in
person or via Zoom. [2 marks]

4. Write a short statement (100 - 200 words) about what mathematics means to you. This should not
be a definition about what mathematics is but a statement about what it means to you. How does
it make you feel? Please feel free to be creative with this. For example, you might want to write
a poem or include a drawing. There is absolutely no right answer here! We are trying to find out
how you feel about the subject, as well as encouraging you to reflect on your relationship with the
subject. [2 marks]

Total Marks: 8

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