Level 2 - Lesson 57 Teacher

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Lesson 57: Foods I like and don´t like

Vocabulary: Food vocabulary

Grammar Structures: My favorite food is…, I like… / I don´t like…
Materials: Lesson 57 worksheet (1 per student)

 GETTING SETTLED (5-10 min)

Have the students line up and knock on the classroom door before coming in to join the class. Get
children ready to go to the toilet all together. Get in line, got to the bathroom, help them if
necessary, and go back in line to class. It is an important routine and must be implemented every
day. Consider that some of the children are still not toilet trained or have just been trained. Start
teaching them how to ask for permission to go to the toilet: “Can I go to the toilet, please?”

 CIRCLE TIME (10-15 min)

Make a circle song: Make a circle with all the students holding hands. Make a big circle. Make a
small circle. Walk round and round, fast and slow! Bend down low, reach up high. Say, “Hello!”
Now, sing “Make A Circle” or a circle time song of your choice. Then, sing your Hello song together.
How Many Friends Are Here Today?
Start by standing up in a circle.
How many friends are here today?
How many friends are here today?
Let´s count it out! (count number of students)
Let´s clap it out! (clap number of students)
Let´s dance it out! (dance silly around the circle with each student adding a move)
There are _____ friends on their feet!
Now it´s time to take your seat.

How’s the weather song

Do corresponding actions as you sing. Ask: ¨What´s the weather like today?¨ ¨It´s …¨

Colors Review
1. Show students the colors one by one using the colored crayons in your box. Hold up a color,
say the name of the color, have students repeat the name, and put the color down in the
middle of the circle.
2. Practice open your eyes / close your eyes.
3. Now, play disappearing colors with the crayons in the middle of the circle. Ask students to
close their eyes, remove a crayon, ask students to open their eyes, and ask What´s
missing? Continue playing until you have taken away all the colors.
4. Now, play the find something game. Ask students to find something blue around the
classroom and point to it. Then, find something red, etc.

 CLASS PLAN (35 min)

Music and Movement (5 min)

Make sure to sing and act these songs out.
- The Ice Cream Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbrSWbuWtmc
- Apples and Bananas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5WLXZspD1M
Grammar Introduction: DO YOU LIKE… (5 min)
• Do you like broccoli? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frN3nvhIHUk
o Practice:
 Yes, I do.
 No, I don´t.
 Yummy!
 Yucky!
• Talk about what foods you like and don´t like. Ask them what their favorite foods are.

I Like and Don´t Like (15 min)

1. Now, show students the worksheet and explain that they´re going to draw foods they like
and don´t like.
2. Allow students to color the foods when they finish drawing.

Pictionary (10 min)

Draw foods one at a time. Students can try guessing the name of the food OR the color.

 Goodbye (5-10 min)

Sing “Clean Up!” and put things away. Encourage them to tidy up, make it a game and give stickers
or stamps to good helpers. Once tidy, have them sit back down. Count down from 5. Ask who’s
sitting nicely, say their names and ask them to get their coats on and line up!

Goodbye Song
Have the children line up at the door. Tell them you are going to sing a goodbye song. Any of the
goodbye songs will work great, for example “After a while, Crocodile”.

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