This sport is a world full of emotions, but becoming a professional is not just about
being part of this world. First, you must understand what cycling is. Cycling is a very
demanding sport with a lot of passion. You must work hard for a long time if you
dedicate yourself to this sport and have all the necessary equipment to aid your
progress. It is important to prioritize everything related to this sport over other hobbies
and know your strengths and areas of development. Cycling should be primary in your
life. To become a professional, you must possess different strengths, divided into
physical and mental areas. In the physical realm, you must have excellent resistance in
the body, strength in the legs, explosiveness, and an incredible capacity for adaptation.
On the mental side, discipline and hard work are essential. With these qualities, you
might become a professional cyclist.
In my opinion, cycling is a new world, one of the most challenging and exciting sports.
Since I learned to ride a bike, I began going on routes with my father, and it was
incredible. I experienced a mix of emotions while cycling and seeing the landscape. I
have visited important places like Sierra Nevada or Alzabique in Cádiz. However,
competitive cycling involves physical pain and is mentally demanding. I believe that
you have to love this sport deeply to be a competitive cyclist. Professional cycling
requires not only physical prowess but also heart and determination because when your
body fails, your mentality and love for the sport can push you forward. For me,
dedicating myself to cycling means finding happiness but also enduring hardship.
Cycling encompasses a range of emotions, but it also entails suffering and pain. It offers
opportunities for a good life, but one must be disciplined, happy, hardworking,
perseverant, and never give up.
My family and I want to have more cycling experiences, so we will continue to travel to
see new cycling races. This year, we plan to travel twice. First, we will go to the steppe
to Torcal, and then we will head to the most exciting destination, Asturias, a region with
many mountains for racing. We hope everything goes smoothly without any problems.
Additionally, we plan to travel to France to watch a race that ends on a mountain called
Tourmalet. However, this trip is more complicated, and it is uncertain if we will be able
to do it. It would require significant savings and a problem-free journey. I hope my
whole family can go as it would be a fantastic experience.