Anatomy and Physiology 2e

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Chapter 4

I. Types of tissue
A. What are the differences between cells and tissues?
B. Four major types in the human body:
1. Epithelial tissue
a) General locations:
b) Major functions:
2. Connective tissue:
a) General locations:
b) Major functions:
3. Muscle tissue:
a) General locations:
b) Major functions:
4. Nervous tissue:
a) General locations:
b) Major functions:

C. Which germ layers give rise to the different types of tissue?

D. How are tissue membranes different from tissues?

1. Epithelial membrane:
a) Which tissues make up the membrane?
b) Examples of membrane locations.
c) Three types of epithelial membranes:
(1) __________ membranes produces mucus which lines
(2) ____________membranes line the _____________ cavity
of the body and contains ______________ fluid.
(3) _____________membranes is unique because
2. Connective membrane:
a) Synovial membrane is found in
b) How are synovial membranes different from other membranes?
II. Epithelial Tissue
A. Which embryonic layer will the epithelial cells differentiate from?
B. The polarity of epithelial cells refers to the _____________ surface which is the
exposed surface and the _____________ surface which is exposed to the
underlying body structures.
1. __________ ___________ is an important mixture of glycoproteins and
collagen fibers. This allows epithelial cells to attach to
_________________ tissue, which is always found under epithelial cells.
2. Compare and contrast basal lamina and reticular lamina?
3. Will you find blood vessels that innervate epithelial tissue? Why or why
C. List general functions of epithelial tissue.
1. Give examples of locations where each function is prevalent.
2. When would epithelial cells need cilia? Would they be flagellated? Why or
why not?
a) Why are cilia important for breathing?
D. Epithelial cells lack intercellular material, but are tightly connected via
____________________________________________________, which all aid in
connecting cells and allowing for intercellular communication.
1. Cell polarity is further solidified by the ____________ junctions.
2. ____________ junctions stabilize epithelial cells. How?
a) List and explain the differences between the types of _________
b) What role will cadherins play in cell junctions? How are cadherins
different from integrins?
c) Microfilaments present in the cells’ cytoplasm aid in the _______
and ___________ of tissue.
3. Cells communicate by sending molecules through ________ junctions.
E. Epithelial cells are characterized by shape and cell number:
1. Three major cell shapes:
a) Fish scale like or ____________.

b) Cube shape or ___________.
c) Rectangular shape or taller than wide or ___________.
2. One layer of cells is considered ______________.
3. Two or more layers of cells is considered ____________.
F. Squamous epithelia
1. _____________ lines lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. This tissue
type is important for which feature in these two systems?
2. Simple squamous epithelium also makes up the ___________ membrane
lining body cavities and internal organs.
3. __________ squamous epithelium contains normal squamous cells at the
_________ surface with _____________ or ___________ cells at the
basal surface.
a) Where would you find this tissue type in the body? What would be
the function?
b) What is the best way to identify the differences?
c) Which type of epithelium would make up the surface of the body?
What are the functions of the tissue?
4. Cuboidal epithelia
a) Major functions:
b) Found?
c) What are the differences between the simple and stratified layers?
5. Columnar epithelia
a) ____________ columnar found in the digestive tract and female
reproductive tract. Why are some ciliated?
(1) How does this aid in the reproductive process?
b) How are simple columnar and pseudostratified columnar
epithelium different?
(1) Where would pseudostratified columnar epithelium be
found in the human body?
(2) Why are _________ cells important?
(3) Are cilia needed on all columnar epithelial cells that
contain goblet cells? Why or why not?

c) Where would you find stratified columnar epithelium in the human
6. In the urinary system, ____________ epithelium tissue is found. This
tissue is important in aiding the _______________________ of the
G. Glandular Epithelia:
1. ___________ glands or __________ are diffused through the
bloodstream to their target cells. Examples:
2. __________ glands release their content outside of the body such as
breast milk, sweat and mucous.
a) These glands can be unicellular or multicellular. ________ cells
are examples of unicellular cells.
b) ________ glands can either excrete their content via a
__________ duct or ___________.

c) Modes of glandular secretion:

III. Connective Tissue Supports and Protects
A. The most abundant type of tissue in the human body.
B. Commonly found under __________ tissue.
C. Distinguish by the presence of a ____________ which contains extracellular
substances and aids in tissue function.
1. The _________ substance is the major component of the matrix.
D. Tissue types are listed below: List a functions and location

Connective tissue proper Supportive connective tissue Fluid connective tissue

Loose connective tissue: Cartilage: Blood

1. Areolar 1. Hyaline: 1. Functions:
a. Functions: a. Functions: 2. locations:
b. Locations: b. locations:
2. Adipose: 2. Fibrocartilage
a. Functions: a. Functions:
b. Locations: b. locations:
3. Reticular: 3. Elastic
a. Functions: a. Functions:
b. locations: b. locations:

Dense connective tissue: Bones: Lymph

1. Regular elastic 1. Compact bone: 1. Functions:
a. Functions: a. Functions: 2. locations:
b. locations: b. locations:
2. Irregular elastic: 2. Cancellous bone:
a. Functions: a. Functions:
b. locations: b. Locations:

E. What is tendinitis?
1. What causes tendinitis?
2. Where is tendinitis mostly likely to occur in the body?

IV. Muscle Tissue and Motion

A. Muscle tissue like nervous tissue is excitable. What does excitability mean?
B. Three types of muscle tissue:
1. __________ muscle is found in the heart and works to
a) Cardiomyocytes attach to each other via cell junctions called
_______________ disc.
b) Is blood pumping through the body voluntary or involuntary?
2. ___________ muscle is found in the skeleton and works to
a) These cells are striated which means
b) How are these cells different from cardiac muscle?

3. ________ muscle is found lining hollow organs and works to

V. Nervous Tissue Mediates Perception and Response

A. What is the main function of nervous tissue?
1. How are signals sent and received?
B. Nervous tissue contains two main cell types:
1. Neurons:
2. Neuroglia:
C. Neurons are exist in three main types:
1. Multipolar:
2. Unipolar:
3. Bipolar:
D. What are the differences in the morphology of the three types?
1. Where would each type be found?
2. Which is the most abundant?
E. What are the major types of neuroglia in the CNS?
F. What are the major types of neuroglia in the PNS?

VI. Tissue Injury and Aging

A. __________ is the body's response to injury. Four major signs appear:
1. Are there any other signs?
2. Will all of the signs appear at once?
B. Cell death initiates the __________ response in some cases. When would this
response not occur?
C. Chemicals, _____________, are released to initiate the inflammatory response.
1. Vasodilation is also involved in the parasympathetic response. How can
your body identify injury versus parasympathetic response?
D. What are histamines?
1. They are present during allergic reactions. How are they helpful in both
allergic reactions and inflammatory responses?
E. List the steps in the process of wound healing.

F. What are some of the changes to the human body during aging?
1. How are telomeres affected by aging?
2. Are cancer risks increased with age? Why or why not?


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