Ekstrand - Final Assessment Teaching Plan 2

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Lindy Ekstrand


EDU 340

09 December 2022

Part 1: Unit of Instruction

My 2 week lesson plan is centered around the pythagorean theorem. The Colorado
Academic Standard used is “8.G.B. Geometry: Understand and apply the Pythagorean
Theorem.” All eighth grade students will be able to identify the pythagorean theorem, explain a
proof of the pythagorean theorem and its converse, apply the pythagorean theorem to determine
unknown lengths of right triangles, identify right triangles, and find distances between two points
in coordinate planes.
The lesson plan includes a pre-assessment on the first day, where I will quiz students on
their ability to find perimeters and areas of various shapes, including a right triangle with one
missing side at the very end. This question will not count in the gradebook, but will be used to
evaluate understanding and/or background knowledge of the pythagorean theorem. Since it will
be a new concept to most students, I will use this to decipher who may need more challenges
during the week.
The next step in my lesson plan is a layered instructional style with alternating
informative and practice days. This includes a background of the pythagorean theorem where we
will work through the way it was discovered, including proofs, using the pythagorean theorem to
find the unknown hypotenuse, sides, perimeters and areas, and discover triples. Each day in
between two instructional days will be practice days where students will be able to work through
problems in a fun and interactive way. The last day of my lesson plan will be a quiz that includes
a couple problems in each category listed above. This will be a summative assessment to learn
their overall understanding of the pythagorean theorem.

Part 2: Pre and Post Assessment Instruments

This assessment should be a selected-response assessment instrument. The intent here is

to prepare you for the assessment process that you will be developing during the ARP in student
teaching. The rubric used previously for the selected-response assignment will be used to
evaluate this instrument.


Review Quiz

1. Find the area of the square

2. Find the perimeter of the rectangle

3. Find the perimeter of the isoscoles triangle

Answer key:
1. 25 in
2. 26 ft
3. 16 yd



1. Find the value of x.

2. Find the value of x.

3. True or False: The following triangle is right.

4. True or False: The following triangle is right.


5. Briefly describe a pythagorean triple and give an example that is not

shown in the rest of this quiz.

Answer key:
1. X = 5 (4 points for process)
2. X = 15 (4 points)
3. True (3 points)
4. False (3 points)
5. Key words: “a pythagorean triple is” (1 point), “a set of 3 numbers” (1 point), “that are
able to describe the three sides of a right triangle” (3 points)

Part 3: Mid-Instruction Assessment

The mid-instruction assessment for this lesson plan is an informal assessment in the form
of white board work during alloted practice days. Here, I will have students work through
example questions in groups on whiteboards throughout the room. I will randomly pick one
group after about 10 minutes to explain their work audibly to the rest of the class. I will keep
note of which students within the group speak out loud, and the level of success they had in
explaining their thought process to the rest of the class. Students will be graded partially on
participation and partially on level of success in their explanations.
This informal mid-instruction assessment will be done on all practice days, accumulating
to 3 total times throughout the unit. This means that these assessments will be specific to the
instruction from the day prior. The first practice day will focus on finding perimeters using the
pythagorean theorem by finding unknown hypotenuse lengths and side lengths. The next practice
day will focus on applying the pythagorean theorem in the context of right triangles. Finally, the
third practice day will focus on using the pythagorean theorem to make triples.
My intention is to help my students by allowing them to practice the types of questions
that will appear in their post-assessment throughout the week with their classmates. The group
dynamic ensures that students will not get left behind by hearing multiple perspectives on the
problems from their classmates, while challenging students that are ahead to be able to explain
their thought processes. I can use the results from these mid-instruction assessments to find
points of instruction that I may need to reteach as well.

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