Desordenes Del Sueño
Desordenes Del Sueño
Desordenes Del Sueño
Received: 31 October 2017 / Revised: 6 February 2018 / Accepted: 9 February 2018 / Published online: 3 March 2018
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
Sleep disorders are a common problem during childhood. The consequences are variable, and sleep disorders can influence
medical, psychological and developmental aspects of the growing child. It is important to recognize sleep disorders and to treat
them correctly. We discuss common sleep disorders during childhood using the 3rd edition of the International Classification of
Sleep Disorders. We analyze the different sleep disorders from a clinical approach and provide an overview of adequate treatment
Conlusion: This review discusses common sleep disorders during childhood using the 3rd edition of the International
Classification of Sleep Disorders. We analyze the different sleep disorders from a clinical approach and provide an overview
of adequate treatment options.
What is known:
• Sleep disorders are a common problem during childhood.
• The consequences are variable, and sleep disorders can influence medical, psychological, and developmental aspects of the growing child.
What is new:
• Pediatricians should routinely screen for sleep and sleep disorders.
• It is important to recognize sleep disorders and to treat them correctly.
In this review, we will briefly discuss the normal sleep of self-soothing at sleep onset and during night waking.
development and needs in children, and we will provide an Common sleep disorders in infants are nightwakings, bedtime
overview of sleep disorders, based on the 3rd edition of the problems, and sleep-related rhythmic movements such as
International Classification of Sleep Disorders [ICSD-3] [3]. head banging, body rocking, and body rolling.
Each sleep disorder will be presented with a clinical case, its Toddlers require approximately 12 h of sleep with one nap
specific characteristics, and possible treatment. during the day; the nap will disappear between 3 and 5 years
of age. The amount of REM-sleep decreases, and the amount
of deep sleep increases.
Sleep development and sleep needs In toddlers, sleep problems are very common, occurring in
25–30% of individuals. Common sleep disorders include bed-
Sleep architecture consists of two stages: non-rapid eye move- time problems, nightwakings, and sleep-related rhythmic
ment sleep (NREM) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM). movements such as head banging, body rocking, and body
These stages are defined by polysomnographic features of rolling. These sleep disorders in toddlers may persist into pre-
electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns, eye movements, school years.
and muscle tone. NREM sleep is divided into three stages In pre-school children from 3 to 5 years of age, the preva-
from stage 1, the lightest sleep, to stage 3, also called deep lence of difficulties falling asleep and nightwakings is 15 to
sleep. Deep sleep occurs mostly in the first part of the night. 30%. Common sleep disorders are nighttime fears and night-
The amount of deep sleep increases in the first year of life and mares, bedtime problems, nightwakings, obstructive sleep ap-
becomes maximal during childhood. It will decrease during nea, and sleep-disordered breathing and disorders of arousal
adolescence since adults require less deep sleep than children. such as sleepwalking and sleep terrors.
REM sleep is characterized by a strong fall in peripheral mus- During primary school, children require approximately
cle tone and increased cerebral activity. It is in this phase of 11 h of sleep, which will decrease to 8–10 h of sleep for
our sleep that we experience most of our dreams. Infants adolescents, even if this amount is often not met. The amount
younger than 4 months enter sleep through REM. After the of deep sleep will first still increase but begins to decrease
age of 3 months, the first REM sleep period occurs between during teenage years.
70 and 100 min after sleep onset and lasts approximately In school-aged children from 6 to 12 years of age, the prev-
5 min. REM and NREM sleep progresses cyclically, and every alence of sleep problems is about 37%, with 15–25% experienc-
cycle lasts 50 min during infancy (0–1 years old) and between ing bedtime resistance, 10% experiencing sleep-onset delay and
90 and 110 min in children and adults [4]. anxiety, and 10% experiencing daytime sleepiness. Common
sleep disorders are sleepwalking and sleep terrors, bruxism,
Sleep structure develops and changes according sleep enuresis, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), insufficient sleep
to age syndrome, unhealthy sleep habits, restless leg syndrome (RLS),
and periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD).
Neonates do not make any differentiation between day and The prevalence of sleep problems in adolescents is at least
night-time [5, 6]. It is difficult to give guidelines about the 20%. Common sleep disorders in this group are insufficient
amount of sleep necessary for a neonate since there is a wide sleep syndrome, unhealthy sleep habits, insomnia, delayed
range of normal variability. A sleep cycle lasts for 40 to sleep-wake phase disorders, OSA, RLS, PLMD, and narco-
50 min, and they have only three sleep stages: active sleep lepsy [5, 6].
(REM), quiet sleep (NREM), and indeterminate sleep. During Table 1 shows the average sleep requirements according to
active sleep, infants can express limb movements, sucking age [7]. Every child has unique sleep needs, which makes it
movements, and grimaces, and it is in this stage that they will difficult to give clear advice about how much sleep a child
fall asleep. When infants grow older, sleep time declines to requires and at what time he should go to bed. A child that gets
approximatively 14 h a day for a baby, and they will experi- up easily and spontaneously in the morning has probably slept
ence a day/night differentiation from the age of 1 month. enough. Therefore, it is important to recognize end-of-the-day
Around the age of 3 months, a diurnal pattern is established behaviors because they could indicate chronic insufficient
with a longer period of sleep at night, shorter naps during the sleep. Sleep loss can also impact daytime functioning, includ-
day, and a few hours of wakefulness before the nocturnal sleep ing daytime behavioral problems (hyperactivity, aggressive
period. By the age of 9 months, 70 to 80% of babies will sleep behavior, and impulsivity). It may cause fatigue and daytime
through the night. They still require two naps of 2 to 4 h a day. lethargy, headaches, mood disturbance (such as irritability,
The four sleep stages will develop, and from the age of emotional lability, depression, and anger), cognitive impair-
6 months, we can define sleep stages as in adults. ment (problems with memory, attention, concentration, deci-
An estimated 25 to 50% of 6- to 12-month-olds and 30% of sion making, and problem solving), and the use of stimulants
1-year-olds have problematic nightwakings with an inability such as caffeine and nicotine in adolescents.
Eur J Pediatr (2018) 177:641–648 643
behavior. It is essential to involve parents in the management However, the second criterion is not always present in chil-
of this disorder because they are the ones who should establish dren with narcolepsy, certainly not at the onset of the disorder.
the rules and limits and maintain them. There are two types of narcolepsy:
In older children with conditioned insomnia, education of Type 1 includes patients with cataplexy and hypocretin-1
the child about the principles of healthy sleep habits and the deficiency, which is measured in cerebrospinal fluid.
use of relaxation techniques can be very helpful in addition to Cataplexy is a condition characterized by transient weakness
behavioral therapy [16]. or paralysis of somatic musculature triggered by an emotional
Pharmacological therapy for the treatment of insomnia is stimulus or physical exertion. Type 2 patients have daily pe-
not a first-line treatment option and should only be considered riods of an irrepressible need to sleep or daytime lapses for at
in combination with behavioral therapy. Melatonin is an ef- least 3 months, a positive MSLT for narcolepsy but the ab-
fective, safe, and well-tolerated agent, particularly in cases of sence of cataplexy, normal hypocretin-1 levels, and no other
sleep-initiation insomnia caused by circadian factors. Several explanation for hypersomnolence.
placebo-controlled studies of melatonin in adults and children Narcolepsy is mostly a sporadic disorder, but familial pre-
(in some studies, as young as 3 years of age) showed that disposition has been recognized. Associations between narco-
melatonin administered at bedtime reduces sleep-onset laten- lepsy and HLA DQA1 0102 and HLA DQB1 0602 have been
cy time and increases total sleep time [17]. demonstrated in several studies. Most patients will show pos-
itivity for this HLA allele; however, it is also found in 20% of
healthy individuals [19]. The diagnosis is made by a detailed
Central disorders of hypersomnolence clinical history and a complete physical examination, includ-
ing neurological assessment in combination with a
Case polysomnography followed by MSLTs. Lumbar puncture
can be utilized to measure hypocretin-1 levels. Hypersomnia
Sophie, a 6-year-old girl, was referred because of excessive due to medication or substance abuse should always be
daytime sleepiness; her teacher found her asleep in class, and excluded.
she also falls asleep watching television. Her parents initially The estimated prevalence of narcolepsy is 30 in 100,000
attributed these daytime symptoms to her poor sleep. patients. The first symptoms usually appear during adoles-
However, in the last few weeks, she has had sufficient sleep. cence, between 15 and 30 years of age, but some cases in
Sometimes she wakes up in the night and has the feeling she toddlers have been described. Narcolepsy is found equally in
cannot move anymore. She has needed a nap during the day females and males. The prevalence is known to vary between
for 1 h for a month. There are no hypnagogic hallucinations nationalities and ethnicities, with the highest prevalence in
present. Japan [20].
Hypersomnolence, or excessive daytime sleepiness that is Children with narcolepsy present with four main symp-
not attributable to another sleep disorder (e.g., circadian toms: excessive sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and
rhythm disorders or sleep deprivation), is the primary com- hypnagogic hallucinations. Other symptoms of narcolepsy
plaint in the central disorders of hypersomnolence. It is de- are disrupted or fragmented sleep and metabolic, endocrino-
fined as Bdaily episodes of an irrepressible need to sleep or logical, psychiatric, and psychosocial issues.
daytime lapses into sleep.^ Multiple sleep latency tests Excessive sleepiness with an impact on daily life activities
(MSLTs) are necessary to objectify sleepiness and should only is the most important presenting symptom in patients.
be performed immediately after a PSG because they must be Cataplexy is the second most common symptom of narcolep-
followed by sufficient nocturnal sleep [of at least 6 h], and sy and is present in 80% of patients. It is defined as a sudden-
other sleep disorders must be excluded. The test consists of onset loss of skeletal muscle tone with maintained conscious-
four or five 20-min nap opportunities at 2-h intervals across ness and can vary in severity from only buccofacial cataplexy
the day. The latency until sleep onset is measured for each nap to whole-body cataplexy. It can last for some seconds to sev-
opportunity, and sleep recordings are analyzed to detect sleep eral minutes and is associated with a strong emotion.
stage transitions (based on standard EEG, EOG, and EMG Hypnagogic hallucinations are a third symptom of narco-
criteria) and the presence or absence of REM sleep during lepsy. They are generated when REM-sleep occurs just before
each nap (known as sleep-onset rapid eye movement periods, sleep onset or just before awakening. They are mostly visual
or SOREMPs when REM latency is less than 10 min). A mean hallucinations and can occur together with sleep paralysis.
sleep latency of less than 8 min is generally considered to be Sleep paralysis is reported as an inability to move for a few
consistent with objective evidence of excessive daytime sleep- minutes and occurs typically on awakening from sleep.
iness [18]. Narcolepsy is one of the central disorders of hyper- Type 1 narcolepsy in childhood is also associated with
somnolence and is characterized by an abnormal sleep latency overweight and obesity due to hypocretin deficiency
of less than 8 min with evidence of minimal 2 SOREMP. impairing satiety [21].
Eur J Pediatr (2018) 177:641–648 645
Behavioral therapy is necessary to implement strategies for The goal of the therapy is to reset the sleep-wake cycle
managing the daytime sleepiness. This includes sleep hygiene to normal. This can be achieved by some simple life rules
counseling with scheduled naps during the day. It is important such as no daytime naps, regular bedtimes and wake times
to integrate the entire family and school in the therapy. Weight during the week and weekends, no caffeine or other stim-
management and the management of associated disorders ulating drinks or food in the evening, no computer or TV in
should always be included. Medical therapy for narcolepsy the bedroom, and more light exposure in the morning. If
includes stimulating drugs such as methylphenidate, this fails, chronotherapy is indicated, where bedtime is
modafinil, amphetamines, or sodium oxybate. Specifically, gradually delayed until the desired hour of falling asleep
for cataplexy tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin or is reached [24]. Melatonin can sometimes help to reset the
noradrenalin re-uptake inhibitors (fluoxetine, venlafaxine) can sleep-wake cycle by decreasing sleep onset latency and
be prescribed, although they are rarely used in children, and increasing total sleep time. However, it will not decrease
this requires a referral of these children to a specialized sleep night awakenings. Melatonin is in this case most effective
center [22]. when administered 3 to 5 h before bedtime [25, 26].
Other central disorders of hypersomnolence are idiopathic
hypersomnia, hypersomnia due to a medical or psychiatric
disorder or due to a medication or substance and insufficient Parasomnias
sleep disorder. We refer to the ICSD-3 for more information
about those disorders. Case
Sleepwalking can vary from mild episodes, in which the Sleep-related movement disorders
child sits up and crawls around the bed, to more agitated
episodes with running around throughout the house. Case
Sleepwalkers typically have a poor memory of sleepwalking
episodes. Case 1: Martha, a 10-year-old girl, resists going to bed
Sleep terrors are another NREM-related parasomnia and every evening. She says that she has an annoying, electric
are characterized by a sudden arousal accompanied by auto- feeling in her legs and starts shaking her legs when lying
nomic and behavioral manifestations of intense fear. They can in bed. This makes it difficult for her to fall asleep and
also show tachycardia, sweating, and mydriasis. The child is sometimes the feeling also wakes her up during the night.
not responsive, is agitated, and will not remember what hap- Case 2: The parents of Jim, a 7-year-old boy, noticed that
pened in the morning. his legs move vigorously when he’s sleeping. He always
Nightmares are dreams that seem vivid and real and are seems to have disturbed sleep. He just started primary
associated with negative emotions such as fear, but not so school but has difficulty concentrating in the classroom.
intense as with sleep terrors. Once awakened, full alertness
returns immediately, and the child will often remember his Sleep-related movement disorders are characterized by
nightmare in contrast to sleep terrors. Differential diagnosis simple, often stereotypical movements that occur during
should be made with sleep terrors and posttraumatic stress sleep, contrary to the complex movements of parasomnias.
syndrome. A polysomnography can be indicated since night- There are several types of sleep-related movement disorders
mares and parasomnias can be related to OSA. such as head banging, body rocking, head rolling, bruxism,
It is important to explain to parents that parasomnia is a RLS, and PLMD.
neurodevelopmental phenomenon; it is not indicative of an Head banging, body rocking, or head rolling are sleep-
underlying psychological issue and will not result in psy- related rhythmic movements and are common in young chil-
chological harm. There is no real treatment for dren (59%). Body rocking is the most common (43%), follow-
sleepwalking or sleep terrors. Preventive measures must ed by head rolling (24%) and head banging (22%).
be taken so the patient cannot hurt himself, and the parents The onset is typically prior to 1 year of age, with body
must be reassured that it will usually disappear with time. rocking starting at an earlier age than head banging.
Healthy sleep habits are important because insufficient
sleep is the primary contributor: adequate sleep and the – Body rocking begins at approximately 6 months of age
discipline to maintain a regular sleep-wake schedule are and presents without head banging. Only the body is
necessary, and adolescents should avoid caffeine [it can rocking back and forward.
increase sleep disruption]. It is important to explain the – Head banging starts at approximately 9 months of age and
response during an event: they must avoid awakening the can occur by lifting the head to bang down into the pillow,
child because this can cause agitation and prolong the rocking on hands and knees, or sitting upright and
event. Parents can guide the child back to bed. banging.
Scheduled awakening is a behavioral technique that is most – Head rolling involves side-to-side movements of the head
likely to be successful in situations in which episodes occur on and starts at the age of 10 months. Body rolling is less
a nightly basis. The parent wakes the child 15 to 30 min prior common.
to the time that the first episode typically occurred during the
past 2–4 weeks. Pharmacologic treatment may be indicated in These body movements can occur at sleep onset, following
cases of frequent or severe episodes with a high risk of injury normal nighttime arousals, and while sleeping. Sleep is not
or violent behavior; however, this is rarely indicated in chil- really disrupted, and significant injury is rare. These behaviors
dren. The primary agents are suppressants of slow-wave sleep occur in normally developing children, and in most cases, there
such as benzodiazepines (diazepam, 1–2 mg for 3–6 months is no association with an underlying neurologic or psycholog-
before bedtime or intermittent in clusters of days/weeks) and ical problem. The parents should be instructed about safety and
tricyclic antidepressants (in case of nonresponse to benzodi- behavioral management. The most important aspect is reassur-
azepines) [6]. An alternative medical treatment for sleep ter- ance that this is a normal, common, benign, and self-limited
rors is the use of L-5-hydroxytryptophan that has proven his phenomenon. Most children will outgrow the condition by the
efficacy in certain studies [30]. age of 2 or 3 years. The prevalence is 33% in children 18 months
The best treatment for nightmares is reassurance of the old and only 5% by 5 years of age [6].
child that it was only a bad dream. When nightmares become Bruxism is defined as nonfunctional repetitive grinding or
problematic and recurrent, further evaluation to assess anxiety clenching of teeth during sleep. It can lead to dental erosion,
and an underlying cause is indicated. Treatment is based on jaw and/or facial pain, and tissue damage over time. It typi-
behavioral therapy [31]. cally occurs during stages 1 and 2 of NREM sleep and
Eur J Pediatr (2018) 177:641–648 647
infrequently during REM sleep. Prolonged breastfeeding, de- Good sleep hygiene is essential (see Table 3—useful tips for
creased nighttime sleep, dental trauma, stress, light and noise good sleep hygiene), and specific behavior therapy has been
in the bedroom, reflux, and a history of cerebral palsy are risk proven helpful for several sleep disorders. At times, medical
factors for bruxism. Thereby, it persists in adults in two-thirds therapy is necessary, but the risks and benefits must be con-
of cases. Treatment could be focused on stress management sidered. Children should be referred to a specialized sleep
techniques. Sometimes, there is need for pain relief with med- center when standard therapy fails or when polysomnography
ication or dental appliances. Pharmacotherapy with REM- is indicated.
suppression is rarely indicated in children [6].
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a well-known diagnosis in
adults and probably underestimated in children since many Table 3 Useful tips for good sleep hygiene
adult patients report symptoms that started before the age of
20 years. RLS can be mistaken in children with attention- Many people think sleep problems are a normal part of childhood and
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) since symptoms can education, which is often true. However, in some cases, sleep problems
can have a serious impact on the child and its family. With some simple
be similar [32]. advice and rules, we can help parents and children [when old enough]
The diagnostic criteria for RLS in adolescents are as fol- provide insight into sleep habits and teach them healthy sleep
lows: the urge to move legs starting or worsening when sitting behaviors.
or lying down. This urge to move declines or disappears when A good night’s sleep starts at daytime
getting up and worsens or exists only in the evening or at Maintain a clear daytime schedule
night. In children, the same diagnostic criteria are used with Explain which behaviors are accepted and which are not by positive
the addition of a description of the unpleasant feeling in their reinforcement of the good behavior and ignoring the bad behavior.
legs in the child’s own words. This syndrome may lead to Do not punish a child by sending him/her to bed.
sleep avoidance, difficulty falling asleep, and waking up at A bedroom is only for sleeping, not for playing.
night. Polysomnography may show a periodic limb move- Avoid heavy or stimulating food and drinks before bedtime.
ment index of more than 5 per hour (which is also necessary Reward the child when he had a good night.
in the diagnosis of PLMD). RLS is associated with a higher Preparing for bedtime
risk for depression and anxiety [33]. Warn the child that it is almost bedtime; indicate when the last activity
PLMD is diagnosed in children when polysomnography starts so he/she can prepare for bedtime.
shows a periodic limb movement index of more than 5 per Try to ease your child down and to have a regular bedtime.
hour, associated with a clinically disturbed sleep or functional Take your time and do not give your child the impression that you are
working against them.
impairment and no other underlying sleep disorders such as
Parents should provide consistency by working together as a team
RLS. The major difference between PLMD and RLS is that Teach the child to fall asleep by themselves and do not stay with
PLMD is a disorder of limb movements (without sensory him/her until he/she sleeps.
symptoms) while RLS there is a sensory symptomatology. Bedtime routines
In both RLS and PLMD, genetic factors, dopamine distur- Use the same ritual every day but keep it short.
bance, and iron deficiency seem to play a role [34]. It can be If reading is part of the bedtime ritual, make clear rules about the
helpful to start iron supplements for a child with a limb move- reading time.
ment disorder and a ferritin level below 50 ng/ml. General Some older children can experience benefits from relaxing exercises.
recommendations about daily physical exercise before bed- Environment
time, stretching, massage, and heat and cold patches can give A dark, calm and not too warm [approximately 18°] room is the best.
relief of symptoms. Caffeine, alcohol, antihistamines, and If the child is afraid of the dark, use a dimmed light in the room or keep
the door slightly open to reassure the child.
cold circumstances should be avoided since they can trigger
RLS. Medical therapy for both disorders includes gabapentin, Remove computers and televisions from the bedroom
clonidine, clonazepam, or dopamine-receptor agonists but Avoid Bblue light^ from screens before going to sleep.
should be started by a specialist since large trials in children At night
with these disorders are lacking [35, 36]. At the beginning, send the parent who can be the firmest to the child.
Use the same strategy as your partner.
Do not react on the first call but do not wait until the child is completely
Try to stay calm, keep the lights low, and talk softly. Keep the child in
his room and even better in his bed. Do not stay too long with the
In this review, a practice-based overview of sleep disorders child.
during childhood was presented based on the ICSD-3 classi- Let the child sleep in his own bed.
fication. Sleep disorders in children are common and can be Do not approach your child if you are feeling angry
difficult to diagnose, so it is important to be aware of them.
648 Eur J Pediatr (2018) 177:641–648
Authors’ contributions Concept of the manuscript: D.O., M.S. and S.V.; for polysomnography and related procedures in children: an
Acquisition of data: D.O., M.S. and S.V.; Drafting of the manuscript: evidence-based review. Sleep 1;35(11):1451–1466
D.O., M.S. and S.V.; Critical revision of the manuscript: A.B., I.G. and 19. Singh AK, Mahlios J, Mignot E (2013) Genetic association, sea-
K.V.H.; Final manuscript: all authors. sonal infections and autoimmune basis of narcolepsy. J Autoimmun
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