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Answer the following uestions!

How to Clean a Blender
Cleaning a blender is easy, but it can be hard if you don't clean it immediately after you use it. Even if you don't
have the time to clean it immediately after use, at least, pour in this simple cleaning the mixture to await your
return later.
1) Ensure that the blender jug is sitting on the base properly before proceeding.
2) Fill the jug half full with warm water.
3) Add one to two drops of dish-washing liquid; if you have a lemon, put in half a lemon, as the lemon rind will
scrape off any particles and the juice and rind will eliminate odours.
4) Place the lid on the blender.
5) Plug the blender back into the electrical socket or switch the power point on.
6) Press the low blend button and allow to blend for up to 30 seconds.
7) Check that it has caught all the particles.
8) Pour the liquid down the sink.
9) Rinse under the faucet.
10) Place upside down on a dish rack to dry.

1. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
2. What is the text about?
3. What water we use to clean the blender jug?
4. To make the cleaning process easy, it is suggested that we . . .
5. We should . . . before turning on the blender.
6. Why is it suggested that we add the lemon?
7. What do we do after wash the blender jug?
8. "Check that it has caught all the particles." (Step 7) The underlined word refers to ….
9. “Rinse under the faucet." (Step 9) What is the synonym of the underlined word?
10.“ …. the juice and rind will eliminate odours.” The underlined word has the similar meaning with ….

Vocabulary (kosakata)
 Easy = gampang/mudah  Drops = tetes  for = selama
 Hard = sulit/sukar  dish-washing liquid = cairan  up to = sampai
 Immediately = dengan segera pembersih  check = cek
 At least = paling tidak  put in = masukkan  has caught = telah menangkap
 Pour = tuang  as = karena  liquid = cairan
 Await = menunggu  rind = kulit  pour down = buang/ tuang
 Return = kembali  scrape off = mengikis  sink = mengendap
 Mixture = campuran  particles = partikel/kotoran kecil  rinse = bilas/cuci
 Cleaning = pembersihan  eliminate = menghapus  under = dibawah
 Ensure = pastikan  Odours = bau  faucet = keran
 Jug = wadah/teko  Place = tempatkan/pasang  place = tempatkan/taruh
 Sitting on = terpasang  Lid = tutup  upside = sisi atas
 Base = dasar  Plug = colokkan  down = menghadap ke bawah
 Properly = dengan pas/dengan  electrical socket = stopkontak  dish rack = rak piring
benar  switch on = nyalakan  to dry = supaya kering
 Proceeding =meneruskan  power point = tombol power
 Half = setengah  press = tekan
 Warm = hangat  the low blend button = tombol
 Fill = isi pelan blender (kecepatan pelan)
 Add = tambahkan  allow = biarkan
 One to two = satu sampai dua  blend = membelender

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