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Ijcsi 9 2 2 23 34 PDF
Ijcsi 9 2 2 23 34 PDF
Department of Thermo-Fluid, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Department of Thermo-Fluid, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Abstract weight added and the system operation both cause the fuel
A semi-empirical model for simulating thermal and energy consumption to increase. Additional fuel consumption by
performance of an automotive air-conditioning (AAC) system in the AAC system means less fuel economy and more
passenger vehicles has been developed. The model consists of two greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, augmentation of
sections, namely empirical evaporator correlations and dynamic the AAC efficiency and evaluation of its performance are
load simulation. The correlations used consider sensible and latent
both important. The AAC is often exposed to extremely
heat transfer performance of the evaporator coil. The correlations
were obtained from the experimental data of actual air varying conditions, and substantial efforts are required to
conditioning system for a compact size passenger car. The evaluate its performance. The conditions include: inlet
sensible heat transfer correlation relates the evaporator air off dry- conditions which determine air temperatures entering the
bulb temperature to inlet air dry-bulb temperature, humidity ratio, evaporator and condenser; user choices which determine
evaporator air velocity, condenser inlet air dry-bulb temperature, the evaporator volumetric flow rate and ventilation mode;
condenser air velocity and compressor speed. The latent heat driving patterns which determine the compressor rotational
transfer correlation relates the coil air-off humidity ratio to the speed and the condenser face velocity; and cabin material,
same six independent variables. The dynamic load simulation occupancy, and weather conditions which determine
model was developed based on the z-transfer function method internal and external thermal loads [1].
with a one-minute time step. The cooling load calculations were
performed using heat gain weighting factors. Heat extraction rate
and cabin air dry-bulb temperature calculations were carried out The single largest auxiliary load on an automotive engine is
using air temperature weighting factors. The empirical evaporator caused by the air-conditioner compressor [2]. During peak
sensible and latent heat transfer correlations were embedded in the load it can draw up to 5 to 6 kW power from the vehicle’s
loads calculation program to enable the determination of engine, and this is equivalent to a vehicle being driven
evaporator inlet and outlet air conditions, the cabin air temperature down the road at 56 km/hr [3]. Nationally and globally, the
and relative humidity. Comparisons with road test data indicated additional fuel consumed due to air conditioner usage is
that the program was capable of predicting the performance of the substantial. A study by Rugh et al. [2] indicate air
automotive air-conditioning system with reasonable accuracy. conditioner usage reduces fuel economy by about 20% and
Keywords: Automotive air conditioning (AAC), passenger cabin, increases emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by about 80%
thermal load model.
and carbon dioxide (CO) by about 70%, although the actual
numbers depend on the actual driving conditions.
1. Introduction
Due to the ascending trend in the rate emission of pollutant,
Automotive air-conditioning (AAC) for thermal comfort in the automotive industry has been compelled to accomplish
passenger cabins is now a thing of necessity rather than parallel development of both environmental awareness and
luxury, and cooling is especially needed when travelling in fuel economy by establishing innovative solutions to
summer or throughout the year in countries of hot and improve the quality of the urban environment and to reduce
humid climate. The cost of installation of this air- the rate of fuel consumption to drive the compressor air
conditioning system is generally affordable but the extra conditioner and the climate control system in total. The
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ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
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solutions include the use of solar reflective glass [2, 4], 2. Dynamic Loads Analysis Of Passenger
parking cooling systems for non-idling air-conditioning [5], Cabin
demand capacity controlled compressor [6], air inlet
mixture control strategy [7, 8], automatic climate control According to ASHRAE [20] load analysis methods in an
systems [9,10] and reduction in weight and size of air enclosed space can be classified into two groups: steady-
conditioning units [11]. state methods and dynamic methods. Dynamic methods are
more attractive than the steady-state method as they are
The energy crisis can be avoided by using renewable able to model complex phenomena as well as being more
energy or it can be delayed via efficient utilisation of the flexible. The two widely used dynamic methods are the
existing non-renewable energy reserves. The latter heat balance method (HBM) and the weighting factor
approach is probably the only means of avoiding an method (WFM) [20]. The HBM is more accurate than
impending crisis before a practical and economically viable WFM. The simple WFM is chosen over the more rigorous
method of harnessing free energy is found since research HBM for loads calculation in a passenger vehicle for ease
efforts on renewable energy (such as solar and wind energy) of simulation with some small loss in accuracy which
are still on-going. In order to accomplish this goal, an explains why most of the popular building energy
efficient and comprehensive tool for rapid design and simulation programs adopt the weighing factor
prototyping of AAC system for analysis is needed. It also methodology.
must be noted that, increasing the activities of
experimentation and prototyping of any air-conditioning 2.1 The Weighting Factor Method
system, may increase the cost and price tag, especially for
automotive manufacturers of developing countries. In this The WFM is able to accelerate loads calculation by using a
respect, computer simulation can be used for rigorous simplified procedure [21]. It uses heat gain weighting
analysis of the cabin thermal load and air conditioner factors for converting heat gains to cooling loads, followed
interaction. Simulation is economical and not harmful to by the use of another set of weighting factors to determine
the environment, unlike actual testing of prototypes. heat extraction rates and space air temperatures. Heat gain
weighting factors represent parameters in z-transfer
Several integrated models for analyzing AAC performance functions that relate space cooling loads to instantaneous
have appeared in the open literature [2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, heat gains. In contrast, air temperature weighting factors
& 17]. Most of them used computational fluid dynamic represent parameters in a z-transfer function that relates
(CFD) and lumped-parameter approaches. Generally, the space air temperature to the net sensible heat removal rate.
CFD scheme is restricted to steady-state cases or very short
simulation periods [18] whereas lumped parameter The heat gain weighting factors are determined by solving
approach involves more analytical efforts and computer the heat balance equations for the space when a unit
time than those dedicated by the original problem [19]. As triangular pulse of space radiant heat gain is applied to the
a result, in this study, a unique approach is adopted in space. The calculation of these factors is subjected to some
developing a computerised simulation tool for analysing initial and boundary conditions. At each time step,
the thermal and energy performance of the AAC system in including the time of introduction, the calculated heat flow
passenger vehicles. The cabin compartment dynamic loads to the space air represents the net cooling load which is also
simulation is made on a minute-by-minute basis using the the heat gain weighting factor. The cooling load for each
z-transfer function methodology. The methodology has type of heat gain is calculated, from [20],
been widely used by building energy simulation programs Qk v0 qk v1qk 1 ... w1Qk 1 w2Qk 2 ... (1)
on an hour-by-hour time interval, but it is rarely been used
in load simulation of passenger vehicles. By using one- where Qk is the actual cooling load at time k, qk is the
minute time interval, it is possible to capture the dynamics
of energy transfer and storage of the vehicles more actual heat gain at time k, and v0 , v1...w1 , w2 ,... are the
accurately. The newly developed tool also directly weighting factors.
considers the performance of the evaporator coil by linking
the thermal loads model and actual coil sensible and latent The air temperature weighting factors can be determined by
heat transfer performance. As a result, this semi-empirical solving the heat balance equations for the space when a
simulation tool is not only comprehensive but also capable unit triangular pulse in space air temperature is introduced
of modelling realistically the actual processes that occur in to the space to generate a sequence of net heat extraction
actual vehicles. rates. The weighting factors are then calculated using z-
transfer function, which relates the net heat extraction rate
and the deviation in room air temperature from a constant
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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 2, No 2, March 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 25
value [21]. The deviation of the air temperature from the fluxes in to the outside surface and out of the inside surface,
reference value at time k, trk is calculated as follows [20], respectively. Generally, car envelopes such as walls, floor
and roof are essentially composite layers of materials with
different thermo-physical properties. For these multi-layer
1 CLk ERk p1 (CLk 1 ERk 1 )
trk (2) elements, TRFs are obtained using the explicit finite-
g0 p2 (CLk 2 ERk 2 ) ... g1Tk 1 g 2Tk 2 ... difference method for solving the transient one-
dimensional Fourier heat conduction equation [23].
where CLk is the total cooling load at time k, ERk is the heat
extraction rate of the air-conditioning system at time k, and
g0 , g1 ,..., p1, p2 are the air temperature weighting factors.
These factors contain information about the space,
particularly the thermal storage capacity of the enclosing
elements. Figure 1 shows the overview of the WFM in
calculating the space air dry-bulb temperature and heat
extraction rate.
The application of weighting factor method requires the Hourly heat gain due to conduction through opaque
determination of heat gain weighting factors (v0, v1,) and materials is computed using the transmission matrix
air temperatures weighting factors (g0, g1, g2,…). In the method described by Buffington [24] as follows,
heat balance equations to obtain these factors, transient heat
conduction in solid materials is most easily calculated t0 A B ti
using thermal response factors (TRFs). TRFs are the heat q C D q
fluxes at the inside and the outside surfaces of a plane slab 0 i (3)
[22] as shown in Figure 2. These heat fluxes result from a where,
unit triangular surface temperature pulse excitation.
Transient one-dimensional heat conduction problems can ti = inside surface temperature of the layer, oC.
be easily solved using the thermal response factor method t0 = outside surface temperature of the layer, oC.
[20]. The major difficulty is in determining the TRFs.
qi = inside surface heat flux, W/m2
Specifically, the Z and Y factors are the heat fluxes in to the q0 = outside surface heat flux, W/m2
inside surface and out of the outside surface of a slab,
respectively, when a unit triangular temperature pulse is This approach assumes that the outdoor air temperature and
applied at the inside surface. When the pulse is applied at solar radiation intensity vary in a periodic manner. Periodic
the outside surface, the X and Y factors represent heat
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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 2, No 2, March 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 26
boundary condition is applied at the outer surface to obtain system in the passenger car. Experimental work was
the analytical solution in terms of a Fourier series conducted to generate the air-side performance data of the
consisting of various harmonics. When allowing for a evaporator coil for the air conditioner of a 1.6L Proton
combined radiative-convective inside and outside surface Wira Aeroback saloon car model.
air film resistances, extra layers of a wall or roof are
included in the calculation [25]. Thus, for a wall or a roof, 3.1 Experimental Setup
t0 represents the sol-air temperature as given by ASHRAE
The experimental setup consisted of three sections: (1)
[20], whereas ti represents the cabin air dry-bulb AAC circuit, (2) a closed air duct work for the evaporator
temperature. section, and (3) an open air duct work for condenser section
as shown in Figure 3.
Solar radiation heat gain through glass windows consists of
transmitted, reflected and absorbed components. The The AAC was a thermal expansion valve system type. The
internal heat gain due to occupants consists of both sensible ductworks were designed and constructed in accordance to
and latent heat components. Both heat gains are computed the British Standard (BS 5141: Part 1: 1975) for of duct-
using the method of ASHRAE [20]. mounted air cooling coils. The AAC system consists of the
original components of Denso air conditioning system used
in a compact size passenger vehicle (1.6L Proton Wira
3. Experimental Work Aeroback) using HFC134a as the refrigerant. The main
components of the AAC system included a swash-plate
Complete simulation of the thermal performance of air- compressor, an evaporator, a condenser, an expansion valve,
conditioning system for a passenger car requires evaporator a receiver drier, a sight glass and connection pipes.
coil performance data. This can be obtained either by
simulation, as shown by Huang [14] or from experimental The air duct work for the evaporator section is a closed
data. The former gives approximate solution while the loop rectangular circuit with an overall length of 5130 mm.
latter will give actual performance data of the evaporator The duct walls between the downstream and upstream of
coil. The latter approach was adopted in this work to the evaporator coil were thermally insulated using 25 mm
acquire a realistic model for simulating the thermal and thick rock wool insulation material. Air was forced through
energy performance of an automotive air-conditioning the evaporator coil using an upstream variable speed
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ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 27
centrifugal fan. To improve the air quality, air mixer, honey of velocity readings have been taken using a single air
comb air flow straightener and gauze screens were installed velocity transducer placed successively at each measuring
upstream of the evaporator coil. The internal loads were point as shown in Figure 4 for evaporator ductwork and
simulated using a 2 kW infra red electrical heaters. A steam Figure 5 for condenser ductwork. air dry bulb temperature
humidifier with the steam output of 4 kg/h was distribution across the cross section just upstream and
incorporated in the ducting system to inject water vapor down-stream of the evaporator coil.
into the air stream to provide humidity variation. The
heating and humidification sections were used to adjust the
air temperature and humidity at the evaporator coil entrance.
air dry bulb temperature at the inlet of the condenser coil. L4=12.1cm
The air section of the air-conditioning system was fully
instrumented to record and control the operating parameters.
Figure 4 Position of the measuring points in the evaporator ductwork.
The data acquisition system consisted of a standard laptop
computer with PCMCIA slot, a data acquisition PCMCIA
card and signal conditioning rack. The interface card used
was a NI- PCMCIA-6024E multifunction DAQ card
featuring 16 analogue inputs at 200 kS/s, 12 bits resolution,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 analogue outputs, 8 digital I/O lines and digital triggering. H=18c
The card was interfaced to the laptop computer running
DEWESOFT software. The signal conditioning rack was a
Dewe-Rack-8 type, with 8 slot mainframe for
DEWETRON modules, connection cables for 8 channels
rack to NI- PCMCIA-6024E DAQ card, cables for RS-232
and RS-485 interface, and DAQP and PAD modules.
All DAQP and PAD modules were communicating with
DEWETRON system through RS-485 and RS-232
interfaces. The DAQP modules were used for velocity and
humidity measurement with an accuracy of ±0.05%. The
PAD modules were used for RTD temperature sensors with
±0.1% accuracy. In this system, only seven modules were Figure 5 Position of the measuring points in the condenser ductwork.
actively used, specifically, two DAQP modules for velocity
measurement, two DAQP modules for humidity Another RTD temperature sensor was used to measure the
measurement and three PAD modules for RTD temperature air dry bulb temperature distribution across the condenser
sensors. cross section downstream of the condenser coil. All
temperature sensors were pt100 RTD 100 ohm model made
Two RTD temperature sensors were used to measure the of stainless steel with a length and diameter of 6 inches and
Two air velocity windowless transducers with an accuracy 6 mm, respectively. All temperature sensors were
of ±0.5% and probe length of 6 inches were used to connected to PVC air sampling tubes as recommended by
measure the air velocity distribution across the evaporator BS 5141: Part 1:1975 [20]. The RTD temperature sensors
ductwork cross section and the condenser ductwork cross has an accuracy of ±0.3oC has been calibrated by the
section. To obtain average air velocity in the ducts, a series
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ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 28
Point sampling for each set of experimental work is time 3.4 Development of Empirical Correlations
consuming. To overcome this problem a correlation is
obtained between averaged air velocity and the centre point A multi-linear regression of the 273 experimental data has
air velocity. Least squares regression yields the correlations been made to fit two power equations. These power
for evaporator ductwork with a coefficient of determination, equations were obtained using the standard regression
r2 = 0.997 and for condenser ductwork with r2 = 0.977. The method described by Chapra and Canale [26]. The
subsequent experiments were conducted by taking one independent variables are the compressor speed, Nc (rpm),
reading at the centre of the ductwork only and the average the coil (evaporator) inlet air dry-bulb temperature, t1 (oC),
air velocities are obtained from the correlations. Two the coil air face velocity, Ve (m/s), the condenser air face
Honeywell humidity sensors model 4129R with measuring velocity, Vc (m/s), the condenser inlet air dry bulb
range of 0 to 100% RH with an output of 4-20mA and temperature, tci (oC), and the coil inlet air specific humidity,
accuracy of ±1% were used to measure the air relative w1 (kgv/kgda ).
humidity just upstream and downstream of the evaporator
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ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
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ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
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t1,k = coil inlet air dry bulb temperature at time k, C o QC , L 3010 V ( w1, k w2,k ) W (16)
t2,k = coil outlet air dry bulb temperature at time k, oC 4.1 Validation of CARSIM Program
t3,k = cabin air dry bulb temperature at time k, C The test vehicle used was a four-door 1.6L Proton Wira
w0,k = ambient air specific humidity at time k, kg/kg Aeroback. The age of the vehicle was about four years. The
vehicle and its air conditioning system have gone through
w1,k = coil inlet air specific humidity at time k, kg/kg standard maintenance routines, and were in good operating
w2,k = coil outlet air specific humidity at time k, kg/kg condition.
w3,k = cabin air specific humidity at time k, kg/kg 4.1.2 Test Setup
ERk = heat extraction rate of cabin at time k, W The experimental road test was carried out from October to
CLk = total sensible cooling load of cabin at time k, W November 2008. During each test, there were two to three
occupants in the vehicle cabin, including the driver. Each
QL ,k = cabin latent load (from occupant) at time k, W trip began in Skudai, Johor on city streets, progressed north
on PLUS highway to Pagoh, Johor, regressed to south on
XOA = fraction of outside air the same highway and ended in Skudai, Johor. Total
Nc = compressor speed, rpm/1000 mileage for each test was approximately 300 kilometres.
Ve = air velocity at coil outlet, m/s The objective of the test was to measure the cabin air dry-
bulb temperature of the test vehicle. The tests were
Vc = condenser air face velocity, m/s
performed at two different vehicle speeds, 90 km/h and
a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = coil sensible heat correlation 105 km/h respectively. These speeds were chosen so that
coefficients (see Eq. (4)) the compressor speeds of the air conditioning system were
similar to the speeds during the laboratory test. For each
b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = coil latent heat correlation
vehicle speed, the air blower was regulated at blower speed
coefficients (see Eq. (5))
1 and blower speed 4. For each condition, the temperature
The seven unknowns are t1,k , t2,k , t3,k , w1,k , w2,k , w3,k was recorded at every two to five minutes for 10 to 20
minutes duration depending on the weather and traffic
and ERk . Equations (6) through (12) are solved by condition during the test.
iteration. When air conditioning is not active, the solution
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ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 31
A total of eight type-T thermocouples were used to measure model of the test car. The air-conditioned floor area and
cabin temperature distribution as shown in Figure 10. All passenger cabin volume were 2.33 m2 and 2.54 m3,
thermocouples were connected to a data acquisition system respectively. For zoning purposes, it was modelled as one
through extension wire to record thermocouples readings as thermal zone.
shown in Figure 11.
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ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 32
Figure 13 Variation of car cabin air temperature for vehicle speed of 105
km/h, blower 4 and three occupants. Figure 15 Variation of car cabin air temperature, t3 for vehicle speed of 90
km/h, blower 4 and three occupants.
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ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
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