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Bridge to Success



Grade 12 LzAcJNL

1440- 1441 A.H. /2019- 2020 A.D. 1

3 2


Cover image: © Hussain Alhosani

excellence Alhodariyat Bridge, UAE
Bridge tto
o Success
English LLanguage

ade 12

Volume 2ť

1440- 1441 A.H. /2019- 2020 A.D.

© United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education 2018
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions
of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place
without the written permission of United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education.
First published 2018
Printed in the United Arab Emirates
Grade 12 Workbook
The Grade 12 Bridge to Success Book has been authored by the Ministry of Education
in collaboration by Cambridge University Press. Following a full needs analysis from the
field, the book has been thematically and artistically influenced by the learners of the
Ministry of Education.

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Welcome to Bridge to Success

Bridge to Success is a twelve-grade course for • English for educational success. To meet
learners of English as a second language (ESL). the challenges of the future, children need
The twelve grades range from the beginning of to develop facility with both conversational
cycle 1 to the end of cycle 3. and academic English. From the earliest
stage, Bridge to Success addresses both these
Bridge to Success Grade 12 consists of twelve competencies. Bridge to Success presents
thematic units of study, which include a range authentic listening and reading texts, writing
of activities, text types and objectives, split over tasks, and end-of-unit projects similar to
three terms. those learners might encounter in English-
medium and international schools.
The materials reflect the following principles:
• An Emirati focus, with an international This Workbook provides additional support,
perspective. Specifically developed for reinforcement and practice of the Coursebook.
young learners throughout the United Comprehensive support for teachers is provided
Arab Emirates, the themes, situations and in the Teacher’s Guide.
literature covered by Bridge to Success strive
to reflect the Emirati context and encourage The following icons are used in this Workbook:
learners’ curiosity about the wider world.
This fosters respect and interest in other 1 pre-recorded listening activity
cultures and leads to awareness of global
citizenship. We hope that you and your learners will enjoy
• An enquiry-based, language-rich approach using these materials as much as we enjoyed
to learning. Bridge to Success engages developing them for you.
children as active, creative learners. As The Bridge to Success team
learners participate in a wide variety
of curriculum-based activities, they
simultaneously acquire content knowledge,
develop critical thinking skills and practise
English language and literacy. The materials
incorporate a ‘learning to learn’ approach,
helping children acquire skills and strategies
that will help them approach new learning
situations with confidence.

Reading/Topic Listening/Speaking Use of English Vocabulary Writing
Unit 10 The Great Pacific Listening: Mixed conditionals Lexis related to: Referencing in
Garbage Patch Interview with an environmental for past and sustainable energy, academic essays
Environment awareness campaigner present results environmental
Recycling Information poster
Pages 137–151 Endangered species Interview with a biologist Mixed conditionals issues, ecosystems,
with different conservation,
News report
modal verbs of endangered species,
speculation light and noise
Role-play interview pollution, recycling
-ing participle
Functional language for buying time to clauses
Vague expressions
Review Review of Unit 10
Project Write an argumentative essay about protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint
Unit 11 Personality profiles Listening: Modals of Lexis related to: Descriptive
Personality types University entrance interview certainty, ability personal attributes, paragraph –
People and Conversation between professor and and advice personality profiles, personality profile
psychology Body language
students used with past body language, Magazine article
Pages 152–165 Conversation between manager and meaning personality traits,
Personal space community,
employees Language for
hedging and proxemics
Role-play university interview
Group discussions
Monologues; Backchanelling techniques
Review Review of Unit 11
Project Research and write a report about happiness around the world

Unit 12 Self-assessment quiz Listening: Inversions Lexis related to: Summarising

Magazine article on Conversation between friends with negative jobs and careers, information
Life after school adverbials personality, presented in a table
smells People talking about their unusual jobs
Pages 166–180 Five year plan Exam type question Will for prediction unusual jobs, goals Short article giving
adverbs of and objectives, advice
Presentation on future goals
certainty graduation and job
Speaking: searching
Comparing and contrasting jobs
Presentation skills
Review Review of Unit 12
Project Prepare and write a CV

1 Environment
Lessons 1–2 Climate change
1 Match each word to a preposition to make phrases that signpost cause and effect.
1 caused to
2 result in
3 due by
4 because of
5 lead to

2 Read the sentences and choose the correct phrase.

1 The ice caps are melting as a result of/causes global warming.
2 The burning of fossil fuels results in/because of increased carbon dioxide emissions.
3 Global warming as a result of/leads to more extreme weather events.
4 Marine animals are suffering leads to/due to our use of non-recyclable waste.
5 Sea level rise is caused by/causes global warming.

3 Work with your partner and complete the How green are you? quiz on the opposite page.
Who has a bigger carbon footprint? Why? What could you do to reduce your footprint?

4 Find the answers to the questions below by conducting online research.

1 What are the UAE’s total yearly carbon emissions?
2 How has this changed over the years?
3 What are the UAE’s carbon emissions per capita?
4 How has this changed over the years?
5 How does the UAE compare to the rest of Asia?
6 How does the UAE compare to the rest of the world?

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10 137

10 Environment

How green are you?

1 How often do you eat meat?
a. I don’t eat meat b. Some of the time c. Most of the time
2 How often do you eat food from restaurants, canteens and takeaways?
a. 0-1 time per week b. 2-3 times per week c. 4+ times per week
3 How much food do you throw away?
a. 0-10% b. 10%-30% c. 30%+
4 How much of your food is local?
a. Most of it b. Some of it c. None of it
5 How do you mostly travel?
a. On foot or by public transport b. By motorbike c. By car
6 How many hours per week do you spend in a car?
a. 0-3 hours per week b. 3-7 hours per week c. 8+ hours per week
7 How many return flights do you take each year?
a. 0-2 flights b. 3-5 flights c. 6+flights
Home Mostly as - Well done! You are
8 How many spare rooms are in your home (rooms not in use)? very green and environmentally
a. None b. 1-2 rooms c. 3+ rooms conscious. If only more people
were like you.
9 Do you turn off lights and appliances or leave them on stand by?
Mostly bs - You are pretty
a. Yes all the time b. Some of the time c. No, never green. You try to think of the
environment but there are some
10 How cold do you keep your home in the summer?
habits you still need to change.
a. 25°C or over b. 21-24°C c. Below 20°C Mostly cs - Oh dear, you are not
Stuff very green at all. Perhaps it’s time
to change some of your habits.
11 In a typical month, how much do you spend on new things,
such as electrical goods, beauty products or clothing?
a. 0-100aed per month b. 100-200aed per month c. 300aed+ per month
12 Do you give your old clothes to charity?
a. Yes, all the time b. Sometimes c. No, never
13 How often do you recycle?
a. All the time b. Some of the time c. Never

138 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10

10 Environment

Lessons 3–4 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

1 Match the words on the left, from the reading text on page 188 of the Coursebook, to their
meaning or synonym.

1 absorbs a) using another persons work and passing it of as your own

2 current b) dark and muddy
3 swept c) brushed or moved
4 visible d) relating to the sea
5 marine e) toxins or chemicals
6 pollutants f) flow or stream
7 murky g) attracts and takes in
8 plagiarism h) something that can be seen

2 Look at the following sentences. Write them in another way without changing the
meaning. Example: Plankton is a major source of food for small marine life. Small marine
life relies on plankton for food.
1 This problem is going to get bigger.

2 By all accounts, it cannot be cleaned up as it is almost 70 years of rubbish.

3 Plastic also absorbs PCB which can enter the food chain when the plastic is eaten by marine life.

4 The Garbage Patch has been described in different ways.

3 Look at the two references below and rewrite them correctly.

From the book ‘The future in our hands’ written by Nora Ring in 2014, published by Bookers:

From the book ‘Our future Planet’ written by Frank Gallagher in 2016, published by Library:
New York. Page number 27

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10 139

10 Environment

4 Look at the texts below from two different writers. Now write a concluding paragraph for
the text on page 190 of the Coursebook. Either paraphrase the text below or use a direct
quote (you don’t have to quote the entire text).
From the book ‘Our future Planet’ written by Frank Gallagher in 2016, published by
Library: New York. Page number 27.
The waste is so remote it is hard to say who is responsible. We must all work together to reduce
our impact on the environment, recycle more and think about the Future of our planet for our
children and grandchildren’s sake. We are slowly destroying our beautiful planet it is time for
drastic action and a united response by governments and environment agencies.

From the book ‘The future in our hands’ written by Nora Ring in 2014, published by
Bookers: London.
The massive amount of rubbish that people throw away without thinking is the key problem. We
need to change the way people behave that can only be achieved by education. Countries should
be fined for the amount of waste they produce. Not only is the the pacific garbage patch an ugly
eyesore it has the potential to damage people’s health as marine animals begin to eat it and it
enters the human food chain.

140 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10

10 Environment

Lessons 5–6 Ecosystems

1 Circle the correct answer.
1 The flora/fauna of an ecosystem are the plants and trees that are there.
2 The flora/fauna of an ecosystem are the animals that live there.
3 Herbivore/carnivore/omnivore is a term that describes animals that eat only meat.
4 Herbivore/carnivore/omnivore is a term that describes animals that eat only plants.
5 Herbivore/carnivore/omnivore is a term that describes animals that eat both meat and plants.
6 Habitat/shrub is a small tree-like plant.
7 Habitat/shrub is where a person or animal lives.
8 An animal’s species/nocturnal is the type of animal they are.
9 If an animal is species/nocturnal, it means that they are most active at night.

2 Choose the correct meaning of each of the sentences below:

1 If we had done a better job of protecting the Leopard reserve, then it might still be here today.
a We didn’t protect it, so it isn’t here today.
b We protected it, it is here today.
2 If they had met us ten minutes earlier, then we could have better theatre seats than we
have now.
a They didn’t meet us ten minutes earlier, so we have good seats now.
b They didn’t meet us ten minutes earlier, so we don’t have good seats now.
3 If I was better at maths, I might not have done so poorly on my exam.
a I am not good at maths, so I will do poorly on my exam.
b I am not good at maths, so I did poorly on my exam.
4 If we didn’t think that you would be able to do the job well, then we would never have hired you!
a We knew that you would do a good job, so that is why we hired you.
b We knew that you could do the job well, so we didn’t hire you.

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10 141

10 Environment

3 Use the prompts below to put the jumbled sentences in the correct order.
1 I didn’t take the other job, but If I had I might be there now.

2 I didn’t save up money, so I am not at a good hotel.


3 I don’t know how to write a report; that is why I asked you.


4 Use the mixed conditional prompts below to think of statements using your own ideas.
They do not need to be true.
• If I had known ... , then I would…
• If I had known ... , then I wouldn’t…
• If I knew ... , then I would have…
• If I knew ... , then I wouldn’t have…

142 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10

10 Environment

Lessons 7–8 Practise and prepare

1 Choose one of the prompts from Coursebook Page 194. Use the space below to brainstorm
ideas for an essay.
Writing tip
When writing an academic essay, use
semi-formal and neutral language. Avoid
using the pronouns I, we or our in your
introduction and main paragraphs.
However, you can use I in the conclusion if
your prompt requires.

2 Use the writing scheme below to write on outline for your paper. Use phrases from
Activity 3 in the Coursebook on page 194 to differentiate your ideas.

Introduction (2-3 sentences):

Paraphrase main point:

Summary sentence:

Paragraph one (3-4 sentences):

Topic sentence:

Supporting ideas:

Paragraph one (3-4 sentences):

Topic sentence:

Supporting ideas:

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10 143

10 Environment

Conclusion (2-3 sentences):


3 Label the map with the information from the listening.

Write no more than two words and/or a number for each answer.


4 Circle the correct word.

1 Some marine/massive mammals are whales, dolphins and seals.
2 They believe that the Pacific Garbage Patch will expand/expected.
3 The river water is murky/nonsense from all the mud and dirt.
4 It is important to investigate/current the causes of pollution.
5 The Pacific Garbage Patch is situated over a vast/potential area of the ocean.
6 The waves swept/absorbs the swimmer off his feet.

144 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10

10 Environment

Lessons 9–10 Pollution: light and noise

1 Read the text and choose the correct words.
Streets that have a lot of people and cars passing through are described as having a high level of
thoroughfare/ailments1. Residents of these types of streets can suffer from road users/disrupted sleep2 due
to light and noise pollution at night. The high level of pollution and disturbance regularly experienced
can cause people charity/stress3 and anxiety as they struggle to deal with the problem, and in more
extreme cases, people may even suffer from depression/donation4. Governments and authorities often
try to reduce light and noise pollution so people do not experience these ailments/sleep deprivation5.

2 Rewrite the direct speech in reported speech. Decide whether they should be backshifted.
1 Son: I’m hungry.
Mother: What did he say?
Daughter: He hungry.
2 Hassan: Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?
Saeed: No, thank you. I went to the cinema yesterday.
Ali: Hey, Hassan. So, what did Saeed say? Does he want to go to the cinema?
Hassan: No, he doesn’t. He to the
cinema yesterday.
3 Shaikha: I can’t swim.
Teacher: What did she say?
Aisha: She swim.

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10 145

10 Environment

3 Read Meera Al Shehi’s statement about Earth Hour. Choose the correct statement to
summarise her opinion:

“A lot of people think that events like Earth Hour give

people an easy way to look like they care about the
environment. They can just switch off their lights for an
hour, not make any real change to their lives, and they get
to be environmental heroes. However, even if these people
just switch off their lights and electrical items for an hour
on that one day, you know what, they are making a much
bigger impact than they probably even realise. Occasions
like Earth Hour are not stand alone events; it’s not just
about switching off your lights for an hour. It’s about an
individual choosing to act at the same time as millions of
other individuals and an individual action, no matter how
small, multiplied by millions, sends a very clear message.”

a Meera thinks that individual actions are only important if they are repeated millions of times.
b Meera thinks that people who only participate in Earth Hour once a year have no impact on
climate change.
c Meera thinks that people need to act together against climate.

4 Which of the statements (a-c) in Activity 3 do you agree with? Do you agree with Meera?
Why/Why not?

146 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10

10 Environment

Lessons 11–12 Recycling

1 Match each word to its meaning or synonym below.

1 initiatives a something that can decompose

2 community b a place where all our rubbish is buried
3 converted c different to
4 landfill d creative plans
5 opposed to e decaying material used to nourish plants
6 packaged f society
7 resources g changed
8 biodegradable h not being harmful to the environment
9 sustainability i the natural wealth of a country
10 compost j sold already prepared in a container

2 Choose the best word to complete the sentences below.

1 Fruit and vegetables don’t need to be .
a packaged b compost
2 In my there are many recycling bins.
a community b recycling
3 Businesses in my community have come up with several to help reduce waste.
a costs b initiatives
4 Fruit and vegetables are as opposed to computers which are not.
a biodegradable b sustainability
5 When natural waste biodegrades, it can be used as in the garden.
a landfill b compost
6 The natural of a country need to be protected for future generations.
a resources b community
7 Some rubbish can be turned into useful items e.g. plastic can be into cheap
building blocks.
a converted b reduced
8 A lot of household waste ends up in .
a compost b landfill

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10 147

10 Environment

9 When companies consider they need to consider how this growth will
impact the environment.
a expansion b community
10 I am not to having to separate my rubbish into plastics and biodegradables.
a packaged b opposed

3 Look at the pieces of writing below. Using the writing rubric that you have designed to mark

Name Writing Mark

Noura The legacy of our generation should be minimis-ing our impact on the
earths natural resources.
The most significant impact we can make on the conserving our
planets resources is recycling.
Yusef It is everyones responsibility to recyle, governments can encourage
is buy making it expensive to dump our rubbish in landfills. The
government of the UAE sould introduce recycling bins for everyone’s
The amount of waste that people produce is a lot and its going to get
worse because the population is increasing and people are consuming
more and more for example when we buy things in the supermarket
they are always packaging but when you buy fruit and veg in the
market it is not therefore I think supermarkets are responsible for a
lot of waste.
To conclude everybody needs to take responsibility for recycling.
Shamsa Recycling is a global problem that needs to be addressed urgently. The
amount of rubbish that humans are producing is increasing at a rapid
rate, and this is going to be further compound by population growth
and increased consumerism. Furthermore, consumerism will impact
on the earths natural resources as we extract more substances from
the ground and destroy natural habitats in the process.
What can we do to promote recycling in our communities In my view
education is the key to encouraging recycling, if people are aware of the
impact of waste on the environment and the health of our planet they
will be more willing to take steps to improve things. Another approach
would be to charge people for removing their waste with a reduced rate
for those who are recycling. I believe that people are more responsive
when they have to pay for their negative behaviour.

148 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10

10 Environment

Lessons 13–14 Endangered species

1 Complete the texts using the vocabulary in the box.

native decreasing hunting declined prey habitat dwindled

1 The sport of chasing and killing animals is known as .

2 Your town or country is the place where you were born.
3 An animal that is hunted or killed by another animal is known as .
4 The natural or environment of an animal or plant.
5 When something has become less in amount, importance, quality to strength, it has .
6 When something is becoming less, it is .
7 When something has become smaller or less, it has .

2 Complete the texts using some of the words in the boxes.

native decreasing hunting declined

Threat level: critically endangered

1. Hawksbill turtle
Over the last 100 years, the Hawksbill turtle has
in population globally. Although, not to the
UAE, these turtles do enjoy nesting on the UAE’s beaches which
are on their migratory routes. Global warming in the form of rising
water levels means that their nesting and feeding habitats are
being destroyed. Illegal for their shells has also
contributed to numbers decreasing.

prey habitat decreasing dwindled

Threat level: vulnerable

2. Houbara Bustard
Pre 1994 the numbers of this bird were at a rate of 25%.
A loss of and overhunting were to blame. Hunting with
falcons was very important to indigenous peoples and the Houbara bustard
was a main source of meat. However, in recent years this decline appears
to have slowed. Although only classified as vulnerable it is important that
numbers are monitored carefully since the bustard plays a significant role
in Arabian culture and heritage. As the main for falcons,
if the Houbara bustard dies out then so will the art of falconry.

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10 149

10 Environment

3 Use the correct form of a verb in the box to complete the sentences.
walk analyse watch switch have walk go recycle

1 tidied my bedroom, I feel calm and organised.

2 Having the results you should now understand the concept.
3 By 10,000 steps a day, she will increase her stamina.
4 He feels that by his rubbish, he is becoming more environmentally friendly.
5 By off electrical items before going out, I have managed to save electricity.
4 Rewrite/combine the sentences starting with an –ing participle clause. Remember, you
may need to add by before the participle.
1 I ate a big meal earlier. I’m not hungry now.

2 You can help raise awareness if you adopt an animal.

3 You can donate money to a charity. You will help endangered animals.

4 I used pictures and diagrams on my poster. It should be more eye-catching.

5 You might help people to remember more when you just note down key information.

5 Use the space below to plan your poster

150 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10

10 Environment

Lesson 15 Recycle
1 Look at the answers to the question from Activity 1 in the Coursebook. Which one do you
think is better? Why?

Humans have an effect on wild animals.

They do bad things which kill a lot of
animals. They hunt them which is bad for Well, that’s a good question. In my opinion, humans
them. People want more land. This makes have a very large impact on wildlife. For example, a lot
the animals’ homes smaller and they of natural habitats have been destroyed for farming.
have nothing to eat. The farmers need the land for their livestock and crops
and, as a result, some species of animals have lost their
hunting territory. In addition, humans produce a lot
of pollution and waste which goes into rivers and the
sea. This has caused a lot of marine wildlife to become
endangered or die out.

2 Put the words into the correct order to make expressions which can be used to give yourself
time to think.

1 interesting an that’s question

2 think let moment me for about a that
3 I say can what?

3 Use the table below to evaluate your partner’s response to the question in Activity 2 in the

Excellent Satisfactory Room for improvement





Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10 151

1 People and psychology
Lessons 1–2 Who are you?
1 Complete the word puzzle by filling in the adjective for personal attributes that match the
definition in the word puzzle. What’s the word written down the centre of the puzzle?
1 someone who is full of ideas, energy 1
d y n a m i c
and enthusiasm 2

2 someone who always 3

believes that bad things will
3 someone who is able to 5

produce a large amount of 6

good work
4 someone who has a lot of energy
5 someone who is willing to
talk to people and give them information 9

6 someone who wants to be very successful 10

or powerful
7 someone who has a lot of interest in something and really wants to be involved in it
8 someone who works hard and wants to succeed
9 someone who behaves in an angry or violent way to other people
10 someone who is quiet and does not like to show what they are thinking or feeling

2 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.

1 I enjoy studying .
2 I am good at at school.
3 I struggle with at school.
4 I am good at but I don’t particularly enjoy it.
5 I enjoy but I’m not particularly good at it.
6 I am interested in studying .
7 I am fascinated by the idea of working as a/an in the future.

152 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11

11 People and psychology

3 Complete the sentences below with the correct reflexive pronoun.

1 Hi everyone! Are you all enjoying ?
2 He’s really proud of because he got 100% for his English exam.
3 I wish the children would behave , they are being so noisy!
4 I see as a successful entrepreneur in the future.
5 Will you apply to your studies?
6 We’ve brought something to eat.

4 Read the common university interview questions. How would you answer them? Make notes.
1 How would you describe yourself?

2 Tell me about your current studies. What have you been doing?

3 Why did you choose this subject?

4 What will you struggle with?

5 Why did you choose this university?

6 What can you bring to the university?

7 Will you apply yourself?

8 How do you handle pressure?

9 What achievement are you most proud of?

10 What do you see yourself doing after university?

11 Why should we offer you a place?

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11 153

11 People and psychology

Lessons 3–4 Personality types

1 Find each word below in the reading passage in Coursebook pages 210-211. Use the context
to help you understand the meaning. Then complete the sentence with the correct word.
self-analysis consistency circumstance recharge

1 The process of thinking and analysing your feelings and how you behave is
2 To something is to revive and restore energy.
3 refers to something or someone that sticks to the same pattern.
4 The detail of a situation e.g. time, place, manner refers to the .

2 Complete the text with the words below

internal psychologists external theory
Are you good at small talk, or would you prefer to read a book than be at a big party? Well,
have examined the different personality types that people show.
From this study of people a 2
of personality types has been developed.
The main difference in personality types is between introvert and extrovert.
An introvert gets energy from their own 3
,or inside, world – they don’t
need to be around lots of other people. An extrovert is the opposite: they are energised by
the 4

3 Match each word in the word cloud to its meaning below.

1 Something that is stronger and controlling
2 Becoming aware of something
3 An idea that has been tested and is generally believed to be true
4 Relating to the outside of something logic
5 Relating to the inside of something
6 Having an instinct or gut feeling about something
7 Ordered reasoning
8 Experts in the study of the mind and emotions
154 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11
11 People and psychology

4 Match the idioms from the text to its meaning. There are two extra answers.

a enjoys
1 what makes us tick b to take on a task that is way too big
2 small talk c think things through
3 gut feeling d a new fact that surprises you
4 use your head e a conversation
5 gets a kick out of f a way of asking someone what they are thinking
6 eye opener g an instinct
h motivation to act in a certain way

5 The Likert questionnaires below have some personality questions in them. Choose one
questionnaire and work in groups to add more questions to the questionnaire.
A Introvert/Extrovert questionnaire
Question ✔✔ ✔ -- ✘ ✘✘
I enjoy spending time with lots of people.

B Sensing/Intuition questionnaire
Question ✔✔ ✔ -- ✘ ✘✘
I don’t believe something unless I read it in a book.

C Thinking/Feeling questionnaire
Question ✔✔ ✔ -- ✘ ✘✘
When I make a decision, I like to make sure everybody is
happy with it this important to me

D Judging/Perceiving questionnaire
Question ✔✔ ✔ -- ✘ ✘✘
When I visit a new place, I like to make a schedule and a plan
of the things I want to see.

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11 155

11 People and psychology

Lessons 5–6 How to read people

1 Match the following words with their correct emoticons.
smirk scowl grin

2 Match the words with their definitions.

1 body language a to make someone feel comfortable
2 smile b to communicate information
3 disarm c a facial expression that shows unhappiness
4 convey d a facial expression that shows happiness
5 frown e non-verbal communication

3 Circle the correct modal verb phrase in each sentence.

1 I couldn’t/may not/must not have arrived earlier, there was too much traffic!
2 She would/can/must have given them the wrong email, we still haven’t heard from them.
3 He needed a ride to the airport? He must/should/couldn't have asked me.
4 You might not/must not/should have heard the news? They cancelled class today due to rain.
5 The professor knew her lecture so well, she must/may not/could have done it without
any notes.
6 This film is really boring, we might/should/wouldn’t have gone to a different one!

156 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11

11 People and psychology

4 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Writing tip

Use the modal verb in brackets. Remember, you can use
contractions for all negative modals
1 Nobody answered the phone yesterday, except for may and might.
they (might) ...

2 The learner failed his exam yesterday, he (should) ...

3 Why didn’t you finish your essay? You (could) ...

4 The building looks abandoned, the old owners (may) ...

5 Look at the sentences in Activity 4 again. Decide whether the sentences are examples of
modals of speculation or advice.

6 Find the following words in the text on page 213 of the Coursebook.
Circle the correct definition.
1 nod your head 4 palm
a move your head from side-to-side a the top of your hand
b move your head up and down b the bottom of your hand
2 shake your head 5 beckon
a move your head from side-to-side a ask someone to go away
b move your head up and down b ask someone to come to you
3 etiquette 6 high-five
a polite behaviour a greet someone by slapping their hand
b impolite behaviour in the air
b greet someone by shaking their hand

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11 157

11 People and psychology

Lessons 7–8 Practise and prepare

1 Choose the correct definition for the following words.
1 smugness 3 arrogance
a having little confidence in one’s abilities a feeling superior
b being too proud of one’s achievements b feeling inferior
2 pound 4 dishonest
a to hit something with one’s fists a being truthful
b to spend currency from the United Kingdom b not being truthful

2 Use the vocabulary words from above in the sentences below. If necessary, put the word in
the correct form.
1 His makes him hard to be around, he always thinks he is so much smarter
than everyone.
2 Every student in the class could tell that the professor was being when she
told them that the exam would be very easy.
3 The displayed by the company’s online development team quickly went
away when they realised that their new computer app didn’t work.
4 The baker the dough flat to make it ready for pizza.

3 The paragraphs in the text on page 215 of the Coursebook are labelled A-K. Match the
correct turns with the sentences below. Not every letter will be used.
1 The impact pressure has on Salem’s productivity.
2 How Salem will adapt to university life.
3 Why Salem is interested in this school subject.
4 The characteristics Salem believes he has.
5 Why Salem has chosen to apply to this particular university.

158 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11

11 People and psychology

4 Answer the questions below about you:

1 What are you interested in?

2 What subject are you fascinated by?

3 What are you good at?

4 What do you struggle with?

5 Fill in the gaps with the vocabulary word from the word bank.
ambitious hardworking confident reserved motivated productive

1 My friend is very , she wants to become both a doctor and an engineer.

2 We need to have a meeting in order to complete all the tasks on the
3 employees are more likely to be productive.
4 Our new colleague seems very , he never wants to talk to anyone.
5 When you go to your interview speak clearly and be .
6 Bader is the most learner in the class; he not only finishes his work,
but helps others finish their work as well.

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11 159

11 People and psychology

Lessons 9–10 What is a people person?

1 Read the following opinion text. Use the words surrounding the bold vocabulary words to
work out the meanings. Then match the vocabulary words to their definitions.

How to be a “people person”

The first trick to impressing others is to appear approachable. You should look friendly and open
so that people should feel comfortable meeting and speaking with you. A good first impression
is also important, as people will remember you if your first meeting goes well. It’s also important
to appear confident by looking the other person in the eyes and speaking calmly. A confident
person is proactive when speaking to others, making sure that their opinion is heard. But it is
also important to be receptive and listen to the other person. Knowing how to listen is the key
difference between a “people person” and someone who is just rude.

1 approachable a calm and in control

2 confident b active and taking charge
3 impression c friendly and easy to talk to.
4 proactive d able to listen to others
5 receptive e an idea or opinion of someone

2 Certain words and phrases can be used for certain functions in a conversation. Look at the
words and phrases below and put them in the correct category.

Do you know what I mean? / How interesting / -Okay / Tell me more / Do you follow? / hmm

Backchanneling Invitation to extend a turn Checking understanding

Think of two other examples for each category and write them down.

160 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11

11 People and psychology

Language Focus
3 Look at the backchanneling expressions below and the function they serve.
Have you used these words in a conversation before?

Really? Sure Go on

Maybe umm I guess


Not interested/
Disagree/Not sure
Think of other noises or gestures that show interest
or disinterest, that you could add to the diagrams.

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11 161

11 People and psychology

Lessons 11–12 Community

1 Match the word on the left to its synonyms on the right.
1 initiative a willpower/resolve
2 community b founded on/built on
3 self-determination c depend on/trust
4 emphasis d society/group
5 focused on e plans/proposals
6 independence f importance/stress
7 freedom g kinds/groups
8 based on h liberty/ability
9 categories i individuality/neutral
10 rely on j directed/centred on

2 Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

1 The film is on his life story.

a focused b based c rely
2 The climber faced many obstacles to reaching the top of the mountain, but his
saw him through and he reached the summit by 3 pm.
a determination b independence c initiative
3 When I go to university I will need to on my friends more.
a emphasis b freedom c rely
4 I developed my when I travelled to the UK to study.
a independence b self-determination c community
5 There is a strong sense of in the area I live.
a rely b community c initiative
6 The Grade 12 business students took the and opened their own small
a initiative b determination c freedom

162 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11

11 People and psychology

3 Critically evaluate the student’s writing using the following bullets.

• Has four clear paragraphs

• Has an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusions
• Uses linking words
• Contains evidence e.g. statistics, expert’s opinions or gives examples
• Appropriate style e.g. does not use emotional language, is formal, correct word choice
• Logical arguments e.g. points follow each other and support the arguments made

4 There are seven linking words in the learner's text in the Coursebook page 219.
The table shows synonyms of those words. Complete the table with linking words
from the learner's text.

Synonym Synonym Synonym

1 to begin in the first place

2 yet nevertheless

3 in conclusion to sum up

4 to illustrate for instance

5 furthermore additionally

6 consequently so

7 although whilst

5 You are given a similar writing prompt as the learner on Coursebook page 219.
Follow the stages below.

• Look at the descriptions of different societies in the Coursebook

• Write an argumentative essay in support of a collective society
• Support your opinion with detail/examples
• Remember to use linking words
• Write 200 words

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11 163

11 People and psychology

Lessons 13–14 Cultural indicators

1 Label the diagram 1
with the correct
personal distance zone.

2 Make as many collocations as you can
from the words below and write them below.

vast thought
generally number
a large average
in fraction
on general
a considerable than not
more often majority
a small

1 vast majority
4 .

164 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11

11 People and psychology

3 Use expressions from Activity 2 to complete the following sentences.

1 It is that English people are polite.

2 Only a of Americans wear baseball caps.
3 The of boys in the UAE like football.
4 , women live longer than men.
5 A of countries drive on the left.

4 Write your magazine article here.

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 11 165

1 Life after school
Lessons 1–2 Popular careers in the UAE
1 Read three extracts from the conversation and fill each gap with a word from the box.
social life routine shifts deadline stressful rewarding workload vocation perk

1 Noora: Likewise, my 1
is through the roof at the moment.
I have so much marking to do; I can’t wait for the summer to come!
Asma: Ah I’m so jealous of your summer break! I wish my holidays were as long as
Noora: Yes, the holidays are a real 2
, but we do have
to earn it Asma.
2 Noora: That’s true, but I don’t know how you work the hours you do, and weekends!
I mean, I work weekends, but that’s marking or planning at home, whereas
you spend whole weekends away from home.
Asma: I know, the 3
can be tough, particularly on my home
and 4
, but it’s ok, I like that my
changes, at least I don’t get bored! …
3 Noora: Oh you poor thing! Things must be crazy for you when you have a big project
on, it’s nice of you to find time to catch up with us.
Hanan: It’s the only way I can stay sane! But yes, it is usually a bit quieter than it is at
the moment. However, when a project is nearing a 6
it’s far more difficult to see friends and make time for myself. Similarly, if the
client changes their mind about something or we find out that there’s a
planning restriction on what we want to build, it can mean that we have to
change things very quickly and work longer hours to get the project finished
by the deadline. So, yes, it can be 7
, but on the other
hand it’s also very 8
; when you see the building
finished and the happiness on the clients’ faces, it makes it all worthwhile.
Noora: That’s so true Hanan. While my job can be stressful at times, this is my
and I love what I do. This is definitely the best
job for me.
Asma: Me too!

166 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12

12 Life after school

2 Use the Venn diagram to

note down the similarities Career 1
and differences between
three careers you are
interested in.

Career 2 Career 3

3 Compare and contrast the three careers you chose. Use the sentence frames to help you.

better a Both and are/have .
more … b All of them are/have .
less …
c is/has than .
as … as
d is/has the .
e is as as .
(the) best
(the) most … f is not as as .
(the) least …

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12 167

12 Life after school

Lessons 3–4 Personal career profile

1 Provide definitions for the following vocabulary, using who in a relative clause.
1 An introvert is a person who .
2 An extrovert is a person who .
3 Someone who is intuitive is a person who .
4 Someone who is counterintuitive is a person who .
5 If you are a thinking person, you are someone who .
6 If you are a feeling person, you are someone who .
7 If you are a judging person, you are someone who .
8 If you are a perceiving person, you are someone who .

2 Read the text. Create new sentences that describe each family member. Use a relative
pronoun and combine two details into one relative clause. The first has been done for you.

The Neighbours
By Khaled Al Falahi
Let me tell you about the family living next door. The father, Mister Bader, is a doctor. He works
at a big hospital in Dubai. He is a thoughtful, kind man. His wife, Asma, works as a teacher at the
local school. She is very patient with her learners. Also, she is honest and always speaks the truth.
Omar is a university student and like me, he loves playing football. He’s also a responsible student
and studies every night. Finally, little Mahra is a primary school learner. She is an energetic girl and
loves to play on the playground behind my house.

1 Mister Bader is a doctor who is kind and works at a big hospital.


168 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12

12 Life after school

3 Write definitions for the words below.

a An independent person is someone who .
b A responsible person is someone who .
c A honest person is someone who .
d A decisive person is someone who .
e An energetic person is someone who .
f A creative person is someone who .
g A thoughtful person is someone who .
h A sensitive person is someone who .

4 Fill out the following personality questionnaire for a job application. Provide supporting
evidence for each answer. Use vocabulary words from Activity 2 to enhance your entries.

Name: Age:
1. Are you the kind of person who works well in a team? Why/why not?

2. Are you a person who can work at a desk all day or do you need to be active and

3. When in a stressful situation, are you a person who reacts quickly or stops to think of a

4. Could you be trusted to act as a leader who supervises a team and gives orders?

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12 169

12 Life after school

Lessons 5–6 Unusual jobs

1 Use the words in the box below to complete the crossword.

soothing discreet delectable glaring toxic audible clashing jarring bland

1 When something is comforting
3 When a food or liquid is poisonous
4 When something is colourless, tasteless
or boring
6 When something happens suddenly
2 3

2 When someone can keep a secret
5 A synonym for tasty
7 When two things do not
work well together
8 When a noise can be heard
9 When something is obviously wrong

170 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12

12 Life after school

2 Match the definitions to words in bold in the Language tip

text on page 233 of the Coursebook. Common negative adverbials include:
Not only…but also, not since, not
1 a smell:
Not in a million years would I guess
2 a specific amount:
that you like mushrooms.
3 very attractive or interesting: Only if, only when, only later
4 extremely unpleasant: Only when I read the road map can I
5 the result or end of something: understand the directions.

6 very strong or powerful, overly strong or powerful: Rarely, seldom, hardly

Hardly had I walked in the door when
my phone started ringing.
7 mixed together:

3 Put the words in the correct order to form inversions.

1 also/pizza/cheap/is/this/but/it/only/not/tasty,/is

2 it/is/when/we/do/beach/go/only/to/the/warm/out

3 we/really/fast/do/unhealthy/food,/rarely/eat/it/is/as

4 will/practice/with/and/best/become/time/you/only/the

4 Rewrite the following sentences using inversion with negative adverbials. The meaning
must stay the same.
1 The perfume is the result of years of labour and research and is the culmination of an artistic

2 Creating perfumes is not an exact science and perfumers do not often produce a perfect smell
on their first attempt.

3 The perfume becomes a complex work of art after the perfect synthesis of smells has
been blended.

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12 171

12 Life after school

Lessons 7–8 Practise and prepare

1 Match the bold words from the report to their definitions.
1 breakdown a when an amount becomes less
2 accounted for b to change over time
3 approximately c stays the same over time
4 slightly d were responsible for
5 continuation e a list of something and its separate parts
6 decrease f something that comes after an event or situation,
7 consistent to make it continue
8 fluctuation g an estimate, number close to the real amount
h a small variation

2 Answer the following questions using the bar graph below:

Careers university students want to pursue after

graduation by decade






1980 1990 2000 2010

business lawyer doctor computer technican engineer

1 What careers are shown in the bar graph?

2 What was the most/least popular future career in 1990?
3 Which career had the most consistent popularity over all four decades?

3 The graph above shows the future careers students in their last year of university want
to pursue after graduation, broken down by decade from the 1980s to the 2010s.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant (150 words). Write your answer in the space on the next page.

172 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12

12 Life after school

4 Ask your partner the following questions.

• What are the most popular school subjects in the UAE?

• What are the most popular jobs in the UAE?
• What subjects do learners study in school to prepare themselves for these jobs?
• Is it important for learners to pursue their passion, or pursue whatever will get
them the best job?
• Is school the only place where people should study?

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12 173

12 Life after school

Lessons 9–10 What I want to be!

1 Fill in the gaps with words from the box below.
aspiration short-term goals ambitious long-term goal

1 Alia is a very learner: she wants to study medicine, English and engineering.
2 My best friend’s is to become a famous writer after she graduates from university.
3 It is important to have well-developed in order to have a strong foundation for
your future.
4 His greatest is to become the greatest tennis player in the world.

2 Write five sentences using the two word boxes below.

when what
This weekend Play
Speaking tip
In my free time Sing
When giving a
Next year Shop presentation, it is
This summer Swim important to be mindful
Tomorrow Go of your pitch and tone.
A monotone presentation,
This evening See or speaking in a single
Do tone, can result in the
Make audience losing interest.


1 Tomorrow, I am going to see a performance at the Dubai Opera House.


3 Look at these sentences. Underline the words that you think should be emphasised,
and put an (✘) where you think there should be pauses.

1 I am really excited to talk about my future goals and aspirations with all of you today.
2 I am planning to study medicine, but I am also really interested in engineering.

174 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12

12 Life after school

Now, practise using pauses with tone and pitch to emphasise the underlined words.

3 If you want a rewarding career that makes a huge impact on the world, you should look into studying
agronomy at university.
4 First, (✘) remember that the future is yours, so always make the best decision for yourself.
Second, (✘) find something that you are passionate about, then it will feel like you never have
to work a day in your life.

4 Write a presentation about your future hopes and aspirations. Include the following
information in your presentation:

• Your short-term goals (over the next year)

• Your long-term goals (over the next ten years)

Use the graphic organiser below to help brainstorm ideas for future aspirations and goals.

Short-term goals
Long-term goals

5 Use the graphic organiser below to help plan and structure your presentation.

Attention-grabber/hook that gains the
audience’s attention
Summary of main points in the presentation

Short-term goals

Long-term goals

Summary of the main points

Closing remark which links to the


Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12 175

12 Life after school

Lessons 11–12 My five-year plan

1 The sentences below are taken from a five-year plan. Which category do they belong to?

health education finance career family

1 I will watch what I eat and get fit.

2 I will spend more time with my children at the weekends.
3 I aim to graduate with a good degree.
4 I want to save enough to buy a good car.
5 I will get a promotion.

2 Complete the graphic organiser with two specific goals for your five-year plan.


My Five-year




176 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12

12 Life after school

3 In the table below write measurable/achievable steps towards your goal. Give yourself
a time deadline for each step towards your goal.

Specific Goal Measureable/achievable Time







4 Complete the following sentences with words from the box. Three of the words won't be used.
graduate measurable tangible aspirations relevant management specific vision

1 He worked hard at university to fulfil his childhood of going to university.

2 I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. Could you be more , please?
3 Your goals should be so you know how much progress you have made.
4 You will find it difficult to save money if your financial goals are not to how
much you earn.
5 With careful of my money, I was able to buy myself a new car.

5 Write definitions, synonyms or example sentences for the three words not used in
Activity 4.


Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12 177

12 Life after school

Lessons 13–14 After graduation

1 Complete the sentences with words from the box.
recruit employer land soft employable graduate expertise

1 In order to the perfect job, you need to prepare yourself.

2 Many employers applicants on the internet.
3 To make yourself develop a strong online presence.
4 As well as having the technical , you will need to have a good command of
the skills such as being able to work as part of a team.

2 Put the adverbs into the correct column.

probably hopefully unquestionably perhaps undoubtedly undeniably
unmistakably supposedly invariably presumably

Certain Less certain

3 Look at the advice for Decide on a career path. There are three language mistakes.
Rewrite the text and add the adverbs from Activity 2. Make any other changes as

Decide on a career path

Be specific about your job application. Pick something that you are interested in. Potential
employers can appreciate an applicant that can demonstrate enthusiasm and passion for a job.
Many graduates make the mistake of applying for many different positions in different fields. This
means that they took the first position they are offered and shouldn’t be able to build a career for
the long term.

178 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12

12 Life after school

Decide on a career path

4 Make three predictions about your career after you leave school. Use adverbs from
Activity 2 in your writing.

5 Write a short article giving advice on How to prepare for a job interview.

How to prepare for an interview

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12 179

12 Life after school

Lesson 15 Recycle
1 Read the text and complete the sentences that follow with no more than three words.


I’m sure we all agree that having the technical expertise and experience is ideal. However, remember that
you will undoubtedly be applying for jobs at entry level. So, having the ability to work as part of a team and
being a good communicator will certainly be extremely important in persuading future employers to give you
the position. Become more self-aware and get feedback from your peers and teachers on how others see
you. Also, put yourself in positions where you are communicating face-to-face and not just online.
Don’t underestimate the power of technology to make yourself more employable. Potential employers are
likely to use the Internet to recruit and research candidates. A strong personalised presence relevant to the
position you are looking for will undeniably help you access a wider audience.
Take control of the direction you wish to take. The perfect job certainly won’t come to you. You need to be
proactive. Go out and search for employers, and contact people who already do the job you want. Ask them
what it’s really like and what they suggest you could do to get on the first rung of the ladder. Most people will
invariably be happy to help you.

1 This is probably your first job so you will have to focus more on soft skills instead
of and practical knowledge.

2 Ask your friends and colleagues what they think of you since this will help you
be .

3 Developing a online will allow you to reach more people.

4 Don’t sit around doing nothing. To find employment you have .

2 Read the text again and decide if, according to the text, the statements are true (T), false
(F) or if there is no information (NI).

1 You will most likely not have the experience for the jobs you are applying for.

2 Soft skills are not important.

3 Future employers will definitely look for, and find out information about, candidates online.

4 You will have a better chance of getting a job if you know the right people.

5 A lot of people will be pleased to help you get started on your career path.

180 Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 12

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