2 ND Sem

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1 MCA 2nd SEM Syllabus 1

Subject Code: Name of the Subject:

SBS CS 01 02 08 C 3104 Database Management System

Unit No. Content of Each Unit
1 Basic Concepts: [Course Outcome (s): CO010209.1]
File Systems vs. DBMS, Characteristics of the
Database Approach, Abstraction and Data Integration,
Database users, Advantages and Disadvantages of a
Database Systems Concepts and Architecture: Data
Models, Schema and Instances, DBMS architecture and
Data Independence, Database languages and Interfaces,
DBMS functions and component modules..

2 Entity-Relationship Model: [Course Outcome (s):

Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes & keys,
Relationships, Relationships Types, Roles and Structural
Constraints, Design issues, E-R Diagrams, Design of an
E-R Database Schema, Reduction of an E-R Schema to
Relational Data Model: Relational model concepts,
Integrity constraints over Relations, Relational Algebra –
Basic Operations.
SQL: DDL, DML, and DCL, views & Queries in
SQL, Specifying Constraints & Indexes in SQL.

3 Relational Database Design: [Course Outcome (s):

Functional Dependencies, Decomposition, Normal
forms based on primary keys (1 NF, 2 NF, 3 NF, &
Transaction Processing Concepts: Introduction to
Transaction Processing, Transaction & System
Concepts, Properties of Transaction, Schedules and
Recoverability, Serializability of Schedules.
Concurrency Control Techniques: Locking
Techniques, Timestamp ordering, Multi- version
Techniques, Optimistic Techniques, Granularity of
Data items.

4 Databases for Advanced Applications: [Course

Outcome (s): CO010209.4 & CO010209.5]
Active database concepts, Temporal database concepts,
Spatial databases, Deductive databases; Emerging
Database Technologies: Mobile databases, Multimedia
Databases, Geographic information systems (GIS); XML
and Internet Databases: Structured, Semi-structured and
Unstructured Data, Introduction to web databases and
XML, Structure of XML data.
Name of the Subject: Name of the Subject:
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Unit No. Content of Each Unit
1 Object-Oriented Concepts: [Course Outcome (s):
CO010211.4] Data abstraction, Data Hiding,
Encapsulation, polymorphism, modularity, hierarchy,
typing, concurrency, persistence. C++ Basics: Classes
and Objects, Data types, loops and decisions,
structures and functions, Scope of class and its
member, Nested Class, object arrays, Pointers,
Constructor: parameterized constructor, multiple
constructors, default constructor, copy constructor,
implicit constructor, destructor function, dynamic
allocation operators: new(), delete().

2 Inheritance: [Course Outcome (s): CO010211.4] Base

and Derived Classes, Single inheritance, Multilevel
inheritance, Hierarchical inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance,
Multiple inheritance, Protected Members, Casting Base-
Class Pointers to Derived- Class Pointers, Using Member
Functions, Overriding Base–Class Members in a Derived
Class, Public, Protected and Private Inheritance, Using
Constructors and Destructors in derived Classes.

3 Polymorphism: [Course Outcome (s): CO010211.4]

Compile time and Run time, Abstract class, Virtual
class, Virtual base classes, pointers to base and
derived classes, virtual functions, early and late
binding, Pure virtual function, virtual destructor,
virtual derivation. Friend function & Friend class,
Inline functions, function overloading, Operator
Overloading: Unary, Binary.

4 Generic Programming: [Course Outcome (s):

CO010211.4] Function Templates, Overloading
Template Functions, Class Template, Class Templates
and Non-Type Parameters.
Exception Handling: Try, Throw, Catch, Throwing
an Exception, Catching an Exception, Re-throwing an
File Handling: Hierarchy of File Stream classes,
Opening and Closing files, File modes, testing for
errors, File pointers and their manipulations, ASCII &
Binary files, Sequential and Random-access files.
files, opening & closing a file, read () & write ()
functions, File manipulation using seekg (), tellg() functions.
Subject Code: Name of the Subject:
SBS CS 01 02 10 C 3104
Software Engineering
Unit No. Content of Each Unit
1 Software and Software Engineering: [Course
Outcome (s): CO010212.1] software characteristics,
software crisis, software engineering paradigms.
Planning a Software Project: software cost estimation,
project scheduling, personal planning, team structure

2 Software Configuration Management: [Course

Outcome (s): CO010212.2] quality assurance, project
monitoring, risk management. Software Requirement
Analysis: structured analysis, object-oriented analysis
and data modeling, software requirement specification,

3 Design and Implementation of Software: [Course

Outcome (s): CO010212.3] software design
fundamentals, design methodology (structured design
and object-oriented design), design verification,
monitoring and control, coding.
Software Reliability: metric and specification, fault
avoidance and tolerance, exception handling,
defensive programming.

4 Testing: [Course Outcome (s): CO010212.4] testing

fundamentals, white box and black box testing,
software testing strategies; unit testing, integration
testing, validation testing, system testing, debugging
Maintenance: maintenance characteristics,
maintainability, maintenance side effects, CASE tools
Subject Code: Name of the Subject:
SBS CS 01 02 11 C 3104
Design Analysis of Algorithms
Unit No. Content of Each Unit
1 Introduction to analysis of algorithms: [Course
Outcome (s): CO010213.1] Analysis of algorithms,
asymptotic notation-Big- O, Omega and Theta
notations, recurrence relations, solving recurrences,
Abstract data types, Linear Data Structures and their
sequential storage representation: stacks, queues,
priority queues, and their applications.

2 Divide and Conquer: [Course Outcome (s):

CO010213.2] General method, Binary Search,
Exponentiation problem, Merge Sort, Quick Sort,
Selection Sort, Strassen‘s Matrix Multiplication
algorithms and analysis of algorithms for these
Greedy Method: General method, Knapsack
Problem, Job sequencing with deadlines, Minimum
Spanning trees, Single source shortest path and
analysis of these algorithms.

3 Dynamic Programming: [Course Outcome (s):

CO010213.3] General method, 0/1 Knapsack
problem, Optimal BST, All Pairs shortest path,
Traveling Salesman Problem, longest common
subsequence (LCS).
Back Tracking: General method, 8 queen‘s problem,
graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycles
and analysis of these problems.

4 NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems: [Course

Outcome (s): CO010213.4] P, NP, NP-Hard & NP Complete
Classes, Reductions: Vertex cover, Simple
Max-Cut, Hamiltonian Circuit, Traveling salesman
problem, kernel, 3- dimensional matching, and other
NP-Complete Problems, Satisfiability and variations,
Cook's theorem, examples of NP-Hard problems.
Subject Code: Name of the Subject:
SBS CS 01 02 07 E 3104
Computer Graphics
Unit No. Content of Each Unit
1 [Course Outcome (s): CO010207.1] Complex
numbers and its geometrical representations, Complex
vector spaces, inner products and Hilbert spaces,
Hermitian and unitary matrices, Tensor products of
vector spaces

2 [Course Outcome(s):CO010207.2] Deterministic

Systems, Probabilistic descriptions and Quantum
systems, Basics of Quantum theory, Schrodinger‘s
time dependent equation, Wave nature of Particles,
state vector, operators, postulates of quantum
mechanics, Dirac formalism, Stern-Gerlach
experiment, electron spin, superposition of states,

3 [Course Outcome (s): CO010207.3] Bits and Qubits,

Classical gates versus quantum gates, single qubit
gates, multiple qubit gates, design of quantum circuits,
Deutsch‘s Algorithm, DeutschJozsa Algorithm,
Simon‘s periodicity algorithm, Grover‘s search
algorithm, Shor‘s Factoring algorithm

4 [Course Outcome (s): CO010207.4] Quantum

programming languages, Probabilistic and Quantum
computations, introduction to quantum cryptography
and quantum information theory, Comparison between
classical and quantum information theory, Bell states,
no cloning theorem, Quantum error correction.

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