JFMPC 8 1022
JFMPC 8 1022
JFMPC 8 1022
A bstract
Introduction: Classic dengue fever presentation has expanded its horizon by involving various organ systems and is named as
expanded dengue syndrome. This changing presentation and rising burden across the globe may lead to delayed diagnosis and
under reporting of this syndrome. Aim of Study: To analyze clinicolaboratory profile of patients with expanded dengue syndrome.
Materials and Methods: About 520 cases of expanded dengue syndrome as per World Health Organization definition criteria 2012
were studied with their informed consent. Detailed history, thorough clinical examination, and relevant investigations were done.
Their clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed. Standard treatment guidelines were followed in all cases. Observation: About
301 patients were male and 219 were female with male‑to‑female ratio of 3:2. Their age varied from 12 to 76 years with the average age
of 47.5 years. About 92% of cases presented with various gastro hepatic manifestations. The commonest gastrohepatic manifestation
was transaminitis (57.5%) that is asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes followed by acalculous cholecystitis (21%) and acute
pancreatitis (13.9%). Twenty‑nine patients presented with various neurological manifestations. Three patients presented with acute
kidney injury and eight patients had coinfection with malaria. Fever with nausea and vomiting was the most common presentation.
About 15% of patients presented with bleeding manifestations. About 40.6% of patients presenting as abdominal manifestations had
platelet count <20,000/mm3 and needed platelet transfusion versus 9.8% with other system involvement (central nervous system,
cardiovascular system (CVS), renal). Hepatomegaly was the most common ultrasonography (USG) finding being present in 57.5% of
patients followed by acalculous cholecystitis in 21.3%. Total mortality was 1.9% in our series. We lost eight patients presenting with
neurological manifestations and two patients with coinfection with malaria. Conclusion: Atypical presentations should prompt us to
investigate for dengue especially during ongoing epidemics so that expanded dengue syndrome can be diagnosed and treated early.
© 2019 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 1022
Mohanty, et al.: Expanded dengue syndrome – our experience
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1023 Volume 8 : Issue 3 : March 2019
Mohanty, et al.: Expanded dengue syndrome – our experience
Expanded dengue syndrome was coined by WHO in the year
2012 to describe cases which do not fall into either dengue
shock syndrome or dengue hemorrhagic fever. The atypical
manifestations noted in expanded dengue are multisystemic
and multifaceted with organ involvement, such as liver,
brain, heart, kidney, and CNS.[3] Patients with involvement of
Figure 4: Platelet count gastrointestinal and hepatic system may present with features
of asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, fulminant hepatic
failure, acute pancreatitis, acalculous cholecystitis, peritonitis,
cholecystitis, which was detected in 111 patients (21.3%). Serositis sub acute intestinal obstruction (SAIO), and rupture of spleen.
in the form of ascites and pleural effusion was also found in Lee et al. observed transaminitis in 30% of patients,[4] whereas
25.3% and 23.2% of cases, respectively. About 12.8% had we observed it in 57.5% of cases. Acalculous cholecystitis has
features of pancreatitis. Twenty‑nine cases presented with various been documented in many case reports. A study by Bhatty et al.
neurological manifestations. Fifteen patients had features of acute in 2009 reported 27.5% of cases as acalculous cholecystitis.[5] In
viral encephalitis. All of them presented with complains of fever our series, we had 21.3% cases of cholecystitis. Some studies
and altered sensorium. CT brain was done in all cases. Analysis also showed as high as 38% of cholecystitis in EDS.[6] These
of CSF was suggestive of viral encephalitis. They were treated patients had an increased levels of alkaline phosphatase,
aggressively. Ten patients recovered and five patients deteriorated thickened gallbladder wall, and pericholecystic fluid collection.
and developed multiorgan dysfunction, needed mechanical The pathogenesis of acute acalculous cholecystitis is still unclear.
ventilation, and other supportive care. Despite all measures Many factors are thought to contribute to liver dysfunction.
they succumbed to the illness. Intracranial bleed occurred in They are hypoxic injury due to decreased perfusion, direct
five patients. Three of them had massive intracranial bleed who damage by the virus, and immune‑mediated injury. Shaprio et al.
deteriorated rapidly and expired. Though bleeding complications in his studies showed that cholestasis, increased bile viscosity,
are well known in dengue fever, one patient was diagnosed to and infection are the probable causes.[7] However, the main
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1024 Volume 8 : Issue 3 : March 2019
Mohanty, et al.: Expanded dengue syndrome – our experience
Figure 5: MRI Spine T2 Image showing Hyperintensity from D4-D6 level Figure 6: Transverse Section MRI Spine D4 level Showing Hyperintensity
cause which induces thickening of gall bladder wall is increased have encountered one patient who had bradycardia in expanded
vascular permeability, which causes plasma leakage and serous dengue. The pathophysiology of cardiac involvement in
effusion with high protein content mostly albumin. All patients dengue is variable. The favoured theory is that the virus cause
with acalculous cholecystitis recovered fully with conservative inflammation leading to cytokine storm causing loss of both
management. None of them required any surgical intervention structural and functional integrity. Localized insult due to minute
similar to other studies. Acute pancreatitis is an atypical and bleeding involving the SA node, AV node, or within its close
rare presentation.[8‑11] We had 67 cases of expanded dengue vicinity can also cause transient conduction abnormalities.[20,21]
presenting with features of acute pancreatitis, which was evident Neurological manifestations are more commonly observed and
by raised serum amylase and lipase and ultrasound findings. reported involving both central and peripheral nervous system.[22]
The exact pathogenesis of pancreatic involvement in dengue is Patient can present with features of encephalitis, meningitis,
not known. But it can be due to result of direct invasion by the stroke (both haemorrhagic and ischemic), hypokalemic paralysis,
virus itself causing inflammation and destruction of pancreatic encephalopathy, seizures, mono‑neuropathy, polyneuropathy,
acinar cells, an autoimmune response to pancreatic islet cells, and and Guillain‑Barre or Miller‑Fisher syndromes. Dengue virus
development of edema of the ampulla of Vater with obstruction infection involving spinal cord is extremely rare. Only few cases
to the outflow of pancreatic fluid.[12,13] Fortunately all our patients of transverse myelitis in patients with dengue fever have been
survived. We had two patients who presented with features of reported so far. We had 29 patients (5.5%) who had various
subacute intestinal obstruction. They improved with supportive neurological manifestations. Though bleeding complications
care. Only one case is documented so far in literature.[14] The are more common, we had one patient who had cerebral infarct.
exact pathophysiology of subacute intestinal obstruction is not We had five patients with meningitis and 15 with encephalitis.
known. Probably, it occurs due to edema of intestinal wall. These In these patients, there was CSF pleocytosis along with positive
patients presenting as intestinal obstruction usually get admitted enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for dengue.
in surgical wards. Same thing happened to our cases. They were We had one patient who was diagnosed as acute transverse
initially admitted in surgical ward and later transferred to medical myelitis following dengue infection. His MRI spine showed
side. Sometimes unnecessary surgery even takes place under segmental T2 hyperintensity of the spinal cord from D4 to D6
confusion as EDS may present in form of acute abdomen.[15] levels. There was no evidence of cord expansion or contrast
Even cases are reported where three uncommon presentations enhancement or involvement of the other segments of the
occurred concomitantly (acute acalculous cholecystitis, spinal cord. He was treated with injection methylprednisolone
acute pancreatitis, and pancytopenia) most likely due to followed by adjuvant IVIG 2 g/kg (total 120 g) over 5 days and
hemophagocytic syndrome.[16] other supportive care and improved. There are case reports
documenting transverse myelitis in dengue who were treated
Though sinus bradycardia is more common, patient may with steroid and immunoglobulins as we did.[23,24] The exact
present with features of myocarditis, pericarditis, acute pathogenesis of neurological manifestations of dengue viral
myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, sinoatrial (SA) node, infection is not known. However, there are several postulations.
atrio‑ventricular (AV) nodal block, and atrial fibrillation. Most important is either the neurotropic effect of the virus or
Dengue myocarditis incidence is low because it is asymptomatic the immune‑mediated injury or both. When the neurological
and diagnosis is easily missed. Almost all cases of dengue symptoms develop in peri‑infectious period, it is attributed to
myocarditis are self‑limiting and severe myocarditis leading direct viral invasion of the nervous tissue. Delayed appearance
to dilated cardiomyopathy is extremely rare.[17,18] Bradycardia of neurological disorders usually in postinfectious phase are
followed by complete heart block is also documented.[19] We considered to be due to immunologically mediated neural
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1025 Volume 8 : Issue 3 : March 2019
Mohanty, et al.: Expanded dengue syndrome – our experience
injury.[25‑28] Acute hypokalemic quadriparesis is an uncommon physician to investigate for dengue specially during epidemics.
presentation of dengue fever, not yet widely recognized. Only A high degree of clinical suspicion is the key for early diagnosis
few cases are reported from various institutes worldwide. The and treatment. There is a rising tide of EDS. Our case series
mechanism of hypokalemia could be either due to redistribution may be the tip of the iceberg. Spreading increased awareness
of potassium in cells or transient renal tubular abnormalities among the community at large is the need of the hour to fight
leading to increased urinary potassium wasting. We had two this syndrome which mimic a myriad of clinical conditions.
patients with hypokalemic quadriparesis who improved after
potassium supplementation similar to other case reports.[28] Financial support and sponsorship
Patients with neurological manifestations especially encephalitis Nil.
have high mortality as shown in recent studies which is similar
to our observation too.[29] Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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