(Million US$)
R R R R Provisional
Gross External Debt Position 31-Dec-22 31-Mar-23 30-Jun-23 30-Sep-23 31-Dec-23
General government 84,336 83,133 82,295 83,657 85,235
Short-term 688 280 160 159 99
Money market instruments 0 0 0 - -
Loans 687 280 160 159 99
Trade credits - - - - -
Other debt liabilities - - - - -
Long-term 83,648 82,853 82,135 83,497 85,135
Bonds and notes 7,804 7,804 7,803 7,803 7,804
Loans 75,844 75,049 74,331 75,694 77,332
Trade credits - - - - -
Other debt liabilities - - - - -
Monetary authorities 13,208 13,148 12,586 14,477 14,466
Short-term - - - - -
Money market instruments - - - - -
Loans - - - - -
Currency and deposits - - - - -
Other debt liabilities - - - - -
Long-term 13,208 13,148 12,586 14,477 14,466
Bonds and notes - - - - -
Loans 2,229 2,050 1,755 2,700 2,527
Currency and deposits 2,705 2,702 2,702 3,701 3,701
Other debt liabilities 8,274 8,396 8,129 8,076 8,238
Banks 5,372 6,146 6,469 6,445 6,638
Short-term 5,372 5,146 5,169 5,145 5,338
Money market instruments - - - - -
Loans 2,471 2,508 2,421 2,333 2,362
Currency and deposits 2,815 2,559 2,594 2,609 2,736
Other debt liabilities 86 79 155 203 240
Long-term - 1,000 1,300 1,300 1,300
Bonds and notes - - - - -
Loans - 1,000 1,300 1,300 1,300
Currency and deposits - - - - -
Other debt liabilities - - - - -
Others sector 21,263 20,555 20,247 20,577 20,146
Short-term 3,667 3,320 3,399 3,434 3,441
Money market instruments - - - - -
Loans 578 458 496 469 475
Currency and deposits - - - - -
Trade credits 2,343 2,343 2,343 2,343 2,343
Other debt liabilities 746 519 560 622 624
Long-term 17,596 17,235 16,847 17,143 16,705
Bonds and notes 500 500 500 500 500
Loans 17,083 16,723 16,335 16,631 16,192
Currency and deposits - - - - -
Trade credits - - - - -
Other debt liabilities 12 12 12 12 12
Direct investment: Intercompany lending 4,426 4,495 4,544 4,586 4,675
Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises
Debt liabilities to direct investors 4,426 4,495 4,544 4,586 4,675
Gross External Debt 128,605 127,477 126,142 129,742 131,159
1. SBP enhanced the coverage and quality of external debt statistics by adopting IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS). For Revision study, see
link :
2. External debt statistics is revised w.e.f Sept, 2014 by incorporating the transaction made through offshore accounts. Detail of changes are available at
following link:
3: As part of annual revision of IIP,data from 31-Dec-2022 to 30-Sep-2023 has been revised.
Source: Economic Affairs Division,Islamabad and Statistics & DWH Department,State Bank of Pakistan
Contact Person: Mr. Muhammad Naeem, Sr. Joint Director
Phone No. 021-99221146
Email: [email protected]