05.06.2024 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Letter v4
05.06.2024 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Letter v4
05.06.2024 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Letter v4
Suzanne P. Clark
President and CEO
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
1615 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20062
Carolyn Cawley
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
1615 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20062
Throughout the 118th Congress, the Committee on Ways and Means has been
investigating the growth of the tax-exempt sector established under Section 501(c) of the Internal
Revenue Code. In April 2023, the Committee held a hearing on tax-exempt hospitals and the
community benefit standard. 1 In August 2023, the Committee published an open letter requesting
information on tax-exempt organizations focused on potential violations of rules regarding
political activities, inappropriate use of charitable funds, and concerns about foreign sources of
funding.2 In December 2023, the Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee held a hearing on the
growth of the tax-exempt sector and its impact on the American political system. 3
These activities helped inform the Committee about the functioning of the sector and
raised numerous concerns about activities of tax-exempt organizations like yours. Specifically,
we are concerned about recent public reporting regarding the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Foundation (USCCF). The USCCF is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) and the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce (USCC) is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(6). The public reports at issue indicate
H. Comm. on Ways and Means, Hearing on Tax-Exempt Hospitals and the Community Benefit Standard (Apr. 2,
2023), https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/hearing-on-tax-exempt-hospitals-and-the-community-benefit-
H. Comm. on Ways and Means, Request for Information: Understanding and Examining the Political Activities of
Tax-Exempt Organizations under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code (Aug. 14, 2023), https://gop-
H. Comm. On Ways and Means, Oversight Subcommittee Hearing: The Growth of the Tax-Exempt Sector and the
Impact on the American Political Landscape (Dec. 13, 2023), https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/oversight-
Letter to The Honorable Daniel Werfel
May 6, 2024
Page 2
that the USCCF has received over $12 million in funding from the Tides Foundation, a left-
leaning organization that partners with and sponsors groups that advocate for policies that would
harm the American business community. 4 Contrary to the USCC’s stated mission of improving
lives “by advancing American business” and advocating “for policies that help businesses create
jobs and grow our economy,” it seems odd that the foundation would accept funding from a
group like the Tides Foundation, which is so focused on activities that seem counter to USCC’s
mission.5 Furthermore, these reports raise concerns about how the USCC and USCCF are using
their tax-exempt status.
According to the Tides Foundation’s website, they work with “foundations who share our
vision” and help their foundation partners “[c]ollaborate with like-minded funders to fuel social
movements and transform policy.”6 The Tides Foundation says that their vision is “that a just and
equitable future can exist only when communities who have been historically denied power have
the social, political, and economic power they need to create it.” 7
The Tides Foundation partners with and sponsors several anti-business organizations that
seem to directly contradict the USCC’s stated mission. One example of an anti-business Tides
Foundation supported project is the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR).8
In December 2023, ICAR published a report titled Building a Rights-Based Economy: A
Corporate Accountability Agenda.9 In this report, ICAR said “[t]ransnational corporations with
intentionally complex, opaque supply chains are able to conceal systematic wage theft, forced
labor, and attacks against human rights defenders” and “companies that pay little to nothing in
federal income taxes go on to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbying for their
Does USCC share the vision of the Tides Foundation? If not, why would USCC accept
funds from a group so opposed to its mission?11 Or perhaps the better question is why would the
Tides Foundation think that this donation would advance its interests?
Matthew Boyle, Exclusive – Tax Documents: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Turns to Soros-Funded
Groups and Democrats to Keep Dwindling Operations Alive, BREITBART (March 25, 2024),
Chamber of Commerce, (2022), Return of organization exempt from income tax [Form 990]. Retrieved from
Tides Foundation, Foundation Giving, WWW.TIDES.ORG, https://www.tides.org/partners/foundations/ (last visited
Apr. 8. 2024).
Tides Foundation, Our Vision & Mission, WWW.TIDES.ORG, https://www.tides.org/partners/ (last visited Apr. 8.
Tides Foundation, Tides Partners, WWW.TIDES.ORG, https://www.tides.org/about/mission/ (last visited Apr. 8.
Jackie Lewis, et al., Building a Rights-Based Economy: A Corporate Accountability Agenda, International
Corporate Accountability Roundtable (Dec. 2023), https://icar.ngo/wp-
Chamber of Commerce, (2022), Return of organization exempt from income tax [Form 990]. Retrieved from
Letter to The Honorable Daniel Werfel
May 6, 2024
Page 3
These reports are concerning because the Committee is evaluating whether tax-exempt
organizations like USCC and USCCF are operating for the exempt purposes that allowed them to
obtain tax-exempt status. Additionally, the Committee is concerned about whether donors to, and
members of, organizations like yours have sufficient awareness of how their money is being
1. As a tax-exempt organization with the stated mission of advocating “for policies that help
businesses create jobs and grow our economy” that has a related foundation, what exactly
are taxpayers getting in return for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s tax-
exempt status?
2. Why is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Foundation accepting funds from the Tides
Foundation, an organization that seems to sponsor and partner with openly anti-business
3. What have the funds received from the Tides Foundation been used for?
4. Are your members and donors aware that the organization is funded, in part, by the Tides
5. Do you share the vision of the Tides Foundation? If not, why did you accept funds from
the organization? Do you know why they donated to USCC?
Thank you in advance for your time and responses. If you have any questions, please
contact the Ways and Means Majority Committee staff at (202) 225–3625.
Jason Smith
Committee on Ways and Means