Two Parallel Plane Jets: Mean Flow and Effects of Acoustic Excitation
Two Parallel Plane Jets: Mean Flow and Effects of Acoustic Excitation
Two Parallel Plane Jets: Mean Flow and Effects of Acoustic Excitation
Two parallel plane jets: mean flow and effects of acoustic excitation
A. Nasr, J. C. S. Lai
Abstract The flow field generated by unventilated two parallel u@ /U x-component turbulence intensity on the x-axis
c 0
jets has been investigated using LDA. The two nozzles each V mean y-component (lateral) velocity
with an aspect ratio of 24 were separated by 4.25 nozzle widths. v y-component fluctuation velocity
Results show that a recirculation zone with sub-atmospheric v@ y-component turbulence intensity (rms of v)
static pressure was bounded by the inner shear layers of the v@ /U y-component turbulence intensity on the y-axis
c 0
individual jets and the nozzles plate. It was shown that the uv Reynolds shear stress
two-dimensionality of the flow was greatly enhanced by the x x-coordinate of the combined point
installation of side plates and that the flow was independent x x-coordinate of the merging point
of Reynolds number between 8300 and 19300. Acoustic exci- x x-coordinate of the location of maximum pressure
tation introduced at the outer shear layer mode has been on the x-axis
shown to reduce the size of the potential core, recirculation w nozzle width
zone, merging length and combined length but enhance jet l kinematic viscosity
spreading, streamwise velocity decay and volume entrainment.
List of symbols Introduction
b half-width which is the distance between the posi- Parallel turbulent jets have numerous technological applica-
tion of the local maximum x-component velocity tions such as entrainment and mixing processes in boiler and
(U ) and the location where the local x-compo- gas turbine combustion chambers, injection and carburettor
nent velocity (U) is 0.5 U systems, waste disposal plumes from stacks; all of which
l length of nozzle require an optimum nozzles’ spacing to achieve desirable
Q volume flow rate conditions. Parallel jets are classified in the literature as venti-
Q volume flow rate at the nozzle exit lated if they are issued from two free-standing nozzles or un-
P atmospheric pressure ventilated if the space between the two nozzles is blocked by
P static pressure measured along the x-axis a wall. The flow pattern of unventilated two parallel plane jets is
Re Reynolds number, U w/l schematically shown in Fig. 1. Due to the mutual entrainment
s separation between nozzles of the two jets, a sub-atmospheric region between the nozzle
U mean x-component (streamwise) velocity plate and inner shear layers is formed, thus resulting in the
U mean x-component velocity on the x-axis individual jet’s axis being deflected towards the axis of sym-
U local maximum x-component velocity metry (x-axis). In general, the flow field of the two parallel
U maximum x-component velocity on the x-axis jets can be classified into three distinct regions: converging
(occurs at the combined point) region, merging region and the combined region. The converg-
U nozzle exit velocity ing region includes a recirculation zone which is bounded by
u x-component fluctuation velocity the common wall of the two nozzles and the inner layers of
u@ x-component turbulence intensity (rms of u) the individual jets. The recirculation zone terminates at the
merging point (mp) and the two individual jets continue to
Received: 18 November 1994/Accepted: 26 July 1996 merge until at the combined point (cp) where the x-compo-
nent velocity on the axis of symmetry becomes maximum. Far
A. Nasr, J. C. S. Lai downstream from the combined point, the two individual
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University College jets will combine to resemble a single jet. The term ‘‘parallel
The University of New South Wales, jets’’ have been used in the literature to refer to jets issued
Australian Defence Force Academy
from ‘‘parallel’’ nozzles. As seen from Fig. 1, resulting jets
Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia
may not be parallel. In fact, the lower the nozzle spacing
Correspondence to: J. C. S. Lai ratio (s/w) is, the less parallel the two jets are. There have been
A. Nasr would like to acknowledge the receipt of a scholarship from
several experimental studies on unventilated two parallel
Scholarship Department of Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Higher plane jets (see, for example, Miller and Comings 1960; Tanaka
Education to undertake this research and the support given by the 1970, 1974; Murai et al. 1976; Militzer 1977; Ko and Lau 1989;
Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering. Lin and Sheu 1991). Table 1 shows the nozzle configurations,
conditions. For example, the following empirical results are
reported by Tanaka (1974) for 8.5\s/w\16:
x /w\5.06(s/w)0.27, x /w\7.08(s/w)0.27
mp cp
x /w\5.82(s/w)0.27, U /U \1.96(s/w)~0.5 (1)
p .!9 0
Here, U and x refer to the maximum x-component velocity
.!9 p
and the location of maximum pressure on the axis of symmetry
(x-axis), respectively. These results may not be generalised
to small s/w. As shown in Table 2, the agreement between
parameters such as x (merging length), x (combined
252 mp cp
length), x and U /U determined from measurements and
p .!9 0
those obtained by Eq. (1) is quite reasonable for s/w\6 but
there are substantial discrepancies for s/w\6. Such discrepan-
cies indicate the need for studies of parallel jets with small
nozzle spacing which produces faster flow convergence.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of unventilated two parallel plane jets As pressure and hot-wire measurements are subject to
severe errors in the converging and merging regions, a non-
intrusive measurement technique which can discriminate
experimental conditions, measurement techniques and various against reversed flow such as laser Doppler anemometry (LDA)
parameters of unventilated jets reported in the literature. The should be used in these regions. However, no such data are
following comments can be made on various studies listed in available in the literature.
Table 1. It is well known that the evolution, development and
In the work of Ko and Lau (1989), while the nozzle spacing merging processes of coherent structures play an important
(s/w) was small, the nozzle aspect ratio was low. Since side role in the energy and momentum transport phenomena.
plates (for the ceiling and floor of the nozzles) were not used, Various methods of instability control have been studied by
there was essentially no flow convergence. Other studies, as many investigators to manipulate the instability characteristics
listed in the Table 1, were mainly focussed on large nozzle of shear layers (Fiedler and Mensing 1985; Hussain 1986; Lai
spacings (s/w) with slow flow convergence rate. Quantitative 1984; 1989; Lai and Simmons 1980; Thomas 1990; Zaman and
measurements of the whole flow field are generally incomplete Hussain 1981). However, no studies of control of unventilated
and there is a lack of documentation of nozzle exit conditions. parallel jets have been reported in the literature.
Consequently, it is rather difficult to make comparisons bet- The objectives of this paper are, therefore, to document LDA
ween measurements obtained under different experimental measurements of the flow field formed by two parallel plane
Miller & Commings 40 6 17800 Disk type static pressure 6.8 12.4 Pressure, velocity and turbulence
(1960) probes and hot-wires intensity in the merging and com-
bined regions.
Tanaka 60—80 8.5—26.3 4290—8750 Single hot-wire and Eq. (1) Eq. (1) Streamwise velocity, turbulence inten-
(1970, 1974) disk type pressure probe sity and pressure distributions in
merging and converging regions and
velocity in combined region.
Murai et al. 20.6 4.1 3350—18600 Static and total pressure — 9.8 Pressure and streamwise velocity in
(1976) 17.5 probes single hot-wire 21 the converging and combined region
20.6 23.7 considering the effect of nozzle con-
23.7 26 verging angle
31 31
Militzer 13.32 6 55600 Pressure probe and 7.1 12 Pressure and velocity in the converg-
(1977) hot-wire ing and merging regions.
Ko & Lau 5.6 2.5 40000 Single and x-wires — 10.5 Streamwise velocity, turbulence inten-
(1989) sities, Reynolds shear stress, and time
and frequency domain instability
measurements in the merging region.
Lin & Sheu 90 30 7600 Split-film 21.6 30.5 Streamwise mean velocity, turbulence
(1990, 1991) 40 27.6 40 intensities and Reynolds stress in the
combined region.
Table 2. Comparison between various parameters determined by X-wire sensors were gold-plated tungsten wires with a diameter
measurements and calculations (in parentheses) from Eq. (1) of 0.005 mm and an active length of 2-mm. The hot-wire signal
was digitised using a TSI IFA 200 A/D 12 bit converter. Both
Refs. Present study Ko & Lau Miller Militzer
Para- s/w \4.25 (1989) (1960) (1977)
IFA 100 and IFA 200 were controlled by a PDP 11/23 computer
meters s/w\2.5 s/w\6 s/w\6 for data acquisition and processing. Frequency spectra of the
x-component velocity fluctuations u( f ) were determined by an
x /w 4 (7.5) 1.5 (6.48) 6.8 (8.2) 7.1 (8.2) Onosokki CF-350 FFT analyser from the signal of a single
x /w 8 (10.4) 10.5 (9.06) 12.4 (11.48) 12 (11.48) hot-wire linearized using a DISA 55D10 linearizer. Both LDA
x /w 4.7 (8.6) — 7.4 (9.44) 8.1 (9.44) and HWA probes were traversed by stepping motors control-
U /U 0.81 (0.95) — 0.76 (0.8) 8 (8)
.!9 0 led by an NEC 286 computer.
For the excited jets, controlled excitation was introduced
by two Realistic Minimus 7W loudspeakers located symmetric- 253
jets with a small nozzle spacing ratio (namely, s/w\4.25) and ally in the settling chamber upstream of the nozzles. The
to study the spatial development of parallel plane jets excited at loudspeakers were driven by a Bruel and Kjaer 2706 power
the fundamental vortex roll up frequency in the outer shear amplifier with a sinusoidal signal at 2400 Hz supplied by a Feed
layer. The effects of using side plates to enhance two-dimen- Instrument function generator FG 601. As the acoustic wave-
sionality of the flow on the spatial development of the two length is relatively large compared with the nozzle width, the
parallel jets will also be examined. acoustic wave field in the settling chamber is uniform. The
excitation level, defined as v@ /U by Gutmark et al. (1986),
ex 0
was 0.019. Here v@ is transverse velocity fluctuation mea-
2 ex
sured at x/w\0.8 on the jet axis. In this study, experiments
Experimental method were conducted in a relatively large and quiet basement in
order to reduce the effect of surrounding noise. The spectra
2.1 of fluctuation velocity obtained at the nozzle exit on the jet
Apparatus axis indicate no spatial disturbances associated with the jet rig.
Two identical two-dimensional nozzles each of width w\
10 mm and length l\240 mm (and hence an aspect ratio of 2.3
24) were made in aluminium plates. The non-dimensional Experimental procedure
spacing ratio (s/w) between the nozzles is 4.25. The nozzle plate For LDA measurements, the flow was seeded using Rosco Fog
thickness is 7.5 mm and nozzle profile consists of a relatively Fluid. The particle concentration was optimized to achieve
short inner smooth section with a straight conduit of 6 mm. optimum visibility factor. In the BSAs, amplitude discrimina-
Side plates were placed horizontally at the top (ceiling ) and tions such as oversize rejection, quality factor, envelope and
bottom (floor) sides of the nozzles in order to enhance the pedestal, can be applied to the caputured Doppler signals. This
two-dimensional behaviour of the flow by eliminating air capability and the possibility of applying different acquisition
entrainment between the jets through the top and bottom sides modes such as continuous, burst, controlled dead time and
of the jets. Air from a blower was passed through a series of external modes were tested to reject large particles and to
grids which reduced turbulence intensity. The nozzle exit reduce bias errors. All results reported here were acquired in
Reynolds number was 11000 with rms x-component velocity burst mode based on both pedestal and envelope. Electronic
fluctuation u@/U of 0.02 on the jet axis at the exit of each noise was minimised and the laser beam intensity was set at
nozzle. The ambient temperature variation was within 1 °C. about 200 mW to reduce shot noise. Noise from the surround-
The nozzle exit momentum thickness in the inner and outer ings was negligible. The number of bursts used for each mea-
shear layer has been determined to be 0.0061w and 0.00137w, surement was at least 2000. All velocity data were weighted
respectively. Detailed mean streamwise and lateral velocity with a residence time weighting function. For hot-wire mea-
profiles and turbulence intensity profiles at the nozzle exit are surements, the sampling rate was set at 5 kHz. As the flow
documented by Nasr (1995). field is symmetric, only half of the flow field in the positive
y-direction was measured and presented.
2.2 Detailed uncertainty analysis conducted on LDA measure-
Instrumentation ments made on the x-axis and in the converging region indica-
Except for the x-component fluctuation velocity spectra, u@( f ), tes that the uncertainty in mean velocities and turbulence
which were obtained using a single hot-wire, all measurements intensities is within ^0.08 m/s and that of Reynolds shear
reported here were obtained using a DANTEC two colour laser stress is within ^0.4 m2/s2.
Doppler anemometer. The laser light source for a two colour
laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) was a Coherent INNOVA-70 3
Series Argon-ion laser with a maximum power of 10 W. Two Results
DANTEC model 57N10 Burst Spectrum analysers (BSA) were Traditional hot-wire techniques are subjected to measurement
used to extract the Doppler frequencies. The BSA units were errors in the converging region. Attempt was made to identify
controlled by an NEC 386 computer through an IEEE interface the extent to which hot-wires could be used for measurements
for data acquisition using DANTEC BURSTware application of parallel jets. Both LDA and HWA measurements were first
program. A two channel TSI IFA 100 constant temperature validated in a single free jet. Comparisons of measurements
hot-wire anemometer (HWA) was also used. Both single and made by LDA and HWA in the coverging and merging regions
indicate that while the agreement between LDA and HWA
results is good in the outer shear layer, there are significant
differences between the LDA and HWA results in the inner
shear layer, in the coverging region and in the vicinity of
the merging point (Nasr 1995). These differences are being
attributed to the presence of recirculation flow in the con-
verging region and the flow angle in the initial merging region
that may exceed the calibration angle of X-wires.
Natural jets
Effect of side plates
The variation of the normalised mean x-component velocity
on the x-axis (U /U ) with downstream distances, with and
c 0 Fig. 2. Effect of side plates on the variation of U /U with downstream
without side plates, is shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that U /U c 0
c 0 distances
is negative in the merging region, thus indicating reversed
flow. At the merging point, U /U is zero and owing to the
c 0
merging process, it continues to increase up to the combined
point. Downstream of the combined point, the two individual
jets have combined to resemble a single jet and U /U decreases
c 0
as the jet spreads. For unventilated parallel jets with low nozzle
aspect ratio, there could be significant entrainment of the
surrounding air through the top and bottom sides of the jets if
side plates were not installed. In the absence of side plates, the
magnitude of U /U is lower in the merging region than that
c 0
with side plates installed, because of the entrainment of air
between the jets through the top and bottom sides of the jets.
Consequently, the rate of convergence of the individual jets
is smaller, resulting in less curving of the individual jet axis
towards x-axis. This interpretation is supported by Fig. 3
which shows higher turbulence intensities (u@/U , v@ /U ) on the
c 0 c 0
x-axis in the merging region when side plates were installed.
Fig. 3. Effect of side plates on the variation of turbulence intensities
3.1.2 (u@/U , v@ /U ) on the x-axis
Effect of Reynolds number c 0 c 0
The distributions of mean x-component velocity (U/U ) at
x/w\2 in Fig. 4 indicate that they are virtually independent of
the nozzle exit Reynolds number in the range 11000—19300.
This is also supported by the variation of U /U with x/w as
c 0
shown in Fig. 5. Similar results were reported by Tanaka (1970)
who examined the effect of Reynolds number on the location of
maximum pressure and the magnitude of the maximum
velocity on the axis of symmetry.
Excited jets
Spectral measurements
The dynamic behaviour of the free shear layers is governed by
the formation and evolution of the flow instabilities. In their
studies of parallel interacting jets, Ko and Lau (1989) found
Fig. 4. Distributions of x-component velocities (U/U ) at x/w\2
respective trains of coherent structures in the merging and 0
combined regions. They stated that besides the pairing of
successive initial vortices which involves deceleration and The development of instabilities in the outer shear layer of
outward movement of the leading vortex and acceleration and the parallel jets and of a single free jet at various downstream
inward movement of the trailing vortex, there is an amalgama- distances can be illustrated by the frequency spectra of the
tion or combination of successive vortices without rotation. x-component fluctuation u( f ) at the edge of the potential
Fig. 5. Variation of U /U for various Re Fig. 7. Spectra of u@ in the inner and outer shear layer of parallel jets
c 0
Potential core
The effect of excitation on the spatial development of the two
parallel jets can be illustrated by the size of the potential core
Fig. 13a, b. Mean velocity vectors in the converging region.
which may be estimated from Fig. 10. In a single free jet issuing a Unexcited jet; b excited jet
from an identical nozzle, the potential core length has been
determined to be 6w; by comparisons, the size of the potential
core in interacting parallel jets has been reduced considerably
to 4w. This is attributed to the deflection of the individual jets frequency enables the jet to spread faster in both the inner and
towards the axis of symmetry as a result of the formation of the outer shear layers.
recirculation zone with lower static pressure (Fig. 9). The
potential core length for the individual jet has been reduced by 3.2.5
excitation from 4w to 2.5w. Furthermore, its extent in the Jet spreading
y-direction has also been significantly reduced, thus indicating In order to illustrate the spreading of the jet, the variation
that excitation introduced at the fundamental vortex roll up of half-widths (b) in the inner and outer shear layers with
downstream distances has been determined and plotted in of maximum velocity as discussed in Sects. 3.2.5 and 3.2.6.
Fig. 14 for both the unexcited and excited jets. It can be seen Through excitation, the volume entrainment has been increa-
that both the inner and outer shear layers spread considerably sed in the converging region but slightly decreased in the
faster through excitation. The effect of excitation on the initial merging and combined regions. However, the volume entrain-
spreading is more pronounced in the inner shear layer than ment for both the excited and unexcited jets is approaching
in the outer shear layer. This is attributed to the stronger each other by x/w\14 where the mean x-component velocity
deflection of the jet towards the axis of symmetry as a result of distributions for the unexcited and excited jets are almost
lower pressure in the recirculation zone under excitation. indistinguishable from each other.
3.2.6 3.2.8
Decay of maximum velocity Turbulence intensity distributions
Figure 15 shows the decay of nondimensional maximum Figures 16 and 17 display the spatial development of nor-
x-component velocity (U /U ) of the parallel jets under malised x-component (u@/U ) and y-component (v@/U )
.!9 0 0 0
excited and unexcited conditions. It is clear that excitation has turbulence intensities for both excited and unexcited jets
caused the maximum velocity to decay faster, and the velocity respectively. Regardless of whether excitation has been app-
decay rate is faster in the converging region than in the lied, both u@ and v@ distributions exhibit two peaks in the inner
merging region for both excited and unexcited conditions. This and outer shear layers upstream of the merging point. The
is due to the deflection of the jet towards the axis of symmetry u@ peak has a higher magnitude in the outer shear layer than
and perhaps the interaction between the inner shear layer and that in the inner shear layer and is dominant in the whole flow
the recirculation zone. Faster decay in the maximum velocity field, indicating that u@ in the outer shear layer is less
implies higher jet spreading, which is supported by Fig. 14. For constrained by the recirculation flow and the merging process.
comparisons, the decay of the maximum velocity for a single In the converging region, excitation enhances both u@ and v@ in
free jet with and without excitation is also shown in Fig. 15. It the inner and outer shear layers. This enhancement appears to
can be seen that excitation has caused the maximum velocity of be stronger in the inner shear layer and the recirculation zone.
a single free jet to decay faster. While the maximum velocity The peaks of u@ and v@ in the outer shear layer persist as the
of a single free jet is higher than that of the parallel jets for flow proceeds downstream. It should be noted that in addition
x/w\7, it is considerably lower for x/w[7, indicating that the to the u@ peak in the inner shear layer, another peak in u@
development of a single free jet is far more advanced than the for the excited jet has been detected at x/w\2.5 close to the
two parallel jets combined as a single jet. However, the decay streamwise location of the standing vortex centre in the re-
rate in the combined region of two parallel jets is approaching circulation zone. By x/w\3, the u@ peak in the inner shear
that of a single jet. layer for the excited jet has merged with that in the recircu-
lation zone. In the merging region, turbulence intensities
3.2.7 (u@ and v@) have been reduced by excitation but approach
Entrainment those of the unexcited jet downstream of the combined point.
The jet volume entrainment may be defined as (Q[Q )/Q .
0 0
Here the volume flow Q may be estimated by integrating the 3.2.9
x-component velocity (U) (as given in Fig. 10) from the axis Reynolds shear stresses distributions
of symmetry to the point where U is 0.05 U and Q is The spatial development of the Reynolds shear stress for
.!9 0
the volume flow rate at the nozzle exit. Compared with the the unexcited jet is presented in Fig. 18. It can be seen that
experimental values of volume entrainment for a single free Reynolds shear stress in the inner and outer shear layers are
jet, the volume entrainment for parallel jets is higher in the similar in magnitude close to the nozzle exit for x/w\2.5.
converging region and is lower downstream of the merging A local maximum in Reynolds shear stress in the recirculation
point. This is consistent with the jet spreading and decay zone starts to appear at x/w\3. Just upstream of the merging
Fig. 16. Spatial distribution of x- 259
component turbulence intensity
(u@/U )
point (x /w\4). Reynolds shear stress in the neighbourhood circulation zone, Reynolds shear stress for the excited jet is
of the axis of symmetry has increased substantially, thus considerably increased around the standing vortex centre and
indicating high momentum transfer between the flow near the merging point where the turbulent momentum transfer is high.
axis of symmetry and the outer shear layer. The behaviour of In the merging region, Reynolds shear stress for the excited jet
the Reynolds shear stress resembles that of a single jet beyond is lower than that of the unexcited jet. Downstream of the
x/w\10. For the excited jet, Reynolds shear stress in the combined point, the distribution of Reynolds shear stress
converging region appears to be enhanced by excitation in resembles that of a single free jet and by x/w\14, there is
both the inner and outer shear layers, thus indicating higher virtually no difference between the excited and unexcited
momentum transfer through acoustic excitation. In the re- jets.
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