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Widia Sari , 2 Masril , 3 Wahidah Ftriani , 4 Suswati Hendriani , 5 Irman
Guidance Counseling Teacher at SMAN 1 Rambatan Batusangkar-Indonesia
2, 3, 4, 5
Lecturer at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

The problem in this thesis is the low self-esteem of broken home students at SMA N 1 Rembatan. The
purpose of this study was to show the effectiveness of group counseling services using the Logo Therapy
approach to improve the self-esteem of broken home students at SMA N 1 Rentang. The method used in
this research is experimental. The type of design used in this study is a pre-experimental design with the
type of one group pre-test-post-test design. The number of population in this study is 21 students with a
sample of 7 people with a sampling technique that is propositional sampling. Questionnaire techniques
are used to collect the data. Data analysis was carried out by using t-test and N-gain. Based on the
results of the t-test analysis, it was found that the alternative hypothesis (aH) was accepted and ( 0 H) was
rejected, this means that group counseling with a Logo Therapy approach is effective in increasing the
self-esteem of broken home students. However, based on the results of the influence test using N-gain, it
was found that the effect of group counseling with the Logo Therapy approach was in the moderate

Keyword : Logo Therapy , Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a basic need in adolescents, Daradjat (1976 , p.19 ). From every teenager wants to
feel the need for his existence which can give a feeling that teenagers are useful, successful, and
capable. Self-esteem can develop well when a person gets acceptance for himself, attention and a fair
amount of appreciation from those closest to him. Students who have high self - esteem tend to see
themselves as more positive individuals and this will certainly affect not only in academic
achievement but also in good relations in the family, school and community environment.
From the explanation above it can be seen that adolescents who have high self-esteem can see
themselves well , and are able to achieve. Not only that, students who have high self-steem are also
able to accept themselves positively, students think that their presence is very useful.
To obtain maximum results in self-evaluating, there are several factors that can influence self-
assessment . According to Ghufron and Risnawita (2016, p.42) there are five factors that can affect
self-esteem , namely gender, intelligence, physical condition, family environment and social

EduLights February 2023

Copyright © 2023 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Volume 1 No.1 2023
The Effect of Group Counseling Logotherapy Approachto Improve The Self-Esteem of Broken Home Studentsat SMAN 1
Widia Sari , Masril , Wahidah Ftriani , Suswati Hendriani , Irman

From the explanation above, there are many factors that can influence student self-esteem , one of which
is the family environment. This cannot be separated from the role of parents. Parental involvement can
have an adaptive function that provides a solid foundation where adolescents can explore and master the
wider environment in a psychologically healthy way and buffer adolescents from anxiety and feelings of
depression as a result of the transition from childhood to adulthood (Desmita, 2009 , p . 219). Therefore,
positive and harmonious family conditions are needed for the development of adolescents, but in reality
there are still many families that do not make a positive contribution to adolescent development. So that it
causes children to have various kinds of problems that result in low adolescent self-esteem .

According to e journal: (Ikbal & Nurjannah 2016, p.39-40) Students with high self-esteem will
look positively at something that happens. He can understand and accept himself as he is, can absorb
all information about himself and none of this information is a threat to him. Conversely, students with
low self-esteem cannot understand and accept themselves. He not only doesn't want to do something
that they think he can't, but also in his mind always brings up negative or irrational information and
feelings of fear to try it. The point is that new information about him is almost certainly a cause for
anxiety or a sense of threat to him.
From the explanation above, it can be seen that students who have high self-esteem will be able to
see things well. In contrast to students who have low self -esteem , students who have low self-esteem
tend to be more introverted, they think more irrationally and express more anxiety and fear.
e jornal ( Fathonah, et al 2020, p.131) said that most students with broken home family backgrounds
show low self-esteem from various aspects of self-esteem, such as having low motivation to learn, not
confident associating with peers
From the description above, it can be seen that low self -esteem often occurs in students whose
families experience problems or what is often called a broken home family. The results are known
from visible symptoms such as studying, socializing and lack of confidence.
In order for broken home students to have high student self-esteem here, the role of the
supervising teacher is demanded. There are many services that tutors can use. One way is to use group
counseling services. According to e journal: (Yunita 2020 , p.1 ), that the importance of group
counseling on adolescent self-esteem . Group counseling service is a counseling process between a
professional counselor and several counselees in a small group at the same time. There are counselors
and clients, i.e. "group members"). In group counseling services, efforts are made to create the same
atmosphere as in individual counseling, namely warm, permissive, full of openness and intimacy.
Where counselees can express and understand each other the problems of group members, explore the
causes of problems and efforts to solve problems.
Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that one of the services that can be used to
increase self-esteem is to use counseling services, namely group counseling. In practice group
counseling is expected to alleviate the problems that are in the group.
Implementation of group counseling can also use a variety of approaches. One of them is the
logotherapy approach, which is a counseling approach that emphasizes more on freedom of will , the
will to mean life and the meaning of life , so in providing counseling services it is more focused on
guiding students. in interpreting the life lived. (Jacob, 2014.p 2).
From the description above, it can be concluded that logotherapy approach counseling is a
counseling approach that places more emphasis on how an individual can find the true meaning of life.
In this case, it's like freedom in doing something and being able to how someone is able to face life's
EduLights February 2023

Copyright © 2023 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Volume 1 No.1 2023
The Effect of Group Counseling Logotherapy Approachto Improve The Self-Esteem of Broken Home Studentsat SMAN 1
Widia Sari , Masril , Wahidah Ftriani , Suswati Hendriani , Irman

Based on the results of observations and interviews on the phenomenon that occurred at
Rembatan 1 Public High School, it was found that there were broken home students who had low self-
esteem . This can be seen from the inability to accept the reality of family conditions, such as divorce
between parents, living with grandmother, uncle, other family, or stepparents, parents who often fight,
parents who always blame their children and parents. who don't care about children, there are even
children who hate their parents. In the end, children take it all out by skipping class, often not doing
assignments this is done as an escape from the problems they face, they feel that the family does not
pay attention to students, so students feel pressured.


The method used in this study is a quantitative experimental method . ( Suharsimi, 2013 , p.207 )
Experimental research is research that aims to see whether or not there is an effect or impact of a given
treatment on the subject. The research design used was Pre-experimental Designs One-Group Pre-
Test-Post-Test Designs, in which an experimental group was measured for the dependent variable (
pre-test ), then given treatment/trial, treatment, then measurements were made again. The location of
this research is SMA Negeri 1 Rbatan . Rembatan 1 Public High School with a total of 21 students in
class X who are Broken Home with a sample of 7 students who have low Self-Esteem in the 2020/2021
academic year. The instrument used is a self-esteem scale with the Liker method with a score range of
5, namely always (SL), often (SR), sometimes (KD), rarely (JR), and never (TP). Technical data
analysis in this study used a paired sample t test.


Based on the results of the research that was conducted on 7 students at SMA N 1 Rembatan, the
results were obtained

Table 1
Comparison of Results
Pre-Test and Post-Test Broken home student self-esteem
Pre-Test Data Post-Test Data Deficiency
Score Category Score Category
1 ID P 90 Low 160 Tall 70
2 RM L 80 Low 145 Tall 65
3 SK P 82 Low 149 Tall 63
4 FJ L 77 Low 144 Tall 67
5 NR P 79 Low 150 Tall 71
6 TM P 76 Low 134 Currently 58
7 SK P 89 Low 143 Tall 54
Total Score 573 1025 452
Average Score 81.86 Low 146.43 Tall 64.57
From table 1 it can be seen that the results of the comparison before and after being given
counseling with the logotherapy approach group can be seen that the pre-test t value is 81.86 points in
the low category while after the post-test the value is 146.43 points in the high category. It can be
interpreted that there has been an increase in student self-esteem after being given group counseling
with a logotherapy approach.
EduLights February 2023

Copyright © 2023 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Volume 1 No.1 2023
The Effect of Group Counseling Logotherapy Approachto Improve The Self-Esteem of Broken Home Studentsat SMAN 1
Widia Sari , Masril , Wahidah Ftriani , Suswati Hendriani , Irman

The total difference between the pre-test and post-test is as follows:

Comparison of Average Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores

Self Esteem of Broken Home students
140 146,43
80 81,86
Pre-Test Post-Test

From the picture above it can be seen that the comparison of the scores between the pre-test and
post-test of the self-esteem of broken home students , namely, the average result of the pre-test self-
esteem score of broken home students is 81.86 points and the average result of the post -test score self-
esteem test of broken home students is 146.43 points. So there is an increase in self-esteem of broken
home students which is 64.48 after being given group counseling using the logotherapy approach .
Based on the results of data analysis using the paired sample t-test data analysis technique, the
results show that the correlation value between the pre-test and post-test has a strong and positive
relationship, this can be seen from the calculation results of the paired sample t-test analysis as follows
Table 2
T test results

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence Interval of
t df Sig. (2-tailed)
the Difference
Lower Upper
posttest –
Pair 1 58.75011 70.39275 27,142 6 .000

From the results of table 4.8 above, there is a t test value, namely t 0 (27.142) > t t ( 1.943) at the
0.05 level. This means that it can be concluded that group counseling with the logotherapy approach is
effective in increasing the self-esteem of broken home students . Judging from the significant value of
0.00 <0.05, which means there is no significant effect between the pre-test and post-test scores.
EduLights February 2023

Copyright © 2023 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Volume 1 No.1 2023
The Effect of Group Counseling Logotherapy Approachto Improve The Self-Esteem of Broken Home Studentsat SMAN 1
Widia Sari , Masril , Wahidah Ftriani , Suswati Hendriani , Irman

Self-esteem is a very important self-evaluation for an individual. Especially when individuals
experience family problems such as broken homes. In this case it can cause students to experience
many problems in living their lives, especially how students find the meaning of their lives.
This also happened to the students of SMA N 1 Rambatan. Which at this time many students
experience broken home families. It can be seen from how they seek their potential and how they
interpret their life. Not a few of them found a lot of problems. So with the existence of group
counseling research with this logotherapy approach, students can express an attitude of acceptance or
rejection and show the extent to which they believe that they are capable, meaningful, successful and
The analysis in the study was carried out by t-test. From the results of the t test, namely t0
(27.142) > tt (1.943) at the 0.05 level. This means that it can be concluded that group counseling with
the logotherapy approach is effective in increasing Broken Home students' self-esteem. The factors
that influence the high and low self-esteem are gender, intelligence, physical condition, family
environment and social environment.
It can be seen from the N-Gain Test that the highest N-Gain score classification is found in the
initial ID with an N-Gain of 63% so that it can be categorized as a moderate level of success. While
the lowest score is found in SK's initials with an N-Gain score of 37% so that it can also be
categorized as a moderate level of success. These results also illustrate that there is not too much
difference in the increase that occurred in each respondent.
As Jacob Daan Engel said in his research (2019: 521) differences in development and spiritual
dimensions of the use of the counseling logo intervention program in the experimental group and
without the use of the counseling logo intervention program in the control group. This indicates that
the development of the counseling logo model is effective as an intervention program in improving
women's spiritual low self-esteem.
By holding group counseling with a logotherapy approach, it is hoped that students can find the
meaning of their lives, with various problems and problems that arise. Not only that, with group
counseling, this logotherapy approach can make students able to accept the conditions that occur to
them, so they can determine their life goals.
In line with Jayanti (2019: 4) in her research also found that logotherapy counseling can assist
clients in setting their life goals, clients who face frightening difficulties or are in conditions that do
not allow them to be active and creative are helped to find the meaning of their lives by how they deal
with these conditions. and how he overcomes his suffering. Logotherapy counseling teaches clients to
see the positive value of suffering and provides an opportunity to feel grateful for the suffering and
problems that are being experienced by clients.
As stated in Erwin Erlangga's research (2017: 6) it can be concluded that group therapy with
logotherapy techniques is effective in increasing the acceptance of broken home children in all
indicators which include: showing an attitude of acceptance and giving positive feelings, maintaining
communication, listening with a clear mind. open to a problem, sincere, accept existing limitations,
support and love, love unconditionally.
In line with what Jacob Daan Engel & Lobby Loekmono said in 2018, his research shows that the
counseling logo model can increase low spiritual self-esteem among college students
Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that there are many benefits of group counseling
with the logotherapy approach, one of which can increase student self-esteem, so group counseling

EduLights February 2023

Copyright © 2023 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Volume 1 No.1 2023
The Effect of Group Counseling Logotherapy Approachto Improve The Self-Esteem of Broken Home Studentsat SMAN 1
Widia Sari , Masril , Wahidah Ftriani , Suswati Hendriani , Irman

with the logotherapy approach needs to be socialized to counseling teachers, counselors, psychologists
or other social workers or related parties.

Based on the results of research conducted at SMA N 1 Rambatan on Broken Home students
regarding the effectiveness of Group Counseling Logotherapy approach to improve the Self-Esteem of
broken home students , the results of the t-test analysis showed that the alternative hypothesis (Ha )
was accepted and ( Ho ) was rejected , this means that group counseling with the logotherapy approach
is effective in increasing Broken Home students ' Self Esteem . However, based on the results of the
effect test using N-gain, it was found that the effect of group counseling with the logotherapy approach
was in the moderate criteria.

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Volume 1 No.1 2023
The Effect of Group Counseling Logotherapy Approachto Improve The Self-Esteem of Broken Home Studentsat SMAN 1
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Volume 1 No.1 2023
The Effect of Group Counseling Logotherapy Approachto Improve The Self-Esteem of Broken Home Studentsat SMAN 1
Widia Sari , Masril , Wahidah Ftriani , Suswati Hendriani , Irman

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