ID Card Replacement
ID Card Replacement
ID Card Replacement
Submitted to:Inst.Kassahun.T
Submission Date: May 2, 2024
ID Card Replacement (Appointment) System for AASTU
Executive Summary:
The proposed project aims to simplify the process of replacing lost or damaged
ID cards for students at the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
(AASTU). By implementing an ID Card Replacement (Appointment) System,
AASTU can streamline administrative processes, enhance efficiency, and
improve the overall student experience. This system will provide a user-
friendly interface for students to request ID card replacements, facilitate
document submission, and schedule appointments for collection. Additionally,
it will offer interfaces for the finance department and the ID replacement
department to manage requests efficiently. The project will utilize JavaFX for
the user interface, Undertow for the server, and MySQL for the database,
ensuring reliability, performance, and scalability.
Resources Required: