Despite Shortcomings, Muslims Most Civilised in The World

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Despite shortcomings, Muslims Most

Civilised in the World -1

Dr Javed Jamil
Almost every civilisation claims itself to be the best civilisation of the world; and most of
the societies tend to believe themselves to be more civilised than the others. The
economic and political powers of the world, with their higher control on all forms of
media, often succeed in convincing the people that they are most civilised of all. As part
of natural inclinations, the “most civilised” have also the habit of recognising the
“least civilised”. The “least civilised” of course in most of the instances are those
who are the biggest threat, in reality or in perception, to the “most civilised”. The
clash in today’s world between the most and least civilised happens to be
between the Western Civilisation and Muslim civilisation. The protagonists of
Western Civilisation comprise hardcore atheists, non-practising Christians, practising
Christians, Jews and some Hindus and Muslims, almost in the same order. The
protagonists of Muslim Civilisation comprise mainly the believing Muslims with
minuscule percentage of non-practising Muslims, with of course some appreciable
differences in their beliefs and practices. The Western Civilisation boasts itself as the
best civilisation and tries to prove Muslims as the least or at least one of the least
civilised societies of the world. Their control on the institutions and all forms of media is
so complete that the people in huge numbers believe their claims to be true. We will
examine in this series of papers why their claims are ill founded and why Muslims,
despite their enormous shortcomings and their incomplete acceptance of Islamic
system, are certainly much more civilised than the Western world.

When “civilisation” is to be considered, we will have to first examine the criteria of

civilisation. Of course, Westernism has its own criteria, obviously the criteria being
such as help it to make its claims look real. Not only the criteria need to be examined,
the methods of determining these criteria are to be analysed. We will then examine the
world statistics to determine who is standing where in terms of these criteria.

The proponents of Westernism argue that Muslims are uncivilised because:

First, Muslims are the most violent people of the world. They are ruthless
murderers who need no sympathy or understanding. Euphemistically perhaps,
some have started arguing that while all Muslims are not terrorists all terrorists
are Muslims.

Second, if Muslims are prone to indulging in violence, its roots lie in the very
foundations of their religion that promotes violence against “unbelievers.”

Third, Muslims want to pursue their medieval culture and are not ready to accept
the modern, “peace-loving” civilisation of the West. Muslim countries are
undemocratic having no regard for human rights, particularly the rights of women
and minorities.

Fourth, Muslims demonstrate mutual brotherhood, which endangers the very

survival of the “civilised world.”

Fifth, Muslims are placed low in terms of developmental criteria, which normally
mean Life Expectancy, Per Capita income, educational level, etc;

Sixth, Muslim societies have much lower status of women than Western societies.

The Western societies, they argue, are civilised because

1. They have a system where society has total freedom;

2. They have liberated their women;

3. they are peace loving people who abhor violence;

4. The lives of their people are healthier and happier with higher incomes, life
expectancies and educational levels.

We will deliberate on each of these one by one. Let us first discuss the most important
issue of violence:

Violence: Forms and Extent

The most notable campaign in recent years has been related to “violence”,
mainly because the presence or absence of violence is regarded the most important
criterion of civilisation with West claiming that it abhors violence. Interestingly, “violence”
has become a key word in their armoury only through a partisan definition. “Terrorism”
to them is violence but “war against terror” is not violence, killing of civilians by
terrorists is violence but killing of the civilians by their forces is not violence,
killing of “female foetuses” is violence (female foeticide) but killing of foetuses
without the knowledge of their sex (abortion) is not violence, death sentence to
criminals is violence but murders of common people is not violence or at least
not a condemnable form of violence, and so on. Obviously, the violence that is
related or can be indirectly related to religion or other factors not related to
Westernism or is directed against the institutions of Westernism automatically
becomes reprehensible and worthy of condemnation in harshest possible terms.
To control this form of violence, all possible measures including full scale wars
and invasions can be adopted. Every possible method will be employed to
present this violence as barbaric. On the other hand the violence which is directly
or indirectly related to New World Order is kept hidden and if at all there is a
discussion on it, they are described as unavoidable or collateral damage, which
need to be understood and managed.
See the following list of deaths caused by various reasons of violence in last 25

1. Alleged Terrorism by Muslims: Around 25000

2. Alleged Terrorism by other communities including Hindus

and Christians: Around 300000

3. Wars (mostly waged or supported by West): Around 2


4. Murders: 50 million

5. Abortions (induced): 1 billion

(These are estimated figures based on international statistics, the references for which
will be given when each of them is discussed in detail in coming pages.)

Are Muslims the most violent people on the face of the earth? If not Muslims then
who are the most violent people? We will examine this question in the next chapter. But
it is clear from the above figures that the international response to various forms of
violence has been nothing less than absurd.

Despite shortcomings, Muslims Most

Civilised in the World -2
Dr Javed Jamil
As discussed in the previous chapter, only certain forms of violence attract the
attention of the world media. We will first discuss the issue of homicides. Certain kinds
of murders receive immediate attention of the international organisations and media.
Obviously these murders are related to the practices that Westernism accepts or
promotes or are a threat to Western interests. If the murder happens to be related to
illicit relationships including honour killings, killings of sexual perverts like gays, or
murders related to religion will be highlighted in the media. There will be huge hue and
cry and the international institutions will come into picture with condemnation and call
for severe punishment to the culprits. If a rapist or murderer is punished with death
sentence by any court, again the international condemnation will be severe and every
effort will be made to stop the death sentence. Of course if the culprit happens to be a
Saddam or Osama, his execution will be hailed as”triumphs” of peace and justice. If the
murdered is neither a gay nor a lesbian nor a person having sexual relationships
unacceptable to particular societies, he will have no sympathy at all. But the truth
remains that while the categories of murders related to “high profile” category
are not more than hundreds a year, the number of ordinary, straightforward
victims of murderous assaults is in millions. These huge numbers of murders are of
course the direct effect of the judicial and social system that New World Order has

More than 2 million murders take place worldwide everywhere. In US alone, more
than 200,000 people are assaulted with murderous intents every year (more than
18,000 are killed).

Top fifty countries in terms of the rate of murders:

1. Colombia 0.63 per 1000 people

2. South Africa 0.51 per 1000 people

3. Jamaica 0.32 per 1000 people

4. Venezuela 0.32 per 1000 people

5. Russia 0.19 per 1000 people

6. Mexico 0.13 per 1000 people

7. Lithuania 0.10 per 1000 people

8. Estonia 0.10 per 1000 people

9. Latvia 0.10 per 1000 people

10. Belarus 0.09 per 1000 people

11. Ukraine 0.09 per 1000 people

12. Papua New Guinea 0.08 per 1000 people

13. Kyrgyzstan 0.08 per 1000 people

14. Thailand 0.07 per 1000 people

15. Moldova 0.07 per 1000 people

16. Zambia 0.07 per 1000 people

17. Seychelles 0.07 per 1000 people

18. Zimbabwe 0.07 per 1000 people

19. Costa Rica 0.06 per 1000 people

20. Poland 0.05 per 1000 people

21. Georgia 0.04 per 1000 people

22. Uruguay 0.04 per 1000 people

23. Bulgaria 0.04 per 1000 people

24. United States 0.04 per 1000 people

25. Armenia 0.03 per 1000 people

26. Yemen 0.03 per 1000 people

27. India 0.03 per 1000 people

28. Azerbaijan 0.02 per 1000 people

29. Dominica 0.02 per 1000 people

30. Finland 0.02 per 1000 people

31. Slovakia 0.02 per 1000 people

32. Romania 0.02 per 1000 people

33. Portugal 0.02 per 1000 people

34. Malaysia 0.02 per 1000 people

35. Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 0.02 per 1000 people

36. Mauritius 0.02 per 1000 people

37. Hungary 0.02 per 1000 people

38. Korea, South 0.01 per 1000 people

39. Slovenia 0.01 per 1000 people

40. Iceland 0.01 per 1000 people

41. France 0.01 per 1000 people

42. Czech Republic 0.01 per 1000 people

43. Australia 0.01 per 1000 people

44. Canada 0.01 per 1000 people

45. Chile 0.01 per 1000 people

46. United Kingdom 0.01 per 1000 people

47. Italy 0.01 per 1000 people

48. Spain 0.01 per 1000 people

49. Germany 0.01 per 1000 people

50. New Zealand 0.01 per 1000 people

Source: Seventh United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice
Systems (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention)

The list tells that most of the countries listed are predominantly Christian
countries including the bastions of the Western World: US, UK, France, Germany,
South Africa, Canada and Australia. Though Muslim countries form one third of
the total number of countries, only three Muslim countries, Yemen, Malaysia and
Azerbaijan (that has more of a communist than Islamic history) appear in the list.
There are no Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt and Indonesia, the
countries that are supposed to be the biggest representatives of the Islamic
world. Malaysia appears at the lower end. Obviously the murder rates in these
countries as well as other Islamic countries are extraordinarily low. Most of the 60
odd Muslim countries occupy places in the last eighty countries. Kuwait and
Saudi Arabia have traditionally been the lowest crime prone countries though the
latter has witnessed some rise in crime rate recently. Not only the US has one of
the highest crime rates among the major countries, Washington and New York
alternately continue to earn the epithets of “the crime capital” of the
world. This is despite the fact that the US has the most developed legal machinery
with maximum number of policemen and lawyers per 1000 population. A US website
copyrighted by The Father’s Manifesto makes mockery of the legal system of the US by
citing several important statistics. Some of its observations are worth reproducing here:

“ … We have 60 times as many lawyers as Japan, which has 4 times as many

engineers as us….. one of the most incredible accomplishments of American
lawyers was to attain the undisputed world's highest incarceration rate at the
very same time that they attained the world's third highest murder rate,
something that an effective justice system would have a difficult time justifying. If
incarceration is an effective deterrent to crime, then why should both our
incarceration and murder rates have increased more than ten fold in parallel with
each other during the 20th Century? If we had a high incarceration rate but a low
murder rate, then the high incarceration rate would be justified. Or if we had a low
incarceration rate but a high murder rate, then it could be argued that the high
murder rate was the direct result of our low incarceration rate. But when both
rates increased in parallel from one of the world's lowest to one of the world's
highest all within one century, you have to question the efficacy of feeding this
many lawyers, and you have to wonder what it is about having so many lawyers
that we also have so many criminals and prison inmates. And you have to
question why the number of all three (criminals, inmates, and lawyers) increased
so dramatically at the same time…… . Many of the Muslim countries that we're
intent on bombing into oblivion so that we can "improve" their lives by imposing
our "solutions" upon them also have lower crime rates than us. The UN data for
Turkey, which is available on the Internet shows that if we had had a crime rate
equivalent to Turkey’s, then just last year we would have had:

1. 543,860 fewer assaults at $124 each = $67 million.

2. 116,440 fewer rapes at $234 each = $27 million.

3. 670,808 fewer robberies at $89 each = $60 million.

4. 14,806,908 fewer thefts at $55 each = $814 million.

5. 305,300 fewer frauds at $210 each = $64 million.

6. 648,372 fewer drug arrests at $50 each = $32 million.

7. 2,599,736 fewer juvenile delinquents at $100 each = $260 million.

8. 29,820 fewer judges at $140,000 each = $4,175 million.

9. 41,180 fewer prosecutors at $110,000 each = $4,530 million.”

The following table also proves the fact that there is high incarceration rate in America
and other “developed” nations:

1.Russia 690
2.United States 730
3.Belarus 505
4.Ukraine 390
5.Latvia 375
6.Lithuania 360
7.Singapore 287
8.Moldova 275
9.Estonia 270
10.South Africa 265
11.Cook Islands 225
12.Hong Kong 207
13.Romania 200
15.Thailand 181
16.Poland 170
17.Slovakia 150
20.Kiribati 130
21.New Zealand 127
22.Portugal 125
23.Fiji 123
24.Hungary 120
25.Canada 115
26.Luxembou 115
27.Bulgaria 110
28,Scotland 110
30.Macau 107
31.Spain 105
33.Malaysia 104
34.China 103
36.France 95
37.Germany 85
38.Italy 85
39.Austria 85
40.Turkey 80
41.Switzerland 80
42.Belgium 75
43.Netherlands 65
44.Sweden 65
45.Denmark 65
46.Finland 60
47.Greece 55
48.Croatia 55
49.Norway 55
50.Ireland 55
51.Malta 55
53.Iceland 40
54.Japan 37
55.Bangladesh 37
56.Slovenia 30
57.Cyprus 30
58.Philippines 26
59.Cambodia 26
60.India 24

In the above table, Russia and the US occupy the top positions. The
first major Muslim country appearing in that table is listed at No. 33,
which has an incarceration rate about one seventh of that of the US.
The crimes against women show similar results, but this will be discussed a little later.
The fact that the US has one of the highest murder rates and the second highest
incarceration rate can be regarded as ample proof of the rising criminal
tendencies of the American people. But more than that it is the proof of the total
failure of American judicial system, and still more the proof of the negative
impact of social, political and economic policies, which ultimately branch out
from the root of economic fundamentalism. (People of any country are not
inherently bad. It is the system that grooms them into good and bad.) In America,
more than 18000 people are murdered on average every year, according to the
statistics. Compare this with about 600 murders per year in Saudi Arabia, and it leads to
the conclusion that the former has at least three times the murder rate than the later.
The situation in most of the other Muslim countries is even batter. The more Islamic a
society and its laws the lesser are the rates of almost all crimes.

The crime situation is in fact far worse in Western countries than what is
represented by the statistics related to murders. With highly improved medical
techniques and emergency measures, the victims have now much lesser chances of
succumbing to their injuries than was the case about 40 years back. A study done by U
Mass Amherst sociologists Anthony R. Harris and Gene A. Fisher, Dr. Stephen H.
Thomas of the Harvard Medical School and David J. Hirsh of the University of
Massachusetts Medical School says:

"The level of violence from assaults in America has risen dramatically over the
past 40 to 50 years at the same time that guns have become more lethal and
available….But because of the vast improvements in the nation’s access to and
quality of emergency medical care – particularly since the Vietnam War – the
outcome of these assaults is far less likely to be lethal…..People who would have
ended up in morgues 20 years ago are now simply treated and released by a hospital,
often in a matter of a few days…. And people who would have faced the death penalty
20 years ago are now simply guilty of felonious assault, treated and released by
prisons, often in a matter of a few years."

It was concluded that the primary reason for the dropping lethality rate is a
set of medical variables. The report adds:
"Against a baseline of 1960, we estimate that without this technology, the U.S. would
presently be experiencing 45,000 to 70,000 homicides a year instead of an actual
15,000 to 20,000." (Findings are from May 2002 issue of Homicide Studies)

It can be safely argued that the rate of murderous

assaults in USA is more than 10 times that of major Muslim
countries. It can also be seen from the list that the rate of murders in Muslim
countries is lesser than that of the other important systems like Russia, China, India and
African countries.

To continue…

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