Bibilical Parenting Skills
Bibilical Parenting Skills
Bibilical Parenting Skills
Demistifying Culture – discuss with the guardians and show advantages and Let them add-on and participate in regards to human body and
disadvantages. physical attribute, then also discuss gender roles.
Good Culture Bad Culture
One wife Polygamy.
Children are a gift from God. Children are for Labor.
Children are equal regardless Girls are for dowry.
the sex. Girls are inferior.
Children are important and Good meals are for parents.
girls are equally important. Only boys own property.
Children need a balanced Chores for girls and boys don’t care .
All people can own property.
All children can do any
Children need love and
correction – parents are
always right and give no
Parents need quality time with the kids given that it helps with bonding and
Parents to make fibre dolls, balls, brooms and play with the
getting closer to the children.
This can be achieved by; children.
Telling stories and sharing experiences.
Playing and folking with them- folk songs.
Sharing meals with the children.
Singing, dancing and making toys.
Sharing challenges and planning together.
LESSON 4-Role model your children. ACTIVITY 4
Always stand on correct decision.
Play a skit with the family on bad dressing or behavior of kid
Be truthful always.
Be ready to admonish and correct. copying parents ( drunkenness , telling a lie)
Teach them to work and work write them (firewood, water, gardening,
poultry etc.)
Do not do/ say anything you wouldn’t love your child to do/say.
Avoid bad language.
LESSON 5- Safety and security ACTIVITY 5
Teach them to be security conscious, avoid strangers, avoid dangerous Play a skit of going to the well late in the evening and
places, watch out for what they drink (No alcohol and eat) encountering a snake and rapist.
Set time frame and plan the day with them. Be conscious of where they
are all the time. No going out at night even if its fetching water.
Make sure they go to bed on time.
Avoid grasshopper catching at night and night village parties.
Boys and girls in separate beds and rooms especially visitors.
LESSON 6- Spiritual ACTIVITY 6
Jesus is our role model. Read the bible, write and tell each other you love each other
The bible is the source of knowledge and wisdom. and give hugs, pray with them.
The bible is the best constitution and guide – Deuteronomy 6
Hebrews 4:12
Correct them according to the word.
Love them, hug and tell them that you love them.
Pray – write their prayer requests and pray for them aloud.
Go to church with them.
Correct them whenever they sin- don’t tolerate sin.
Ask for forgiveness when you are at fault.
Children learn more by seeing. Play a skit on sitting badly and eating badly a meal.
Be creditable in society.
Be ethical and authentic.
Teach them to say thank you, forgiveness, greeting, respect themselves and
others, acceptable eating habits, self-control etc.